HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 02 25 Informational 100 Various Current Planning ProjectsCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 100
February 25, 2008
REQUEST: Community Development Department is advising the City Commission of the
status of various current planning projects.
PURPOSE: This agenda item is to update the Commission on the status of current planning
(1) SJRWMD(formerly Minter) Site - On February 6, the SJRWMD submitted a comp plan
amendment application to amend the County FLU designation to the City's Public/Semi-Public
FLU designation for this site (28.9 acres). This large scale amendment received a
recommendation for approval at the May 2 LPA meeting and was approved on first reading for
transmittal to the DCA at the May 29 Commission meeting. The second reading of the
ordinance and final adoption was held on September 10, 2007. On November 2, 2007, the
Community Development Department received notice of intent from the state Department of
Community Affairs to find the comp plan amendment (Ord. No. 2007-06) in compliance. The
District has submitted a plan for the Solary Canal project and has inquired of how the City will
process the request under Seminole County zoning. per 11/13/07 agenda
(2) Weaver, Rook, & Montgomery Properties - On August 2, 2006, alarge-scale
comprehensive plan amendment package was received from Samuel Bowman for 31.45 acres
(Donald Weaver & Rook properties), located east of Barrington Estates and west of DeLeon
Street. The applicant proposed to amend the Future Land Use designation from Seminole
County Rura13 to City of Winter Springs Low Density Residential (as many as 3.5 D.U. per
gross acre) as the first step to developing an approximately 70 D.U. single family residential
subdivision (Blackstone Subdivision). The transmittal request was denied and the Commission
directed staff to proceed with aCity-initiated large scale amendment, changing the designation
to Rural Residential during the next cycle. The applicant subsequently withdrew his
application, but reapplied on February 6 for an LDR FLU designation, to achieve 54 units
(Weaver property only; the applicant indicated a willingness to restrict density with a
development agreement - on February 12, the Commission indicated it was not interested in
this proposal). Based on the Commission direction, the FLU amendment to Rural Residential
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and rezoning to R-CI received recommendations for approval at the May 2 LPA meeting and
were approved on first reading the May 29 Commission meeting and were approved on second
reading on June 25 (Rook & Montgomery properties). The second reading of the ordinances
for the Future Land Use amendment and rezoning were held on September 10. At its July 23,
2007 meeting, the Commission approved the transfer of the Montgomery's Eagle Bay
Development Order to Mr. David Lockhart, the new owner. On November 2, 2007, the
Community Development Department received notice of intent from the state Department of
Community Affairs to find the comp plan amendment (Ord. No. 2007-07) in compliance. per
11 / 13/07 agenda
(3) Toledo(formerly the Carrol) Site -The 8.8 acre site, located generally along the west side
of SR 434, abutting the City of Oviedo, beginning approximately 600' west of DeLeon Street,
was annexed into the City but has not yet received a City FLU designation or City Zoning. It
was scheduled for public hearings at the City Commission on March 26 for first readings of
Ordinance No. 2007 - 04 (small scale FLU amendment from Sem. Co. R-3 to Winter Springs
Conservation and Commercial with a Conservation overlay on those affected areas) and
Ordinance No. 2007 - OS (rezoning from Sem. Co. A-3 to Winter Springs C-1, Neighborhood
Commercial). At its March 26 meeting, the Commission voted to postpone the item until after
a meeting with Seminole County and the City of Oviedo. At its May 14 meeting, the
Commission voted to remove the item from the table and then voted to place the item on the
May 29 agenda as a public hearing and first reading. The FLU amendment and rezoning first
readings were approved on May 29, 2007 and were approved on second reading on June 25.
per 07/09/07 agenda
(4) Mann Site -The 1.76 acre site was annexed into the City on February 23, 2007 with
adoption of Ordinance No. 2007 - O1. First readings of Ordinance No. 2007-02 (small scale
FLU amendment from Sem. Co. Suburban Estates to Winter Springs Commercial) and
Ordinance No. 2007-03 (rezoning Sem. Co. A-10 to Winter Springs C-1 Neighborhood
Commercial) were approved at the March 26, 2007 Commission meeting. The FLU
amendment and rezoning were approved on Apri19, along with a development agreement. per
05/14/07 agenda
(5) Don King Concrete -Final engineering plans for a new 10,000 SF office building behind
the existing office (a converted home) on the 2.5 acre site, along the north side of SR 434,
between Barrington and the Barclay Reserve, were approved, subject to conditions, at the
November 27 Commission meeting. The aesthetic review package was approved at the March
12 Commission. The final acceptance of improvements and validation that the site
improvements are constructed in substantial conformance with the approved plans, subject to
conditions, occurred at the September 24 Commission meeting. A CO was issued on October
10, 2007. The applicant has removed the existing pole barn and proposes to submit a plan
revision for a smaller masonry storage building on that portion of the site. per 11/13/07 agenda.
(SA) Gonzales Business Park -Conceptual plans fora 2-story, 45,810 SF, combined retail and
office center (3 buildings) on 5 acres on the north side of SR 434, adjacent to the west side of
Barkley Woods, were submitted on October 15, 2007 and are scheduled for staff review on
November 6. The project was discussed at the November 6th staff review meeting. per
12/10/07 agenda.
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(6) Jetta Point Park - On August 14, PBS&J submitted a conditional use (CU) application, on
behalf of Seminole County, for a combination active and passive park at Jetta Point, located on
the south side of SR 434, adjacent to the south-bound on-ramp for the Greeneway (417). The
CU public hearing on September 7 at the BOA was postponed to the October 5 meeting, at the
applicant's request. The City sponsored aworkshop/neighborhood meeting at City Hall with
Seminole County and the nearby residents on October 2. On October 9, the Commission
provided formal direction to staff regarding processing the County's request. The large scale
comp plan amendment was postponed from the October 4 LPA meeting to a special October
16 LPA meeting, but was subsequently withdrawn. Ordinance No. 2006-19, which allows
public recreation facilities as permitted uses within the C-1 and PUD zoning districts had 1St
reading on October 23, 2nd reading on November 1, and was adopted on November 13. The
Board of County Commissioners authorized the consultant to proceed with design of the park
at their February 27, 2007 meeting. Staff has been informed, at the October 8, 2007
Commission meeting, that the county is proceeding with plans for the park and negotiations are
on-going with a firm to do the final design and construction documents. On O 1 /29/08, staff
was contacted by PBS&J, the county's consultant, to schedule apre-application meeting for
the park site plan. The pre-application meeting, scheduled for February 19, 2008, has been
postponed indefinitely, at the consultant's request. The county's website describes the
park, provides a list of the proposed amenities, and states that the park is projected to be open
in the fall of 2008. On February 4, 2008, staff contacted the county regarding the pending
comprehensive plan amendment cycle and were told that the county was negotiating the
purchase of another parcel to be included in the park. They wanted to wait until they could
include all parcels in the City's comp plan amendments in August of 2008. per 02/25/08
(7) Vstawilla Office Center - A concept plan for two (2) 39,500 square foot office buildings
(now 39,900 SF each) on 9.17 acres within the Tuscawilla PUD, located on the south side of
SR 434, between the Hess station and the Greeneway, was received June 8 and received a
concept approval on August 22, 2005. The plans for phase I and a development agreement
were approved at the January 23 City Commission meeting. A preconstruction meeting was
held February 8. A groundbreaking ceremony was held on March 8. The aesthetic review was
approved at the Apri124 Commission meeting. At its June 12 meeting, the City Commission
amended the DA to allow the building permit to be issued prior to submittal of the lighting
plan (lights to be operational before CO). Phase II final engineering was approved on
September 7. At its September 25 meeting, the Commission approved a Landscape
Construction & Maintenance agreement with the FDOT for landscape and sidewalk
maintenance associated with the office center. Development agreement modification requests
were approved by the Commission 12/11/06. Electrical meters were located close to SR 434,
inconsistent with the building plans. The applicant's proposal to hide the relocated meter bank
and transformer behind a decorative wall and signage, in front of the building line, was
approved at the January 22 Commission meeting. The applicant's proposal to provide asteel-
reinforced foam wall along the rear of the site, adjacent to Eagles Watch was approved in
concept at the February 12 Commission meeting. The associated fourth development
agreement modification was approved at the March 12 Commission. The applicant's request
to modify the decorative wall screening the meter bank and transformer was approved on the
March 19, 2007. A certificate of completion was issued April 5 for the building shell. The
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individual tenant build-outs are presently in progress. A grand opening ceremony was held on
May 16, 2007. At its July 23, 2007 meeting, the Commission authorized a $200,000 economic
development partnership grant to UCF, in order to expand its business incubator program to
Winter Springs. The incubator program will be located in the existing Vistawilla Office
building. per 08/27/07 agenda
(8) Oviedo Marketplace -Notice was provided on April 1, 2005, of the Notice of a Proposed
Change (NOPC # 5386) for the Oviedo Marketplace [Mall] development of regional impact
(DRI). The 431.2 acre DRI is located among 3 jurisdictions (218.6 acres in Oviedo, 163 acres
in unincorporated Seminole County, and 49.6 acres in Winter Springs). The NOPC is
proposed to allow 180 town home units to replace 10,000 SF of retail in Parcel 13 (within
Oviedo, but adjacent to Winter Springs - Tuscawilla Units 7 & 13). The build-out date for the
entire DRI is being extended from 12/31/05 to 12/31/07. Pursuant to a May 9, 2005, City
Commission directive to staff, notification was sent to the owners of 103 properties within the
City of Winter Springs. The NOPC for the Oviedo portion was approved by the Oviedo City
Commission on Monday, September 19, 2005. The NOPC to change the Winter Spings
portion of the DRI from 160,000 square feet of commercial to 131,000 square feet of
office/commercial and 132 townhomes was heard at the February 1 P & Z meeting (2-Z vote)
and was approved for 100 townhome units at the March 27 Commission meeting. Staff is
working with The Viera Company and two developers on an amendment to the Planned Unit
Development master plan for Parcel 14 to allow development pursuant to the latest NOPC. On
November 15, the Inwood Holding Group submitted conceptual plans for an office center,
without the master plan for Parcel 14. These were reviewed at a December 12 staff review.
The PUD amendment and a lot split request to divide the 15.1 acres into 2 parcels the office
site and a residual were approved at the January 22 Commission. The office center plans
(aesthetic and site) were discussed at the March 13 staff review. Staff discussed a proposal for
78 town-homes on the property during apre-application conference on March 20, 2007. The
Inwood office (on the 3.86 acre site) aesthetic review was approved at the May 29, 2007
Commission meeting. The Inwood final engineering/site plan was reviewed at the Planning
and Zoning Board on July 10 and was approved at the July 23 Commission meeting. A draft
wholesale water and sewer agreement was approved by the Commission on July 23, to allow
water and sewer service to the site. The agreement was approved by the Seminole County
BCC on September 25, 2007. Apre-construction conference was held on Tuesday, August 7,
2007. A building permit for the building shell was issued on 11 /8/07. Plans for tenant
improvements within the building have been reviewed and we are currently waiting a response
to staff comments. per 11/26/07 agenda
(8A)Tuscawilla Country Club -The approximately 140 acre site includes a building addition
to enlarge the existing dining area; a July 31 request to amend the future land use (FLU)
designation and rezone a portion of the site from a recreation and open space FLU designation
and PUD zoning to a medium density residential FLU designation and R-3 zoning; and a
telecommunications tower is being considered (pursuant to Section 20-451 of the City Code).
A conditional use, site plan, and aesthetic review fora 150' tall telecommunications tower in a
50' x 50' fenced compound, with 10' landscaping around the perimeter, was approved at the
August 27 Commission meeting. The Future Land Use amendment and rezoning requests
were discussed at staff review on August 21. A conceptual plan for 60 multi-family units was
approved at the September 10, 2007 City Commission meeting, subject to conditions. The
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Commission approved a modification to the Settlement Agreement at its special October 2,
2007 meeting. A LPA public hearing for the small scale FLU map amendment for Tuscawilla
Greens was held on November 7, 2007 (Ord. No. 2007-24) and first reading of Ord. 2007-24
was approved by the Commission on Nov. 26, 2007. The second reading was approved on
January 14, 2008. On January 29, 2008, the site plan/building permit conditions of approval
for the telecommunications tower at the location directed by the Commission were sent to
Vertex. On 01/30/08, a combination preliminary/final engineering plan for the Tuscawilla
Greens condominium project were received and have been distributed for the 02/19/08 staff
review. per 02/11/08 agenda
(9) ICI Homes - 480 condo units. 80,000 SF of office. A Large Scale Future Land Use change
was transmitted to DCA on October 25, 2004. The adoption hearing amending the Future
Land Use map was held January 24, 2005. Staff met with ICI representative on August 4,
2005, to discuss rezoning, height, and site plan issues. Staff has recently been contacted by an
engineering firm representing a potential developer. Staff supplied information on water and
sewer availability for the following land uses: 360 apartments, 105,000 S.F. of office, 143,000
S. F. of retail, and a 100 room hotel. per 02/11/08 agenda
(10) Winter Springs Town homes (AKA Sonoma Pointe or Sonesta Pointe) -Preliminary
plans for approximately 436 town-homes on 40 acres within the Town Center were received
from Engle Homes on July 2, 2004, and were reviewed at the July 20 staff review. The City
Commission approved a concept plan at its August 9, 2004, meeting and refined it at its
September 27 meeting. The City Attorney noted that the concept plan, as proposed, would
require a development agreement or special exception or both. The 40 acres has been acquired
without platting. The applicant has hired a new design team and met with staff on May 31 and
July 8, 2005 to summarize outstanding issues. On August 29, staff received an aesthetic
review package. The state required a letter from the City's Local Planning Agency, stating that
crossing the Cross-Seminole Trail with underground utility lines is consistent with the City's
Comprehensive Plan (approved at the December 6, 2005 LPA/P&Z meeting). The incomplete
combined preliminary and final engineering plan submittal was reviewed at the February 7
staff review. An aesthetic review package was reviewed at the Apri124 and May 8
Commission meetings, but a decision was deferred over diversity of units as well as the alley
sides of the units. The aesthetic review was approved at the August 28 Commission meeting.
A final engineering plan was resubmitted on September 20 and was reviewed at the October 3
staff review. A request for an early work permit was heard at the September 25 meeting, but a
decision was deferred until more information is provided regarding specimen tree preservation.
The applicant withdrew the early work permit request. The applicant resubmitted for an early
work permit and provided the additional information requested by the Commission. This
permit was approved by the Commission at the 11/13/06 Regular City Commission meeting.
The final engineering plans and the Development Agreement were approved at the December
11, 2006, Commission meeting. A revised concept plan featuring 289 total units, incorporating
114 single family detached units with 72 duplex units, 103 townhomes, 2-car garages, and 260
on-street parking spaces (the 260 is excluding the Tuskawilla Road on-street parking) was
approved at the May 14 Commission meeting. The Sonesta team met with staff on June 27,
addressing lowering the overall site elevation and lowering some units to less than the
prescribed 2' minimum elevation above the adjacent sidewalk. A revised aesthetic review
package was approved at the August 13 Commission meeting. Final engineering plans were
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received on August 20, 2007 and were addressed at a special September 11 staff review. Staff
reviewed an electronic revision to the plans and advised the applicant of the necessary
procedures to finalize the plan changes. The project is reported to have sold to Centerline
Homes. Staff and Dover Kohl & Partners reviewed and provided preliminary comments
to the applicant's informal concept plan for the site that includes various single-family
detached units, including front-loaded garages. per 02/25/08 agenda
(Il) JDC Calhoun I. Construction continues. City records indicate the following businesses
are locating or have located in the JDC Calhoun Town Center:
Building 1 - E & O Fusion (restaurant), Tijuana Flats, Cristiano's, Barnie's, Toastisimo's
restaurant, and Giancarlo's;
Building 2 -Marble Slab Creamery, James Doran office, Home Town Mortgage, Isis, a
barber, Dr. Herba's Chiropractic office, Hollywood Bistro, and Murphy's Premium Pet Food
Building 3 -Beef O'Brady's restaurant, a hair stylist, and Birchell Insurance.
Building 8 - Leslie Pool Supply, Dr. Robert Burks (dentist), and Transformations II -
Tanning and Skin Care, Edward Jones; Century 21 offices;
Building 9 - Red Bug Cleaners, E-Nails, Great Clips, Famous Uncle Al's Hotdogs, and
Building 10 -Washington Mutual;
Building 11-State Farm, H & R Block, Rachel Nicole's Salon, Shape Xpress, and a dentist;
Building 12 - Publix;
Building 13 -Winter Springs Liquors, Mailboxes, Etc;
Building 14 -China Bay and Fuji Mountain Restaurant;
Building 15 - Wendy's; and
Building 16 -Your Health Food Store, D'Tails (pet supply), and Merle Norman, Winestyles.
On January 24, 2005, the City Commission approved final engineering plans from Cochrane
Engineering for the northeast portion of the JDC site (that area north of Tree Swallow Drive
and east of Cliff Rose Drive including buildings 3, 4, & 16). Apre-construction meeting was
held on March 15, 2005, for the 2 acre portion of the approximately 15 acre site. Revised final
engineering plans for this 2 acres were approved at the Apri125, 2005 City Commission
meeting. A third iteration of the final engineering plan was approved at the September 26,
2005 Commission meeting.
Building elevations for Building 3 (2 story & 15,620 SF) were approved at the May 9, 2005,
City Commission meeting. An aesthetic review of the proposed Beef O'Brady's hanging sign
was approved at the March 12 Commission. The tenant build-out for the hair stylist is under
way. Signage for the Birchell Insurance Agency was approved at the July 9, 2007 Commission
meeting. Signage for the hair stylist is being resolved. Window signage for Murphy's
Premium Pet Food Market was approved at the October 22, 2007 Commission.
Building 4 (combination 7,800 SF first floor retail and restaurant with second and third floor
residential condominiums with a fourth floor penthouse suite - 15 residential units) was
approved for aesthetic review on September 12, 2005, although the Commission voted to have
the applicant come back to show a combination of 2, 4, and 6 foot deep balconies. The
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approved distance between buildings 3 and 4 was amended from 20' 1" to approximately 16'
at the September 11 Commission meeting. Revised building plans were submitted on
September 20 and October 12. The applicant has addressed the aesthetic changes to the
building. These changes will not affect the building construction until the building is at the
fourth floor level. The building plans will be brought back to the Commission if additional
aesthetic review is necessary because of the stairway access to the roof. The contractor
encountered compaction issues at the Building 4 site and has removed the existing soil -
moving approximately 4000 cubic yards to the Phase IIA site. The soil has been replaced with
acceptable fill material that will support the proposed building. At its December 10, 2007
meeting, the Commission approved a $73,552.00 contract with J. Raymond Construction for
sidewalk improvements in front of Building 4.
Building elevations for Building 16 (11,095 SF) were approved with conditions at the June 13,
2005, City Commission meeting; revisions with a trellis at the west end and other minor
modifications were approved on September 12, 2005. A major restaurant is considering
locating in the east end of the building (closest to Tuskawilla Road). On July 10, 2006, the
Commission approved a minor modification to the west end of Building 16, to remove one
door and move another door at the west end of the building (adjacent to the circle). The
applicant has requested a Certificate of Completion for the shell. Staff has compiled a list of
inconsistencies between the approved aesthetic review and the building as it was constructed.
Window signage for the proposed dance studio was approved at the February 26, 2007
Commission meeting; Merle Norman window signage was approved on April 23. Building
mounted multi-tenant signage has been approved for both Your Health Food Store and D'Tails.
Winestyles, located on the western end of Building 16, had a grand opening on Friday,
November 16, 2007.
The Commission approved a concept elevation of Building 17 (a 26 unit residential
condominium) at the September 12, 2005, meeting, noting that a number of site issues (e.g.
parking, access, and the space adjacent to the traffic circle) were to be resolved with the site
plan. An aesthetic review package for a pergola (along with a dumpster enclosure for Building
16), located on the Building 17 site, adjacent to the circle, has been submitted. The concept
site plan and a development agreement were approved at the October 10, 2005, meeting. A
third modification of the applicable development agreement was received on March 2. Both
the re-plat and modification were addressed at the March 7 staff review. The re-plat was
approved at the April 10 Commission meeting and has been recorded. A revised Building 17
site plan and aesthetic review were approved at the August 28 Commission, subject to
conditions. Aground-breaking ceremony was held on-site on September 28. The incomplete
building plans that were submitted on October 12 had aesthetic modifications to the roof-line,
first floor elevation along Cliff Rose Drive (labeled Big Cypress), and the relief at the rear
entrance to the building. At a special November 1 meeting the Commission approved the
lower first floor elevation along Cliff Rose Drive. Staff met with the applicant's team on May
18, 2007, to discuss a building foundation and wall encroachment into the Blumberg
Boulevard ROW. The Commission approved the vacation and subsequent purchase by JDC of
a small section of the Blumberg Boulevard ROW to accommodate a small (10") encroachment
by Building 17. The slab has been poured on Building 17 and vertical construction continues.
Currently, all exterior sheathing, windows, and roof structure are nearing completion. Interior
work is on-going, including sheet-rock, painting, and trim work.
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Staff met with John Bolton, of the Doran team, on May 16 and 17, 2007, to address temporary
parking on a clear site adjacent to the McDonald's site on the east side of Tuskawilla Road.
On May 17, staff also met with John Bolton and an architect and contractor for the E & O
Fusion restaurant planned for the "elbow" portion of Doran Building No. 1. per 02/11/08
(12) Blumberg Boulevard & Veterans Memorial -Blumberg Boulevard is complete.
The Veterans Memorial -The clearing has been completed. Community Development
received plans for review on October 17, 2007 and a permit was issued on October 23, 2007.
The pre-cast and steel have been separately commissioned and are being fabricated. No
delivery dates has been stated by SRI, the special project manager. The concrete work is 80
percent complete. No schedule has been provided for the completion of the concrete work;
electrical underground conduit, and wiring; brick paver installation; or fountain work. per
02/11/08 agenda
(13) Town Center Phase II -The Doran team met with staff on June 2, 2005, to outline their
plans for 331 apartment and condominium units, 43,000 square feet of retail, 354 structured
parking spaces (multi-level parking garage), and surface parking (on-street and parking lots) on
the east side of Tuskawilla Road. An updated projection by the development team on August
11 divided their proposed development east of Tuskawilla Road into Phase II A and IIB, with
no vertical construction east of the trail bridge, due to wetland issues. Phase II A plans were
submitted on February 7 for 33,452 square feet of retail and 292 residential units on 7.75 acres.
The plans were reviewed at the March 7 staff review. The build-out for phases II A and IIB
totals 400,000 square feet of retail, 300,000 square feet of office, and 935 residential units,
with 2 and possibly 3 parking structures. A Phase II development agreement (DA) was
approved by the City Commission on October 17, 2005, requiring the buildings in Phase II to
be 6 stories high. The DA has conflicting language on building height. Staff is working to
resolve the conflict and the DA will be amended to include language allowing building heights
uU t0 6 stories. The site plan and aesthetic review package were reviewed at a special April 11
staff review. A site development permit agreement to clear the Phase II A site was approved at
the Apri124 Commission meeting. A first round of aesthetic review comments has been
submitted to the applicant. The aesthetic review for Phase IIA was approved at the June 12
Commission meeting. The Phase IIA final engineering was approved at the July 10
Commission meeting, subject to conditions and the implementation agreement. Engineering
plans for Michael Blake Boulevard (a.k.a. Spine Road) were submitted in January 2007. Staff
provided comments on the design during a February 6, 2007 staff review meeting. The City
Manager and staff met with the new owner of Phase II on October 29, 2007. per 11/13/07
(14)Artesian Park (formerly Lincoln Park) - A concept plan for 106 (was 113) town homes on
the 8 acre site, located on the south side of Orange Avenue, between Jesup's Landing (185
units on 17.15 acres) and Tuskawilla Trace, was approved, subject to conditions by the City
Commission on March 14, 2005. Revised concept plans were approved at the October 10,
2005, meeting. Final engineering/subdivision plans were submitted on November 21, 2005
and were reviewed at the December 6 staff review. Dover Kohl, staff, and the applicant's team
have been trying to best address the concept of live-work units, raised door-yards, and
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courtyards at grade (since the applicant has determined that the Brownstone concept is
financially impractical for this site, due to the amount of fill material that would need to be
imported. The final engineering plans were approved at the June 12, 2006 Commission
meeting, subject to staff conditions and a development agreement. The development
agreement is proposed to be presented for approval concurrent with the aesthetic review by the
Commission. Staff has met with the owner as recently as March 7, 2007, to discuss minor
changes to the building architecture and site engineering; another meeting was held with the
applicant's team on May 14 to discuss outstanding items for scheduling apre-construction
meeting. Both staff aesthetic review and a preconstruction conference (to begin site work)
were held on June 19. A subsequent meeting with Planning staff was held on June 26. The
developer met with the Tuskawilla Trace residents on August 14 and negotiated the height,
style, and construction schedule of the buffer wall along the east side of the Artesian property.
The applicant and staff met on September 11, discussing a revised aesthetic review. Staff met
again with the applicant on September 21, 2007, to discuss the aesthetic review. The aesthetic
review package was approved, subject to revised finish floor elevations and minor architectural
modifications at the October 22, 2007 City Commission meeting. The development agreement
is still in progress. The 24 units that have garage access to and from the alley-way located on
the adjacent Jesup's Landing site cannot be built unless/until authorization is provided to
construct the alley, now that Levitt and Sons has abandoned the project (Jesup's Landing) to
Bank of America. The applicant met with staff on January 14, 2008 to address the
relationship of the proposed finish floor elevation to the adjacent sidewalk and also
construction of the shared alleyway on the Jesup's Landing site. per 01/28/08 agenda.
(1 S) Jesup's Landing (previouslyBarclay II and then Jesup Reserve) - 185 Units. At its
October 11, 2004, meeting, the City Commission approved a concept plan for as many as 207
town house units with rear-loaded 2 car garages and 128 on-street parking spaces on 17.15
acres along the south side of Orange Avenue. A development agreement and revised concept
plan for 185 units were approved at the February 28 City Commission meeting. On May 9 the
City Commission approved the Town Center Phase I Site Development Permit Agreement.
The final engineering/subdivision plans were approved at the June 27 City Commission
meeting. The aesthetic review was approved at the September 26, 2005, City Commission
meeting. Revisions to the final engineering plans (addressing specimen trees, bus shelter, &
lift station) were approved at the October 10, 2005, meeting. The final plat for Jesup's
Landing was approved at the 11/14/05 City Commission meeting. On November 30, staff met
with both the Jesup's Landing and Artesian Park development teams, to discuss the shared
alley easement that both subdivisions will use. The Jesup's Landing final plat revision was
approved by the City Commission at the January 9 meeting, to incorporate minor
modifications, based on discussions and negotiations between the two developers and the City,
regarding an easement along the project's eastern property line. Porch and stoop
encroachments into common areas may require another re-plat, as in Jesup's Reserve. At its
July 10 meeting, the Commission reviewed information on the proposed use of "geo-foam"
underneath four buildings to address the muck situation. The applicant subsequently notified
staff that it will not pursue the geo-foam option, opting instead to leave those specific portions
of the site as open-space. Crews have completed the utility work. Road, curb, and building
pad work are currently on hold. Levitt and Sons filed Chapter 11 on November 9, 2007. Of
the total 185 units, 0 have been constructed. Levitt and Sons has abandoned the project to Bank
of America. per 12/10/07 agenda.
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(16) Orange Avenue - On March 27, 2006, the Commission voted to appropriate $821,382 for
the design and construction of Orange Avenue, from Tuskawilla Road to Central Winds Park
(Jesup's Landing and Artesian Park are both dependent upon reconstruction of Orange Avenue
- a preconstruction conference for Orange Avenue was held on May 3, 2006. At its July 10,
2006, meeting, the Commission denied a request to extend the Orange Avenue reconstruction
approximately 145 feet west of the approved western bounds of construction. Staff noted
issues regarding the installation of trees in the ROW to the contractor. Validation that the
improvements have been constructed in substantial compliance with the approved plans and
acceptance of the public infrastructure improvements by the City Commission occurred at the
May 14 Commission meeting. per 05/29/07 agenda
(17) Jesup's Reserve -161 units. A concept plan was approved on August 23, 2004, for as
many as 170 town home units on 11 acres of what was then an unincorporated county enclave,
located between Tuskawilla Trails and SR 434. An Annexation and Pre-development
Agreement was approved at the September 20, 2004, City Commission meeting. Reynolds,
Smith and Hills (RSH) met with staff on October 12 for apre-application meeting. The
property was annexed on October 25, 2004. The Future Land Use designation was changed to
Town Center. A revised concept plan for 160 units was approved at the March 28, 2005,
Commission meeting. Final engineering/subdivision plans were approved on August 8, 2004,
in conjunction with a development agreement modification. Site work had begun prior to final
engineering approval, pursuant to the Site Development Permit Agreement approved by the
City Commission on May 9, 2005. The aesthetic review was approved at the September 26,
2005, City Commission meeting. The final plat for Jesup's Reserve was approved at the
November 14, 2005, City Commission meeting. A development agreement modification was
approved at the April 10 Commission meeting. The replat of the subdivision was approved at
the December 11 City Commission and recorded on January 5, 2007. On January 30, the
Commission held a workshop to discuss options for a buffer between Tuskawilla Trails and
Jesup's Reserve. At its March 12, 2007 meeting, the Commission approved Resolution No.
2007-12, which authorized acquiring land for the Robert's Family Lane by eminent domain.
As of May 16, the remaining site work consisted of grading along SR 434, a final "lift" of
asphalt, and overall site cleanup. Vertical construction continues. The Commission approved
final engineering and development agreement modifications regarding construction of Roberts
Family Lane at the July 23, 2007 meeting. One side of Roberts Family Lane is estimated to be
about 95 percent complete. Levitt and Sons filed Chapter 11 on November 9, 2007. Of the
total 161 units, 93 units have been completed (received a CO) [of which 68 have sold], 5 are
incomplete, and 63 have not yet been constructed. The pool and cabana also are not finished.
Levitt and Sons has abandoned the project to Bank of America. At its December 10, 2007
meeting, the Commission authorized filing notices of Default and Claim against Lexon
Insurance Surety Bond No. 1003690 (for completion of work) and Pittsburg Surety Bond No.
948843 (for maintenance of construction defects relating to potable water, sewer, storm-water,
and roadway facilities). per 01/14/08 agenda.
(18) West End Professional Center - A concept plan for the West End Center was approved
by the Commission on February 27, 2006. The applicant proposes 2 nearly identical 3-floor
office buildings (separate phases), totaling 48,780 SF, on 2.37 acres located within the Town
Center, on the south side of SR 434, between Jesup's Reserve and the entrance to Tuskawilla
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Trails. The aesthetic was approved by the City Commission on June 26, 2006. The
Commission approved the final engineering/site plan at its August 14, 2006, meeting, subject
to conditions and a development agreement. A preconstruction meeting was held on
September 15 and a meeting between staff and J Raymond was held on October 11 to discuss
comments regarding the building plans. The Development Agreement modification was
approved at the January 8, 2007, Commission meeting, to allow the applicant the option of
providing 6 seat-walls or a sculpture or fountain and 4seat-walls. Site work has been on-going
for several months and vertical construction on the phase I building began March 19, 2007.
Aesthetic review for a wall between the site and Tuskawilla Trails was approved at the July 23
Commission meeting. Negotiations are currently on-going with the FDOT on the tree species
to be planted along the SR 434 right-of--way. The location of the "switch gear" near the SR
434 ROW is being addressed among the applicant, the designer, the City, and the utility
company. The site received acceptance and validation on February 11, 2008, after a DA
modification regarding the amenities between the building and the SR 434 ROW. An
agreement has been reached between Progress Energy and the contractor/owner to relocate the
switch gear from the plaza area to the southeast corner of the building, near the transformer.
per 02/25/08 agenda
(19) Tuskawilla Office Park -Certificates of occupancy have been issued for buildings 1, 4 -
8, and 11. Anew contractor has been hired for Building 10 and a new building permit was
issued March 13, 2006. A final engineering/site plan and aesthetic review fora 10,798 SF 2
story office building with 4 garaged parking spaces and 9 exterior on-site parking spaces was
approved at the Apri124 Commission meeting. Signage for the existing building along
Tuskawilla Road was approved at the May 14 Commission meeting. Issues with the front
door, windows, and roof exhaust vents are being addressed between staff and the contractor.
The tenants have met with staff to discuss potential parking area expansion. Work in the
Lifeway Homes building continues, with most of the current work happening on the building
interior. per 11 /26/07 agenda
(20) Vlla Grande (a.l~a. Grandville) - On September 12, the City Commission approved a
concept plan for 152 residential condominiums (estimated to be 1,260 - 1,800 square feet
each) on 4.75 acres within the Town Center, between City Hall and Doran Drive. The project
is comprised of 5 residential buildings, each with first floor parking and residences above.
Two of the buildings have 3 floors of residences above parking, two have 4 floors of
residences above parking, and one has 5 floors of residences above parking. A separate club-
house is provided along Doran Drive, at the terminal vista at the west end of Blumberg
Boulevard. A preliminary engineering/site plan was approved at the April 10 Commission
meeting. A development agreement and the final engineering plan were approved at the July
24 Commission meeting. An aesthetic review was approved at the August 28 Commission
meeting. Staff has been notified that Lecesse has withdrawn. On October 30, apre-application
meeting was held with another developer, interested in retail or mixed use development on the
site. Staff met with the Lecesse team on February 1 to discuss modifying the approval to
allow apartments instead of condominiums. A draft revision to the plan to accommodate
apartments has been provided to staff for a cursory review. On May 29, 2007, the Commission
approved a revised site and aesthetic review (160 units, instead of 152). On June 11, 2007, the
Commission approved a development agreement modification that addressed the site plan and
aesthetic modifications as well as relieving the developer of part of their roadway construction
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expenses. Building plans for the clubhouse and Building 5 were submitted on December 5,
2007 and are currently under review. per 01/14/08 agenda
(20A) Wagner's Curve Office/Retail - In April, a concept plan for 5,000 SF of office/retail on
the 0.73 acre pie-shaped parcel at the SE corner of SR 434 and Central Winds Drive was
submitted and received staff review on May 1, 2007. The concept plan was approved, subject
to Dover Kohl's conditions, at the May 14 Commission meeting. Site and subdivision plan
submittals were received on July 31 and reviewed at the August 14 staff review. Draft articles
of incorporation and condominium documents were received August 2, 2007. per 08/24/07
(21) HSP Office (1.6 acre Wagner's Curve Commercial site) - On January 22, 2008, a
preliminary plan for 3 separate 2-story office buildings (8,000 S.F. each) on the 1.6 acre
Wagner's Curve commercial out-parcel (adjacent to Heritage Park) was submitted for review
at the February 5, 2008 staff review. The site development is to develop according to the
Town Center Code, pursuant to the existing DA that governs both Heritage Park and this
commercial site. per 02/11/08 agenda
(22)Landings at Parkstone - 104 Town Home units. A PUD master plan amendment,
preliminary subdivision plan, and final subdivision plan were approved by the City
Commission at its July 26, 2004, meeting. On September 1, a revised final engineering plan
was submitted, proposing to re-locate the entrance more southerly along Parkstone Boulevard
and lower the approved final grade. A revised Development Agreement (DA), PUD master
plan amendment, modified final engineering plans, and aesthetic review were discussed at the
December 13, 2004, Commission meeting and were approved on January 10, 2005. A pre-
construction meeting was held on Monday, February 7 (Blue Ox Construction has been doing
the site work). A request by Morrison Homes to amend the DA to allow construction of
model units before platting was approved on May 23. The final plat and HOA documents were
approved on August 8, 2005, and have been recorded. The DA was amended at the January 9
meeting, to accommodate the proposed back porches that face the SR 434 ROW. The models
are being converted to residences. The construction trailer is still in place, but the sales trailer
has been removed. Two (2) 3-unit buildings are to be built in their places. The pool area still
needs to be completed. Approximately 97 residential units have received certificates of
occupancy. The pool and pool cabana have been finaled. Two buildings remain before the
subdivision will be built-out. per 05/14/07 agenda
(23) SR 434 Retail (a.l~a. Villagio) -The City Commission validated that the project is built in
substantial accordance with the approved final engineering plans and accepted the water and
sanitary sewer infrastructure for ownership and maintenance at the April 11, 2005, meeting.
On September 25, 2006, the Commission approved a DA modification to allow the 6,000 SF
restaurant space in the NW end of the main building to locate 2building-mounted multi-tenant
signs higher than 14' above the sidewalk. The unoccupied out-building has been issued a
certificate of completion. Businesses located at Villagio include the Yen Yen Restaurant,
Spring Liquor, Kelly's Flowers, Cells of Florida, Spring Nails and Spa, Curves, Masquerades
and Fairytales, Secure Title, and the Trustco Bank (in one out-building). A fourth DA
modification to allow a 3' tall building mounted sign higher than 14' above the sidewalk was
approved at the May 30, 2007 Commission meeting. The DA modification was approved at
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the October 8, 2007 Commission meeting. As of April, 2007, the new owner for Villagio is
Time Square Co., LLC, of Tampa. A DA modification to address the overall building-
mounted signage for the site was approved at the January 14, 2007 Commission meeting. per
01/28/08 agenda
(24) Talis Crossing Subdivision - On December 13, 2005, staff received a subdivision plan to
create 41ots from a vacant and treed 9.07 acre tract along Fisher Road (also abuts Tusca Trail -
aprivate roadway). 'The property abuts the southern edge of Dunmar Estates to the north and
unincorporated Seminole County, to the east. A 175 foot wide Florida Power Corporation
easement extends generally north and south through the property. The plan was approved at
the Apri124, 2006 Commission meeting. Apre-construction meeting was held on October 23,
2006. The water main installation is complete and is scheduled for final acceptance at the
November 13, 2007 Commission meeting. The final plat package was submitted on October
22, 2007 and was discussed at the November 20 staff review. A revision, received February
11, 2008, is scheduled for the March 4 staff review. per 02/25/08 agenda.
(25) Altomere Estates - On November 26, 2007, the Florida Engineering Group, on behalf of
Dr. Altomere, submitted a preliminary engineering/subdivision plan for dividing the northern
17+ acres of the Dr. Moseley's replat into 7 residential lots (ranging in size from 1.16 to 1.71
acres), roadway, 2 storm-water ponds, and a previously dedicated conservation area. The plans
were discussed at the December 18 staff review. On February 12, staff met with Dr.
Altomare and his design engineer to address major subdivision issues (lot size, floodplain,
and emergency access). per 02/25/08 agenda.
(26)) Starlight Baptist Church - On November 1, 2005, the Starlight Baptist Church
submitted a conditional use application to expand their existing facility on Hayes Road and a
site plan for the expansion. The site plan and conditional use applications were reviewed at the
November 22 staff review. The Church was asked to provide additional information before
being scheduled for the Board of Adjustment. Revisions were submitted on March 16 and
discussed at the Apri14 staff review. Comprehensive plan issues (e.g. provision of sidewalks),
stabilized grass parking, bus parking, and overnight lodging of visiting ministers in campers,
buses, or RVs are being addressed with the City Attorney. A variance application and fee to
allow grassed parking was received on May 12. The conditional use and variance requests
were heard at a special June 15 BOA meeting and approved at the July 10 City Commission
meeting, subject to conditions. A final engineering/siteplan was submitted on August 22 and
was discussed at the September 26, 2006, staff review. A draft development agreement has
been received with payment and is now being reviewed by staff. The City Engineer has
provided comments to the applicant's traffic/parking study. An aesthetic review was received
March 2, 2007, and was discussed at the March 20, 2007 staff review. On Apri124, the
church's team met with the mayor, the City Manager, and staff to address parking and aesthetic
review issues. On July 20, 2007, staff provided additional comments on the aesthetic review of
the church and met with the contractor on September 6. Revised final engineering plans were
submitted November 29 and revised aesthetic review materials were submitted December 5,
2007. The final engineering plans were discussed at the December 18 staff review; a
resubmittal will be discussed at the February 26, 2008 staff review. per 02/25/08 agenda
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(27) Hayes Road Plaza - On February 22, a concept plan fora 20,100 SF commercial center
on the 1.99 acre site was submitted and addressed at the March 7 staff review. A preliminary
site plan for a combination of 14,288 square feet of retail and 2,840 square feet of restaurant
was approved at the January 22 Commission meeting. An aesthetic review package was
submitted on March 7 and was discussed at the March 20, 2007 staff review. A final
engineering submittal and second aesthetic review package were received March 29, 2007 and
were discussed at the April 17 staff review. Revised final engineering plans were received July
5 for staff review. Staff provided revised aesthetic review comments on August 3; revised
engineering plans were submitted on August 3. Revised aesthetic renderings have been
reviewed by staff and comments provided to the applicant. The latest iteration of comments to
the applicant was on October 23, 2007. There appears to be consensus regarding the
development agreement and impact fee credits for the land to be provided for a turn lane onto
Hayes Road. Final Engineering was approved at the 11/13/07 Commission meeting and staff
is awaiting re-submittals for the aesthetic review. At its December 10, 2007 meeting, the
Commission voted to have the City's consulting architect provide suggestions to enhance the
proposed structures. These suggestions were received by staff and provided to the applicant on
December 20. per 01/14/08 agenda
(28) Jordan Lot Split - On November 16, 2005, James and Jacqueline Jordan requested a lot
split, to divide a 3.12 acre lot with an existing home at 125 E. Panama Road into 1.07 and 2.05
acre lots. The request was heard at the January 3 staff review. The Jordans have subsequently
(July 12) met with staff to discuss moving forward with the lot split. per 07/24/06 agenda
(29) Venetian Village (formerly the Badcock Shopping Center) -The final site plan,
development agreement, and a general depiction of signage were approved at the June 28,
2004, City Commission meeting. The site plan expired on June 28, 2005. On August 8, 2005,
the City Commission approved two 6-month extensions, extending the site plan. The
development agreement was amended to extend approval to July 28, 2006, for work to
commence. Apre-construction conference was held on July 11, a permit application package
was submitted on July 24 for the wall along the north perimeter of the site, and a 6-month
extension for the site plan and development agreement approved on July 24. Clearing occurred
for the wall along the rear of the site. Obtaining the building permit for the wall and passing an
inspection on March 22, 2007 appears to have kept the site plan and development agreement
from expiring. The applicant decided not to proceed with the building permit application
package. On May 7, the owner provided a new set of architectural renderings and met with
staff on May 9. The applicant has been provided comments on the new architectural
renderings and is considering his alternatives. On September 11, an engineer, who is not the
original design professional (for the proposed building) or a licensed contractor, attempted to
submit an incomplete building plan/permit application package, based on the 2001 Building
Code (needs to be 2004 code). There is a specific form for transfer of a project from one
design professional to another. Staff is trying to reach the owner for an update as to the
project's status. The owner has contacted staff and has requested relief from impact fees for
the proposed addition. Staff has no basis on which to consider such a request. No new plans
have been received since the July 24 submittal. per 01/14/08 agenda.
(30) Excelsior Office Park (formerly Bonyadi Properties) - Final engineering plans for a
7,101 SF, 2 story, office building on a 1/z acre lot at the NE corner of Moss Road and Excelsior
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Parkway were submitted on May 21, 2004, and were reviewed at the June 8, 2004, DRC. A
resubmittal was received on or about February 28 and was reviewed at the March 29, 2005,
DRC. American Civil Engineering met on February 21 with staff to discuss the potential
provision of 5 small office buildings along the north side of Excelsior Parkway. Preliminary
engineering plans were submitted on September 13 and reviewed at the October 3, 2006 staff
review. An aesthetic review package was submitted on October 25 and went to the November
7, 2006 staff review. per O1 /08/07agenda
(31) Saratoga Condominiums (a.k.a. Moss Road Town homes) - 84 units. At its April 12,
2004, meeting, the City Commission approved the Metropolis Homes conditional use
application and concept plan to build as many as 84 condominiums and commercial
development on an "L" shaped 9.10 acre site fronting on both SR 434 and Moss Road, adjacent
to the Bank of America and Victorio's Pizza. On September 20, 2004, the City Commission
approved a 6 month extension for the conditional use. Ordinance No. 2004-49 extended the
initial approval of a conditional use from 6 months to 2 years. Preliminary site plans and a
draft development agreement were submitted to the City on April 15 and reviewed at the May
3 staff review. On July 21, the BOA recommended approval for a waiver of the 2 car garage
requirement for condominiums at this site (proposing 1 covered space per unit). The waiver
request was heard on August 22 and was approved at the October 10 Commission meeting.
Final engineering plans and a 6 month extension of the conditional use were both approved at
the Apri124 Commission meeting (site plan approval was subject to conditions). A pre-
construction meeting was held on August 1. The applicant has petitioned to have a utility
easement vacated and met with staff on December 26 to address aesthetic review. Provision
for a temporary sales trailer with access from SR 434 was addressed with staff on Apri124.
The site work is virtually complete, but there is current little on-site activity. The applicant
met with staff on December 5 to discuss the permitting process and said that plans for both the
commercial and residential elements of the project would be forthcoming in the near future.
per 01/14/08 agenda
(32) Crockett Corner (formerly Fox Run) Subdivision Plan - On August 14, final
engineering plans for Crockett Corner were submitted. This was previously called Fox Run
when it was initially submitted on March 26, 2002, as a preliminary subdivision plan. This S-
lot residential subdivision on 1.28 acres at the west end of Panama Circle was approved with
conditions at the April 9, 2007 Commission meeting. per 04/23/07 agenda
(33) Harbor Winds (a.k.a. Big Cypress) - 62 Units. The conditional use for town-homes on
the 15 acres east of the Golf Terrace Apartments approved at the August 9, 2004, City
Commission meeting for a maximum of 94 unit (6.27 d.u./acre). Ordinance No. 2004-49
extended the approval of a conditional use from 6 months to 2 years. Final engineering plans
for 62 units were approved on August 22, 2005. Apre-construction conference was held on
August 31, 2005. The plat and restrictive covenants were approved, subject to conditions at
the April 10 Commission meeting. A performance bond was received on April 17. A
modification to add a 10' easement across the front of each lot was approved at the May 8
Commission meeting and the plat and HOA documents were recorded on May 9. Twenty eight
(28) residential certificates of occupancy (CO) have been issued at Harbor Winds. The
applicant indicates they are waiting for the demand to increase before building the remaining
units. The recreation building has received a CO and the pool has been finaled. In January
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2008, Morrison Homes reviewed the permits for three (3) buildings and these buildings are
currently under construction. per 02/11/08 agenda.
(34) Ditmer/Winter Place -The Keewan Real Property Company has filed a large scale
comprehensive plan amendment for 4 parcels totaling approximately 47.27 acres, located south
of Shepard Road and east of US 17-92, to change the Future Land Use designation from
Industrial to Medium Density Residential (3.6 - 9.0 d.u./acre). The properties have C-2 and
PUD zoning (no development agreement). The City Commission voted to transmit the
amendment to DCA at the February 13 meeting. The proposed amendment (Winter Springs
06-1) was transmitted to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) on February 17
(received on February 20). The DCA's ORC report was received on Apri124. The City
Commission adopted the amendment at its June 12 meeting. The applicant proposes to
construct 334 town-homes on the site (tentatively named Winter Place). Two associated FLU
amendments (3 parcels) were approved on first reading on June 26 and for second reading on
July 24, subject to passage of the adjacent large scale amendments. On August 3, the City
received notification from the DCA that the amendment had been found in compliance. A
challenge to the comp plan amendment was announced at the September 25 Commission
meeting and an expedited hearing was held at City Hall on November 28. On January 3, 2007,
an administrative law judge filed a Recommended Order, recommending that the DCA enter a
Final Order determining that the plan amendment identified in Ordinance No. 2005-29 is in
compliance. On May 29, the Commission approved the concept, but directed the applicant to
work out as many issues as possible before coming back for final concept plan approval. The
applicant met with staff on June 8 and June 13 and resubmitted a revised concept plan, which
was approved by the Commission on July 23. Staff reviewed the different PUD requirements
with the City Attorney. Staff met with the applicant on August 22, 2007 to strategize how to
proceed with the PUD, development agreement modifications, and subsequent subdivision of
the site. The applicant submitted an incomplete PUD master plan and preliminary engineering
application package on September 12 and the rezoning, master plan, and preliminary
subdivision were addressed at staff review on October 2, 2007. Staff met with the City
Attorney on October 11, addressing a number of legal issues and subsequently notified the
applicant of the results. The P&Z reviewed the PUD master plan and preliminary engineering
plans at its November 7, 2007 meeting. At its November 26, 2007, meeting, the Commission
approved the first reading of Ordinance No. 2007-25 (9.862 acres from C-2 to PUD). The
Commission also approved the first reading of Ordinance No. 2007-29, which amends the
PUD density calculation criteria. The second readings of both of the ordinances, as well as the
PUD master plan and preliminary engineering plans were approved at the December 10, 2007,
Commission. per 01/14/08 agenda
(35) Nursery Road (Phil Reece) -The final engineering/site plan was approved at the March
8, 2004, City Commission meeting and a preconstruction meeting was held on March 30. The
City Commission approved the aesthetic review of the first new building at its July 12, 2004,
meeting. The City Commission validated staffs recommendation that the site was built in
substantial accord with the approved final plans and accepted the potable water and sanitary
sewer at its June 27, 2005, meeting. At its July 10, 2006, meeting, the Commission validated
the findings that the Phase IIB-1 improvements are constructed in substantial accord with the
final engineering plans. The applicant's 2 proposed monument signs (aesthetic review for
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buildings 1 and 4 and 3 pole signs were approved at the August 14, 2006 Commission) were
approved at the June 11, 2006 Commission. per 06/25/07 agenda
(36) Lakeside Plaza - A conceptual site plan for 2 buildings comprising 64,614 S.F. of
combined office and retail space on an approximately 7 %2 acre site abutting and including part
of Lake Talmo, was reviewed at the October 16, 2007 staff review. A revision was reviewed at
the December 10, 2007 staff review. per 02/11/08 agenda
SR 434 Village Walk Proiect - On March 26, 2007, staff planted a bed of xeric drought
tolerant white spiderwort in the SR 434 Village Walk, between Victorio's Pizza and Bruster's
Real Ice Cream.
The Urban Beautification staff is scheduled to address the increased level of service for the SR
434 corridor landscaping at the November 13 Commission. To date, the City has spent
$90,000 amending the Village Walk landscaping. Since the beginning of the 2007/2008 school
year, vandalism to the irrigation systems in the Village Walk has increased 150 percent.
The FDOT is reviewing new landscaping and hardscaping for the SR 434 medians between
Tuskawilla Road and Central Winds Park. Staff expects to begin work on the landscape
portion (funded by a state grant) within 90 days. per 11/13/07 agenda
Jesup's Landing Levitt & Sons Townhomes 185 17.2
Jesup Reserve Levitt & Sons Townhomes 161 11
Sonesta Pointe Engle Homes Townhomes &
SFRs 289 40
Artesian Park VHB Townhomes 103 8.0
Villa Grande/Grandville LeCesse Apartments 160 4.75
Doran (Bldgs. 4 & 17) JDC (Doran) Condominiums 41 0.81
Doran Phase II-A JDC (Doran) Condominiums 312 7.75
Doran Phase II-B JDC (Doran) Condominiums 623 38.75
Total 1,874 128.26
Barclay Reserve Ashton Woods Townhomes 88 7.4
To Be Named ICI Condo 480+/- 40
Heritage Park Centex Townhomes 158 14.5
Harbor Winds Morrison Homes Townhomes 62 15
Landings at Parkstone Morrison Homes Townhomes 104 12
Saratoga Condos Metropolis Condos 84 9.1
Winter Place Ditmer Keewin Pro erties Townhomes 338 47.3
Crocket Corner SFR 5 1.28
TOTAL 1,315 146.58
February 11, 2008
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Page 18
* Future Land Use Amendment only. No site or subdivision plan submitted for the ICI
BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: On January 8, 2008, Renae Hamilton submitted a
conditional use application for a daycare facility at 135 Excelsior Parkway (daycare is a
conditional use in the R-3 zoning district, pursuant to Ordinance No. 2007-20, adopted July 9,
2007). This request received a recommendation for approval at the February 7, 2008 BOA
meeting and is scheduled of the February 25 Commission.
FUNDING: None required
Map Locations
Student Generation Rates
1. KAI Reserve
2. City Public Works Complex
3. The Grove Counseling Center
4. The City Senior Center
City of Winter Springs
Town Center Master Plan
Status Update
October 2005
~, .~,~,..b~r~ae~~aarv
Ori®nal flan by Dover, Kohl n Putnen E W I.
I`Un baa beer muNik+I by Suutbeavern SurveyinK6 MappinK ro rerleex nexArveloymi~in r ~.
Sourbeaveen Surveying h Myr~rinf COr~raaaon tiSrX ail American 0hq Orlando, FL 323r0 ~i0]12Y2-058U
T e
Hi h Student
Jesu 's Landin Levitt & Sons Townhomes 185 17.2 11 18 11 14 43
Jesu Reserve Levitt & Sons Townhomes 161 11 15 16 10 12 38
Sonesta Point En le Homes Townhomes 408 40 10 40 25 30 95
Artesian Park VHB Townhomes 103 8 13 10 6 8 24
Villa Grande LeCesse Condominiums 152 4.75 32 15 9 11 36
Doran Bld s. 4 & 17) JDC (Doran Condominiums 41 0.81 51 4 3 3 10
Doran Phase II-A JDC Doran) Condominiums 312 7.75 40 31 19 23 73
Doran Phase II-B
Total JDC (Doran) Condominiums 623
1985 38.75
128.26 16
15 61
195 39
122 46
147 146
Develo er
T e
Hi h Student
Barcla Reserve Ashton Woods Townhomes 88 7.4 12 9 5 7 21
To Be Named ICI Condominiums 480 40 12 47 30 36 112
Crockett Corner SFR 5 1.28 3.9 0 0 0 1
Herita a Park Centex Townhomes 158 14.5 11 15 10 12 37
Harbor Winds Morrison Townhomes 62 15 4 6 4 5 15
Landin sat Parkstone Morrison Townhomes 104 12 9 10 6 8 24
Sarato a Condos Metropolis Condominiums 84 9.1 9 8 5 6 20
Oviedo Market lace Viera Co. Townhomes 100 11.33 8.8 10 6 7 23
Winter Place Keewin Townhomes 334 47 7 33 21 25 78
Total 1415 158 9 138 87 106 331
Grand Total 3400 286 11 796
Based on student generation rates provided by Seminole County Schools as follows:(rates effective in the Fall of 2006)
Single Family -Attached (Townhouse)
Elementary School 0.098 Total Elementa School Students 333
Middle School 0.062 Total Middle School Students 209
High School 0.074 Total Hi h School Students 253
Total Students 795