HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 08 14 City Commission Regular Minutes
AUGUST 14, 1995
The regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs was called to order by
Mayor John F. Bush at 7:30 P.M.
For the invocation Mayor Bush asked for a moment of silent prayer.
Mayor Bush announced that the presentation of a 20 year service pin to Police Chief Charlie Sexton
will be postponed until the next meeting as Chief Sexton is on vacation.
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor John Langellotti, present
City Manager John Govoruhk, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
Larry Conniff, present
John Ferring, absent
Cindy Gennell, present
David McLeod, present
Approval of Minutes of July 24. 1995:
Mayor Bush asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the Regular Meeting
of the City Commission of July 24, 1995. There were no additions or corrections to the minutes of
the Regular Meeting of the City Commission ofJuly 24, 1995. Minutes stand approved as presented.
Carole Wolf, 647 Elmwood Drive, said she was representing herself, her husband and her neighbors
Mr. & Mrs. Lopez (who do no speak English), regarding water problems from July 25, 1995. Ms.
Wolfsaid she and the Lopez's property back up to Mr. Dittmer's property and the utility easement;
and has been flooded three times in the past 5 1/2 years, this time it was the worst. There is a berm
behind her home, in the 5 1/2 years she has been there, no one has maintained or looked at the berm.
Ms. Wolf said she has complained to the City, to Mr. Dittmer and to everyone she possibly can to do
something about the berm.
Ms. Wolf said she is asking for someone to build up the berm, maintain it and pay for the damages
that have been done to the Lopez's home and to her home. Ms. Wolf said after the water receded she
had over 1,300 gallons of water extracted from her house; and now has mold growing inside her
house. Ms. Wolf stated that she can't get back to normal because she has furniture in her garage,
dining room and kitchen. Ms. Wolf said she has two estimates on carpeting, as she has to have all
her carpeting replaced, she has to have doors replaced because of the water damage to the doors, she
has foundation damage. Ms. Wolf stated that the Lopez's had to take all their carpeting out and had
ceramic tile put down, and they (Lopez's) have a pool in their back yard which they can't clean
because their pool pump is damaged.
Ms. Wolf said she has almost $4,000 worth of damage not including what has been happening inside
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her walls. Ms. Wolf also stated that on the Tuesday when Hurricane Erin was suppose to hit, the
City Engineer called her and said someone would be out to do something about the berm behind her
house. Ms. Wold said that this makes her believe that the City is responsible for the berm, but if the
City is not responsible, let her know who is so she can go after them to pay for the damages to her
house. All she is asking for is for someone to pay for the damages and maintain the berm so they
don't get flooded again. Ms. Wolf said she doesn't want to have to take the City to court but if she
has to she will and that she does have an attorney; her attorney has seen the films and the pictures and
he (attorney) believes the City is liable for the damages because the City came out and fixed the berm.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated he would recommend two things: one - the City Manager look into
what has been presented and the Commission not respond until he has been able to look into it; two -
that the City Manager notifY immediately tomorrow, the Florida League of Cities, the City's insurance
carrier and put them on notice of the claim, for what has been presented and ask them for guidance
on responding to that issue. Discussion. Commissioner Gennell asked the City Manager for a time
frame as to when he will get back to the Commission with some kind of response. Manager
Govoruhk said he can not give a definite date, he will get with the Public Works Director and the City
Engineer and will pursue it first thing in the morning but to give a definite date - we have had over
20-30 that were in the same situation, we can't give a definite date, we are processing them as fast
as we can. Manager Govoruhk said hopefully before this month is out we can get back with all the
complaints we have.
Art Hoffinann, 1436 Mt. Laurel Drive, spoke regarding the City's information line and suggested that
the phone number for that information line be printed on the utility bills so when there is an
emergency such as the water problems recently experienced, the citizens can call that number and find
out information on the emergency. Mayor Bush asked the Commission if they objected to having the
City Manager get the information line's phone number on the utility bill. There was no objection.
Mr. Hoffinann also spoke regarding the Parks & Recreation Dept., most of the activity is geared to
sports and there should be social events for the community not just sporting events. Mr. Hoffmann
also mentioned that he had an opportunity to request permission to use the Civic Center for two
hours on a weekday morning; he said he had to fill out a rather ominous looking form and said that
it will cost $35.00 per hour to use the Civic Center in the morning. He stated that he understands that
the City is paying quite a bit to maintain all the facilities and has to recoup some of the expenses but
he said he doesn't think the facilities are being user friendly when there is excessive charges. Possibly
another bit ofinformation that could be put out in the Commission's Newsletter or some other letter
is a list of what the fees are for using the various facilities; whether the park pavilion, Civic Center,
etc.; also required on the form is an elaborate insurance policy, with a half a million dollar liability,
not many organizations can afford that, there might be some other way of getting around it, and he
thinks the City should look into that activity to see whether the City can be more citizen friendly.
Mayor Bush mentioned that the City Manager and Mr. Wilson are working on other activities that
are outside of atWetics. I know that Mr. Govoruhk has met with some people to talk about some
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people to talk about some activities other than sports.
Parking ofRV in Residential Area - K.D. Edelen request to park 32-foot recreational vehicle at 307
Birch Terrace as per Section 20-431(1) of the Code:
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to approve the consent agenda. Seconded by
Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Langellotti:
aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Mayor Bush stated that there are five Resolutions, could we have a motion to read all five
Resolutions by title only.
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to read all five Resolutions by title only. Seconded by
Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell:
aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
Resolution No. 763 - A Resolution of the City Commission as the governing body of the City of
Winter Springs/Country Club Village Street Lighting Maintenance District, pursuant to the provisions
of FS 170.01 et seq., adopting and approving the assessment plat for the annual assessment of
charges for the provision of street lighting pursuant to Ordinance No. 545, directing preparation of
the preliminary assessment roll, establishing the method for collection of the assessment, providing
for notice of the meeting for public comment on the adoption of the assessment roll, establishing the
basis for computation of the assessment, providing for conflicts, severability, and effective date.
Resolution No. 764 - A Resolution of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, expressing appreciation
to David Hopkins for his service on the Planning and Zoning Board.
Resolution No. 765 - A Resolution of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, expressing appreciation
to John Baker for his service on the Commerce and Industry Development Board.
Resolution No. 766 - A Resolution of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, expressing appreciation
to Gladys Zahand for her service on the Beautification of Winter Springs Board.
Resolution No. 767 - A Resolution of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, expressing appreciation
to Wendy Austin for her service on the Board of Adjustment.
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to approve Resolution Numbers 763, 764, 765, 766
and 767. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye. Motion
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First Reading Ordinance No. 591 - Request ofJohn D. and Linda D. Stibich to vacate southern eight
(8) feet offifteen (15) foot utility easement at 625 Cleam Court in the Highlands PUD:
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to read Ord. No. 591 by title only. Seconded by
Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: nay; Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye. Motion failed. Attorney Kruppenbacher
read Ord. 591 in it's entirety. The second reading of this ordinance will be August 28, 1995.
Commissioner Gennell said for clarification, why are we being asked to do this. Donald LeBlanc,
Land Management Specialist, stated that the swimming pool was allowed to be built in the easement
back in 1978, we are not suppose to have anything in the easement. Discussion. Mr. Leblanc stated
that there are no records stating that a vacation of easement was issued.
First Reading Ordinance No. 592 - Providing for referral or parking infractions to a civil traffic
infraction hearing officer:
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to read Ord. 592 by title only. Seconded by
Commissioner Conniff Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: nay; Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion failed. Attorney Kruppenbacher
read Ord. 592 in it's entirety. Discussion on Ordinance 592.
First Reading Ordinance No. 593 - Extending the current six (6) month moratorium on the approval
or issuance of licenses for the operation of adult entertainments within the city for (90) days,
providing for conflicts. severability and effective date:
Mayor Bush asked for a motion to read Ord. 593 by title only. There was no motion to read Ord.
593 by title only. Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. 593 in it's entirety.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated this is first reading and it will be set down for second reading, we
probably won't have you pass it at the second reading because we anticipate you passing at the second
reading, what will be coming under item "J", but we are trying to make sure we have no gaps in any
periods of time that would create a problem for the city. Discussion.
First Reading Ordinance No. 594 - Extending the current six (6) month moratorium on the
construction and/or erection of any outdoor advertising display/billboard off-premises sign for ninety
(90) days. providing for conflicts. severability and effective date:
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to read Ord. 594 by title only. Seconded by
Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Conniff:
aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: nay. Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord.
594 in it's entirety.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that the reason we are extending the moratorium for ninety days is
we are in the stages of finalizing and want to get with the Commission in a work session on the sign
ordinance. We will be meeting within the next 10 days to 2 weeks with some industry representatives
of 3M to talk about it; this Ord. gives us the interim protection we need before we fmalize this issue.
Commissioner Gennell asked when does the current Ord. for the moratorium end. Attorney
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Kruppenbacher said it is sometime this week, and as long as we are in under that pending ordinance
doctrine we are safe, that is why we did it.
Commissioner Gennell asked if the Ord. can be amended instead of ninety days make it longer.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said he has no problem if the Commission wants to make it six months.
Commissioner Gennell said she would like to see it longer because the developers along S.R. 434 are
working on it and it is going to be part of the visioning and it will have to go to P&Z and back
through the Commission. Once we get something nice, it could be more than ninety days.
Mayor Bush said Commissioner Gennell has recommended changing Section I from ninety days to
six months, and asked if that met the approval of the rest of the Commission. The Commission
agreed to the change from 90 days to six months.
First Reading Ordinance NO. 595 - Amending Article III, Sections 10-51 through Section 10-11 0,
nude entertainment, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in its entirety,
providing for conflict. severability. and effective date:
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to read Ord. 595 by title only. Seconded Commissioner
ConnitT. Discussion. Commissioner McLeod stated he has a problem with reading Ordinances by
title only because the public does not know what the entire ordinance says. Commissioner Gennell
suggested that when this ordinance comes up again, have copies of the ordinance for the public.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said for the benefit of the public present, this ordinance basically prohibits
the operation of an adult entertainment establishment within "X" feet from churches, schools, so that
it protects the public. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye;
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes. Attorney Kruppenbacher
read Ord. 595 by title only.
Mayor Bush said in light of the discussion, if the Commissioners feel they have not had time to review
this ordinance before the next meeting, they need to let the Clerk know and at that point it could be
scheduled for a later meeting. Attorney Kruppenbacher said at the meeting it is advertised, we will
just announce we are having a third reading.
Proposed Elementary School "E" - Approval/Disapproval offinal engineering plans for the proposed
Elementary School to be build off Shepard Road:
Mr. LeBlanc stated the Commission has a package with Staff comments; the School Board
representatives are present along with the engineer if the Commission has any questions of them.
Commissioner Conniff stated that we have a Winter Springs High School that is now going to have
everybody but Winter Springs students and said he doesn't know why we have to put this elementary
school in the middle of a residential area when we could put it out closer to S.R. 434 so we are not
making a public thorough fare out of Shepard Road.
Dianne Kramer, Executive Director of Facilities Planning, for the Seminole County School Board,
said for elementary schools we try very hard to locate them in residential areas because they serve the
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residents. With an elementary school you have younger students and we try to create a safe of an
atmosphere as possible and there are not a whole lot of sites available for an elementary school. We
felt very fortunate to find this one to provide good relief to Winter Springs Elementary.
Commissioner Conniff said he appreciates the School Board wanting to put the relief over there but
he was reading some of the material that the School Board sent and you are going to try to draw from
Longwood and the children will have to cross a rather dangerous intersection of 17/92 if you are
talking walking distance; in that case he would like the school moved on Shepard Road closer to
Ms. Kramer said she understands what Commissioner Conniffis saying, when they cross a major road
such as 17/92, those students will be bussed, we haven't drawn the attendance zone on this school
yet but we did look at the Dittmer property and one of the reasons we did not select that site was
because of the large power easement through the site. A lot of people are concerned about having
that right in the site of an elementary school and that is why we dismissed that site.
Commissioner Conniff mentioned a concern regarding parking from the P&Z. Ms. Kramer said the
sites are not designed for non-recurring peak periods. Commissioner Conniff said there will be a
problem a couple of times a day when parents pick up their children. Ms. Kramer said that is not a
parking problem, that is a stacking problem and that is why we have the serpentine configuration so
that you can stack lots of cars in there; and what we try to do on special events is to have people park
in the grassy areas. Commissioner Conniff said as far back as the school is on that road, it will just
create more of a traffic problem for people in the Highlands.
Chris Birkebak, representative from the School Board, stated that the County felt very comfortable
with the serpentine type configuration at Rainbow Elementary, it has worked very well there.
Mayor Bush stated the parking is designed to fit the capacity of the School. Ms. Kramer stated yes.
Mayor Bush said but the School Board has a tendency to over populate the elementary schools in
Wmter Springs; he believes we have the two most highly over populated schools in the County. So
you build a school to fit "X" number, then you put "X +" into them, Winter Springs Elementary can't
accommodate the problem. Ms. Kramer said we don't create the students. Mayor Bush said but you
do create the zoning, you do redistrict students. Ms. Kramer said we respond to the students that
come to the school, but as far as parking spaces are concerned, the number we put at a school, is
there is room to grow, it is based on the faculty that would be there, plus visitors, plus staff and there
are additional spaces beyond that. Mayor Bush said but if you over enroll this school, you are
bringing in more faculty, you have to bring in more support staff Ms. Kramer said she understands
what Mayor Bush is saying and understands his concern, but at most of our over crowded schools
it is not parking of the staff that has created a problem; for every staff member you add, that takes
care of25-30 students.
Commissioner Langellotti asked Ms. Kramer what is the School Board's traffic people trying to doito ease the problem at Keeth and Indian Trails as far as stacking and stated that this problem will be
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the same at the new elementary school. Ms. Kramer said she understands the Commissions concerns
and the way they we have addressed it is in two ways; one - we have a traffic safety committee review
all of our plans now; we didn't have a traffic safety committee when Indian Trails was built or Keeth,
right now we are working with that committee to try to come up with some relief for those particular
schools. At Rainbow and for this new school and all of the renovations that we are doing, that is our
standard procedure, to go to that committee and review with them plans, things that we can do as
far as siting the school and things we can do with the internal design. You will find that this particular
design holds a lot more cars on site. One of the things that is happening is that you locate a school
where you are convenient to the school, they are within walking distance, but many families do not
allow their children to walk or bike to school and they choose to drive them to school. The changes
in the type of traffic we have in our schools over the last five years has been drastic, so we are
responding to it as best we can on our old sites and planning for it on our new sites. I think you'll see,
if you compare this design to what you see at Keeth and Indian Trails, you'll see major changes
because we have addressed that. I understand your concern about Keeth and Indian Trails and we
are working on that within the constraints that we have on those sites because they are older sites.
Commissioner McLeod stated that the School Board states that you need 100 parking sites and you
have 102, so you fall within the guidelines; you also have 150 vehicles that can be stacked on site, is
that 150 vehicles when they pick children up or is it during an event? So on site you can hold 150,
so what you are really saying is that in the loops you can hold an extra 50 cars. Ms. Kramer said no,
the 150 is an addition to the 102 parking spaces; that is if you take the driveway and in the afternoon
when parents are picking up students which is when you have the most problem with stacking
because they all come at the same time or they come early, you can get 150 lined up off of the main
road. Commissioner McLeod said you also said you anticipate 8 to 10 busses at times off site and
you are able to hold on site somewhere between 16 to 18 busses, so along with the 18 busses at one
time, you anticipate that you are going to perhaps 10 busses off or are you anticipating your normal
use is going to be 10 busses but you could stack up to 18. Ms. Kramer said that is right, anticipate
10 busses but could stack up to 18.
Commissioner Conniff stated that he does like the two story design, it is about time we go up instead
out; and asked Ms. Kramer how many students does she anticipate for enrollment at the new
elementary school. Ms. Kramer said the school's design has a design capacity of788. Commissioner
Conniff said he saw that but how many does Ms. Kramer anticipate. Ms. Kramer said until they draw
the attendance boundaries you could have anything up to that. What we try to do is look at the
number of current housing units there, the age of the children in those houses and how many new
housing units that are expected to be built in that area over the next five years; that is what we look
at in terms of drawing those attendance zones. The other thing that we will be dealing with with
creating the attendance zone is what we do with multi track year around and whether we are
attempting to get off of that or still accommodate that and that would make a difference in how many
students were placed at that school.
Commissioner GenneU said personally she likes the school. Commissioner Gennell said she is really
concerned about the play area in the back, she is really familiar with that property and it is just not
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visible from the street from anywhere and is there a reason why the retention pond is where it is; I
recall that to be a rather high place to, is there anyway to switch those two places so that you could
have the play area in a more visible place. Commissioner Gennell said that is a very isolated site, it
goes right down into Spring Hammock, there are no roads on either side of it, there are no houses
behind it, the back part is just exceedingly isolated.
Derek Burke, engineer for the School Board, stated there are two retention areas, one at the bus loop
and one at the back of the school. They are located there because of the constraints of the site. The
play area is required to be that size because of the size of the play fields and because really there was
no place else to put it but at that location. We also had to be concerned with the drainage path and
slopes to the end of the site, so we are trying to locate the retention areas to the lower areas of the
site. Commissioner Gennell said she wasn't referring to the far back of the site as much as the one
where the bus loop is, I was just trying to figure out if there wasn't some way that we could get the
children up closer to where they are visible. Ms. Kramer said she understands what Commissioner
Gennell is saying, one of the other constraints that they have is the State regulations that we deal with
and they will not let you cross any of the drives with your students, so that really limits where you
put playground areas. Mr. LeBlanc mentioned that there is a fence; Commissioner Gennell said she
noticed the fence, a black vinyl fence, it is nice but she really has concerns about the play area; also
she stated that she did not notice a fence around this property is there any? Ms. Kramer said no.
Commissioner Gennell said she does not see any really good police accessibility back there for
patrolling at night. We have these kind of situations over at Sunshine Park now, but at least they
have a little more visibility. Ms. Kramer said we are in kind of a dilemma because most of our
communities like our play fields left open for the neighborhoods, so we can't resolve both of those
requests. Commissioner Gennell said she is not saying that, she would like to see it open, she is just
saying she would like it open to where it can be seen by passers by, it could be seen easily by police,
the children would be visible if they are playing there; as much as she likes the whole idea of the
school there, she has concerns about the safety and hazards in the long term, is there any other option.
Commissioner Gennell stated that she is familiar with the neighborhood, it has the potential for some
serious problems, and asked Ms. Kramer to help out the City, to accommodate the City, help the City
figure out how to alleviate and prevent some problems down the road; along the west side is there
anyway to build any kind of a small driveway for police vehicles?
Commissioner McLeod said if you were to put the first parking area with the west side into play area
and move the drop off forward, to actually the second parking lot area and move that parking lot
around to the back for teachers cars and so forth, haven't you achieved the same thing? Your not
crossing your drives then.
Ms. Kramer said we have been working with Staff for quite a long time and it is kind of late to
redesign the whole site. As far as police cars seeing what is going on, I believe if you drove through
the bus loop and the service area I believe you would have plenty of view of what is going on in the
back. Mayor Bush asked is if such that a car could drive on the grass around on the other side, is that
possibility. Ms. Kramer said it is a possibility, sure, nothing stops you.
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Commissioner Gennell said she respectfully disagrees with Ms. Kramer that it will be visible from that
area, because the area is a concern back there. You have to realize that you have worked with our
staff in getting up to this point and she appreciates that, but you have to appreciate that this is the first
time that this has come before the Commission and it just happens that I am thoroughly familiar with
the site and so I am asking these questions, and if it has to be revisited, maybe it has to be revisited,
I am just saying help us out here. The bus loop, does it have to be as wide, do you have to have that
width. Mr. Burke said yes, because we have to by code, allow two busses to pass each other and we
need to maintain that width. Commissioner Gennell said not enough to move the foot print of the
building over then? Mr. Burke said he didn't think that would be possible. Commissioner Gennell
said can you agree with me that there might be some way to provide access along the west side of
the building back to there.
Mayor Bush said the Commissioner's concern is that the police could in fact circle the building, and
as long as the land could support an automobile, he would prefer to not put a road in, to let more
water soak in to the ground.
Commissioner Gennell said what would prevent you from reversing the parking lot with the playing
field~ is it high enough to have the parking lot back there and have the playing field up to the front.
Mr. Burke said geometrics would give us a problem, right now this has worked out so that the buses
could make the turn off of the road way, which is per D.O.E. code and also the radii within the
internal parking is laid out just enough with the set backs that it just fits, so I don't think that is really
going to work to move that. Commissioner Gennell said what she is suggesting wouldn't affect the
bus lanes, it would only affect the parking lot. Ms. Kramer said but what it does affect is where your
cuts are on the road and how you access those. Commissioner Gennell said she is talking about using
the same cuts, instead of curving around in a serpentine fashion, taking it back into the back of the
building which would be moved forward just a little and having the playing field up near the street
where it is visible and just put the parking lot in the back. Is that totally unfeasible. Both Ms. Kramer
and Mr. Burke said yes.
Mr. Burke said the serpentine parking is for the stacking of the vehicles on site and the radii is for the
turning of the vehicles to maneuver in the parking lot, therefore, this layout took a while to figure out
and fits just right now, to allow the stacking to take place and holding to take place on site. We really
couldn't move this building back because the retention area needs to be a certain size also, it is
positioned at the only spot it can be. Ms. Birkebak stated that the way the building is designed, when
you first come into the lobby area, directly ahead is the cafeteria, it was designed this way so that you
can come in at night and certain doors can be locked offfrom the academic areas and that can be used
for after hour meetings etc., so it is really desirable to still maintain some sort of a drop off area~ if
you had the play field area here then you would have the problem of crossing the road~ and in the
back is where the dumpsters are and where the kitchen is, it is just not a desirable area for the
Commissioner Gennell said what she is hearing is the traffic concerns and the stacking is out weighing
the factor of having that play field in a more visible location, i.e. safer and I am back to the same
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Mayor Bush said to the City Manager that Commissioner Gennell has raised a safety concern and I
am confident that the police department has looked at this, do we have any comments from the police
department or your self that she has raised. Manager Govoruhk said the Police Chief is not here and
he himselfhas not gotten involved on this. Commissioner Gennell said it is not just a safety issue as
far as the police as much as also being able to see the children playing. Ms. Kramer said you are
concerned about after hours. Commissioner Gennell said yes she was. Ms. Kramer said their first
and foremost responsibility is to make it function as a school and if the concern is for after hours then
perhaps in stead of redesigning everything to make it work for after hours, perhaps we should provide
a fence off in the back so that it is not accessible after hours, if that is the concern. Commissioner
Gennell said no, then we are getting less for our tax dollar.
Mayor Bush said his problem is that on June 30, 1995, our Chief of Police said he inspected the plans
and said he had no comments and I'm sure the School Board was going on our staffs
recommendation, this is an awfully late time to say we don't like the way this looks. Commissioner
Gennell said it is not late, it is right on time for it coming in front of the Commission. Ms. Kramer
said we rely on having important input early on, that is why we come to see you as soon as we start
a project, we need to open this school this time next year. Commissioner Gennell said with that play
area we are talking about an extremely isolated play area. Ms. Kramer said what we could do is as
far as playground equipment is make sure it is placed in the side yard and not in the back yard, as far
as having any of the equipment that children after hours would want to use, we could locate that in
the side yard so it would not be in the back where it couldn't been seen, that probably could be
Commissioner Gennell said that will help some of her concerns, and she will assume that you have
a lot of lighting at night, can you look hard at the light in the back of the building because it is a
problem. Ms. Kramer said they have two schools of thought on security lighting, one is to light up
everything that you can and the other one that says if you make it as dark as possible, you have fewer
problems because people can't see what they are doing. Right now we have a security officer who
has suggested that we try that on a pilot basis because in other districts across the U.S. it has been
very successful, but right now there is security lighting in the project, but I don't want to promise you
that everything is going to be well lit because we are looking at the other alternative.
Attorney Kruppenbacher asked Ms. Kramer is they have a vandal watcher program. Ms. Kramer said
we do, but we don't have them at every school. Attorney Kruppenbacher said that is where there they
have a trailer on site and they have an off duty officer who lives there and that has significantly
reduced the vandalism.
There was question on the sidewalk near the street. Ms. Birkebak said that is for the parking area.
Commissioner Gennell asked if any of the walkways are covered. Ms. Kramer said just in the front.
Commissioner Gennell also asked where the bike racks will be located. Mr. Burke said up next to
the building. Commissioner Gennell said on the plans, in the parking lot, are those existing trees or
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ones that your architect drew in. Mr. Burke said some of the trees are existing and there will be some
new trees planted.
Commissioner Gennell said the homeowners association wanted to know about the road
improvements that you are making there. Mr. Burke said we are required by Seminole County to add
a turn lane for the bus loop entrance and also for the pick up area entrance. Commissioner Gennell
asked if they are actually going to have to widen Shepard Rd. at that point. Mr. Burke said yes just
to the north. Commissioner Gennell said as far as Shepard Rd. goes, at some areas it has a broken
line in it, but for part of it, it has an unbroken line, who would we see to get that road a no passing
road. Ms. Kramer said she would suggest to have the City's representative on the safety committee
bring that up at one of their montWy meetings, the School Safety Advisory Committee.
Commissioner Gennell asked the Commission if they would take it up with the City Manager and
Captain Pieper to make that a solid stripe down that road.
Mayor Bush asked if the Commission agreed to have the City Manager get with Captain Pieper on
that. The Commission was in agreement. Manager Govoruhk asked the Commission if they would
be interested in having him get with the County on that because there is only about 100 feet that is
in the County, the rest ofit should really be in the City because we have property on both sides. The
Commission was in agreement with that also.
Commissioner Conniffasked if there are any figures on the impact of the traffic on Shepard Rd. Ms.
Kramer said they did a complete traffic study that was turned in with all of their submittals and it was
reviewed at the County level and at the City level. Mr. LeBlanc stated that the City did not receive
a copy of the traffic study. Ms. Kramer apologized and said she thought it was turned in and she will
be happy to get the City a copy of that.
Mayor Bush said that he is sure the traffic study will say that the school will not over burden the road
but is that based on the capacity of the school of 788 and his concern would be if the school is
allowed to be over enrolled, would we not then have a traffic problem, I know that the study is based
on something, it has to be enrollment of the school, but the School Board has a tendency to over
enroll the schools, would it invalidate the traffic study. Mr. Kramer said no she does not believe so,
she could have them redo it if the City wants, but it was not border line by any means as far as over
loading that road. If we were just on the edge, then it might make a difference, but we weren't, we
were well within the capacity of that road. I think everybody's perception of a traffic problem is is
different, the peak hours of an elementary school is different than normal peak hours.
Mayor Bush said right now we are very cognizant of the traffic problem with Winter Springs
Elementary as a matter offact we want to talk about that before you leave, what I would like to see
is we don't want to let the same thing happen again, that we build an elementary school that really
creates a traffic problem for the City. The citizens blame the City for it as much as they do the school
Board, my guess is if the enrollment stays within the capacity we would probably be all right, but if
it is allowed to go to 850-900 we could have a problem and that is my concern. Ms. Kramer said she
understands the Mayor's concern but if she looked through the traffic study, and I'll make sure that
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you get a copy of that, you'll see that is not a concern. One of the things that will help with this
school is that is no on a major artery of the city, when we have schools that are on major arteries you
have the combination of all the through traffic plus the school traffic, on Shepard Road you don't have
as much through traffic.
Mayor Bush asked the City Manager if Shepard Rd. is going to be opened up. Manager Govoruhk
said Shepard Rd. is suppose to be opened all the way to Edgemon Ave. Mayor Bush asked Ms.
Kramer if their traffic study took that into consideration. Ms. Kramer said she can't respond because
she does not have the study in front of her and she will have to check on it.
Commissioner Gennell said that is a limited access road, it has one neighborhood access onto that
road within a mile and the zoning around there is not residential, it will be light industrial or some
kind of professional, so you are not add to the residential inconvenience on that street and it is not
a major thoroughfare.
Commissioner Conniff said in looking at the blue print and what the engineer pointed out to be the
bike area is the kindergarten playground and there is no area that I see that there is going to be any
lighting for safety purposes. Mr. Burke said the lighting is actually reflected on a separate plan.
Commissioner Gennell asked if the bike facilities were going to be in the southeast corner or the
northeast corner. Manager Govoruhk mentioned that there is nothing on the plans that state where
the bike facilities are going to be. Ms. Kramer said we don't put in a school without bike storage
facilities, if it is not shown on your plan, part of the difference is we review site issues at the City
levels, we don't turn in building plans, in our total construction plans show where those facilities are.
I will get you a copy of that if you like, we know we need bike racks and we've put those in in all of
our schools and even add to them many times.
Mayor Bush asked the City Manager and Mr. LeBlanc if they feel comfortable with what has been
presented even though they haven't see the traffic study. Mr. LeBlanc said yes, because the County
wouldn't have approved it, the staff looked at it and it met all code requirements as far as the City,
the only thing left that the staffwill have to do is inspect the sprinkler system once it goes in, but we
were comfortable with the plan as presented as far as meeting code requirements and we are
comfortable with the County authorizing the changes on Shepard Rd. also.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to approve the final engineering plans for the proposed
Elementary School "E" with the stipulation that the playground equipment is placed on the west side
to be visible and show the placement of the bike racks. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti.
Discussion. Commissioner Gennell said we do have your assurance that is we come to you in the
future with problems and concerns about activities going on in the back that just aren't able to be
controlled that you will entertain what the City Attorney suggested and that being the vandal
watchers program. Ms. Kramer said the commitment that she can make to the Commission is that
in any of the schools that are located in the City of Winter Springs or adjacent to Winter springs, if
there are problems, we want to sit down with you and work out solutions to those problems, I don't
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think any of us want to decide what the solution is ahead oftime but we are trying to work with all
of our local governments to say they don't have to wait until we are going to do something at one of
your school sites to come to us with an issue that any time there is a problem we will sit down and
see what we can work out. Vote: Commissioner ConnitT: nay; Commissioner McLeod: aye;
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye. Motion passes.
AppointmentslReappointments to Code Enforcement Board (randomly chosen by Mayor and
Commission - there are two (2) appointments/reappointments to be made, there is no corresponding
Commission Seat affiliated with the appointments):
Commissioner Langellotti said he would like to appoint Kitty Reilly from the Highlands to be a
member of the Code Enforcement Board.
Motion was made by Commissioner ConnitTto approve the appointment of Kitty Reilly to the Code
Enforcement Board. Seconded by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner
Langellotti: aye; Commissioner ConnitT: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod:
aye. Motion passes.
Commissioner McLeod said he would like to appoint David Hopkins to the Code Enforcement
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to approve the appointment of David Hopkins to the
Code Enforcement Board. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner
Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner ConnitT: aye; Commissioner McLeod:
aye. Motion passes.
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher - Reports:
Attorney Kruppenbacher said we received a letter from a law firm involving a tree that fell and did
some damage and it dates back to the days of Gil Artman, the result of that is the insurance company
has apparently settled this matter with an agreement to pay $25,000 from one entity and $7,000 from
the City to the insurance company. So I can move this along, I would like for you to tell me so I can
truthfully represent to the other lawyers that you weren't prepared to authorize the City Manager
to approve the release that requires the expenditure of any City dollars unless the Attorney is
provided a detailed report that explains the facts of this case and why we are doing it, which I can't
explain to you. There was no objection from the Commission.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said the City of Casselberry proposed and discussed with the City the issue
of deannexing certain property in order to permit them to facilitate their water and sewer system. The
Commission, the last time this came up, was advised that the Manager and I would meet with the
City's representatives, we did that, the City of Casselberry as a result of that discussion, has proposed
the following through their representatives: the would remove permanently from S.R. 434 the sign
that says "City limits - City of Casselberry" so there would be an elimination of whatever confusion
is generated by that sign; they would deannex and permitting to be annexed into the City of Winter
Springs a piece of property on the north side of S.R. 434 by the golf course by the entrance way to
the water plant (Commissioner Gennell said it is a little sliver of property on the north side ofS.R.
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434) enabling the City of Winter Springs to close off that area as totally Winter Springs~ they would
leave within the City of Winter Springs the property that abuts the ponds to be permanently restricted
and designated to be non developable in nature. That is the proposal for the Commission's
consideration. We in turn would deannex that portion of property that they previously identified to
you that they would use for their water and sewer system for their City.
Mayor Bush said at this point if the Commission has no objection to this, then the City Manager
would prepare an analysis of this for the Commission to review, does the Commission feel they need
it or don't need it.
Commissioner Langellotti asked what other piece of property is the Attorney talking about. Mr.
LeBlanc showed the Commission - Manager Govoruhk said at the end of Edgemon Ave. to Murphy
where the wooded section is where it is unbuildable and then the property abutting the City of
Casselberry, roughly approximately 20 acres from the water plant, all the remaining acres remaining
in the City of Winter Springs, owned by the City of Casselberry leaving a buffer between our city and
their's and the water runoff. Discussion. Commissioner Langellotti asked about the apartment
complex on the comer of Edgemon and Seminola, if this not a motive to extend that complex on that
property so they can have an access road which we turned down. Manager Govoruhk said according
to the plans, that property would remain in our City. Attorney Kruppenbacher said that is the first
he has heard of that but he can tell the Commission that we can definitively prevent that from being
any kind of an option. We can legally take the steps with the City of Casselberry to preclude that
from being something they could ever have the opportunity to do. Discussion.
Mayor Bush said since there are so many questions on this at this point, why don't we put this as an
agenda item at a future meeting. The Commission was in consensus of having this an item for a
future meeting.
Attorney Kruppenbacher recommended that the City Manager advise the City of Casselberry's City
Manager to have a representative present to answer any questions. Mayor Bush asked Manager
Govoruhk to contact the City of Casselberry and when they are prepared to come before the
Commission we will put it on the agenda.
City Manager John Govoruhk - Reports:
Manager Govoruhk said concerning Commissioner McLeod's recommendation on the locking devices
for all security gates throughout the City - I want to let him know that we are checking into it with
the manufactures similar to the lighting system for traffic control.
Commissioner McLeod stated that he has two pamphlets for the City Manager and perhaps the Fire
Chief and Police Chief to look through that discusses these things.
Manager Govoruhk stated he has given the Mayor and Commission a copy of a form which could be
used for the Commission meetings for the public to fill out and give to the Clerk so the people can
be recognized at the meeting.
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Mayor Bush said for the members of the public present, this would be the form to fill out if you wish
to speak. Mayor Bush asked the Clerk to make the form available to the public so they can make any
comments also.
Commissioner Gennell suggested that it be put on the agenda that if the public wishes to speak they
will need to fill out the form. Mayor Bush asked the Clerk to prepare a statement for the
Commission's review at the next meeting.
Commissioner McLeod suggested a sign be made which states to fill out the form if you wish to
speak. Commissioner McLeod also suggested to have a check offbox for public input.
Manager Govoruhk stated that he has checked with D.O.T. on the speed limit on S.R. 434 and the
reason they do that is they have one speed when they start construction until they finish, this way
people get use to one speed and it is not changed throughout the whole construction time.
Manager Govoruhk said he had given the Mayor and Commission a memo on August 1, 1995, stating
that 1. Ketteringham and T. Grimms went to the County in regards to our annexing area. What we
would like to do is have the Commission agree on the boundaries that we are putting in, that the City
is now aggressively looking at annexing the whole area that is depicted on the map that was given
out. The County had objections to certain areas because they have pledged water and sewer areas.
The County has asked for a meeting between the Mayor and Commission, we don't have to have a
meeting, but we would like to have your input. Discussion. Manager Govoruhk said the area the
City has in mind is from Five Points down 17/92 to S.R. 436, which Casselberry has down to the
Orange County line; Red Bug to the Orange County line. Discussion.
Commissioner Gennell said she would like to see this as an agenda item on our next agenda. Mayor
Bush said he believes the Manager is asking that the Commission meet with the County. Manager
Govoruhk said the County Staff would like to meet with the County Commission and the Winter
Springs Commission. Commissioner Gennell asked if we could have a workshop first before meeting
with the County. Discussion.
Manager Govoruhk asked if the Commission agrees with the boundaries set up and would the
Commission like to meet with our Staff and the County Commission and the County Staff in regards
to that subject. It was the consensus of the Commission that they agree on both - the boundaries and
meeting with the County Commission etc.
Manager Govoruhk said the Commission has the memo from August 8, 1995, regarding the design
standards on the S.R. 434 corridor and asked if the Commission has any question on that and if they
would like to meet with Staff. Discussion. Commissioner McLeod said we were asked to hold off
until those people had an opportunity, one of the first things now is that we must hurry up and
approve it, I disagree with that. I think we now have to have out input, that is only their input, I think
it laid out nicely, fm not sure I agree with everything, those are the people that do own the property,
those are the developers but I do not believe that because they own the property that it is necessarily
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going to be developed in the best interest of everything. There is a lot of issues that they have
addressed there, and they have done a good job on but there is also, I believe, that it is this
Commission's responsibility to look into each one of those issues on our own and give an overall view
of what we feel the general public in this City wants see for that corridor. I believe we now need to
proceed to go forward in our evaluation of this, I think we need to evaluate it in a meeting; but then
I think we need to go forward and determine what else we see that needs to be done.
Mayor Bush asked Commissioner McLeod if he is asking for this to be put on an agenda or is he
asking for a workshop. Commissioner McLeod said he believes it is a workshop area at this point,
he does not want it on the agenda for approval. Discussion on a workshop date for the S.R. 434
corridor. It was determined to have a workshop on that item on August 28, 1995 at 5:00 p.m. before
the regular meeting.
Commissioner McLeod asked the Commission to come with some ideas that they want to go along
with this and some objections we have to it, rather than using that evening to go through the book,
I think we need to go through the book so that everyone understands it, but I think we also need to
object and add to as we do that at the workshop. Commissioner Gennell said she said this is what
she asked for a year and a half ago, it is exactly what she wanted, to invite the developers to come
in because they have the expertise to give us the frame work from with which we can move forward;
I appreciate their help, but the thing is it is just a basis and there is probably things on it that she
personally sees and not the least of which is, I guess it is called the task force, but we had 40 residents
who came and spend a whole day and requested that they be on a task force and they obviously
weren't invited to this meeting which these people held, which is fine because these were at a
professional level and I can understand setting the bases for it, but I do think that the people that did
put in those hours on that day, they deserve to come back because many of the things that the
residents raised were not addressed in this at all. While these developers represent 90% of the owners
of the property in that area along the corridor, they represent 0% of residents.
Mayor Bush asked the Clerk to notifY the residents who attended that meeting that the workshop is
being held. Commissioner Gennell said that usually workshops, the public does not have input, and
is the Mayor going to change the format of the workshop so that they can speak. Mayor Bush said
no he wasn't going to change the format. Commissioner Gennell said she thinks the people deserve
the opportunity to have some input into the final process and our workshop is not normally an
opportunity to have input. Mayor Bush said there is no public input at workshops, and if the
Commissioner wanted to have a special meeting of the Commission then we could take public input
but the Commission has asked for a workshop.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said the process normally would be the Commission would have a workshop
and get their own collective thoughts together and once the Commission decides what the
Commission position is then you would have a public meeting regarding that. Commissioner Gennell
said that was fine as long as the Commission doesn't rush things through and we don't get projects
in on this corridor to be approved prior to this visioning process being approved.
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Mr. LeBlanc stated that for the next meeting he has a rezoning request for the corridor which is in
compliance with the Compo Plan and he imagines that shortly thereafter he will be getting
development plans.
Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell:
Commissioner Gennell stated that she has a brochure from the Central Florida Chapter of the Planners
Association on Greenway Corridor Connections, it is for September 15, 1995, and she feels someone
from the City should attend because we are going to have that corridor come through here whether
we pay for it or somebody else does. Manager Govoruhk said anything to do with parks the parks
people go and the same as public works etc.,
Commission Seat V - David McLeod:
Commissioner McLeod said the Manager had made a comment that there were 20+ reports of
damage areas or flooded areas in the City and said he would like an overview of the areas that were
affected, within the next couple of weeks for the Commission. So as we look into the future of what
we are doing with areas, we have an indication that there has been problems in certain areas.
Manager Govoruhk said currently all Departments are putting together a memo as to how the
weather has affected their department. Manager Govoruhk said on July 25, 1995, the west side sewer
plant reported 7.2" of rain for a 24 hour period and the east side reported 5.3" for a 24 hour period;
that was a week before the hurricane. This is currently being put together in a report for the
Manager Govoruhk said to Commissioner McLeod on behalf of the City we appreciate his offer on
equipment if the City needed it during the hurricane.
Commissioner McLeod said along the golf course 5th hole, there was a problem before with wash
out of the bank, the residents were concerned, since then there has been some berming and sloping,
how has that particular swale in the creek held up. Manager Govoruhk said he couldn't answer that
and will give that to the engineer. Commissioner McLeod said the Commission needs to have some
input back on that particular situation.
Commissioner Gennell asked if the budget will be on the next agenda, and before that comes up she
would like to know what the overtime costs were, what the City's expense was relative to the storm.
Is the city making and accommodations to reallocate some of the park funds.
Commissioner McLeod said with regards to an item on the agenda where something is in an
easement, maybe that would be something to put in the Winter Springs Bulletin, that if someone has
something in an easement, they could contact City Hall to find out how to resolve it so that if they
sell their property they won't be held up in the sale. At this point we are aware that that needs to be
done, and I think it is putting people on notice that these things need to be done. Discussion.
Mayor Bush asked the Manager and Attorney to look into this and bring back suggestions at the next
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Commission Seat I - Larry Conniff:
Commissioner Conniff addressed the fact that in his subdivision as soon as it rains they usually flood,
and he noticed after the hurricane came through, the St. John's Water Management lowered the lake
in order to accommodate; and is there something we (the City) can do like an agreement so the
people in the Ranchlands don't get flooded every time we get and inch and a half of rain. If we have
the capacity to lower the lake or at least have some agreement, he would like that to happen so the
people in his subdivision don't flood out all the time.
Commissioner Conniff asked if we have ever looked into the Rails to Trails the fact that we may be
able to use those rails before they are taken up and possibly used to run a trolley out to Central Winds
Park. We have a beautiful park and I would like to see it utilized, we could have concerts, maybe use
the lake to have a parade of boats, at the same time if we are going to have the trial, if we can use it,
let's use it before we loose it.
Mayor Bush said on the rails to trails issue, what do you want the City Manager to do.
Commissioner Conniff said he would like to see is where does the connection come up, does it
connect to Sanford, Apopka and if nothing else we could run a trolley car from Sanford into Central
Winds Park to have some sort of event, I would like to utilize that park. If we are going to use it,
I think there are federal funds available so that we can develop it a little.
Commissioner McLeod said that is one thing he thought should be on an agenda, to find out more
interest from the Commission and the public on rails to trails, and some kind of a bike path or
walkway or something to be done. I have to agree with Commissioner Conniff that we continue to
dance around it, we don't address it and therefore it is going to go by the way side on us and I think
it should be an agenda item in the next four weeks or so to give time for everybody to get input.
Mayor Bush said to give the Manager a couple of weeks to get information. This will be an agenda
item on September 11, 1995.
Commission Seat III - John Langellotti:
Commissioner Langellotti said he would like to thank the City Manager for asking him to attend the
emergency management meeting prior to Hurricane Erin which was conducted by Chief Lallathin.
Commissioner Langellotti said he was very amazed to see how well the City did in getting prepared
for this. I saw where every condition where we had a problem before in that heavy rain was taken
care of; the police force was out there, the fire department, public works, Captain Pieper was doing
public relations work and I would like to him and the staff because I though it was very well
conducted. I would like to thank you because you have a great staff
Commissioner Langellotti also thanked the Police Department for doing great work on the murder
in Tuscawilla.
Mayor's Office - John F. Bush:
Mayor Bush stated that Mr. Colombo, who has been working on the brochure, has a first draft for
the Commission's review and asked the Commission to make any recommendations or suggestions
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and give them to the Clerk and Mr. Colombo will contact the Clerk to see if there are any suggestions
or recommendations. Mayor Bush told Mr. Colombo that he and the Commission appreciates his
time and effort in the brochure. Mayor Bush said Mr. Colombo will bring this back to the
Commission one final time for approval before it goes to press.
Mayor Bush said this past week he received a call from one of our citizens who is very concerned
about the traffic at Winter Springs Elementary School. Mr. Colombo, who is also on the School's
advisory committee at Wtr. Spgs. Elementary has some input on that also. Mayor Bush said the
bottom line is, if you live within two miles of the school you can't ride the school bus. S.R. 434 is
a very busy road and as you know there was a tragic fatality of a young person on that road
previously, therefore, parents are very reluctant to let their children walk down highway 434,
therefore they bring them in their cars. The school grounds is not sufficient to handle the traffic
volume at the pick up and delivery time of the elementary children; they have contact our Police Dept.
to come and help. In talking to the principal, she is very concerned about it and she is working
through the School Board and has also been in contact with the City Manager. Mr. Colombo has
made an excellent recommendation and I would like for the Commission to consider and that is that
the City with the School Board and the School Advisory Committee look into hiring people who are
experts in the traffic patterning situation, have them review this process and come back with some
recommendations on how we can solve this. It is our problem because it is our citizens, it is our
police that is having to go there to help rectify the traffic situation from time to time and the citizens
think it is the City's problem and I think we need to respond to it. The City Manager and I have
talked about it and there is no really answer at this point, what I would like to ask is for the
Commission's authorization to write a letter to the School Board asking them that we jointly study
this problem and try to come to a solution that will solve the problem.
Ms. Kramer said there are a lot of people that are working on that problem and I have no problem
in what you might choose to do, but I think that you might want to work on the School's Safety
Advisory Committee; we have traffic engineers from the county, we have gotten a lot of good
professional input from that body on a lot of our sites; I would suggest that we get some
recommendations from them before we expend additional monies.
Mayor Bush said the only reason that he is bringing it up is that it is a continuing problem that
appears no solution has been yet reached and there is frustration on our citizens part that they don't
see it happening. The School's Advisory Committee has also been concerned on this. Mayor Bush
said basically we are trying to jump start the process and get it going and get a solution because it has
been going on a long time, it didn't just start, that is the concern I have and that is the concern I'm
hearing from the citizens, is that we still have the problem, everybody says they are going to do
something about it and nothing happens.
Mr. Colombo said he has spoken to the principal about this subject and she is looking for assistance
and input and it is not clear from where she is sitting what the best mechanisms are, I don't think
anybody is eager to go outside established channels in an unnecessary way but there is a high level
of frustration now and as Mayor Bush said if there is a way to expedite this and to make the
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appropriate channels clear and to monitor and make sure they are being responsive, I think that would
meet everybody's requirements.
Ms. Kramer said our mechanism is that Safety Advisory Committee and I don't like to leave them out
of the loop, I think it really critical to have their input and I think they have looked at it and are
developing some alternatives.
Mayor Bush said if the City Commission were to contact this group and let them know of our
concern, is that what you are suggesting as the proper procedure. Ms. Kramer said she is suggesting
that at least we get their suggestions first before we hire someone because they have the same
expertise that we would be hiring and it is my understanding because I've met with some members
and I've met with the principal and maintenance staff and they are trying to come up with different
alternatives. One of the things is when you are dealing with safety, safety and convenience don't
always go hand in hand, there are conflicts; one of the alternatives they're looking at is switching the
bus and the parent pick up areas, but they are in the process of outlining the different solutions now.
Mayor Bush said his response is from a member of the School Advisory Committee and from the
principal herself: I don't get the feeling that they know that this is going on and certainly the parents
don't. It is just not moving fast enough because it is an on going problem, we've had to send police
there. Discussion.
Mayor Bush said to Ms. Kramer that the City feels that the bureaucratic tape is too thick and we are
trying to cut through the red tape and get to a solution on this, the City is willing to work with the
School Board to find a solution and I think the School Advisory Committee feels the say way, they
are willing to work with the School Board and the City. We are ready to go, we need to get going
on this because it is a problem every day and it isn't going to go away because parents aren't going
to let their children walk to that school. Ms. Kramer said it is going to take a combination of a lot
of people willing to make some compromises.
Mr. Colombo asked ifthere was someone at the Advisory Committee who would be a liaison who
they could contact. Ms. Kramer said the chairman is JR. Ball with the County Engineering.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said the City has a member of the Advisory Staffwho is Captain Pieper, I
have asked Captain Pieper if this item has come up on the Committee's agenda. Captain Pieper said
it has come up in the past and when it has come up there has been discussion that it requires D.O. T.
to put in lanes and the School Board to give up property and it then dies. I would suggest to you the
forum that you have announced is this safety committee and that you direct the City Manager to
direct Captain Pieper to go to the next meeting and notifY the parents and Mr. Colombo and make
sure this an agenda item and report back to the Commission.
Mayor Bush asked Captain Pieper when the next meeting is scheduled. Captain Pieper said the first
week in September. Ms. Kramer said prior to that what she can do is gather some of the information
that has been done in the different departments, and put that together in a memo to JR. Ball and say
these are the things that have been discussed and the concerns and ask for a plan of attack. At least
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they will have all the information. Mayor Bush said what he would like to see, and hopes the
Commission feels the same way is that this is a problem and it is not going to go away and we don't
want to hide behind the bureaucratic process to keep from solving this problem and there are
procedures but sometimes you have to jump start them and I think it is time, it has been going on too
long. If it takes D.O.T.'s involvement then we need to get D.O.T. involved and let's get a solution
to this and get it out of these committees and into something that is going to take some action, so you
will carry the message back, we'll go through the procedure as the Attorney's recommended, I don't
want this to get bogged down in another committee for another two years.
Ms. Kramer said she thinks what we need to do is come up with alternatives that come from minimal
improvement, some of the confusion and frustration that I hear is that the absolute permanent fix is
so massive that no body is willing to take it on and say we can do that, there are probably a lot of
things in between there that would make a difference that could be done quickly without acquiring
additional right of way, etc.
Commissioner Conniff asked Mayor Bush to write a formal request to aU the agencies that will be
involved, so that we can expedite this. Mayor Bush asked the Commission is they would like him to
do that. The Commission was in consensus to have the Mayor write the letter to the agencies that
are involved.
Mayor Bush said to Ms. Kramer that the main thing that he would like her to bring back to the School
Board is that the City of Winter Springs is willing to work on this and do our part, and we are willing
to take action on this as quickly as possible.
Mayor Bush said it has been talked about to have another letter come out from the Commission under
his signature regarding the settlement agreement. I would like to wait to see what the County
Commission is going to do, once the County Commission makes their decision, I think another letter
would be appropriate.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that he and the City Manager are looking at bringing towards the end
of this month the issue ofBFI's request ofa transfer of the franchise ofIWS. We are meeting with
them, and Mr. Govoruhk communicated to them a list of items that he felt unsatisfactory, they called
today to scheduled a meeting.
Mayor Bush mentioned that he was disappointed with BFI's response to the storm in picking up yard
The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 P.M.
~SPectfu~Ubmitted, .
Marg Hopkins,
City Clerk