HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 02 11 Consent 206 Approval of the City Commission Special Meeting Minutes of January 17, 2008
JANUARY 17,2008
The Special Meeting of Thursday, January 17, 2008 of the City Commission was called
to Order by Mayor John F. Bush at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the
Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida
Roll Call:
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor Donald A. Gilmore, present
Commissioner Robert S. Miller, present
Commissioner Rick Brown, present
Commissioner Sally McGinnis, present
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, arrived at 8:53 p.m.
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, arrived at 6:37 p.m.
A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
600. Community Development Department - Planning Division
Requests That The City Commission Remove The Draft Evaluation And Appraisal
Report (EAR) From The Table, And Hear The Recommendations Of The Local
Planning Agency, Related To The City's List Of Major Issues In The Draft EAR
(Evaluation And Appraisal Report).
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese arrived at 6:37 p.m.
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Local Planning Agency
Roll Call:
Chairman Robert L. Heatwole, present
Vice Chairman Charles Lacey, present
Board Member Tom Brown, present
Board Member Rosanne Karr, present
Board Member William H. Poe, present
Local Planning Agency Advisory Board Member William H. Poe said, "The first one,
'Population, Housing Density and Greenspace' , number [Recommendations] 1.
originally, it read 7 stories in the Town Center. After we discussed that, number 7. was
removed and it was replaced with 6. When we go back to review what the Zoning laws
are and what the Comprehensive Plan indicates, 6 has always been the stories that has
been written. Why 7 was there, I am not sure. But, 7 has been removed. The only way
that they can even come up to 6 is if they give us some conservation lands back."
Discussion continued on building heights in the Town Center.
Ms. Eloise Sahlstrom, AICP, ASLA, Senior Planner, Community Development
Department addressed the City Commission and stated, "We are talking about the revised
recommendations for the Board, which now says 6." Discussion.
Continuing, Ms. Sahlstrom stated, "The Code for the Town Center allows a maximum of
4 stories. The Comprehensive Plan allows a maximum of 6 stories. What that means is
that you have discretion if you want to, in a Development Agreement, allow more than 4
stories. You can't allow it without some kind of Development Agreement. But, through
a Development Agreement, you can allow up to 6 stories in certain instances. What this
recommendation is saying, however, is that to go between 4 stories and 6 stories, one of
the Criteria would be preservation of significant greenspace, whatever that means. That
hasn't been defined."
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs said, "My answer is 'Yes'." Commissioner Sally
McGinnis said, "The rationale for height would be the trade off to preserve greenspace."
Commissioner McGinnis added, "We have talked about that before. That is exactly what
we are working towards, so 'Yes', absolutely."
Discussion on greenspace continued.
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Ms Sahlstrom noted, "After tonight would you want this to come back as a Public
Hearings before it goes to DCA (Department for Community Affairs) for a courtesy
review? You don't have to answer that now."
Commissioner Krebs said, "I am 'okay' with leaving it at the height at 4 [stories], but the
ability to go to 6 depending on credits earned for something; using those as credits earned
for those 2 stories."
Further discussion.
Deputy Mayor Donald A. Gilmore said, "Wetlands, I do not believe are allowed to be
used for any recreational. In fact, you will fight the environmental people in the St. Johns
[River Water Management District] even cutting a trail through them."
Mr. Brian Fields, P.E., City Engineer, Public Works Department said, "To add
greenspace outside the Town Center would set a maximum allowable impervious area.
And what that would do is set aside certain parts of sites as greenspace. It also provides
an incentive for developers to do some more innovative environmentally friendly
development things like green roofs and things like that. There are different ways to
achieve that greenspace and it's also very stormwater conscious. So, you could look at
that outside the Town Center, say maybe sixty percent (60%) maximum impervious
unless otherwise approved by the Commission and that would be one step, I think to
balance that."
Mayor Bush asked, "What do you think of that?" Commissioner Krebs said, "I like that
idea." Commissioner McGinnis noted, "Yes."
Further discussion.
Mayor Bush said, On [Recommendations] 1., I think there is Consensus between the -
Committee and the Commission, that at some point, somehow we want to get the
greenspace issue into the Comp[rehensive] Plan. Now maybe this is the right place to do
it or maybe it isn't and I think maybe the Staff can work on with Brian's (Fields)
suggestion to accomplish what everybody wants here."
With further discussion on building heights, Mayor Bush said, "Okay - change from 7 to
6." Commissioner McGinnis noted, "Okay." Local Planning Agency Chairman Robert
L. Heatwole remarked, "Right, we did do that."
Regarding [Recommendations] 2., Local Planning Agency Chairman Heatwole
remarked, "Initially in the book, just says 'CRA' (Community Redevelopment Area) and
we have asked that that 'CRA' - they put beside it, 'Community Redevelopment Area',
so somebody reading the book that is not familiar with the abbreviation, would know
what we are talking about in the development."
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Mayor Bush said, "Good idea." Commissioner Krebs commented, "Okay."
Commissioner McGinnis said, "Good." Mayor Bush stated, "I think everybody agrees
with that." Commissioner Krebs added, "Yes."
Local Planning Agency Chairman Heatwole said, "[Recommendations] 3., there were no
changes from what was in the book." Local Planning Agency Chairman Heatwole then
suggested, "This [Recommendations] 3. may help a little bit with [Recommendations] 1.;
I think - add a Policy that would allow multi-family housing in commercially zoned areas
contingent upon the provision of greenspace mitigation elsewhere and that would be
similar to transfer of the development rights program - that would still help us get
greenspace. "
Mayor Bush asked, "Commissioners, is everybody okay with that one?" Commissioner
McGinnis commented, "Yes." There were no objections voiced.
Mayor Bush then inquired, "Any questions on [Recommendations] 4., Commissioners?"
Commissioner McGinnis responded, "No." There were no objections.
With discussion of [Recommendations] 5., Commissioner McGinnis said, "Looks good.
Fine." Local Planning Agency Chairman Heatwole said, "That's wildlife protection, and
that calls for the City to coordinate further with the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection to enhance wildlife protection efforts." Mayor Bush asked, "Is that stated
strong enough?" Discussion.
Commissioner McGinnis remarked, "I am comfortable with that." Mayor Bush asked,
"Commissioners, okay with that one?" Commissioner McGinnis said, "Yes." There
were no objections voiced.
Ms. Sahlstrom then spoke of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report and stated, "Once it is
approved the DCA (Department Community Affairs), the process is to amend the
Comp[rehensive] Plan." Ms. Sahlstrom added, "But certainly when we're amending the
Comp[rehensive] Plan, which we have eighteen (18) months after the State finds the EAR
(Evaluation And Appraisal Report) to be in Compliance, to go through and do all the
word smithing. So, we don't have to do word smithing to the detail that we will need to
do two (2) years from now."
Deputy Mayor Gilmore spoke of "Greens" and "LEED (Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design) Certified" and noted, "I just want to make sure we put that in that
we would encourage people to do that. But when we start taking requirements, that
would be a precautionary thing at that point."
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Ms. Sahlstrom commented, "The first submittal is just a courtesy review - of the EAR
(Evaluation and Appraisal Report). And then - we will have our actual Transmittal
Hearings and submit our final EAR (Evaluation and Appraisal Report) for a First
Reading and then they review and then we do that for our Second Reading and Adoption.
Then we go through the Comp[ rehensive] Plan based Amendments - we will have an
eighteen (IS) month cycle."
With further discussion on 'Green roofs', Ms. Sahlstrom asked, "Do you want Policies
relating to these things... Deputy Mayor Gilmore noted, ".. .My suggestion would be
that you use the term 'Green Buildings'." Commissioner McGinnis said, "I would like
that...." Deputy Mayor Gilmore stated, "... Not green roofs?" Ms. Sahlstrom inquired,
"What about LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Certified?"
Deputy Mayor Gilmore said, "I have no problem with LEED (Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design) Certified, because 1 have seen some of it."
Further discussion followed on the definitions.
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Mayor Bush said, "The Commission feels at this point, as written is okay?"
Commissioner McGinnis stated, "I do." Local Planning Agency Advisory Board
Member Rosanne Karr asked, "With the spelling out?" Commissioner Krebs remarked,
"Yes." Mayor Bush responded, "Yes." No objections were voiced.
Discussion ensued on urban sprawl and density.
Commissioner Rick Brown noted, "I have reached out to [Seminole County]
Commissioner [Bob] Dallari a couple of weeks ago and we were successful in getting
him to agree to come to a presentation on the SEED (Seminole Enhanced Economic
District) program at the next Commission Meeting; he is on the Regular Agenda and he
will be talking about the SEED (Seminole Enhanced Economic District) program which
is their revised version of what used to be called the Brownfield." Commissioner Brown
added, "He has even suggested putting the whole Town Center Phase II under a SEED
(Seminole Enhanced Economic District) and Brownfield designation just so we can give
the economic incentives to these folks through no cost of ours to come in and be able to
start developing that. So, we should have some good information on that on the 2Sth
(January 200S)."
Mayor Bush asked Ms. Sahlstrom, "All this discussion that we have had - where are you
going to put that?" Ms. Sahlstrom said, "We will keep your comments in mind and see if
something needs to be changed, and as it comes back again before you, we will make
sure it meets your qualifications." Mayor Bush said, "Okay. Your Committee - okay
with that?" Local Planning Agency Chairman Heatwole responded, "Yes."
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Next, Deputy Mayor Gilmore mentioned the issue of Accessory Dwelling Units;
Commissioner McGinnis commented on the need to address Housing diversity; and
Commissioner Krebs suggested the need for a Policy.
Commissioner Robert S. Miller stated, "Is there a similar Policy that will be introduced
for the rest of the City? Will it approve these units also on a conditional basis in
Tuscawilla?" Commissioner Brown stated, "I would like to see it City-wide."
Commissioner McGinnis noted, "Yes." Commissioner Miller remarked, "If it is not
City-wide, I would like to see it changed." Furthermore, Commissioner Miller noted,
"This is on the west side."
Mayor Bush asked, "What are we going to do with [Recommendations] 7.? Leave it the
way it is?" Commissioner McGinnis said, "Leave it like it is," Commissioner Brown
stated, "Leave it as it is."
Local Planning Agency Vice Chairman Charles Lacey stated, "[Recommendations] 8.,
we just cleaned up the language. If you look at the original language, it was a case of
excess verbiage causing confusion rather than clarifying the issue."
Next, Local Planning Agency Vice Chairman Lacey remarked, "We didn't have any
further changes to the rest of this - on Major Issue 2."
On Major Issue 3, Local Planning Agency Vice Chairman Lacey said, "I don't think we
had significant changes to anything. We had a typographical correction on number
[Recommendations] 6., where it said' Density' and meant to say' Intensity'."
Regarding Major Issue 4, Local Planning Agency Vice Chairman Lacey stated that
regarding [Recommendations] 1. and "'Level of Service', we just asked for some
clarifying language on that to talk about what was intended."
Mr. Fields remarked, "I recommend changing not the intent but the way it's worded and
what I have on the board here is what I would recommend." Mr. Fields said, "There are
two (2) different Elements here. One is the 'Level of Service' which is the measure of
the quality of service on [State Road] 434 - 'A' through 'F'. 'A' being free flow - 'F' is
total gridlock. We don't want to ask to change the Level of Service that's adopted on
[State Road] 434. It's 'D' now. It's State policy. It's in our Comp[rehensive] Plan
Policy. I don't think we want to ask for an 'E'."
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Continuing, Mr. Fields then said, "What we do want to ask for is to change the roadway
'Class'. 'Class' is based on the density of traffic signals. In the Town Center, we have
three (3) signals in less than a mile. By increasing the 'Class' on [State Road] 434, it gets
us to where there is typically a lower posted speed in the higher the class. More signals,
generally lead to lower speeds. So, our Policy Recommendation is to recommend
changing the 'Class' based on the existing conditions that are really out there today, to
add to what is a long term effort to lower the speed on [State Road] 434 and this is just
one more component of that."
Mayor Bush asked, "Do you agree with Brian (Fields)?" Local Planning Agency Vice
Chairman Lacey said, "We have only had a chance to review it since we came in this
evening so 1 don't know if we have a Consensus. But, I will voice my opinion that I do."
Local Planning Agency Chairman Heatwole stated, "I do." Local Planning Agency
Advisory Board Member Poe commented, "I do as well." No objections were noted.
Mayor Bush said, "Brian's Recommendation on number [Recommendations] I.?" Local
Planning Agency Member Tom Brown noted, "I agree with it." There was no objections
voiced. Mayor Bush then asked, "Commissioners, you are okay with that - Brian's
(Fields) Recommendation?" No objections were noted.
Local Planning Agency Vice Chairman Lacey remarked, "We had no suggested changes
to items [Recommendations] 2. through [Recommendations] 4." Mayor Bush asked the
City Commission, "Questions on [Recommendations] 2. through [Recommendations]
4.?" No comments were voiced.
Referring to Recommendations 5., Local Planning Agency Chairman Lacey said, "We
took out some language that seemed to be a little bit too constraining. The general goal
here was to provide a non-motorized vehicle path from the Town Center to the
SeminoleW A Y GreeneWay Interchange District. And, there is language in the old one
that talked about a specific route that would go along the north side of [State Road] 434
to facilitate that and we agreed with the goals but we didn't think we should specify that
particular approach as one contemplated scenario even though it might not seem cost
effective, it might be a reasonable alternative to have a bridge going over [State Road]
434] that would connect the work area in the SeminoleW A Y, the GID (GreeneWay
Interchange District) back to the neighborhoods in Tuscawilla to provide an easy access
for commutes. So we wanted to open up the possibilities down the road as that gets
developed and we're not constrained to a specific answer." Mayor Bush asked, "It is a
good idea - Commissioners, are you okay with that one?" Commissioner McGinnis said,
"Yes. "
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Local Planning Agency Chairman Lacey said, "On [Recommendations] 6., we just struck
some language that talked about some jurisdictional transfer of State Road 434 to the
City. No one thought that was a good idea. And number [Recommendations] 7. deals
with four (4) laning or widening of [State Road] 434 beyond where it is and what
constraints we would want to put on where that widening would take place."
With discussion, Mayor Bush asked, "And where would you say widening would be
appropriate?" Local Planning Agency Vice Chairman Lacey said, "From Vistawilla
[Road] east to [State Road] 417, and then I believe there is another item down the road
that talks about widening further east of [State Road] 417 towards Oviedo."
Mr. Fields spoke of concerns with a two (2) lane segment and suggested, "My opinion
long-term, is they should four (4) lane the segment from [State Road] 417 to [State Road]
426." With further comments, Mr. Fields noted, "It's a problem today - we probably
need to get with the City of Oviedo and see where they are on it." Mayor Bush
suggested, "Maybe this just - needs to be brought to the attention of the MetroPlan
Advisory [Committee] and the Board itself. I am on that Board, so I'll bring it up next
time we have a Meeting."
Further discussion.
Local Planning Agency Vice Chairman Lacey said, "The remainder of this section, we
did not make any changes to the rest of the items except to add a new bullet number
[Recommendations] 10., which is referring what we talked to and that is the widening
east of [State Road] 417 through the GID (Greene Way Interchange District)."
Additionally, Local Planning Agency Chairman Lacey said, "Under Major Issue 5, other
than in the original document there was a skipped number, so we went back to sequential
numbering. We didn't make any other changes to Major Issue 5."
Mayor Bush asked, "Questions on [Major Issue] 5 Commissioners?" Commissioner
McGinnis said, "No." Deputy Mayor Gilmore said, "We are encouraging housing in
these areas and I am not sure we want to do that. I have a concern, a major concern about
it. "
Discussion ensued on Recommendations 3.
Tape 2/Side A
Commissioner Miller left the Commission Chambers at 8:14 p.m.
Commissioner Miller returned to the Commission Chambers at 8: 17 p. m.
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Local Planning Agency Vice Chairman Lacey remarked, "We are on to Major Issue 6
and we made no changes to items [Recommendations] 1. through [Recommendations] 4.
and just some minor expansion of terms on number [Recommendations] 5." Mayor Bush
asked the City Commission, "Any questions on [Recommendations] 1. through
[Recommendations] 4.?"
Local Planning Agency Advisory Board Member Poe said, "We wanted to provide Staff
an opportunity to clean up the language on [Recommendations] 6., and you might note
that there are still some question marks there because we have not had an opportunity to
meet with it."
With further discussion, Local Planning Agency Advisory Board Member Poe stated, "I
tried to determine since we had our Meeting, what the percentage is normally granted
either in square footage or number of units for Affordable Housing and I can find no
consistent number that is used anywhere."
Mayor Bush asked Ms. Sahlstrom, "Do you have any insight into that particular item?"
Ms. Sahlstrom said, "I looked up to see if there were some examples and it ranged in
percentage with kind of an average range being ten to twenty-five percent (10-25%). So,
in some cases, maybe as low as five percent (5%), but ten to twenty-five [percent] (10-
25%) was the more common of the ranges and whether this is written in a way that - you
would like to see, but we felt that rather than making it fairly open and general as it had
been, that it would be better to put some numbers with it and depending on whether we
can get Consensus from everybody on those numbers. If not, then maybe we'll go back
to just saying a certain number and leave it to further discussion - until we can put
something that people do have Consensus on."
Commissioner McGinnis asked, "When you tried to get standards of percent - where did
you go to look for that?" Ms. Sahlstrom said, "I looked in a document that Randy
(Stevenson, AICP, ASLA, Director, Community Development Department) had gotten
from one of his workshops that he attended and it was talking about inclusionary
Zoning. "
Commissioner McGinnis said, "I think ten percent (10%) is low." Commissioner Brown
noted, "My concern was that we were looking at Commercial and not Mixed Use. I fully
support it in Mixed Use..." Ms. Sahlstrom remarked, ".. . And it could be changed to say
Mixed Use, if you feel that that's not the appropriate wording." Deputy Mayor Gilmore
commented, "I think Commissioner Brown brought the subject up and it is good."
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Mayor Bush asked, "Does the Commission have a recommendation on the percentage?"
Additionally, Mayor Bush inquired, "Would you want to just put a range in there?"
Commissioner McGinnis stated, "No lower than ten (10) but not to exceed twenty-five
(25)." Mayor Bush asked, "Everybody in agreement with that?" Local Planning Agency
Vice Chairman Lacey stated, "I am speaking for myself. I am not. I think that is too high
a number."
Discussion ensued on Affordable Housing and a gated community that the City of St.
Cloud is building for their teachers.
On the issue of Workforce Housing, Mayor Bush spoke on some partially completed
projects such as Harbor Winds and suggested that the City could step in and help with
such. Commissioner Miller recommended that Mayor Bush assist with this effort.
Further discussion.
Mayor Bush said, "I would recommend Commissioners - [Recommendations] 6. be
looked at and maybe - a little differently than what we have just said because I think that
there are some good points all the way around and we do need to do something about it."
Local Planning Agency Advisory Board Member Karr said, "Maybe we should leave
[Recommendations] 6. in, but took out the specifics, like' With more than 200 units' and
just say 'Requires residential projects to include a certain percentage of workforce
housing units' and encourage Developers of large projects in the Town Center." Mayor
Bush said, "I think that is a good idea because - the density is always an issue with
Developers." Mayor Bush added, "So - that can be done now and I think what Rosanne
(Karr) is recommending would cover that. What do you think?" Discussion.
Ms. Sahlstrom asked, "Do you want to have this as a Public Hearing Item before it goes
to DCA (Department of Community Affairs) for a courtesy review?" Mayor Bush said,
"I don't see any reason not to have it." Ms. Sahlstrom then said, "So, we will have a
Public Hearings Agenda Item on January 2Sth [200S]." Mayor Bush asked, "Is everybody
happy with that?" Commissioner McGinnis said, "That is fine."
Commissioner Brown said, "Nice job, Eloise [Sahlsrom]." Mayor Bush added, "Thank
you Committee." Commissioner McGinnis added, "Good job."
This portion of the Agenda Item was adjourned.
Mayor Bush called a Recess at 8:37 p.m.
The Special Meeting was called back to Order at 8:53 p.m.
City Manager Ronald W McLemore arrived at 8:53 p.m.
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In other City business, Manager McLemore commented on the upcoming Scottish
Highland Games and the possible inclement weather. With discussion, Mayor Bush
stated, "I think we should go ahead with it."
Next, Manager McLemore commented that he would be out of town on Saturday.
601. Office Of The City Manager
Discussion On Fire Assessment Fees.
Manager McLemore introduced this Agenda Item for discussion on proposed Fire
Assessment Fees.
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On the issue of mobile homes and Fire Assessment Fees, Manager McLemore said, "I
can even email it to you as soon as we get it."
Further discussion continued.
Commissioner Brown asked Manager McLemore about buying a Fire Truck as a one (1)
time expense as opposed to a lease? Manager McLemore explained, "There is nothing
being assessed for that truck in this scheme - other than just buying it out of reserves and
cash. You could assign that cost - you could buy it over time and assign that debt flow
back to the assessment side if you wanted to. It will pop that number up a little bit."
Mayor Bush added, "I think what the Commissioner was saying is that the two hundred
and eight thousand [dollars] ($208,000.00) doesn't have to be a one (1) time cost, it could
be spread out over as a lease payment - but it would be two hundred and eight thousand
[dollars] ($208,000.00)7" Manager McLemore stated, "No."
Further discussion.
Deputy Mayor Gilmore asked, "I was wondering - the term 'Mobile home' versus
'Manufactured home'. Is there a difference?" Deputy Mayor Gilmore added, "A pure
'Mobile home' is a lot smaller in size than a 'Manufactured home'. Some of these
manufactured homes are the equivalent of a good residential unit or even apartments."
Manager McLemore said, "I can ask that question. I don't know if that's been looked at;
if they treat them the same way. We will ask that question."
Discussion continued.
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Commissioner Brown asked, "What do you need to do to put some hard numbers around
this?" Manager McLemore stated, "Weare already doing it." Commissioner Brown then
said, "By what Meeting or before the Second Reading?" Manager McLemore said, "As
soon as we get those numbers down, we'll email them to you."
Commissioner Krebs asked, "We don't have to set a Fee right now anyway?" Manager
McLemore said, "No. You don't have to set a Fee until your Final Rate Resolution - you
have to set it, but the Final one is going to be the one."
Mayor Bush said, "That is on the 28th [January 2008]." Mr. Kevin Smith, Director,
General Services Department noted, "The 28th of January is your initial Resolution.
February 25th [2008] after notices go out to property owners that's the Final, February
25th [2008] - as it stands right now."
With further discussion, Mayor Bush asked the City Commission, "Do you want to
provide direction to the Manager on this?" Commissioner Brown said, "Proceed."
Mayor Bush asked, "Do you think it is a good plan?" Commissioner McGinnis said,
Further discussion.
Commissioner Krebs asked if the Tax Assessment is tax-deductible? Manager
McLemore responded, "The simple answer is talk to your Tax Consultant."
Discussion ensued on other City business.
Mayor Bush congratulated the City Commission on being awarded the attendance trophy
for at the Tri-County League of Cities monthly luncheon.
Manager McLemore brought up possible dates for the Dedication Ceremony for the Fire
Station in memory of former Fire Chief Timothy J. Lallathin. Manager McLemore stated
that Pam Lallathin wanted to stay with Saturday, February 2nd, 2008 for this Ceremony.
Commissioner Krebs mentioned, "I will send her my apologies that I can't be there."
Mayor Bush added, "We need to accommodate her on this."
Discussion followed on having coffee for the City Commission, to which Commissioner
McGinnis remarked, "Why can't we have our City Clerk make a big pot of coffee in the
back, not fill the carafes, just make a pot of coffee and if we want it, we just go back and
get it." Commissioner Krebs added, "I am fine with it."
Commissioner Krebs said, "I won't be here on the 28th [January 2008] - it has been a
long-planned family Christmas present." Commissioner Krebs added, "I just wanted the
Commission to know that that is why I am not here."
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With further comments on the Fire Station Dedication Ceremony, Manager McLemore
suggested the Ceremony may need to be held in the morning. Mayor Bush added,
"Whenever she wants to do it, is when we will do it." Commissioner McGinnis noted,
"We will work around her schedule."
Mayor Bush then said, "We had two (2) Commissioners say to have the Clerk make a pot
of coffee in the back. Mr. Gilmore, where do you stand on this?" Deputy Mayor
Gilmore said, "Go ahead." Commissioner Miller stated, "Aye." No objections were
noted. Mayor Bush added, "And make it regular coffee, not decaf." Commissioner
Krebs noted, "Stryofoam" cups.
Mayor Bush adjourned the Special Meeting at 9:44 p.m.
NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the
, 2008 Regular City Commission Meeting.
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JANUARY 17, 2008
The Special Meeting of Thursday, January 17, 2008 of the City Commission was called
to Order by Mayor John F. Bush at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the
Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida
Roll Call:
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor Donald A. Gilmore, present
Commissioner Robert S. Miller, present
Commissioner Rick Brown, present
Commissioner Sally McGinnis, present
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs, present
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, arrived at 8:53 p.m.
City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, arrived at 6:37 p.m.
A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
600. Community Development Department -Planning Division
Requests That The City Commission Remove The Draft Evaluation And Appraisal
Report (EAR) From The Table, And Hear The Recommendations Of The Local
Planning Agency, Related To The City's List Of Major Issues In The Draft EAR
(Evaluation And Appraisal Report).
Ciry Attorney Anthony A. Garganese arrived at 6: 37 p. m.
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Local Planning Agency
Roll Call:
Chairman Robert L. Heatwole, present
Vice Chairman Charles Lacey, present
Board Member Tom Brown, present
Board Member Rosanne Karr, present
Board Member William H. Poe, present
Local Planning Agency Advisory Board Member William H. Poe said, "The first one,
`Population, Housing Density and Greenspace', number [Recommendations] 1.
originally, it read 7 stories in the Town Center. After we discussed that, number 7. was
removed and it was replaced with 6. When we go back to review what the Zoning laws
are and what the Comprehensive Plan indicates, 6 has always been the stories that has
been written. Why 7 was there, I am not sure. But, 7 has been removed. The only way
that they can even come up to 6 is if they give us some conservation lands back."
Discussion continued on building heights in the Town Center.
Ms. Eloise Sahlstrom, AICP, ASLA, Senior Planner, Community Development
Department addressed the City Commission and stated, "We are talking about the revised
recommendations for the Board, which now says 6." Discussion.
Continuing, Ms. Sahlstrom stated, "The Code for the Town Center allows a maximum of
4 stories. The Comprehensive Plan allows a maximum of 6 stories. What that means is
that you have discretion if you want to, in a Development Agreement, allow more than 4
stories. You can't allow it without some kind of Development Agreement. But, through
a Development Agreement, you can allow up to 6 stories in certain instances. What this
recommendation is saying, however, is that to go between 4 stories and 6 stories, one of
the Criteria would be preservation of significant greenspace, whatever that means. That
hasn't been defined."
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs said, "My answer is `Yes'." Commissioner Sally
McGinnis said, "The rationale for height would be the trade off to preserve greenspace."
Commissioner McGinnis added, "We have talked about that before. That is exactly what
we are working towards, so `Yes', absolutely."
Discussion on greenspace continued.
PAGE 3 OF 13
Ms Sahlstrom noted, "After tonight would you want this to come back as a Public
Hearings before it goes to DCA (Department for Community Affairs) for a courtesy
review? You don't have to answer that now."
Commissioner Krebs said, "I am `okay' with leaving it at the height at 4 [stories], but the
ability to go to 6 depending on credits earned for something; using those as credits earned
for those 2 stories."
Further discussion.
Deputy Mayor Donald A. Gilmore said, "Wetlands, I do not believe are allowed to be
used for any recreational. In fact, you will fight the environmental people in the St. Johns
[River Water Management District] even cutting a trail through them."
Mr. Brian Fields, P.E., City Engineer, Public Works Department said, "To add
greenspace outside the Town Center would set a maximum allowable impervious area.
And what that would do is set aside certain parts of sites as greenspace. It also provides
an incentive for developers to do some more innovative environmentally friendly
development things like green roofs and things like that. There are different ways to
achieve that greenspace and it's also very stormwater conscious. So, you could look at
that outside the Town Center, say maybe sixty percent (60%) maximum impervious
unless otherwise approved by the Commission and that would be one step, I think to
balance that."
Mayor Bush asked, "What do you think of that?" Commissioner Krebs said, "I like that
idea." Commissioner McGinnis noted, "Yes."
Further discussion.
Mayor Bush said, On [Recommendations] 1., I think there is Consensus between the -
Committee and the Commission, that at some point, somehow we want to get the
greenspace issue into the Comp[rehensive] Plan. Now maybe this is the right place to do
it or maybe it isn't and I think maybe the Staff can work on with Brian's (Fields)
suggestion to accomplish what everybody wants here."
With further discussion on building heights, Mayor Bush said, "Okay -change from 7 to
6." Commissioner McGinnis noted, "Okay." Local Planning Agency Chairman Robert
L. Heatwole remarked, "Right, we did do that."
Regarding [Recommendations] 2., Local Planning Agency Chairman Heatwole
remarked, "Initially in the book, just says `CRA' (Community Redevelopment Area) and
we have asked that that `CRA' -they put beside it, `Community Redevelopment Area',
so somebody reading the book that is not familiar with the abbreviation, would know
what we are talking about in the development."
PAGE 4 OF 13
Mayor Bush said, "Good idea." Commissioner Krebs commented, "Okay."
Commissioner McGinnis said, "Good." Mayor Bush stated, "I think everybody agrees
with that." Commissioner Krebs added, "Yes."
Local Planning Agency Chairman Heatwole said, "[Recommendations] 3., there were no
changes from what was in the book." Local Planning Agency Chairman Heatwole then
suggested, "This [Recommendations] 3. may help a little bit with [Recommendations] 1.;
I think - add a Policy that would allow multi-family housing in commercially zoned areas
contingent upon the provision of greenspace mitigation elsewhere and that would be
similar to transfer of the development rights program -that would still help us get
Mayor Bush asked, "Commissioners, is everybody okay with that one?" Commissioner
McGinnis commented, "Yes." There were no objections voiced.
Mayor Bush then inquired, "Any questions on [Recommendations] 4., Commissioners?"
Commissioner McGinnis responded, "No." There were no objections.
With discussion of [Recommendations] 5., Commissioner McGinnis said, "Looks good.
Fine." Local Planning Agency Chairman Heatwole said, "That's wildlife protection, and
that calls for the City to coordinate further with the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection to enhance wildlife protection efforts." Mayor Bush asked, "Is that stated
strong enough?" Discussion.
Commissioner McGinnis remarked, "I am comfortable with that." Mayor Bush asked,
"Commissioners, okay with that one?" Commissioner McGinnis said, "Yes." There
were no objections voiced.
Ms. Sahlstrom then spoke of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report and stated, "Once it is
approved the DCA (Department Community Affairs), the process is to amend the
Comp[rehensive] Plan." Ms. Sahlstrom added, "But certainly when we're amending the
Comp[rehensive] Plan, which we have eighteen (18) months after the State finds the EAR
(Evaluation And Appraisal Report) to be in Compliance, to go through and do all the
word smithing. So, we don't have to do word smithing to the detail that we will need to
do two (2) years from now."
Deputy Mayor Gilmore spoke of "Greens" and "LEED (Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design) Certified" and noted, "I just want to make sure we put that in that
we would encourage people to do that. But when we start taking requirements, that
would be a precautionary thing at that point."
PAGE 5 OF 13
Ms. Sahlstrom commented, "The first submittal is just a courtesy review - of the EAR
(Evaluation and Appraisal Report). And then - we will have our actual Transmittal
Hearings and submit our final EAR (Evaluation and Appraisal Report) for a First
Reading and then they review and then we do that for our Second Reading and Adoption.
Then we go through the Comp[rehensive] Plan based Amendments - we will have an
eighteen (18) month cycle."
With further discussion on `Green roofs', Ms. Sahlstrom asked, "Do you want Policies
relating to these things... Deputy Mayor Gilmore noted, "...My suggestion would be
that you use the term `Green Buildings'." Commissioner McGinnis said, "I would like
that...." Deputy Mayor Gilmore stated, "...Not green roofs?" Ms. Sahlstrom inquired,
"What about LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Certified?"
Deputy Mayor Gilmore said, "I have no problem with LEED (Leadership in Energy and
Environmental Design) Certified, because I have seen some of it."
Further discussion followed on the definitions.
Tape 1/Side B
Mayor Bush said, "The Commission feels at this point, as written is okay?"
Commissioner McGinnis stated, "I do." Local Planning Agency Advisory Board
Member Rosanne Karr asked, "With the spelling out?" Commissioner Krebs remarked,
"Yes." Mayor Bush responded, "Yes." No objections were voiced.
Discussion ensued on urban sprawl and density.
Commissioner Rick Brown noted, "I have reached out to [Seminole County]
Commissioner [Bob] Dallari a couple of weeks ago and we were successful in getting
him to agree to come to a presentation on the SEED (Seminole Enhanced Economic
District) program at the next Commission Meeting; he is on the Regular Agenda and he
will be talking about the SEED (Seminole Enhanced Economic District) program which
is their revised version of what used to be called the Brownfield." Commissioner Brown
added, "He has even suggested putting the whole Town Center Phase II under a SEED
(Seminole Enhanced Economic District) and Brownfield designation just so we can give
the economic incentives to these folks through no cost of ours to come in and be able to
start developing that. So, we should have some good information on that on the 28th
(January 2008)."
Mayor Bush asked Ms. Sahlstrom, "All this discussion that we have had -where are you
going to put that?" Ms. Sahlstrom said, "We will keep your comments in mind and see if
something needs to be changed, and as it comes back again before you, we will make
sure it meets your qualifications." Mayor Bush said, "Okay. Your Committee -okay
with that?" Local Planning Agency Chairman Heatwole responded, "Yes."
PAGE 6 OF l3
Next, Deputy Mayor Gilmore mentioned the issue of Accessory Dwelling Units;
Commissioner McGinnis commented on the need to address Housing diversity; and
Commissioner Krebs suggested the need for a Policy.
Commissioner Robert S. Miller stated, "Is there a similar Policy that will be introduced
for the rest of the City? Will it approve these units also on a conditional basis in
Tuscawilla?" Commissioner Brown stated, "I would like to see it City-wide."
Commissioner McGinnis noted, "Yes." Commissioner Miller remarked, "If it is not
City-wide, I would like to see it changed." Furthermore, Commissioner Miller noted,
"This is on the west side."
Mayor Bush asked, "What are we going to do with [Recommendations] 7.? Leave it the
way it is?" Commissioner McGinnis said, "Leave it like it is." Commissioner Brown
stated, "Leave it as it is."
Local Planning Agency Vice Chairman Charles Lacey stated, "[Recommendations] 8.,
we just cleaned up the language. If you look at the original language, it was a case of
excess verbiage causing confusion rather than clarifying the issue."
Next, Local Planning Agency Vice Chairman Lacey remarked, "We didn't have any
further changes to the rest of this - on Major Issue 2."
On Major Issue 3, Local Planning Agency Vice Chairman Lacey said, "I don't think we
had significant changes to anything. We had a typographical correction on number
[Recommendations] 6., where it said `Density' and meant to say `Intensity'."
Regarding Major Issue 4, Local Planning Agency Vice Chairman Lacey stated that
regarding [Recommendations] 1. and "`Level of Service', we just asked for some
clarifying language on that to talk about what was intended."
Mr. Fields remarked, "I recommend changing not the intent but the way it's worded and
what I have on the board here is what I would recommend." Mr. Fields said, "There are
two (2) different Elements here. One is the `Level of Service' which is the measure of
the quality of service on [State Road] 434 - `A' through `F'. `A' being free flow - `F' is
total gridlock. We don't want to ask to change the Level of Service that's adopted on
[State Road] 434. It's `D' now. It's State policy. It's in our Comp[rehensive] Plan
Policy. I don't think we want to ask for an `E'."
PAGE 7 OF 13
Continuing, Mr. Fields then said, "What we do want to ask for is to change the roadway
`Class'. `Class' is based on the density of traffic signals. In the Town Center, we have
three (3) signals in less than a mile. By increasing the `Class' on [State Road] 434, it gets
us to where there is typically a lower posted speed in the higher the class. More signals,
generally lead to lower speeds. So, our Policy Recommendation is to recommend
changing the `Class' based on the existing conditions that are really out there today, to
add to what is a long term effort to lower the speed on [State Road] 434 and this is just
one more component of that."
Mayor Bush asked, "Do you agree with Brian (Fields)?" Local Planning Agency Vice
Chairman Lacey said, "We have only had a chance to review it since we came in this
evening so I don't know if we have a Consensus. But, I will voice my opinion that I do."
Local Planning Agency Chairman Heatwole stated, "I do." Local Planning Agency
Advisory Board Member Poe commented, "I do as well." No objections were noted.
Mayor Bush said, "Brian's Recommendation on number [Recommendations] 1.?" Local
Planning Agency Member Tom Brown noted, "I agree with it." There was no objections
voiced. Mayor Bush then asked, "Commissioners, you are okay with that -Brian's
(Fields) Recommendation?" No objections were noted.
Local Planning Agency Vice Chairman Lacey remarked, "We had no suggested changes
to items [Recommendations] 2. through [Recommendations] 4." Mayor Bush asked the
City Commission, "Questions on [Recommendations] 2. through [Recommendations]
4.?" No comments were voiced.
Referring to Recommendations 5., Local Planning Agency Chairman Lacey said, "We
took out some language that seemed to be a little bit too constraining. The general goal
here was to provide anon-motorized vehicle path from the Town Center to the
SeminoleWAY GreeneWay Interchange District. And, there is language in the old one
that talked about a specific route that would go along the north side of [State Road] 434
to facilitate that and we agreed with the goals but we didn't think we should specify that
particular approach as one contemplated scenario even though it might not seem cost
effective, it might be a reasonable alternative to have a bridge going over [State Road]
434] that would connect the work area in the SeminoleWAY, the GID (GreeneWay
Interchange District) back to the neighborhoods in Tuscawilla to provide an easy access
for commutes. So we wanted to open up the possibilities down the road as that gets
developed and we're not constrained to a specific answer." Mayor Bush asked, "It is a
good idea -Commissioners, are you okay with that one?" Commissioner McGinnis said,
PAGE 8 OF 13
Local Planning Agency Chairman Lacey said, "On [Recommendations] 6., we just struck
some language that talked about some jurisdictional transfer of State Road 434 to the
City. No one thought that was a good idea. And number [Recommendations] 7. deals
with four (4) laning or widening of [State Road] 434 beyond where it is and what
constraints we would want to put on where that widening would take place."
With discussion, Mayor Bush asked, "And where would you say widening would be
appropriate?" Local Planning Agency Vice Chairman Lacey said, "From Vistawilla
[Road] east to [State Road] 417, and then I believe there is another item down the road
that talks about widening further east of [State Road] 417 towards Oviedo."
Mr. Fields spoke of concerns with a two (2) lane segment and suggested, "My opinion
long-term, is they should four (4) lane the segment from [State Road] 417 to [State Road]
426." With further comments, Mr. Fields noted, "It's a problem today - we probably
need to get with the City of Oviedo and see where they are on it." Mayor Bush
suggested, "Maybe this just needs to be brought to the attention of the MetroPlan
Advisory [Committee] and the Board itself. I am on that Board, so I'll bring it up next
time we have a Meeting."
Further discussion.
Local Planning Agency Vice Chairman Lacey said, "The remainder of this section, we
did not make any changes to the rest of the items except to add a new bullet number
[Recommendations] 10., which is referring what we talked to and that is the widening
east of [State Road] 417 through the GID (GreeneWay Interchange District)."
Additionally, Local Planning Agency Chairman Lacey said, "Under Major Issue 5, other
than in the original document there was a skipped number, so we went back to sequential
numbering. We didn't make any other changes to Major Issue 5."
Mayor Bush asked, "Questions on [Major Issue] 5 Commissioners?" Commissioner
McGinnis said, "No." Deputy Mayor Gilmore said, "We are encouraging housing in
these areas and I am not sure we want to do that. I have a concern, a major concern about
Discussion ensued on Recommendations 3.
Tape 2/Side A
Commissioner Miller left the Commission Chambers at 8:14 p. m.
Commissioner Miller returned to the Commission Chambers at 8:17 p.m.
PAGE 9 OF 13
Local Planning Agency Vice Chairman Lacey remarked, "We are on to Major Issue 6
and we made no changes to items [Recommendations] I. through [Recommendations] 4.
and just some minor expansion of terms on number [Recommendations] 5." Mayor Bush
asked the City Commission, "Any questions on [Recommendations] 1. through
[Recommendations] 4.?"
Local Planning Agency Advisory Board Member Poe said, "We wanted to provide Staff
an opportunity to clean up the language on [Recommendations] 6., and you might note
that there are still some question marks there because we have not had an opportunity to
meet with it."
With further discussion, Local Planning Agency Advisory Board Member Poe stated, "I
tried to determine since we had our Meeting, what the percentage is normally granted
either in square footage or number of units for Affordable Housing and I can find no
consistent number that is used anywhere."
Mayor Bush asked Ms. Sahlstrom, "Do you have any insight into that particular item?"
Ms. Sahlstrom said, "I looked up to see if there were some examples and it ranged in
percentage with kind of an average range being ten to twenty-five percent (10-25%). So,
in some cases, maybe as low as five percent (5%), but ten to twenty-five [percent] (10-
25%) was the more common of the ranges and whether this is written in a way that -you
would like to see, but we felt that rather than making it fairly open and general as it had
been, that it would be better to put some numbers with it and depending on whether we
can get Consensus from everybody on those numbers. If not, then maybe we'll go back
to just saying a certain number and leave it to further discussion -until we can put
something that people do have Consensus on."
Commissioner McGinnis asked, "When you tried to get standards of percent -where did
you go to look for that?" Ms. Sahlstrom said, "I looked in a document that Randy
(Stevenson, AICP, ASLA, Director, Community Development Department) had gotten
from one of his workshops that he attended and it was talking about inclusionary
Commissioner McGinnis said, "I think ten percent (10%) is low." Commissioner Brown
noted, "My concern was that we were looking at Commercial and not Mixed Use. I fully
support it in Mixed Use..." Ms. Sahlstrom remarked, "...And it could be changed to say
Mixed Use, if you feel that that's not the appropriate wording." Deputy Mayor Gilmore
commented, "I think Commissioner Brown brought the subject up and it is good."
PAGE 10 OF 13
Mayor Bush asked, "Does the Commission have a recommendation on the percentage?"
Additionally, Mayor Bush inquired, "Would you want to just put a range in there?"
Commissioner McGinnis stated, "No lower than ten (10) but not to exceed twenty-five
(25)." Mayor Bush asked, "Everybody in agreement with that?" Local Planning Agency
Vice Chairman Lacey stated, "I am speaking for myself. I am not. I think that is too high
a number."
Discussion ensued on Affordable Housing and a gated community that the City of St.
Cloud is building for their teachers.
On the issue of Workforce Housing, Mayor Bush spoke on some partially completed
projects such as Harbor Winds and suggested that the City could step in and help with
such. Commissioner Miller recommended that Mayor Bush assist with this effort.
Further discussion.
Mayor Bush said, "I would recommend Commissioners - [Recommendations] 6. be
looked at and maybe - a little differently than what we have just said because I think that
there are some good points all the way around and we do need to do something about it."
Local Planning Agency Advisory Board Member Karr said, "Maybe we should leave
[Recommendations] 6. in, but took out the specifics, like `With more than 200 units' and
just say `Requires residential projects to include a certain percentage of workforce
housing units' and encourage Developers of large projects in the Town Center." Mayor
Bush said, "I think that is a good idea because -the density is always an issue with
Developers." Mayor Bush added, "So -that can be done now and I think what Rosanne
(Karr) is recommending would cover that. What do you think?" Discussion.
Ms. Sahlstrom asked, "Do you want to have this as a Public Hearing Item before it goes
to DCA (Department of Community Affairs) for a courtesy review?" Mayor Bush said,
"I don't see any reason not to have it." Ms. Sahlstrom then said, "So, we will have a
Public Hearings Agenda Item on January 28'h [2008]." Mayor Bush asked, "Is everybody
happy with that?" Commissioner McGinnis said, "That is fine."
Commissioner Brown said, "Nice job, Eloise [Sahlsrom]." Mayor Bush added, "Thank
you Committee." Commissioner McGinnis added, "Good job."
This portion of the Agenda Item was adjourned.
Mayor Bush called a Recess at 8: 37 p. m.
The Special Meeting was called back to Order at 8:53 p. m.
City Manager Ronald W. McLemore arrived at 8:53 p. m.
PAGE 11 OF 13
In other City business, Manager McLemore commented on the upcoming Scottish
Highland Games and the possible inclement weather. With discussion, Mayor Bush
stated, "I think we should go ahead with it."
Next, Manager McLemore commented that he would be out of town on Saturday.
601. Office Of The City Manager
Discussion On Fire Assessment Fees.
Manager McLemore introduced this Agenda Item for discussion on proposed Fire
Assessment Fees.
Tape 2/Side B
On the issue of mobile homes and Fire Assessment Fees, Manager McLemore said, "I
can even email it to you as soon as we get it."
Further discussion continued.
Commissioner Brown asked Manager McLemore about buying a Fire Truck as a one (1)
time expense as opposed to a lease? Manager McLemore explained, "There is nothing
being assessed for that truck in this scheme -other than just buying it out of reserves and
cash. You could assign that cost -you could buy it over time and assign that debt flow
back to the assessment side if you wanted to. It will pop that number up a little bit."
Mayor Bush added, "I think what the Commissioner was saying is that the two hundred
and eight thousand [dollars] ($208,000.00) doesn't have to be a one (1) time cost, it could
be spread out over as a lease payment -but it would be two hundred and eight thousand
[dollars] ($208,000.00)?" Manager McLemore stated, "No."
Further discussion.
Deputy Mayor Gilmore asked, "I was wondering -the term `Mobile home' versus
`Manufactured home'. Is there a difference?" Deputy Mayor Gilmore added, "A pure
`Mobile home' is a lot smaller in size than a `Manufactured home'. Some of these
manufactured homes are the equivalent of a good residential unit or even apartments."
Manager McLemore said, "I can ask that question. I don't know if that's been looked at;
if they treat them the same way. We will ask that question."
Discussion continued.
PAGE 12 OF 13
Commissioner Brown asked, "What do you need to do to put some hard numbers around
this?" Manager McLemore stated, "We are already doing it." Commissioner Brown then
said, "By what Meeting or before the Second Reading?" Manager McLemore said, "As
soon as we get those numbers down, we'll email them to you."
Commissioner Krebs asked, "We don't have to set a Fee right now anyway?" Manager
McLemore said, "No. You don't have to set a Fee until your Final Rate Resolution -you
have to set it, but the Final one is going to be the one."
Mayor Bush said, "That is on the 28th [January 2008]." Mr. Kevin Smith, Director,
General Services Department noted, "The 28th of January is your initial Resolution.
February 25th [2008] after notices go out to property owners that's the Final, February
25th [2008] - as it stands right now."
With further discussion, Mayor Bush asked the City Commission, "Do you want to
provide direction to the Manager on this?" Commissioner Brown said, "Proceed."
Mayor Bush asked, "Do you think it is a good plan?" Commissioner McGinnis said,
Further discussion.
Commissioner Krebs asked if the Tax Assessment is tax-deductible? Manager
McLemore responded, "The simple answer is talk to your Tax Consultant."
Discussion ensued on other City business.
Mayor Bush congratulated the City Commission on being awarded the attendance trophy
for at the Tri-County League of Cities monthly luncheon.
Manager McLemore brought up possible dates for the Dedication Ceremony for the Fire
Station in memory of former Fire Chief Timothy J. Lallathin. Manager McLemore stated
that Pam Lallathin wanted to stay with Saturday, February 2°d, 2008 for this Ceremony.
Commissioner Krebs mentioned, "I will send her my apologies that I can't be there."
Mayor Bush added, "We need to accommodate her on this."
Discussion followed on having coffee for the City Commission, to which Commissioner
McGinnis remarked, "Why can't we have our City Clerk make a big pot of coffee in the
back, not fill the carafes, just make a pot of coffee and if we want it, we just go back and
get it." Commissioner Krebs added, "I am fine with it."
Commissioner Krebs said, "I won't be here on the 28th [January 2008] - it has been a
long-planned family Christmas present." Commissioner Krebs added, "I just wanted the
Commission to know that that is why I am not here."
PAGE 13 OF 13
With further comments on the Fire Station Dedication Ceremony, Manager McLemore
suggested the Ceremony may need to be held in the morning. Mayor Bush added,
"Whenever she wants to do it, is when we will do it." Commissioner McGinnis noted,
"We will work around her schedule."
Mayor Bush then said, "We had two (2) Commissioners say to have the Clerk make a pot
of coffee in the back. Mr. Gilmore, where do you stand on this?" Deputy Mayor
Gilmore said, "Go ahead." Commissioner Miller stated, "Aye." No objections were
noted. Mayor Bush added, "And make it regular coffee, not deca£" Commissioner
Krebs noted, "Stryofoam" cups.
Mayor Bush adjourned the Special Meeting at 9:44 p.m.
` -
OR J~fiN l~'.' BUSH
NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the February 1 1, 2008 Regular City Commission Meeting.