HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1997 01 27 City Commission Regular Minutes
JANUARY 27,1997
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor Paul P. Partyka at
6:30 p.m.
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, present
Deputy Mayor David McLeod, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
Larry Conniff, present
Michael Blake, present
John Langellotti, present
Cindy Gennell, present
Mayor Partyka said he is making an agenda change, moving Regular Agenda Item A to the
front of the meeting. The Commission was in agreement.
Approval of Minutes of January 13. 1997:
motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to approve the minutes of January 13, 1997.
Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Commissioner McLeod stated that it was left
out in his motion regarding the formation of a committee for input to the commission regarding the
Tuscawilla Tennis Courts and Pool that he stated three members from the Tuscawilla Tennis Club
be part of the Committee and three representative from the Trotwood Park Committee. Vote:
Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner
Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes with correction.
There was no public input.
A. Requesting Commission hold a Public Hearing on the issue of development alternatives provided
by Jim Mikes of FCC I regarding Units 3 and 4 of the Arrowhead Tract of the Tuscawilla PUD and
provide direction to the Staff and Planning and Zoning Board. PURPOSE: to have the Commission
receive public input regarding three development alternatives relative to the development of Units 3
and 4 of the Arrowhead Tract of the Tuscawilla PUD as presented by the developer, Jim Mikes, and
to provide subsequent direction to the City Manager, the City Attorney and the Planning and Zoning
Board to review the public record of this matter regarding the disposition of the alternatives and the
development of Arrowhead Units 3 and 4 proposed now before the Planning and Zoning Board:
Manager McLemore gave his presentation, reading from the agenda item packet into the record
( attached hereto).
Manager McLemore stated that late this afternoon Mr. Mikes has communicated with the City and
advised that he is withdrawing his proposal for Commission approval tonight. Mr. Mikes advised the
City that he will be reviewing his proposal. Manager McLemore stated that he does not know
whether the City will get another plan from Mr. Mikes or whether Mr. Mikes is reviewing his legal
alternatives at this point in time.
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Manager McLemore said however, even with that action in place, he thinks it still important that the
Commission follows through tonight in order for the Commission to provide the Staff and Planning
Board and City Attorney with the Commission's direction relative to this matter. Manager
McLemore said there were three basic issues before the Commission: 1) based on your public input
tonight, was it the desire of the Commission to accept any of the three development alternatives
provided by Mr. Mikes (that obviously is not on the table at this point in time); 2) in consideration
of the information gained at the public hearing, does the Commission desire to require full compliance
of the Settlement Agreement (that certainly is still on the table tonight for consideration); 3) in
consideration of the input gained form the public hearing tonight, does the Commission desire to have
any or all of the four development alternatives transmitted to a citizen advisory committee for review
and recommendations as contemplated in its meeting of January 13, 1997.(that may be a matter that
the Commission still wants to consider) Manager McLemore said as noted in the report to the
Commission he stated that the City did receive some input from people in Tuscawilla that not every
part ofTuscawilla had a property association, and some people felt like they were being left out, the
Commission may deal with that with trying to restructure a committee in some way or just keep in
mind that the Planning and Zoning Board is the City's formal advisory committee on Land
Development issues and also at the Commission's direction could be an advisory player in this issue
and they will be relative to the submission of the plans that are part of the City's general
Comprehensive Plan requirements and any other specific direction that the Commission would give
the P&Z tonight as a result of this meeting.
Manager McLemore said basically we as Staff, the City Attorney and the P&Z Board need to hear
from the Commission in terms of what is the Commission's guidance and direction relative to the
situation as it stands today.
Commissioner McLeod suggested that if item should come back before the Commission again, he
asks that the City Manager make contact with either the High School or Elementary School that
would have seating capacity that would seat the people so when the agenda is put out everybody
would know where it will be held.
Mayor Partyka said to make sure that the Commission has everyones position clear on the record,
we are going to allow people to speak today so the Commission will have the public input and said
it will be done in the following format: there will be a time limit for all individuals - that will be 3
minutes; group leaders will have up to 10 minutes to speak. Group leaders will speak first and then
individuals and Mayor Partyka stated that if an issue has been discussed and happens to be an issue
that someone wanted to say, don't repeat it, he will state your name so it will be on record.
Commissioner McLeod said he would like the audience to understand the reason the Commission has
asked for community input on this issue and that is because the Commission felt that this is your
community, it is an issue that the residents ofTuscawilla should help the Commission decide and that
is why the Commission has asked for the residents input to make sure that the Commission is working
along with the people in Tuscawilla.
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Wayne Nelson, 1104 Winged Foot Circle, representing the Tennis membership, the ex-swimming
members and Country Club Village, gave a presentation and showed slides of the pool, tennis courts
and club house, and spoke against the request.
Edward Martinez, 802 Leopard Trail, President of the Tuscawilla Homeowners Association, spoke
against the request.
Terry Back, 1794 Seneca Blvd., representing Chelsea Woods Homeowners Association, spoke
against the request.
Lori Tabbutt, 1702 Littleton Court, representing the Davenport Glen Homeowners Association,
spoke against the request.
Tim Johnson, 1109 Gator Lane, representing Units 1 & 2 and members and non-members of
Homeowners Associations (70+ homes and families), spoke against the request.
Bob Robinson, 730 Lake Crest Cove, Alt. Spgs., President of the Chelsea Parc Homeowners
Association, spoke against the request.
Isabelle Laub, 1372 Blue Spruce Court, spoke against the request.
AI Partington, 1456 Mt. Laurel Drive, member of the Committee from the Tennis Club, spoke against
the request.
Ray Laub, 1372 Blue Spruce Court, spoke against the request.
Peggy Baker, 690 Tuscora Drive, spoke against the request.
Jim Gurley, 677 Benitawood Court, spoke against the request.
Susan Folsom, 1101 Huron Court, spoke against the request.
Rick Crandell, 1140 Winged Foot Circle West, spoke against the request.
Richard Rudy, 1214 Royal Oak Drive, spoke against the request.
Richard Conniff, 1202 Royal Oak Drive, representing Fairway Oaks, spoke against the request.
Moti Khemlani, 605 Morgan Street, spoke against the request.
Manager McLemore pointed out to the Commission that the settlement agreement is written provided
the City and Developer could administer the provisions of the settlement agreement and the
amendments thereto in mutual consent to each other, it also set out that if there are any disputes that
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the Court will retain jurisdiction of any disputes between the City and Mr. Mikes, therefore, you need
to keep in mind as to what kind of direction the Commission wants to provide particularly to the City
Attorney in regards to the Attorney's alternative in pursuing a Court remedy in this situation as
provided within the settlement agreement.
Manager McLemore said what he is asking the Commission to think about in their direction is that
he doesn't want to see any more conceptual plans, we need to see preliminary plans related to
anything else Mr. Mikes brings in to us to get us out of the conceptual planning phase and into the
engineering; Manager McLemore said what he is asking the Commission to consider is if there are
going to be additional plans submitted to the City, and incorporate any specific direction from the
Commission tonight, we would like to see that in preliminary plan style as provided for in the Codes,
because that gives us specific information about the proposal.
Commissioner McLeod asked the City Attorney if the Commission is proper in going forward at this
point in time in making statements of what we would like to do regarding this item, or are we making
the statements regarding the properties.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said as he understands the guidance the City Manager is asking for is not
to address what Mr. Mikes proposed to you (as he pulled those), but to address direction regarding
the documents as we understand it, in the settlement agreement; which called for representations at
a May 8, 1995 meeting regarding a pool, tennis courts, cafe etc.
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti that Mr. Mikes comes into compliance with
the settlement agreement. Seconded by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Mayor Partyka
said since there is a settlement agreement and there are certain things that Mr. Mikes has to do as
part of the agreement i.e. maintain the pool, maintain the tennis courts, maintain the clubhouse; it's
now been two years (or so) since these things have not been maintained according to the settlement
agreement, can we force some things to happen. Attorney Kruppenbacher said that he will report
back to the Commission at the next meeting everything the City can do to enforce and take care of
the issues raised. Commissioner Blake stated that the doesn't want the Commission to restrict
themselves (as a body) in looking at any changes that could be made that might increase the level of
recreational property that is there, nor limit the Commission in asking/requiring that type of
movement and asked if the Commission reaffirms the agreement as is, and say that the Commission
will only look at preliminary .plans that go to P&Z and onto the Commission, does the Commission
loose the ability to go back to the original settlement agreement. Attorney Kruppenbacher said the
Commission does not loose the authority as a Commission to modify the agreement provided the
other side is in agreement with the modification. Vote: Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner
Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff:
aye. Motion passes.
Commissioner McLeod asked as he understands it, at the next meeting the City Manager and City
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Attorney will bring back to the Commission, information regarding the agreement of how this
agreement could be enforced to have that Corporation do any corrective action.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said we need a "two pronged approach" one: Staff the Code people need
to look at whether or not there is any code violations and two: we will look at the settlement
documents from the standpoint is there any action we can take under those documents (to take
Commissioner GenneU said to the Attorney that when he is reviewing things with an eye toward what
the City can do in the settlement agreement, what the City can do under the Codes and what we can
do as a City generally accepted practices, that the Attorney also consider giving the Commission a
recommendation on what remedies are available through a normal Court of Law, if everything else
is not available.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said he will bring back every conceivable option to the Commission.
Mayor Partyka called for a break at 8: 15 p.m. Mayor Partyka reconvened the meeting at 8:30 p.m.
Fire Department
A. Requesting authorization on behalf of the Police Department to enter into a contract agreement
for Telecommunication Equipment and Installation at the new Police Station on North Moss Road.
PURPOSE: to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contractual agreement with Motorola
Communications and Electronics, Inc. for the installation of three CRT positions Centra Com II Plus
consoles and modifying one VHF MSR 2000 Base Station from DC control to tone control, and
installing three 800 MHZ Spectra Desktop control stations at the new Police Station at a cost of
Parks and Recreation
B. Requests Commission review information pertaining to youth programming; proposed, provided
and promotes by Young Olympians/Cheer America and approve authorization for the City Manager
to execute a use agreement with young Olympians/Cheer America to use the Civic Center for
programming and fees received for use. PURPOSE: the request is to inform the Commission of
proposed youth programming available through Young Olympians/Cheer America and to request
authorization for the City Manager to execute a use agreement for utilization of the Civic Center,
programming and related fees:
Public Works Department
C. Requesting authorization to expend funds for a joint sidewalk improvement project with Seminole
County. PURPOSE: to request authorization to expend $900 for the materials necessary for the
County to install a sidewalk on Shepard Road west of Highlands Elementary. PURPOSE: to request
authorization to expend $900 for the materials necessary for the County to install a sidewalk on
Shepard Road west of Highlands Elementary:
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Commissioner McLeod said he has comments on Items A and B. Commissioner Langellotti said he
has comments on Item C.
Commissioner McLeod stated one of his comments is on the Implementation Schedule where is states
that the equipment will be ordered upon acceptance of the contract but installation will be scheduled
as soon as the new Police Station is accepted by the City. Commissioner McLeod said as he sat in
with the architect was that the past City Manager did have the money set aside for this and that it
would be done in conjunction with and not after because if we are saying it will take within 30 days
of the new buildings acceptance, the project will be completed that means we have a building sitting
there for 30 days before we can occupy it because we do not have communications. Commissioner
McLeod asked why can't it be done at the same time as the City originally planned on with the
Manager McLemore said that that was a poor choice of words, the intent was to install as quickly as
we can install and soon as it is practical to do that it will be done.
Commissioner McLeod said on Item 4, Site Development, Equipment Room - this states that the City
will provide a two inch conduit for the equipment room to the rest of the building; the conduit will
penetrate the roof and terminate near the back wall and asked what is the dollar value or is that part
of the estimate to put the system in.
Donald LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist, stated that it is not included in the price and that the
City has a change order working, this will be above and beyond the Motorola contract.
Commissioner McLeod said he thinks that is a major factor, what is the cost and who is going to do
it, and said he thinks the contractor that the City has should do the work through a change order and
a roofer should make the penetration so all the warrantees are held by the contractor.
Manager McLemore said in the City's contract with Omni-Com, their first responsibility was to
review what was in the current documents for the public safety building and to determine if there
were any needs for the communication infrastructure in the building over and beyond what has been
designed. Manager McLemore said in Omni-Com's review, they noted some things that needed more
work in order to provide full telecommunication and communication services and'that is reflected in
the change order.
Commissioner McLeod said he has a problem with site grounds - in the document it states "the City
will be provide grounding at each site..." Commission McLeod asked why doesn't the
communications people provide the ground or put it into their contract and make them responsible
for the grounding mechanism and said this should be put back onto the communication people so they
are responsible for the grounding - the City should not take the responsibility for the grounding.
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Commissioner McLeod said he has a problem with Item 7 - Motorola's Responsibility under B-7, it
states that Motorola will supply one amp relays required to activate the City's supplied switches and
latches and consoles and asked why isn't Motorola supplying switch gear and latches. Fire Chief
Lallathin said the Police Department has requirements from security to open doors - such as opening
a remote access door. Mr. LeBlanc said that is being worked on in the change order. Discussion.
Commissioner McLeod said he also has a problem with Item 8 - it states "...set and test all audio
levels for the motorized supplied equipment, problems noted in that work will be referred to the City
for resolution." Manager McLemore stated that he thinks what that statement is saying is that if there
is anything that is within our responsibility that's causing the problem, they will tell the City about
that and in order for them to honor their product the City would have to fix "X" in their building.
Discussion. Commissioner McLeod said he thinks they need to point out the problem and then fix
Commissioner McLeod had a question with the section "Dispatch Training" and said he wants to
make sure that all employees in Dispatch are trained and also some others (captains/lieutenants) so
they understand how the system works and suggested the Manager review this.
Commissioner McLeod asked about Dispatch locations. Acting Chief Pieper stated that there will
be three dispatchers on duty. Commissioner McLeod asked about the "acceptance of testing" and
suggested that this should state the acceptance of the final testing would be with training of30 days
of successful operation and that is when the City should accept the equipment. Discussion.
Commissioner McLeod said his last question is with Item C-8 - pricing summary, and questioned the
term "upon acceptance" and stated this should state acceptance upon 30 days.
Commissioner Gennell said the document doesn't state there is a guarantee and said she brought this
to the Manager's attention and the Manager assured her that there is a guarantee on the equipment
and said she will be voting on this assuming that. Manager McLemore stated that Motorola has a
standard guarantee on all their equipment.
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to go forward with this however, with each one
of the items that he pointed out be addressed by the City Manager and put back to the
Commission in writing by the City Manager on how each item was addressed in the contract
agreement with Motorola, and with that move forward. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell.
Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner
McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Blake: absent from vote. Motion passes.
Discussion on Item B - Consent Agenda
Commissioner McLeod asked who will be doing the clean-up on this, if it is the City, will there be
extra cost to the City for cleaning the building once the children have been in there.
Brook Seall, Acting Parks and Recreation Director, stated that every user group is responsible for
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cleaning (according to the contract) and said that the City also has cleaning there everyday.
Commissioner Gennell asked if there is a minimum number of students carried before the class is
disbanded. Mr. Seall said there will be a specific time period and he will set a minimum that will be
worth it to the City to have the building open.
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to approve Consent Agenda Item B. Seconded
by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Commissioner McLeod asked how long will the contract
be for. Mr. Seall stated it is open ended and said all the examples that he has seen has been 3-4
months long. Commissioner McLeod suggested having the contract be for one year seeing as there
is a 30 day termination notice in the contract and said he feels this should be reviewed by the
Commission in a year and after that the City Manager can report as to what he wants to do. Manager
McLemore sate that he is not sure that they are looking for that length of a contract, we maybe have
to make that judgement when they put something in front of us. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner
Langellotti: aye. Motion passes.
Consent Agenda Item C
Commissioner Langellotti asked about putting sidewalks on County property. Discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve the authorization to spend $900 for
materials only; for the County to install a sidewalk on Shepard Road west of Highlands
elementary. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote: commissioner McLeod: aye;
Commissioner Conniff aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: nay; Commissioner
Gennell: aye. Motion passes.
Management Information Services and Finance Department
A. Informing the Commission on the conversion of the Utility Billing process from the ITX system
to the UNIX system. PURPOSE: to inform the Commission of the intent to convert the Utility Billing
program from the old ITX system to the present UNIX system, the length of time estimated and the
estimated cost to do so:
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to accept the Informational Agenda. Seconded
by Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye;
Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion
Parks and Recreation Department
B. Request the Commission review and discuss in formation regarding signage posted at Wander
Lake and Ranchlands Park located at the corner of Tradewinds and Hayes Road. PURPOSE: to
request to generate discussion regarding signage posted at Wonder Lake which declares "NO
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Mr. Seall stated that a gentleman wanted to know why he couldn't bring Scouts in there with canoes
and do scouting and canoeing. It was asked of the City where the sign came from and what were the
rules. Mr. Seall said it is a public lake and owned by the City, the City has one access point which
is the small park there.
Manager McLemore said his concern is that he didn't know what representations have been made
with the people in the Ranchlands and this body of water in terms of whether the Commission had
made any commitments, and in doing research non were discovered. Manager McLemore said he
needs to know how the Commission feels about this as to either pursue it further or drop the idea.
Commissioner Blake asked if the Homeowners Association was contacted to see what their thoughts
might be. Mr. Seall stated no, at this point only research has been done to see what is the legal status
at this point. Discussion.
Manager McLemore said ifit is the Commission's desire to move ahead with this, we would need to
assess what minimal kinds of improvements would be needed there.
Attorney Kruppenbacher asked if the City's Risk Management people were checked with, to be sure
that if the City changes the lake access or allow swimming - how to best do it and what if any are the
Commissioner Gennell said the City has other bodies of water and the Commission can't just look
at tone of these and said she thinks if the Commission is going to adopt ta policy it should be done
for all the lakes. Discussion.
Commissioner McLeod said he thinks that an Ordinance is needed regarding this so that it is on
record in the future as to what positions the City has with it and also said he thinks this should go
before the P&Z Board.
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to table this item until the Parks and Recreation
Director has more information and present the information back to the City Manager and
then back to the Commission with a recommendation. Seconded by Commissioner McLeod.
Discussion. Commissioner Blake stated the property lines need to be checked. Vote: Commissioner
Blake: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye;
Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
Community Development Department
C. Requesting the City Commission approve the first reading of Ordinance 645 relative to the
regulation of Communication Towers in the City. PURPOSE: to request the Commission's
consideration in approving the first reading of Ordinance 645 relative to the regulation of
communication Towers in the City:
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to approve the first reading of Ord. 645 and to
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read by title only. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Commission Langellotti
declared a conflict as he represents a company that deals with towers. Commissioner Blake stated
that the has difficulties with the Ordinance as it is written and said he feels that the City is rushing into
this and requested that the motion be withdrawn and sent the Ordinance back to Staff and give them
additional time that they require and institute a new moratorium if needed in order to do this right.
Commissioner Conniff withdrew his motion and said this should be put in the form of a
workshop. Commissioner Gennell withdrew her second. Discussion
Mayor Partyka closed this item so the Attorney can write an Ordinance for a moratorium on
Telecommunications Towers.
Mayor's Office
D. Resolution 809 - expressing appreciation to Art Hoffmann for his service on the Board of
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to approve Resolution 809. Seconded by
Commissioner Blake. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye;
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff; aye;. Motion
Mayor's Office
E. Resolution 810 - a resolution appointing Trustees to the Board of Trustees for the Pension Plan
for the employees of the City of Winter Springs:
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve Resolution 810. Seconded by
Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod:
aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion
Mayor's Office
F. Resolution 811 - expressing appreciation to Brian Fricke for his service on the Board of Trustees:
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve Resolution 811. Seconded by
Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff:
aye; Commissioner Blake: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye. Motion
Mayor Partyka reopened Regular Agenda Item C.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that the current moratorium expires at the end of this month (30th)
if the Commission wants to continue it his recommendation is 1) pick the period of item 2) ask the
Commission to read the motion that he Commission determines that they believe there is an
emergency to pass an Ordinance tonight without going through first and second readings; Attorney
Kruppenbacher said he will read the Ordinance and the Commission will adopt the Ordinance based
upon the finding the Commission ;has determined there is public safety, health and welfare warrants
the Commission going through the moratorium. In addition to that, Attorney Kruppenbacher said he
will ask the Commission to approve the ordinance on first reading and then go through the process.
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If someone challenges this on an emergency basis he will have defenses of what is called an pending
ordinance doctrine that the Commission is working on a document. Discussion.
The Commission determined that the moratorium will be for 60 days.
Motion was made by Commissioner Blake to approve Ordinance 646 on first reading that the
Commission has determined that this is an emergency that the public's health, safety and
welfare requires that 60 days be extended to complete a proper study of a tower siting
ordinance be implemented in the City. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Vote:
Commissioner Conniff aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner
Blake: aye. Motion passes.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ordinance 646 in it's entirety.
G. City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher:
No Report
H. City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore:
No Report
I. Commission Seat III - John Langellotti:
No Report
1. Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell:
No Report
K. Commission Seat V - David McLeod:
No Report
L. Commission Seat I - Larry Conniff:
No Report
M. Commission Seat II - Michael Blake:
No Report
N. Mayor's Office - Paul P. Partyka:
No Report
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
Margo M. Hopkins, City Clerk