HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 03 20 City Commission Special Minutes
MARCH 20, 1995
The meeting Special Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs was called to
order by Mayor John F. Bush at 7:05 p.m.
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor John Langellotti, present
City Manager John Govoruhk, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
Larry Conniff, present
John Ferring, present
Cindy GenneU, present
David McLeod, present
Settlement of litigation with The Veria Co.. The Rouse Co. and The City of Oviedo:
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that we are presently in litigation involving the Veria Co., The Rouse
Co. and the City of Oviedo for which we will be discussing resolving that litigation tonight.
Additionally, we were served a lawsuit today, by the Tuscawilla Homeowners Association and Mr.
Khemlani as plaintiffs against the City. There are two issues I will preface this meeting with, 1. the
parties to the lawsuit involving Veria, Rouse and Oviedo have agreed that discussion at tonight's
meeting both by myself, the client, are in the nature of settlement discussions and cannot be used
against the interest of the City of Winter Springs should we not resolve this matter~ additionally I
would advise you that given the service, or delivery to me a copy of the lawsuit against you, that
there will be times when I caution you that I do not want you to discuss an issue, given the pending
nature of that case.
Mayor Bush stated the agenda will be that the developers will speak first, then the traffic consultant,
then the Attorney will go over the settlement agreement, we will have a recess, we will reconvene for
public input at that time and after the public input the Commission will take action.
John Reinhart, Gladding Jackson Curtrain & Reinhart, representative of Veri a Co., and Rouse Co.
in the application for Oviedo Crossings~ provided an overview of the project for the Commission and
public. The property is bounded on the North by Tuscawilla, the project has three phases of
development. The first phase has no changes proposed from what was originally approved approx.
5 years ago. The changes proposed in the substantial deviation include a phase two, which is the
development of a regional shopping center on approximately a 90 acre piece of land and then
development of Winter Park Memorial Hospital's Medical Campus. Those two uses, the medical
campus intends to have a variety of services including a wellness center, ambulatory care facilities,
therapy facilities and medical offices~ all as a part a desire to serve this area of the County and
Community. The regional shopping center will contain approximately 1.2 million square feet of
development, it will have (as conceived at this time) five anchor stores~ it is in size slightly larger than
Fashion Square Mall and a little less than the Altamonte Mall. The plans for development and
phasing are that phase 2, which includes the hospital and regional shopping center are scheduled to
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March 20, 1995
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be completed in 1997. Phase 3 includes some retail services, around the regional shopping center as
well as some other portions of the property as well, and that will be complete in the year 2000. The
facility has gone through review by the Regional Planning Council and a variety of other agencies,
it is in the process of the hearings before the Planning Council with the full Council hearing later this
week. It is also in the process of being reviewed in Seminole County for Comprehensive Plan
amendments and for the substantial deviation for approval.
Mike Bryant senior development director with the Rouse Co., showed slides of some of their other
projects in the new town of Columbia, Miami Bayside, Manhattan, Jacksonville, Louisville, Boston
and Baltimore. Mr. Bryant also showed a diagram of the Oviedo Crossings Mall.
Mr. Reinhart stated for this project to be successful we need to have access to S.R. 426 as well as
to Red Bug Lake Road. In the design of the project, we have been very conscious of that need and
we have tried to be attentive to the issue of the cut-through traffic that might be potentially projected
to occur and how that could be dealt with in a sensitive a manner as possible.
Tim Jackson, Gladding Jackson Curtrain & Reinhart, stated the market area for the mall is primarily
to the South and East, in the traffic forecast for this project there are estimated to be about 2 1/2%
of the traffic to and from the whole project that would come to or from the project on S.R. 419 from
west ofTuscawilla Road. About 2 1/2 to 3% would come to and from the project from the Deer Run
area using Lake Drive. The estimated volumes are about 2,700 vehicles per day on S.R. 419, west
of Tuscawilla that want to go to and from the total project in the year 2000 and about 2,800 from
Lake Drive. That has been forecasted as the maximum numbers that would try or potentially want
to cut through. We forecast the volumes that would use those roads and looked at conditions in the
area~ Tuscawilla Road is being widened to four lanes, Red Bug Road has been widened and will be
widened to six lanes, so you have a very good alternate route from the Lake Drive area. From
Tuscawilla at 419, 434 is being widened and the Greenway is new, so again you have a good alternate
route for that trip. Our estimate would say that a very small percentage of all these trips would in fact
choose to travel through the Tuscawilla PUD to access this site from Winter Springs Blvd. at this
location. To address that, you are familiar the proposed actions to limit movements to and from
Winter Springs Blvd. in the Tuscawilla PUD and the Oviedo Crossings project, the proposal is to
realign the eastern most section of Winter Springs Blvd. so it becomes Oviedo Crossing Terrace and
turns south to come through Oviedo Crossings site and end up at Red Bug Lake Road. The proposal
would limit, and actually make it physically impossible to make a turn from the Oviedo Crossing site
going northbound onto Winter Springs Blvd. to come through the Tuscawilla PUD~ the same way
it would make it impossible for an eastbound vehicle onto Winter Springs Blvd. to make a right turn
and come into the Oviedo Crossing PUD. Furthermore, there would be no V-turns at the median
crossings at the Publix and at 426~ it is our opinion given those mitigating actions that the volume of
traffic and speeds of traffic that would chose to cut through the Tuscawilla PUD would not be
significant such that it would impair the safety within this community.
Mr. Reinhart stated with the redesign of Winter Springs Blvd. and the intersection of Oviedo
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Crossing Terrace with Winter Springs Blvd., we would have the opportunity as the road came
through to add an entrance feature to Tuscawilla and help define Tuscawilla as a community. This
would be beneficial to Tuscawilla being that it will remove the appearance of Winter Springs.Blvd.
being a through street so as cars come from 426 headed toward Oviedo Crossing they would follow
the road into the project and the entrance to Tuscawilla would give the immediate impression that
you are entering a residential neighborhood. The intersection would be signalized to allow cars to
have a clear and safe passage, this is part of the proposal in terms of the design of that intersection.
Attorney Kruppenbacher gave the Mayor and Commission a draft of the settlement agreement.
Attorney Kruppenbacher preface some inaccuracies that were alleged in the lawsuit that was filed
today against the City. I take offense to that lawsuit because a week has gone by since this
Commission established publicly that it was looking at the issue of resolving this and the first draft
settlement agreement was issued; this document would alleged that by your approving this agreement
tonight, that you are in fact conveying the easement, that is inaccurate and untrue. You are not
conveying the easement should you decide to approve a settlement tonight. You are in a staged
process and you would have the jurisdiction and authority to decide whether or not you then passed
and Ordinance, if you didn't pass the ordinance this settlement agreement would then become void.
It is an inaccurate allegation and it's untrue; additionally it is untrue where there is a representation
by the attorney that demand was made upon the City to honor the prior settlement agreement; there
has been no demand made upon the City by anyone. There are some other inaccuracies, but suffice
to say I want to clarify the statement represented by the lawyer in this document and it was clearly
stated by me if you will recall at the session when you went over the first draft that there were steps
or processes that you would have to go through to be able to implement any agreement. With the
understanding of all the parties that what I say tonight is in the nature of settlement negotiations; Mr.
Tipton of Tipton & Associates, Mr. Tipton Jr., is here tonight. Let me summarize sincintly it is my
understanding from Tipton & Associates that based upon the analysis of the proposed access to
winter Springs Blvd., it is their professional opinion that based upon that redefined access (which is
different then what they looked at back in June) and the numbers they have run, that with police
enforcement that this agreement would insure that we would have, there will not be reacted a
negative cut through traffic problem for the Tuscawilla PUD. Mr. Tipton Jr., stated that is correct
all of our analysis have indicated that with enforcement this directional connection, restricting access
to and from the PUD would not create any cut through traffic problem through the Tuscawilla PUD.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that you now know why we have not asked while we were in
litigation, for a written opinion that could be used against us; additionally that opinion appears to be
consistent with the opinions of traffic personnel within the other governmental agencies from East
Central to Seminole County that have looked at this particular issue. Mr. Tipton has been the traffic
consultant to the City for years and has done all the projects and has given us opinions the way they
see it. With that I would like to go through line by line the settlement agreement and read it so it is
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Attorney Kruppenbacher read the settlement agreement and asked if there were any comments as he
read the agreement.
Commissioner McLeod stated that there was an attachment of "D" in subparagraph 2-c, of the sketch
and the pictorial which is now "E" and was "D". Attorney Kruppenbacher said he would add that in.
Commissioner Gennell said she would like to see the paragraph where is states "...open to the
public... "she doesn't want any opening at all. Attorney Kruppenbacher said it has to be opened when
they get the certificate of occupancy. Commissioner Gennell said yes but not prior to that.
Discussion. Attorney Kruppenbacher asked if Commissioner Gennell would like added "gates and
barriers" so that no traffic will use the road until the certificate of occupancy. It was the consensus
of the Commission to add in having gates and barriers.
Commissioner Gennell asked ifwe could include in paragraph 5-B, including 426, where no U turns
could be made. Attorney Kruppenbacher said yes he will include that.
Commissioner McLeod asked on 7-B, the dollar range. Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that currently
we estimate if they annexed in today, under the existing impact fee ordinances in the City for
transportation, police and fire, the sum to be somewhere between $350,000 and $360,000, if they
annexed in today and paid those fees to the City, those fees would be restricted for use with
transportation purposes (the portion paid under transportation impact fee) and for police and fire uses
for that amount paid under. They have agreed in this agreement to waive the restriction that we have
to use it for any particular purpose and left that to the discretion of the City; so assuming this
agreement is approved, and the annexation takes place and get $350,000, if you leave your current
ordinances in effect, you get to do with it what you want to do with it, you would not have that ability
to do it if they did not waive it. Commissioner McLeod said that is over and above the million dollars
we are talking here is the $350,000, along with the $84,000 and the other numbers we've heard.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said yes.
Commissioner Gennell asked if what the Attorney just read, these conditions that you just read set
forth in the DR! are identical to the original DR!. Attorney Kruppenbacher stated yes.
Commissioner McLeod said on paragraph 15-C, we had talked about taking that out. Attorney
Kruppenbacher said what we wanted was to provide for a contractual remedy for injunctive relief
and we did further research on that and then came back with the theory that we would want 30 days
to cure, just to protect ourself if somebody says there was a default. We were concerned that if we
didn't have a cure provision we could just inadvertently end up in another lawsuit. It is very standard
in agreements of this magnitude. What I deleted from the original one, was originally there were
provisions that talked about if reasonable efforts were being made to cure it, neither side could
declare a default.
Commissioner Gennell said she didn't see it under default about Parcel 14 saying with us if the rest
of contract fails. Attorney Kruppenbacher stated it is stated in the earlier part; it specifically says if
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the annexation doesn't happen the whole thing goes away - in paragraph 17-A.
Commissioner McLeod stated in paragraph 21, is that not also suppose to have on the wall "Welcome
to the City ofWmter Springs" Manager Govoruhk stated that Exhibit "E" did not have that but we
left it open, when the project is built we will come up with several ideas to present to the Commission
for their decision. Attorney Kruppenbacher said should you decide to approve the agreement, you
will approve it subject to that being included.
Commissioner McLeod said in the first draft of the agreement, there was a Section 21 that said ".. this
agreement shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, assessors and assignees", why is that out of
here? Discussion. Commissioner McLeod also asked about paragraph 22 from the original draft
agreement. Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that he didn't think that was an appropriate legal
provision for the City to enter into; I do not believe you can contract with anybody that will exercise
your powers, the way that was written.
Commissioner Gennell said we were going to put something in that there would be no repayment if
there were changes made later on. Attorney Kruppenbacher said it is in there, page 7 paragraph "C" -
No party shall be required to pay any other party compensation for it's approval".
Commissioner McLeod said back to the binding effect, he would prefer to have that in the agreement.
There was no objection to having that section put back into the document.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated for the record, your current lawsuits, the two lawsuits that were filed
against Rouse and Oviedo, we evaluate as 50/50, we evaluate at least with a number of those issues,
simply to be a process of education and that they can correct anything we've raised or modify. You
then move over to the condemnation lawsuit filed against us, Mr. Bricklemeyer and Mr. Smoker
evaluate to be: we do have a conservation easement, there are two issues with regard to that lawsuit,
one is whether or not the judge would conclude there was a public purpose - the arguments would
be the purpose of improving the roadway network in Oviedo and economic development; our counter
arguments would be no it is not it is for the development of a mall. The second would be under
Florida Statute 704, condemnation of a conservation easement is prohibited so the attack would be
that this is not truly a conservation easement. The settlement agreement that was entered into with
Winter Springs Development Joint Venture, called for the granting (paragraph 16) Winter Springs
Dev. Joint Venture agrees to grant and convey a 10 foot easement to the City. In the process we
came up with the concept of making it into a conservation easement, because you mayor may not
approve this document, I don't want to say more than that other than if you look at the minutes there
are multiple comments about what this easement was or was not. This Judge could conclude that this
is not a conservation easement as contemplated by that Statute. If you look at the easement itself,
the grantor, the fee holder, reserved it's right to cross it, build a road on it for purpose of developing
their adjacent property, go through it, do a number of things with it. I will tell you when you go to
court not a lawyer out there can guarantee you what is going to happen. That issue of condemnation,
is an issue that can be litigated, if we loose it the down side is horrific, because we have no control
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of that area then, if we win it we have it, we've blocked the access, there is no guarantee in the
condemnation case either way. Discussion. This case started as an issue relating to traffic, the further
modifications, our expert is giving you the opinion negative impact and you now have two options,
you can move to approve this settlement agreement as modified by you tonight, directing your
Attorney's office and City Manager to take the legal steps necessary to begin the process to affecuate.
This settlement comes in stages, you can approve it or disapprove it tonight, you then get to an
ordinance on vacating, you can approve or disapprove that, kill the deal; you then get to an inter-local
agreement, you can approve or disapprove that and kill it there; at this stage you have the terms of
the agreement in front of you.
Commissioner Gennell asked if the original easement was done by ordinance. Attorney
Kruppenbacher said the original easement as adopted pursuant to the final order of the settlement
agreement. Commissioner Gennell asked if the original easement was established by ordinance.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said the original agreement being pursuant to a settlement agreement, I don't
know whether or not we adopted, we amended an annexation ordinance in order to accomplish this,
I don't recall a specific ordinance enacting the easement; that is one of the reasons I say there is a
second prong to this, we will have to go through and check everything, between now and then I'm
not worried about that.
Commissioner Gennell said on page 12, the second line, that she is not comfortable with that, she
realizes that the traffic consultants have said to us that we may get requests to open it. It reads ".. in
addition at it's sole cost and expense Wmter Springs shall retain the right to affect modification of the
turning movements so as to permit some or all of the prohibited movements which ~t deems to be in
the public interest". We are dealing with traffic concerns and we are dealing with traffic consultants
telling us that based on the information with the turning restrictions there, we won't have impact and
we are potentially voting to approve or disapprove this based on the restricted turning movements.
So this I am not comfortable having it in there, I would rather not invite that kind of a situation, I'm
not basing my deliberations here on the potential of opening it up, that is not part of my consideration.
Discussion. Attorney Kruppenbacher said you have the right to propose opening it up whether you
have that in here or not, but one of the reasons you have it in here is so they can't object if you want
to open it up. Discussion. It was the consensus of the Commission to leave that statement in the
Commissioner Ferring said having been a party in the discussions that we undertook with the
developer, with the Duda Veria Group, with their Attorneys, our Attorneys and after over a year we
reached a cross road. The cross road was what do we do. Do we go ahead and say hell no, hell no,
hell no, or do we take a chance and going into a litigation process, because we were at that point,
where subpoenas were coming out and we had to make a decision whether or not we were going
ahead with the litigation or try to get something that would guarantee this community control of their
own destiny. We can take it to court and if you win, you're a hero; but if you loose, you loose
everything, you loose complete control of your whole area. So this is a decision that was placed on
our shoulders, do we try to negotiate the best possible thing, make pains taking efforts to control our
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own destiny and extract everything that we possibly could from the developers and from the group
that was on the other side of the table, there was give and take on both sides; it was a very very
difficult negotiation. I will say that the developers were sincere, they were in cavalier in their
attitudes and they wanted to resolve and make this community as happy as we would like to see it.
The beneficial parts knowing what would happen if you loose, you've got complete loss of control
of what your destiny is. On the other side, what did we come out of this with? - pains taking efforts
on traffic control where as far as I saw it, and to the best of my ability, it is going to penalize the
people in Tuscawilla more that it is going to penalize anyone else because the people in Tuscawilla
are not going to be able to utilize Winter Springs Blvd. to enter that mall. There was permanent
funding put in place so that this City would ensure traffic enforcement for now and for ever in the
future. There was revenue sharing and up front monies that were part of this agreement that I will
ask my Commissioners, and I'm sure that we'll all agree to this, that it be allocated into a special fund
to beautify areas of Tuscawilla that need beautification and to beautify other areas of this City that
could be helpful in beautification. It is a permanent type of revenue that if you look over the long
term, doesn't look like a million dollars, that is only part of the equation, it looks like several million,
ifnot more, over the long run for the benefit of the Tuscawilla community and the rest of this City.
If you put that up against what the minuses are, where you would have absolutely nothing, if you
loose, my best guess was I didn't want to take that chance. Unfortunately, I have to make that
decision, and this Commission has to make that decision, all I'm saying is that this Commission has
worked very hard and outside of erecting a cul-de-sac on Winter Springs Blvd., we have taken every
other pains taking method there is available to protect the community.
Mayor Bush called for a break at 9:05 p.m. Mayor Bush reconvened the meeting at 9: 15 p.m.
Paul P. Partyka, Joseph C. Bozik, Isabelle Laub, Rick Lecky, Jim Martin, Jim Mathews, Michael
Blake, Tom O'Connell, May Claire-Branton, Kelly Smalwood, Adele Porzio, Jim Graber, Bill
Grodsky, Tom Waters, Howard Schloewan, Ed Martinez, Michael Honnwacker, Gregory White,
Harold Scott, Barbara Mitchell, William Reeves, John Tabbutt, Jan Bennett, Marty Trencher, Shawn
McFadden, Barbara Fant, John Daniels, Stephanie Ceglia, Moti Khemlani, Terry Back, Omelia
McFadden, all spoke regarding the connector road, traffic concerns, environmental impact and the
Mayor Bush asked for a motion to extend the meeting past 11 :00 p.m.
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to extend the meeting past 11 :00 p.m. Seconded by
Commissioner Ferring. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye;
Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion
After the public input Mayor Bush asked if the Commission has comments they would like to raise
at this time concerning any issues brought up by the public.
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March 20, 1995
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Commissioner Gennell stated on page 12, where it states"ln addition, at its sole cost and expense,
Winter Springs shall retain the right to effect modifications of the turning movements so as to permit
some or all of the Prohibited Movements which it deems to be in the public interest". In the interest
of consensus here, I can't support that. Discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to delete the above sentence. Seconded by
Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell:
aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye. Motion
Commissioner Gennell said in reference to the question that was raised about precluding us from if
we ever desire to closing off Winter Springs Blvd., the way I read this agreement, it stops at the
northeast section and anything west of the northeast section which is still east of Seneca, we could
do whatever we want to, am I right. Attorney Kruppenbacher said you read it correctly, you control
Winter Springs Blvd. once you move out of Oviedo and nothing in this agreement is intended to
address that and we'll and in a sentence that says "Winter Springs Blvd. from the Oviedo line back
is solely in your jurisdiction and in no way covered by any terms of this agreement".
Commissioner Gennell asked about the surety bond. Attorney Kruppenbacher said that was an issue
that was raised for various finance reasons, we were advised that it was rejected, we went back and
forth in negotiations over that and the earnest money that was put up was the parcel 14 annexation,
which takes place regardless of what happens. We determined (the committee) that Parcel 14, quite
candidly getting it was more critical, if you were going to accept the deal and we would rather have
that as the earnest money than any cash.
Commissioner McLeod said regarding the police enforcement mechanism, the whole section of A is
limited to the intersection portion only and does not interfere with the governing body of Winter
Springs regarding the rest of the Winter Springs Blvd. Attorney Kruppenbacher said that is correct.
Commissioner McLeod said another issue that he heard being brought up was four laning of
Tuscawilla Road, and the four laning of Winter Springs Blvd., there will only be four laning from the
intersection to S.R.426 and any additional road construction will only be in that sector, Winter
Springs Blvd. is not intended, by no means, to be a bypass road through the Tuscawilla development
at present or any other time with this development.
Mayor Bush asked about the question being brought up regarding Pine Ave. Attorney
Kruppenbacher said Pine Avenue was added after the fact, Pine Ave. was not part of the
consideration of the Tipton and Assoc. Group when they analyzed the traffic. If you move Pine Ave.
out of the consideration their evaluation was zero impact. Mayor Bush said he thinks the concern
that was expressed was exactly when is this going to happen. Attorney Kruppenbacher said we
cannot legally compel them to determine whether and when they will appropriate dollars for their
comp plan. Given the fact that it is not an issue, it is a zero impact issue independent of Pine Ave.
we accepted the term the way it was proposed. We did not get into creating a legal attack on the
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grounds that they have somehow agreed to something in a comp plan statute that would trigger
challenges in that way. Mayor Bush asked why that was in the agreement. Attorney Kruppenbacher
said because we proposed it as a further way that the Tipton's thought would be an even better
approach; I'm advised by the traffic engineers - zero impact, when they looked at it they said also do
Pine Ave. and that will further assure that with the police enforcement there can't be any impact. We
cannot require them, under the Statutes to agree when their comp plan is going to be funded or not
funded, quite candidly if you took Pine Ave. out of this it does not change the Tipton's opinion.
Commissioner Langellotti asked where was the northeast parcel. Attorney Kruppenbacher said the
northeast parcel is the property there by where they would punch through. Mr. Reinhart showed the
Commission where Pine Avenue would be extended.
Commissioner McLeod said on exhibit "C" shows that the northeast sector appears on the exhibit,
it appears to be the piece of parcel that is on the north side of Winter Springs Blvd. abutting the
expressway to Seneca, is that true. Discussion. Commissioner McLeod asked that this is clarified,
where is says north east is the same as they are showing.
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff that we accept the settlement as amended. Seconded
by Commissioner Ferring.
Attorney Kruppenbacher asked if the second and the maker could withdraw that and I'll explain what
the motion should be. Commissioner Ferring withdrew his second. Commissioner Conniff withdrew
is motion.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated you have one of two options at this point. You can move to
disapprove or you move to approve the terms of the settlement agreement as presented with the
following revisions: page 7-C, would add exhibit "E"; page 7-C would add exhibit "E" along with
exhibit "B"; page 7 - above the word "annexation issues" would include a provision that there will
be barriers until the mall is open to the public, so that there could be no ingress or egress through
that; page 8 - 8th line up, where is says "... shall take such action.." , it will be "shall take such action
as is appropriate to consummate the annexation and to consider such land use approvals including
the development as is contemplated" so the word issue would be consider; page 13 will be revised
to specifically clarify that it only apply to the northeast portion where the intersection is within the
City of Oviedo and that the City of Winter Springs retains all rights and authorities regarding Winter
Springs Blvd. as it goes from the City ofWmter Springs limit back and that this agreement in no way
is intended to curtail those rights; page 14 paragraph B will be revised to say "up to and including
S.R. 426 no u-turns all the way up; page 15 middle paragraph the numeral 1000 will reflect
1,000,000; page 12 per the prior motion we will be deleting the top sentence "...in addition at it's sole
expense" will be deleted; page 17 paragraph 8 in the introductory sentence, would read "with respect
to that portion of the project which abuts the southern and eastern portions of Tuscawilla as shown
on the attached master development plans(as contained in the DR! application); page 25 would be
revised to add paragraph 21 of the old agreement that provided "binding effect, this agreement shall
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March 20, 1995
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be binding upon the parties their heirs successors and assigns"; page 25 paragraph 21 would be
changed to reflect that exhibit "E" would show also the City of Winter Springs as discussed at your
prior meeting; exhibit "C" would be revised to reflect the "red"portion as per Commissioner
McLeod's discussion on the record.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated those would be the revisions and the motion would be to approve the
terms of the settlement agreement as presented, authorizing the revisions to be made as has been
reviewed. Included within that motion I want you to clearly understand that you are not by the
adoption of this agreement as revised tonight vacating the easement, you will have to do an ordinance
and decide in your discretion whether or not to pass that ordinance and if you don't this agreement
goes by the wayside and if you do, that's a leg to it, you are directing that we take the legal steps
necessary to get you in that position. If we determine that it is necessary to deal with the prior
settlement agreement, we will prepare that process for your consideration also, so you are not
violating that agreement, if we determine legally that you need to do that, then appropriate steps will
be taken to put you in the position to consider that; you are not again, I stress tonight, by adoption
of this agreement, agreeing to vacate this easement; you have to go through an ordinance process,
the agreement is written so that you will then be exercising your discretion in deciding whether or not
you approve the ordinance or not. With that, those are your two options.
Commissioner Gennell said on page 16-B, where it lists the two million three hundred thousand, and
adjust that. Attorney Kruppenbacher stated he will change it to "a sum of money". Commissioner
Gennell said where it refers to third party lawsuits, does that infer that the developer is going to share
in the costs of that defense. Attorney Kruppenbacher said everybody who is sued will have to incur
their own costs in defense of the lawsuits.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said your options are to disapprove or to move to approve the settlement
with the provisions that I have read to you, directing your City Manager and City Attorney's office
to take the legal procedural steps necessary to proceed forward with this document.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to approve the settlement agreement with the provision
that the City Attorney has read into the record. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion.
Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye;
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
The meeting adjourned at 11 :40 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
City Clerk