HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 09 06 Regular Item B BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA ITEM A September 6, 2001 Meeting REQUEST: Community Development Department presents to the Board of Adjustment the request of Heidenescher Homes for a variance from the established front yard setback line at 132 Cherry Creek Circle, in The Reserve at Tuscawilla, Phase IA. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to consider. a request by Heidenescher Homes for a variance to allow a portion of the garage to encroach to within 17.37 feet of the front property line at the northwest comer (a variance for 2.65 feet) and 18.94 feet of the property line at the southwest corner (a variance for 1.06 feet), in contrast to the 20 foot front yard setback set forth in note number 4 on the face of The Reserve at Tuscawilla, Phase lA, final subdivision plat (Plat Book 58, Page 100 of the Public Records of Seminole County). APPLICABLE CODE: Sec. 6-2. Compliance with chapter. (a) No building or structure shall hereafter be constructed, altered,.. . except in conformity with the provisions of this chapter. Sec. 6-4. Violations. Any person who shall violate a provision of this chapter or fail to comply herewith or with any of the requirements hereof, or who shall erect, construct, alter or repair, or has erected, constructed, altered or repaired a building or structure in violation of a detailed statement or plan submitted and approved hereunder, shall be guilty of a violation of this Code and shall be punished in accordance with section 1-15. Sec. 20-103. Restrictions upon lands, buildings and structures. (c) Percentage of occupancy (lot). No building or structure shall be erected...nor shall any open space surrounding any building or structure be encroached upon or reduced in any manner except in conformance with the building site requirements ... for the district in which such building or structure is located. September 6, 2001 BOA Agenda Item A Page 2 Sec. 20-82. Duties and powers, general. The Board of Adjustment shall make recommendations to the city commission to grant any variance or special exception as delineated in this chapter. (1) The board of adjustment shall have the additional following specific powers and duties: a. b. c. To recommend upon appeal such variance from the terms of this chapter as will not be contrary to the public interest where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of this chapter will result in unnecessary and undue hardship. In order to recommend any variance from the terms of this chapter, the board of adjustment must and shall find: 1. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; 2. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; 3. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; 4. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of this chapter and would work unnecessary hardship on the applicant. 5. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; 6. That the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter, will not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. d. ..... September 6, 200 I BOA Agenda Item A Page 3 (2) In recommending the granting of any variance, the board of adjustment may recommend appropriate conditions and safeguards. Violations of such conditions and safeguards, when made a part of the terms under which the variance is granted, shall be deemed a violation of this chapter. The board of adjustment may recommend a reasonable time limit within which the action for which the variance is required shall be begun, or both. (3) Under no circumstances shall the board of adjustment recommend the granting of a variance to permit a use not generally or by special exception permitted in the zoning district involved, or any use expressly or by implication prohibited by the terms ofthis chapter in the zoning district. No nonconforming use of neighboring lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning classification or district, and no permitted use of lands, structures or buildings in other zoning classifications or districts shall be considered grounds for the authorization of a varIance. (4) (5) Sec. 20-83. Procedures. (a) Upon receipt, in proper form and with appropriate fees, an application for a variance, special exception or conditional use as delineated in this chapter, the board of adjustment shall schedule such application for consideration at a public meeting. (b) All such applications will be processed within sixty (60) days of receipt of same. (c) All meetings for consideration of a variance, special exception or conditional use shall be noticed for at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the meeting in the following manner: (I) Posting the affected property with a notice of the meeting which indicates the matter to be considered. (2) Posting in city hall a notice of the meeting which indicates the property affected and the matter to be discussed. (3) At least seven (7) days prior to the meeting, the board of adjustment shall also notify all owners of property adjacent to or within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the property to be affected of the time, date and place of the meeting. Such letter must also indicate the variance, special exception, or conditional use requested, and must require proof of delivery. September 6, 2001 BOA Agenda Item A Page 4 (d) All interested persons shall be entitled to be heard as such meetings or to be heard by written statement submitted at or prior to such meeting. (e) In the event a special exception, variance or conditional use is not authorized by ordinances of the city, the person requesting the unauthorized action must submit an application pursuant to section 20-28. (f) Appeals to the board of adjustment may be taken by any person aggrieved or by any officer, board or bureau of the city affected by any decision of an administrative official under the zoning regulations. Such appeals shall be taken within thirty (30) days after such decision is made by filing with the officer from whom the appeal is taken and with the board of adjustment, a notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof. The appeal shall be in such form as prescribed by the rules of the board. The administrative official from whom the appeal is taken shall, upon notification of the filing of the appeal, forthwith transmit to the board of adjustment all the documents, plans, papers or other material constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken. (g) The board of adjustment shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing ofthe appeal, give public notice thereof, as well as due notice to the parties in interest, and make recommendations to the city commission for the appeal within a reasonable time. Upon the hearing, any party may appear in person or by agent or by attorney. For procedural purposes, an application for a special exception shall be handled by the board of adjustment the same as for appeals. (h) Any variance, special exception or conditional use which may be granted by the council shall expire six (6) months after the effective date of such action by the city commission, unless a building permit based upon and incorporating the variance, special exception or conditional use is obtained within the aforesaid six- month period. However, the city commission may renew such variance, special exception or conditional use for one (1) additional period of six(6) months, provided good cause is shown and the application for extension shall be filed with the board at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the six-month period. Any renewal may be granted without public hearing, however, a reapplication fee may be charged in an amount not to exceed the amount of the original application fee. It is intended that provisions contained within this subsection are to be retroactive to the extent that any variance, special exception or conditional use previously granted shall become void if a period of time in excess of twelve (12) months shall have lapsed, and a building permit based upon and incorporating the variance, special exceptions or conditional uses has not been issued prior to expiration of such time limit. CHRONOLOGY: September 6, 2001 BOA Agenda Item A Page 5 March 6, 2001 - City Land Development Coordinator Don LeBlanc approves zoning and setbacks for building permit application March 30, 2001 - City issued building permit No. 01-00349 August 7, 2001 - "As built" survey received by the City - potential problem noted in setbacks August, 2001 - V ari~nce application received by City FINDINGS: 1). A building permit was issued for the site, based upon the correct 20 foot front yard setback. 2). On August 7, 2001, an "as built" survey was provided to the City, depicting 20 feet at the southwest corner and an indistinguishable dimension at the northwest corner of the garage. City Staff compared the "as built" survey to the original plot plan and questioned th~ front setbacks. Provision of the "as built" survey at the time of the framing inspection had been a long-standing Building Division policy. 3). Also on August 7, 2001, the City did a framing inspection at the subject property. 4). On August 20,2001, the applicant, Richard Heidenescher, President of Heidenescher Homes, applied for a variance, providing also a letter of authorization from the property owner. 5). On August 24,2001, Building Official Dennis Franklin provided a memo addressing the situation at the site and providing a recommendation. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Adjustment consider the variance pursuant to the criteria outlined in section 20-82 and the recommendation by the Building Official and make a recommendation to the City Commission. A TT ACHMENTS: A - Plot plan submitted with building application B - Two "As-built" surveys C - Variance application D. - Authorization letter September 6, 200 I BOA Agenda Item A Page 6 E. 8/24/01 Memo from Building Official Dennis Franklin F. Letter of Opposition BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION: ATTACHMENT A Plot Plan :.--~ \ 3 YL- ~ eJe I!Ju _ _ _ ;J ~~ / ~ ..., 20' Drainage~~...r;ne,~t,C()DES IN EFFEC r ,7,f./..",,\;l,tn WNAl fLEC i06.i7 >1 ~ _' T. COD~ ~ .~,URREN r FEe ,t...'2_.'Z 7 ~5 7' b 1l.1 D J\ ' - ., ,""'l MRD S1.DG PLUMBING GAr.:: Mi=C)-; to N r-- ine l.i I w r-- o : FWSS MFGRS ~)E^U~J .~~;U~. DRAWINGS AND TRUSS LAY! USED ON THIS PROJECT v. ,', ~T SITE FOR FRAMF I~I' .JFJ R= 125.00' L= 34.35' b,= 15044' 46" 50" 14" ~ Certified Corre.ct To: ,}J I'LL;..'~ /1((3' (3Vd~ IY" pmt an -- Heidenescher~~~ Mr. And Mrs. Goodenbury Lot 11 Reserves @ Tuscawilla RevIsIons: ___ Cherry Creek Circle 2/8/01 Drlvewoy RevIsIon ~ingSI Fl. 32708 I___-_H___-r" . , Y!tft, Notes: IU"~::~'VYU' ~j:" fLur- fi,r./~ Plat Book 48 Page 31- 40 Reserve At Tuscawilla Phase 1-A Section 6 Township 21 South Range 31 East Seminole County, Florida Custom Homes Date: February 2. 2001 Scole: 1 DC 30' y : .... :':':~...~ . ", ) ATTACHMENTB 2 "As-Built" Surveys .;j;;$,.'...,.........--;g' ~ LOT 11, in Plat I i i i l...\..I ~ ~ OJ ~ '<t I '. ~ r') 0 - l...\..I '<t~~4J :n~.,t~ Ii Ii 'i <.p o Q:: --1 I j i , ; )j.. C1;: 'C1;: lJ..J ;;; / Cbt I ;" '~3'32'07" R=25.00' L=21.18' D=13'45' 57" R=50:00' L=12.01' ;:.-~': -, "_'''; - ~ o.;J;lQ,l;,"'\:' u ~d/c9}1/-ir'; 11 PLAT..OF SURVEY for HEIDENESCHER HOMES, INC. Legal Description RESERVE AT TUSCAWILLA PHASE 1-A, according to the Plat thereof as recorded Book 58, "9" 99 "~~~f t~' COUZh flocid,. RECEIVED AllG 0 7 2001 o W f- o Z V1 Cl: W ....J Cl: U V1 CI'TV OF WINTER /iPRINOs BUlLOlNO Ol!P~ 12 Ul o -""--: 00 . -"" o . 0(J1 - VJ_ FOUND IRON & CAP #6723 __________n______________________________ ~----~~-y-~~!~-~-~~~-~~!'I-~-------- - --- ----------1 , \ \ \ \ , \ 11\ \ \ \ .\ SET IRON I.< CAP #3382 N 88'55'07" E 160.00' -\ lfl-.:;Q g-y. rJO ~-\ \0. rTJ ,., o. o " ~ z ~ '" ~ '; '" z ... '" (J\ en (J\ FF-20.74 ~ 41.05 CONe FO'J 11 D. , , \ \ \ \ , \ \ \ \ - , o ' __ _ __ _ _n _____ n____ __ n n ___ __ ___ - - -nn5;-liTIi:iiY-EAsEME;:jin-nnnn- ~n-nn --- -- __n__ -. N 88'55'07" E 172.16' 10 SCALE: 1 "=30' 0- FOUND 4"X4' CONC. MON. #5633 SURVEY NOTES: 1) The street address of the above described property is 122 CHERRY CREEK CIRCLE. 2) The above described property lies in a Flood Zone A, E, & X SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE is to certify that I have made a Survey of the above described property and that the plat hereon delineated an accurate representation of the same. I further certify that this Survey meets the I'Iininun Technical .. -. .:- ..:, set forth by the Florida Board of Land Surveyors pursuant to Section 427.W of the Florida Statutes. /' REVISIONS: ..-,.~ ~u~ FOlJ/oJDATIO , 17 MA~ ZOOI CERTIFIED CORRECT TO: GREGORY P. & mAGGIE L. GOOOENBURY HOmEBANC mORTGAGE CORPORATION GULF A TLANTIC TITLE HEIOENESCHER H[]fIES, INC. ..w.....1 NO: 01-8'3 KIT E SURVEYING, INC. R. BLAIR KITNF.R ,- P.L.S. NO. 33B2 Post OfficI'! Box 823, 'Sanford, Fl. 32772-0023 ;. (6.07>- 322-2CDl I SURVEY-~~T~ZO'!E.6._~1 _ , , , , , , \ \ 0 \ ---------------------------------------------s;-GTIl:i'iY-EASEMEN"T------------ ~-------------------. N 88'55'07" E 172.16' ~;~I~~~8f This is to certify that I have made a Survey of the above described property and that the plat hereon delineated is an accurate representation of the same. I further certify that this Survey meets the Minirrun Technical Standards set forth by the Florida Board of Land Surveyors pursuant to Section 427.027 of the Florida Statutes. _ ___ L_u .7~ac KITNER S~RVEYING, INC. R. BLAIR KITNER - P.L.s. NO. 3382 Post Offic~ Bo~ 823, Sanford. Fl. 32772-0823 (407) 322-2000 L:,.URVEY DATE: 20 J:E6. 2001 PLAT OF SURVEY for HEIDENESCHER HOMES, INC. Legal Description LOT 11, RESERVE AT TUSCAWILLA PHASE 1-A, according to the Plat thereof as Plat Book 58, Pages 99 and 100, of the Public Records of Seminole County, ~.... ~.:..... recorded in FLorida. I i i i LW ~ c;P. ~ v I ~ no_ LW v~~W ~~~~ 1111 ~ c.p oo::~ I i i I i ;!- C1: ft it I ~ ;' 0=48'32'07" R=25.00' L=21.18' 0=13'45' 57" R=50.00' L=12.01' 12 N 88'55'07" E 160.00' O____?~_~_1]~~~_~_~?~!:!~~_~______________________... __________________________________________ .fo. , . I \ \ e ~ ".>0" 11 \ \ FOUND IRON & CAP 1/6 723 to (/l g bO o -!>ow oC.Jl -t.: f"T1 , , , '''' '~ '" '" 41.05 4 10 SCALE: 1" = 30' 0- FOUND 4"X4" CONC. MON. #5633 SURVEY NOTES: 1, The street address of the above described property is 122 CHERRY CREEK CIRCLE. 2, The above described property lies in a FLood Zone A, E, & X SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE REVISIONS: fDUND4TIO,l/ : 17 !>fA I( 2001 .~..-^ ~ J?~VI~ED' I" Allt<. 2001 CERTIFIED CORRECT TO: 11 o W f- a z (/] ex: w ...J ex: u (/] SET IRON & CAP #3382 -\ /J )/ o -\ GREGORY P. & MAGGIE L. GOOOENBURY HOMEBANC MORTGAGE CORPORATION GUlF ATLANTIC TITLE HEIOENESCHER HOMES, INC. PROJECT NO: 01-8, ATTACHMENT C Variance Application ~.".-..;,.. .~ ..,,::,..12;-.",' " ~ ~ ~~:-,,- BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL .32708-2799 (407)327-1800 FOR: x SPECIAL EXCEPTION VARIANCE 'CONDITIONAL USE ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION 1, APPLICANT: 1:lt=:.lOENS-)cHE.e. J-lon~ 4:k. 'PHQNE~) ~l!>4'8Sb~ X 14 ADDRESS: 1~~0:5. 11"'1' 11-~t" L~~<;../cP9 I Fl-. ~,1S0 2 PURPOSE OF REQUEST: CJ1~"<r,1C. -N-e. N.oJl&Y\u,""\ fO..;J"T oS e:,:r~ F~\'Y\ 20' ,.~ 11'.4 ". 3. ATTACH A COPY OF THE PARCEL SURVEY. 4. ATTACH AN 11 x 17 MAP SHOWING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND SURROUNDING PARCELS. 5. ATTACH LEGAL' DESCRIPTION. 6 . TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: Ltn 1.1. -r~t e..F_~ -.II.- ,. Cross 8. PRESENT ZONING: .puC LD.~. FUTURE LAND USE: Ne ~"'Gt. t:. By Signing below I understand that City of Winter Springs Officials may enter upon my property to inspect that portion as relates to this application; (If the applicant is not the owner of the subject property, the applicant must attach a letter of authorization signed by the ~:Le~~ OWNER-PLEASE ~YPE R'<:.l-lAAD E. HE,~EStAiEL OWNER-SIGNATURE. PERSONS ARE ADVISED THAT, IF THEY DECIDE TO APPEAL ANY.: DECISIONS MADE AT THESE MEETIN6s/HEARINGS, THEY W~tL NEED A ,RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE, THEY WILL NEED TO INSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS H~DE, 'AT'THEIR 'COST, WHICH: . INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE ,- BASED, PER SECTION 286.0105, FLORIDA STATUTES 'J . SECTION 20-84 - APPEALS FROM DECISIONS OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (1) Any person" or persons, jointly or severally aggrieved by any decision of the Board of Adjustment may, Wi~!~\i.n:,,:4b'~lfit!\i~~G'~:_,3"Pi iJcP d f t t h f . 1 . f d" . t h f f' 1!,101 "\:,HIAt/.!J,;> 1'1l,i't Kf,~ 1, I ays a er e l Lng 0 any eClslon In e 0 lClT;.t;$", Tf,:,;;e -8o~r, /~..\1 14:4'J Adjustment, but not thereafter, apply to the C-i;t~fIt CouncU ~qr ~250.0(j administrative relief. After a hearing before th~~~!~f,tdrou'~~~~~8~l) aggrieved party may, within thirty (30) days aftelil'~~j(ie' ~e~1'slPnt.oQliin the City Council, file an appeal with a couPitid Bof comp!:!~tElPfHESCfitR HG,IlS jurisdiction over the subject matter,' Approved as to form r~ b~. D.t" Communit Development Coordinator 0/~ /91. :.",,' ~.. . '........... /\""- -- '... ~~i''i....... APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS A staff, Repor~ will be developed for e~ch Application, The Applicant should be prepared to address each of the issues p~ovided below for Variance requests. The appiica~ion must be submitted in typewritten format. In order to grant a variance, the Board of Adjustment must make the following findings of fact: 1. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structures or buildinos"involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildinos in the same zonino district. 2. That special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. '''.' ".";-t. r.' ~~i' ,'T:na:t:(q~an t i no the va ri ance r eoue s t ed will no t con fer on the applicant any special privileoe that is denied by this chapter to other lands, buildinos or structures in the same I. __zonino_.district. ~.. ;. .-. ; 4. That, literal interpretation of the prOV1Slons of this chapter would deprive the applicant of riohts commonly enioyed by other properties in the same zonino district under the terms of this chapter and would work unnecessary hardship on the applicant, \ ,,,.' ,..r-t.....:, 1'" S. That "the- variance oranted is the minimuin:. var{ance that will make p~~sible the reasonable use of the land, buildino or '~,str.uctur~'. j. !.:.(,:t,....~: '-'.. '~.'.' ~ ~\~'.~~'r ..! (' ~-.:.~:.l:.~...,. .". ~"t.: ~ ~....l" '. . '1, . 6. That the orant of the variance will be,in:barmony with the oenera'l intent and purpose' of. this" cnapter: wi 11 not be in iurious to the neiqhborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. 7. The request must be consistent with the obiectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. ~:,;.,.'t..! :".f.... j.:......~ f" .....,.. 'J-f,. .~.."".~(f'..." f....r'....... ,.".:",::..,:. t:. THE APPLICANT IS RE"S!f'ONS1BtE'FOR PROVI'DIflG THE C'ITY WITH THE NAMES AND ADDRE~S~S OJ:'.. ~JI,Cfl. 'pjtqf.ERT'y ..Qrt~E~. . H f:TH IN<t:~9. FT. OF EACH PROPERTY ~IN~'BY THe'SCHEDULED T!ME.' " .: . THE AP~LI~Al-r'r!.~ti"F:ESioN'S~tB'L:f: T6""OST THE BLUEN~~'ic{~~A~'D ':'~N ;.~~ .J; SITE AT LEAST SEVEN DAYS PRIOR TO THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING ~~ AT WHICH THE MATTER WILL BE CONSIDERED: SAID NOTICE SHALL NOT BE'~' POSTED WITHIN THE CITY RIGHTS-OF-WAY, ,', .1\" t. ;., .-."""'.' ) 0' .", ".. ~ ~'.;\":'~i. .;. ". (Xl ~<<:~:'< ", ~'U~:"'?,~(:\:./~:..: ," > ()' /: :i.,,'.' LQT ~~;;ll~fi'" ~ X' ,'.,,,. ",'. , , ,~'.,;~~~>yi:~ . f7l'~').{~ ~:r.C.','..:.~ .~ ',; " Pa ..... _ (J) ,,;a \""I ", -t 'I ~. - :~.I' ~ , f.::.'r~ ';. '.. ~~ ;~ '.~ '" , :E .. '. . ~ >- .-( - LOT 12 : 20' D.E. '--l , (JI q 160J)(j' N '88~55'07" E 4'2';' EASlERLY RIGHT-Of-WAY .UN(' .... ~ o q . ", I I -....;. .: 160.00' N 88"55"07" E. 2S , . . LOr '41 , ..:,;~'~.:~::,:{ . ~ I ;,&l.' ?" & ''".;)~,' ~'15:.44~46..;. ,t '. ;~:;:r~f~:'~',~. " RG~1t~~:~: ;"ij, .'. ',:;;?;~'J;:';:':'A'" .;.... 48'" '1I!"lI:1'5~ ,.". ~.~ . " .~\~.~:;..~~~'f~ ~~. ..., U." '.'. '~", '~ ' ":;;:'l':"~")i.'" .,< \.,' 5" l." "\"f..' . t ',' "\1"iJ~~~~S'\~'":I."R?'.' ~~'2 "'QQ- ~-~" '. L . f . ;llt~~jl.~'I.''''.'? -. = d.. 't- ,~ 1 . '" ~. ,': ;'t~~~tit~if!":' ~':.. 2flAi~f{'>:'/, " I. ',~,,:;'A~1l:;;~;;}~.>~J' ~...~(:~; <: ::':f,".:' I ^' 5-:i.O"';.,e~7' .,f"" . ..' ;':, ,.....~ "/. :.. ': " . . '~I;::: '\,J, '.I;'~r." ......~... 'I ..~''t.-. ./"" ", , '. ~':. 'R: '_:~:~_i.:'_~'-!50t -'>:~o!' ,o~::?,;~,<; .. ',.: ;';(,.':.,..:~r' ~ ". ;,'~'i'", ~ . ....'1"..' ~';:;,,:;: ,.,.., .." , '. ::":,:~(}~,c;.::~~~~~t~~:(,~:.;.,...,/?::.;/., .:,....':.,..~ .., NGENT' "S' .~.. ~N'G '. .... .... .',:~"~"" /'. "" . . . :::' : l . -0 . t~. :~,~<:~:;:,\~.,/:;'_;': ..~. _ ~ ..' .;" . ',.,. ',,' .'. -;::)~,....,~"'. I":""""'" ,~,,;"'i' '. . 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TRACT ~M" CON'SERVA TJQN AREA ~ " /ii' crl 1;; \J-:.-t I' ~ I.J l"j ~ c.,~ '. 1 I I ..... 8 b q - o en " q, :CONSERVATlON EASElAENT PER PlAT BOOK 4B. PAGE J1 .t OFflOAl RECOROS BOOK . 3~3, PAGE: 036.3 \ (Jl 0 ~ \ ~ 0). LOT'11 tv -\ . fD. 20' D.t:. f'l I " ..T ,LOT lO, , " ..' '20'u..~l " .' '.. , .{~4~,~: ,\ ~. ..',,:~' '". ",. :.-~>'\ , ;"t"o"r 'g. .' ...'." ;. . ~ !;-;.~, ., \;;;:,'THE:=' RESERVE AT .. S 87'41'41" E .---- 75' :i: (/) , , g .... d ~ ()I (.oJ '. 0" !J' ~ ,fT1 115' ::t: q .~ '~. "5 -'--. 83': :i: CONSERVA 110N EASELlt;NT --..... I.~.i'..._'. . ~ I 1..,. \.. ..{{2l; ~ :~ CITY UF WiNl~R SPRINGS ~ISC ~fCEI~T 50;24 CITY HALL Ri:.FEF:t.HCE 1126 STATE RO~D 434 DA TE/T I ME. 0.3/20/01 UINfER SrRI~~S ~L 32708 CI_E~:K cuordon ~'G: 1 14:48 [USiO~E~ HEIDENESCHER kQ~ES EFC, D~TE 08/2G/20~1 f,'EC'1 ~1 ~ISC[LLANEOUS Gt.NE2AL RlVfHUE 2~;0. 00 fOTi-i~~ c:.:J::i, ~:J0 ~'!1f nC't: :~1'10U;I: iHi::CI; 2~:1~~', ~It' (Iii ~U o l.~~,.:~: i S @~l~'~@~ r / If \ 0 ....s '1 - (,.J I ./ .-- -- -- -- --. - - -. .. -. ~ -- - - -- - -- -~ - -. -- -- -- - -.-- - --.-- -- -- - - - - -- - -- - - - --- - - --- -- -~- -.- - - -.-.- - -,.-- HEIOENESCHER HOMES, INC. LONGWOOD, FLORIDA 3275D 018316 Dl:'fe--' :::'/C:~~[ fiC. ;---- n----~-._--_..:--...-._r_-------.. _..__ ;-\(:~.,-(',_":r-;-':-",,' : ,."..........-..,- \MOlli\- --~r-.UC-r..... I "\ ____~.'~~~.:~_ I 'V'~______L~~._~~t: /. f~ I '-~.=-- :~~~~_!~='_-_--'S~NCE-- \ Ci2~)01 I L.:...,-, 11 I. r<. v'^, r.... ^' o,J ~:--f. '5"\J AJ:if.;;> 0 f A 0 :r <....4 '(1\ vi ~ 1 J ~HECK . 'ATE ~) '['.J J O} CHECK NUMBER "\ 'a-~ , '.-' I \. .:... I 'r.) , -' ~ -----\ TOTALS / I--~I~'i~" "~ ) Hf;1DENf~flEI{ i2D S. H'NY ri-S2, SUiTE 210 LOt~GWOOD, FLORIDA 32750 PHOi'J<:: (407) 834-8500 ~ '. FOREST CITY OFFICE r~N NOil-;-\j ALTAMONTE SPRINGS. f'L. 32714 018316 63- /511631 H 0 '-T v-/<:> s H'-'oJ'" r.:.,FJ) r'I-17 /'....'\1.) (j~)/ ./, V\"'l ,..". ""-.J DATE e}l,::,jOI CHECK NO. 01'2>3}~ AMOUNT .'.~. 2 So. 0 G ,l- f: 'AY I ) THE C I -r J 0, r: WI ..,fl ,:..c..... ::5 f K. "-J ~) nEA OF I'~l D ~ 81 U; I' 1= [j b ~ ~ D 'i' 5 L ;I': 2 b 2 ~ b 0 'i' 50 ?BB B ,''' . ---.---------.--'---.- .......- - - -- -- - - -.---- - -----------"-- ATTACHMENT D Authorization Letter August 20, 2001 Mr. John Baker, Zoning City of Winter Springs " U.... _ 1126 E State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708-2799 To Whom It May Concern: We hereby authorize Ric Heidenescher of Heidenescher Homes to represent us, Maggie and Greg Goodenbury, for the property variance request for Lot 11, Reserve Phase IA, Tuscawilla, Winter Springs. Sincerely, ~ ;;d!~ ' ~GOOdenb-Ury ~ h/ . k4 Gregory P. Goodenbury d-c)O-d/ Date J S.ZO-()/ Date ~ ~....~ .. JAMES K. DOWNEY ;,~,o"'t Notary Public Slale of Florida '" n My comm expires May 18, 2004 No, CC938066 _ <i/Jo/O / ATTACHMENT E 8/24/01 Building Official Memo r' I BUILDIN~~I~SION . Memo To: From: John Baker, Land Development coordin~t~ Dennis E. Franklin, CBO, Building Officia~ 08/31/01 132 Cherry Creek Cr. Date: Re: The following is a recap of Building Division activity at 132 Cherry Creek Cr., permit #01-00349, issued March 30, 2001. The original submitted survey was reviewed and approved by the City Land Development coordinator, and the plans were then reviewed for Standard Code requirements by the city Plans Examiner. Once technical code deficiencies on the plans were satisfied, the permit was issued. The appropriate inspections were performed up to the frame inspection, and the "as built" survey was received August 7, 2001. City policy requires that a second survey be performed and submitted at the frame inspection. The Inspector compared the original and the second survey and determined that there may be a problem with the front setback dimensions meeting city requirements. This situation was brought to the attention of the Land Development coordinator who agreed that there might be a significant setback problem. The Inspector immediately notified the Building Official and the job was stopped until the builder could provide an additional survey to more specifically establish a true setback measurement. It' is my understanding that the front property measurement on the originally submitted survey was not taken at the closest point of the building to the front property line. The "as built" survey revealed the dimension in question, which prompted the concern. . Page 1 I believe that if it is determined that this structure is encroaching the front setback then the builder should be required to satisfy the violation and remove that portion of the garage which violates the setback requirements of the city. He will need a State of Florida Engineer to prepare and seal drawings to show the alterations to the originally submitted and approved plans required correcting this situation. The City of Winter Springs Building Division will provide any assistance needed to expedite the process. . Page 2 ATTACHMENT F Letter of Opposition THE RESERVE AT TUSCA WILLA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, INe. c/o E PM SERVJet;) 407-327-5824 P. O. Box 915322 Longwood, FL 32791-5322 August 27,2001 ~ r=:,{i'''' "'"""h ' . 1- "I...r, f,t'""- c' ~,ij' ~_ jl'", ........ ilJ t!Y ~: n.;!J City of Winter Springs John Baker, Current Planner 1126 E. ST. RD 434 Winter Springs, FL. 32708 c ~{,~:,(;;~ l: ;;i~i!;~:~';~~~;;;~~l;;S Dear Sirs: On behalf of the Reserve at TuscawiUa Homeowners Association, Inc. I would like to express our concerns regarding the proposed variance for Lot # 11, 136 Cherry Creek Circle, a new house being built by Heidenescher Homes. The Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Easements and Restrictions (see attached section (8.8.1), which every new homeowner must sign, specifically call for setbacks of thirty feet. Against the wishes of the ARB and the Board of Directors, the builder had already received a variance from the specified 30 feet down to 22 feet. Although the association had been turned over to the homeowners, the developer, Richland Properties, still retained the right to issue variances on the lots they owned, and as a result, allowed the variance. It is now our understanding and belief that the house, which appears to be near structural completion, has only an approximate 17 feet setback. With the original variation viewed so negatively by the association, we clearly are very disappointed in the lack of attention paid to insure that no violations would occur. Secondly, we still have not received an adequate explanation about how the house could have passed inspection by the city. By no means are we suggesting that the house should be torn down. Rick Heidenescher is a quality builder as well as a valued member of our community and personal friend. However, the board has a sworn duty to uphold our association's covenants. We are very much concerned how the approval of this variance will affect the remaining adjacent lots, which have yet to begin construction. Already, one builder has received a variance from the developer to reduce the setback from 30 to 22 feet. We do not want to see further variances occur. We hope the commissioners can find a way to provide a remedy that will satisfy both the Homeowners Association and the builderlhomeowner. Sincerely, m ~ (]O.~ Mark Queen ~ President Reserve at Tuscawilla Homeowners Association, Inc. Cc Heidenescher Homes, Inc., Builder Mr. & Mrs. Goodenbury, Owners Richland Tuscawilla Ltd., Developer City of Winter Springs City Commission Board of Directors CD s 09' 36' 29 E 20' Drainage Easement ~ to ...... ----1 -- -- -10. - C\I J"'-.. ~ o o o to ...... -' .-' -' Slope Line Building Line (24" Setback) .. T}pe " C. 'In .' w ~ o @ R= 125.00' L= 34.35' ~= 150 44' 46" @ R= 25.00' L= 21.18' 6= 480 31' 50" @ R= 50.00' L= 11.99' 6= 130 44' 14" Revised F.F. F.F.= 20.00 N Original F.F.= 21.10 Certified Correct To: Plot Plan -- Heidenescher Homes Inc. Ho Mr. And Mrs. Goodenbury Lot 11 Reserves @ Tuscawilla ___ Cherry Creek Circre Win er prings, FI. 32708 Y!Z;I ~te 2. 'I Do e Revisions: 2/8/01 Drfveway Revision Plat Book 48 Page 31- 40 Reserve At Tuscawilla Phase 1-A Section 6 Township 21 South Range 31 East Seminole County, Florida Notes: Builder Approval Model: Custom Homes Dote: February 2. 2001 Scale: 1 a = 3D' @ j 20' Drainage Easement s 09' 36' 29 E _----T - -- -1lJ'! '-II'! . --', Slope Line BUilding Line (24" Setback) .-' ~T ~in 1n I w . I' 0 L(') L(') . ... Oco I co Z I' 0 . L(') 'f lJ') Oco co (0 R= 12S.00' L= 34.3S' l:i= 1So 44' 46" @ R= 2S.001 L= 21.18' l:i= 480 31' SO" @ R= SO.OOI L= 11.99' l:i= 1 S 44' 14" . / I ' Certified Correct To: Revised F.F. F.F.= 20.00 N Original F.F.= 21.10 Plot Plan -- Heidenescher Homes Inc. Mr. And Mrs. Goodenbury Lot 11 Reserves @ Tuscawilla ..1..-2.2- Cherry Creek Circle Winter Springs, FI. 32708 Homeowner Approval Notes: Plat Book 48 Page 31- 40 Reserve At Tuscawilla Phase 1-A Section 6 Township 21 South Range 31 East Seminole County, Florida RevIsIons: 2/8/01 Driveway Revision 3/19/01 Add An Additional 2'-0" To Rear Of Home Date Builder Approval Date Model: Custom Homes Dote: February 2, 2001 Scale: 1 "= 30' PLAT OF SURVEY for HEIDENESCHER HOMES, INC. Legal Oescription LOT 11, RESERVE AT TUSCAWILLA PHASE 1-A, according to the PLat thereof as PLat Book 58, Pages 99 and 100, of the PubLic Records of SeminoLe County, @ I i i i W ~ 9 g; <.D i . ~ no. UJ '<;t-ON1d 'n~ ~Lf) .,...,. N'<;t->:+.- III1~cr OO:::---! I j i I i )!- Q 85 is / C:bJ / / 0=48'32'07" R= 25.00' L=21.18' 0=13'45'57" R=50.00' L=12.01' co '<;t- 11 recorded in FLorida. o w f- a z (.f) c:: w --1 c:: U (.f) 12 FOUND IRON & CAP #6723 N 88'55'07" E 160.00' SET IRON & CAP #3382 (j) n__un_n_h_______n o o 5 ~_~_~~~!::__E_~~~_~ ~~_~_.n_______.__________, ------------------- ~----- \ ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ I I \ I \ ~- I I I I I I I 11\ I I \ \ I \ I I \ I I I \ I I I " ~ 37.50 -+>- . 00 . -+>- o - 0(J1 -IN -\ (j))J ~):> 0l(} ~-\ to. fTl o ;0 J> Z J> G1 [<1 [<1 tf, '2 [<1 Z -I :l> 01 O. tv (J1 0, (J1 FF=20.74 ~ V. (J1. 6.20 I I I I 'tv J!-", v. '0; 41.05' 13. 50 .j>. 01 o 28.00' I \ I I I I \ \ , \ -, ' 0, '. _______nn__._n.___n_h_n__ ~----n-n-n----.--. ____n_n_____n______________n_.h_n_n_n5~- UTILITY EASEMENT IV N 88'55'07" E 172.16' '. SET IRON & \ CAP #3382 I \ I I \ I I I I : SET IRON & CAP #3382 10 SCALE: 1" = 30' 0- FOUND 4"X4' CONC. MON. #5633 SURVEY NOTES: 1, The street address of the above described property is 122 CHERRY CREEK CIRCLE. 2, The above described property Lies in a FLood Zone A, E, & X SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This is to certify that I have made a Survey of the above described property and that the plat hereon delineated is an accurate representation of the same. I further certify that this Survey meets the Minirrun Technical Standards set forth by the Florida Board of Land Surveyors pursuant to Section 427.027 of the Florida Statutes. REVISIONS: R~V'<;fD ~OR FOUND4TIOlJ: 17 MAl( ZOO) I?E5URV~YcD ~ l1'!:VI'7ED: I" A\.I<.7 2001 PROJECT NO: 01-81 CERTIFIED CORRECT TO: GREGORY P. & MAGGIE L. GoooENBURY HoMEBANC MORTGAGE CORPORATION GULF ATLANTIC TITLE HEIDENESCHER HOMES. INC. R. Post Office Sox 823, SanFord, Fl. (407) 322-2000 SURVEY OATE: 2.0 l=E6. 2001 (1) Lot 11 The Reserve At T u5cawllla Greg And Maggie Goodenbury 136 Cherry Creek Circle Winter Springs, FL. 32708 - Heldenescher Homes Inc. 1250 s. Hwy. 17-92 Suite 210 Longwood, FL. 32750 (407) 834-8500 Scale: "=30'-0" .... Ul o w . .<:) : Error f 4'53" x2= t 9'46" ~ .... :0.00' 1 0. ocr- P.4T- ~. The Original Site Plan (Dotted Lines) Vs. The Actual Foundation Survey (Black) 20 -0" Setback Line - . - . _.....~.....~...............:.~..,..~.... "'>'" .............. ~ /;J~-;;~-\),_. 1'1 H-. , I, II '; II I I 1 !)f'.r;.,. I I U/lf~... l L._________, I ..~._..__._-_._.._._~ ~~~ ..l1li.... . c..tPd . . . . . . ............ .' .: . .' " '. .'- UrJ!~ ~l'r I .' .' ~ Uk '.' '... .:. ....~~~. ':.'..': ...., . . , IItB IIaII ' i ~~.'H : : H.... : !... -...........: II ................. --------.....=~===--= II . .......... 0. ~.:..11~ DBPd . '. . . .' .:. "Il' . " '.' .... .I' 619 rt~ I 4'f~ H_ "'11." ...... , \':~:'~.~;;:~'~:~.:~r;'~:;:.;, :.....:~~ ~~~ ~~-r -... !t.~-r .. CIsmm. 5034 Lot 11 The R~ At TUSClI1IiIIa kFJS 1st ACIllI' I..hIng 3700 s'F. 2nd ACIllI' I..hIng 1334 5.F. TcrtallMlg 5034 s'F. GanlgejWlrl Shop 1197 5.F. DIlIl Pan:h 80 5.F. CawnId Pcrd1 B88 s'F. Entry 8D 5.F. 2nd ACIllI' BalCllllY 'JD7 5.F. Total 7226 5.F. o HElD m it Lot 11 The Reserve At T uscawilla Original Front Elevation II""''''''''''' I.."""'.... """''''''''t''''.............. ...... --.....,-... SEP-05-2001 16:51 @ r--;;J""'" .. P.l? ATTACHMENT F Letter of Opposition CD THE RESERVE AT TUSCA WILLA COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, INe. do E P M SERVICES 407-327-5824 P. O. Box 915322 Longwood, FL 32791-5322 August 27, 2001 City of Winter Springs John Baker, Current Planner 1126 E. ST. RD 434 Winter Springs, FL. 32708 Dear Sirs: On behalf of the Reserve at Tuscawilla Homeowners Association, Inc. I would like to express our concerns regarding the proposed variance for Lot # 11, 136 Cherry Creek Circle, a new house being built by Heidenescher Homes. The Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Easements and Restrictions (see attached section (8.8.1), which every new homeowner must sign, specifically call for setbacks of thirty feet. Against the wishes of the ARB and the Board of Directors, the builder had already received a variance from the specified 30 feet down to 22 feet. Although the association had been turned over to the homeowners, the developer, Richland Properties, still retained the right to issue variances on the lots they owned, and as a result, allowed the variance. It is now our understanding and belief that the house, which appears to be near structural completion, has only an approximate ;17 feet setback. With'Jhe original variation viewed so :negativeIy by the association/we clearly are very disappointed in the lack of attention paid to insure that no violations wouid occur. Secondly, we still have not received an adequate explanation about how the house could have passed inspection by the city. By no means are we suggesting that the house should be torn down. Rick Heidenescher is a quality builder as well as a valued member of our community and personal friend. However, the board has a sworn duty to [uphold our association's covenants. We are very much concerned how the approval of this varianCe wili affect the remaining adjacent lots, which have yet to begin construction. Already, one builder has received a variance from the developer to reduce the setback from 30 to 22 feet. We do not want to see further variances occur. We hope t.~e ccmruissioncrs can filld a way to provide a remedy that will satisfy both the Homeowners Association,.and the huilderlhomeowner. Sincerely, rn O.:~ 6o.~ Mark Queen ~ President Reserve at Tuscawilla HomeOwners Association, Inc. C~denescher Homes, Inc., Builder Mr. & Mrs. Goodenbury, Owners Richland Tuscawilla Ltd., Developer City of Winter Springs City Commission Board of Directors (j) 8. 32 L~-1.llli. All landscaped and gl:assed open areas on Residential Property (including such areas which are wi thin road rights-of-way adj acent to and contiguous wi th thfJ'") Residential Property) shall be irrigated by means of an automati~ underground irrigation or sprinkling system capable of regularl - and sufficiently irrigating all lawns and plantings within suc ~ open areas. The plans and specifications for each such irrigatio~ or sprinkling system shall be included in and submitted with anm reviewed and approved by the Architectural Review Board as part o~ the landscape plan required pursuant to the provisions of Sectio~ 8.2 of thi s Declaration. Such i rriga tion or sprinkling system shall be installed prior to or simul taneously wi th the implementation of the landscape plan approved by the Architectural Review Board; but in any event within the time provided in Section 8.29 of this Declaration for the installation of landscaping. \'0 :::0 U1 L.J ;:"'-J( 0- ,-.J ---'- --' (~ c::> CO U1 u< )5- -; c-,( 8.33 AllUicial Veqetill~. No arti [icial vegetation shall be permitted 0n the portion of any Lot outside of any building on the Lot. 8.34 Precedence OveLLess ~tinqen t Gove_l~ne~\.l..J.jLt..i..Ql."w'. In those instances where the covenants, conditions and restrictions set forth in this Article VIII set or establish minimum standards in excess of Governmental Regulations, including, without Umitation, building and zoning reguiations, the covenants, conditions and restrictions set forth in this Article VIII, of this Declaration shall take precedence and prevail over less stringent Governmental Regulations. Converse 1 y, in those ins tances where such Governmental Regulations set or establish minimum standards in excess of the covenants, conditions and restrictions set forth in this Article VIII, the Governmental Regulations shall take precedence and prevail over less stringent c~venants, conditions and restrictions set forth in this Article VIII. ~ 8.35 Waivers. ExceD~ld Variances bv D~loDer. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in or which may otherwise be implied from the terms and provisions of this Declaration, Developer specifically reserves exclusively unto itself, for the duration hereinafter specified, the right and privilege (but Developer shall have absolutel no obli ation , u on a s oWl.ng 0 good cause therefor, to: (a) gl-ant waivers with respect to any existinq or proposed future deviation from. or. violation or infraction of, the building restrictions specified in this Article VIII of this Declaration where, in the reasonably' exercised good faith ;udqrnent and discretion of Developer,. Developer shall determine or decide that such deviation, violation - 1 or infraction is de minimus, minor, or insignificant, and (b) grant waivers of, exceptions to, or variances from, the buildinJ restrictions specified in this Article VI I I of this Declaration where special conditions and cil-cumstances exist which are peculial" to a particular Lot and not generally applicable to othe/: Lot:.; (e.g., because of its unusual size, configul-ation or location) Ol- 24 where a literal interpretation or application of any such building re'striction to a particular Lot would be inappt-opt-iate, inequitable /'or otherwise work or resul t in a hardship or deny such Lot and t~ Owner thereof specific rights which are generally enjoyed by othe~' Lots and Owners; it being expressly provided, however, that, in a~ cases, Developer, in its exercise of such right i'lnd privile~ shall, in its reasonably exercised and good fai th judgment aw discretion determine or decide that its grant of any such waive~ exception or variance shall not resul tin, represe:1t, be ~ constitute a significant deviation of or derogation from (a) t5e uniform plan of development for The Reserve at Tuscawilla, (b) the high archi tectural, ecological, envirorunental and aesthetic standards otherwise established for The Reserve at Tuscawilla or (c) the objects and purposes of this Declara'tion as hereinabove enumerated in Article I I of thi s Dec lara tion. Notwi thstandi ng anything to the contrary contained in this Section, any waivers of, exceptions to, or variances from said building restrictions shall be in compliance with Governmental Regulations. Developer shall flave such right and privilege to grant waivers, exceptions and variances, as aforesaid, \Inti I ei ther (a) the expi ra tion of a period of fifteen 15 ears from the date of the recordation of IS Declaration among the Public Records of the Count~ or (b) the sale by Developer in the ordinary course of business, and not in bulk, of ninety percent (90%) of all Lots in The Reserve at Tuscawilla, whichever shall last occur. Following the occurrence of the last of the foregoing events to occur, the right and privilege of Developer to grant waivers, exceptions and variances, as aforesaid, shall be delegated and assigned by Developer to and thereafter vest in the Architectural Review Board. To the extent that any such waiver, exception or variance is granted in a particular instance or wi th respect to any particular Lot or Improvement pursuant to the provisions of this Section 0.35, as aforesaid, the same shall not be deemed to be a precedellt for the granting of such or any similar waiver, exception or variance in any other particular instance or any other particulat- Lot or Improvement. 8.36 Archi tectural Review Board Ap~,-l.". Notwi thstanding any other provision of this Declaration to the contrary, no Improvements may be constructed upon any Lot except by licensed building contractors approved by the Developer in its sole discretion and named on the list of Approved Builders maintained by the Architectural Review Board at the time of construction on the Lot. Any approval by the Architectural Review Boat-d of any plans and specifications for Improvements on any Lot shall be subject to the Owner conforming to the requi rements of thi s Sec tion 8" 3 G. The Developer and the Association reserve the t-ight to enforce the provisions of this Section 8.36 by injunction or other n~medie::; available at law or equity. 25 i'oJ .:x> r:).] 0 0-" C) -., An po r- ;:;:J ,..., ("') \JO J> ::u (;)0 fTl Vl Ul G.) C> CO 0'\ " "' I" - .... - .J) ...D + @ SEP':05-2001' 16: 50~' n. ,...._~...... I"""'? P.14 ATTACHMENT E 8/24/01 Building Official Memo nt::L.t:: I V CU vv.... '-Iv 'V I SEP-05-2001 'V-" - v.....,...", P.15 16:50 @ .t. . - ' -,'.. .~.;;~~ i' ~''''t. ~.;~ ~~. '\, ,:~"{'. ..'BUILDING:'DIVISION,t. , -I," .. '," J' ~..L~~~...'~---.r,;,-\:n ..~_l_"." "'L':f': Memo From: Date: John Baker, Land Development coordinato~ Dennis E. Franklin, eBO, Building Officia~ 08/31/01 To: Re: 132 Cherry Creek Cr. The following is a recap of Building Division activity at 132 Cherry Creek Cr" permit #01-00349, issued March 30, 2001. The original submitted survey was reviewed and approved by the City Land Development coordinator, and the plans were then reviewed for Standard Code requirements by the city Plans Examiner. Once technical code deficiencies on the plans were satisfied I the permit was issued. The appropriate inspections were performed up to the frame inspection, and the "as built" survey was received August 7, 2001. City policy requires that a second survey be performed and submitted at the frame inspection. The Inspector compared the original and the second survey and determined that there may be a problem with the front setback dimensions meeting city requirements. This situation was brought to the attention of the Land Development coordinator who agreed that there might be a significant setback problem. The Inspector immediately notified the Building Official and the job was stopped until the builder could provide an additional survey to more specifically establish a true setback measurement. It is my understanding that the front property measurement on the originally submitted survey was not taken at the closest point of the building to the front property line. The "as built" survey revealed the dimension in question, which prompted the concern. . Pa9~ 1 """''''''''''' I ............ ..........,.., V'ooi V. ....'.. 'ooi.......,-... @ SEP-05-2001 16:51 I believe that if it is determined that this structure is encroaching the front setback then the builder should be required to satisfy the violation and remove that portion of the garage which violates the setback requirement!;i of the city. He will need a State of Florida Engineer to prepare and seal drawings to show the alterations to the originally submitted and approved plans required correcting this situation. The City of Winter Springs Building Division will provide any assistance needed to expedite the process. . Page 2 P.16 @ / 42 '. 7 Lot 11 The ~rve At T uscawilla Heidenescher Homes Inc. 1250 s. Hwy. 17-92 Suite 210 Longwood, FL. 32750 (407) 834- 8500 ... o ,- 0, Scale: 1'= 50' -0" en la- g Ii- IZ'ZZZlI Public SIdewalk c: IIIII8m CUrb ::l " 12 41 10 8 9 @ . Heidenescher Homes Inc, 1250 S. Hwy. 17-92 Suite 210 Longwood, FL. 32750 (407) 834-8500 Scale: 1'=30'-0" 15.41 I I I o.kt I I I I I I I I I I I I 120 _OD Setback Line I I I I I I I I I I I ar1 ::: I .,',','. I ............................ I ............................. ............................ ............ ............................. ...................................................... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::X:: I )::::r?::rr::::?:(:{:??::t?trr::??:::{t:::{:t. I \~t~tt{t~t~ttt{{{~~:~:}}~{{:~~ttttttt~~ 3,011 SF (Total Shaded Area) + 75.41 (Width Of Shaded Area) = 39,89 (Avg. Front Setback) -,-,-,-'-' '- - ........... Square Footage Of Violation % Of Total " Garage/Column Area = 41 SF .6% Garage Area = 20 SF .3% 1)t:;:l,;C I V CU SEP-05-2001 @ ,-,.n,:;,,,,, Vv WED 10:30 AM FROM:CHHROPRACTIC ONE -- FAX:4075181704 ".n~ D~I~':DIM!'eM!R MOM!! !..-e.-el 83'38.. fro" .81IS,tSI3..a77.,eL55 PlAT Of SURVtY rQt flEfDi!.NISCHBR HOllin, INC. L!Qal O;lcrlpticn n ~l.t tMereo1 II re.orded in 'OT 11 R~SERVe AT TUSCAWX~LA PnASE I-A, le~or~in9 ~~ ~ft Sem\~oll Coynty, ~~or\de, Plat a~ok '8, ~ag'l 99 a~d 100, of the P~bl e leor To WhOlllll May CoIIllClI'lIl :h · III lewod uclllodel1U1tcl tbt /reat itJ tba Q1flltl' or Lot @ Tbe lbMn't of T~ · "" ~~::~0lI u II has 'oeID 1111"*. TlIIt \j utbacll. vlolatloD M't e hOllM 011 Lot 11 @ Tilt ...alerve IUI I't Is. 110 rablam Qt 01> a ~r Ille IDd ooQtmlnd Ihot till 'fl'llotllre bel, .. 0 Oq.~- I lid 'PI.... " ~~~~ '!'. t2>Da.C> , i i i i I Ii . I ~ ' ~8' :"~J::j ~-~ II II II 012...1 \ 'I FOlINO IIlQlj II W 1073,) 12 ID'~t o ~.. ~i 8.~ ----\ \ ~ 11 \ \ \ \ -I !/l?,J i.~ "G..~ lj ~;: i .... '-l ~ A O.4!'3~'07 ~"'2 ,00' L-2;I.1S' O;;;IJ:~!'S'" R...~O,OO\ 't' 2,0" I I i I I I . SUP/liE\' NOTtsr ' " Th' [treat aedran of the .Dave dee4"~bed prop.rty It 122 CH!U\' CRUll: CXRCI.C. 2, Tilt DOve c1..a~ibed jill'Oll8rlY ,~les in I nocd lcnG A, I!, " )( SUAVEYQR'5 Ct~TIrlCATt Tllh ~. ~D C1ar\~'y that 1 II11V. IIlillll I SU:V'y Ilr tht atloVt d.lRrU!ed ~CIlIVty el"Q ~t t.ha P,.t hKWI dalLnoatld l.a 11\ ..=Int. ..,...,teUO'l or till _. I 'wrtilar clfr'Uy that tI'I1a SurIII)' lIlll'tI tl'Ie ~ TIIllMlClU 8tenduda r fllrUl by ihtr P'lort~ IlOallt 0' ~e,.,d SuN.YDrI DUtlllaM eo Stothr, 427.021 0' tM Fl.oIu. ...tuNt. teal o&trl'1!IMll.. \.1 NJ ---"'UTlI.lTV ,.. Be'55 07" ! \72.\a 10 SCALE: 1 "=30' o. ~ .'~4' OONC, IIION, ~ ~a T 1'0, DllttlORT II. . IVtllOJI I.. ~ to>UAIC ~rWl CalPllIU nt1II CtLi AllAN'l'IC T%TI.l HtJ~ HalD. %~. I ol.a, , . R. ~AIR KITNER ~ P.L.S. NO, ~3S2 ~m amn DIl.iI $%3, !Wllld, Pl. ~.ca23 (4ll'P) :in-taXI SUIWIt'f OATIl to ~ie. eOOI "AG"" 2 t r~ , 2 l1 fi i al nc:l.,..:C: I V c:u vctJ ~ VV 'V I 'VL. V ,,.....111 I I VIII U I v--.':"OVL....-h." 09/06/2001 THU 14;34 FAX 8134902445 RICHLA~~ ~002/00~3 @ CCfJ:) RICHLAND INVESTM1:.NTS,l.lc September 6, 200 1 City of Winter Springs John Bakert Current Planner 1126 E. ST. RD 434 Winter Springst Florida 32708 Rc: Lot No. 11 136 Cherry Creek Circle To Whom It May Concern: This letter is written to address the existing encroachment into the front yard setback on the referenced lot and as depicted on the attached sketch, Richland Tuscawilla Ltd. has previously gTanted a variance that was required under the CC&R's to 22', Consequently, a reduction in the setback to 17.37' would not be supported if the construction of the structure were not in such an advanced phase when the encroachment was discovered. In light of the situation, it is believed that a modification to the structure at this time would be detrimental to the aesthetics' and consequently the value of the home and surrounding properties, Additionally, it is also believed that this encroachment was the result of an honest, yet unfortunate mistake. In summary, in its capacity as Architectural Review Board and as an adjacent lot ownett Richland Tuscawilla Ltd, does not obiect to the city of Winter Springs granting a variance to the required setback to remove the encroachment. Howevert it must be noted that this position is based on the obvious hardship presented and is no way creates precedence for future setback reductions within The Reserve at Tuscawilla. Sincerely, ~S' J. Curt Wilkinson Vice President, Development ~ - JCW:de Attaclunent( s) TWO URBAN CI;NTRI; . 4690 W. KENNEDY BLVO.' SUliE 850 . TAMPA. FLORIDA 33~9.1ae3' 8131286.4140. FAX 8131288.4130 ,",e~e I veu 0t::fJ~lUJ-IU I IU". LlUfJlIl II VIII 4tJI JUU ()41()'U' IIL..l.LlLI'L0vIILI\ IIVIVILv I-'a~t:: Sep-05-0l 13:44 Tuscawilla Realty @ 407 366 0400 P.Ol ~ - )O(,~ ~I'I'"'' ''.~I'IHl.-\I1.~(!III: 1111 '., ;'-";11 ,.: "'I'HIN(.S. FI.\17m~ RESlDE"lTlAl RIAl. ESTATE, IN( . 1\\ is .,Ii) (><Jh-llllOO r,\x .(17) (l<lh-717<J ,'I' I'!(I'I' 1<<1\1) <19~HHH2 VIA FAX Date: September 5, 2001 To: Ric Heidenescher (407-H34-9315) From: Alec String RE: Lot 11, The Reserve at T uscawilla As the Director of New Homes for Coldwell Banker, I do not feel that the positioning of the home on Lot 11 in The Reserve at TlIscawilla will adversely effect the marketing efforts for the rest of the creek front lots or take away from the salability of these lots as well as the homes throughout the community, If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at (407) 69t).ROOO, Ext. 170. /"l ) J. ~ (jeltt t. \j;!;/.-' '~, Alec E. Stnng , Director of New Homes Indeoendenlly OWflP( /,l1tl Operated By rmT Inc:orporaled. PLAT OF SURVEY for HEIDENESCHER HOMES, INC. Legal Description LOT 11, RESERVE AT TUSCAWILLA PHASE 1-A, according to the PLat thereof as PLat Book 58, Pages 99 and 100, of the PubLic Records of SeminoLe County, To Whom It May Concern: As the owner of Lot ~ @ The Reserve of Tuscawilla, I have reviewed and understand the front set ack violation the house on Lot II @ The Reserve @ Tuscawilla as it has been built. This is not a problem obj cti~'l for me an~,.rec~~end that the structure be lef\aS ir' (7. (T~. C; 4_61 date @ 11 rec orded 1 n FLorida. o W I- o 2 (.f) c::( W ....J c:::: U (.f) DAJ-..lIE(~ L. 021\.t.4 print owner's name I i i i l..\..! ~ 9 CO ~ <;j- i '. ~ 1'00. UJ <;j- 0 N 1/1 'n~ v;~~CX Ii II r;? Y OO:::....J I j i , j j. $ o I (/)J / ;' 0=48'32'07" R= 25.00' L=21.18' 0=13'45'57" R=50.00' L=12.01' 12 FOUND IRON &. CAP #6723 SET IRON &. CAP #3382 (j) o bd o -1>-. OUl - VJ. N 88'55'07" E 160.00' o 5' UTlllTY EASEMENT ___________________ ----- ------- ---- -------------- -... ...-- -- --- -- ;... -_...... ----- --- --... ------- --- - -- -- " ~ \ 37.50 \ , , I I , I 1 , I I 1 I 1 \ , , I , 11\ I , , , I I 1 , I " , I 1 , I .. s. 41. 28.00' N O. -\ 7J )/ () -\ fT1 o ;lJ ~ Z J> Cl r" r" J> l/l ~ ;: ~ z .... , I , I I I I I I , I I I I I ,.. 01 q N !J' 01 (J1 FF=20.74 ~ ~ ~ 6.20 I I I , 'N :~ ~ ~ 41.05' 13.50 , \ I I , I \ 1 \ ~, \ \~L.O SP-"~~ ~1r-.lF- _ \ -----------.-'~ - ------------ ------- -- ----- ----5~ -lj TILiiY-EASEMENT---------- --- ~----- -- -- ----- - -- - -) .. SET IRON & N 88'55'07" E 172.16' \ CAP #3382 I 1 , I , I I I , I I SET IRON &. CAP #3382 1 0 SCALE: 1 "=30' 0- FOUND 4"X4. CONC. MON. #5633 SURVEY NOTES: 1, The street address of the above described property is 122 CHERRY CREEK CIRCLE. 2, The above described property Lies in a FLood Zone A, E, & X SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This is to certify that I have made a Survey of the above described property and that the plat hereon delineated is an accurate representation of the same. I further certify that this Survey meets the Minirrun Technical Standards set forth by the Florida Board of Land Surveyors pursuant to Section 427.027 of the Florida Statutes. REVISIONS: RLVI~W FOR FOuND4TIO~: 17 IYIAV 2001 Rl'iURVt'{cD ~ Ii?E:VI'i€D: 1(Q A\)~ 2001 CERTIFIED CORRECT TO: GREGORY P. & MAGGIE L, GOODENBURY HOMEBANC MORTGAGE CORPORATION GULF ATLANTIC TITLE HEIDENESCHER HOMES, INC. R. Post Office Dox 82J, S~nrord, Fl. (407) 322-2000 SURVEY DATE: 20 ~EB. 2001 PROJECT NO: 01.8'1