HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 05 08 City Commission Regular Minutes
MAY 8, 1995
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs was called to order by
Mayor John F. Bush at 7:30 p.m.
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor John Langellotti, present
City Manager John Govoruhk, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
Larry Conniff, present
John Ferring, present
Cindy Gennell, absent
David McLeod, present
Approval of Minutes of April 24. 1995:
Mayor Bush asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the Regular Meeting
of April 24, 1995. There were no additions or corrections to the minutes of the Regular Meeting of
April 24, 1995. Minutes stand approved as presented.
There was no public input.
1. Approval/Disapproval of Letter to Seminole County on Proposed Tuscawilla Bypass.
2. NPDES Part 2 Interlocal Agreement with Seminole County.
3. Request from Morrison Homes:
Mayor Bush asked if any Commissioner wishes to have any item pulled from the consent agenda.
Being none, Mayor Bush asked for a motion to approve the consent agenda.
Motion was made by Commissioner F erring to approve the items on the consent agenda. Seconded
by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner
Langellotti: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Commissioner Ferring said regarding the issue of the School Board and a Resolution regarding what
the School Board is intending doing, or a letter to the School Board telling them we (the
Commission) are totally opposed to taking Option "G", which takes a good percentage ofthe children
out of Winter Springs and sends them elsewhere.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that he will write a Resolution which he will bring up under his seat
so the Commission can take action and then have the City Clerk type and have the Mayor sign.
Commissioner Ferring asked if the rest of the Commission agrees to recommend Option "F" to the
School Board. It was the consensus of the Commission to recommend Option "F" to the School
Regular Meeting City Commission
May 8, 1995
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Glen Eagle Stormwater Agreement - Dedication of Drainage and Retention Easement:
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated there had been an issue regarding drainage within Glen Eagle and
there had been a dispute involving the Homeowners Association; the developer( s) and the owner of
the golf course. In an effort to resolve this, we met and subsequent to meeting, documents have been
drafted back and forth, Mr. Lockcuff, Utility Director, has review those documents and from an
operational standpoint Mr. Lockcuff is comfortable with the documents and they facilitate what he
needs to have in order to continue to properly operate. Attorney Kruppenbacher said we bring to you
tonight is a recommendation to approve the documents subject to the deletion in the document titled
"Dedication Agreement" paragraph 5. There is a provision where the City would release parties and
I would like you to approve these documents deleting the release of any parties by the City. You will
be authorizing the Mayor to execute those documents in final form as soon as Mr. Lockcuff says
these are the final exhibits and the originals in front of you less that release.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to approve the Glen Eagle Stormwater Agreement
Dedication of Drainage and Retention Easement with the deletion of paragraph 5 in the Dedication
Agreement (on page 3). Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner
Langellotti: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye. Motion passes.
Second Reading and Public Hearing Ord. 582 - Amending Fiscal Year Budget 1994-1995:
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to have the City Attorney read all Ordinances by title
only. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Ferring: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye. Motion passes.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. 582 by title only, "Ord. 582, An Ordinance of the City of Winter
Springs, Florida, amending the 1994-1995 fiscal year budget which was adopted pursuant to Ord. 566
of the City repealing Ordinances in conflict herewith providing for severability, conflict and effective
Mayor Bush closed the regular meeting and opened the Public Hearing. Mayor Bush asked if anyone
wished to comment on Ord. 582. There were no comments on Ord. 582. Mayor Bush closed the
Public Hearing and reconvened the regular meeting.
Commissioner Ferring asked Harry Martin, Finance Director, about the increase in the Capitol
Improvements and about the interest revenues and miscellaneous revenues increase. Kip Lockcuff,
Utility Director said the increase in the Capitol Improvements was for Capitol Projector a new
digester east; bids came in at $682,000 so we increased that to $700,000. Discussion. Mr. Martin
then stated most of the increase shown in the interest was that we did a float purchase of the debt
service reserve for the Utility and we gained nearly $100,000 which was considered interest income.
Commissioner Ferring then asked about the other $46,000. Mr. Lockcuff stated that is the
reimbursement for the money spent to on the contaminated wells on Jackson Circle to put the line
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May 8, 1995
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Commissioner Ferring asked if the budget figures took into account the increases that we would be
giving to the individual members of the City. Mr. Martin said when the budget was approved a year
ago we did not have that in there, that was adjusted in this budget. Discussion. Commissioner
Ferring asked what was the total reserves. Mr. Martin said a little over $900,000.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to approve Ord. 582, Amending the Fiscal Year Budget
1994-1995. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod:
aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye. Motion passes.
Manager Govoruhk mentioned that there will be one more budget revision at the end of this fiscal
First Reading ofOrd. 584, adopting the map and description of the recommended districts filed by
Districting Commission. etc.:
Gene Lein, Chairman of the Districting Commission, stated that the Districting Commission has just
completed four meetings and one public hearing and he is present to turn over the final figures for the
Commission's acceptance. The population between April 1992 and January 1995: District 1 was
issued 113 single family building permits for a population increase of322; District 2 was issued 222
single family building permits for a population increase of627; District 3 was issued 400 single family
building permits for a population increase of 1,139; District 4 was issued 127 single family, 41 multi-
family building permits for a population increase of 441; district 5 was issued 43 single family, 1
mobile home building permits for a population increase of 125. The changes were made in District
5, North Orlando Sec. 8, all the homes south of Pearl Street have been moved into District 1; Oak
Forest Unit 8 - moved from District 2 to District 5; the remainder of Arbor Glen, Bear Creek Estates,
Carrington Woods and Davenport Glen have moved from District 3 into District 2. The Districts
have a net increase as follows: District 1 - 459 total population; District 2 - 738 total population;
District 3 - 672 total population; District 4 - 441 total population and District 5 - 344 total
population; for a total increase of population from April 1992 to January 1995 of 2,654 for an 11 %
City increase. The criteria for redrawing the map is that the Districts cannot exceed one percent of
population between each other. District 1 total population 5,172 for 19.9%; District 2 total
population 5,324 for 20.4%; District 3 total population 5,290 for 20.3%; district 4 total population
5,184 for 19.9%; District 5 total population 5,084 for 19.5%. As of January 1995 the total
population for the City of Winter Springs is 26,054.
Mr. Lein thanked the members of the Commission: KatWeen Roy, Skip Drumheller, Bruce Cox, Ken
Haines, Vern Rozelle and Lee Ferguson.
Commissioner Ferring thanked Mr. Lein and the Districting Commission for the work they have done.
Commissioner Ferring then stated that the Districting is basically for geographies where a
Commissioner may live to run for office within a specified district; however, that particular
Commissioner represents the entire City, there are 5 single member districts. A Commissioner gets
elected from the district they live in but they represent the entire City of Winter Springs.
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May 8, 1995
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Commissioner Conniff arrived at 7:58 p.m.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. 584 by title only "An Ord. of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
adopting the map and description of the recommended district filed with the City by the Districting
Commission pursuant to Ord. 524, providing for conflict and severability".
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to approve Ord. 584, first reading. Seconded by
Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner McLeod:
aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
Arrowhead at Tuscawilla Unit 2 - Approval/Disapproval, acceptance of improvements for City
Maintenance (subdivision located to the south of Winter Springs Boulevard and west of the Country
Donald LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist, stated that this is for the City to accept the following
approvements in Arrowhead Unit 2, which is located south of Winter Springs Blvd. and west of the
Country Club. It is a private subdivision but there are four items that we are accepting for City
maintenance. The water lines, the sanitary lines, the reuse lines and the sidewalk along Winter
Springs Blvd. You have the comments from the City Engineer, the Fire Chief, the Police Chief the
Public W orkslUtility Director; offering no objection. In lieu of a maintenance bond, 10%
maintenance bond for these particular items, Mr. Mikes already had escrowed over $26,000
guaranteeing the performance of Arrowhead Unit 2, this has been accomplished; and until such time
as he gets a bond to my office and reviewed and approved by the City Attorney we will retain
$9,377.46 of the escrow account. This is a figure derived and approved by the City Engineer per his
letter of April 27, 1995.
Mayor Bush asked about the sprinkling system along Winter Springs Blvd., the street side of the wall.
Mr. LeBlanc stated that the sprinklers belong to the Homeowners. Mr. Mikes stated that they are
in the process of turning them down, the Homeowners Assoc., will maintain the sprinkler system
when it it turned over to them.
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to approve the acceptance of improvements for the
City maintenance for Arrowhead at Tuscawilla Unit 2, subdivision located to the south of Winter
Springs Blvd. and west of the Country Club. Seconded by Commissioner Ferring. Discussion. Vote:
Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye;
Commissioner F erring: aye. Motion passes.
Planning and Zoning Board Recommendations - Conceptual Plans: 1. Arrowhead at Tuscawilla Unit
3 (south of Winter Springs Blvd., east of the Country Club and west of Howell Creek); 2. Arrowhead
at Tuscawilla Unit 4 (south of Winter Springs Blvd., west and south of the Country Club); 3.
Arrowhead at Tuscawilla Unit 5 (completion of Wood stream Subdivision, off the southern portion
of Northern Way - once approved as Woodstream Addition):
Mr. LeBlanc stated that conceptual plans are not required by Code, in the past developers have
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May 8, 1995
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expended large amount of dollars in doing engineering plans, only to reach the Commission and some
items were not satisfactory and they would have to go back and expend extra monies to revise those
plans. So we started the conceptual plan idea, bringing it through the P&Z Bd. and the Commission
so the developer could get an idea as to whether or not what he was proposing was satisfactory and
then he could expend the dollars on the planning stage. In this respect on Arrowhead Units 3,4 and
5 or parcels 7, 8 and 10; I have furnished you conceptual site plans, minutes of the Staff conceptual
plan review, the Land Mngt. Specialist memo to P&Z, the P&Z minutes dated April 5, 1995, and a
Jim Mikes memo to D. LeBlanc dated April 6, 1995. I also gave you the pages in the agreement that
pertain to these projects.
Commissioner Ferring said in lieu of the fact that this is only a conceptual plan, we are not going to
be approving or disapproving of this particular presentation based on what Mr. Mikes has here. I
hope you are not going to make his presentation on what we have here, because myself personally,
I see a lot of things that I don't personally agree with and in reading the unofficial minutes of the P&Z
Bd., I tend to agree with them regarding the additional units that you have put in going west in certain
areas. And if that is going to be your presentation tonight, I hope that you would listen to what we
are saying before you make your presentation. I don't know if anyone else wants to make comments
on this, but I'm not going to vote on this thing until I see it come in line with what we've agreed to
in our contracts.
Mr. Mikes stated that he will be happy to listen to the collective direction of this Commission and
would also be happy to listen to the interpretation from the Attorney representing the City and if that
is the issues you would like to address first, then let's do that. There is a few things first, before you
get too hung up on all the specifics; first of all there is one plan that I do not believer either the P&Z
or you should have any problem with and that is W oodstream, the second phase. Commissioner
Ferring said that he will not comment on anything as far as Woodstream is concerned, all he knows
is that we are looking for the units where you have gone up from 39 to 46 units. Mr. Mikes asked
ifthere was a reason that Woodstream is something that you are not ready to consider, do you have
any reason, did the P&Z have any reason, did Staff have any reason, is there any reason you are
taking a position now. Commissioner Ferring said he doesn't think Woodstream has anything to do
with the other units, that is why it is not there for me to approve or disapprove. Mr. Mikes said this
is a conceptual plan approval. Commissioner Ferring said we are not approving it, and we are not
disapproving it, we are going to note it. Mr. Mikes said he is looking for the direction from the
Commission, he is not here to argue, he is only asking to take some property that he owns and wants
to develop in a fashion that he thinks that the Commission, the City, the residents have had an
opportunity to see what the phases of our development can be. What an enhancement to the area it
can be, I am not necessarily suggesting that the Commission has to do any specific thing, there may
be some requests before you that you may have to ask yourself if this is the right thing to do looking
at what has transpired over the course of the last year and a half. The Commission with an open
mind, look at what is there, look at what has been developed in the Tuscawilla community then ask
yourself am I proposing something that will have a detrimental impact on that Community. Am I
proposing something that will have a positive impact; I have other opinions that are not only mine that
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May 8, 1995
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I'd be happy to have you listen to tonight, if you are going to close up and say that I cannot bring
these in front of you, I'd ask the Attorney to make a decision to advise you in some way, you are
going to have to move this forward in some way, it can't be left in the state of limbo; that is not within
your prerogative to say it doesn't move forward.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that from what he understands from the City Manager and Mr.
LeBlanc prior to the meeting, is that tonight this is a presentation to you of what is conceptually has
been proposed by this developer; for you to provide input to the developer to your thoughts. It is
not for your approval or disapproval, as I understand the City Manager's and City Planner's
statements to me prior to the meeting. Therefore, what I would recommend is that you go through
the items, and each of you identifY what, ifany, issues you have on any of the items. This is not a
forum to decide whether we are right, he is wrong, etc.., let's identifY what the issues are and then
tell Mr. Mikes to get with the Staff, see the extent those issues that are identified can be resolved.
I assume that is the most reasonable way to move this project. Then subsequent to that, the project
will then come back before you at some future time for subsequent action by the Commission but not
tonight for an approval or disapproval. Mr. Mikes, as a developer, needs to hear what your thoughts
are before he starts to expend the kind of dollars that is necessary to go forward.
Commissioner Ferring stated to Mr. LeBlanc, that Mr. Mikes raised a question about Woodstream,
has there been approved engineering for Woodstream. Mr. LeBlanc stated there was previously,
which is in his memo, it was once approved as W oodstream Addition and that has expired. There
was an excess of70 lost, and now there are 54, but yes there was previous approval. That project
was approved in 1990 and the engineering expired, they didn't do anything on it. This is a
rejuvenation of that project.
Mr. Mikes stated that this is an opportunity to give a direction in the way a community can finish a
development, it is not a forum for a person to dictate their opinions only. He stated that he trusts that
this is a Commission elected as it is to use an open mind and toconsider, that is how I would ask that
we go forward.
Mr. Mikes went over the Woodstream parcel (number E-3) - He stated Wood stream is a development
that started back in the 80's by the person who will be his venture partner. He said he is putting in
a certain amount ofland and a certain amount of money and that person is putting in his land. There
was an aborted development that went no further; he believes the Commission is familiar with the
W oodstream development. It has approximately 25 homes, it enters off a private road. The roads
are private and we propose to continue developing that in a private road basis, developing it as an
extension of the Arrowhead project that you can look at adjacent to our Country club Clubhouse.
The same level of finishes, same entry treatments, same large trees, same large homes, everything of
the nature that you already can look at next to the Country Club. Looking at this areal photo, this
is a photo of the country Club, Winter Springs Blvd. to the north and Northern Way to the south.
The existing Arrowhead with the wall and entryway is adjacent to the Club House. Our Unit One
which is 19 lots, that have already been approved and improved, are those that are on the 8th hole,
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May 8, 1995
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one on the 5th green, 3 on Northern Way at the 4th tee; originally to be done as 7 and then 8 lots
along the 14th hole adjacent to Glen Eagle. The Woodstream parcel fits right in adjacent to the 2nd,
3rd and 4th holes. The original plan on Woodstream provided for had 26 acres, originally permitted
for 77 lots; we are adding approximately a 75' strip around the outside and providing for the retention
on the opposite side of hole #2. An enhancement of hole #2 and definite enhancement for Greenbriar,
the Greenbriar units will end up looking out over a retention pond and be able to look directly onto
the 2nd fairway. The 2nd fairway will be enhanced through the addition of this retention pond,
making it better for the Country Club members; one of our most difficult holes to keep dry during the
rainy season. The plan provides for (unit 5, parcel 10) Richards Road will be the main entrance,
Richards Road is the entranceway to W oodstream at this point, it is private; it would be enhanced
with the same wall treatment that you see at our existing, it will have the same entry gate, the entry
gate will be accessed by a computer system, people will call on the telephone and the phone will ring
in the house, the resident can look at their TV and the TV will show a picture of the person at their
entry gate. That will be for the benefit for not only the existing W oodstream residents who will get
that for no investment on their part, and will also be for the 54 lots that we propose. Effectively the
existing Wood stream is along the 5th and 6th holes to the west side of the overall parcel; those are
approximately the same size lots, slightly smaller, some ar much smaller, but in general slightly smaller
than what we had proposed. Ours will be roughly 113' to 115' wide, which is 13' to 15' wider than
at Glen Eagle and approximately 160' to 165' deep, which is 20' to 25' deeper than a Glen Eagle lot
and the approximate six of the lots that we have on the golf course in the first phase of Arrowhead
that we are developing now. The roads will be private, they will be improved exactly the same way
as you see in our existing Arrowhead, the double acorn Florida Power lights, brick pavers a the
entrance treatment, everyone of the homes will have brick pavers as you enter the driveway it will
have a brick paver apron for the first 10' to 12' of every driveway, or it could be continued all the way
up the driveway. The landscape requirements that we have started already, they require a laurel or
live oak every 40', a laurel oak that is 8" to 9" in caliper to start with, very heavy landscaping
requirements, side loaded garages, hard surface roofs, minimum sq. ft. of approximately 3,000 to
3,200 sq.ft., very nice homes, you can see examples of those now in the first phase of Arrowhead.
The general layout of it will be to basically have the same treatment that is in the existing 77 unit
approval except that it will not loop in the same fashion, we will not cause those homeowners that
are currently at the end cul-de-sac to have the traffic looped in front of theirs, they will still have the
same privacy, we will have a series of three cul-de-sacs generally the same looking as in the first
phase of Arrowhead. Of the 54 lots you will have over half of them on the golf course or on Howell
Branch Creek, we will be subject to whatever the same setbacks. Working with the Corps of
Engineers and Water Management District to have those approved. The retention is depicted on the
opposite side of the 2nd fairway adjacent to the Greenbriar Homeowners, some of them will be
looking directly across at the 2nd green that they can't see right now with the trees in there.
Commissioner McLeod said presently where you show the retention pond there is a tree line there,
correct - Mr. Mikes answered yes, that is the Florida Power easement area, it has been allowed to
grow up, it is a series of all sort of junk and we are in the process of thinning out what is there,
keeping the high quality oaks and pine and getting rid of the weedy stuff The whole Florida Power
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May 8, 1995
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easement as part of what we are doing on the other phases of Arrowhead, Florida Power and Light
at their expense will be taking those large wood power lines and changing them to a concrete single
pole as opposed to multiple pole treatment, much better looking treatment that will both enhance the
Greenbriar owners as well as the owners in Country Club Village on the opposite side of the creek.
Commissioner Langellotti asked who was clearing the land on the 2nd fairway. Mr. Mikes said they
are clearing for this project. They are not taking out everything, at this point they are leaving the
palmettos, the oaks, and the pines and trimming out all the weedy stuff at this point. We do have an
arbor permit for that. It also provides views for the Horton homes and ultimately as we finish up the
existing owners in Greenbriar will be looking out at the golf course. Weare doing that for the benefit
of Horton at this point and eventually when the pond is in it will be surrounded by oak trees, it will
be an attractive look.
Mr. Mikes said the general depiction on this as he said, the size of the lots are approximately 112'
minimum to 115' to 120' wide with a minimum depth(seems to be) about 160' up to a maximum in
the 200' deep size. We propose that for an emergency access, ifit is needed, we will stabilize a path
across the golf course, in case there ever was a need, for whatever reason to get in, there will be
several locations where emergency vehicles can get into the development with a stabilized path across
the golf course. One a the 3rd tee and one just in front of the creek.
Commissioner McLeod asked what would be the need for an emergency access. Mr. Mikes said that
was an issue raised with a former engineer that was working for the City. He (Mikes) didn't see a
need for it, but he depicted it because it was something that when first discussing any development
the concern was on the length of cul-de-sacs to make sure that if there was a need for additional
emergency vehicle access it could be done and obviously it can be done because this is a golf hole,
there will be a concrete path all the way back; they can drive there and drive across the golf course
to have emergency access if needed. Obviously the most appropriate place is to come right through
the gate and right down the street, in the event there was ever a problem, they can come across the
golf course. Commissioner McLeod asked if easements will be taken out of these pieces of property
for that purpose. Mr. Mikes said yes, we will create an easement for emergency vehicle access for
the benefit of the City and whatever emergency needs there might be. Commissioner McLeod said
wouldn't that be an issue by the Staff to address with you at the time of your plans. Mr. Mikes said
he would be happy to take it out, it is an extra that he didn't think was necessary. He would be happy
to provide it if they want it an also be happy to not provide it if they allow us not to put it in.
Commissioner McLeod said it is just very unusual and he thinks it is probably one of the points that
Staff and Mikes should address. Mr. Mikes stated that again that was a former staff member that had
raised that a the last level. Mr. Mikes said other than that he believes that P&Z thought that this was
an acceptable concept for the use of this land, going from 77 lots on 26 acres to 54 lots of the nature
that they are talking about, private access, brick pavers, everything in the same fashion that they are
currently developing and that was a good use for this property as compared to what formally had
been approved and as compared to whatever might be another option. I do not believe there was a
problem at the P&Z level on that and Staff certainly had no objection. I look for any direction you
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May 8, 1995
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might give me, if you would like to see anything changed on it.
Commissioner Langellotti said this is showing the wall coming gin the back of the property. Mr.
Mikes said we will put a wall i there with the concurrence of the homeowners at that side in a fashion
that they find acceptable. If they want to extend it all the way, we will intend it all the way, if they
want to go part of the way, we will go part of the way, it is up to that homeowner. Commissioner
Langellotti said the plans show a wall going up. Mr. Mikes said we will put a wall behind there so
that they will not have to look at homes butting right directly in back; it is not important where they
are side by side by where the homes butting next to each other and the three lots are shallow lots that
the existing W oodstream lots are shallow and our suggestion was to create a wall behind there and
then when we get to this point where the cul-de-sac, that is really where the engineer depicted that
wrong; there wouldn't be a wall through the cul-de-sac, we would actually construct a cul-de-sac and
put a wall around it if that is what the homeowners chose, this is what has been submitted to the
Homeowners President, he advised me that on a concept basis it looked fine, with something of that
nature changed, we'll treat that cul-de-sac with regard to whatever other comments they may have.
The wall is not intended to run across the cul-de-sac that is an error. again, we provided emergency
access if the Staff thought it was appropriate, Commissioner Langellotti said that wall would separate
the two parcels. Mr. Mikes said no, it is not intended to separate the parcels, it is intended to
separate the back yards of properties; it is not trying to state that this end of Wood stream is different
from the other, that is up to working it out with the Homeowners in those locations, what will look
better, what do they want to see, do they want to see a cul-de-sac of that nature, it was my
understanding that they did not want to see a loop coming back, they wanted the privacy they have
right now, and we will respect that and leave it that way and in fact put a cul-de-sac in where they
currently do not have one.
Commissioner Conniff asked Mr. Mikes that after he cleans out the pond is he going to be responsible
with keeping it clean. Mr. Mikes answered yes, the same easement document, the same
responsibilities that we had in the easement declaration that we have on the first part of Arrowhead;
the golf course will maintain the pond. Attorney Kruppenbacher said that will be ties up in
documents that the Commission will approve. Mr. Mikes stated, again this is concept and before the
Commission approves the plat they will have an easement document that they will find acceptable.
Commissioner McLeod stated that with reading the P&Z minutes on page 3, Mr. Mikes explains
looking at three plans submittal and so forth, 115' wide lots, 77 narrow lots going to 54, then it goes
on to say in addition there will be having about 6 acres.. .Mr. Lein states that doesn't change this
parcel, then Mr. Mikes states he realizes that this is an issue that will have to be addressed with the
City Commission in their judgement on the agreement. Mr. Mikes stated that is not on W oodstream.
Commissioner McLeod stated that he is glad to see a reduction in the amount of homes in this area.
Mr. Mikes stated in 1973-1980 originally we had 150 hotel type units and 120 condominium units
on the golf course property, in addition to that on the Hooker land (that he bought) there was 192
condominiums or apartments and on the Wood stream parcel there was 77; if you add up all those
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May 8, 1995
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parcels you had roughly 500+ units that were originally permitted for all of this land. Units that
would have been of a condo nature, a hotel nature, certainly not of a single family nature that we are
proposing now. If you look at the overall Arrowhead project, all 5 phases that we are proposing, we
end up with approximately 164 homes that we will be selling in the range of roughly $400,000 range
for the ones directly on the golf course in Unit 1, then running upwards to $650,000, the five spec
homes with the builders are priced approximately $475,000 up to $515,000. Commissioner McLeod
said so you have a reduction of about 405 - Mr. Mikes said about 500 and some down to about 160,
but when you look at assessed valuation you have 160 times roughly $500,00-$600,000 just assume
the assessment at $400,000 even if you take off the homestead at $25,000 you are still looking at
somewhere in the range of 70 million dollars of assessed value; whatever that reels to the City, and
look at the reduction of trips. Looking to the City's benefit, the communities benefit substantial
amount of additional dollars coming into the hands of the City at substantially reduced obligations
on the part of the City. We are using private developments, private roads, private security; not asking
the City to be providing all of the same level of services that they do in other areas, so not only do
we have less traffic, more revenue, we are asking the city to put in less in terms of their
responsibilities to maintain this.
#2 - Arrowhead Unit 4 - Mr. Mikes stated that this is the parcel that was approved in our settlement
agreement for originally (he believes) 39 lots, we are depicting it as 46 lots; the difference is when
the engineering firm went out and actually laid out the lots and showed what the builders were asking
for, we ended up with lots that were in the size range of 100. They wanted a 115' wide lot, when we
laid it out it ended out 46 lots. The area included in this, and Gene Lein had raised the issue that this
looked like an expansion, the engineers have it and they can lay it out, and they can actually show that
the amount of acres included in this parcel is less than the number of acres included in the original
plan in our settlement agreement. It shows 46 lots but they are slightly, after they did all the
calculations and they laid it out like they did, it shows 46 lots on less acres; we are taking less acres
out of the golf course and devoting them to housing but ending up with 46 lots that the builders are
suggesting are the right size lots. They can take 115' wide lots, do a side loaded garage and end up
with about a 4,000 sq. ft. home and make it look good. The depth is approximately 155' on the golf
course in these areas going up to 165'; lots as deep as 300' along the creek. This depiction, the P&Z
found fault with and sent another one back to Mr. LeBlanc. There was an objection to the way we
laid out the cul-de-sac, we were trying to do a cul-de-sac, but actually it ended up a double cul-de-sac
so that we could trade a little lane similar to the lane that we created in our first phase that you can
look to the brick paver at the far west end of the first Arrowhead part. I've deleted that concept and
brought the cul-de-sac back about halfway between the two and ended up basically laying the lots
out in a comparable fashion but now there is no need for that little lane. It eliminates the objection
that the P&Z had with the treatment of the cul-de-sac, so I have addressed two points that the P&Z
had. The actual acres, which I'll have that confirmed by the engineer that the acreage is less and the
second issue was the treatment of this cul-de-sac. So we do not have that objectionable treatment
that they found with the double cul-de-sac before, it is just a single cul-de-sac. Commissioner
McLeod said what you have done basically is you've made one long continued retention pond in order
to achieve what you were trying to do there. MR. Mikes stated yes. Commissioner McLeod said
which is the
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main difference, then that gave you the additional lot 43 up on the top where there was a retention
pond. Mr. Mikes said correct, understand this is a conceptual plan, we haven't done all the soil
borings, haven't done all the layouts and it may turn out, this would be the best if everything worked
out perfect, but obviously you go through and the engineers do whatever they do and the number of
lots, we may end up not being able to build homes on some lots, we may end up loosing some lots
as a result of it and that's going to be dictated by other governmental agencies as well, they are going
to look and see what do we do on the setback along Howell Branch, what soils can we build on, can
we take a certain tree out, can we move this, can we move that; those are issues of an engineering
basis that we will get into when we go to preliminary engineering and subsequently to the final
engineering; this is again just concept, an engineer taking a "blob" and drawing some lines that is all
this is.
Commissioner Ferring said to Mr. Mikes that he is looking at the agreement with his signature on it,
subsection B, where is says FCCI (Florida Country Clubs, Inc.) has not as yet completed the
preliminary engineering for the lots depicted on the conceptual plans for parcel 7 and 8. FCCI may
increase the number and/or reduce the size of the lots located in parcel 7 and 8 and increase the size
of the area located in parcel 7 to include the area west of the entry road depicted on the conceptual
plan for parcel 7. FCCI shall be permitted to develop a total of 13 lots on parcel 7 and a total of39
lots on parcel 8; now before you go forward, these are the problems that I have right now, plus the
fact over in the upper left corner, those four lots that you have going across the.. . Mr. Mikes stated
that those are on the other plan, that's just showing those in relation to this. Commissioner Ferring
said for his own satisfaction he would like Mr. Mikes to explain to him how he went from 13 lots to
20 lots and from 39 lots to 46 lots. Mr. Mikes said since the time that we entered into the revision
to the settlement agreement, he has had the opportunity to work with the builders, and had the
opportunity to hear from the brokers, and had the opportunity to look at the market as it exists, both
in Tuscawilla and overall in Orlando. Looking at homes in the price range comproable to what he
is building. We are looking at sites that are comproable, Lake Colony Estates in Maitland which are
priced $50-$60 thousand more than their's but the same houses on lots that are only 100' to lOS' wide
and a depth of only about 140'. We have looked at that and things in Maitland Club, comproable size
lots, and lots throughout the area, the south end of town Dr. Philips area, the Bay Hill area. As we
worked with builders and brokers we've found that the size of lot is appropriate in the size of lIS'
wide, which allows for a side loaded garage, which is what we are requiring. Three car garage and
to fit appropriately a house of about 4,000 sq. ft. and not look like it is on a postage stamp lot. At
the time we did the revisions on the last go around, he did not have the benefit of what size the
builders wanted and didn't have the benefit of the engineer laying it out precisely. There is a lot more
engineering that has gone into this since the date of our last discussion on this in the settlement
agreement. When it was listed at 13 or 39, we have now found that in developing this first phase of
Arrowhead we think it's very attractive, at size lots that are basically what we have depicted here.
Mr. Mikes stated from the perspective of the Country Club, he is ultimately trying to sell
memberships in the Club to make the Club work appropriately, he is trying to provide the best
Country Club that he can of a private nature. As he adds more homes in the high end, the better he
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is going to do from the standpoint of the Country Club. One hundred and sixty very expensive homes
probably generates a larger proportion of people that become golfing members in the Club as
compared to the starter homes. Mr. Mikes said that he has found that it is in his best economic
interest that if he can develop 160 homes in this nature, it will help him on the golf course. He said
his is not here before the Commission saying he wants them to approve something that he doesn't
have full faith and confidence that what he is asking to be approved is something the City will very
proud of and a real addition to the community. This project looks good in comparison to some of
it's counter parts, we are asking people to put the highest quality products into these homes,
landscape them appropriately, take care of it appropriately; it will be a definite enhancement to the
community. It is a type of housing that is needed, it is going to look good, and won't stretch the
City's standards in any way. Yes it is a different number than existed in those documents, and yes it
is going to make him more money, all those things are true.
Commissioner Ferring said to Mr. Mikes to put his self in the Commission's place, in today's times
where litigation is pursued at the drop of a hat, we have a contract that says one thing and you want
us to change the contract to say something else; if we do that as a Commission, what happens to us
legally, do we have another third party lawsuit on our hands regarding something like this. What I'm
concerned about is the legal premise of the whole thing, can we legally do this. Mr. Mikes said he
has no trouble as you go through preliminary engineering if there is any land use issue, any
modification that you think is appropriate and is something that can be done at this Commission with
the signatures of all parties concerned.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said suffice to say, he is not prepared to let the Commission do anything that
he thinks will result in litigation on this; he is not prepared to accept an interpretation or express an
interpretation of this agreement. He feels the Commission should give opinions on the project, raise
the issues, like Mr. Ferring has raised and then let Staff and himself and Mr. Mikes get together and
will take the steps to try and resole any concerns or issues that are raised.
Commissioner McLeod said the agreement is between Mr. Mikes and the City, from a legal
standpoint what you are asking the City to do is amend the agreement and allow him to go forward
with the conceptual plan to change the amount. So, therefore, it seems that from a legal issue there
would have to be an agreement first of the document, if we say the conceptual plan is not all bad,
therefore you need to get with our City Manager and City Attorney and work out the legal details,
then conceptually we don't have a problem.
Commissioner McLeod said to the City Attorney that this is a document that is between the City and
Mr. Mikes. Attorney Kruppenbacher said that is correct and that document anticipates your having
the ability to make this change.
Mr. Mikes said the other comments from P&Z were the number of lots, the cul-de-sac and the
acreage was raised. One thing we have depicted on this, the two plans that you have says unit 4 and
3 both depict some portion of the parking lot, some portion of the entrance treatment and both state
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the entranceway to the Country Club~ it will be one in a fashion that will be something similar to what
you see at the first phase of Arrowhead. A high wall coming down a long way into the development,
getting the sense of privacy coming into the Country Club. There will be a gate house, it might or
might not be maned~ that will be the entrance into the Country Club; we will have a 4' to 5' wall
across the face of the Country Club on Winter Springs Blvd., not as high as the 6' wall in Arrowhead,
slightly lower, but enough so that as you drive by you can look and see the Country Club but it will
block the view of the parking lot. It will create a better vista from the standpoint of the traffic coming
across Winter Springs Blvd. yet not totally blocking the fact that there is a Country Club there. The
gate house is to enhance the exclusivity trying to make it a little more private in nature in all respects.
One treatment that we will do different on these next phases of Arrowhead is we will actually put a
gate house in, make it look more like the Lake Colony Estates in Maitland.
#3. Tuscawilla Unit 3 (parcel 7) - Mr. Mikes stated this is the land that is lying east of the cafe, the
pool and this plan shows the removal of the tennis courts and the reconstruction of those tennis
courts. It shows the cafe to be expanded and replaced in its present position. The pool will have the
deck removed, the shall will be remarisited, all the pool equipment will be totally new equipment.
The location of the cafe going out closer to and actually you will be able to walk off the deck of the
cafe, and into the pool ares. We area trying to make something a lot more inviting than we currently
have with our old cafe and pool and tennis building that is falling down. The lighting that will be on
the tennis courts, instead of the very high and very bright will be a modern lighting that directs lights
on the courts and not spill over into the adjoining homes. The maintenance building will be removed,
and it shows the brick wall coming across the face of the Club and the additions of28 parking spaces
and the addition of another 26 parking spaces for a total actual net gain of parking spaces of whole
in the range of 6 or 7; we will be taking some away but adding some. It shows the entrance that
currently is the entrance by the tennis courts to be just an emergency access that will be a break away
for emergency purposes. As we develop these homes we are putting money back into and will be
spending in excess of a million and a half dollars in terms of rebuilding the cafe, and tennis courts, etc.
The entrance to the development will be located directly across from the entranceway to the
Wedgewood Tennis Villas and the same brick wall that we have on the first phase will be carried
across and will be behind the homes, separating it from the tennis courts and pools and carry it across
Winter Springs blvd. to a point somewhere short of Howell Branch Creek. The plan shows the gated
entrance, a short cul-de-sac leading off towards Howell Branch Creek and a longer cul-de-sac that
will cross the 10th fairway below the tee. It will have a stone wall and a fancy treatment and leads
to what we depicted as four lots, which is an expansion of property noted in the last agreement. It
shows four lots at the 18th green which would be serviced off of a cul-de-sac looking down over the
creek and looking down over the 18th fairway.
Commissioner Langellotti asked how wide is the roadway. Mr. Mikes said it was to City standards
and it is no suggestion that it is not going to be to the City Codes. The lots themselves are 115' wide
against Winter Springs Blvd, and 175' deep at a minimum. The smallest interior lot we have is one
that is roughly about 140' wide by 120' deep, the rest are averaging approximately 115' wide by 185'
deep, rougWy the same size lots that are in the first phase of Arrowhead.
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Commissioner Ferring asked Mr. Mikes if he was concerned at all about Winter Springs Blvd. and
the traffic that is going to come there because of the mall. Mr. Mikes stated that so far it hasn't
created a sales problem. Traffic from the mall is something that we have not heard as a problem, in
fact the comments have been that they are happy that a mall is coming. Hopefully what we are
proposing here with going to 160 lots total as opposed to the 500+, we area certainly going to be
reducing there amount of traffic that is on the road network and it certainly will be less that what
550+ would be producing.
Mayor Bush said the important thing with Mr. Mikes' presentation for the Commission as you recall,
has been other instances not necessarily before this Commission where changes were made to
agreements that no one seemed to be aware of and both the P&Z and Commission tonight has noted
the changes in the conceptual plan vs. the settlement agreement and so is the public. So that
everybody is aware of this when it comes back again, and the Commission will make a decision based
upon information that they have before.
Mr. Mikes asked the Commission, from a conceptual planning standpoint, does the Commission have
a problem with the number of lots.
Commissioner McLeod said conceptually, provided the documents have been written in such a
fashion to be changed for both parties benefit, and both parties are in agreement to whatever that
change is on a legal side, then conceptually what he has seen he doesn't have a problem.
Mr. Mikes asked if he could address two things and wants to make sure that he references this
because they impact homeowners adjacent to this. There was a request that there be no construction
traffic to develop this - we have to get some tractors in to get the basic stuff, but not with the
construction of the homes. We also committed to putting a brick wall across the back of Country
Club Village after the homeowners say if they want to or not; I think they will reserve that right for
a while to decide ifit will look right, that is something that they will make a judgement on after they
see what this looks like. We do have to run some constructing traffic through to get the roads in to
begin with but after that there will be none.
Mayor Bush said we have seen a conceptual plan, are we going to approve the plan or not. From
what the Attorney said when we started, I'm not sure that he said the Commission could approve it
on the other hand Mr. Mikes has to have some direction and I think that is what he is asking the
Commission for.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said that prior to the meeting tonight, he conferred with the City Manager
and City Planner and asked what action, if any are they asking of this Commission. They advised me
that per the Code and per the process, they weren't asking for any action. The developer was asking
for the Commission to identifY those issues or concerns that the developer needed to address to be
able to then move this project forward as he begins to finalize the process. What the developer needs
to find out from the Commission is are there issues that you have concerns and questions about so
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that he can work on them and resolve them and bring back the preliminary project to ask for the
Commission's approval on.
Mayor Bush said it appears that the lot issue is the major concern. Attorney Kruppenbacher said
moving the lot issue aside, are there any other issues. Mr. Mikes asked other than the lots, are there
any other planning problems. Commissioner Ferring asked if notification has been made to all the
contiguous property owners regarding this and when will the public hearing come involving this
particular plan. Mr. LeBlanc said public notice is not required to contiguous property owners; there
is no requirement for public notice, whenever the final approval for this project there is always a
public hearing at one of the Commission meetings. Commissioner Ferring said he does not have a
problem a as long as this is advertised and that everybody is aware of what we are doing;
conceptually I agree with Commissioner McLeod but I don't want to get caught in another blind
switch, I want to be able to have input from anybody that has concern out there that we haven't heard
from yet. Mr. Mikes said the layout of the road is going to stay the same, whether the width of these
lots are 115' or 125', the road is going to stay the same and the basic engineering questions so from
that standpoint the 39 vs 46 is not going to stop the engineering process from going forward as long
as conceptually it passes.
Commissioner Conniff commented that the new lot concept doesn't bother him and that it is obviously
going to be a top quality establishment and it excites him to see this.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said you have a Code that contemplates a process, that this will go through
public hearings and ultimately be brought to the Commission for action at a public hearing. The
public is welcome and encouraged to come and voice their input. There is no way this, if people stay
informed and monitor what gets posted on the bulletin boards and is advertised, to enable the public
to give input.
Commissioner Langellotti said he was glad to see this type of project.
Mayor Bush said to summarize this, the Commission agrees with the conceptual plan to what has
been presented and encourages Mr. Mikes to go ahead through the regular procedures established
by the City's Code. The Commission was in agreement. Mayor Bush said we will ask the City
Manger to look into as to how this can be more widely distributed among the community rather than
just our other procedures.
City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher - Reports:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Res. # _' "ARes. of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, unanimously
requesting the School Board of Seminole County, Florida adopt and implement plan F as it's rezoning
Plan." Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that his recommendation upon passage is that it be signed
tomorrow and a cover letter from the Mayor and/or Commissioners, be delivered to the
Superintendent and each member of the School Board. Commissioner Langellotti suggested that the
Commission attend the next School Board meeting and speak in opposition of the other plans.
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Attorney Kruppenbacher said there is going to be a special hearing on the 17th of this month where
action will be taken. Mayor Bush said the public hearing is at 6:00 p.m., May 17, 1995, at Lake
Howell High School. Mayor Bush said this is the rezoning for the High School only. Discussion.
Commissioner Ferring said if he recalls when the Commission met with the School Board regarding
the interlocal agreement that we entered into with them, did they not indicate to us that they would
do everything in their power with Winter Springs High School to accommodate the youth of the City
of Winter Springs.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said ifhe remembers correctly, they said that and qualified that there was
a question about keeping all the Winter springs students here and the qualification was that there
maybe students who did not reside in Winter Springs who would have to come to the High School
and they wanted everybody to understand that. They never identified students from Winter Springs
leaving Winter Springs. Mayor Bush said if the Commission so desires he will attend the meeting on
the 17th and read the Resolution publicly. Discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to approve yet to be numbered Resolution that was just
read by Attorney Kruppenbacher. Seconded by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote:
Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye;
Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said that at the last meeting there was discussion regarding the sale of the
building which is owned by N.D. Water & Sewer or the Utility Fund/Enterprise Fund; there was a
3-2 vote regarding a decision by the Commission as to whether to permit that property to go forward
with the procedures for sale. Mr. Lockcuff and I met with the City Manager and went through the
bond covenants and there is no bond prohibition or restriction on your ability to convey this property.
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to place on the agenda the sale of the building.
Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: aye;
Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Ferring:aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to go forward with the sale of the building to the
present high bidder of the bids we presently have in house. Seconded by Commissioner Ferring.
Discussion. Attorney Kruppenbacher said this means that the City Manager and his Staff and I will
prepare the contract and the Ordinance and approval of it per your Charter and move the process to
culminate the sale. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Attorney Kruppenbacher asked Mayor Bush if we could schedule a meeting prior to the next regular
scheduled meeting, pursuant to Section 286.011 of the Florida Statutes, as we are in need of advise
regarding litigation stragety. The persons attending this meeting will be a court reporter,
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Commissioners McLeod, Langellotti, Gennell, Ferring, Conniff Mayor Bush, City Manager
Govoruhk, Attorney Kruppenbacher and possibly Keith Bricklemeyer. The meeting will be limited
to discussion regarding settlement negotiations or stragety relating to litigation expenditures involved
in the lawsuits that are presently pending against the City by the City of Oviedo, by the Tuscawilla
homeowners Assoc., by the City against the City of Oviedo, the Rouse Corp., and the Viera Corp.
Discussion of a meeting date. it was determined to hold the closed executive session after the regular
scheduled meeting on May 22, 1995 at approximately 10:00 p.m.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said the evaluation system that we talked about at the last meeting, to clarify
any misunderstanding, the actual evaluations of people are not going to be brought back to the
Commissioner Ferring asked ifit is considered a violation of the Sunshine if the City Attorney could
bring the members of the Commission up to what has transpired at this particular point before we go
into the closed executive session. Attorney Kruppenbacher said he is able without violating the
Sunshine and that he will contact each Commissioner this week and give them a verbal update,
City Manager John Govoruhk - Reports:
Manager Govoruhk said on behalf of the Fire Chief he is announcing that the Fire Station on Northern
Way is open and there will be an open house for the City on Saturday, May 27, 1995, from 2:00 to
4:00 p.m. Discussion. Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that he will pick up the tab for the
refreshments for the open house at the Fire Station.
Manger Govoruhk also stated that the Commission has an update on Cypress Club and hopefully we
will be given them the final C.O. and this will close out Cypress Club.
Manager Govoruhk stated that the rebidding for the restroom at Central Winds Park is completed and
seven bids were received and the low bid was $59,557. The pavilions are going up and should be
completed by the time we have the employee picnic.
Manger Govoruhk said we have received the last payment for the State for the bucket truck. The
City has not paid anything for the purchase of the truck. The total amount of the last check was
$21,076.14, making for a total of $28,000 we received for the truck.
Manger Govoruhk also mentioned that he wrote a letter to the Winding Hollow subdivision builders
who were giving out wrong information that Trotwood and the back entranceway will be open; he
told them to cease all false advertisement.
Commission Seat III - John Langellotti:
Commissioner Langellotti said a few meetings ago he mentioned the City receiving a check for $1,000
from the Chamber. After consulting with the City Manager, it was decided to give each of the
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May 8, 1995
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schools a fixed amount of money: Indian Trails - $333.33; Winter Springs Elementary and Keith
Elementary - $333.34 each. That money will go into a fund for underprivileged children.
Commissioner Langellotti said he would like to see this as something the City can do to get together
with Homeowner Associations to start donating money to the schools; and thanked the Commission
for allowing him to do that with the money.
Commission Seat V - David McLeod:
Commissioner McLeod asked where do we stand with talking to the residents of Oak Forest about
the walls and problems of that nature with regard to the Tuscawilla Road widening. Discussion.
Commissioner McLeod said he feels that this should be an agenda item to get input from the
residents. Mayor Bush said it would be appropriate to schedule this for a future date so that the Oak
Forest Homeowner Assoc., has enough time to publish the notice in their newsletter. Discussion.
It was determined that this would be an agenda item at the June 12, 1995 meeting.
Commission Seat I - Larry Conniff:
Commissioner Conniff asked if anything has been done regarding the nets at Central Winds Park. Don
Wilson, Recreation Director, stated that he has gotten estimates and should have everything together
Commissioner Conniff mentioned that he has gotten calls regarding the Police and Fire Departments
and has gotten nothing but positive feed back and stated that he greatly appreciates it and thanked
them and told them they are doing a fine job.
Commissioner Conniff also mentioned a letter from the General Services Director stating the rational
of using the Orlando Sentinel to cover getting out the information over the Oviedo Voice and the
Sanford Herald; it makes more sense that we use the Orlando Sentinel as it is read by more people.
Mayor Bush asked the City Manger to get in touch with Mr. Allen and make him aware of the
findings regarding the advertising in the Orlando Sentinel.
Commission Seat II - John Ferring:
Commissioner Ferring said in respect to the previous conversation, he see no problem with the City
putting their advertisements in another newspaper also. Discussion.
Commissioner Ferring mentioned the copy of the Coopers & Lybrand report on the audit that they
did for the City of Ocala. It proved to be interesting and was much in favor of Ocala. Discussion.
Mayor Bush asked the City Manager to get more information on this and report back to the
Commission to be put on a future agenda.
Commissioner Ferring also mentioned the issue regarding members of the Boards in the City who
are presently members of Homeowners Associations that are litigating against the City. Attorney
Kruppenbacher said that that issue will be on the next agenda as an ordinance removing members of
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Boards if they are a member ofa Board of Directors of any Orgiznation that has files suit against the
City, they will immediately forfeit the position on any respective Board in the City.
Commissioner Ferring stated that he will make his appointment to the B.O.W.S. Board at the next
Commissioner Ferring mentioned that on May 13, 1995, the Civic Assoc. is having a B-B-Q outside
the Civic Center, chicken and fixings with tickets $4.00 each from 1 :00 to 4:00 p.m. The profits will
go to the Christen Sharing Center of Seminole County.
Commissioner Ferring also mentioned a newsletter to bring the citizens up to date on what is
happening by putting this in the utility bills. Discussion. it was determined that this will be an agenda
item for the next meeting.
Mayor's Office - John F. Bush:
Mayor Bush stated that some time ago the Commission approved the recognition of an outstanding
senior citizen in the City, calling it the Mayor's Award. I have identified such a person, Mr. Charles
Bryam, who has been an outstanding civilian volunteer to the Police Department. Mayo Bush said
he would like at the nest meeting to have a Resolution honoring Mr. Bryam as well as a plaque for
his outstanding service for the past 13 years.
Mayor Bush stated that we are well into 1995 and for some of the Commission approximately half
way through their terms in office. This past year a lot of time was spent on items that have been
challenging and taking a lot of our energies. however, I would like to propose some issue for the
Commission to consider to address in the coming months. 1. I would like to see us work diligently
on annexation of contiguous properties and those properties surrounded by the City that are still not
within the City. 2. I would like to see the Commission consider working with the other Cities around
us, Oviedo in particular on these annexation issues that could impact both Cities. Wok jointly in the
start rather than after the fact. 3. I would like to see us in a cooperative venture with maybe Oviedo,
Casselberry, the other Cities around us for an economic development project that would benefit our
Cities that would be compatible with our quality of life. When I first thought of this I thought of
maybe a sports complex that we might be able to attract a professional orgiznation. But a second
thought I've come up with that I would like to mention for your consideration and that is Lake Jesup.
I understand Lake Jesup at one time was a premier bass fishing lake. If a joint project could be
undertaken to bring this lake back to the status it once held, it would benefit all residents of our City
and could have a significant impact on our economic development, our recreation facilities and at the
same time a positive impact on our environment. This might be something that maybe the
Commission might want to do something with other that fight the "fires" we have for the last year and
a half If the Commission thinks there is any of this worth looking at we will put it on the agenda for
a future meeting. Discussion.
Mayor Bush also stated that he has an appointment to the B. o. W. S. Board which he will delay to the
Regular Meeting City Commission
next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Margo M. Hopkins,
City Clerk
May 8, 1995
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