HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1996 07 15 City Commission Workshop Minutes
JULY 15, 1996
The Workshop Meeting of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor John F. Bush at
7:30 p.m.
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor John Ferring, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
Larry Conniff, present
John Langellotti, present
Cindy Gennell, present
David McLeod, present
Review ofWed2ewood Golf Villas Draina2e Problem:
Jim Mikes, 1500 Winter Springs Blvd., owner of the Tuscawilla Country Club, spoke on this item.
Mr. Mikes gave to the Commission some material pertaining to this item.
Mr. Mikes stated that what he gave to the Commission is: a letter from his engineer discussing any
questions about the source of the drainage issue (source of the water) and attached to that is
information that his engineer provided him (Mikes) including a map of the topography as it existed
in 1972 at the time the golf course was being built; the Golf Villas were at that time under planning.
Another sheet showing a proposed catch basin inlet that is also depicted on a large layout showing
the proposal that they have to alleviate the drainage problem. Mr. Mikes gave a summary of when
the Golf Villas were developed, stating that the engineering plans that were submitted to the City at
that time, where it is labeled "old low area" which is the site occupied by Wedgewood Golf Villas.
At the time of the development of the property, the developer filled the site, brought it up higher than
what it was. Depicted on the engineering drawings, it shows that the drainage from the rear portion
of all the homes abutting the golf course, the land is filled and the drainage is pushed back on the golf
course and there is no easement for that water.
Mr. Mikes said last year when we were doing the plans for Arrowhead Unit I, the lots that are on
Winter Springs Blvd., lots 1-8, we had proposed that we could solve that standing water problem by
pumping some of the water to the other end of the golf hole where it would drain out. The way it
stands now, the water is trapped because of the filling that took place to build the Wedgewood Golf
Villas and trapped by the natural topography of the golf course. We proposed back in February, we
sent a letter to the Homeowners Assoc., suggesting that we could solve this problem through two
pieces of engineering: 1) a sump pump that would constantly drain off the water whenever any water
would flow into that low point; 2) put an overflow catch basin on the property line, and that would
take the stormwater as it got higher than the cart path, it would put the water into the stormwater
drainage system of Wedge wood and carry it away. Through those two sources, the sump pump and
tied in with the overflow, there would be no drainage problem in that area. That was submitted to
the homeowners in February, no response was received, and we went ahead and completed the
improvements on Unit 1.
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Mr. Mikes stated that the Commission has enough information in front of them so that the
Commission has the background to see that this is an issue between two adjacent property owners,
a property owner that is the recipient of water from both our own property as well as theirs and
another property owner has no legal right to dump water on our property and we have proposed a
solution and are happy to talk it through.
Commissioner McLeod mentioned that the pump system was good for the 25 yr. Flood Plain and
anything over that the water would be diverted back through their property. Mr. Mikes said that is
correct, this has nothing to do with the lots, the lots are self contained, the drainage swales are self
contained, they do not allow water to flow outside of the swales (that is the water from the lots, not
water from the golf course).
Commissioner Ferring mentioned a letter from the City Engineer dated September 1995, and read a
portion of the letter. Mr. Mikes stated that he has taken care of the run-offfrom the lots, and said
the lots should not be confused with the stormwater problem created between Wedgewood and the
golf course, the lots are separate and apart.
Commissioner Ferring also mentioned a letter from Mr. Mikes to Mr. V. Holmwood, regarding a
retention facility for lots platted on Winter Springs Blvd., on the north side of the 8th hole and a sump
pump and asked Mr. Mikes if the sump pump was in place. Mr. Mikes stated that the sump pump
is not there.
Commissioner Langellotti said according to the plan that he has, it shows a sump pump. Mr. Mikes
stated that is proposed. Commissioner Langellotti said there is standing water along the west side
of the 7th green and asked where the water is coming from. Mr. Mikes stated that the water is
trapped because of the improper design of the Wedgewood property, without providing for an
easement on the golf course to hold that, they did not provide for retention in Wedgewood.
Commissioner Conniff asked if there is any stormwater management associated with Wedgewood,
and said he was out there behind the 8th tee and said there is standing water there and said something
has to be done because the residents will get flooded.
Commissioner Ferring asked the City Manager if there has been anything expressed by the City
Engineer to counter what was written in his September 1995 letter. Manager McLemore stated that
as he understands it, he doesn't think so.
Commissioner Ferring asked if the City signed off on the project or were they any adjustments made
on this property when the property was approved for building. Kip Lockcutf, UtilityIPublic Works
Director, stated the City does not have an issue with the Arrowhead property at this time~ and stated
that someone breeched the area between the golf course drainage/Wedgewood drainage problem.
Mr. Lockcuff stated that there was an area "berm" delineating the two areas (keeping them separate)
and someone breeched that and said it could be possible that the water broke through.
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Manager McLemore stated that the City has sent a letter to Olympia Homes stating they would fix
the breech or they would not get a C.O. for the building currently under construction or any
additional building permits.
Mr. Mikes stated that the breech has not been fixed, and said if they fIll the gapping hole, it will flood
the Wedgewood homes further. Mr. Mikes stated that Arrowhead stands on it's own, as the City's
Utility Director states. Mr. Mikes stated that Arrowhead was low, the water behind Wedgewood was
high; as a protective measure, either someone dug it out so that the Wedgewood water would flow
into the Arrowhead ponds, not the other way around; Arrowhead proved to work, and proved that
the problem is Wedgewood and the golf course.
Mayor Bush stated that there is a problem that needs to be addressed and said he doesn't know what
involvement the City has in this or can take in this; as he understands it, this is actually a disagreement
between two property owners. Mayor Bush said he doesn't know what action the Commission can
honestly take on this matter.
Mayor Bush said he understands that the City is going into that area and pumping the water.
Manager McLemore said only to the point that the Commission directs him, and said that he has
advised the Commission that he doesn't think the City should do that (pumping) and said he doesn't
think it is the City's issue and as soon as the Commission tells him not to pump, he will remove the
Commissioner Gennell said that there was some construction on the 8th tee. Mr. Mikes said they
constructed a new tee box. Commissioner Gennell asked if Mr. Mikes considered that that Tee Box
might deduct some holding capacity from that area. Mr. Mikes said yes, but it did not exceed the golf
course's capability of holding it's own water.
Mr. Jerry Correll, 934 Wedgewood Dr., President of the Wedgewood Golf Villas Homeowners
Assoc., stated that the Directors of the Homeowners and residents are very appreciative that the City
took the time to have the workshop to help them. Mr. Correll stated that it is his opinion and the
opinion of the Board of Directors that the City has erred in approving a plan to fill an area that for
18 years handled excessive stormwater. Discussion.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that he has been advised as the City Attorney by the City StafT, that
the City's professional engineering staff advises and also by the City Manager, that there is no current
City Code provision that is being violated by any of the parties who are present tonight; no one has
identified at this point in time anything to the City Staff that is in violation ofa City Code. We are
unaware of any violation of any State law at this point, the Utility Director, City Engineer and City
Manager has advised him (Attorney) that there is no identified violation of a City permit or a City
approved plan. The City's professional engineering Staff does not identify that they believe any of
the approved plans that the City has issued are in error. That is the status of the professional advise
that the City have from the Staff; as your council I tell you that you (city) have no jurisdiction in this
issue because the Staff is saying that there is nothing there to trigger jurisdiction from the City.
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Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that as the City's Attorney he has to advise the Commission that the
City does not have jurisdiction and shouldn't be in this issue. Attorney Kruppenbacher stated at the
current set of facts, he cannot legally tell the Commission they have the ability to do anything.
Commissioner Conniff stated that Mr. Mikes is present and he is willing to work, and the affected
homeowners are here and they can met together, the City does not have anything else to do.
Mr. Correll asked if there is any violation of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Attorney
Kruppenbacher stated that the Staff has identified that nothing has been violated in the City Code or
the City's Comprehensive Plan.
Manager McLemore stated the City is not infallible, and if someone has some competent evidence
that they want to bring to this (evidence in writing from an engineer) laying out the description of the
situation and how maybe the City or someone hasn't done something that has contributed to this
problem, the City is certainly willing to examine that on it's merit to see if it can lend some
understanding to this issue and see ifit tends to suggest that there is a role for the City, but until such
time that we have the competent evidence it is his advice to the Commission that the City should get
out of the middle of this and said he thinks that the City is being pulled into a situation where the City
will be the one that everybody is pointing to, and stated that he thinks the City should stop spending
money out there and that will be the only thing (in his opinion) that will get the residents to finally do
whatever they need to do to resolve this matter. We are always open to competent information that
would add to the understanding of the situation.
Commissioner Gennell asked Mr. Lockcuff about the depression which preexisted Arrowhead. Mr.
Lockcuff said he guesses it was used to take fill to build up the original tee boxes, but stated that he
really doesn't know. Commissioner Gennell asked if that depression served to collect all the water
that is not being collected in the holding ponds. Mr. Lockcuff stated "possibly". Commissioner
Gennell said if that was the fact, then there is a five foot difference between the east and west end.
Mr. Lockcuff stated yes. Commissioner Gennell said then if the underground water from lots 8, 7,
6 and so on, were following into that depression area - Mr. Lockcuff stated that he would say from
lot 6 westward. Commissioner Gennell asked if the flow of the underground water can be controlled
with above the ground ponds. Mr. Lockcuff said no.
Commissioner Gennell asked if the force main had been presented to the City. Mr. Lockcuff stated
only for informational purposes. Commissioner Gennell asked if that kind of arrangement was a
potential solution. Mr. Mikes said yes that was the purpose for putting it in; the intent was that
would have been put in at the same time the swales behind the homes, but that is only to drain off
water from the standing area behind the tee and adjacent Wedgewood. Mr. Mikes stated it was not
to drain water from Arrowhead. Commissioner Gennell then stated since that is not part of any
formal proposal or plan that the status of that is that it isn't in. Mr. Mikes stated that it is in, 2/3 of
it is in, the remaining 200' (roughly) has to be extended to the place where we would actually put the
pump. Mr. Mikes stated that the placement of the pump is proposed to be behind the 8th Tee, which
would be approx. Another 200' to get it behind the 8th Tee. Commissioner Gennell said then you
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would be pumping water from the problem area and asked how far away was that. Mr. Mikes said
from the problem area up to the 8th green where it then would flow out naturally down to the outfall.
Commissioner Ferring said his concern iffor the City as far as the correspondence that is in front of
the Commission and whether or not the Commission has any responsibility in this situation and asked
the City Manager to have the City Engineer give the Commission something that would counter his
original letter and bring it back to the Commission. The date of the original letter is September 15,
1995. Commissioner Ferring said to Mr. Mikes, that if indeed there was a decision by the
homeowners to allow some type of construction of this pipe line going into their stormwater system,
and the stormwater system collapses, how much of a responsibility would he (Mikes) be willing to
put in writing that he would be willing to share on that. Mr. Mikes stated he would share whatever
is caused by that that they install, they will be 100% responsible. Mr. Mikes said the deteriorating
condition that it is in, which the homeowners have acknowledged, we would not bring it up to 100%
perfect to today's standard, but if we damage something, we will be responsible for. Mr. Mikes
stated that he would be willing to attest to a document stating that he would be responsible for
whatever damage caused by what they install.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that there is a representative from St. John's present and asked her
if they are able to step in and look at this issue and give guidance and thought on what is going on
and what if anything has happened or not happened so that there is some sort of outside engineering
expertise added to this.
Ms. Mary Brabham, P.E., Compliance Manager St. John's River Water Management District,
Orlando Office, stated that their concern would be similar to the City's in that whether the systems
out there are in compliance with the permits that they have and then whether this construction would
require a permit or not. Attorney Kruppenbacher asked how would a citizen have St. John's check
to see if the permits are being complied with or whether or not something needed a permit. Ms.
Brabham stated that they have been looking into it and as far as she is aware they are in compliance
with their permits and stated that they haven't had the proposal submitted to them to look at so she
doesn't know if it would require a permit. Attorney Kruppenbacher stated then St. John's has only
looked at the existing situation. Ms. Brabham stated that is correct, and other wise it is an issue
between two property owners in her opinion and not a Water Management District issue.
Mr. Mikes asked Ms. Brabham could he get the Management District in an advisory capacity to have
his engineer see if there is something that the Management District might have a concern with, so in
case there was anything the City doesn't get pulled into it. The homeowners, if they sign off with us
at least we know we are not in violation if we extend the pipe into their system.
Mary Jane Sherver, 943 Wedgewood Dr., spoke regarding the flooding on her property. Ms. Sherver
stated that she didn't have any problems until a tee box at the 8th tee.
Jean Correlle, 945 Wedgewood Dr., spoke regarding the flooding on her property and also stated that
when the tee box was built that is when the flooding started. Ms. Correlle also showed the
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Commission pictures of the flooding problem.
Mr. Mikes stated that he will remove the tee box if that is part of the solution, if the President of the
Homeowners Assoc., makes that part of the agreement, he will be happy to do that.
Michael Christensen, 941 Wedgewood Dr., also spoke about the flooding problem. Mr. Christensen
showed the Commission pictures of the flooding problem.
Ed Turner, 926 Wedgewood Dr., also spoke about the flooding problem. Mr. Turner also stated that
the flooding problem started when the tee box was built.
Mr. Correll spoke about the stormwater system.
Mayor Bush called for a recess at 9:20 p.m. Mayor Bush reconvened the meeting at 9:30 p.m.
Mayor Bush stated for the Commission's information, Mr. Mikes has indicated that he is going to
move the 8th tee box immediately and will put a sump pump in and get it operating now.
Review of S.R. 434 Visioning:
Manager McLemore stated the purpose of this item is to bring the Commission up to date, to explain
what has been done so the Commission can see what has been worked out between the existing
committee. Basically, we are suggesting that this matter be "rolled" into and L.D.R., this is not an
L.D.R. hearing tonight, this is a report to the Commission to say we have a concept that we have
come up with that we think is a way by which to handle this project. Weare recommending that an
L.D.R. be developed, (the Commission has been given a draft) the L.D.R. would create the 434
corridor and the regulations that guide the development of the corridor. The L.D.R. would
encompass defining what the overlay district is, the boundaries of the 434 corridor and three
subchapters that would define design guidelines overall and a separate set of guidelines or design
standards for the town center and a separate set of design guidelines for the rehabilitation area. It is
the best way that we can come to a conclusion in terms of a structured way by which to finish out this
process. The general guidelines have been worked through, we wanted to present those to the
Commission to hear them, not to debate them or deliberate them tonight, but simply become familiar
with them. This process would route back through based on our recommendation to the Commission
and then back to the Planning Board to be reviewed, then back to the Commission for final approval.
Commissioner Ferring said for the record, when he received the packet of the G.O.P.S. and the
proposed L.D.R. 's, and said his first question was wether or not the G.O.P.S. or the L.D.R.'s that
we have looked at, have gone before the Planning and Zoning Bd. According to the Statutes and the
City's Compo Plan, we shouldn't be addressing these issues until it has had it's full blown hearings
before the Planning and Zoning Bd. Commissioner Ferring said he thinks that if the Commission
starts to get into the G.O.P.S., the Commission would be superseding anything that the P & Z Bd.
may want to put forth on their own. Commissioner Ferring said he has looked through the goals,
objectives and policies and thinks it's only proper that as a former member of the Planning and Zoning
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Bd. he would be irate that they were not invited to this particular workshop and we are getting the
cart before the horse. Went the item was agended at the last meeting, he thought that the
Commission would only be discussing two items, the sign item and whether or not a portion of
property on 434 that is now commercial could be considered for residential. Those are the only two
items that he thinks the Commission probably could address legally. Commissioner Ferring stated
that he finds himself in a difficult position to want to even listen to this before it goes before the
Planning and Zoning Board.
Manager McLemore stated that we gave the Commission a report several months ago as to where
we were and what we were doing, and at that time he told the Commission they would bring their
work back to the Commission to bring the Commission up to date when we got through with the
committee in place; and that was the Commission's direction to have that committee and do it's work,
they have done that work and we have tried to come up with a way and a concept by which to pull
all of this 434 concept into some structured process that would encompass the three different
components. Manager McLemore stated that he can assure the Commission that they are not doing
anything wrong or illegal. At this point in time we are just simply trying to bring the Commission up
to date as to where we are and tell you where we thing we're trying to go and what we are trying to
accomplish and see if basically if the Commission is comfortable with that direction.
Commissioner Ferring said he doesn't think it was the intention for the Commission to bypass any
of the channels that it should have gone through. Commissioner Ferring said the Commission is the
final body that should be getting the information after it has gone through all the committees.
Commissioner Ferring said he would request that this is sent back to the Planning and Zoning Bd. for
their hearings and analysis and then have it come back to the Commission after the P & Z Bd.' s
Commissioner McLeod said he thought that we were hear tonight to hear the update, and not to
approve anything. The Commission had asked and requested to hear where are we, where are we
going and when will it happen. Commissioner McLeod said he would like to hear the update and if
it needs then to go to other Boards.
Tom Grimms, Community Development Coordinator, gave his presentation. Mr. Grimms stated that
he has added a number of objectives and policies as a proposal and made various changes. Berryman
and Henigar received his review and was decided by the City Manager that we get the various
appropriate parties and sit down go through the regulations. We have done that and what is now
before the Commission is a draft of the agreed upon text. There are two issues: one the billboards
from the text, the City Staff feels that we should eliminate the billboards, but the property owners
(who now have billboards) like them and would like to keep them; another issue that is related: S.R.
434 is primarily indicated as a commercial corridor, the policy issue that comes up is whether the
Commission desires to keep the 434 corridor commercial or not. The reason this is timely is we have
before us three requests for small scale Compo Plan amendments to change various properties from
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commercial to residential. Since the draft regulations deal primarily with commercial properties, it
is timely. With respect to the town center, the vision plans schematic indicates a town center, in
committee discussion it came up that perhaps this may be readjusted to have the boundaries include
all the portion of the High School and perhaps a connection with Central Winds Park. There have
been a couple potential opportunities for the City to (through Grants) possibly acquire some lands
to the east and hold them for inclusion of possibly future expansion of Central Winds Park (which
would be included in the town center). The committee thought it a good idea that we should relate
the town center to the civic facility of the community park.
Mr. Grimms stated that Staff is looking for either reaffirmation of the policy direction from the
Commission that is expressed through the Future Land Use Map, as the corridor being a primarily
commercial corridor or perhaps reexamination of that policy.
Mr. Grimms stated because of the differences of the redevelopment district to the newly developing
area (town center) there is proposed to be separate regulations in the overlay district for that in the
Mike Wadley, with Berryman & Henigar, stated the document primarily works with the new
development area, the area that the committee convened on and had several meetings and worked
diligently going through page by page, item by item to resolve differences and work out guidelines
that we thought worked well to protect the corridor and enhance the corridor and make it the "green
image" that was desired. The town center, some of the guidelines may apply, which would be the
next area that we would work on as well as the redevelopment area. The town center will be best
accomplished through different guidelines, which would address more of a street tree pattern, lighting
pattern, pavement patterns, banners, etc., that will be the next focus. It makes sense to tie in the area
of Central Winds Park and make the whole area a broader focus than originally outlined on the
Mayor Bush stated that there were two issues identified in the packet; and stated that he hopes the
corridor will not be encumbered with billboards of any kind (is his wish) and that is one issue the
Manager is asking for direction on the signage. Mayor Bush asked how does the Commission feel
about the of site advertising, billboards.
Commissioner Ferring said this is an issue that was put forth to the City Attorney for guidance. The
Attorney was to give the Commission an ordinance regarding the signage and we are still waiting.
Commissioner Ferring said as far as he is concerned and thinks many of the members of the
Commission do, that to have as little signage as possible.
Commissioner Conniff said he thought that the present billboards would be grand fathered in and that
is it.
Commissioner Langellotti said he feels the same as Commissioner Conniff to grandfather in what is
existing and no further signage.
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Commissioner Gennell said she thinks the City should phase out the billboards, not allow any more
and phase out what we have.
Commissioner McLeod said he believes that is an issue that should be addressed by the P & Z Board
regarding this issue. In the beginning our directions were that the City has a limited amount of
billboards and only a certain amount on road-side and a certain amount on the side of buildings. Most
of those issues have been addressed specifically to the issues and as far as the existing ones, they were
to be phased out over a period of time. We did note going into this that the present property owners
did like the present billboards they had and yes they did want to maintain them and at that time we
stated that they needed to go and keep the corridor at the high and elevation. There are a lot of issues
regarding signage and said he thinks this should be given to the P & Z Board and given to the City
Attorney to address those issues with the P & Z Board as soon as possible to get the L.D.R. ' s in
Commissioner Langellotti asked if the town center is in the City owned property. Mr. Grimms said
that is City owned property and private property. Mr. Wadley said there is a portion, the corner of
Tuskawilla and 434 is county.
Commissioner Gennell said she has a question of having the town center only include the north side
of 434 and was there any thought given to making it a larger area even though it would be a long
range plan of future annexation. Mr. Grimms stated that the committee had talked about expanding
that on the southwest portion of 434. Mr. Grimms stated that there is a policy statement by the
legislature in Chapter 171 recommending that municipalities consider annexing enclaves.
Commissioner McLeod said before we had talked about the west side of town should not be slighted
and are you now saying (what the report is primarily dealing with) is a different area (area 3 on the
map). Commissioner McLeod said this should be done not as a single phase but as phase 1,2 and
3. Discussion. Mr. Grimms stated that was the intent not to hold up the process. Commissioner
McLeod said his suggestion to the City Manager and hopes the rest of the Commission would
support this, would be to move forward on section 3 very rapidly and then section 1 and 2 would be
easier to complete. Discussion.
Commissioner Gennell stated she is pleased with the document and comfortable with the approach.
Commissioner Gennell stated that she has a few concerns that she didn't see listed in the itemized
outline for the section.
Mayor Bush said individual comments should be given to the City Manager.
Manager McLemore stated that does the Commission agree to have each Commissioner submit a list
of concerns to be incorporated into the document before it goes before the P & Z Board.
Commissioner McLeod said there should be time frames given to these phases.
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Commissioner Ferring said this Commission is not suppose to be giving input to the P & Z Bd., the
right way to do this is the P & Z Bd. is working with the Staff to bring about what has to be done
then in turn it comes to the Commission, and if we don't like it we send it back to P & Z, but the
Commission cannot give input to the P & Z Bd.
Manager McLemore stated we are confusing the L.D.R. process with the Visioning process, they are
related but they are separate things. The visioning process does not say to give it all to the P & Z,
that is not the visioning process; the visioning process envisions extending out into the community
and getting a lot of different people involved and putting ideas down, then condensing that down to
a draft and then go to the regulatory agency to be reviewed.
Manager McLemore stated that he would suggest that we are at the point with 3 to do that because
we've had the community input who worked on that section. Now we are at a point where to put
the town center and for the restoration area, and said he thinks we need to go back out to an
extended group and do another input type of situation to get feed back so it can be narrowed down
for both the restoration area and town center; come up with a lot of ideas, filter it down to a
document then take it to the P & Z where it can be put into regulatory process and regulatory
language then brought back to the Commission.
Manager McLemore said we are at that point now, the new developed area and suggested to the
Commission to maybe think about a mini visioning process for the town center and for the restoration
Commissioner McLeod said the Commission has given direction to what they want the corridor to
look like as an overall view and now the P & Z is to fine tune that. As far as having another session
for the town center, he doesn't know if that is needed. When we get into the west side of town, that
needs to be addressed and needs to be addressed with a lot of the people's input and the businesses
input in that community.
Mayor Bush said issue one is "does the Commission want to maintain the S.R. 434 corridor for
commercial use as presently indicated in the Compo Plan, Future Land Use Map". Manager
McLemore said the Commission's statement sets the land use pattern for that area, that plan is always
subject to petition by a property owner to amend that plan, therefore, on it's merits the City will be
faced (for a long time) potentially no matter what is decided of the right of an individual to come
forward and ask for a change or an amendment. Manager McLemore said the question is is it
generally the Commission's intent for S.R. 434 to be a commercial corridor.
Commissioner McLeod said he sees no reason to change anything in the corridor (in his opinion) and
feels that it should stay commercial.
Commissioner Langellotti asked about the different categories of commercial.
Commissioner Ferring said are we now saying that we are set as to what this corridor is going to do
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and we are precluding anything else that can be adopted in this corridor. Commissioner Ferring said
he sees that residential and commercial can be blended in and said he doesn't see any reason why that
can't be done. As far as keeping the corridor commercial, Commissioner Ferring said no, he thinks
the City needs to keep flexible for any good proposal that can come before us that would be an asset
to the City.
Mayor Bush stated that in the Code apartments are considered commercial zoning and said he
personally doesn't want to see apartments along the corridor.
Commissioner Ferring said what he is talking about is residential as far as lower density is concerned
and is different than apartments. Commissioner Ferring said the area he is talking about is from
Tuskawilla Road west.
Commissioner Langellotti asked what does the property owners want to do with their property. Mr.
Grimms said in the various committee meetings the property owners stated that they said in general,
he has combined the interests and concerns of City Staff and property owners into the draft
Commissioner Conniff stated that he would like to see commercial along the corridor and not any
residential or multi-family.
Commissioner Ferring stated that we are putting in mandates that must go before the P & Z Board
and we are mandating them before they have had a chance to go over these issues.
Commissioner Langellotti said he would like to see it left as commercial.
Commissioner Gennell said she doesn't think that a four lane road at 45 mph lends itself very well for
residential living and for that reason the fact that we have it commercial already and part of it has
already begun as commercial and said she would like to see it remain commercial because the City
needs businesses to supply the residents services.
Commissioner McLeod stated that he would like to see it left as commercial and every applicant has
the right to bring their application in as the City Manager pointed out.
Commissioner Ferring said he wants to remind the Commission of Winding Hollow, Winding Hollow
is one of the City's upper class residential areas, it fronts on S.R. 434 and what the Commission is
intending to do is possibly put commercial enterprise in front of a nice development that the
Commission have endorsed. Commissioner Ferring said the City has residential in that area already,
there is no reason why we can't have residential in other areas. Discussion. Commissioner McLeod
stated that the frontage of that residential property has commercial.
Mayor Bush stated the consensus is that the corridor should be commercial but Commissioner Ferring
and Commissioner McLeod has brought up good points that there does need to be some flexibility
W orkshoD Meetine City Commission
Julv 15. 1996
Paee 12
there to address exceptions and the Commission would address the exceptions on an individual basis.
Mel Glickman stated that he feels that the Commerce Board should have some input on this issue.
Commissioner McLeod stated that the Commerce Board should work with and give their input to the
p & Z Board.
Commissioner McLeod said he would hope that by the next meeting of the Commission that the
Manger can come back and give the Commission an idea of when P & Z would receive this draft and
when would Section 3 come to the Commission.
Mayor Bush stated that he thinks Commissioner McLeod would like to see an implementation
schedule of when it goes before the Boards and when it will come back before the Commission.
The meeting adjourned at 10: 15 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Margo R1. Hopkins,
City Clerk