HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1996 12 09 City Commission Workshop Minutes
DECEMBER 9, 1996
The Workshop Meeting of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor Paul P. Partyka at
5:00 p.m.
Mayor Paul P. Partyka, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
Larry Conniff, present
Michael Blake, present
John Langellotti, present
Cindy Gennell, present
David McLeod, present
Community Development Division
A. Requests the Commission review with Staff and the consultant the draft Design Guidelines for
the "Town Center" and the "New Development Area" of the State Road 434 Corridor Visioning
Mayor Partyka said the purpose ofthis workshop is to review with the Commission the draft design
guidelines for the New Development Area developed by the City Staff, the consultant, and property
owners along S.R 434; as well as to review the draft design guideline for the Town Center. Mayor
Partyka said there will be a lot of considerations that will be talked about.
Tom Grimms, Community Development Coordinator, gave his presentation. Mr. Grimms stated that
this project had it's inception around the end of 1994, when the Commission decided that there was
an opportunity to develop S.R 434 along the lines that they would like to see instead of what has
occurred from 17-92 to Hayes Road. There will be separate design guidelines for the redevelopment
area (17-92 to Hayes Road), the town center (from Wagner's curve to Tuscawilla Road, northward
to form along the old RR tracks; there has been some discussion on Staffs part that perhaps that
should be expanded to include maybe the west side of Tuskawilla Rd. and include Central Winds
Park and the Winter Springs High School area) and the new development area.
Mr. Grimms stated that the committee that was composed of the City Manager, City Staff, the
consultant for some ofthe property owners, and the City consultant Mike Wadley; what has resulted
from the committee is what is before the Commission now. The draft is centering that this time on
the Town Center and the New Development Area. Mr. Grimms said the City Manager has formed
a committee and there wi II be a meeting on 12-10-96 and they will be talking about the
redevelopment area. This committee is composed of property owners and business people in that
area to help guide and advise Staff and with the consultant on what they would like to see for design
guidelines for that area.
Mr. Grimms said the meeting for 12-10-96 will be at 7:00 p.m. and is open to the public, the meeting
will be basically an organizational meeting; the committee will not get into a lot of substantive issues
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City Commission
December 9,1996
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to study certain aspects of the guidelines and so forth, it will be more orginazational and
informational in terms of where we are at and so forth.
Mike Wadley, consultant, of Berryman and Henniger, gave his presentation. Mr. Wadley stated that
the Planning & Zoning Bd., has reviewed the draft and has provided input and comments and they
are reflected in the draft. Mr. Grimms stated that the changes from P & Z are indicated in shadings
as additions, and strike-throughs as deletions; Mr. Grimms noted that in the front of each section of
the three different design guidelines has a vision statement, goals, objectives and policies; there's
will be incorporated later into the Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. Wadley said the first document developed was the new development area, and stated that the
citizens and property owners put in a lot of work on that portion. The Town Center design standards
were taken from the new development area guidelines as the basis; so changes and deletions and
additions were made appropriately.
Mr. Wadley explained that there is a "school of thought" in a Town Center (this is a newly evolved
planning theory) that you should place buildings, in a downtown type setting as close to the road as
you can. Mr. Wadley said in looking at the new development area, the committee and others felt it
appropriate to have buildings set back 50 feet from S.R. 434. In the Town Center, if you wanted to
achieve a different look/appearance, one way to do that would allow buildings to be spaced closer
to S.R. 434, to give it more of an urban feel, a higher density type feel. Discussion on the building
set backs. Mr. Wadley stated that he is one thing that the committee is proposing is to have a 15
foot landscape buffer that would be required.
Mr. Wadley said to achieve the Town Center, he thinks what might be appropriate is using some
type of traditional type light fixture and street trees along the right-of-way. Discussion.
Mr. Grimms explained the location of the Town Center.
Mr. Wadley stated that the one thing that probably is an issue in the New Development area is
billboards, the issue becomes is do you prohibit any new billboards or do you say no billboards and
have to get rid of existing billboards. (3-4 existing).
Commissioner Gennell asked why the intersection of Tuskawilla Rd. and S.R. 434 was not included
in the Town Center. Mr. Grimms said that was discussed with the Committee and the
recommendation from the Committee would be to suggest to the Commission that the Town Center
extend to east side of Tuskawilla Rd. and include the High School property and extend down to
Central Winds Park. Mr. Grimms said the intersection that Commissioner Gennell was talking about
would be one of the focal points in the Town Center. Discussion.
Commissioner Gennell said the area for the Town Center is not equal on all sides and said there is
an expansive amount of undeveloped area (and will all likely hood a lot of it will come into the City)
and not only there but in the southeastern quadrant. That will all be commercial and said she doesn't
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City Commission
December 9. 1996
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see a reason to exclude that at this point. Mr. Grimms said the reason why it appears because of the
location of City Hall, and Post Office. Commissioner Gennell stated that those are things that are
already developed and we now come to the point where we are talking about development and it
appears that 3/4 ofthe undeveloped area has been excluded from the Town Center. Commissioner
Gennell said it doesn't make good sense to her looking at it that way; because she sees the traffic
increasing tremendously once Tuskawilla is four laned and once S.R. 434 is finished - it's a major
conversion point and if we ever develop some lake front attraction of any kind, that whole "hub" will
be effected. Discussion.
Commissioner McLeod asked if the Committee received a final draft. Mr. Grimms said he believed
that the Committee received a copy of the redevelopment area, and said there was an interest from
McIntosh and Assoc., and said he believes that they received a copy of the Town Center Draft.
Commissioner McLeod said that some of the people that were on the Committee told him that when
they found out that the Commission has the draft, and said that they never received a copy of the
final draft. Commissioner McLeod said he wanted Mr. Grimms to make sure that the committee
receIves a copy.
Manager McLemore said the process that was gone through was that the Committee had the final
draft that the Committee (themselves) worked on; the draft went from them to the P & Z Board, and
the P&Z Bd. made some minor changes and stated that the document that the Commission has is the
draft with the changes from the P & Z Bd. Discussion. Commissioner McLeod said he wanted to
have the Committee receive a copy of the Final Draft.
Commissioner Conniff said he likes the idea of the expanded Town Center, especially if the lake
front development is included.
Commissioner McLeod said we are talking of making the Town Center and parts of the proposed
Town Center are in the County and asked if there was any way to have an interlocal agreement
between the City and the County stating that if the City adopts the Town Center draft, the property
owners (in the County) that they would have to build according to our Draft.
Mr. Grimms stated that he has had discussions with Tony Mathews, Senior Planner for Seminole
County, and Mr. Mathews stated that the County (in his view) would be cooperative with the City
annexing the enclaves. Discussion.
Manager McLemore said that the County can (in effect) adopt the same ordinance that the City
adopts for that section. Commissioner McLeod stated if the City adopts this draft, then the City
should get on the County's agenda to have them adopt it also.
Manager McLemore said he wanted to point out that this is an enclave, and there are ways for
bringing enclaves into the City, and one way is by agreement with the County; or the County can
adopt the same ordinance that the City does. Discussion. Commissioner McLeod asked the City
Manager to discuss this with the County and report back to the Commission at the first meeting in
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City Commission
December 9.1996
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Mayor Partyka stated that he is meeting with County Chairman Randy Morris to discuss mutual
County/City issues and stated that he will bring up the issue of the enclaves.
Mr. GrimIns mentioned that he has sent a copy of the latest Draft to the County and has not heard
any negative feed back from them. Mr. Grimms said that the County has seen earlier drafts and said
that the County is generally supportive of our (City) efforts - at the County Staff level.
The Commission decided to go through the draft page by page and discuss any issues.
Page 6 - Commissioner Gennell said she does not want to see the buildings closer to the road
because we are trying to make the Town Center more pedestrian friendly. Discussion.
Manager McLemore stated that there is a lot of movement, in practice and in theory, back toward
the traditional "downtown", where buildings were two/three stories and located near the street. The
question was did we (committee) want to try to replicate some of the traditional town centers that
are being developed in various communities, for a more compact, more dense type of development
that was like the "old true downtown areas". We just have to make a choice, do we want that or not.
Mayor Partyka stated one issue that the Commission will look into is setbacks.
Much discussion on the location ofthe town center. Mr. Wadley stated that he will bring back more
Discussion on retention areas.
Page 9 - Discussion on zeroscape.
Page 10 - Commissioner Gennell stated she doesn't think the retention ponds that are in full view
on S.R. 434 be rectangular or chain link fence; Commissioner Gennell said she thinks they should
be made amenities, either visual or fountains, etc. Mr. Wadley stated that that is spoken about on
page 19, and it specifically prohibits designs where fencing is required. Discussion.
Mayor Partyka stated that there needs to be more clarification on page 10 and to have a separate
heading on retention ponds.
Page 11 - Commissioner Blake said in Section 12, regarding concrete walkways, the Commission
has discussed making them somewhat wider than 5'. Discussion. Mr. Wadley stated that he will
bring back more infon11ation on sidewalks.
Commissioner Blake asked about the tree sizes and said the size should have an absolute standard.
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City Commission
December 9,1996
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Mr. Wadley stated that it should be specifically written that the trees will be a minimum of 4" in
width and the height 15'.
Commissioner McLeod asked that at the next meeting, could there be an overlay so that the citizens
present, which would give them the opportunity to look at and may have input.
Mayor Partyka also stated that he would like to have copies of the draft for the residents.
Commissioner Gennell asked about the tree list. Commissioner Gennell mentioned that the City
might want to specify that a certain percentage of the plantings be some sort of flowing
Commissioner Gennell also mentioned that back flow devices shouldn't be seen.
Commissioner Blake said regarding parking and whether or not parking will be permitted between
S.R. 434 and the buildings (page 8, #3). Discussion. Mr. Wadley stated that issue ties in with
setbacks and will be addressed together.
Mayor Partyka summarized the workshop: we need to make this a more user friendly workshop and
at the next workshop have graphics, pictures, photos and copies for the citizens present and as well
as some sort of overhead. Also, highlight issues, or have an issue page; flowering shrubs or plants
of interest, tree list, sidewalk issue, retention ponds, setbacks and indexing the draft.
There was discussion as to the date of another workshop. It was the consensus ofthe Commission
to have another workshop on January 6, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. and to also notify the committee of the
The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Margo M. Hopkins,
City Clerk