HomeMy WebLinkAbout_1996 01 22 City Commission Regular Minutes
JANUARY 22, 1996
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor John F. Bush at 7:30
F or the invocation Commissioner Langellotti asked for a moment of silent prayer in memory of
James Dasher who was a long time serving member of the Code Enforcement Board, who passed
away last week.
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor John Ferring, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
John Govoruhk, Manager Consultant, present
Larry Conniff, present
John Langellotti, present
Cindy Gennell, present
David McLeod, present
Approval of Minutes of January 8. 1996:
Mayor Bush asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes of the January 8, 1996
meeting. There were no additions or corrections to the minutes of January 8, 1996 minutes. Minutes
stand approved as presented.
Mayor Bush introduced the new City Manager Mr. Ronald McLemore. Mr. McLemore stated that
he was happy to be here and said he is anxious to get on doing what he can do to help the
Commission out with the things that are important to the Commission and the public and said he is
looking forward to the days and years ahead.
Mayor Bush welcomed Mr. Govoruhk back from his vacation.
Mayor Bush said items D, E, F and G, which are the agenda items pertaining to the Battle Ridge
property. Mayor Bush said he feels that the new Manager needs time to digest this information as
well as the Commission needs more time to face this issue and stated that these items will be tabled.
Commissioner McLeod said that he understands that there is information from the developer that
is lacking at this time and said he would like to suggest that the next time it is on the agenda that we
move forward with it one way or the other or totally table it out.
Attorney Kruppenbacher asked the Mayor is these items could be scheduled for the last meeting
in February, which is February 26, 1996. Attorney Kruppenbacher said the City will communicate
that at that meeting everything must be turned in from the developer that the Staff deems appropriate
for the Commission's consideration.
Mayor Bush restated that the items that have been tabled will be on the February 26, 1996 meeting
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January 22, 1996
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for members of the public who wish to be kept informed, to contact Manger McLemore.
Mr. Robert King, 2211 Black Hammock, spoke regarding the Battle Ridge development.
Mr. Art HotTmann, 1436 Mt. Laurel Dr., spoke about communication problems with regards to the
letter the Mayor sent to the residents about the ambulance service in that the letter referred to the
Commission as a whole and it was only signed by the Mayor. Mr. Hoffmann also mentioned that he
was glad to see the Mayor's work on the internet and glad to see the City participating (through the
Mayor) in the internet but asked if the Commission was aware of what goes on the internet page.
Mayor Bush stated that he pays for the internet himself and that it is not the City's page~ Mayor Bush
said he reports what goes on at the Commission meeting and has the City Manager read it for it's
accuracy and that he has done one on the Police Dept., Public Works, and the Fire Dept. and each
of the Directors have read it for accuracy.
Mr. HotTmann then mentioned that the Mayor is trying to have a local paper started and said the
problem he sees with that is if the Mayor is either a financial supporter or provide editorial service,
then as the Mayor he is mixing communications with the public as part of his civil duty as well and
said there might be some conflict and said he (Mayor) should check with the Attorney as to where
that conflict could occur.
Mayor Bush said the Commission did see the letter that went out regarding the ambulance service,
it was approved at the last Commission meeting.
Commissioner Ferring stated that at the last Commission meeting the Commission did address the
letter in total, and the Commission did approve of the letter the way it was sent out~ there was no
intention to slight the Commission or anyone else.
First Reading Ord. 612 - To extend the City of Winter Springs territorial and municipal limits to
annex, pursuant to Florida Statute 171.044, the hereinafter described lands situated and being in
Seminole County, Florida, owned by the Viera Co., located on Oviedo Crossings, north of Red Bug
Lake Road~ providing for directions to the City Clerk~ for severability. conflicts and effective date:
Motion was made by Commissioner ConnitT to read Ord. 612 by title only. Seconded by
Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Ferring:
aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye.
Motion passes.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. 612 by title only.
First Reading Ord. 613 - Providing for financial protection and safeguards for the City of Winter
Springs, Florida, regarding the establishment and operation of the City operated Emergency
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January 22, 1996
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Transport System: providing for conflicts. severability and effective date:
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to read Ord. 613 in it's entirety. Seconded by
Commissioner McLeod. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Langellotti:
aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion
passes. Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. 613 in it's entirety.
Commissioner McLeod stated that he would like to see in Section I "that if the Commission elects
to extend the ordinance that Section II of the ordinance also be added to that new ordinance or
something thereof" Discussion. Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that the City cannot mandate
through this ordinance what is going to be in the new ordinance; the most that could be said is "if the
City elects to extend the ordinance then Section II shall be considered by the Commission at the time
it is making the election. Commissioner McLeod said in Section II he would like to see added after
"after City budget", "or anytime thereafter". Discussion. There was no objection from the
Commission to the additions in Section I and Section II.
Mayor Bush mentioned that the second reading and public hearing for Ord. 612 and 613 will be on
February 12, 1996.
Resolution 774 - State Road 434 Highway Beautification Grant:
Kip LockcufT, Public Works/Utility Director, introduced Mr. Ken Steves, Landscape Designer and
Planner for Conklin, Porter and Holmes. Mr. LockcutT the reason they are before the Commission
is first the Resolution and secondly Mr. Steves has preliminary schematics of what the landscaping
would look like and would like some "feed-back" from the Commission. The Resolution has three
components: 1) The Commission's support of the project and the project is the beautification and
landscaping from Tuscawilla Rd. west to the School Board Maintenance Barn; 2) The authorization
for the City Manager to enter into an agreement for the implementation of the grant; 3) To enter into
an agreement with D.O. T. for maintenance of that area. Once the City takes the grant funds, the City
takes maintenance for perpetuity. Mr. Steves gave the Mayor and Commission a hand-out.
Mayor Bush said for the public's information, this resolution is a resolution of the City authorizing
the City Manager and his Staff to apply for a highway beautification grant, enter into a highway
beautification grant memorandum of agreement, and enter into a highway landscaping maintenance
memorandum of agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation.
Discussion on the Grant. Commissioner Gennell mentioned that the City has a B.O.W.S. Bd. and
should go before that Board for their recommendations also and stated that she is in agreement with
the applying for the grand but stated she did not want to see it rushed through in this way.
Commissioner McLeod said in paragraph three in the agreement indicates a dollar figure but also
indicates a 50% participation, and said he feels the City is asking for a large "window" and said that
once the grant is issued the City would not have to go forward but thinks it is premature to
committing the Commission to $150,000 or better not having any plan before the Commission.
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January 22, 1996
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Discussion. Commissioner McLeod asked if the City wanted to up-grade the sod that the State
would put in, will the State let the City take a credit for the lower grade and let the City pay the
difference for the better sod and at a later date do the beautification. Mr. LockcufT said he expects
so but is not clear on how it would affect the maintenance. Commissioner McLeod said he feels that
any time the City asks for a grant that we should be serious about it, we are still spending City funds
and also spending at the State level to have someone go through the process and asked what is the
fee the City is paying for the consultant (Mr. Steves) to help the City lay this out and answer
questions. Mr. LockcufT said Mr. Steves fee is $9,950.00.
Commissioner Gennell said she is familiar with the grant and part of the $150,000 that would be
deemed to come from the City can come from any kind of gift or partnership in community
representation, donations oflabor, anything and they count as part of the City's $150,000. That is
one reason to involve the B.O.W.S. Bd. because if the City does not want to pay the whole $150,000
itself then we would need to go out into the community and get groups that would adopt a median
to where so much a month is defrayed. Commissioner Gennell also stated that she would want to
make sure that this the entire length of S.R. 434; the City has an area that we have been working on
for years to try and get something done and it qualifies just as well as the part under construction.
Commissioner ConnifT said if this is going to cost the City and there is money available to defray
the cost, then the City should entertain that but if there is a possibility that the State will assume and
pay then he has no problems with that either. Discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner GenneU to deny this Resolution and that the Commission
refer this back and to have it presented to the B.O.W.S. Bd. then back to the Commission and
to submit the grant next year. Motion dies for lack of a second. Discussion.
Commissioner McLeod asked what is the Commission looking at dollar wise in the "big picture".
Mr. LockcufT said Mr. Steves will give his presentation showing what $300,000 or $450,000 will
do for beautification. Mr. Steves gave his presentation to the Commission; and said he put together
a budget and concepts depicting landscaping at $30.00 per foot and landscaping at just under $50.00
per foot. Mr. Steves said the dollar amount that he and Mr. Lockcuff were heading for was the
$300,000, which would be $30.00 per foot and cover the whole length of the 9 to 10 thousand length
we are discussing.
Mayor Bush said if this Resolution is passed and the Commission commits itself to matching money,
they are not committing themselves to the way this looks now are they? Mr. LockcufT said the way
the plans are submitted and approved is the way it has to be built. Discussion.
Commissioner Ferring asked what is the dead-line date for submitting the request for the grant.
Mr. LockcufT said it was next Wednesday, February 1, 1996. Discussion.
Commissioner Ferring asked if the City could do basically what we are doing on Tuscawilla Rd.
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January 22, 1996
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with the County, where the County is contributing Bahia Sod and the City is upgrading it to St.
Augustine, then the City does our own beautification process within our own means, can this be done,
and can Mr. Lockcuff come up with a formula for that. Mr. LockcutT said the City would have to
do the same process but certainly the City could present a St. Augustine irrigation plan.
Commissioner Ferring asked what is the cost of what the State would have to give as far as
beautification is concerned. Mr. LockcutT said about $75,000 for irrigation and approximately
$110,000 for sod. Discussion. Commissioner Ferring said his major concern is the maintenance
at $30,000 to $40,000 per year.
Mayor Bush asked the Attorney is at one time didn't the Commission talk about a special taxing
district for the 434 corridor. Attorney Kruppenbacher said on S.R. 434 (the portion that comes
out ofTuscawilla - the commercial property) when the City settled the original lawsuit, that property
owner agreed that the City would have the right to create a taxing district that includes that property
for beautification.
Commissioner Ferring said he can't see the City paying that kind of money for a State Highway
without the State giving a little more than they are giving the City and feels if the City has a chance
to do more negotiating on this the City should negotiate even if it does mean coming back next year
for the grant. The State is not giving the City anything, all they are doing is they take it upon
themselves to widen this corridor and then "dump" it on the City (for whatever reason) and give the
City $150,000 and say "take it, it's yours".
Commissioner McLeod said he would like to see the Commission give this to the City Manager, to
set up a meeting with D.O.T. and Mr. Lockcuffto see what the City could do as far a negotiating
something for beautification of that corridor, to see if the City can get some credits as Commissioner
Ferring worked out with the County. Ifwe are able to do that, then we would have the sod down,
the City would have the irrigation down and then at a later date put trees, flowers, etc.
Manager McLemore said he thinks the State will actually pay the City to do maintenance up to a
point they assume they are going to invest in it themselves. We could work out an agreement where
they are actually paying the City a certain amount every year for maintenance and the obligation on
the City would be to minimize the City costs. Mr. LockcutT said from his understanding that wouldn't
apply to that area which would be grant, but we could go in and take over that maintenance and that
would apply, whatever their cost would be, they would send it to the City and the City would pay the
difference. Manager McLemore said for this type of community landscaping along roads is one of
the best investments a city can make in terms of enhancements to the community. The first question
is does the City really want to make that step because no matter what you do for road landscaping,
you are committing yourself to maintenance. Secondly, Manager McLemore said he doesn't see any
down side unless it is a comfort with the Commission, ifit is a comfort problem with the Commission
then it is a down side. We can at least pursue the grant and during the time it is in process, we would
meet with the State officials and see what options are available so that when we get to the point
where the Commission needs to make a final decision, we would have that information including input
from our B.O.W.S.Bd. Discussion.
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January 22, 1996
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Commissioner Ferring said if the Commission does pursue the grant, can we back away from it if
we don't like what is happening. Mr. LockcutT said as far as he can tell, the State wants to see the
committal. Attorney Kruppenbacher said in his understanding of grants, up until the point where
you take the money, you can say you don't want it; I have seen other entities say to keep the money.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to approve Resolution 774 subject to the
representations that were made here tonight. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti.
Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner
McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye. Motion passes.
There was question on the amount of the grant. It was determined that the lower of the two would
be acceptable.
Commissioner Gennell asked the City Attorney if the City can agree to commit the City to those
kind of funds without an ordinance. Attorney Kruppenbacher said the Resolution doesn't call for
the City to expend any money, it authorizes the application for a grant. The application for the grant
would represent the Commission is prepared to expend the money but we are not going to make the
application unless we have the ability to back out of it. Should it get approved, then at that point we
will come back to the Commission and go through whatever appropriate process necessary to get the
Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Land Use Change on Future Land Use Map of east
portion of2 acre parcel located at the southwest comer ofS.R. 419 and Wade Street from "Moderate
Density Residential" to "Commercial":
Commissioner Ferring asked Tom Grimms, Community Development Coordinator, regarding the
change in land use, are there any costs incurred by the City for the change from moderate density
residential to commercial. Mr. Grimms answered basically none. Commissioner Ferring asked
who pays for the water line extension under Wade St. Mr. Grimms said it is paid for by the property
owner. Discussion.
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod to approve the small scale Comprehensive Plan
Amendment and the change on the future land use map. Seconded by Commissioner ConnitT.
Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Conniff:
aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye. Motion passes.
First reading Ord. 614: Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to read Ord. 614 by title
only. Seconded by Commissioner ConnitT. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: aye;
Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye;
Commissioner Gennell. Motion passes. Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. 614 by title only.
Attorney Kruppenbacher asked Mr. Grimms to confirm in writing the question that the Commissioner
had that there is no cost to the City for the water line extension between now and the second reading.
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January 22, 1996
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Rezoning of east portion of2 acre parcel located at the southwest corner of S.R. 419 and Wade
Street from Rural Urban (RU) to Neighborhood Commercial (C-1):
Mr. Grimms stated that this request comes in response to the request for future land use map
designation to change the zoning designation from Rural Urban to Neighborhood Commercial, that
would conform to the future land use designation request.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to approve the request and to read Ord. 615 by
title only. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: aye;
Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Langellotti: aye;
Commissioner Gennell: aye. Motion passes. Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. 615 by title only.
The Seasons - Approval/Disapproval of Plat and Covenants for Recordation (property located north
side of Dolphin Road across from The Arbors in Mt. Greenwood PUD):
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to approve the Plat and Covenants for recordation
for The Seasons, property located north side of Dolphin Road across from The Arbors in Mt.
Greenwood PUD. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner
Conniff: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye;
Commissioner Langellotti: aye. Motion passes.
Chelsea Parc at Tuscawilla Phase II - Continuing discussion of problems associated with error on
recorded plat:
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that he, Mr. LeBlanc and the property owners and the developer,
Limited Partner, and their Attorney met regarding this matter. Between now and the next meeting
(02-12-96) the developer will have that period of time to resolve this issue to the satisfaction of the
homeowners; we would not commit regarding what if any role the City would take or other wise but
it was in the developers interest to get this resolved. All parties were in agreement to have this matter
be on the agenda at that meeting and give the Commission a report at that time.
ApprovallDisapproval of Contact for CAC United Health Care Plans of Florida, Inc. (Employee
Health Insurance):
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to approve the contract for CAC United Health
Care Plans of Florida. Seconded by Commissioner Conniff. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner
Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
City Attorney - Frank Kruppenbacher: 1) Reports; 2) Ord. to keep sign ordinance moratorium in
place; 3) Ord. with regard to unsafe building procedures; 4) vested rights issue:
Attorney Kruppenbacher said his first item is regarding an issue regarding emergency roof repairs
at Fire Station 24 located at 102 N. Moss Rd. Attorney Kruppenbacher said his legal
recommendation and Staffs recommendation is that the Commission waive the bidding requirement
to permit them to expend $6,929.00 (lowest quote received) from RoofCoater Sales and Marketing
to fix this problem. (which needs to be fixed immediately) There are issues regarding what if any
abilities the City has to seek under the warranty. Discussion.
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January 22, 1996
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Motion was made by Commissioner ConnitT to waive the bidding requirements and expend
the $6929.00 to repair the roof at Fire Station 24. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell.
Discussion. Vote: Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner
Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye. Motion passes.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said that he and Mr. Govoruhk: were recently notified by Mr. Noah of the
law firm Dean, Ringers that they are in need of a closed session meeting pursuant to Florida Statute
286; to discuss the lawsuit known as Sullivan Properties vs. The City of Winter Springs Florida. I
would propose to agenda this closed session either an hour before or an hour after the next regular
scheduled meeting in February. In attendance it is anticipated to be the Mayor and each
Commissioner, Mr. McLemore, Attorney Kruppenbacher, Attorney Noah, Attorney Roper and a
court reporter. Discussion. It was determined that the closed executive session will be at 6:00 p.m.
on February 12, 1996.
Attorney Kruppenbacher gave the Commission a copy of the City's Ordinance pertaining to the six
month sign moratorium and asked that the ordinance be read with a new number and have the second
reading in February so the gap is bridged to keep the moratorium in place until it's finalized.
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to place the first reading ofOrd. 616 on the
agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner
Langellotti: aye. Motion passes.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to read Ord. 616 by title only. Seconded by
Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti: aye; Commissioner
Ferring: aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye; Commissioner McLeod: aye.
Motion passes. Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. 616 by title only.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said regarding Mr. Mikes' property - the issue of double checking the
tennis courts and the Mikes Settlement Agreement; Mr. LeBlanc has done that. Attorney
Kruppenbacher said it is his understanding that Mr. Mikes plans to remove the pool and tennis courts,
the Settlement Agreement proposed that he may increase his lots to include area where all tennis
courts are currently located. The original Settlement Agreement in 1993, said that he may remove
two tennis courts to accommodate lots in Parcel 7 and may at his option (or FCCI's option)
reconstruct them in another location subject to approval of the location by the City. With speaking
with Mr. LeBlanc, it is Staff's position is that they don't consider whether or not he wants the tennis
courts or pool an issue that the City should be involved in and are prepared in all other respects this
agreement comports with the minutes to stand behind the Mayor signing it and going forward.
Discussion. Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that he, Mr. McLemore and Mr. LeBlanc will contact
Mr. Mikes. Mayor Bush said he will defer signing the agreement until the Attorney, City Manager
and Mr. LeBlanc has a chance to discuss this issue with Mr. Mikes.
Attorney Kruppenbacher will discuss items 3 and 4 back at another meeting.
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January 22, 1996
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City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore:
Manager McLemore stated that he plans to spend time in the next three to four weeks with the key
Staff people and with the Commission so he can get a feel of the community and what the various
agendas are so he can better prepare to respond to the Commission and community and hopefully
come back to the Commission in that amount of time with some request for direction relative to some
agenda items that he might see that we need to pursue.
Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell:
Commissioner Gennell introduced Kristin Hotting, an intern from the University of Central Florida
that she will be helping out in the next few months.
Commission Seat V - David McLeod:
Commissioner McLeod thanked Mr. Govoruhk and his efforts he has done for the City up until this
time and also on his new assignments over the next few months to push forward on those things with
vigor. Commissioner McLeod also welcomed Manager McLemore.
Commission Seat I - Larry Conniff:
Commissioner Conniff also welcomed Manager McLemore. Commissioner Conniff asked the City
Attorney how is the City doing with any impending lawsuits from the Mall project.
Commission Seat II - John Ferring:
Commissioner Ferring also welcomed Manager McLemore. Commissioner Ferring said he has had
several meetings with Mr. Ken Haines, who is the liaison for the project on Tuscawilla Rd.
concerning Oak Forest. Commissioner Ferring said there has been discussions with the Oak Forest
Homeowners Board, they will be willing to give a piece of their property if the City will come to
some solution regarding the buffer area and the wall on Tuscawilla Rd. Also, to come up with an
approximate figure of the cost involved so that the Commission can prepare a legal referendum to
be sent out to the residents of Oak Forest to see whether or not they would be willing to contribute
a sizeable portion to the building of the wall along the Oak Forest property. Through the negotiations
with the County, the City has been able to save a tremendous amount of money on the beautification
project, the project is only so good unless you complete it. Commissioner Ferring said he feels that
the Commission has a responsibility to help those people that will be affected by the widening of
Tuscawilla Rd and said he would like to think that the Commission is still positive in helping them
and doesn't see why it can't be done. Based on the discussions with the homeowners, they are trying
to put some concrete figures together on how we would proceed with this. I would like to get a
consensus from the Commission as to whether or not we can help these people. Discussion.
Commissioner McLeod said the Commission has had discussions regarding that and never had a
binding discussion one way or the other and said that he has asked for the Commission to have a
workshop with Oak Forest (and told it was coming forward) but said he is not at this time in total
favor of doing something with the homeowners of Oak Forest without seeing what the City's
liabilities are with other communities along that corridor or any corridor in the City.
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January 22, 1996
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Commissioner McLeod said he would like to see the Homeowner's have their meetings and then
come to the Commission as a workshop and not necessarily with the intent that the Commission is
going to spend monies.
Commissioner Ferring said he was looking for a consensus to let the residents of Oak Forest go
forth with the facts that need to be presented to the Commission so it can be decided upon as to
whether or not we can "string" these people along indefinitely or come up with a decision.
Mayor Bush mentioned that the homeowner's work with the City Manager before it comes back
to the Commission; Mayor Bush said the consensus of the Commission is to encourage the Oak
Forest Homeowners to pursue this through the proper channels working with the City Manager.
Commissioner Ferring said he spoke with Mr. Jeff Hunt, editor of a newspaper from UCF
regarding the students that will be involved with the City of Winter Springs regarding a class
Commissioner Ferring said to the City Attorney, as a reminder, that three or four months ago he
gave the Attorney a list of pending items.
Commission Seat III - John Langellotti: 1) Appointment to Board of Trustees:
Commissioner Langellotti also welcomed Mr. McLemore to the City.
Commissioner Langellotti said he would like to appoint Mr. Jim Ryan, 1375 Augusta National
Blvd. to the Board of Trustees - Employees Pension Plan.
Motion was made by Commissioner ConnitT to appoint Mr. Jim Ryan to the Board of
Trustee. Seconded by Commissioner Ferring. Discussion. Vote: Commissioner Langellotti:
aye; Commissioner Gennell: aye; Commissioner Ferring: aye; Commissioner Conniff: aye;
Commissioner McLeod: aye. Motion passes.
Commissioner Langellotti mentioned that he has received 22 phone calls with positive reactions
regarding the ambulance service.
Mayor's Office - John F. Bush:
Mayor Bush also mentioned that he has received positive comments regarding the ambulance
The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.
PROVED: 4~ _ _ p
Respectfully Submitted,
Margo M. Hopkins, City Clerk