HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 01 09 City Commission Regular Minutes
JANUARY 9, 1995
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs was called to order by
Mayor John F. Bush at 7:30 p.m.
Roll Call:
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor John Langellotti, present
City Manager John Govoruhk, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
Larry Conniff, present
John Ferring, present
Cindy Gennell, present
David McLeod, present
For the invocation Mayor Bush asked for a moment ofsitent prayer.
Mayor Bush asked if there wee any additions or corrections to the minutes of December 12, 1994.
There wee no additions or corrections to the minutes of December 12, 1994, minutes stand approved
as presented.
Mayor Bush asked if there were nay additions or corrections to the minutes of the Special Meeting
of December 21, 1994. There were no additions or corrections to the minutes of the Special Meeting
of December 21, 1994, minutes stand approved as presented.
Mayor Bush asked for a motion from the Commission to place on the agenda the appointment of City
Clerk. Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to place on the agenda the appointment of City
Clerk. Seconded by Commissioner McLeod. Vote: commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner
Ferring: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Langellotti:
aye. Motion passes.
Mayor Bush state that he would like to appoint Margo Hopkins as City Clerk. Motion was made by
Commissioner Conniff to appoint Margo hopkins as City Clerk. Seconded by Commissioner
Langellotti. Discussion. Commissioner McLeod asked if Ms. Hopkins would receive the pay that
goes along with that position with the time frame upon which she has been with the City. City
Manager Govoruhk said that would be up to the Commission, when they appoint her and recommend
her salary to start as of when? Mayor Bush said as of tonight. Commissioner Ferring said what we
have appropriated in the budget, we should follow along those particular lines. Vote: Commissioner
Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Ferring;
aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
Mayor Bush gave the oath of office to Ms. Hopkins.
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January 9, 1995
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Greg Vachnik, President of the South Lake Jessup Shores Homeowners Association, read a letter
from the committee of the Homeowners Association, which stated they are against the rezoning
proposal for the Clara Joyce property.
MJ. Soileau, 100 Tuskawilla Road (formally Brantley Ave.) spoke against the change of zoning for
the Clara Joyce property.
Bill Reischmann, representing Clara Joyce, stated that it is this understanding that the commission will
consider the first reading of an Ord. which will increase the permitted uses for the RU zoning district.
You just heard some commentary on some objections to Ms. Joyce's request to rezone here property
from RU to R-3. What she has sought all along was to use her property, which has eight acres with
one building, a low density, residential in character, Adult Congregate Living Facility. Ms. Joyce
came to the City and the City said in order to do that you have to rezone your property to R-3. A
meeting was held at City Hall with representatives of the individuals that you just heard from, myself,
the City Attorney, Mr. Govoruhk and I believe we reached a compromise. The compromise does
meet the needs of Ms. Joyce, it will allow her to have a permitted use on her property as is, to put
one, not to increase the number of buildings but to just use her existing property as an ACLF. We
have never wanted anything more than the City's permission to use the property as and ACLF, we
never had any intention to put apartments or anything like that on this property. We request that you
consider favorably this evening and move it forward as we need to get this matter closed. The Ord.
which will increase the types and numbers of permitted uses from RU zoning category to include and
ACLF. I would suggest to you Mayor and Commissioners that the concerns that you heard of this
evening regarding traffic, the road, nature and quality of this use, can be and will be met through the
site plan process if you pas this ord. allowing this ACLF as a permitted use.
Charles McGinnis, 510 Club Drive, spoke regarding problems at Cypress Club and a follow-up from
the Dec. 12, 1994 meeting. Mr. McGinnis gave a copy of the report he received from the City
Manager that was submitted to the Mayor and Commissioners to the Commission that he outlined
some of the concerns and issues that have been addressed and went over these with the Commission.
Discussion. City Manager Govoruhk said he will set up a meeting with the developer and will invite
Mr. McGinnis.
Ellen Withner, Club Drive, spoke regarding the problem at Cypress Club, and asked when can they
have a time frame when this will be resolved. Discussion.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said er just recommended to the City manager to contact the developer
tomorrow and get him here for a meeting to get these issues on the table. I recommend that we don't
issue anything to him until we get a handle on this and go through the whole thing. Commissioner
Ferring suggested that the City Attorney get the covenants for that development.
e John draper, Club Drive, stated that he is concerned also with the problems in Cypress Club.
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Mayor Bush said that there are five Resolution on tonight's agenda and could we have a motion that
all these be read by title only.
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to read Resolution Nos. 750, 751, 752, 753, and 754
by title only. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner Ferring; aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye; Motion passes.
1. ApprovaVDisapproval- Request of Clara Joyce to rezone property from RU and C-2 to R-3 (eight
(8) acre parcel north ofCSX Railroad and south of Orange Avenue). 2. Ord. No. 575 Amending RU
land use designation. 3. Ord. No. 574, first reading ifitem 1 (above) approved. Tabled from Dec. 12,
1994. meeting:
Attorney Kruppenbacher red Ord. No. 574 by title only. "An Ordinance of the City of Winter Springs,
Florida amending Section 20-267. Uses permitted. Chapter 20 of the Code of Ordinances, City of
Winter Springs, Florida, providing for severability, conflicts and effective date. "
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Res. No. 750 by title only. "A Resolution of the City of Winter
Springs, Florida, providing for establishment of an interim services fee; conflicts and effective date. "
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Res. No. 751 by title only. "A Resolution of the City of Winter
Springs, Florida, expressing appreciation to John V. Torcaso for his service on the Cit Commission
and the Planning and Zoning Board."
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Res. No. 752 by title only. "A resolution of the City os Winter Springs,
Florida, expressing appreciation to Jean Jacobs for her service on the Beautification of Winter Springs
Board. "
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Res. No. 753 by title only. "A joint Resolution proposing and
amendment to Article 1, Section 5 of the State Constitution relating to the right of citizens to
assemble and instruct their representatives, conflicts and effective date. "
Attorney Kruppenbacher red Res. No. 754 by title only. "A Resolution relating to the Cable
Television franchise, provided Time Warner Cable Co."
Attorney Kruppenbacher said Ord. 574, item one, the request to go from Ru to C-2 to R-3, the
property owner will be pulling that. At the last meeting the County raised an issue and the public
raised and issue and you raised an issue regarding whether or not the way in which and interpretation
could be made if you had gone to the rezoning that was being proposed. You could inadvertently
find yourself in a position to be putting a multi-family in that area and end up with an apartment
complex. After the last meeting, we has a meeting with the City Manager, Mr. Gosline, Mr.
Ketteringham, Mr. LeBlanc, myself, a County representative, Mr. Reichman, Ms. Joyce, and
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January 9, 1995
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homeowner representatives; and after much discussion and analysis we concluded that be adding adult
congregate living facilities to your existing uses within 20-267 would allow us to achieve the
objective of not risking that property inadvertently a multi-family unit strong hold.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said we ask that you have this for first reading tonight and second reading
at a public hearing. Between now and the next meeting we will tie down the issue relating to density
and how many residents you can have within an ACLF within the acreage. Mr. Reichman has
represented to me that this developer does not intend to ever have more than 40 residents; which
would be five per acre for the acreage out there. Discussion.
Commissioner Ferring said we heard from Mr. Reichman that they have no intentions of putting in
any extra buildings or any extra apartments, is that correct. Attorney Kruppenbacher said that is
correct and Mr. Reichman that was correct. Discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to approve Ord. No. 575 to have a public hearing and
second reading. Seconded by commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Gennell:
aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye;
Commissioner Langellotti: aye. Motion passes. Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that the rest of the
e items under item A have been pulled.
Resolution No. 750 establishing interim service fees. conflicts and effective date etc.:
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to approve Res. No. 750, establishing interim service
fees, conflicts and effective date. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote:
Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye;
Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye. Motion passes.
Resolution No. 751 expressing appreciation to John V. Torcaso:
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to approve Res. No. 751, with great pleasure, expressing
appreciation to John V. Torcaso. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff Discussion. Vote:
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Resolution No. 752 expressing appreciation to Jean Jacobs:
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to approve Res. No. 752, expressing appreciation to Jean
Jacobs. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote; Commissioner Ferring; aye;
Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Resolution No. 753 establishing join resolution proposing and amendment to Article 1, Section 5 of
State Constitution relating to the right of citizens to assemble and instruct their representatives,
conflicts and effective date etc.:
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January 9, 1995
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Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to approve Res. No. 753, establishing joint resolution
proposing and amendment to Article I, Section 5, of State Constitution relating to the right of
citizens to assemble and instruct their representatives, conflict and effective date etc. Seconded by
Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye. Motion
Resolution No. 754 - Time Warner Entertainment Company:
Commissioner Ferring mentioned a letter that was sent to the residents of our City which stated that
they (TWEC) are going to increase their rates again, $1.26 per month. Commissioner Ferring said
that he has had numerous complaints regarding the performance of the cable co. disrupting the service
in the City. A lot of residents are not aware that when their service is disrupted they can put in a
claim for lot money for that particular day or any day that your service is interrupted. This particular
Res. is about the third time that they have tried to change their name and have incorporated with
other organizations and I think that before we go ahead and allow them to do that, we ask them to
come back and renegotiate the contract we have with them. We need to put tougher wording in as
far as enforcement is concerned. We have already with the help of the City Manager made
application to the Federal Communications Commission to be the regulatory agent for the basic
services in this City. We are presently awaiting that, but in the mean time I don't think we should pass
this resolution. So I think we ought to have Time Warner come back and ask them to renegotiate
the contract we have with them; I think it is something that would be beneficial to this City and will
also give them a chance for accountability. Discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to deny this Res. at this time. Seconded by
Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Commissioner Gennell said that she has information on fiber
optics from the City of Lake Mary and will have the Clerk make copies for the Commission; and she
also has a video from Lakeland and will also give this to the Clerk for anyone who would like to view
it. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: nay; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye;
Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye. Motion passes to deny.
Approval of Equity Study Commission Members:
Commissioner Ferring said that the members that were selected are quite a cross section of business
people and he applauds the Building Department, who solicited these particular members.
Mayor Bush said the members who were selected are Walt Dittmer, Dan Wood, William Hadfield,
Linda Anderson and Richard Grogan.
Don Houck, Building Official, stated that when looking at putting this Equity Study Commission
together one of the intentions was to get a good cross section of the businesses in the City. He also
stated that fortunately the people he contacted were willing to do this and feels that it is a good
representation of the business community.
e Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff that the recommendation of the Equity Study
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January 9, 1995
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Commission members be approved. Seconded by Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote:
Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye;
Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye. Motion passes.
Appeal of Rev. Neil Backus to B.O.A. action, denial of conditional use for Church within R-C1 single
family dwelling district:
Margaret Hannah, 405 S. Moss Rd., read a statement from her husband and herself, they both oppose
the request and asked for a vote of denial.
Margaret Hannah also read a letter from Michelle and John Morrison, who could not attend the
meeting, stating that they oppose the request and asked for a vote of denial.
Jo Bush, 125 E. Bahama Rd., stated her opposition of the request and asked for a vote of denial.
Duane Roadaderick, 120 E. Panama Rd., stated he had sent a letter to the Mayor and Commission
and asked that the Mayor read the letter into the record. Mr. Roadaderick said in a brief statement
that this past week he discussed with a State licensed real estate appraiser what the financial impact
a church at 415 Moss Rd. would have on the property values of homes of the surrounding area. He
said he was advised that about a 5% loss of present market value should be expected if there are no
school activities; and school activates would cause an additional decline of property value. He
requested the Commission deny Mr. Backus' appeal.
Mayor Bush read the letter Mr. Roadaderick had sent to the Commission dated January 3, 1995.
Commissioner Ferring read a letter from Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Wilshire who could not be at the meeting
tonight. The letter stated their opposition to the request.
Carl Stephens, 700 Fisher Rd., President of Ranchlands Homeowners Assoc., spoke against the
request. He stated that the homeowners are asking to deny the request for a church on the basis that
is it not with the public interest, it is not compatible with the intent with rustic residential land use
which was established to protect the preferred lifestyle of the residents in the area. It is not a public
facility wanted by the people in the area and will contribute to the deterioration of the dirt roads in
the Ranchlands. We ask that you follow the recommendation of your board of Adjustment and
support us in our effort to protect our lifestyle and community.
Trish Drebert, 500 Hayes Rd., spoke about her opposition of the request and asked for a vote of
Carol Alvine, 275 E. Tradewinds, spoke against the request.
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January 9, 1995
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Commissioner Ferring stated that we had all this information before us prior to the meeting along
with the minutes of the Board of Adjustment meeting, and with all the testimony put forth tonight,
he moved that based upon the record and the lack of compatibility to the surrounding area, this
request be denied. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Commissioner McLeod said
he would like to hear from Mr. Backus.
Mr. Neil Backus, spoke on behalf of his request. Mr. Backus went into much detail of his history.
He said the name of his church is Faith Bible Church and not Faith Baptist Church and he did have
a house church by the Ormond Beach airport.
Mayor Bush reminded Mr. Backus that he is here tonight to appeal the Board of Adjustments denial
of a conditional use permit to locate a Church on Moss Rd.
Mr. Backus said the main objection at the Nov. 3, 1994, meeting was the Starlite Baptist Church and
their busses. Discussion. Mr. Backus said he was trying to introduce a new concept of a church
where you have bicycles, joggers, and walk-in people. My plans have to have about 15 to 20 car
spaces for the building size. Mr. Backus mentioned a dual driveway for the church and a spec home.
Mr. Backus also mentioned a creed that runs through his property and that an environmental engineer
came out and flagged trees and this morning a surveyor came out and they are in the process of
platting this little creek which we plan to preserve. Our concept is something like Lieu Gardens
around a small church and limit the traffic.
Mayor Bush again mentioned the denial of Mr. Backus' request from the B.O.A. and said that Mr.
Backus needs to address the denial. Discussion.
Mr. Backus said he has a site plan and that he is trying to get the Public Works to buy the middle for
retention because the City is draining water on his property from Hayes Rd. He said he has offered
to sell the whole property to Mr. Lockcuff for a retention area. Mayor Bush said this is not what is
before the Commission tonight and the City is not looking to buy property. Mr. Backus stated how
can he by C-l property if he can't sell what he has.
Mr. Backus summed up his appeal by saying he needs help from the people in the Ranchlands and the
City to resolve the situation regarding the retention area. He said he needs to get a resolution on that
and whether they will give him a lot split to build two spec homes.
Mayor Bush said it appear that Mr. Backus' summation is an entirely different topic than what the
agenda item is.
Attorney Kruppenbacher asked Mr. Backus if based upon his last comment is he (Backus) trying to
figure out how to improve the value of his property. Mr. Backus said no, what he is trying to do is
be able to sell the property so he can buy a C-l zoned property.
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January 9, 1995
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Commissioner Conniff withdrew his second and Commissioner Ferring withdrew his motion.
Motion was made by Commissioner F erring to deny the appeal based upon the record before us and
that record includes the Compo Plan, City Codes, the B.O.A. minutes, and tonight's hearing, it is
based on conformance with the law. It is determined that this proposed conditional use request is not
consistent with the general zoning plans within that area and it is not within the public interest.
Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: aye;
commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner Ferring: aye. Motion passes.
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher:
Attorney Kruppenbacher said he has, and gave to the Commission, an Ordinance that imposes a six
month moratorium on the operation of any adult entertainment with the City, or any establishment
of any adult entertainment within the City. The six months will enable your Staff during that time to
study this issue and come up with reasonable rules and regulations to properly deal with this
particular type use or uses within the frame work of your Compo Plan. Discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to read Ord. 576 by title only. Seconded by
Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner McLeod:
aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye. Motion
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 576 by title only. "An Ordinance of the City of Winter
Springs, Florida, imposing a 6 month moratorium on the approval or issuance of licenses for the
operation of adult entertainments within the City. Identifying adult entertainment establishments
providing for conflicts, severability and effective date. "
Attorney Kruppenbacher said he is giving the Commission another Ord. that would affectively
provide that all the decisions of the Board of Adjustment on variances, special exceptions or other
wise would become recommendations to the City Commission. The City Commission would be the
final decision maker as to whether or not an exception or variance is granted to your Codes.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to place Ord. No. 577 on the agenda and read by title
only. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti: aye;
Commissioner Conniff; aye; Commissioner Ferring; aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner
McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. 577 by title only. "An Ordinance of the City Commission of the
City of Winter Springs, Florida, amending Section 20-76 through Section 20-84, Code of Ordinances
City of Winter Springs, Florida, providing for conflicts and effective date.
e Attorney Kruppenbacher said the next matter he has for the Commission is a proposal for a six month
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Regular Meeting City Commission
January 9, 1995,
Page 9
moratorium on outdoor advertising display, billboard off premises sign as defined by your Code.
Discussion. Attorney Kruppenbacher gave the Commission a copy of a case called Smith vs. the City
of Clearwater, which cited throughout the Cite as the leading authority for what is called the pending
Ord. doctrine. Which basically told where a public body has demonstrated an intent or desire to go
in a particular way that is action for the purpose of a pending ord. doctrine.
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to place Ord. 578 on the agenda and read by title
only. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner Ferring:aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner
Langellotti:aye. Motion passes.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. 578 by title only. "An Ordinance of the City of Winter springs,
Florida, placing a 6 month moratorium on the construction and or erection of outdoor advertising
display billboard, off premises sign as defined by Section 16-77 Code of City Ordinances, City of
Winter Springs, Florida and providing for effective date.
e There was discussion on two pending billboards.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said there is pending litigation with the City of Oviedo, schedule a meeting
for Monday, January 16, 1995. That meeting would be a closed meeting pursuant to Florida Law,
discussion of settlement of litigation. At that meeting would be: Mayor Bush, Commissioner Ferring,
Commissioner Conniff, Commissioner Langellotti, Commissioner Gennell, Commissioner McLeod,
the City Clerk, a court reporter, the City Manager John Govoruhk, and myself Attorney
Kruppenbacher. We will ask and potentially have there Bill Tipton, Sr., Bill Tipton, Jr., the outside
traffic consultants, the City Planner, Land Development Coordinators, Don LeBlanc, Carl Gosline,
and John Ketteringham, Kith Bricklemeyer and my assistant Linda Klechka. Discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to hold a closed executive session on the pending
litigation with the City of Oviedo on January 16, 1995, at 7:00 p.m. Seconded by Commissioner
Ferring. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion
Attorney Kruppenbacher said Mr. CliifHankins from the US Department of Labor is here tonight.
Attorney Kruppenbacher gave the Commission a summary of the unpaid wages, which names the
individuals who have either worked for or currently work for the city, the work week dates for which
there wee wages incorrectly or not paid correctly and the summary of the estimated amount due.
e Mr. Cliff Hankins, US Department of Labor reviewed with the Commission what he found and the
Regular Meeting City Commission
January 9, 1995
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basis for the findings. He said that this is a complaint generated case, initially a question was brought
up about a year ago from one former officer; we then received two more complaints in reference to
the Police Department. I did on site interviews and questionnaires to current employees, and then
a question came up within the Parks and Recreation Department, so I included them to be in another
group to be in the investigation.
Mr. Hankins said his original complaint was about Comp time, which is allowable under Federal Law
under Section 5531 of the publications I gave to you. The second complaint I received was the
employees said they were not being paid for all hours worked. After my meetings and interviews will
all personnel, I determined those allegations to be true. Discussion. Mr. Hankins said the amount
due to the employees of the Police Dept. and Parks and Recreation Dept. totals up to $184,000+
The Police Department accounts for approximately $146,000 of the $184,000.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said that the Commission does not have to make a final decision tonight,
this will be agended for you to so you can give us a decision. Discussion. Attorney Kruppenbacher
then said we could hold a special meeting after the closed executive session as MR. Hankins needs
a decision by the 21 st of January.
Mr. Hankins said the issue with the Parks and Recreation Dept., was based on a complaint that was
received after the initial complaint for the Police Dept. The employees I interviewed and in the
questionnaire I sent out, all agreed that they were told by their supervisor not to record time.
There was much discussion on this matter.
There was a consensus of the Commission to hold a special meeting on Jan 16, 1995 at 8:00 p.m.
Mr. Hankins said that he had full cooperation from all City personnel and from Mr. Govoruhk, and
Attorney Kruppenbacher.
City Manager - John Govoruhk: 1. Reports:
Manager Govoruhk said the timber shelters for the Parks and Recreation went out on bid and tow
of them will be going up any day. the one for the restroom came in way over bid so we will be going
back out again around February or March.
We have renewed our contract with the School Resource Officer for the Middle School here.
You all received a copy of the letter regarding the light on S.R. 434, whenever the light is needed and
DOT determines it, then it will be put up.
e Manager Govoruhk said that roughly in June or July they will be starting work on S.R. 434.
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January 9, 1995
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Manager Govoruhk also stated that the Commission has a copy of the letter from Linley on Dolphin
Road, we got with Public Works and they will be repairing that problem just as soon as they get the
Manager Govoruhk stated that regarding Ovideo Crossing we have requested Tipton to let us know
when he approaches the halfway mark on 3/4 mark on the $15,000.00 and by the end of this month
it will be almost all spent.
Commissioner Gennell asked the City Manager about checking into the cable companies and
regulating that and wanted to know ifhe has gone ahead and applied to do that. Manager Govoruhk
said he was advised at the time and Commissioner Ferring was given the go ahead by the
Commissioner s to head up the project and proceed to regulate it for the City.
Commissioner Gennell asked the City Manager about the community Development Coordinator's
report and if there was an in depth one ifwe (commission) wanted to see it. Manager Govoruhk said
no he asks all departments to submit what they have done for that particular month. Discussion.
There was discussion on the freedom of information act regarding rough draft minutes. Attorney
e Kruppenbacher said he would check into that and bring back an answer for the Commission.
Commission Seat V - David McLeod:
Commissioner McLeod asked to have a calendar in the Commissioners mail box as to dates and times
of meetings for the month. Mayor Bush asked the Clerk to have a calendar for each month with the
meetings and times.
Commission Seat I - Larry Conniff:
Commissioner Conniff mentioned aproblem on Marlin and reported that Capt. Pieper, the Police
Chief and City Manger has rectified the situation and thanked them.
Commission Seat II - John Ferring:
Commissioner Ferring asked the City Attorney to advise each one of the Commissioners when we
are overstepping our bounds as to what our responsibility is between policy and management.
Mayor Bush also said if the City Manager feels that the Commission is getting into his realm, he asked
the Manager to let the Commission know.
Manager Govoruhk brought up the fact that it was after 11 :00 p.m. and a vote is needed to extend
the meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to extend the meeting. Seconded by Commissioner
Conniff. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner
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January 9, 1995
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Gennell: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said he has asked for a meeting to discuss a number of issues from the
Sunshine to handling Planning and Zoning issue that come in front of the Commission, the new laws
and coupled with that a review of the Charter and a discussion of the nature that Commissioner
Ferring has raised. Discussion.
Mayor Bush said a date will be set at the January 16, 1995, meeting.
Commission Seat III - John Langellotti:
Commissioner Langellotti asked the City Attorney if he knew of any discussions going on between
certain homeowners Assoc. and the City of Oviedo. Attorney Kruppenbacher said he is unaware of
anybody talking with the City of Oviedo beyond us.
Commissioner Langellotti also asked the City Manager if he has received any complaints from
residents in Tuscawilla not having recycling picked up. Manager Govoruhk said yes, he has and that
IWS was called and was suppose to send out a special runner but didn't know if they did or not.
Manager Govoruhk also said we will be setting up a meeting because their service in the last month
has almost hit rock bottom.
Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell:
Commissioner Gennell stated that she has more information regarding bicycle paths and a legal case
against DOT and another about a safety study on bike lanes in Florida.
Commissioner Gennell also said she has tapes from the League of Cities Convention in Minneapolis.
The theme of the Convention was "Beyond Boundaries". She said she would leave the tapes with
the Clerk for who ever would like to make use of them or Board members who would like to use
Mayor's Office - John F. Bush:
Mayor Bush mentioned a letter he received from a gentleman who lives on Sybilwood concerning
Trotwood Park. He said he has talked to the City Manager about this and the Manager has had the
Parks and Recreation Director, Don Wilson look into this matter; and that he has given me a report
on this also.
Mayor Bush also mentioned that on Friday, January 20, 1995, at 9:00 a.m. until I! : 15 a.m., at the
AAA headquarters, there will be a full meeting of the legislative Delegation.
Mayor Bush said that he called DOT regarding the removal of the tolls on the Greenway by the
proposed Oviedo Crossing Mall and he spoke to Jim Eily who is Deputy Secretary, and asked if this
. .
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January 9, 1995
Page 13
has ever been done, Mr. Eily said yes it has been done down in Miami by Joe Robby Stadium.
Mayor Bush said he asked Mr. Eily to look into this to see if it is a possibility for us to consider here
regarding the Oviedo Crossing Mall.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 a.m.
Respectfully Submitted
Margo M. Hopkins,
City Clerk