HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 09 26 Regular ~..,; _3 J~ '...... -.:/'Bf . .' . - ~. " , . ._._..,~.,~-~.., -."~' ~ .. - ~ lIS '. .--'~.'.:-:.'" '::~/i; ~~.~~~'c'r '" ;>".:"_ -.- ".,": oJ... .. .-.-",-',,- '". . '. '..~-:~~;i:~: ~~~~~"~-:~~~:.~;.-'" ~'::.?;:'. ;'~'.-";;:l;tl~.~;;'.~~~.'.~" ...:.. \ffi'_:'~': =,~-;, ,n .,'.. ~ . - . ~...~. U .0 ~..._.'~_ ..:::'--T~"':. ~ 143 IZ- 'I -' ,. 10 9 ~'. 7 0 5" 4 , .3 z I ..'~~..~,:~ :...-F.;'" ~..: ..~"!: ... -~. ..~,:::;-:;[:,.~ >.~:~:: .._.:' ;~}?-~;i:~.:\~7~.~~,~;:"~: . _ :__:..':'.:' ~ ~ -:?:E~ :.- C. Li ; j,<~.:, ;.;.'~',', - '.~ .'_..., < -. :t~~ '. ""PR.fL./P -;r--NF '." ~"" f";':~ ~:. - ., - /'If. rc; G --,.--;- ,_~_... - . ". . . '.. t'"' - - -. -' .;, I ,-' . t : '. \.. y . .~..~ =::'J4~J~r',-,-~: , ~" Vq-..NN", DRIVE I _,'_ " WINTER SPRINGS UTILITY I PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1 NORTH FLAMINGO AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-2669 September 14, 1994 TO: Don LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist FROM: Kipton Lockcuff. P.E., Utility Director RE: Request for Lot Split 525 Sunrise Avenue I have no objection to the proposed lot split. File i;J4- / MEMO: SEPTEMBER 14, 1994 TO: OON LEBLANC. LAND MANAGEMENT SPECIAL I ST FROM: OON HOUCK, BUILDING OFFICIAL ~ RE: LOT SPLIT AT 525 SUNRISE AVENUE IF THE PROPERTY MEETS ALL OF THE CITY REGULATIONS CONCERNING THE SPLITTING OF PROPERTY I SEE NO REASON TO DENY TIlE REQUEST. IT LOOKS TO BE A BUILDABLE LOT. 'W. ~ September 6, 1994 To: Staff ~ From: Don LeBlanc, Land Management SpecialiW Re: Request for Lot Split 525 Sunrise Avenue Request has been made for a lot split at 525 Sunrise Avenue (NE comer of intersection of Sunrise and Arnold Lane). The property is zoned RC-l and the split would meet all the requirements of the zoning categoI)'. Please review the attached, visit the property to ensure that the property is buildable if split and have your comments to me no later than September 14, 1994. -c€ 'i \ ~ 0 ~ e-,<; \.'s~ ""'^..5 +-0 \f \) .:J ""2 If' k \ G~ r \ -L\ \-.. () -lo v e. v -e d' 1 s: V\, 0 ,,\{) V"' 0 \c \ ~ .s:.. ""- E> -, v- 'or '\..\ J~ - Y ~ V\A V-\.- : ~ ~ ~ ~ '\.... ~ S ~-"_\O 0 dl ~ e'\.-. e G-~:::. . W. - ~ ~~ - ':/, s ~~-J- 4-0 J~ ~':e"'~ ~ 'Cl-f.s. \/va - .-- '( (/'- ~ 10 \ ~ "-' \c::~ ~~ V""-o \p 0 .s.. e d2 k> f- ~'f \ \+ , -'PrV\ft'o~ee:f, - . L ~b.~ ~r;;:;. 0 n\"; f} ~~,y;:v ~ . ....l IF:. \ 2~ \ ~ \';,f 'f.oJ} .WJf' \, Vt' ' ~,~"'...- ~ '-1 U ~ ~. SEP 1 2 ,994 ~- \ '-\-- q l.{ ~ .. a. e cr " ';2,. \ ~ ~11'{ Of WIN1ER SPRINGS IJ erN ENGINEER .J September 6t 1994 To: Staff ~ From: Don LeBlanc, Land Management" SpecialiW Re: Request for Lot Split 525 Sunrise Avenue Request has been made for a lot split at 525 Sunrise Avenue (NE comer of intersection of Sunrise and Arnold Lane). The property is zoned RC-l and the split would meet all the requirements of the zoning category. Please review the attached, visit the property to ensure that the property is buildable if split and have your comments to me no later than September 14, 1994. cr{Q(Q4 8-- :(Ca..x\ -f:t, D~~d C~ ~ '(\.0 +c,~ ~~ \0+ 9?l\+ c~s~'- 6:0'?L\~b SEP - 71994 l'TY OF WINTER SPRINGS ommucOlty /:?evelopment Oordlnator , " FIRE DEPARTMENT 102 NORm MOSS ROAD WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 'IELEPHONE (407) 327-2332 F1RE AND RESCUE SERVICES :MEMORANDUM: To: Donald LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist From: TimothyJ. LaIlathin, Fire Chief 0~ ~ c!/:t..../1 v Date: September 9, 1994 7 / .~~ Subject: Request for lot~plit;)525 S~~i1t1tenue as The Fire Department has submitted. TO: DON LEBLANC, LAND MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST FROM: CHARLES SEXTON, CHIEF OF POLICE DATE: SEPTEMBER 07, 1994 SUBJ: LOT SPLIT 525 SUNRISE AVENUE 102-94 I have reviewed the above request for Lot Sp1it and there are no objections to this request. ~~- Char1es Sexton Chief of Po1ice CS/eds . ..' C'I C'I ,..... N ~ I 00 00 ..-I .-to r-l C"'l""" COOO.-tN ..-I 00 C"'l tJ~~ (\l ..-I CO Q.l-IO....:l tJ CI) Q. p:: """ ~ CI) CO ~ (\l.. r-l~l-I~OO ~ (\l (\l CO 00 (\l13~~~ ...:l(\l~CI)..-I 00..-1 l-I .CO~~Q. p:: ~ 00 CI) ~:.i!!~~l-I r-l (\l CO ~ >,\0 ~ ~~~N~ OCO..-l..-l..-l t=l....:lt)..-l~ .. >, ~ ~ (\l l-I CO Q. (\l l-I p.. 00 ~ ~ ~ (\l 13 ::s l-I ~ 00 ~ H 00 ..-I .c: E-4 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE DIVISION OF ONE (1) ORIGINALLY PLATTED LOT HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED, ONCE, INTO NO MORE THAN 1WO (2) PARCELS OR LOTS, PURSUANT TO SECTION 9-3 OF THE WINTER SPRINGS CODE OF ORDINANCES ENTITLED "DIVIDING PLATTED PROPERTY", CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 9-3 of the City Code of Winter Springs, Florida, allows an owner of a lot of sufficient size, except in an approved Planned Unit Development platted area, with the prior approval of the City Commission, to divide an originally platted lot once, into no more than two (2) parcels or lots, provided that each parcel or lot shall in every respect meet the criteria established elsewhere in this Code for the category of zoning under which the property is zoned; and WHEREAS, the applicants, Mark A. and Jill M. Miller, have made application to the City Commission for the following property to be divided pursuant to Section 9-3: Lot 4, Section of the Florida. Block "G", North Orlando Ranches 1-A, Plat Book 12, Pages 31 and 32, Public Records of Seminole County, WHEREAS, the City Commission was infonmed that: 1. The owners were seeking such division of property of sufficient size; 2. The property in question is not located in an approved Planned Unit Development platted area; 3. The platted lot to be divided had not been divided pursuant to Section 9-3; and, 4. The platted lot to be divided shall be divided into no more than two ( 2) parce I s or lots, and that each parce 1 or lot shall in every respect meet the established criteria requirements in the category of zoning under which the property is zoned. >It ' .. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I - That the division of the originally platted property is approved in accordance with Section 9-3 as follows: a) The following property, owned by Mark A. and Jill M. Miller, is to be divided into no more than two (2) parcels or lots; b) The two (2) lots or parcels to be described as follows: Lot 4-A (northern portion of Lot 4) and Lot 4-B (southern portion of Lot 4) as depicted in Appendices "A" and "B". SECTION I I - This Resolution shall remain in effect until supplemented, amended, repealed or otherwise altered. SECTION I I I - All resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict with this Resolution are hereby repealed. SECTION IV - This Resolution shall take immediate effect upon its passage and approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS DAY OF , 1994. JOHN F. BUSH, MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK , ..-. ... . .;J:~ ~h 3iij~tl Bc~ ____,r;aiU i:;~~, ,." ia!i!r;.. ;..~ .!;; alolll:>""..t... 88:8lS:"2~t!2 ..li!O~!~CN...C idt=~f!r;~e .~;Sr;g@~~e ~"I! ' "'.. .. .u!:!;;" co 1!l;l:tI:>~":I!l~ &:"!!l~"a' .... !C,Ooccr:E U I:> I!.l!l... Co. "''''I ~:a:;~; , ~ .~t!..~s:. ~ ::;;"o"lo.Ut 00"'''' . t-4 ... -0. ~..a __0 Ovt""O In ~e;:~1 J:I!~~ ...iur: . tl&:.;~ ei .hi ~80"i' :). .c. JOO I:> D~~~=~ tHi ~ ..~ ........ "iCa i ;J IO'I!!.~U a", .. sqs, '" :;ll;l .:ICDID&:tntn 8."'10 I ri III ,\ -iffijC"-' (-I .', !j III u: <> .. ,,' ,,' "',', " I . . ~ , . I l'It c', 101 r, ;' ~i , .1 ~ .! I.' (" .) I 11ft 1 t., Hi " 0, " I" m t' " , I H' . ;' ! \.1 II \ ---..-- inei'! i : ,i 1ft ; II :.Ii \I ! ! !i!1 i I ! a -I e - =I.I~ ~ .a ~ Iii ~ M!i i~2itl 'I~! ~~I!il i I !I:~il! "'ii Lh-I !- ~u Ii III. :ijliM ~ en Ui!!llil! \I=~ll lllll ;;~!i' !"!i ..51_c..1 .1. i.:,; ';';.; : Pll , II I,I~ IUs , If'. , lal- . Ii II I , h o' ! ~ I !ill!~!! '... _J __ I.J..id I 1i~1 .hhit ididn~R II ill'. !'li~il! !I iUI~ !i .~I' i ~h,da ','d,l~ h~h: Ii! ii' :1 ~ i ~.. '~Ii lik .! !~ ~ t~U: 'l \\ .;' "5)_____ ~ (I. :/~ \~~ 'l' t.T.' .r.':- 1";( lilt.. II .11 I,';'; l ,', , " , h t \~ " I ." " , 1111 l-I.lt'IU\I!I" II. I.'tl.oo ~JIH"I III (l <) 11>0 WIN N.... ....... .,.. ... IIlNM 0" ~~a !_1Il "d~ it;' . ~~~ I~I .. ijll i B. 5 ~ 81ft.. i~i ~: .~! '- ~\ oll~ :J \!! ~ ~ ~~ ::s ~ -; -< ;: .. a I :I ~ ~ o '" l5 .. 1I :> z i ! 7. ~ i() ~ \-- L ii2. ~ I.'> .) .(. In ..\ ->.\ \~\ --- bl ~ -c-, ~ :z ::l ~ \U . II ill II , (I.'~ 1- \ . ..I. , . ,I -'r" U I.' -ri.lf\mi"/' u.- - rriJit- ---. ... --.-.. --. -.-_ _ -.t-(.:~\~ (D'~!._~& - n I :.;1 JI"II~I:;\ ^ VI.I\ll n --...--..... , I I I . I . I . k~ IL 14' ._.1 , "1('\ IIIi ~;-. I " '\ " Ii]?. h,'.:.,' . l.l..r: i\' .....f~ ( 'I. (, )..1 I I I'!' ,It I.: ,. . , 1 I I I I;' I '" '1 " I ~It -J.~':'" i I " ----\-' .. j "'~~ ......-...... ';;;;;"'-......0- . - .,'~- _......,~..~---_._. ,.=-,., ~.-..-__..---..__......._....._<.;j.."..........",,~~...._1 ~ ,. , . -~ PLAt 0' SUIVty , . APPEtSD\}( \\8 It Description: Part of Lot 4 Block G North Orlando nanches Section 1A as recorded in Plat BObk 12 Pages 31 & 32 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. Being more particularly described as beginning at the Southwest corner of said Lot 4 Block G, Run N 000 05'09" W, 195.00 feet alohg the west Boundary of Lot 4; thence S 870 13'24" E, 300.37 feet; thence S 000 05'09" E 180.00 feet to the North right of way of Arnold Lane; thence S 890 54'51" W, 300.00 f~et along said right of way to the Point of Beginning. LOT 4 r,c. N 87"13'24" 'W 300.37 o 10 0 ~ - . w~ 0 :J' VI zg 0 W to > <( W (/) 0:: I~ LOT 4 VACANT z o COo ~VI o 0 o to I- 0:: is ~ 3 "- 0:: z lOT -4-\3 ~ ~ ~'A/' I ~ 50' tJT$ LOT 5 BLOCK "8" N 89.54'51" E POB 300.00 ARNOLD LANE ( 50' R/\.,I) DIRT RD. _ _ _ -------------------- ,. -~ I'REPAlttb FOR: ' A1~r~ /J111/~r THIS SUltvtv Not V AlIb UNLl5~ IMPRINtlb WitH AN ~M.O~nb $UltvtYoas SlAL This sUrv~y hils not b~eh abtttacted lot euelt1ehl ot tIghts of ways of record. SUR\1vdlts c:tltltltAtt llCElttlFltD tClilfldltlDII tun'6y tina' tumy I hereby certify IhM the survl!y te~tftJef1ll!tI onl. No, onl. No, hereon meets tht! reqUltl!tnetl~ 01 thAf'l6t bal.. D'll: 21 HH-16, Florida Admlnlsltltlvti C(jd~, ~f- f~dlve 1 September 19a~. A / ~~ ~t:;-1 .;; ...-J' . .~{'o. \". , << , ,~tr(- . : , , . , , . . . . . ~ . . . M, ~OWARb GORboN klS #21~g M. EOWAItD GOItOON lEC, lAND SUlVlYOl NO. 2259 tmltl "20 WT HWY. ~S.t. SUITE 3 (~71 iif-~191 LoNCWOOD. FL 32750 .D~~:_~/(,</_'l'-!. ., O.l~t~~, . T":. '.f. ,: ., I) " '!,. , .~ " t;' ;;. . ,:,:';\': : ..... .":.~ '" t CT'I CT'I l""- N ol.J I CQ 00 o,-l -:to r-i C"11""- t1lCQ-:tN .... IlO C"1 CJ~"d QJ .... t1l A.$.I.9....:l (,) en p...... r:r.. c:: en t1l ol.J QJ.. -l c:: $.I ol.J CQ Xl QJ QJ t1l IlO QJ a ol.J ol.J ~ ....:lQJ~en.... IlO .... $.I . t1l ~ ol.J A. ~ ~ CQ en "d~~~$.I .-4 QJ tIS "d >,\C ol.J c:: c:: ol.J N ~ Ot1lo,-l.......... Q....:lu......~ .. >, ~ "d QJ $.I ('3 A. QJ ... Po ff.l ctl ~ ol.J c:: .-J 3 $.I ol.J \0 - ,... '1l ""1 - E= RESOLUTION NO. ~ A RESOLUT I ON OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPR I NGS , FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR THE DIVISION OF ONE (1) ORIGINALLY PLATTED LOT HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED, ONCE, INTO NO MORE THAN 'TWO (2) PARCELS OR LOTS, PURSUANT TO SECTION 9-3 OF THE WINTER SPRINGS CODE OF ORDINANCES ENTITLED "DIVIDING PLATTED PROPERTY", CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Section 9-3 of the City Code of Winter Springs, Florida, allows an owner of a lot of sufficient size, except in an approved Planned Unit Development platted area, with the prior approval of the City Commission, to divide an originally platted lot once, into no more than two (2) parcels or lots, provided that each parcel or lot shall in every respect meet the criteria established elsewhere in this Code for the category of zoning under which the property is zoned; and WHEREAS, the applicants, Mark A. and Jill M. Miller, have made application to the City Commission for the following property to be divided pursuant to Section 9-3: Lot 4, Section of the Florida. Block "G", North Orlando Ranches 1-A, Plat Book 12, Pages 31 and 32, Public Records of Seminole County, WHEREAS, the City Commission was informed that: 1. The owners were seeking such division of property of sufficient size; 2. The property in question is not located in an approved Planned Unit Development platted area; 3. The platted lot to be divided had not been divided pursuant to Section 9-3; and, 4. The platted lot to be divided shall be divided into no more than two (2) parcels or lots, and that each parcel or lot shall in every respect meet the established criteria requirements in the category of zoning under which the property is zoned. / - .._..............._.__N_._._._ ~~ : 1!ll :J ffi ... ~ . r ~ ' '..,' I} J -; :a ~~ ~~ i~~ .. ;) ;: z · a 0 , l~ID I :l z i ""~~I 0( .~.. ~ ~ 7.~ ,_,___ ,0 ~ i =:' ! ~ .~ ".. ...0 Ian.. :~~ .~ ~ -" .. i -- - " - 11~1 on.. a II: ~ t<, ~ 0 104 . ...... ~ ,,:. .,~.. ~- I c alii ....... \-- > _I I I ! ~ I .,.. 8~:5~~2~ 2 ... L ,i 15 Ii I !;II!~! ' II · III..., .. O:l~~o(N.O( Isa Q Ida=hl')~e !I Ii: I '.lr1 ~ to . i.... ".'. .d.' ~~ l')~~:!:~ r I I J IcJ.UI' , ,.1.. -III g~1 e ! I 1151 "'d~ f.,> '" ,uhlll 10 !llh ~ ,;1 .hhji~ ~'i . .I U:3~2i:I!~ ! Ili M!I ~i <. "BE c .. !o J 2;.1 'II Kdijn;i I~i ,3 lC C N N ~ e oe" 0 c.. I ~ 1 ,-, ~IIIII i a ..'" ;: a . ~ 00( 0 II il~'1 .. . --'..\ i ~:~ :g~g .. . 0 a , ! o~ ..g, 1....1 'II ,,11111, ~U ~ Il.i ~~o"!;,.nlii t-.i I ii~~ I Mh~ .... 8., .... 00""''' ..... U Ii I I, !I ~i III ~ ... '0' glng ;:ilsM .lli "0 0"'1"'10 1ft 8:;;.. :::l 15 ..0... .. '~ Ii .iE' I EM r4" ... on.. "C\ t 10';10" i~! I I~ M .hll~a !~i . .c-. ~ ..IlH~I.tla.;~ liP III! 1,1!1,!! . ~ .. ~ ~- 15.f ~8~"i' . \- ! . .~ 13' 0(. 0" :!I 11'1111 1:" J ~ 0'" '-'" " .... '" ~ . ,0 ~. ~etl~ ..~g i 0:..... ~~ :z ciih ,I;ill ::l ~~u~~~ih2 ben.h! ,II ~~ r! ~ ~CD~~U)tI) .lI)m !' , a \U - " K . ., ~t Ii: t ,., It .' , I r\ III I " , \}\') ,,,-""jf--... 'C. (I., ,~/ \ ~~ '- "Z- Ip ,t"(",_ .r,':- 11\:( I"fl 01 .11 I,'i'; 1 ,'I (_'.' 1.1 " , '.1 ~i iJ t) c~ (" 1It1 , ~;! . 01 .r HI 01 . f,"~; \ ' - -ijiilll'- ~l: :,1 , I , I I:!: i r: , " I I · I kid ,/.:... 14' I ....1 '. "'('I IlIi ;,: ,-- I d' Ir;; 1~~ ~ 12 I I~ ~-'I " , I Ifl\: " , " 0' I 1111 H. CJ"tf.,'\IU' \1. t'll.on Ie 111111 , "1.', 10' " I 1111 -t- "T ~ t- ~ ~ j 'Jrrl I'" III It: ., ". Ii 0' " .. " 9 IIi 01 " 11\ II . " j" t' I ,,' ..I .11 <I II ~' --no cnr;:ru,. v.- - -r.".,;,- IIII I '" 'I " , ~I' J,A'~'" i , " --"1-- -.- -..._~ . ---.-- - -~ - .--- _ -t-(-:~\!! (OlltI,~&_ " I :.:lJI"II~I:J ^VI.I'\llll ,-"*""'-'... ~~"l'"" ',,". "M'_ _ ~.."'~ Cl""'~"",,'lI...:.ol,L~'....~~."'.'-"" ,~_.,.._-,~ '.. ... r .~ PLAr 0' 5UIt\'~f Af>rEtSD\ X \\B II .. J. Description: Part of Lot 4 Block G North Orlando nanches Section 1A as recorded in Plat Book 12 Pages 31 & 32 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. Being more particularly described as beginning at the Southwest corner of said Lot 4 Block G, Run N 000 05'09" W, 195.00 feet aloh~ the west Boundary of Lot 4; thence S 870 13'24" E, 300.37 feet; thence S 00" 05'09" E 180.00 feet to the North right of way of Arnold Lane; thence S 89" 54'51" W, 300.00 feet along said right of way to the Point of Beginning. LOT 4 P.C. I- a: a ~ ..... a: 0 Z I{) 0 ~ - w~ 0 V1 ::)' 0 zg W (0 > ~ << W (/) 0:: I~ N 87'13'24" 'W 300.37 z lOT '4-6 LOT -4 VACANT q 0; 0 ~ V1 o 0 0(0 . ~ I . ' ~C/J/( I r50 tJTS LOT 5 BLOCK "G" N 89.54 '51" E Po B 300.00 ARNOLD LANE ( 50' R/\oI) DIRT RD. _ _ _ _ ----~-------------- ,. .~ "REPAIt~b tOR: ' A1~r~ A111/~r THIS ~UIlV~Y Nut VALlU UNLt~~ IMPRINftb WitH AN ~M.U~nU SUItVhOb SEAL ThIs survey hots not b~{!h :abUtotct~d fot eUl!lt1eht or tlllhts bf ways of record. ft\1tyoits tl~tl"tAU lIaRtlrlto S u. teillldltlOft tu~ tlilal tv..., I hereby certify th~t the survl!y t@~tes,el1tf!d 014: He, o.;',He, hereM meets the reqUlt4!rMl1ls of ChlPtfift b"" D to. 21 HH-16, Florida Admlnlsttltlv8 Cc;d6, e - fectlve 1 September 19a~, A /' ~ ~c;1' -'7 .,~ ..(-t'< l-t ~ '~((('.'. ,............ , M. toWA'ib 'GORDdN RLS #:22~~ M. EOWAItD GO~OON kEG, lANo SUIMvol NO,225' F.8... .,M ,',"" t:mltl "20 WT HWv. 4~. SUITt 3 t-4071 :U\J.)191 lONGWooo, Fl 32750 .~~~: ~!<<( .1.~/. .,. o_~t~~. ~. l~ ",:.:i ':.: T': , -;.., '. ~ so". '" . "~? .' ,'.........:.' , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I - That the division of the originally platted property is approved in accordance with Section 9-3 as follows: a) The following property, owned by Mark A. and Jill M. Miller, is to be divided into no more than two (2) parcels or lots; b) The two (2) lots or parcels to be described as follows: Lot 4-A (northern portion of Lot 4) and Lot 4-B (southern portion of Lot 4) as depicted in Appendices "A" and "B". SECTION I I - This Resolution shall remain in effect until supplemented, amended, repealed or otherwise altered. SECTION I I I - All resolutions or parts of Resolutions in conflict with this Resolution are hereby repealed. SECTION IV - This Resolution shall take immediate effect upon its passage and approva 1 . PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS DAY OF , 1994. JOHN F. BUSH, MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK r! JRL1&~ ~161994 September 16, 1994 To: John Govoruhk, City Manag~ From: Don LeBlanc, Land Management S~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS City Manager Re: Commission Meeting, September 26, 1994 Agenda Item, Lot Split 525 Sunrise Avenue Attached is the package regarding the above referenced including a vicinity map, Staff comments and the proposed Resolution. cc: Mayor Commission City Attorney City Clerk