HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1996 06 24 City Commission Regular Minutes
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JUNE 24, 1996
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission was called to order by Deputy Mayor John Ferring at
7:30 p.m.
Mayor John F. Bush, absent
Deputy Mayor John Ferring, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
Larry Conniff, present
John Langellotti, present
Cindy Gennell, present
David McLeod, absent
For the invocation Deputy Mayor Ferring asked for a moment of silent prayer.
Deputy Mayor Ferring announced two agenda changes, one add-on item for the Informational
Agenda regarding Comprehensive Plan Amendment on Duke properties; also an add-on item for the
Regular Agenda regarding Wedgewood Golf Villas.
Approval of Minutes of June 10. 1996:
Deputy Mayor Ferring asked if there were any changes or corrections to the minutes of June 10,
1996. There were no changes or corrections to the minutes of June 10, 1996.
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to approve the minutes of June 10, 1996.
Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Deputy Mayor Ferring stated the minutes are approved as
Deputy Mayor Ferring mentioned that at 8:00 p.m. the Commission will be going into an Executive
Session on a litigation that is currently pending before the City. We will take Public Input from this
time until 8:00 p.m.
Kelly Balagia, 508 Mark Run, stated that the Commission has unanimously objected to the parcel of
land in question going C-3, and asked the Commission to be the residents advocate and help them
in opposing this change by going before the County's P & Z hearings on July 10, 1996, representing
the City on the residents behalf by giving the City Staff authority to meet with residents in trying to
decide what criteria the developer would have to adhere to if the developer wanted to get City water
and sewer. By clarifying to the County a more adamant position about the City's objection. This
would be a help to the residents in trying to fight this. We, the residents are pleading for the City's
support and some assistance in this fight.
Ernesto DiCarlantanio, 975 Citrus Wood Ct., Longwood, spoke on behalf of some of the residents
and as a Realtor who sells homes in the Highlands; spoke regarding the way this has been handled
between the City and County. On May 13, 1996 the City Commission unanimously voted against the
zoning change, or opposed it (Duke rezoning). One thing that was not discussed was the water and
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sewer contract. It was also suggested by Mayor Bush that the Duke Properties work with the
residents in finding a more compatible or more suitable transitional zoning change, something that
would work for everyone. Weare trying to work with the City and County to get as much
information as we can, unfortunately the City is lacking quite a bit of information, we did ask Mr.
LeBlanc for information regarding this, all the transactions and correspondence dealing with this issue
and unfortunately there was nothing available with the exception of the contract and the information
that was given on the May 13th meeting. I did ask ifthere was anything else or any correspondence
since there was quite a bit of reference made at the May 13th meeting to the correspondence between
the City and Duke Properties over the last year and a half; I was told that that was all done verbally,
that they do not write down a whole lot when it comes to correspondence and negotiating contracts.
In addition, we still have an outstanding water and sewer agreement, the County is under the
understanding that the City is going to supply City water and sewer, they make reference to it in
about every document they have when it comes to discussing the water and sewer.
Mr. DiCarlantanio stated that he asks that the City does not delay any more in discussing this, make
a decision: is the City going to supply water and sewer, are you going to honor the contract or not.
That will at least lay to rest a lot of the confusion that Mr. Balagia mentioned. The residents and
everybody is concerned about this really don't know where to go, the City or the County. If the City
is going to be involved in this, the City needs to let the residents know what they are planning on
doing. If the City wants to have some control and annex this, the City should take some time and
meet with the residents and discuss what would be possible as far as restrictions and what makes
sense. We (the residents) ask that the Commission makes a motion to discuss this particular case and
the contract, the validity of the contract and how the City is planning to proceed from this point.
Deputy Mayor Ferring said for the residents information, at 4:30 p.m., this afternoon, the Commission
was given information from the City Manager which was given to the Commission on an
informational basis, a lot of which addresses some of the issues that is of concern to you at this point.
There are some issues in the information, that comes under a legal heading and the City Manager has
these documents and said he hopes that the City Manager will give the documents to the City
Attorney to review and more specifically the sales contract of Duke Properties and Amback.
Carl Chiappone, 456 MacGregor Rd.., President of the HigWands Homeowners Association, stated
that he is speaking for the Board of Directors and many of the residents (present at the meeting),
expressing their concern over the rezoning of the property in discussion. We are coming to the City
because of the influence the City has with the County in making decisions of this sort. The City's
influence is apparent and it's verbal and it's written correspondence with the County, as well as the
agreement the City has entered into with the developers and land owners that they can bring to the
County in support of their requests. In this case it is very important that the County is aware and is
clear that the City does not support the development of this property as currently defined by Duke
and it would be no clearer way to say this to let the County know that the City no longer intend to
provide water and sewer to this development. The home buyers in the Highlands contract they had
with the County, in saying "what they saw is what they get", what was know to border our
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community on the east was an area that was zoned residential, and be didn't believe that we would
see the woods forever, but never thought there would be industry in that area. It was the City
Commission's suggestion that the residents and Duke Properties try to come to an agreement as far
as restrictions and buffers that could be acceptable to both parties; the only concession that Duke
Properties has made is to run a wall completely the length of the property. After a meeting with Jim
Duke and his advisors, there was some hope that the residents concerns were being listened to and
appreciated. The end result was essentially no concessions to the homeownerslWinter Springs
residents, only a painted cinder block wall, five feet from the sidewalk and then adding to the
restrictions a request for M1-A, for six lots across from the sewer plant. The third reason to make
it clear to the County that the City does not support Duke in this effort may lie in the City
Ordinances. There was an old Ordinance, No. 56 that was put in place in 1971 by the then
Commission of North Orlando. Ordinance 56 was related to the Planned Unit Developments within
the Village of North Orlando, the standards of approval under Section 5 of the Ordinance, address
parameter requirements for PUDs, and states ".... Commercial and multiple family structures or
buildings in common open areas, located at the perimeter of the development shall be permanently
screened in a green belt that would protect the privacy and amenities that of the adjacent uses. I feel
we all agree that has been laid out by Duke Properties would not protect the privacy and amenities
of the adjacent uses.
Mr. Chiappone said he is asking the Commission to consider the wise and correct thinking that went
into Ord. 56 and ifit is still in effect, then let's enforce it. What the residents of the Highlands are
asking for from the Commission is simple and reasonable and really correct and that is that any
current agreements with Duke Properties be voided and the County be made aware in writing and
quickly that the City no longer agrees to provide water and sewer to the project nor agrees to
annexation until a new agreement is made that looks at all alternatives for the land, outline specific
future use of the land and lays out in writing the safeguards of property values and the beauty of one
of the City's prize communities.
Deputy Mayor F erring gave to Mr. Chiappone a copy of the agenda item information for his and the
residents review. Deputy Mayor Ferring stated that as of now the position the Commission has taken
is that the Commission is in opposition to any zoning changes unless the developer of Duke
Properties and the residents come to a compromise agreement on how it can be beneficial to all. That
position stilI stands at this point. Deputy Mayor Ferring stated personally, he would like to see a Staff
member represent that position to the County Land Planning Agency and to the County Commission
and said he will not do that tonight and will request that this item be placed on the agenda for the July
8, 1996 meeting, that way the entire Commission and Mayor will be present, and at that meeting we
will request that a member of Staff or a member of the Commission be in attendance to voice the
City's position at the County meeting of July 10, 1996, regarding these issues.
Deputy Mayor Ferring suggested to Mr. Chiappone and the residents to review the agenda item
information and to then contact the City Manager to give him the residents input and then the City
Manager will in turn give the residents input to the Commission.
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Commissioner Gennell stated that she agrees with the people that gave presentations in that when
she reviewed the motion made at the May 13, 1996 Commission meeting, it didn't specifically include
the original agreement about the water and sewer, and suggested that that question be put on the
same agenda; do we ratifY the water and sewer agreement or not, that is the basis of the problem that
keeps the City ongoing with them.
Deputy Mayor Ferring stated that is a legal questions and thinks the Attorney has to address as that
never came before the Commission and said he doesn't know if the City is legally bound by any
agreement that was made without this Commission's approval.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated he would like to have this item on the agenda for the next
Commission meeting and will provide the legal opinion at that meeting.
Deputy Mayor Ferring closed the regular meeting and opened the Closed Executive Session at 8:00
p.m. Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that at the last Commission meeting it was announced that there
would be a Closed Executive Session at this meeting for the purpose of meeting in closed session to
discuss litigation strategies and/or expenditures in settlement discussion regarding the lawsuit know
as Sullivan Properties vs. The City of Winter Springs. Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that Deputy
Mayor Ferrlng will chair the Closed Executive Session, there will be a court reporter present and the
meeting will be transcribed and when the lawsuit is ultimately resolved then the transcripts becomes
public~ persons in attendance will be the Commission that is present tonight, the City Manager, City
Attorney Kruppenbacher, Attorney Roper and or Attorney Noah (counsel defending the lawsuit from
the League of Cities), and a court reporter~ there will be no discussions other than the issues that have
been related to and we estimate the session will not exceed one hour in time.
Deputy Mayor Ferring closed the Executive Session and reconvened the Regular Meeting at 8:50
p.m. Deputy Mayor Ferring called a recess at 8:50 p.m. Deputy Mayor Ferring reconvened the
Regular Meeting at 9:00 p.m.
Parks and Recreation Department
A. Request permission to explore the idea of working in a cooperative effort with the Civic
Association and the B.O.W.S. Board in discussing the feasibility of incorporating a "Tree Lighting
Ceremony" with the annual Christmas Parade. PURPOSE: to present the general concept parameters
of a "Tree Lighting Ceremony" which could be held in conjunction with the annual Christmas Parade
and produced through the coordinated efforts of the B.O.W.S. Board.
Public Works Department
B. Requesting a Workshop with the City Commission and the Ranchlands residents to be scheduled
on Monday, August 5, 1996 to finalize the design of the paving and drainage improvements to Moss
Road, Hayes Road, and Panama Road in the Ranchlands. PURPOSE: to request a workshop with
the City Commission and Ranchlands residents for August 5, 1996 to solicit citizen and City
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Commission input prior to finalizing the design of the paving and drainage improvements of Moss,
Hayes and Panama Roads in the Ranchlands.
ACTION: Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to approve the Consent Agenda.
Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye. Motion carried.
Land Management Division
Add-On Item A - Updating the Commission on the status of the James N. Duke request for a
Comprehensive Plan Amendment on property located in Seminole County. PURPOSE: to update
the Commission on the status of the James Duke request for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment
which will be presented to the County Local Planning Agency and the Board of County
Commissioners. The amendment would change the assigned Land Use from Suburban Estates to
Planned Development, and rezone the property from A-I to Planned Commercial Development for
that property located in Seminole County.
ACTION: Manager McLemore stated that there are a number of things that has happened in the last
few days and we have tried to monitor this process very carefully, one of the important dates was the
D.R.C. (Development Review Committee) meeting this past Wednesday, that meeting was important
because at that meeting is when the applicant and Staff discuss the project. Mr. LeBlanc attended
the meeting to monitor what was going on. The purpose of this report is to bring the Commission
up to date as to what has happened as late as Friday afternoon. We are not recommending any
decision, this is an informational item and the Commission has already decided to wait the next
Donald LeBlanc gave his presentation. Mr. LeBlanc said included on the Site Plan that was
submitted, there were Winter Springs Commerce Park requirements; a general agreement was
reached on the plan as follows: Items 1-6 addressing open space, landscape buffer, 25' wide landscape
buffer, 6' painted masonry wall- constructed 5' from the r-o-w line, evergreen hedge - planted on the
west side of the wall, and the only trees to be removed from the landscape buffer are those that need
to be removed to build the wall and plant the hedge row and trees will be added in the landscape
buffer to assure a minimum of eight trees per 100'. This was a change and it was noted in item 18
of the Park requirements and is listed in item 7 of his memo. There will be absolutely no outside
storage, all storage must be enclosed. Item 17, as submitted with the plans, addressed the hours of
operation - the County said the hours of operation for the CN, C-I and C- 2 uses will be from 7: 00
a.m. to II :00 p.m and for the C-3 and MI-A uses from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.; this is basically the
only point where the developer disagreed with the County recommendations and the developer
wanted to commence operations at 6:00 a.m. The Staff told the developer that their recommendation
would be that it remain at 7:00 a.m., but the developer can voice their concerns to the County
Commission. Items 9-16, there were no changes and there was talk about stormwater facilities not
encroaching the landscape buffer and pedestrian access not provided through the wall and landscape
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buffer, solid waste containers will be located outside the 25' landscape buffer and hours of operation
to empty the containers - 6:00 a.m. to 11 :00 p.m. Setbacks for the proposed buildings - Height: 35'
tall, trees between the 25'landscape buffer and 50' building setback will remain (where possible); the
Commerce Park Owners Association - own and maintain all the common areas and retention ponds,
and address exterior lighting. Items 19-21 were renumbered in him report to the Commission as 16-
19 and there were no changes there, it addressed proposed landscaping along S.R. 419, signage
requirements and off-street parking and landscaping. Item 22 on the Commerce Park requirements
was renumbered to item 20. The changes as it was listed in the Winter Springs Commerce Park - CS:
convenience commercial districts was removed entirely (this was omitted, there is not to be any CS,
convenience commercial district). The CN, restricted neighborhood commercial has not changed nor
has the C-l, all permitted uses not changed. In the C-2, all permitted uses except the omission of
subparagraph A completely (Alcoholic beverages establishments, flea markets, lumber yards, adult
entertainment establishments, billboards, marine sales and services. In C-3 all permitted uses except,
subparagraph A was omitted and in subprargraph B, paint and body shops was added along with
lumber yards and junk yards. In MI-A (light industrial district), subparagraph A was removed and
have added along to public and private utility plant and stations and distribution office, heliports and
airports was added and manufacturing of boats and truck terminals.
Mr. LeBlanc stated that the preceding was basically the changes that were made, the applicant is also
agreeing to connect to the County's water and sewer system and will pay all costs associated with
the connection. In conjunction with that, the County will have to amend their urban service
comprehensive plan textual, which will amend the sewer service area to include the subject property,
right now that is not in the County's sewer urban service area; the water service is in the County's
Comprehensive plan.
Deputy Mayor Ferring asked if the developer no longer has use for the City's water and sewer
service. Mr. LeBlanc said that is what was presented to the D.R.C.
Deputy Mayor Ferring asked if something was presented to the County Commission. Mr. LeBlanc
said the first formal application was submitted March 15, 1996 for a small scale amendment, changing
the land use from suburban estates and to rezone the property from A-I to C-3. On April 24, 1996
the D.R.C. and the developer met, the D.R.C. recommended that the land use be changed to Planned
Development and the zoning be Planned Commercial Development. ON May 13, 1996 is when the
City of Winter Springs had their meeting and in my report, the motion was quoted and Mayor Bush's
comments were quoted. On June 5, 1996 the plan ( as it was submitted to the County Staff on March
15, 1996) was presented to the Local Planning Agency with the Staff recommendation that it be
Planned Development for land use and the zoning be Planned Commercial Development; because of
that the Local Planning Agency did not take public input and continued the item to a future date and
gave the developer a deadline of June 7, 1996 to submit a planned commercial development. On June
11, 1996, the Staff presented to the County Commission a textual change to be appended to the
existing spring amendments terminology, which would have considered excluding the subject property
from the urban service area. (That was in thinking that the agreement with the City of Winter Springs
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was a valid agreement and it was found out that it was not a valid agreement because it had not been
ratified) and the Commission at that time stated that it was not in favor of this pending the spring
amendments and wanted to see both the textual change and the urban service district and the
proposed comprehensive amendment seminutaniously presented at a later date.
Commissioner Gennell said on item 4, there is an evergreen hedge and looks like it is 30" high and
30'long and 3' on center and asked if that is correct. Mr. LeBlanc said that it is 30" by 30" and 3' off
center. Commissioner Gennell asked if the County has requirements on these developments for
irrigation and maintenance of that. Mr. LeBlanc stated that he cannot answer that, he would have
to acquire that information from the County. Commissioner Gennell said that the City tries to make
an effort to see that when developers put in landscaping in our City, that they have to keep it up and
since this is going to be outside of their wall, I would surely like to know if they are going to be
required to maintain it.
Mr. LeBlanc stated that the developer has agreed to do all the connections and be in the County's
Urban service area. The next meeting is July 10, 1996, it will the presentation of the applicant's
request made to the County's Local Planning Agency and the textual change to amend the sewer
service area will be presented at that time also. As of Friday afternoon, the County's Staff will
recommend approval as discussed. On August 13, 1996 this will be presented to the County
Commission as a large scale amendment to transmit and probably would not have approval until
December. Mr. LeBlanc stated that to change the urban service area, being a textual change,
requires it to be a large scale amendment.
Patrick O'Neal, Sterling Drive, asked about sign regulations and advertising signs along the Shepard
Rd. side of the wall. Mr. LeBlanc stated that the 25' landscape buffer will probably lend itself to
signage~ as the only thing that can go there is the six foot wall that will be build five foot within the
property. Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that if that portion of the property is in the City, we have
a sign ordinance~ if it is not in the City we will have to look at the County sign ordinance, because
in his opinion that would be commercial operation as to that signage, and whether or not they could
have it there, he can't answer without looking at the County's sign ordinance. Deputy Mayor Ferring
asked to get that answer the Mr. O'Neal for the next meeting.
William Jones, Erica Way, stated he is totally against this and said he doesn't want to see it at all with
any type of revisions, because it will be an eyesore.
Larry Chimoria, Jeffrey Ct., said since the Duke Properties is planning on dealing with the County
as far as the water and sewer, asked how does that effect them annexing in Winter Springs. Deputy
Mayor said the City will not have a part in the solution.
Ernesto DiCarlantanio, Citrus Wood Ct., Longwood, said in one of the letters sent to the City
Manager regarding the meeting that has just taken place~ there was reference made to give input by
June 28, 1996 regarding any concerns or comments that the City has, if we are waiting to the next
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meeting on July 8, 1996, asked if the City will be missing the "window"? Manager McLemore said
we may be missing that "window" but whatever is put on the record on July 8, 1996 can be made part
of the record before the Planning Commission and said he is not concerned with that.
Motion was made by Commissioner ConnitT to accept the Informational agenda. Seconded
by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner
Gennell: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
Land Management Division
A. Requesting Commission approval of the Planning and Zoning Board recommendation for
approval of the Preliminary EngineeringlFinal Development Plan for Lake Jesup Property. The
developer has requested and the Planning and Zoning Board has recommended approval for a
reduction in density from one hundred sixty-six (166) multi-family units to thirty-one (31) single
family units. PURPOSE: to approve the Preliminary EngineeringlFinal Development Plan for the
Lake Jesup Property. In conjunction with this action, the developer has requested a reduction in
density from one hundred sixty-six ( 166) multi-family units to thirty-one (31) single family units.
ACTION: Mr. LeBlanc stated that Statfhas given their approval of this and the Planning and Zoning
Board has recommended approval.
Deputy Mayor Ferring asked Mr. Morgan, environmentalist for the developer, about his inspections
of this site regarding his study of wildlife.
Deputy Mayor Ferring asked about the docks going 40' out into Lake Jesup. Mr. Morgan stated that
the regulatory agencies and the permitting agencies do not have a permit requirement for the docks;
and stated that he is not sure at this time what the design of the docks are. Charlie Madden, Madden
Engineering, stated he is not sure if the docks will remain as shown on the plans, it is just to show that
there will be docks and as far as the final design on where the docks are going he doesn't know at
this time. Mr. Madden stated as far as the final engineering construction drawings, they don't permit
the construction of each dock, those will be permitted on an individual basis as they come through.
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to approve the Preliminary EngineeringlFinal
Development Plan for Lake Jesup Properties and the Commission made findings of the fact
that this project: 1) is in substantial compliance with the intent and purpose of the PUD
district and the approved preliminary development plan; 2) is capable of existing as an
independent unit capable of creating an environment of substantial desirability and stability;
and 3) that the existing and proposed utilities and transportation systems are adequate for the
population proposed. Seconded by Commissioner ConnitT. Discussion. Commissioner Gennell
asked if the streets will be private streets and will they have sidewalks. Mr. LeBlanc stated that they
will be private streets and said 50' r-o-w's to City standards. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
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Mr. LeBlanc mentioned that the developer will be naming the interior street Torcaso Court.
City Manager
A.I. Request the City Commission to provide direction regarding the City's role in providing
emergency storm drainage services to the residents of Wedgweood Gulf Villas in Tuscawilla and
advising all parties of the imminent potential for property damage resulting from flooding.
PURPOSE: for the Commission to provide the City Manager with direction regarding the use of
Public Funds to provide emergency storm drainage services to the residents of Wedge wood Gulf
Villa's and to advise all parties of the imminent threat of property damage from stormwater.
ACTION: Manager McLemore stated that this past week we have had an issue with Wedgewood
Golf Villas that involves a drainage problem affecting about three homes. It is our opinion that based
on current climatic conditions that are highly unusual in terms of the wet season for this year and the
ground water situation which is very unusual for this year. Typical kinds of afternoon rainfalls to any
degree of intensity could result in these three units (and possibly others) actually taking water inside
the homes. We received calls this past week when we had heavy rains to come out and look at the
situation, we sent our people out and he personally went out and looked at it. After seeing the
situation, we went to the developer and asked him what if anything he proposed to do about it since
this is all on private property. The developer recanted to us that he had a plan that he previously
presented to the Staff, we've looked at it and the developer told us that he had presented his solution
to the Homeowners Assoc., and they had indicated no interest in allowing them (developer) to go
forward with the plan. At that point in time, we were put in somewhat of a difficult situation; we did
speak directly with the Homeowners Assoc. President, and the President did advise him that this was
not a City matter that the City really did not need to be involved in it.
Manager McLemore stated that the dilemma that it put us in a very difficult situation as was explained
to the President of the Homeowners Assoc. The problem is that when these people are threatened
they call the City and/or the Commissioners and they are in a very difficult situation and we have to
make a decision as to whether we are going to continue to spend taxpayers money on private
property. Manager McLemore stated in his opinion we should not be spending taxpayers money on
private property. Manager McLemore said he needs some direction on what to do with this,
apparently the "stand-oft" between the developer and the property owners situation by us continually
being involved in it facilitates the "stand-oft" continuing. If we continue to assist these people, we
will probably be out there three and four days out of the week for the balance of the rainy season.
We need to come to a resolution on how to deal with this because of the fact we are on private
property and we shouldn't be there. What was outlined to the Commission is three alternatives: 1)
direct the City Manger to continue giving service as we have in the past; 2) by doing (1) we will
continue to facilitate the "stand-oft" between the two because they have no motivation as long as we
are the "relief valve" to do anything; 3) We are developing a reliance situation where the property
owners are relying on the City and it shouldn't be that way, in our efforts in trying to help these
people, we in fact could do damage to their property and the property owners would come back and
sue the City, hold the City liable for trying to help them.
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Manager McLemore said the second alternative is for the Commission to direct him to do nothing
else~ just say it is private property and it is the owners problem and have them deal with it. That
certainly create a motivation on the part of the property owners that are being affected, potentially
it may even mean taking action against the homeowners assoc., that certainly would move it toward
some resolution of the issue. However, it probably would result in these people maybe being flooded
out~ the third alternative to choose a date in the near future, where we give the people notice saying
that this is private property and as of "X" date the City will no longer assist them and they need to
make arrangements to protect their interest. Manager McLemore stated that in discussion with
Deputy Mayor Ferring this afternoon, Deputy Mayor Ferring offered an idea that maybe there is a
need for a workshop to get all the people together and talk about this situation before the City walks
away from it.
Commissioner Langellotti asked where is the water coming from. Manger McLemore stated that he
and the Utility Director both agree that it is coming from both the property owners and the golf
course, it is not totally one's problem. Discussion.
Deputy Mayor Ferring said he feels there should be an open discussion workshop with the concerned
people and due to the fact that there is a request to have a workshop with the engineers on August
5th, and said he thinks that is pushing it a little far, but said he would like to have a workshop as
soon as possible regarding this issue and if the Commission would agree to that we could set a date.
Gene Lein, 1173 Winged Foot Circle, briefly spoke regarding this matter.
Manager McLemore stated he was going to ask for a workshop (on another item) for July 15, 1996
and if the Commission wants to have this workshop on the same day. Deputy Mayor Ferring said if
the Commission (present) could set that date as the workshop pending any changes that might have
to be made.
City Attornev - Frank KruDDenbacher
No Report.
City Mane:er - Ronald W. McLemore
Manager McLemore mentioned the display in the lobby showing the ground breaking for the Public
Safety Building.
Manager McLemore gave a copy of a memo he received from Acting Chief Pieper. Manger
McLemore said this has to do with the carrying of the Olympic Torch which will coming through on
July 8, 1996, it will be going down 17-92. The City ofLongwood has agreed to let their employees
go for an hour to see it as it passes by~ and have had some requests from our employees as it goes
by. Manager McLemore stated that Longwood's Police Chief Manning has challenged other cities
through which the torch will pass to do the same. Discussion.
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Acting Chief Pieper stated that this was brought to our attention through the joint meeting of the
Chiefs and Sheriffs. The Olympic Torch Committee sent a FAX to all the Fire and Police Chiefs so
the Cities in Seminole County could be aware of the traffic congestion that is going to be caused by
the Torch using the east bound lanes of 17-92 as it moves north.
It was the consensus of the Commission to allow the City of Winter Springs employees to participate
in this.
Commission Seat II - John Ferring: Appointments/Reappointments to the P&Z Board and
to the Board of Adiustment:
Commissioner Ferring stated that he would like to reappoint Gene Lein to the Planning and Zoning
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to reappoint Gene Lein to the Planning and
Zoning Board. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner
Conniff: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye. Motion passes.
Commissioner Ferring stated the would like to appoint Thomas Wixted to the Board of Adjustment.
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to appoint Thomas Wixted to the Board of
Adjustment. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Gennell:
aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye. Motion passes.
Commission Seat ill - John Lane:ellotti:
No Report.
Commission Seat IV - Cindy GenneU: Appointments/Reappointments to the P & Z Board and
to the Board of Adiustment:
Commissioner Gennell stated she would like to reappoint Carl Stephens to the Planning and Zoning
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to reappointment Carl Stephens to the
Planning and Zoning Board. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote:
Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye. Motion
Commissioner Gennell stated she would like to reappoint Frank Adams to the Board of Adjustment.
Motion was made by Commissioner Conniff to reappoint Frank Adams to the Board of
Adjustment. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Gennell:
aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
Resmlar Meetine: City Commission
June 24. 1996
Pae:e 12
Commission Seat I - Larry ConnitT:
Commissioner Conniff mentioned calls he received from residents from 206, 208 and 210 Bonita
Road regarding water problems. Discussion. This will be brought back to the Commission as an
agenda item for the July 8, 1996, meeting to resolve the problem.
Mavor's Office - John F. Bush: AooointmentslReaooointments to the B.O.W.S. Board:
Deputy Mayor Ferring stated he had a memo from Mayor Bush stating that Mayor Bush would like
to reappoint Marilyn Dickinson and Carol Morrison to the B.O.W.S. Board.
Motion was made by Commissioner ConnitT to reappoint Marilyn Dickinson and Carol
Morrison to the B.O.W.S. Board. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote:
Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye. Motion
Deputy Mayor Ferring also stated that two appointments need to be made to the Code Enforcement
Board, these appointments are made at large. The two members who terms are up have indicated that
they would like to be reappointed, one being Anne Schneider and the other being Ken Haines.
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to reappoint Anne Schneider and Ken Haines
to the Code Enforcement Board. Seconded by Commissioner ConnitT. Discussion. Vote:
Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye. Motion
The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Margo M. Hopkins,
City Clerk