HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 11 14 City Commission Regular Minutes
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NOVEMBER 14,1994
Mayor Bush was presented the United.States Flag and the POW Flag by the VFW Post 5405.
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs was called to order by
Mayor John F. Bush at 7:30 P.M.
The invocation was given by Father Bluett, St. Stephen Catholic Community.
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by Mayor John F. Bush.
Roll Call:
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor John V. Torcaso, present
City Manager John Govoruhk, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
John Ferring, present
John Langellotti, absent
Cindy Gennell, present
David McLeod, absent
Approval of minutes of October 24, 1994: there were no additions or corrections; the minutes stand
approved as presented.
Mayor Bush stated that agenda item A and E will be tabled until the next scheduled meeting.
C.S. MonteCarlo, South Green Leaf Court, spoke regarding the drainage problems in Glen Eagle.
Mr. Monte Carlo stated that he is requesting the City consider the following request concerning the
yard underdrain: City to certify and approve the installation; City to be responsible for maintenance,
cleaning and repairs and replacement of the work after installation; City to be responsible for liability
and property damage from stormwater backup; City to establish funding to cover the above items;
City to advise taxpayers if the engineer-of-record has been contacted or involved in solving the
roadway problem and if the engineer-of-record assumes any financial responsibility for correcting the
roadway problem and what the costs are for the correction of the roadway problem. Mr. Monte
Carlo stated he has pictures and a video tape of the problem.
Fran Gramarosa, Turkey Hollow Circle, spoke regarding the spraying of malathion. She stated that
she has lung disease and would like to be notified when spraying will be done in her neighborhood.
Mayor Bush stated that he has talked with Ms. Gramarosa and notified the City Manager to have the
City call her when they are going to spray in her neighborhood. Manager Govoruhk stated that he
has passed that on to Public Works and they will notify her.
Roun-Ditt Sign Request - Walt Dittmer application (Southeast comer Shepard Road and 17-92:
Donald LeBlanc, Land Management Specialist, stated the Staff thought it was a good concept and
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November 14, 1994 94-95-3
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something new, there was no way we could pass approval on it because it is not identified in our
Ordinance at all.
Commissioner Ferring said Staff has met on this, and reviewed this and has recommended that it be
done but they can't officially recommend it, is that what you are saying. LeBlanc stated we cannot
officially go forward with it because there is no place in the Code that gives us that leeway, as a
matter offact the Code only addresses a "V" shape sign, which would allow 360 sq. ft. of copy area
and this would have 480 sq. ft. of copy area. Commissioner Ferring asked what are the options
available to us at this time. LeBlanc stated to go along with it or not go along with it or do more
study on it.
Mayor Bush said your recommendation is what was written on Oct. 31, 1994 in your memo to the
City Manager. LeBlanc said yes, the motion was that the Site Plan Review Board recommend
approval of the sign to the Commission and that we change the current City Code and/or the LDC
to permit this type sign.
Walt Dittmer, owner Dittmer Aluminum, spoke regarding his request. Mr. Dittmer stated that the
sign will be eight feet in height, twenty feet in width and ten feet off the ground. I have intentions
of putting a turn table in there and slowly turning the sign, 10-15 seconds for a complete turn, similar
to these tri-visions, this would be another approach to a slowly revolving sign, and nothing exceeding
your 160 sq. ft. per side. I am suggesting to the City that they accept a circular or triangular sign
providing there is no more than 480 sq. ft. and providing that it fits that silhouette of 160 sq. ft. and
consider it a three sided sign, in effect there is room for three, the circumference is a little over three
times the diameter 3.143, there is room for three twenty foot signs on there. I have a widen sign on
my property now that has been there 30+ years, that sign is 12 x 24 some 288 sq. ft, what I am
proposing is an 8 x 20 that would be only 56% of my existing sign. I have in mind to light this from
inside, the lens on the face on this will be a transparent polycarbon unbreakable acrylic; for a defuser
on the other side I will have a series of flat bars, the defuser will also serve as a cat walk. There will
be no exterior lights and no exterior cat walk. Discussion.
Commissioner Ferring asked the City Attorney if we can legally do anything with this
recommendation from Stall: that we change the current City Code or LDC to permit this type of sign.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said as he has read the memo's tonight, it appears from my reading of the
memos that the Staff does not identify that this proposed sign would violate an existing provision of
the City Codes, the concern appears to address the fact that the Code doesn't talk about this type of
sign (Roun-Ditt), I don't think you legally jeopardize this City's position on anything other than you
may end up with one of those and in the mean time the Staff can work to modify the Ordinance to
address this issue; the worse that will happen is you will end up with the one that Mr. Dittmer is going
to put up and find out there is some other issue that they've uncovered down the road, but that is the
worse down side that I see happening to you.
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Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to approve the Roun-Diu sign and have Staff look into
changing the City Code and/or Land Development Code to permit this type of sign. Seconded by
Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Torcaso: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner Ferring: aye. Motion passes.
Manager Govoruhk asked Mr. Dittmer at the time you put up the first one, you will probably have
a lot of people come out and ask for advertising, in the mean while could I make a request: Welcome
to City of Winter Springs, until you get your paid ads. Discussion.
Public Hearing and second reading ofOrd. No. 571, authorizing Bell South Telecommunications, Inc.
to use the Public Streets of the City of Winter Springs. Florida: Providing for Franchise Fee. etc.:
Motion was made by Commissioner Torcaso to read Ord. No. 571 by title only on second reading.
Seconded by Commissioner Ferring. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner
Ferring: aye; Commissioner Torcaso: aye. Motion passes.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 571, by title only on second reading. "An Ordinance of the
City of Winter Springs, Florida, Authorizing BellSouth Telecommunications, inc. to use the public
streets of the City of Winter Springs, Florida; Providing for Franchise Fee, Severability, Conflicts and
Effective Date. "
Mayor Bush opened the Public Hearing.
Larry Strickler, of Southern Bell, spoke regarding Ord. 571. Mr. Strickler gave the Commission a
little history as to why it is taking so long to get a franchise agreement renewed between Southern
BeWBellSouth, and the City of Winter Springs. The general wording in a franchise agreement is fairly
generic, there might be a little modification here and there, but generally the wording is very simple
and the purpose ofit is to allow regulated utilities to operate within the streets and rights-of-way, and
also put the responsibility on the utility to make sure after they work they return the right-of-way to
appropriate condition. It also through State Statute allows a franchise fee up to one percent (1 %)
to be collected, which is based on the recurring monthly revenues off of customers telephone bills.
It is dollars we collect from your citizens and turn over to you. Generally I provide a generic
agreement to the City Manager in any City I negotiate with, from there the City's Attorney looks it
over and modifications and recommendations are made back. Before it comes to you for first
reading, the management of the City and the management of SouthernBell and the legal
representation of both sides has all ready agreed, then it comes to you. For some reason in 1992, that
process did not take place; I found out after an Ordinance was passed, your Attorney did not receive
a generic agreement. The City's Attorney at that time made up the Ord., after it was passed is when
I received notification, and upon reading the Ord. I realized that it wasn't close to the wording in the
generic agreement, I sent it to our Attorney and I was advised where we would have problems with
it. You now have before you an agreement that is very close to the generic agreement that was
presented back in 1992, the only thing missing is there is no term. What you have to understand is
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the ord. as it is passed is not an agreement, an agreement has signatures from the City and the
company. We need some term length simply because we serve so many Cities, if we got into
negotiating franchises every year and if any two of them took as long as this one, we would have to
hire a new department just to handle negotiations. If you negotiate too frequently, the franchise
monies would be going to attorney's fees. I need some sense of direction from you, the City
Commission, as to whether you feel a term should be negotiated and if so what it should be.
Commissioner Ferring stated to Mr. Strickler that in the past it has been the policy that whatever was
agreeded to before as far as a tenure of a contract is concerned, that would be the amount of time that
was renewed. From my own personal perspective, I vowed that we will never be in a long term
contract with any utility Orgiznation. You originally were looking for a 30 yr. contract, and then it
went down to 15 yrs.; now we are down to and Ord. here which has an unlimited term as long as we,
the Commission as a majority, feels it is in the best interest of the residents of this City. For myself
personally if you need a time constraint as far as a term in years, I would be willing to give you a term
in years as long as that agreement provided an escape clause for us that in the best interest of the
residents of this City, and by a majority vote of the Commission, we can abrogate that contact. This
gives you an unlimited term and as long you provide the services that are necessary for this City, this
term can run to infinity, I don't see a problem with it unless you just need a definitive number. I don't
see it as a negative for this City, I do see it as a negative for the City to get into a long term contract
that we can't get out of; so therefore, what we have before us, is you have a contract here, what we
are putting into and Ord. and agreement that gives you an indefinite term to operate on the streets
of the City of Winter Springs. The only way that that will be abrogated is if the majority of this
Commission says this is not in the best interest of the citizens.
Mr. Strickler asked what Commissioner Ferring would consider not long term. Commissioner Ferring
said three years, but I think this serves it's purpose and you don't have to worry about coming back
in three years and negotiate as long as everything is being done properly.
Commissioner Gennell said she was wondering if the rest of the Commission and Mr. Strickler, if
we could live with something that automatically renewed annually unless either party notified the
other within thirty days prior to the renewal date. Attorney Kruppenbacher said yes we could live
with that and the other option would be to pick a date/term and say this is the term unless the
Commission decides that it is in the best interest of the city to terminate with 6 months notice.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that he realizes that Mr. Strickler has demands from his higher-up's
who want to see numbers and he has pressures on him and I don't believe from his perspective, the
automatic one year renewal solves for him. Discussion.
Commissioner Torcaso stated that he is in favor of granting them the ability to use our streets, but
I would like to increase the number of years from 3 (the same as we did with Cablevision) and give
them 10 years. I think they are not a "fly-by-night" outfit, I think it will be an investment for the City
to collect that money after a year, I just can't see a Utility Co. like SouthemBell coming in here every
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three years to renew a contract.
Mayor Bush asked what was the shortest length of contract that Mr. Strickler could bring back to
his people. Mr. Strickler stated either a flat 10 yr. or a 15 yr. with a 7 yr. reopener. Discussion.
Commissioner Ferring said to Mr. Strickler what if we gave you a 7 yr. contract with the escape
clause, that gives you a seven year contract and that cannot change unless a majority of this
Commission deem it in the best interest of the citizens to abrogate it. Mr. Strickler said that is the
same thing that you have now, except seven years isn't mentioned, but an escape clause invalidates
the term. Discussion. Commissioner Ferring said we are looking to protect ourselves and to get tied
into any long term contract, to me, is counter to what we are trying to accomplish in this City.
Commissioner Gennell asked if this was a non-exclusive contract. Attorney Kruppenbacher said no
they are regulated by the Public Service Commission, you don't regulate that all you are doing is
authorizing them to use the rights-of-way pursuant to the Florida Statute. All regulations beyond that
is done by the Public Service Commission, you have no other authority. Discussion.
Harold Scott, Swan Street, stated when looking at these different franchise utilities, there is no
language in these things protecting the citizens. Basically you grant a franchise, and absolutely no
liability what so ever protecting the citizens. Let's put some language in this thing for the citizens.
Commissioner Ferring stated that we just negotiated a contract with United Telephone for a three
year contract, and we right not are offering an open ended ord. whereby you don't have to come back
unless there is a need, I don't understand where the problem is and based on that I'm going to make
a motion that we adopt Ord. 571. Mayor Bush mentioned that the public hearing is not closed,
Commissioner Ferring withdrew his motion. Discussion regarding the three year contract with Untied
Telephone. Attorney Kruppenbacher stated for the record, Mr. Govoruhk and I together via
conference call, spoke with Ms. Lapinski who told us that a three year deal is fine, pass it and send
her a copy of it, which is exactly what we did. Discussion.
Mayor Bush closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the regular meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to adopt Ord. No. 571, authorizing BellSouth
Communications, Inc., to use the public streets of the City of Winter Springs, Florida~ providing for
franchise fee, severability, conflicts and effective date. Seconded by Commissioner Torcaso.
Discussion. Commissioner Gennell stated that she would like to amend the motion to put a term in
there, I will suggest 7 years as an amendment to the motion. Discussion. Attorney Kruppenbacher
stated if you (the Commission) decide to make that change the issue would be, whether this would
be a substantive change, I think it would be a substitutive change and therefore, what you would do
is simply readvertise and bring it back with the change, because I think you are making a substantive
change. Mayor Bush stated he doesn't think Commissioners Ferring and Torcaso would accept an
amendment so let's vote on the motion. Vote: Commissioner Ferring: aye~ Commissioner
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Gennell: nay; Commissioner Torcaso: aye. Motion fails.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated we will have to agenda this item until the next meeting for direction
from the full Commission as to what they want for a term. I'll prepare the Ord. leaving that portion
blank and will have the first reading at the next meeting, whatever way you direct it to be done and
then we'll go back through the process. Discussion.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated to Commissioner Gennell ifhe could ask her to modify her vote based
upon the following: pass the Ordinance so we have, and I just spoke with Mr. Strickler and he is in
agreement with this, so that we do have terms and conditions that they know they have to operate
under and that we've set down and then we will agenda for the next meeting, the issue of a first
reading for the full Commission to consider modification of the term if it so desires to modify it. To
sum up what I just said: you would pass the ord. tonight, right now we don't have anything and we
are asking them to charge something. At the next meeting the Commission would have on it's agenda
modification ofOrd. No. 571 regarding the term issue; and the full Commission would decide the
issue you all just debated and if the votes were there to modify the term, then we would do an ord.
and modify the term. If the votes weren't there to modify the term, it would not be modified but there
would be a legal document that set authorization for the collecting of the 1 % and continuation of
their authority to operate within our streets. Discussion. Attorney Kruppenbacher said we have a
document in place that we have been relying on and the Statute, all I'm saying is all other terms of this
agreement, the telephone company and the City are in agreement with, where you all have a dispute
is regarding the term of the agreement, this proposed Ord. does not specify a specific term of years
the way you would like it. The Telephone Co. is in agreement (I just spoke with Mr. Strickler) to
pass it and have you consider at your next meeting the Commission's decision whether or not to set
a specified date, but at least at this point we would lock down all these other provisions and be done
with it. You will have to pass something, all you are doing is saying we are going with this now and
in two weeks we'll deal with the term issue with the full Commission.
Commissioner Gennell said she doesn't see why after this length of time, two weeks makes a great
deal of difference whether we pass part of it or all of it in two weeks from now. Attorney
Kruppenbacher stated we will have to readvertise and spend the money to readvertise this whole
document; if the full Commission doesn't agree with your position, we won't have to pay for that if
it passes tonight. If it doesn't pass tonight and they don't agree with you, we've got to go back and
readvertise this. Commissioner Gennell said if it passes tonight and they want to do something else,
they won't have the leeway to modify it any other way will they two weeks from now, I will have tied
them up. Attorney Kruppenbacher said if you are saying that there may be other issues there that
other Commissioners may have, then don't defeat it tonight, table the item to a time certain so we
don't advertise it, the issue is the term, if there are other issues out there that are coming up at this
point at the second reading, once you defeat it you have to restart the process and pay dollars to
advertise. Commissioner Gennell said she thinks she would rather see it tabled. Discussion.
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Attorney Kruppenbacher asked Mr. Strickler is there is anything in the agreement that you would take
a position as the Telephone Co., if this Commission wanted to change in a subsequent Ord. you
would object to at this point. Mr. Strickler stated no. Discussion.
Mr. Strickler stated for clarification the Ord. that the Commission passed in 1992, there were some
problems that we had with it only because of the wording and some of the other things in there that
had nothing to do with our business. What you have before you now is something that is fairly
standard in every City in Florida we have been collecting the 1% since January 1st oflast year
because your Ordinance authorized us to do that, and our Attorney said that is the intent of the City
therefore we will collect. So this is not a question of collecting or not collecting, the elected body
here two years ago said we want a franchise fee of 1 %. The only thing that we feel like is that we
still need to negotiate some length of term.
Commissioner Gennell stated that she understands but her question to the Attorney earlier, was what
is the urgency now between now or two week, I can understand the advertising however, I attempted
to amend the motion to put a term in and pass this and I voted against it because you've refused to
put a term in there. I think they are making a legitimate request some kind of term could be put in
there and we could have passed it. But if we are going to go back and just have the same thing again
and try and pass it just the way it is... Attorney Kruppenbacher said that is not what he said, what he
said was "you would pass this tonight so we had an agreement in hand, contrary to what Mr. Strickler
said his council and I had detailed discussions about the legality of the 1 % because that prior
agreement they would not accept; what I said to you was you would pass this Ordinance tonight as
written and you would have on your next meeting the issue you want considered by the full
Commission and it would either pass or not. If it did not pass, then we would have an agreement,
if it does pass then this agreement would be modified as you sought. Commissioner Gennell said if
Mr. Strickler would be happy with that and the rest of the Commission wants to undo that we can
go ahead and do it. Discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to reconsider the motion ofOrd. 571. Seconded by
Commissioner Torcaso. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye;
Commissioner Torcaso: aye. Motion passes.
Motion was made by Commissioner Torcaso to approve Ord. 571. Seconded by Commissioner
Ferring. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: nay; Commissioner Torcaso: aye; Commissioner
Ferring: aye. Motion fails.
Much discussion on this item. Mayor Bush tabled this until the next meeting. Attorney
Kruppenbacher stated at the next meeting he will bring back to the Commission for first reading Ord.
571 and I'll have the provision on the term; you will have two options the one as written or one where
you can specify a term, we will start over for first reading.
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November 14, 1994
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Ord. No. 572, amending the 193-194 Fiscal Year Budget, which was adopted pursuant to Ord. No.
549 of the City of Winter Springs. Florida. etc.:
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to read Ord. No. 572 by title only on first reading.
Seconded by Commissioner Torcaso. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Torcaso: aye; Commissioner
Gennell: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye. Motion passes.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. 572 by title only on first reading. An Ordinance of the City of
Winter Springs, Florida, amending the 1994 fiscal year budget which was adopted pursuant to
ordinance no. 549 of the City; repealing ordinances in conflict herewith; providing for severability,
conflicts and effective date.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to approve Ord. 572 amending the 1994 fiscal year
budget. Seconded by Commissioner Ferring. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Ferring: aye;
Commissioner Torcaso: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye. Motion passes.
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher - Reports:
No report.
City Manager John Govoruhk - Reports:
Manager Govoruhk said for record purposes he just gave the Commission memos regarding the
Oviedo Crossing application for the approve ADA. Manager Govoruhk stated he has the packet in
his office and the Commission can review it at any time until such time copies are made as the packet
is very large. Manager Govoruhk also stated that the Commission also has the minutes regarding the
Art Festival between the Rotary Club and the Parks and Recreation Department. Manager Govoruhk
mentioned the Commission has a copy of the letter that he sent to Ron Rabin, County Manager, for
clarification on a petition that was brought in during my absence.
Manager Govoruhk mentioned that there is a bucket truck parked out in the front of City Hall and
stated that we had put in for a grant through the recycling money, which would have been a 50/50
grant, the truck cost $37,821.14, as of today we have been notified by the State that they are putting
in for the full grant and will not cost the City residents any money.
Commission Seat II - John Ferring:
Commissioner Ferring stated that Thursday night there was a meeting with the County Engineers
regarding the widening ofTuskawilla Road. It was attended by himself, the Mayor and Mr. McLeod
and the City Manager. There was a lot of unhappiness from the people that were present regarding
the widening of Tuskawilla Road. I have had conversations with the President of the Oak Forest
Homeowners Assoc. who has asked me when are we going to do something about the wall on the
west side of Tuskawilla Road; I indicated to him that it was under discussion. Commissioner Ferring
stated to the Mayor that he would like for the Mayor tonight in lieu of the conversation and
statements by Commissioner Warren at the last meeting to resume the joint meetings that the County
Commission and the City Commission have had regarding the buffering of that particular road. I
would hope that we could write them or you Mayor, could contact them as to see if we can resume
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meeting with them as soon as possible. So that if indeed we can come to some kind of an agreement
regarding the wall, that it will be done with little obstruction on the engineering plans that are already
in place. I would like to ask the Commission here tonight, for permission for the Mayor to contact
the County Commission and request the resumption of the joint meetings regarding the widening of
Tuskawilla Road and the wall that will subsequently, we hope, will be put up to protect the residents
of Oak Forest. Discussion. It was the consensus of the Commission to have the Mayor write a letter
to the County Commission to resume the meetings. Commissioner Gennell said that she would like
the Commission to consider the information that she has given the Commission from time to time
about accommodating bicycles and pedestrians as long we are working on the two major
thoroughfares in the City, we should take all these things into consideration while we work with these
different entities. Mayor Bush stated that at the Public Hearing regarding Tuskawilla Road, those
issues came up, I think all issues should be discussed. Mayor Bush also mentioned that he would like
the Commission to have a plan so when we meet with the County Commission we can say this is what
the people ofWmter Springs want so we have a united front when we meet jointly with the County.
I will be more than happy to set up a meeting but I do want us to have an agenda that we all agree
on and go and say this is what we want. It was the consensus of the Commission to have the Mayor
write a letter to the County Commission and at the next meeting the Commission will decide how to
handle this internally and we will make sure we don't agree to a meeting with the County
Commissioners before we have our meeting.
Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell:
Commissioner Gennell asked when will the construction start on Tuskawilla Road. Mayor Bush
stated that there will be a public meeting with the County Commission sometime in January and the
construction in a couple years.
Commissioner Gennell said regarding the Oviedo Crossing and all the information that the
Commission has been given, the Staff has been asking for direction and legal direction and I would
think it would be pertinent to us to have a workshop and go over just how we want to approach this.
I see things are happening and Staff is asking for this kind of direction. Discussion. Attorney
Kruppenbacher said the Commission has gone on record saying to make sure Staff objects to the
Oviedo Crossing deal and we should object in writing and in person. Commissioner Gennell asked
if the Commission will get copies of the objection letters. Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that the
Commission will get copies of everything he generates. Commissioner Gennell stated that she would
like copies of the objection letters from Staff also. Manager Govoruhk stated that they have just
received most of it Thursday, Friday and today, as the Attorney just stated we just met on this today
to set up a meeting with Staff to see what we will object to and what the Attorney will object to and
put the decisions in writing, then if we have to meet with you the Commission, we will set up a
special meeting. Anything that goes out to anyone will be given to the Mayor and Commission, so
nothing will go out "blind-folded" for any of us. Discussion. Mayor Bush stated that he would like
to see that the Chair of the County Commission also receive copies of our objection letters.
Commissioner GenneU gave a poster from the Winter Springs Art Festival to be placed in the lobby.
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Commissioner Gennell move to appoint Tom Brown to the BOWS Board. Seconded by
Commissioner Ferring. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Torcaso: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye;
Commissioner Gennell: aye. Motion passes.
Commission Seat I - John V. Torcaso:
Commissioner Torcaso asked the Attorney about the annexation of Orange Avenue. Commissioner
Torcaso also stated that he feels we should get rid of the signatures that are required when someone
runs for election. Commissioner Torcaso also brought up the distribution offunds from the Senior
Center by the Corporation.
Commissioner Torcaso mentioned the City's old utility building that it is possible for it to be
renovated with one or two offices to be rented out and have a museum. He stated that he has talked
to a few people that would volunteer hours to have a museum and he would like the Commission to
consider this. Commissioner Torcaso stated that this would be a benefit to the City. Commissioner
Torcaso asked if the signs along Tuskawilla regarding the Rotary Club have been changed to read
Winter Springs Rotary not Tuscawilla Rotary. Commissioner Torcaso was told by a resident in the
audience that the signs have been changed to Winter Springs Rotary.
Mayor's Office - John F. Bush: Election Results:
Mayor Bush stated regarding the signatures for qualifying for elections is in our Charter, then that
would take a Charter change. Maybe at some point the Commission should consider a charter review
committee. Mayor Bush stated regarding the fund situation at the Senior Center, rather than getting
the Attorney involved, the City Manager should handle it at this point unless it becomes a legal issue;
and asked the City Manager to look into that and report back to the Commission at the next meeting
or whenever you have information. Attorney Kruppenbacher stated the issue revolves the fact that
there is a Senior Citizens Corp.(for lack of a better description), that is a private corporation that
raised funds that have been utilized to pay for various programs at the senior center. We don't have
control of nor the authority to deal with the funds that they raised. We have the authority to run the
senior center, this Commission could interpose itself and say cease and desist from raising funds in
the manner in which you are raising them, and they would cease doing that and then the issue would
become where is the funding going to come from for the various programs that are held. Attorney
Kruppenbacher stated that this is an issue for the Commission you can either direct your Staff that
no one is to raise funds at the senior center or any other public facility for a private entity regardless
of how that money is spent, for dues or whatever or you can say you are not going to address the
issue. I don't have the authority to address this. Mayor Bush asked the City Manager to prepare this
for the next Commission meeting as an agenda item so we can get this resolved. Manager Govoruhk
said he will meet with the Senior Center and the new President and see what we come up with and
I will bring it back to you. Mayor Bush said that is fine.
Mayor Bush went over the election results: there are 11,879 registered voters in the City of Winter
Springs; there were 7,543 ballots cast and 140 absentee ballots for a total of 7,683 voters who voted
in this last City election; that is a turnout of 64. 7% which is an excellent turnout. In Seat III John
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Langellotti was the winner with 56.6% of the vote and Seat I Larry Conniff was the winner with
66.8% of the vote. I have distributed was the votes by prescient including the absentee and the non-
binding referendum on the ambulance was NO: 62% vs. 38% YES votes.
Mayor Bush mentioned a petition that was submitted to the City from the Arbor Glenn Homeowners.
Somehow the Homeowners were thinking that we should submit this to the County Commission and
I think that we need to contact the President of the Homeowners and say that this is a County Road
and they as citizens have the right to go to the public hearing such as some did, but that is where their
concerns should have been presented. To put it to the Commission would make the assumption that
the Commission has endorsed those concerns, which of course it never came before the Commission
for endorsement; so what the Manager did was work as a messenger and passed it on to the County
Commission. That's not that the Commission wouldn't have agreed with some their
recommendations, it is just that it was never brought before the Commission and never an agenda
item and I think they somehow had the feeling that the Commission should have done that. We need
to explain to them how it works.
Commissioner Ferring said with respect to that, we did receive the petition, I would just be curious
how all this came about without us having any knowledge ofit whatsoever whereby portions of the
road were moved further to the west and a portion of an individual developers property was taken -
an additional 6 feet times 1,000 feet to accommodate one side of the road or the other. I don't know
what is going on here, all I know is that this was done without our knowledge until we saw it
Thursday night and I would just be curious; I raised that issue that night at the meeting to ask why
the County if they were taking this particular developer's property, which was 81 out of the 87 plats
were already done, that they asked for an additional 6 feet from that developer. Then there was a
suggestion that proper paper work would have been expedited for that developer to get a cut into his
development onto Tuskawilla Road, I would like to know how this came about and when that change
was made, moving that road again, when they were talking about moving it to the east. I think we
deserve some kind of answer on that and who made those decisions.
Mayor Bush said that was the first I heard of it too, and I attended both of the meetings and the only
explanation I can come up with is at the result of the first meeting on Sept. 15th, the County believed
that somehow or other the people were wanting this and so they came up with a rendering showing.
That is the only explanation I could come up with, I did ask them about that and they said they tried
to respond to what the citizens said on Sept. 15th. Your other commends about the additional r-o-w
from the developer is a good question, I talked to Commissioner Warren about it that night, I think
it does need to be brought up at our meeting. I think what you stated in the public meeting might be
true, I hope it isn't but it very well could be.
Mayor Bush said he has two letters, one from the Rev. Neil Backus regarding the BOA turning down
his request for a conditional use for Faith Bible Church and Floral Gardens at 415 S. Moss Road.
Manager Govoruhk stated that he has talked to Staff regarding this and Staff will get with Mr.
Backus to see if that is an appeal or not an appeal, if it is have it reworded so we can bring it to the
Commission. Mayor Bush then mentioned a letter from Ed Martinez, Jr., regarding his utility bill and
... ' r( II
Regular Meeting City Commission
November 14, 1994
Page 12
the problems from a few months ago. Commissioner Ferring said he has placed several calls to Mr.
Martinez residence over the last week and he has not returned any of my calls. I indicated to him that
I wanted to get a little more information on the letter he sent us. I did finally today, get to speak with
Ms. Martinez and she indicated that he has been working late and that is probably why I haven't spoke
with Mr. Martinez. I understand that the City Manager is already aware of this and they are doing
research on it at this particular point. Manager Govoruhk said we are checking into it also at the
billing department.
Commissioner Gennell said she would like to have copies of the information that Mr. Monte Carlo
gave to the Manager. Manager Govoruhk said he will give the Commission copies if they want, and
he had a meeting last week with the builders, developers, and the homeowners, the only thing Mr.
Monte Carlo said at that meeting is that he isjust going to make you aware of it, but the problem as
the homeowners when they left the meeting, and he voted on it, that he accepted what the
builders/developers were going to do. The only thing we are going to do is to check it off make sure
it was done.
Mayor Bush mentioned the issue of the widening of Tuskawilla Road and he thinks the City has to
be very pro-active in getting what the citizens expect to happen. It will take more than just the
Commission, the citizens need to contact their County Commissioners and I think it is time that we
talk to them about looking at some of the things that we want here especially as it relates to the
widening issue.
The meeting adjourned at 9:27 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Margo lIopkins,
Acting City Clerk
7. ~,MAYOR