HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 01 23 City Commission Regular Minutes
JANUARY 23, 1995
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs was called to order by
Mayor John F. Bush at 7:30 p.m.
Roll Call:
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor John Langellotti, present
City Manager John Govoruhk, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
Larry Conniff, present
John Ferring, present
Cindy Gennell, present
David McLeod, present
For the invocation, Mayor Bush asked for a moment of silent prayer.
Mayor Bush asked if there were any additions or corrections to the Minutes of January 9, 1995.
Commissioner Gennell mentioned that it was not in the minutes regarding Mr. Cliff Hankins report
where he reported that somebody had erased computer records at the Parks and Recreation Dept.
Mayor Bush also pointed out some typo's on the first page of the minutes.
The minutes stand approved as amended.
Isabel Laub, Blue Spruce Court, said she would like to publicly thank our Mayor and all
Commissioners for the wonderful job they are doing on behalf of keeping the Duda connector off of
Winter Springs Boulevard. I would also like to compliment the City of Winter Springs for its very
nice Senior Center and the good job that Susie Coffinan is doing as Director.
Gary Porter, 493 Club Drive, spoke regarding the grading problem in Cypress Club, he gave the
Commission a copy of a letter that he received from a consultant that he contacted for a professional
opinion in regards to the problems. Commissioner Ferring stated he just read the letter and it doesn't
seem to vary much from what our Staff is telling us also. I want you to be aware that this City and
Staffhave gone through extreme measures to try and help resolve the problems on Club Drive. We
have spent a lot of time discussing this from this COIllIl},ission and we put it in the hands of our Staff
and our Staff from what I've seen, have done a remarkable job of trying to get this resolved. .
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that at the last meeting, the meeting started with the City Manager
and myself and I turned to the Dept. heads and developer and explained to the developer that this was
a significant issue of concern to the City Commission, that as far as I was concerned as the City
Attorney, I would support pulling all permits if the Dept. heads in that room made that
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January 23, 1995
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. recommendation, one or more of them regarding problems with that project. I then said there is no
reason for the Attorney to sit in this meeting anymore since it is a technical meeting as to whether or
not you are having problems and the full Dept. head complement was in there. I will tell you publicly
if your City Manager advises me that his Dept. heads have concluded that there are violations that
are a risk to the public's health, safety and welfare or a violation of our Codes then I will stand behind
the Staff and I will recommend to the City Manager that we pull those permits and hold them until
the developer agrees to resolve the concerns.
Mayor Bush asked the City Manager if he plans to speak to this issue under his seat. Manager
Govoruhk stated that he didn't plan on it because it is not an agenda item and or report at this time.
As of right now we have not been able to find any violations per the City Code, Southern Standard
Building Code, St. John's or any other Code violations, the only thing we have right now are
suggestions and recommendations of what to do, the meetings with the builders are not through.
Ray For, on the Board of Directors for Cypress Club, and gave the letter to the Commission signed
by four members of the Board of Directors because there seems to be a misunderstanding between
a lot of people and wanted to go on record that this letter was presented by the Board of Directors
stating that we hope that we can come up with the right answers and it was great to hear that you
have not found any violations.
Mayor Bush said at the last meeting, Mr. McGinnis was to be invited to that meeting, is that correct
Mr. Govoruhk? Manager Govoruhk said yes, he was notified of the meeting but he could not attend
and did not provide any names of homeowners that wanted to attend.
Commissioner Ferring stated to Mr. Dimillo, the developer of Cypress Club, that there are a group
of citizens in the Cypress Club area that seem to have a legitimate grievance, we have been dealing
with this issue on a regular basis, and our Staff has been dealing with this on a regular basis, and I
would like to know has there been any interchange of communications between yourself and the
homeowners that are disenfranchised at this point.
Mr. Louis Dimillo, developer of Cypress Club, stated that no, the person who brought this situation
to surface has never spoken with me that he had a problem. I first found out about this when the City
Manager called me for a meeting, which I attended. At that time we discussed quite a few things
about the situation over there. The buildings that they are talking about are not completed, we have
provided soil tests from engineers to substantiate that the footers are well founded, we have provided
letters from architect landscapers that the landscaping will be adequate when it is done and there will
be no run-ofI We have addressed every issue that the City has asked us to address during the course
of construction, keeping in mind that the construction is not complete. There was some run-off at
the back of that land because of the heavy rains that we had, unfortunately the heavy rains happened
during construction and when that happens you are going to get some run-off, but those things are
corrected. Discussion. Mr. Dimillo stated that as far as violations and problems, there aren't any over
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there, the City's inspectors have been there, the City Engineer has been there, I have had numerous
people there and we all have gone through this and my engineers have been there, my architects have
been there, there is no problem. Commissioner F erring said from what I have read from our
Engineer's reports that there are some problems as far as grading is concerned and the steepness of
some of those curving areas. Mr. Dimillo said he has met with the City Engineer on site, and he
discussed with me at the time the grading was not complete, he discussed some of the situation there
and we did discuss some remedies to that. We have a letter from a landscape architect which says
the course of action we have taken is fine and there will be no problem. Since we put the sod down
and completed that unit, we have not had a problem.
Commissioner McLeod stated that he has gone by the site and did view individuals trying to dig the
sod back out of the creek and the slopes of the bank. Mr. Dimillo explained that there is a sprinkler
system that goes across the back of the property and we were doing our final grade on the back of
lot 28, the sprinkler system collapsed one evening, and that created a lot of erosion in that particular
area, that was not due to rain storms or anything else, it was strictly the sprinkler system breaking.
Commissioner McLeod also stated that the City Manager has not stated that St. John's and everybody
has given him reports yet, I think he has just said at this point that he has not concluded the
investigation and he has not received reports from all parties, so I don't want you to go out feeling
that everything is clean at this point, and we are not here to say it is or isn't. Mr. Dimillo said that he
is not going to run away from his responsibilities, if there is a problem he will look after it.
Commissioner McLeod said that is the main thing and he thinks that there is a life safety issue here
that our City Manager and City, as far as the Building Dept. as to look at, and sometimes everything
isn't in "black and white" so I hope the investigation continues to run smooth, whatever is within the
laws of this governing body is definitely what we expect is going to bring back to us. Discussion.
Commissioner Gennell said she has the misfortune to live in a house that was built on fill over an area
that was prone to run-off and my back porch is cracking and tilting downward and it supports the
roof, and I am sure all the codes were satisfied, we have had experience with this Commission and
past Commissions with developers who do go and leave problems behind. I hope you appreciate
the fact that we are just trying to be proactive instead of reactive.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated he want's to respond to one thing the use of the word "cover-up" and
negligence used tonight. I have written a letter back to Mr. McGinnis today responding to the issues
in his letter. First of all at the last meeting, I specifically said on the record that having been through
these issues before, we weren't going to wait to accommodate schedules, that this was an urgent
matter and we set up the meeting and I said on the record, with the developer and if the homeowners
could be there they could and if they couldn't they couldn't but this issue is not going to wait until
everybody is happy at this particular hour everybody could meet. There is, to my knowledge, from
my involvement, nobody involved in a "cover-up", it is beyond me to comprehend a Kip Lockcuff,
a Tim Lallathin, a Mark Jenkins, people of that caliber, being involved in a "cover-up"; it is just
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January 23, 1995
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beyond me and if someone is going to raise that issue again, they need to raise it with facts that we
can deal with other than just saying it. As to negligence, these people have been doing their jobs for
years, they are working through it and either they or anyone else is finding anything right now and
they will continue to go through the new data that has been submitted. I think: it is an unfortunate
slight on some very good Dept. heads to group them in allegations of that nature without evidence
to support it.
Charles McGinnis, 510 Club Drive, said he would like to clarify a few things, first of all I have never
criticize any Dept. head, and I am surprised that a letter that I wrote to the Commissioners and Mayor
which was confidential, I believe, has actually been shared today, I did not find fault with Mr. Jenkins,
Mr. Lockcuff, I found fault with one person and I indicated who that person was in my
correspondence was to the Mayor and Commissioners. When I first made my presentation to this
group I never said that the builder was building a poor house, and I didn't say that I was an expert
in any way, what I did, I identified some problems and I asked this group to see if! was correct. If
I was correct, we had a problem, you will read this in my correspondence, if I was in error no one
would have suffered any damage. As I look through the correspondence, I think: that the City
Engineer, Mark Jenkins, on Dec. 19, 1994, 7 days after my initial presentation, he indicated and
supported what I said to be the problem. Mr. Lockcuffin his memo to Mr. Govoruhk, also supported
my position, now the builder comes in here today and says that I accused him of building a faulty
house, I never made one mention about a faulty house. I only indicated one problem and the problem
I indicated was on the total building site. If there was a problem and we had a problem in later years
we as a community were going to be stuck in reimbursing that.
Mr. McGinnis also mentioned the letter that Mr. Porter gave to the Commission which supported
what he said about the grading. Discussion.
Mayor Bush said what has been said here tonight is that it has not been fully reviewed by the City
Manger at this time yet, so he as said thus far he has found nothing wrong, but he also said it is not
over yet and so I think: we need to wait until this investigation is fully completed and we get a report
from the City Manager about this issue. Mayor Bush also mentioned Mr. McGinnis' comment about
a confidential letter, and stated that there is no such thing as a confidential letter to the Commission,
anything you write to the Commission is public record and is anybody has right to get a copy of it and
see it.
Mr. McGinnis said he has left a copy of a letter, to each of the Commissioners, that he has sent to
the Cypress Club Homeowners Assoc. and you (the Commission) will see his position.
Ray For, 453 Club Drive, said the letter that he submitted tonight was not in support of anyone other
than the Cypress Club Homeowners Assoc.
Reid Whitner, 422 Club Drive, said their main concern is we are on our third builder, we want to
make sure everything is on the up and up with the irrigation in the back.
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. John Baker, 455 Ponce DeLeon Drive, Hacienda Village, Honorary City Historian, spoke regarding
item C on the agenda. Mr. Baker said he is present tonight to talk briefly about what he refers to as
the Winter Springs Historical Museum, it occupies as 240 sq.ft. , in early days was the North Orlando
Co. office, which became the North Orlando Village Hall and for a short while used as the Winter
Springs City Hall. In that room there are now collected a number of things pertaining to the City of
Winter Springs and it's history. Mr. Baker said he wanted to point out that there are six tables in
there that Commissioner McLeod donated and one Commissioner and the City Museum have the only
two complete collections of the Wmter Springs Bulletin as a result of the generosity of Commissioner
Ferring. Fire ChiefLallathin has given us a number of Fire Dept. materials to display. Former Police
Chief Govoruhk and a few Police Officers granted me a chance to interview them regarding the
history of Winter Springs. Former Commissioner Torcaso has talked a number of time about the
history and has given us a historical materials including the oldest newspaper clipping we have, which
is a 1959 advertisement for the $8,000 homes that were being build by the North Orlando Co. Mr.
Baker said he would like to urge the Mayor and Commission to visit, the museum is not open but
would like the City's blessing to open it, he is ready to open it. Mr. Baker said he has a key and
would be happy to show the Commission what is there. Discussion.
Mr. Baker said he hopes the Commission will consider the people use of that building before any
decision to sell it should come up. Because once it is sold, it is gone and never to be recovered; it is
the oldest public building in the City, there is no other comparable space in the City for the museum.
Mr. Baker stated he would appreciate the Commission's consideration and would like to have the
blessing of the City to open it, even ifit is only a couple of hours per week.
Kathleen Roy, 664 Tuscora Dr., wanted to thank the Police Dept. for notifying them when their
business door is unlocked. Also, I would like to comment tonight regarding the use of signs in the
area ofTuscawilla. We are trying to communicate as well as we can to our residents, to get the word
out about certain issues and we are having trouble being able to place our signs during certain times
regarding the meetings that are taking place. We would like your help in being able to pass on that
communication in areas like the median areas to give us a chance to make sure our people know
about what is going on. I would like to ask on the record if we can get permission to put signs up
in the areas in the Tuscawilla community for the Homeowners Association.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said we are in the process of attempting to address the sign ordinance and
see it's impact and will report back at the next meeting.
Mayor Bush stated on the agenda there are two presentations and unfortunately Mr. Torcaso can't
make it tonight and asked us to delay his for a couple of weeks so he can be here to receive it, but
at this time I would like to make a presentation of Resolution to Ms. Jean Jacobs.
Presentation by Mayor John F. Bush a resolution expressing appreciation to Jean Jacobs:
Mayor Bush read Resolution 752, A Resolution of Winter Springs Florida, expressing appreciation
to Jean Jacobs for her service on the Beautification of Winter Springs Board and presented Ms.
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January 23, 1995
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Jacobs Resolution No. 752.
Mayor Bush stated that there are representatives from the County here and moved agenda Item G
up at this time.
Approval of Seminole County/Winter Springs Joint Planning Agreement Discussion Outline:
Tony VanDerWerp, Seminole County Planning and Development Director, stated that at our last joint
meeting they gave out the scope of the Joint Planning Agreement and indicated some preliminary
issues that might be addressed. I have nothing further to add to that other than the fact that if this
Commission approves it, it will take 6 to 12 months to complete it depending upon how many issues
we deal with in that time frame.
Mayor Bush said for the benefit of the citizens, he will read the first paragraph under the background.
"The purpose of the Joint Planning Agreement is to adopt standards and procedures to ensure
coordinated comprehensive planning to guide urban expansion and to provide dispute resolution
guidelines to avoid litigation. The agreement shall ensure that the interest of existing and future
residents are balanced and in particular should incorporate standards and procedures".
Commissioner Gennell asked if this satisfy's any of the ICE requirements. Mr. VanDerWerp said
there are quite a few requirements for ICE in addition to this, the intergovernmental coordination
element but in terms of looking at land uses and transportation, it does satisfy several of the items
under that element, you will still have quite a bit of research and analysis to do with respect to other
Commissioner Ferring asked Mr. VanDerWerp in agreeing to this joint planning agreement, will this
in anyway tie the City Winter Springs hands as far as annexation of properties. Mr. VanDerWerp
said if that is a provision of the inter-local that ultimately gets forwarded to both Commissions, you
have an opportunity to deal with that issue and sign the inter-local agreement; with respect to joint
planning agreements, the ones that we have done in the past, mainly Sanford, did have an annexation
boundary in it that we all used within the inter-local, so yes it is an issue that we will address with
respect to tying the City of Winter Springs Commission hands at this time, no that is not the case.
You will see all of the issues analysis, you will have joint meetings, you will have an inter-local, you
will have 'a joint planning agreement that you can approve or disapprove at the end of the process.
Manager Govoruhk said the Commissioner that may be appointed to this, the document that was
presented to the City is a very basic "get start" type document and it is one that was drafted by the
County without, to the best of my knowledge, any input from our City at this time. The City should
take extreme care to ensure that that does not shackle by any agreement such as the one addressed
in road maintenance. Because of this any agreement should allow for flexibility and changes, the
document as presented appears to be flaw in that it does not address property that may be overlapping
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January 23, 1995
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. by two municipalities - how will that be addressed. So the Commissioner who is on, needs to look,
will this involve mediation, exactly what is meant by annexation boundaries. There are other concerns
at this time, but again this is only a get start document and the final documents will meet such
requirement to go into, so I suggest to the Commissioners to discuss this document and get Staff an
opportunity to look at it and also to help give input with the County Staff also being involved to reach
a conclusion. It is also my understanding that such an agreement exists between the County and the
Cities of Altamonte and Sanford, which we should also get a copy and look at those also.
Commissioner Gennell asked if this document was patterned your work efforts with Sanford on. Mr.
V anDerW erp said yes, this is identical to the kind of process we went through with the City of
Sanford, and that process took about 18 months. Commissioner Gennell said that Sanford is very
happy with their arrangement. Mr. VanDerWorp said for clarification purposes, with respect to
appointments, this process doesn't anticipate any appointments, this is Staffwill get together on a
routine basis, prepare the issue, routinely report them back to both Commissions, culminating at the
end of 6 to 12 months with a report with suggested inter-local language, issues, discussion and
options so it is not really an appointed committee, it is Staffs working together making sure we keep
the Commissions informed as we proceed through the process.
Commissioner Ferring said there are some valid points being made, in lieu of the fact that there are
going to be no appointments made, I think it would be incumbent upon this Commission to set up a
workshop with the City Manger and his Staff so we can have cross feed back on what our plans are
involving this particular joint agreement. Discussion.
Mayor Bush asked the City Manager to review this and come back at the next meeting with a
recommendation for a workshop date.
Discussion on the Joint Planning Agreement.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated what Mr. VanDerWorp is saying tonight is that clearly in our Compo
Plan, clearly our goal is to have an agreement with the County where issues are resolved. Attorney
Kruppenbacher said what Commissioner Ferring is saying he wants to be sure as we proceed forward
in that process, our Staff adequately understands the issues the Commissioners have so that we don't
get down the road and find out we left out something that one of you thought was critical. Tonight
you would simply be saying that we are interested in working towards an agreement and now Staff
start getting your thoughts together to meet with the Commission in a workshop so that when you
get with Mr. VanDerW erp you are fully ready to dialog on the issues you think are important.
Manager Govoruhk said after talking with Mr. VanDerworp, he said it will take at least six months
for Staff to get together to even come up with anything at all and then at that time come back to the
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January 23, 1995
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. Mr. VanDerWerp said there is quite a bit of Staff time and research involved that is why it takes six
months to a year, if we get the ok to go ahead there is interest in this; what we would bring back to
you periodically and before anything happens are those documents, the options, draft inter-local
agreements toward the end of the process, joint work sessions and that sort of thing.
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to instruct the City Manager to go forward with this
plan to work with Seminole County to start working out an inter-local agreement between the two
parties. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner GennelI: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Appointment of Commissioner to work with Seminole County on Tuskawilla Road widening:
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to appoint Commissioner John Ferring, who has been
working for the past five years on this whole project, to be our representative with the County on the
widening of TuscawilIa Road. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Commissioner
McLeod stated that the Commissioner that is appointed, needs to have an agenda item by this
Commission as those items that the Commission as a whole would like to have addressed, this
particular Commissioner definitely understands that they are there to work our and resolve solutions
and come up with solutions to the problem that we are addressed with TuskawilIa, all the problems,
and report back to this Commission and not to be in a governing body to make decisions for this
Commission, but to report a complete report back to the Commission; I think whomever that is needs
to be aware of that. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: nay; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner
LangeIlotti: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye. Motion passes.
Commissioner Ferring said he certainly intend not to act as an individual, and have never acted as an
individual since I've been on the Commission and you can be rest assured that nothing that is to take
place regarding this project will be agended and come to this Commission in complete comprehensive
information. Commissioner McLeod said that he thinks this should be an agenda item in the next
week or so, so we can lay down some of those issues as a body, I think we have a fair outline of those
issues at present, but I think the body needs to rule on those issues as a whole.
Approval of Proposed "Advertisement for Bid" for the vacant Utility Property on Fairfax Avenue:
Kip Lockcuff, UtilitylPublic Works Director, stated that what we have here is a request for your
approval to advertise for bid for the old utility office on Fairfax and 434. In putting together the
package for recommendation of the Commission, I thought it incumbent to have the hard cost
information is worth, not just from an appraisal perspective, but from actual bids. What we would
like to do is get the bids and then come back with a recommendation in sixty days.
Commissioner Ferring said what you are actually trying to do is get the value of the place. Mr.
Lockcuff stated that we have an appraisal that tells us what the value is. There was discussion on the
appraisal document that was placed in the Commission office.
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January 23, 1995
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Commissioner McLeod said to Mr. Lockcuff, that he is basically going to go out and seek bids for
, the potential sale of this property, come back and present those bids to the Commission and then the
Commission has the opportunity to decide whether the building should be sold or the building should
be kept within the City structure. Manager Govoruhk said we are asking to go out for bids with the
idea to reject them. Discussion. Attorney Kruppenbacher said you are going out for bid with
complete legal authority to reject them if this Commission deems that they do not want to sell the
property and/or don't want to accept the bids. There is not an intention to reject bids, but put you
in the position to be able to reject the bids. Manager Govoruhk said then we can come back with a
complete package on that to accept the bids, to rent the building, to make it an office with other City
personnel or to make it the historical building or whatever options and come back to the Commission
and layout all the options so the Commission can make a decision at that time.
Commissioner Gennell asked if this was standard operating procedures in all Cities when they have
a piece of property like this. Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that lots of City's engage in "testing the
waters" on whether or not to dispose of property. Commissioner Gennell asked if that includes the
area where the water tower was. Mr. Lockcuff stated no. Discussion. Commissioner McLeod said
the City Manager should put a list together as options that we are wanting to look at with this piece
of property from within the City based on the appraisal dollar and be able to look at the options and
see what the true cost value of what other intents for the City. If those intents for the City then look
to costly, then I believe we would then take a look at the options of selling the building to recoup
funds; I think we need to have those options presented by the City Manger first with a cost analysis
based on the $75,000.00 appraisal.
Commissioner Langellotti asked Mr. Lockcuffifhe sees a need for the City to have that building. Mr.
Lockcuffsaid not for the Utility, Public Works, Stormwater, or the Engineering Dept. Discussion.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that certain members of the Commission did express at a previous
Commission meeting thoughts of that being used as a museum. The Manager had contacted me
within the last month, as to what is the process best used to dispose of property that is considered
surplus, meaning real property. I advised him of what City's do, is send a memo and go to their Dept.
heads and ask if anybody within the City StaffDepts. have any use for the property, if that comes
back a no, you then bring it to the Commission for authority to go out for bid. The Manager hasn't
said sell it, but he is telling you from a Staff standpoint they have no use for it; you all need to make
a policy decision.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to proceed with Mr. Lockcuffs recommendation that an
advertisement for bid be published for the vacant Utility property on Fairfax Ave., non-binding.
Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: nay;
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Ferrlng: aye;
Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
There was discussion on the use of a room in the building for storage of the City Historical
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January 23, 1995
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Appointment to Districting Commission:
Commissioner Ferring appointed Ken Haines to the Districting Commission. Commissioner
Langellotti appointed Gene Lein to the Districting Commission. Commissioner Gennell appointed
Vernon Rozelle to the Districting Commission. Commissioner McLeod and Commissioner Conniff
both asked to extend to the next meeting on January 30, 1995. Mayor Bush appointed Kathlene Roy
to the Districting Commission and will appoint his second appointee until the January 30, 1995
Ordinance No. 579. First Reading Amending Subsection 7-46(b). Fire Prevention Code:
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to read Ord. No. 579 by title only. Seconded by
Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Ferring:
aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commission Conniff: aye. Motion
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 579 by title only. "Ordinance No. 579, and Ordinance of the
City of Winter Springs Florida, amending subsection 7 -46(b), Chapter 7 of the Code of Ordinances,
City of Winter Springs, Florida, providing for severability, conflicts and effective date".
Mayor Bush asked about this Ord. Fire Chief Tim Lallathin stated the State Fire Marshall's office
only covers certain items, they don't cover all commercial occupancies and special occupancies and
groups such as that. Discussion. Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that we annually up date this, and
if we don't keep it up dated you impact the fire ratings of the City, which impact the commercial
insurance rates for your business people; this is a step that helps keeps rates down.
Wage and Hour Recommendation:
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that negotiations with Wage and Hour and we are in the process in
digging up a lot offacts and working through the issues. At the point we culminate that process and
have gone as far as we can go with the Dept. we will report back to you where we are. The
Department of Labor is not prepared to settle part of the issue and I will continue to up date the
City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher 1. Reports:
Attorney Kruppenbacher gave the Commission a Resolution proposal from the parties to the litigation
that we are involved in with Oviedo and told the Commission that this Resolution is not Public
Record at this time. I don't believe, based upon prior discussion that this changes the position as I
understand it, there is additionally attached a draft letter and make comment on the letter to me if you
desire any changes. They will become Public Records at conclusion of the litigation or at such time
as we deem them to make them a Public Record.
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January 23, 1995
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Attorney Kruppenbacher said that on Friday afternoon he was contacted by Attorney Harry Stewart
. who represents Chelsea Woods Homeowners regarding their interest in the mall development.
Attorney Stewart talked to me about this City considering a request from the Homeowners to convey
an undivided on half interest in the easement to the Homeowners. I explained to Attorney Stewart
that ifwe wanted to do it, he should get me something today so that I could bring it to you tonight
and we would be in a position to act if you so chose. I also asked him to articulate item by item what
benefit he thought there was to that; and I will give you a copy of what they (homeowners) are
proposing. The other contact I had on this issue was a phone call from Terry Beck, who I called back
but did not speak with.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said your legal team and consultant team evaluated was there an identifiable
legal negative to the City of Winter Springs interest to entering into this document from Attorney
Stewart. We do not identifY anything that would legally impair our case in terms of protecting the
City; the only identification that came from the team was the issue of that you are responsible to the
entire City and to extend you do convey part ownership of anything to anyone, you do tie yourself
to that body. That really is more policy issue because when it was raised by people on the team, I
raised the issue that let's talk about what is legal and what is policy. We know of no legal detriment
that this would cause the City of Winter Springs. Other than if we wanted to make a decision or deal
with this easement from a legal standpoint you could not act without getting the other owner to agree
to it, so this is really a judgement at this point that you as a body have to decide if you are interested
in doing this. Discussion. Commissioner Ferring mentioned to the City Attorney that ifhe could
figure out a way that we would not be bound by any type of an agreement where we make a decision
that our decision will stand firm as the government in this City that is fine, but if you can't do that then
don't bring it back. Commissioner McLeod said that he would like to approach this from a stand
point with our issue as it is, continuing to take input by the citizens but does not feel that we should
at this point, loose any of our options that we have as a Commission open to the people of the City
of Winter Springs and I think we would really be binding ourselves up and I sure the people in
Tuscawilla and the Homeowners Associations out there would want more than not to do that, I don't
think this Commission can relieve itself of it's duties to the people of Winter Springs, and I feel that
we would be doing that by going into this agreement. Attorney Kruppenbacher asked the
Commission if they had any opposition to his talking with and consulting with, and having discussion
with the Homeowner Attorney to think of ways that we may better support the City's position; I think
that more minds that are sitting there thinking, the apt we may hit on things, so does anybody have
a problem with at least my having the authority to meet with them.
Mayor Bush said if he is not mistaken, the Commission has already given him that authority.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said he is confirming that he has that authority unless you tell him differently
he (Attorney) will proceed forward. Commissioner Gennell stated that we need to stay open to every
option that comes our way. Attorney Kruppenbacher said that he is willing to sit down with Lawyers
and see if they can think of something. Discussion. Commissioner Ferring stated he has indicated
that whatever time that as the Attorney for this City want to go and discuss with any other Attorney,
and we can certainly welcome any input from the Homeowners Assoc., that it will not be done at a
cost to this City. That any expenses, your expenses, do not evolve anything to do with that particular
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Attorney. Attorney Kruppenbacher said what he understood Commissioner Ferring to say is you
, want me to do everything necessary to protect the homeowners, if the homeowners, whoever they
may be want to pursue anything, they need to pursue it with their lawyers; but you are giving me total
support to take whatever steps I think we need to take to protect the public. Commissioner Ferring
said yes that is correct. Discussion. Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that he understands what he
is suppose to do, I will handle what I have to do to protect the City.
Attorney Kruppenbacher mentioned that the City has an inter-local agreement with the County which
we are going to pursue, to alert the Commission, figuring out how to get out of, and that's regarding
the whole Orange Avenue, that we entered into years ago; where we don't have the property in the
City but we have this strange agreement that says that the City of Winter Springs will take care of it
and it never quite worked. The City Manager and I are going to sit with the County and talk about
getting out of this agreement, so that the people over there can go and talk to their elected officials
in the County when they have issues and not come here expecting us to solve, when the County says
they won't deal with an issue. Commissioner F erring stated that this has been talked about for a
couple of years, where we are maintaining County roads at a cost to the taxpayers in this City and
at the same time get complaints from the people that live outside the City that we are not doing what
we are suppose to do. Commissioner Ferring stated that with Mr. VanDerWerp present tonight, if
he is looking to work out an intergovernmental coordination program on a joint basis, this should be
at the highest priority that we would be able to abrogate that inter-local agreement. Attorney
Kruppenbacher stated that he and the City Manager will report back to the Commission within sixty
City Manager John Govoruhk - Reports:
Manger Govoruhk stated that he received a request from East Central Florida Regional Planning
Council to pay our dues; the price has gone up from $4,400.00 to $7,322.00. The $4,400.00 was put
in the budget and if the Commission wants me to pay the bill, it will be revamped at budget revision
time - this is a $3,000.00 increase. Discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to pay the dues to the E.C.F.R.P.C. Seconded by
Commissioner Ferring. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner McLeod:aye;
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye. Motion
Manager Govoruhk also stated that the Commission has a letter from I.W.S. and asked if the
Commission would like to have them (I.W.S. representatives) to come before the Commission to talk
about the change to B.F.I. Manager Govoruhk stated he has also given this to the City Attorney to
see if the I.W.S. contract can be given to B.F.I. or not at this time. Discussion. It was the consensus
of the Commission to have a representative from I.W.S. come before the Commission at the February
13, 1995 meeting. Discussion.
Mayor Bush asked the Commission if a letter should be sent to I.W.S. (B.F.I.) stating the
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January 23, 1995
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Commissions concerns. Manager Govoruhk stated that he will be meeting with them this week and
- he will state the Commission's concerns. Mayor Bush said he would like to recommend that the City
Manager and City Attorney work together on drafting the letter expressing the Commission's
concerns. Attorney Kruppenbacher said that you do want to put them on notice, in writing, the
issues; you do want to tell them that they are to have present the people with authority from the
Company. In the letter is should also state that this if placing them on notice that the Winter Springs
City Commission has not agreed to the operation of this franchise ofB.F.I.
Manager Govoruhk also mentioned that the Commission has a copy of a letter from Florida Power
stating that they are going to start construction on the 230-KW transmission line from DeBary to
Winter Springs starting this summer and should be finished this year.
Commissioner Gennell asked the City Manager about Mr. Tipton running out of money this month.
Manager Govoruhk stated that Mr. Tipton is out of money when we met last meeting. Commissioner
Gennell asked if the Commission needs to approve more money for them to continue on. Manager
Govoruhk stated that a memo was put out that no more money will be spent until Mr. Tipton comes
back to me for any projects to be approved; including the Attorney.
Commissioner Ferring asked about the Police Dept.'s monthly report regarding the pedestrian fatality
and the increase in vehicular accidents. Commissioner Ferring also asked Mr. Lockcuff about the
Ranchlands Survey and when will the Commission get those. Mr. Lockcuff stated that he has all
gotten them all back except for a couple and could have a summary to the Commission for the
February 13th meeting. .
Mayor Bush asked the City Manager about the legal fee reimbursement. Manager Govoruhk said
those fees that the builder/developer owes for expediting engineering. Mayor Bush also asked about
the gasoline used in the Police Dept.
Commission Seat I - Larry Conniff:
No Report.
Commission Seat II - John Ferring:
Commissioner Ferring thanked the Commission for designating him to be the representative regarding
the Tuskawilla Road project. Commissioner Ferring said he wanted to express his thoughts to the
Homeowners Association that he is prepared to work with them as best as he can and welcomes all
input that they have. He stated that he will do what he can and will report back to the Commission
whatever input that they give to him.
Commissioner Ferring brought up the fact that each year around this time we rotate certain positions
and he would like to bring up the position of the Council of Local Governments and place it on the
agenda and move to place this on the agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion.
Vote: Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye;
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Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
- Commissioner Ferring stated that each year we usually rotate certain positions that are on this
Commission to give everybody an overall view and experience how each individual function goes and
he thinks this year it is time to have another Commissioner going into the CALNO to see what is
going on and to get the experience. Therefore, I would like to nominate Commissioner Conniff, if
he is willing to take over the position as a representative of CALNO. Commissioner Conniff
Commissioner Ferring then nominated Commissioner Langellotti for the position as representative
of CALNO. Commissioner Langellotti declined.
Commissioner Ferring then nominated Commissioner McLeod for the position as representative of
CALNO. Commissioner McLeod declined.
Commissioner Gennell stated that she is the CALNO representative and former Commissioner
Kaehler was the City's representative for about three years. Commissioner Gennell said she does not
remember rotating the positions of Regional Planning Council or anything, she said she remembers
rotating the Deputy Mayor and that is all. Commissioner Gennell stated that she goes to every
meeting and reports back to the Commission and she prefers to keep her position on CALNO.
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod that Commissioner Gennell continue her position on
CALNO for one year. Seconded by Commissioner Ferring. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner
McLeod: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Langellotti:
nay; Commissioner Ferring: aye. Motion passes.
Commissioner Ferring asked the City Attorney regarding the Oviedo Crossings and the ten foot
easement, that he was under the impression that there was an order of taking by the Seminole County
Expressway Authority and I would like to make sure that we weren't by-passed somewhere along the
line by the Seminole County Expressway Authority when they crossed the easement that we possess
. Attorney Kruppenbacher said as we best understand as of the latest research today, we were not
looking at that issue.
Commission Seat ill - John Langellotti:
Commissioner Langellotti stated he would like to commend Chief Sexton on the Code Board on their
cases, the ones that have been received and corrected. I think AI White is doing a great job and the
Code Board should be commended for what they are doing.
Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennelt:
Commissioner Gennell stated she has the same thing to say as Commissioner Langellotti. Chief
Sexton said that Capt. Pieper and Capt. Tolleson have also been working very hard with the Code
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Commissioner Gennell showed the Commission pictures of the area immediately behind the Fairfax
. building going a couple of blocks. The pictures are of the quadroplexes behind the Winter Springs
Center and Lori Ann Lane, there are about 20 to 22 buildings in that area. We (the City) own the
little piece of property where we use to park the road grader. In my estimation, this is the most
seriously deteriorated area in the City. There are also 20 more a block and a half away which totals
40 of these four unit quadroplexes in varying stages of deterioration; they are in walking distance or
immediately adjacent to that piece ofland. We have a chain link fence around it, it is the size of about
2 to 2 1/2 house lots and I am thinking that we could make much better use of that piece of property.
I would like the Commission to consider looking into converting that into a small, perhaps lighted
basketball courts with a tot lot and a pavilion there for all those people. If we take the lead in that
area and provide some little bit of up grading and fixing up of that one little area and create a central
park area, then I think it would encourage those property owners to improve that property somewhat.
If they do improve their property then we (the City) will benefit in the increased taxes. I think that
we as a City can do better because we own that piece of property there and I think we can make some
adaptation to it, I think it has a lot of potential. The vast majority of this City has amenities, it has
club houses, back yards, these have none of those and if we don't address this soon, then some day
we will be going to some federal agency or State agency and applying for grant money or community
redevelopment because it got so bad nobody could fix it without help. I don't think it is too late right
now, I think a very small investment on our part would reap a lot.
Mayor Bush said why don't we ask the City Manager to evaluate that with Staff and come back with
some information.
Commissioner Gennell also stated that the CSX Railroad is being abandoned in June, if we don't "step
up to the plate" and say we are interested in that, and how can we have something to do it, we will
have outside agencies come in here and dictating what is going to run right through the center of our
City. I brought you (the Commission) a Resolution last year to support the 2000 Friends of Florida
to purchase that and this Commission saw fit to not support them to purchase it, however, one of
those agencies the P-2000 or Thousand Friends of Florida, or actually DOT will purchase that and
DOT will probably turn it over to one ofthe other State Agencies like DEP or somebody and they
will turn it over to P-2000 or Thousand Friends of Florida and parcel it out to whatever government
agency comes forward who says they will maintain it and improve it and interested in it. I have a
newspaper clipping indicating the whole scenario of it being abandoned and it will be abandoned this
June, there is a Rails to Trails conservency, the Florida Chapter, the State Conference and I went to
it and brought back to you all kinds of information; I have every intention of going this year, it is in
Winter Park, and I think that we should send somebody and I think that each of you that has an
opportunity should try and get there to see what will be happening.
Commissioner Ferring stated that he doesn't think there was any question regarding Rails to Trails
when they came before us, we asked them to come back to us with their financial reports and to this
date we have never received any thing regarding their annual auditing of financial reports and that was
probably the reason why we did not go forward at that time. All they have to do is submit their
Regular Meeting City Commisison
January 23, 1995
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financial reports to see how we are interwoven with this and how much it will cost the taxpayers in
the City, so we will know how to evaluate this.
Commissioner Conniff said Commissioner Gennell's proposal to the City Manager for doing
something in that area, where we have the fenced in lot, possibly we could have the City Manager and
the Police Chief look into the PAL Program, the Police Athletic League.
Commissioner Langellotti said referring to Commissioner Gennell's talk about the apartments on Lori
Ann Lane, about 5 or 6 years ago these apartments kept coming up to the Code Board with many
violations. I think about 90% of them were owned by out of state people and some were owned by
residents of this City and I think that should be looked into before the City gets involved. Also, if Mr.
Johnson has any record of CSX Railroad abandoning the 15 miles I wish he would give that
information to the City Commission.
Commissioner McLeod said regard the park idea, he feels it is a good idea but if there is grant money
to help lift communities up regarding a park in this particular community, I think one thing we should
be looking to see if grant money is available to help defray costs if the Commission has interest to go
forward. Our Compo Plan does have requirements that we do have affordable housing in our City and
I think this is part of the affordable housing and I don't think it needs to become "trashed" housing
and I think the rest of the City looks to the Commission to help maintain the worth of their property
by definitely by not letting neighborhoods go down. Also, regarding to Commissioner Ferring's
comment on the railroad, yes we did have concerns there and our concerns were the fact who was
financing these particular people.
Commissioner Gennell stated that she would like to encourage the Commission to attend the
conference, because all your questions and concerns and un-asked questions will be answered and
also they are full of ideas.
Mayor Bush mentioned that the City Manager might want to send a Staff member to that conference.
Also on the park, if this is something the Commission wants to consider that we put it into
consideration of the budget in this coming year and just budget for it; this might be an item you might
want to consider for next year's budget.
Commission Seat V - David McLeod:
Commissioner McLeod said he thinks that this Commission needs to try to work as a unified body
going forward with a lot of issues we have but I also notice that there is a lot of questions asked to
the City Attorney, and I do this myself, that should be asked to the City Manager, and I hope that we
all relieve our City Attorney, I think we need to make sure we are directing our questions to the
proper body.
Mayor's Office - John F. Bush:
Mayor Bush stated in reading the reports I noticed that the concession stand is closed at the park and
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asked ifthere are vending machines there and if not why don't we want vending machines. Manager
. Govoruhk stated that there were vending machines at the Park but they were vandalized and the
vending machine company said they were not making money that they were loosing money.
Mayor Bush also mentioned that there was no report from the Finance Dept. Manager Govoruhk said
there should have been one.
Mayor Bush stated that the City Manager from Oviedo call him today and as you know we have a
meeting this Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. and said for those of you who would like to come at 6:30 p.m.
they will treat us to pizza.
Mayor Bush asked when will the Southern Bell Franchise Agreement be back on the agenda.
Discussion. Mayor Bush asked the City Manager to make note to have it on the next agenda for
February 13, 1995.
Mayor Bush also stated that he would like to compliment the City Manager's secretary; a citizen
called regarding a garbage collection and I called the City Manager and he was away from his desk
and his secretary said that she would take care of it. She called the citizen and IWS and the problem
was corrected immediately and I thought it was a lot of initiative on her part to do that and pass it
on to Jan that it was a nice job - well done.
Mayor Bush asked if were to get a letter tonight regarding the State Attorney investigation of the
Parks and Recreation. Manager Govoruhk said he has contacted the State Attorney and there will
be a letter written to them following up the conversation we had for them to proceed with the
investigation; that will be hand delivered some time tomorrow and a copy will be given to the Mayor
and all Commissioners.
Mayor Bush said at some point he would like the Commission to consider having a meeting that we
can layout what some of the goals that we might want to achieve this coming year and especially how
it might affect our budget. I would like to encourage the Commission to consider we have a planning
meeting and cover some of the issues such as Commissioner Ferring brought up regarding rotation
of some of our appointed positions, etc.
Commissioner McLeod said when the letter is written to the State Attorney that a report is returned
back to the City Manager, the City Attorney and the Commission by the State Attorney so that we
have no reason to believe that any body has any thing here that isn't in anything other than that report.
I would like to see it come directly back to us and it doesn't have to be refined before the Commission
sees it. Also, I would like us to direct our legal staff to further investigate and look into the pension
plan and its wording to make sure that everything is complying where it needs to be.
Commissioner Gennell stated that she supports the Mayor's idea for a workshop.
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There was discussion on the meeting with the City of Oviedo on January 25th. Attorney
Kruppenbacher stated that he recommends that we go because we may gain a benefit from it, it can't
hurt us.
Commissioner Gennell asked the City Manager if the Commission needs to approve money for Mr.
Tipton ifhe is out of money. Manager Govoruhk said at this time we have no projects to give to him
at this time. Discussion.
Mayor Bush said he would like the Commission's consent to write a letter of thank you to the Board
of County Commissioners for the joint meeting we had last week. It was the consensus to the
Commission to have the Mayor write a letter to the Board of County Commission.
The meeting adjourned at 10:55 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
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City Clerk
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