HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1996 04 08 City Commission Regular Minutes
APRIL 8, 1996
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor John F. Bush at 7:30p.m.
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor John Ferring, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
Larry Conniff, present
John Langellotti, present
Cindy Gennell, present
David McLeod, present
For the invocation, Mayor Bush asked for a moment of silent prayer.
Manager McLemore stated that there are add-on items to the agenda: Item D - Consent Agenda;
Items Band C - Informational Agenda; and Items Band C - Regular Agenda.
Approval of Minutes of March 25. 1996:
Mayor Bush asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of March 25, 1996.
There were no additions or corrections to the minutes of March 25, 1996. Minutes stand approved
as presented. Commissioner Langellotti stated that he would like the minutes of the March 25, 1996
meeting verbatim.
Introduction and Presentation to Dr. E. Ann McGee:
Mayor Bush introduced to the Commission and members of the public Dr. Ann McGee, the new
President of Seminole Community College and presented Dr. McGee with a proclamation welcoming
her to the community.
Dr. McGee thanked the Mayor and Commission and gave a brief summary of her education and
There was no public input.
Public Works Department
A. Request Authorization to Enter into a Contact Agreement for the Construction of a Three Million
Gallon Reclaimed.Water Storage Tank. PURPOSE: to authorize the City Manager to enter into a
contractual agreement with Crom Corporation for the construction of a 3MG reclaimed water storage
tank at the East Water Reclamation Facility at a cost of $625,000 plus a 10% contingency.
B. Request Authorization to Enter into a Contract Agreement for Street Resurfacing. PURPOSE:
to authorize the City Manager to enter into a contractual agreement with MacAsphalt for street
resurfacing at a cost of $229,627.37.
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April 8, 1996
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General Services Department
C. Request Commission approval to allow the City Manager to execute an easement agreement with
BellSouth. PURPOSE: to allow the City Manager to execute an easement agreement with BellSouth
to extend an existing easement (now 20' x 20') by and additional 20' x IS'. The easement is at the
entry to Sunshine Park off Edgemon Avenue.
Police Department
D. Request to transfer Federally forfeited property to Department vehicle fleet. The vehicle is a 1993
Mazda MPV van. PURPOSE: to inform the Commission on the possibility of obtaining a
1993 Mazda MPV van as a replacement vehicle for Community Relations through the D.E.A. Federal
Forfeiture Program.
ACTION: Mayor Bush recommended to the City Manager that the street resurfacing
information be published in both the Orlando Sentinel and the Winter Springs Bulletin.
Commissioner McLeod asked questions regarding Item A.
Motion was made by Commissioner ConnitT to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by
Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Attorney Kruppenbacher pointed out that the Commission
is approving the two contracts on Items A and B. Attorney Kruppenbacher said that he and Kip
Lockcuff, Public WorkslUtility Director, are making some changes to provide further protection for
the City and stated that the Commission will be approving the items with those legal changes. Vote:
Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye;
Commissioner Gennelt: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Fire Department
A. Request City Commission review the City of Winter Springs; Employee Blood Drive information
to be held at City Hall. PURPOSE: to assure that the City Commission is informed of all the
pertinent details regarding this activity.
Manager McLemore mentioned that we have set a goal of75 participants and stated that is a very
aggressive goal for this size organization. Manager McLemore also stated that we would very much
like to have the elected officials involved in the Blood Drive.
City Manager
B. Informing Commission of a joint meeting between the City, County, and School Board Staff to
review alternatives for resolving the traffic problem of Tuskawilla Road and Trotwood Blvd. During
school hours. PURPOSE: to inform Commission of a meeting being coordinated by the school
System between the County, City and School Staff to re-examine the traffic problem at the
intersection of Tuskawilla Road and Trotwood Blvd. during school opening and closing hours.
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Commissioner Langellotti asked when the meeting was scheduled regarding the traffic problem on
Trotwood. Manager McLemore said the meeting has not been scheduled as of yet; the School Board
is coordinating the meeting and they have not gotten back to him (Manager) with a date.
ACTION: Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to approve the Informational Agenda.
Seconded by Commissioner ConnitT. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner
Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff:
aye. Motion passes.
General Services Department
A. Request an appropriation and authorization to mail out an updated City of Winter Springs
Community and Information Guide to all businesses and residents of Winter Springs. PURPOSE:
to request consideration by the City Commission to allow the Commerce and Industry Board to
reprint the City map for Winter Springs at no charge (subsidized by Winter Springs Businesses) and
to appropriate $600.00 for distribution of the map in the Winter Springs Bulletin:
Commissioner Langellotti asked if the Commerce & Industry Development Board mail out a map a
few years ago and asked if this was an updated map.
Mel Glickman, Commerce & Industry Development Board member, stated yes the Board was
involved with the map two years ago and this will be an updated map.
Commissioner McLeod asked what are the changes in the map. Mr. Glickman stated that recently
a new map was done. The Commerce & Industry Bd.. will not do this map until we have a complete
and is as updated as possible. Mr. Glickman said this new map will have colored pictures where the
other one has black and white pictures. This doesn't cost the City anything but the mailing, the
businesses contribute to the cost of the map. Mr. Glickman mentioned that this has been done very
successfully in other Cities in the area. Discussion.
Commissioner Gennell asked how many maps would be printed. Manager McLemore stated at least
10,000 but he wasn't sure the exact amount.
Motion was made by Commissioner ConnitT to approve the expenditure of the funds ($600.00)
for the map for the Commerce & Industry Board. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell.
Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner
McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye. Motion passes.
Parks and Recreation Department
B. Request the Commission review information on the Sam Smith Park and Trotwood Park
proposed fencing projects as an updated status report on the projects, and reject all bids. PURPOSE:
to update the Commission on the results of the Public Workshop hosted to receive public comment
regarding the proposed fencing projects and approve the rejection of current fencing bids in lieu of
an alternative master planning process:
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April 8, 1996
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Don Wilson, Parks and Recreation Department, stated that a community meeting was held on April
2, 1996, and there were approximately 20 residents in attendance. We were told by the residents that
they were opposed to chain link fencing, which we had proposed for these two projects (Sam Smith
Park and Trotwood Park). There was long discussions regarding this and the result of the meeting
was that during our master planning of Trotwood Park we would address Park security and park
parameter and include that in the master planning. At Sam Smith Park we would regroup and come
back and meet with the residents again regarding alternatives to that situation.
Mr. Wilson stated that the residents were admittedly against the projects and were very clear in their
comments to us. Mr. Wilson stated that the residents had some very good points, and feels that we
will have a better master plan project because of that meeting. We will have at least three community
meetings in the master planning process and said he thinks it will result in a product that will be better
for the City and the residents that use those parks.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to reject all the bids on this project that were
previously submitted. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner
Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye;
Commissioner Langellotti: aye. Motion passes.
Manager McLemore mentioned that he felt the meeting was very positive and thinks most of the
residents are looking forward to participating with Staff in the project. Manager McLemore said we
will probably need a second motion to authorize me to move ahead with the master planning process,
which was part of the packet and recommendations.
Commissioner Gennell inquired about the anticipated cost. Manager McLemore said the cost of that
information wasn't included in the packet because we didn't have it at the time but the cost will be
$3,800 for the master planning effort and will take place over the next 90-120 days, that would also
include work on Sam Smith Park which is very minor work.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to authorize the City Manager to enter into a
contract with the City's Planning Consultant, Berryman & Hennigar, to formulate a
neighborhood based master plan for Sam Smith and Trotwood Parks. Seconded by
Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff:
aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye. Motion
Fire Department
C. Request Commission review the Staff's response to the "Analysis of Cost Estimates for
Emergency Medical Transport - City of Winter Springs, Florida - Fire Department Proposal"
prepared for Lifetleet Atlantic Ambulance Service, by Fishkind & Assoc., Inc. PURPOSE: to assure
the Commission is informed of all the pertinent details regarding this issue, and to provide the
Commission with information prepared by the Department in response to the Fishkind report:
Manager McLemore asked the Commission if they would like an overview of this issue or does the
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Commission feel they are informed well enough through the written item packet.
Commissioner Langellotti stated that after reading the material he feels well informed now in what
the Fire Chief has done and said he has heard only negative comments from this Fishkind from
Altamonte Springs, Longwood and Oviedo. Commissioner Langellotti stated that he is happy with
what the Fire Department is doing and thinks they should continue.
Mayor Bush mentioned that he gets many positive comments from our citizens as to what the Fire
Department is doing and said he has yet to have anyone contact him with negative comments. Mayor
Bush stated that he feels the Fire Department is doing a great job.
Commissioner Ferring asked Fire ChiefLallathin, for the record, how many responses has the City
had since the program has been in force. ChiefLallathin said as of8:00 a.m. this morning, we have
had 140 transports since January 15, 1996, without any incidents, we have not had to use mutual aid
or an outside orgianization to transport.
Mayor Bush mentioned that there is one thing that the Commission is aware of but not the public and
that is what is going on in Altamonte Springs with the County; Altamonte Springs has a completely
different situation. Mayor Bush said he has talked to ChiefLallathin about that and ChiefLallathin
has informed him (Mayor) on why Altamonte Springs is having the difficulties they are having and
that Winter Springs is better prepared both with personnel as well as equipment, that we don't need
to ask the County to come in and cover parts of the City, like Altamonte Springs is having to do.
Chief Lallathin said that is correct, and so far we have been able to cover all our bases, however,
mutual aid is available in case we might need it in the City as well as Lifefleet if needed.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to accept the report by the Fire Chief. Seconded
by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Gennell:
aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion
Mayor Bush stated that he appreciates the information that the Chief Lallathin puts in his monthly
report on this subject and said it keeps the Commission informed and shows the activity.
City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher:
No Report.
City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore:
Manager McLemore stated that Mr. Wilson is present to inform the Commission on the outcome of
the Easter Egg Hunt.
Mr. Wilson stated that the First Annual Easter Egg Hunt was held on April 6, 1996 (Saturday), there
were 211 children participating; 125 parents and guests for approximately 335 people. There were
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April 8, 1996
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hunts in four different age groups that were simultaneous. The activity began at 10:00 a.m. and was
finished at 11: lOa. m.
Mr. Wilson mentioned that the Mayor, Commissioner Langellotti and Commissioner Gennell were
present and thanked them for participating in the awards ceremony. We critiqued the event this
morning at the Recreation Staff meeting and plan on having the event again next year, with the
Commission's approval and make improvements in it to make it even more successful.
Mayor Bush said he would like to congratulate Mr. Wilson and his Staff for an excellent job and said
it was well organized and also complemented Mr. Wilson for asking the citizens at the start of the
event to let him (Wilson) know of any recommendations that they might have to make it better next
year. Mayor Bush also mentioned that he had a lot of good reports from the parents that were there.
Mr. Wilson said he would like to thank all volunteers that helped, there were approximately 20
volunteers and said that he is sending letters out to them thanking them for their help.
Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell: 1) Announcement of appointee to the Seminole County
Expressway Authority by CALNO:
Commissioner Gennell stated that every year CALNO recommends to City representatives to sit on
the Expressway Authority and Tom Haygood's term was up and he wishes to be reappointed.
CALNO recommends that he (Haygood) be reappointed and each City is ratifying the reappointment.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell that the City Commission recommend the
appointment of Tom Haygood to the Seminole County Expressway Authority. Seconded by
Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Mayor Bush asked if there was a representative from
Winter Springs on the Expressway Authority. Commissioner Langellotti stated no. Commissioner
Gennell stated there are seven Cities, only two representatives from the Cities are on the Expressway
Authority, they take two nominations from the Cities. Mayor Bush said he would like to see someone
from the Winter Springs Commission on the Expressway Authority. Commissioner Langellotti said
as he recalls when this was formulated (a few years back) they stated at that time that being the
Expressway did not touch Winter Springs, they would not have representation and that is why Winter
Springs never has had representation on the Expressway Authority.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said years ago that was their attitude.
Vote: Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye. Motion passes.
Commissioner Gennell also mentioned that CALNO met this past week here at the City of Winter
Springs, and at that meeting a representative from ST. John's River Water Management was present,
they (SJRWM) has a government liaison person and they gave a very informative presentation. They
(the representative from SJRWMD) are available to come to Cities and make a presentation and to
answer any questions to do with anything to do with the Water Management District, how they
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operate, the water situation in general, but they will only come with an invitation and stated it is
something we might consider at some time.
Commission Seat V - David McLeod:
Commissioner McLeod asked the City Manager if the City has anything outlined of what can be left
in the public buildings as far as papers, brochures etc., within City Hall, Civic Center or any other
areas? Manager McLemore stated that the City has a Code Section that deals with that subject and
stated that he (Manager) and Attorney Kruppenbacher have been discussing this issue in the last two
weeks. Manager McLemore said that he had mentioned to the Commission that he would bring back
to them (Commission) a policy agenda item to deal with this issue if that is what the Commission
Manager McLemore said according to Attorney Kruppenbacher that Code provision is somewhat
dated and at this point in time it is probably unconstitutional based on Court renderings that have been
given since it was adopted; from a policy point of view, we have very little direction. What
complicates this is that we have precedence and precedence is such that we have basically open this
lobby for different kinds of publications and that is an important piece of information on how to deal
with this from a policy perspective. If it is the Commission's desire to deal with this issue, I will need
conformation from the Commission to follow through on what we started or if the Commission
desires not to deal with the issue to tell him. Manager McLemore said this will be complicated and
it is something we have to deal with and as best when we deal with it there will still be some "grey"
areas because this is an issue that is litigated over and over on the First Amendment.
Manager McLemore said the one difficulty for him as an administrator is that one prohibition that is
very clear to him and it is a professional problem for him and that is what he can do as an
administrator to deal with this policy. One of the things he (Manager) can't do and live within
professional practice is to try and judge what is placed here based on content. Manager McLemore
stated that he thinks he is constitutionally prohibited from that and said he needs some direction from
the Commission as to how to deal with this or either he can't do anything. But, this is something that
he (Manager) needs direction on from the Commission.
Commissioner McLeod said his direction would be that the City Manager and City Attorney put a
policy together on this issue. It may be that it is information that is only allowed in the building that
is produced by the City, therefore, there would be no question of content. (If the content is the issue)
Commissioner McLeod said the City Manager and City Attorney can come back to the Commission
with recommendations as how this will be handled and said he (McLeod) hopes that it could be done
within the next 30 days.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said the Commission needs to say whether they want us (Manager &
Attorney) to deal with the policy and we will come back with the policy we think is the one that can
work legally. Attorney Kruppenbacher said if the Commission gives us direction to come up with
a policy so that people will understand the rules, he feels that we (Commission/City) and live within
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April 8, 1996
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that guidance. Commissioner McLeod said that is what he is asking for, with the consent of the rest
of the Commission.
Manger McLemore said there are strong feelings on all sides of this First Amendment issue and he
(Manager) understands that, because of the complicated nature on this
Mayor Bush asked if the Commission agreed to Commissioner McLeod's suggestion to direct the
City Manager and Attorney to come back to the Commission with a policy within 30 days.
Mayor Bush asked the Commission if they were in agreement with Commissioner McLeod's
recommendation. It was the consensus of the Commission to have the City Manager and City
Attorney come back with a policy within 30 days.
Commissioner McLeod stated that the reason he is bringing this up is that he is under the
understanding that material was removed out of the City Hall lobby by a Commissioner and said he
doesn't think that anyone of the Commissioners here and himself included, are in a position or was
elected to be in a position to decide what is right or wrong as an individual for this City. It is only
here say that he heard or read that it happened. Commissioner McLeod said he has not talked to the
individual unfortunately the Sunshine Law doesn't allow that to happen, but nevertheless, he
understands that it did happen and he does not believe that those individuals would allow him to make
those decisions and at the same token he doesn't want those individuals making those decisions. We
have a City Manager that you take your complaint to and the City Manager will bring that back to
the Commission to make the decision. Sometimes we do things out of haste and anger, perhaps that
might have been the case, Ijust do not believe it's our position to do that.
Commission Seat I - Larry Conniff:
Commissioner Conniff mentioned that he received a letter from Oviedo High School requesting
money for Project Graduation and seeing that we do not have High School yet in Winter Springs, he
called the School Board and found out that we have 151 students that are graduating this year from
Oviedo High School this year from Winter Springs; there are 76 from Lyman High School, 2 at Lake
Mary High School and 61 at Lake Howell High School. Commissioner Conniff stated the total is 290
high school students from Winter Springs are graduating this year and if we are going to do anything
it would have to be spread out over the four High Schools.
Commissioner Conniff said regarding the visioning along S.R. 434, there is a vacant brown building
in front of Winter Springs Golf Course that we have to do something about. It is an eyesore and said
he would like to have some information as to what is going to happen with that building, it has been
vacant for a long time and thinks it is a hazard.
Commissioner Conniff said as far as the Parks go when people come in and want to use the picnic
area, do we have any Picnic Kits that we give out such as horseshoes, volley balls or anything like
that. Mr. Wilson said yes.
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Commission Seat II - John Ferring:
Commissioner Ferring said since the issue was raised by Commissioner McLeod, there were 12 issues
ofa past issue of the Winter Springs News in the lobby, and said he picked them up and brought them
to the City Manager's Office. Commissioner Ferring said he told the City Manager that he was under
the impression that these were not going to be left in City Hall any more (that is what he heard).
Commissioner Ferring said he asked the City Manager if he would take them and do what he had to
do with them and the City Manager said he didn't want to get involved with this and to leave him out
ofit. Commissioner Ferring said he told the Manager that to the best of his (Ferring) knowledge that
these things were not suppose to be in there and said he had gotten the word that they were going
to be voluntarily withdrawn from City Hall.
Commissioner Ferring said this whole issue has been brought up because ofa conversation that he
had off the record with the Editor of the Winter Springs News. The Editor of the Winter Springs
News saw fit to attack him(Ferring) in comments that he made to him (Editor) off the record when
he approached him for comments after a meeting. The Editor then preceded to produce an editorial
telling me that I did not want to face scrutiny, nothing could be further than the truth, I told the
Editor at that time "are you an editorialist, then you shouldn't be doing this" and the Editor said he
could do anything he wants. Commissioner Ferring said he told him not while John Bush is the
owner, publisher and the Mayor of this City, and told the Editor that he didn't have the right to put
that newspaper in City Hall lobby and furthermore, there was an editorial in the Winter Springs News
attacking not him personally but one Commissioner on this dias.
Commissioner Ferring said he told the Editor that he (Editor) didn't show enough common sense no
matter how it was accomplished, to have a stack of those newspapers criticizing this Commission
placed inside "the church that he attends", Commissioner Ferring said that is what raised his ire.
Commissioner Ferring said he wanted to discuss the First Amendment; the First Amendment is a great
right that was bestowed upon us, all of us by our government, and said he has always respected that
and knows it very well. Commissioner Ferring said as a matter of fact he served his Country
honorably in two wars and in his own small way, like many that came before him, help preserve those
rights for those particular individuals and it agonizes him to see a minority of want- a-be journalists
constantly waiving it in front of you. Commissioner Ferrlng said "God forbid" if they find themselves
being criticized, they scream and run to take refuse from it and he also believes with the many great
privileges we have in our Country like the First Amendment, there goes with it a responsibility, a
responsibility to relay the truth and that goes for all of us, no exceptions, for it is all of us to enjoy
and the First Amendment is not just a one way street and said that is what he has to say about that
Mr. McLeod and he said he doesn't put his advertising of his company in a paper that is being
subsidized like you (McLeod) have done sir.
Commissioner Ferring said since this issue was raised, he just wants to make it very clear, anybody
can do whatever they please as far as writing their doctrines and he is glad that you (McLeod) wants
to make it a policy that it should not be political as it has be as of this particular point in City Hall or
any government municipal building; that is the only thing he has raised his ire on and let them do
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whatever they want whatever the publication they make and that is what he has to say on that.
Commission Seat III - John Langellotti:
Commissioner Langellotti asked the City Attorney how does the City stand with our Code
Enforcement Codes~ Commissioner Langellotti said he understands that there are certain members
on the Code Board that are allowing a lot of the cases to be dismissed and the Code Officer is having
a bit of a problem and asked the City Manager to look into that. Commissioner Langellotti said as
he can recall we tried to change the enforcement of all the Codes and for some reason this has just
gotten away.
Commissioner Langellotti stated that he had gotten a phone call from a person that had a case before
the Code Board and they voted to disallow it, the case was for someone who has an unkept yard and
vehicles parked all over the yard and as he (Langellotti) understands it the Code Officer's hands are
tied. Commissioner Langellotti said that this should be looked into because some of these places are
a mess, if we need another Code Officer out there, then let's get one.
Manager McLemore stated that he has not been made aware of the problem and said he appreciates
it being brought up and said we will go back over the records for the last 12 months or so and see
exactly what has happened with the Board and go from there.
Mayor Bush stated that in light of what Commissioner Langellotti has said, before Manager
McLemore came the Commission did ask that the ordinances and codes be reviewed because there
was some concern at that time (this has been several months ago) that the codes are a little ambiguous
and it is difficult for the Code Officer to take care of his business in a quick way. This has been
brought up before and the Commission has not gotten anything back on it.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said the City went to a citation process that we adopted to expedite all of
that, you took the steps as a Commission to fix this and said he doesn't know why it is not working.
Mayor's Office - John F. Bush:
Mayor Bush said he again wants to congratulate Mr. Wilson and his Staff for the great job on the
Easter Egg Hunt.
Mayor Bush said a week ago Sunday, the Starlight Baptist Church invited members of the
Commission and employees of the City to attend a special service. Commissioner Gennell,
Commissioner McLeod and Commissioner Conniff and he attended the service, the Church
recognized our Fire Marshall with an award for the Fire Department and also gave him an award for
the City thanking the City elected officials for the job we all do and for the Staff of the City for the
job they do. Mayor Bush said he thought that it was very thoughtful on the part of the Church, we
appreciated that.
Commissioner McLeod said he would like to make a short comment. Commissioner McLeod said
he is not trying to start an argument but said he feels he deserves an opportunity to comment to Mr.
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April 8, 1996
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Commissioner McLeod said first of all he believes that the Winter Springs Newspaper is going to be
good for the citizens of Winter Springs. Commissioner McLeod said he was approached about
putting an ad in that paper, that ad information was turned over to his advertising person, who
selected that they thought seeing that he lived in Winter Springs and several of his employees live in
Winter Springs that it was probably good for the company to do that. On top of that we also then
decided to pay for the ad for a period of time up front, therefore not tieing the hands of any individual
involved with the paper that Dave McLeod does something as a City Commissioner here and that
paper wants to write whatever the article may be that it wants to write about Dave McLeod as City
Commissioner is free to do so, it has nothing to do with our company's advertising one way or
Commissioner McLeod said he also advertises and solicit from the Orlando Sentinel. Commissioner
McLeod then asked ifhe was being told that as a businessman and as a Commissioner, as long as he
is a Commissioner in the City of Winter Springs, he does not have the right then, under the First
Amendment (he guesses) to pay for advertisement in the papers that he selects to or my advertising
people select to within our corporate structure as long as he sits on the Commission. Commissioner
McLeod said he has a problem with that, and with no more to say on that, his company's ad stands
in the paper, it is paid for, and said he thinks it is a good support system to what will be a long lasting
paper within the City that he believes will give good information as to what it was designed to do.
Commissioner Ferring said he is glad Mr. McLeod explained his position, Winter Springs Bulletin has
been a City paper for five years and we (the paper) does a great service and have proven a great
service for the City and said he has never seen Mr. McLeod's advertisement in our Winter Springs
Bulletin. Commissioner Ferring said to Commissioner McLeod that he can put his ad in any place
he wants, nobody is telling him not to, but let's not score the issue. The issue is that this paper was
established and he (McLeod) was at the same meeting he (F erring) was at for a community and for
the people of this community. So far all he has seen in it (Winter Springs News) is articles for six
straight weeks, one Commissioner and six straight weeks from the Mayor. Commissioner Ferring
said fine, if they want to put that kind of newspaper out, he has no problem with that, he said he just
doesn't think it belongs in City Hall and he doesn't think it belongs inside "the churches" where some
of these people attend their services, that is where his problem is and that is all he has to say on that.
The meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Margo M. Hopkins,
City Clerk