HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 02 11 Consent 204 Approval to Submit Nomination Packet for City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces to run for Office of the Executive Board of FACCCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 204
February 11, 2008
Regular Meeting
Consent X
Public Hearings
Mgr. / Dept.
Mayor John F. Bush requests that the City Commission review the attached
information and approve that our City Clerk, Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces can submit
a Nomination packet to run for Office on the Executive Board of the Florida
Association of City Clerks with our support.
This Agenda Item is needed to ratify the Mayor and City Commission's support
for our City Clerk to be considered for an Elected position on the Executive Board
of the Florida Association of City Clerks.
City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces has served our City as our City Clerk since
During that time, City Clerk Lorenzo-Luaces has been affiliated with Professional
Associations such as the Florida Association of City Clerks (FACC) and the
International Association of City Clerks (IIMC). Both of these organizations in
concert with the Florida Institute of Government bestow designations of
professional excellence, such as "CMC" ("Certified Municipal Clerk") and
"MMC" ("Master Municipal Clerk").
City Clerk Lorenzo-Luaces was awarded the designation of "CMC" ("Certified
Municipal Clerk") in 2001 and is working towards receiving her "MMC"
("Master Municipal Clerk") designation.
In addition to her dedication to her position as our City Clerk, Andrea has also
been very active in the Florida Association of City Clerks and she has learned
much through her affiliation with this organization and has brought back much
information from this membership and service, to the City of Winter Springs.
During her tenure with the Florida Association of City Clerks, Andrea has also
served on the following Florida Association of City Clerks' Committees:
^ Membership Committee: 2001-2002
^ Mentoring Committee: 2002-2003
^ Institute Committee: 2003-2004; 2004-2005; 2005-2006; 2006-2007
^ Professional Education Committee: 2005-2006
Also of interest, Andrea served as the Chairperson for the Institute Committee for
three (3) consecutive years from 2003-2006 with resounding success.
Of note, much of the time that City Clerk Lorenzo-Luaces has spent on these
Committees has been done on her own time.
Then, in 2006-2007 and again for the 2007-2008 term, City Clerk Lorenzo-Luaces
has been serving the Florida Association of City Clerks as the Central East
District Director (The Central East District is comprised of 11 counties, and
approximately 88 municipalities with more than 130 Members). During these two
(2) terms of office as Central East District Director, Andrea has provided five (5)
"Academy Sessions" [which have provided informative education sessions such
as Elections; Human Resources; Financial Management; Leadership] to name just
a few, and she is working on a 6th "Academy Session" [Tentative Agenda should
include at least Grant Writing and Sustainable Planning for Communities] to
finish up this term of Office.
Of note, much of the time (and even some expenses) that City Clerk Lorenzo-
Luaces has spent as Central District Director, has been done on her own time or
has been made up before/after normal work hours.
With these two (2) years of service as a District Director for the Florida
Association of City Clerks, this helps qualify our City Clerk to run for Office on
the Executive Board of the Florida Association of City Clerks. Also, City Clerk
Lorenzo-Luaces has been asked by a number of Florida Association of City
Clerks' Members to run for Second Vice President/Member of the Executive
Board of this organization which is a compliment to our City Clerk for her
dedication and service to her profession.
The By-laws of the Florida Association of City Clerks states that should an
individual be Elected (unopposed or otherwise) to the position of Second Vice
President for the Florida Association of City Clerks, then that individual would
automatically progress annually, to the position of First Vice President, then
President, and then would serve as their Immediate Past President.
Typical funding in current and previous years for the Office of the City Clerk has
included approximately $8,000.00 for Dues and Registrations, Employee
Development, and Travel & Per Diem. In past years, that entire amount has never
been spent. This year will probably be the first time that the full funding for those
Line Codes might be spent, which will primarily include travel and registration for
the City Clerk to attend various FACC/IIMC Meetings/Seminars/Conferences
along with Tuition Reimbursement for one (other) Staff Member in this
It is expected that should City Clerk Lorenzo-Luaces be Elected to the Florida
Association of City Clerks' Executive Board, the allotted $8,000.00 will be spent
this fiscal year, and for the next four (4) fiscal years. And, for the next four (4)
fiscal years, other than Tuition Reimbursement, the funding will most likely not
permit the rest of this Department to attend job related Seminars.
A. Excerpt from the Florida Association of City Clerks' "Board of Directors
Duties & Responsibilities" (Please note * sections)
B. Excerpt from the Florida Association of City Clerks' Articles of Incorporation
& By-Laws" (Please note * sections)
C. Letter of Support (to be signed upon approval of this. Agenda Item by the
Mayor and City Commission)
D. Resolution 2008-12 offering our support for our City Clerk (to be signed upon
approval of this Agenda Item by the Mayor)
The City Commission is being asked to ratify that our City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-
Luaces can apply for the position of Second Vice President for the Florida
Association of City Clerks and that should she be Elected (unopposed or
otherwise) to this position that Andrea has our full support (including financial) to
fulfill those duties to the best of her ability; and that in order to do that, that
Andrea will need to attend Meetings and Seminars/Conferences and possibly
devote time during work days to whatever is needed of her.
In this capacity, we also understand and offer our support that should Andrea
Lorenzo-Luaces be sworn in as Second Vice President that we will further offer
our continued support in the same ways, should she then assume the duties of
First Vice President, then President, then Immediate Past President of the Florida
Association of City Clerks.
Board of
Duties 8.
Board of Directors
2007 - 2008
Tammy Vock, MMC
City Clerk
1053 20th Place
Vero Beach, FL 32962
Phone: (772) 978-4700
Fax: (772)978-4790
Central East Director
Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, CMC
City Clerk
1126 E. State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Phone: (407) 327-5955
Fax:(407) 327-4753
aluaces C~3 winterspringsfl. org
1 st Vice.President
Cynthia f. Goudeau, MMC
City Clerk
P.O. Box 4748
Clearwater, FL 33758-4748
Phone: (727) 562-4092
Fax: (727)562-4086
cyndie.goudeau Cad myclearwater. com
2nd Vice President
Pamela B. Smith, CMC
Deputy Clerk
800 Dunlop Road
Sanibel, FL 33957
Phone: (239) 472-3700, ext. 354
Fax: (239) 472-3065
pamela. smith C~ mysanibel. com
Northeast Director
Betsy Jordan Driggers
City Clerk
201 N. 2nd Street
Palatka, FL 32177
Phone: (386) 329-0100
Fax: (386) 329-0106
Northwest Director
Jackie Lawhon, CMC
City Clerk
P.O. Box 1219
Sopchoppy, FL 32358-1219
Phone: (850) 962-4611
Fax: (850) 962-3429
Central West Director
Theresa McMaster, CMC
City Clerk
155 Corey Avenue
St. Pete Beach, FL 33706
Phone: (727) 363-9220
Fax: (7?7) 363-9236
t. mcmasterC~stpetebeach, org
Southeast Director
Barbara Estep, MMC
Village Clerk
10050 N.E. Second Avenue
Miami Shores, FL 33138
Phone: (305) 795-2207
Fax: (305) 756-8972
estepb C~3miamishoresvillage. com
Southwest Director
Helen M. Raimbeau, CMC
City Clerk
4970 City Hall Boulevard
North Port, FL 34286
Phone: (941) 429-7063
Fax: (941)429-7008
hreaimbeauC~3cityofnorthport. com
Immediate Past President
Lisa Burns, MMC
City Clerk
P.O. Box 16930
Temple Terrace, FL 33687
Phone: (813) 989-7175
Fax: (813)989-7177
(burns C~ temp/eterrace. com
FACC Administrative Staff
Executive Director
Barbara Solis, CMP
P.O. Box 1757
Tallahassee, FL 32302-1757
Phone:-1-(800) 342-8112
Fax: (850) 222-3806
bsolis C~ flcities. com
_ ~,
~. ~`
Meeting Planner
Anjie Ayars
P.O. Box 1757
Tallahassee, FL 32302-1757
Phone: 1-(800) 342-8112
Fax: (850) 222-3806
aayars C~flcities.com
Board of Directors
Duties 8. Responsibilities
According to the By-laws, the FACC President shall (1) preside at all
meetings, (2) appoint all committees, including the chairman thereof;
(3) appoint an association historian; (4) call the meetings of the Board
of Directors; and (5) perform such other duties as may be required by
The following are guidelines for duties and responsibilities gener-
allyattributed to the office of President, in addition to those set
forth above as provided in the By-Laws.
FACC Board Meetings:
The President should plan to attend all of the FACC Board meetings, as
attendance is monitored in accordance with the attendance policy. For
a copy of the FACC Attendance Policy, please see the Policies Section
of the FACC Handbook, Membership Directory and Manual. The FACC
Board meetings are held during the months of August, October, Febru-
ary and June. An agenda item should be prepared and provided to the
Florida League of Cities one month prior to each FACC Board meet-
ing in order for agenda packets to be assembled and distributed. This
should be provided even if there was no activity.
Manual Review:
The President should review the manual section pertaining to his/her of-
fice each year and forward inconsistencies and recommended changes
to the Manual Revisions Committee chair. This should be done as soon
as noticed but no later than April, so the Manual Revisions Commit-
tee chair can include them in final recommendations at the June Board
Yearly Goals:
The President should submit a yearly goals report detailing goals ac-
complished or met. This report must be submitted to the Goals Commit-
tee chair no later than April to be included in the report to the mem-
bership during the annual conference. For a copy of the FACC goals,
please see Goals listed in the Policies Section of the FACC Handbook,
Membership Directory and Manual.
For a copy of expenses covered by the FACC, please see Travel Policy
listed in the Policies Section of the FACC Handbook, Membership Direc-
tory and Manual. Any other in-kind time, travel and correspondence of
the President should be incorporated into the respective city budget.
Responsibilities of the President
1) Meetings:
• Calls meetings of the Board of Directors and membership
• Presides at all meetings of the Board of Directors and member-
• Prepares agenda items for all Board Meetings
2) IIMC Conference Duties:
• Attends President's Forum at the IIMC Annual Conference
• Attends Region III meeting at IIMC Annual Conference and re-
ports on activities projects, programs, etc. of FACC
• Represents Florida in whatever capacity IIMC might require
3) FACC Conference Duties:
• Extends official invitation to conference to the IIMC President, or
member of the IIMC Board, and ensures he/she is aware of all
conference activities '
• Coordinates with the Conference Committee and FLC representa-
tive for the program for Opening Ceremonies, banquet activities
and President's reception
• Swears-in FACC Officers and/or coordinates with Incoming Presi-
dent for special persons to swear in officers
• Organizes and prepares for orientation meeting at the end of the
June Conference
• Notifies all committee chairs of the Orientation Luncheon prior to
the Conference
4) Professional Education Academy Duties:
• Coordinates with the Professional Education Committee to ensure
that the educational program is complete
• Works with graduating class and Class President on banquet/lun-
cheon activities and program
• Assists Hospitality Committee in welcoming attendees to the
• Participates in presentation to First-Year Attendees Class on first
day of Academy as requested by the Florida Institute of Govern-
ment representative
5) Florida League of Cities Conference Duties:
• Attends August Florida League of Cities Conference
• Assigns a member to oversee the FACC Booth
• Assists in the booth set up and organization
• Is available to greet officials at the booth as much as possible
• Attends the FLC Resolutions Committee Meeting
• Coordinates and consults with Florida League of Cities for Board
Meeting set up
• Attends activities as much as possible
6) Past President Responsibilities:
• As Immediate Past President, serves as chair of the Nominating
Committee and the President's Advisory Committee
• As a Past President, serves indefinitely on the President's Advi-
sory Committee
• As a Past President, continues to vote on all matters considered
by the Board
• May serve as a Past President on the Awards and Scholarships
7) Miscellaneous:
• Coordinates the printing and ordering of FACC stationery with the
Florida League of Cities
• Prepares congratulatory letters to Board members and to the city
manager/mayor of each newly-elected Board member
• Appoints all committees, chairpersons and co-chairpersons; mails
notification to the same. Mails certificates near end of term based
on reports from committee chairs of members who actively served
on the committees
• Prepares letters of appreciation to sponsors/exhibitors of annual
• Advises Board members of members who achieve the Certified
Municipal Clerk designation and the various levels of the Master
Municipal Clerks Academy
• Prepares the "Your Board in Action" report after each board meet-
ingfor publication in the next City Desk
• Prepares "President's Message" for publication in each edition of
the City Desk
• Prepares a President's Message for the Web site and reviews
material that is posted to that site
• Proofreads and approves the release of each edition of the City
• Approves invoices for payment pursuant to the FACC By-laws and
forwards them to the Florida League of Cities for processing
• Oversees the budget
• Reviews/considers implementation of goals recommended by
Goals Committee
• Serves on a committee to select City Clerk of the Year
• Selects recipient for annual President's Award and orders award
for presentation at annual meeting
• Authorizes the Florida League of Cities to send letters of welcome
to new FACC members over the President's name
• Proofreads minutes of Board of Directors meetings
• Performs other duties as necessary or as assigned by the Board
of Directors
• Attends the FLC Legislative Committee Meeting
Suggested Timeline:
• Conduct FACC Annual Board Orientation Luncheon meeting held
at the end of the annual conference for incoming Board Members
anti committee chairs
• Coordinate and order stationery with the Florida League of Cities
• Prepare and send congratulatory letters to Board Members and to
the city manager/mayor or each newly elected Board Member
• Prepare and send out letters of appreciation to sponsors/exhibi-
tors of annual conference
• Prepare a President's Message for the Web page, or if no chang-
es, change the name of President
• Assign a member to oversee the FACC booth at the August
Florida League of Cities Conference; coordinate the booth set-up
• Prepare and submit President's Message for the July City Desk
• Appoint and notify committee members for year with notification to
committee chair '
• Prepare and submit FACC Board agenda item
• Coordinate and consult with the Florida League representative for
the August Board meeting
• Preside at FACC Board meeting
• Prepare the "Your Board in Action" report for publication in the
next issue of City Desk
• Prepare a President's Message for the Web page and publication
in City Desk
• Proofread and approve the release of September/October edition
of the City Desk
• Greet officials at the FACC booth at the Florida League of Cities
• Attend Florida League of Cities Resolutions Committee meeting
at Florida League of Cities conference
• Coordinate with Membership Committee chair to approve camera-
ready list of membership for printing
• Prepare and submit FACC Board agenda item
• Prepare for First-Time Attendees Class at Professional Education
• Preside at FACC Board meeting
• Attend the Professional Education Academy
• Participate in First-Time Attendees Class at Professional Educa-
tion Academy
• Prepare the "Your Board in Action" report for publication in the
next issue of City Desk
• Prepare a President's Message for publication in City Desk
• Proofread and approve the release of December edition of the
City Desk
• Select and order pins for IIMC Conference, if needed
• Prepare President's Message for City Desk
• Attend the Florida League of Cities Legislative Conference
• Attend the Conference Committee meeting held at the hotel for
the June conference
• Coordinate the President's Reception with the FLC representative
and the conference committee
• Prepare and submit FACC Board agenda item
• Attend IIMC Region III Annual Conference as Florida's represen-
• Preside at FACC budget meeting
• Preside at FACC Board meeting
• Prepare the "Your Board in Action" report for publication in the
next issue of City Desk
• Prepare a President's Message for the Web page and publication
in City Desk
• Prepare article regarding the IIMC Region III Annual Conference
for City Desk
• Extend official invitation to the IIMC president for the June confer-
• Request report from committee chairs to confirm the members
that have actively served on their committees
• Appoint committee chairs for the upcoming year
• Proofread and approve the release of March/April edition of the
City Desk
• Prepare and submit manual revisions recommendations, if ap-
• Prepare and submit yearly Goals Report
• Select recipient and order award for the annual President's Award
• Select invitation to President's Reception and give FLC represen-
tative list of persons to be invited
• Prepare and submit FACC Board agenda item
• Prepare for conference opening session
Prepare Goals Accomplished for general membership meeting
• Attend IIMC Conference and pertinent sessions and meetings
• Prepare for annual Orientation Luncheon
• Send out committee member certifications
• Proofread and approve the release of each edition of the City
• Preside at FACC final Board meeting
• Preside at annual conference opening session
• Preside at FACC general membership meeting at conference
• Prepare and present Goals Accomplished for general member-
ship meeting
• Prepare the "Your Board in Action" report for July edition of Ciry
• Prepare Outgoing President's Message for July edition of City
First Vice President
According to the By-laws, the First Vice President shall (1) perform the
duties of the presidency during the President's absence; (2) become
President in the event of a vacancy in the office of President; (3) serve
as an ex-officio member of the Goals Committee, (4) approve minutes
of all meetings, as prepared by the Florida League of Cities, after review
by the Executive Board; (5) present treasurer's report, as prepared by
the Florida League of Cities, to the Board of Directors and membership
at the regularly scheduled meetings and respond to questions/concerns.
of members relative to said report; and (ti) perform duties as may be
assigned by the President.
The following are guidelines for duties and responsibilities gener-
al/yattributed to the office of First Vice President, in addition to
those set forth above as provided in the By-laws:
FACC Board Meetings:
The First Vice-President should plan to attend all of the FACC Board
meetings, as attendance is monitored in accordance with the atten-
dance policy. For a copy of the FACC Attendance Policy, please see the
Policies Section of the FACC Handbook, Membership Directory and
Manual. The FACC Board meetings are held during the months of Au-
gust, October, February and June. An agenda item should be prepared
and provided to the Florida League of Cities one month prior to each
FACC Board meeting in order for agenda packets to be assembled and
distributed. This should be provided even if there was no activity.
Manual Review:
The First Vice-President should review the manual section pertaining to
his/her office each year and forward inconsistencies and recommended
changes to the Manual Revisions Committee chair. This should be done
as soon as noticed but no later than April, so the Manual Revisions
Committee chair can include them in final recommendations at the June
Board meeting.
Yearly Goals:
The First Vice-President should submit a yearly goals report detailing
goals accomplished or met. This report must be submitted to the Goals
Committee chair no later than April to be included in the report to the
membership during the annual conference. For a copy of the FACC
goals, please see goals listed in the Policies Section of the FACC Hand-
book, Membership Directory and Manual.
For a copy of expenses covered by the FACC, please see Travel Policy
listed in the Policies Section of the FACC Handbook, Membership Direc-
tory and Manual Any other in-kind time, travel and correspondence of
the First Vice-President should be incorporated into the respective city
Responsibilities of First Vice-President:
• In the absence or inability of the President, performs the du-
ties of the President. In the case of a President who is unable to
complete the term of office, the First Vice-President shall become
• Acquires a thorough knowledge of the objectives, projects and
policies of the Florida Association of City Clerks (FACC) and the
International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC).
• Attends all Board meetings and annual conferences; performs any
duty designated by the President; submits an annual report for
inclusion in the President's annual report.
• Serves as ex-officio member of the Goals Committee.
• Attends the PEC meetings as anon-voting member and acts a
liaison between the committee and the Board of Directors.
• Attests the minutes of all meetings, as prepared by the Florida
League of Cities, after review by the Executive Board and ap-
proval by the Board of Directors. Attests President's signature on
all resolGtions.
• Presents Treasurer's report (prepared by the Florida League of
Cities) to the FACC Board of Directors/membership at the regu-
larly scheduled meetings. Also, is familiar with details of the report
in order to respond to any questions.
• Performs duties as may be assigned by the President.
Suggested Timeline:
Attend FACC Annual Board Orientation Luncheon meeting held
at the end of the annual conference for incoming Board members
and committee chairs.
Coordinate with Goals Committee chair for meeting schedule.
• Prepare and submit FACC Board agenda item.
• Attend FACC Board meeting.
• Present Treasurer's report to Directors.
• Submit City Desk article for publication in September edition.
• Prepare and submit FACC Board agenda item.
• Meet with Conference Committee re: hotel site and President's
• Submit City Desk article for publication in December edition.
• Attend FACC Board meeting
• Present Treasurer's report to Directors
• Begin search for next year committee chairs
• Prepare and submit FACC Board agenda item
• Attend Regional IIMC Conference, if possible
• Request any budgetary items to be considered for the next year's
• Attend FACC Budget meeting
• Attend FACC Board meeting
• Present Treasurer's report to Directors
• Submit City Desk article for publication in March edition
• Prepare and submit manual revisions recommendations, if ap-
• Prepare and submit Annual Report (Goals) for inclusion in the
President's report
• Prepare and submit agenda item for Board meeting
• Appoint committee chairs for the upcoming year
• Prepare for annual orientation luncheon
• Attend FACC final Board meeting
• Attend conference, including general membership meeting
• Solicit committee members at the conference for the committees
not filled
• Present proposed budget for approval to membership
• Submit City Desk article for publication in July edition
• Submit Incoming President's Message for publication in July edi-
tion of City Desk
• Coordinate with Conference Committee on details that will directly
affect your conference.
• Start search early for committee chair appointments for your term
as President
Second Vice President
According to the By-laws, the Second Vice President shall (1) conduct
the correspondence of the Association, and oversee the preservation in
a permanent file of all records and letters of value to the association and
its officers which shall be transferred to a successor at the conclusion
of the term, (2) shall be responsible for overseeing the content of the
newsletter, including collection and. composing articles, and its printing
and distribution, after review by the Executive Board, (3) serve as an ex-
officio member of the Membership Committee, and (4) perform duties as
may be assigned by the President.
The following are guidelines for duties and responsibilities gener-
allyattributed to the office of Second Vice President, in addition to
those set forth above as provided in the By-laws:
FACC Board Meetings:
The Second Vice President should plan to attend all of the FACC Board
meetings, as attendance is monitored in accordance with the atten-
dance policy. For a copy of the FACC Attendance Policy, please see the
Policies Section of the FACC Handbook, Membership Directory and
Manual. The FACC Board meetings are held during the months of Au-
gust, October, February and June. An agenda item should be prepared
and provided to the Florida League of Cities one month prior to each
FACC Board meeting in order for agenda packets to be assembled and
distributed. This should be provided even if there was no activity.
Manual Review:
The Second Vice President should review the manual section pertaining
to their office each year and forward inconsistencies and recommended
changes to the Manual Revisions Committee chair. This should be done
as soon as noticed but no later than April, so the Manual Revisions
Committee chair can include them in final recommendations at the June
Board meeting.
Yearly Goals:
The Second Vice President should submit a yearly goals report detail-
ing goals accomplished or met. This report should be submitted to the
Goals Committee chair no later than April to be included in the report to
the membership during the annual conference. For a copy of the FACC
goals, please see goals listed in the Policies Section of the FACC Hand-
book, Membership Directory and Manual.
For a copy of expenses covered by the FACC, please see Travel Policy
listed in the Policies Section of the FACC Handbook,- Membership Direc-
tory and Manual. Any other in-kind time, travel and correspondence of
tJ~eSecond Vice President should be incorporated into the respective
.!city udget. t,,
Responsibilities of Second Vice-President: ``~
• Assists and carries out directions/instructions from the President.
• Serves as ex-officio member of the Membership Committee.
• Attends all Board meetings and annual conferences; performs any
duty designated by the President; submits an annual report for
inclusion in the President's annual report.
• Serves as editor of the City Desk (the following duties/procedures
may be delegated). The City Desk staff will include:
^ All District Directors (see District Director duties)
^ All Board members, committee chairpersons, past presi-
dents and FACC members
• Establishes a "Monthly Calendar" for the City Desk to include
publication and deadline dates for:
^ Submitting information to Municipal Code Corp.
^ By-laws to be published
^ Nominating committee report
^ President's Message
• Mails copy of the calendar to FACC membership with a cover let-
ter outlining the specifications and format for news items.
• Promotes and encourages articles on professional development,
election laws, state laws, national laws that specifically affect cit-
ies, and special awards received by city clerks.
• Suggestions for obtaining articles:
^ National level of government: Prepare letter (for FACC
President's signature) to a Senator/Congressman requesting
an article on a specific subject for City Desk.
• Members of the Florida Legislature: Schedule an article from
each district, in each publication, from a legislative member,
i.e., the FLC Quality Cities publication salutes a member in the
Legislature, invite this G~uality Floridian to submit an article for
the Cify Desk, suggest a subject, i.e., most challenging com-
mittee during this session and why.
^ Invite the Education Secretary to write an article on the
progress of the new program for local schools entitled, "Local
Government Curriculum Project;' the development of teacher
handbook on city/county government for the high school level
Suggested Timeline:
• Attend FACC annual Board orientation luncheon meeting held at
the end of the annual conference for incoming Board members
and committee chairs.
• Coordinate with Membership Committee chair for meeting sched-
• Schedule Membership Committee meetings in calendar.
• Schedule City Desk deadlines in calendar.
• Prepare and submit FACC Board agenda item.
• Attend FACC Board meeting
• Prepare City Desk for publication -September edition
• Prepare and submit FACC Board agenda item
• Attend FACC Board meeting
• Prepare City Desk for publication -December edition
• Prepare and submit proposed budget
• Prepare and submit FACC Board agenda item
• Attend FACC Budget meeting
• Attend FACC Board meeting
• Prepare City Desk for publication -April edition
• Prepare and submit Manual revisions recommendations, if ap-
• Prepare and submit Annual Goals Report for inclusion in the
President's Report
• Prepare and submit FACC Board agenda item
• Attend FACC final Board meeting
• Attend FACC general membership meeting at conference
• Prepare City Desk for publication -July edition
A c.
Articles of
FACC Articles of
Article I -Name
The name of this corporation shall be the Florida Association of City
Clerks, Inc. Term of existence of this corporation shall be perpetual
from the date of its incorporation.
Article 11-Objectives
The particular business and objectives of this Florida Association of City
Clerks, Inc. shall be:
To discuss problems of mutual concern, to increase the efficiency
of city clerks' functions, to cooperate with and assist all city admin-
istrators, to strive for greater educational standards for city clerks,
to gather and disseminate information to improve procedures and
the efficiency of the administration of municipal government.
Article III -Membership
Any appointed or elected city clerk or duly-appointed deputy city clerk,
assistant city clerk, clerk of the council, or clerk performing duties com-
mensurate to the duties performed by a city clerk in any city in the State
of Florida shall be eligible for membership in this corporation and shall
make written application for membership upon such form as the Board
of Directors may prescribe accompanied by the membership fee as pro-
vided in the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws. Said application for
membership shall be filed with the recording secretary/treasurer of the
corporation. Associate and honorary membership shall be as provided
in the By-Laws.
Article IV -Fees
As provided in the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws.
Article V -Meetings
As provided in the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws.
Article VI -Officers
The affairs of the organizatuon shall be managed by the following of-
ficers: president, vice president, recording secretary/treasurer and
corresponding secretary~nformation officer. These officers will also
be members of the Board of Directors (see Article VI of the By=Laws).
The president shall be the chairman of the Board of Directors.
Article VII -Elections
Upon date of incorporation of the Florida Association of City Clerks,
Inc., the subscribers hereto shall appoint all officers and directors for a
one-year period. Thereafter, the officers and directors shall be elected
at the annual meeting or convention held during the first quarter of the
calendar year as provided in the By-Laws.
Article VIII -Duties
As provided in the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws.
Article IX -Committees
As provided in the Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws.
Article X -Amendments
The By-Laws of the corporation may be altered, amended or rescinded
at any annual meeting of the corporation by atwo-thirds vote of those
members present. Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation may be
proposed by any member present at the annual meeting and shall be
accomplished in the same manner as By-Law amendments.
Article XI -First Board of Directors
The number of persons constituting the fir-st Board of Directors shall be
nine and they shall serve until the first annual election. The first Board of
Directors shall consist of the following persons:
Robert N. Clark- City Clerk,Sunrise .:.....................................................President
Marguerite Docen -City Clerk, Fort Lauderdale ...................... First Vice President
June Owen -City Clerk, Pompano Beach ..........................Second Vice President
Ella Jane Wilson -Town Clerk, Medley .................................. Recording Secretary
Alyce E. Hunt-Town Clerk, Pembroke Park ............................................Treasurer
Coraleen Callahan -Deputy Clerk, Sunrise ...................Corresponding Secretary
John Phillips, Jr. -City Clerk, Zephyrhills ................................................... Director
John W. Thornton,.Jr. -City Clerk, Pensacola ............................................ Director
David J. MacNamara -Clerk of Council, Jacksonville ................................ Director
The subscribers to this corporation are as follows:
Marguerite Docen 508 S.W. 18th Street, Fort Lauderdale
Alyce E. Hunt 3150 W. Hallandale Beach Boulevard, Pembroke Park
Robert N. Clark 5636 Douglas Street, Hollywood
Before me, Hazel Dyer, a notary public iri the State of Florida, person-
ally appeared the above-named subscribers who, having been first duly
sworn, testified on their oath that all information as hereto fore is true
and correct.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 26th day of October, 1972.
/s/ Hazel Dyer
/s/ Pete R. Eckert
/s/ Betty Jane Clark
Article I -Name
The name of this organization is the Florida Association of City
Clerks, Inc., and the term of existence shall be perpetual.
Article II -Objectives
The objectives of the association shall be as stated in the Articles of
Article III -Membership
Section 1: Active Membership
Any appointed or elected city* clerk or duly appointed deputy clerk,
assistant clerk, clerk of the council or clerk performing duties commen-
surate to the duties performed by the city clerk in any city in the State of
Florida shall be eligible for membership upon payment of annual dues.
The membership belongs to the individual member or city paying for the
"All references shall be interpreted to include city/town/village.
Section 2: Associate Membership
Any former member, who because of retirement or other reasons,
wishes to continue affiliation with .the association; or any firm, organiza-
tion, or individual affiliated with municipal government but not directly
related to the office of the city clerk, deputy city clerk, assistant clerk,
clerk of the council, or clerk performing duties commensurate to the
duties performed by the city clerk shall be eligible for associate member-
ship upon approval of application by the Board of Directors and upon
payment of annual dues.
Section 3: Honorary Membership
Persons recommended by the Board of Directors and voted upon by the
membership may be elected to Honorary Membership. The guidelines
for Honorary Membership are as follows: (1) no longer an active city
clerk; (2) has been an active member of FACC and has made a signifi-
cant contribution to the association; or (3) extenuating circumstances.
All past presidents shall automatically become honorary members upon
Section 4: Application for and
Admission to Membership
Any person (as described in Sections 1 and 2 of Article III) desiring to
become a member of this association shall make written application
upon such forms as prescribed by the Board of Directors and shall pay
the membership fee as stated in Article IV. The application and dues
shall be filed with the first vice president of the association.
Section`5: Restriction on Rights to Vote or Hold Office
Only active members of good standing have the right to vote, hold office,
and serve in an appointed position on any association committee.
Arfiicle IV -Dues
Section 1:
a. Annual dues are recommended by the Board of Directors and ap-
proved by FACC membership.
b. Active member dues are payable on June 1 of each year to coincide
with the Fiscal Year June 1 through May 31. New members joining
after June 1 are required to pay full membership dues.
c. New members joining June 1 through November 30 are required to
pay full membership dues listed in subsection (d). However, first-time
members joining December 1 through May 31 are allowed to pay
membership dues at a reduced rate according to subsection (d).
d. Annual and half-year dues are based on the population of the mu-
nicipality as follows:
Population Full Year '/z Year
20,000 and under $ 60.00 $ 30.00
20,001 to 50,000 $ 85.00 $ 42.00
50,001 to 100,000 $110.00 $ 55.00
100,001 and over $135.00 $ 67.00
Section 2: Associate Members
Annual dues per associate member shall be .payable on June 1 of each
year to coincide with the Fiscal Year June 1 through May 31. New as-
sociate members joining throughout the year will be required to pay the
annual dues as follows:
Former FACC Member $60.00
Firm, organization or individual $60.00
Section 3: Honorary Membership
Honorary memberships are offered, upon approval of the Board, in ac-
cordance established policy.
Article V -Meetings
Section 1:
Annual Meetings: There shall be an annual meeting or convention.
Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called by a majority vote of
the Board of Directors upon 30 days' written notice, or at the discretion
of the president and one Board member.
Article VI -Board of Directors
Section 1:
The officers of the association shall be the president, first vice president
and second vice president.
The Executive Board shall consist of the president as chairperson, the
vice presidents and the immediate past president.
The Executive Board may act in place and stead of the Board of Direc-
tors between Board meetings on all time-sensitive matters, except those
specifically reserved to the Board, pursuant to delegation of authority to
the Executive Board by the Board of Directors. Actions of the Executive
Board shall be reported to the Board for ratification at the next Board
The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the following: president,
first vice president, second vice president, immediate past president
and six district directors (one member from each of the six geographic
Counties Located in Geographic Districts
Northwest Northeast
Bay Alachua
Calhoun Baker
Escambia Bradford
Franklin Clay
Gadsden Columbia
Gulf Dixie
Holmes Duval
Jackson Gilchrist
Jefferson Hamilton
Leon Lafayette
Liberty Madison
Okaloosa Nassau
Santa Rosa Putnam
Wakulla St. Johns
Walton Suwannee
Washington Taylor
To be eligible to hold office as a district director, one must: (1) have been
Central West Central East a member of FACC for three years; (2) possess or be actively pursuing
Citrus Brevard the CMC designation and provide proof of such pursuit; and (3) have
Hernando Flagler served on FACC committee(s) for two years.
Hillsborough Indian River
Levy Lake { The above requirements may be waived by a majority vote of the Board
Marion Martin of Directors for those candidates who do not meet all of the require-
Pasco Okeechobee ments.
Pinellas Orange
Polk Osceola Term of Office: The president, first vice president and second vice
Sumter Seminole president shall serve no more than one full term and there is no limit on
St. Lucie the number of consecutive terms one may serve as a district director.
Volusia Each term shall consist of one year.
Southwest Southeast
Charlotte Broward Vacancies:
Collier Miami-Dade 1) In the event of a vacancy in the office of the president, the first vice
Desoto dVlonroe president shall advance to the office of president. Said person may
Glades Palm Beach remain in the office for an additional one-year term. In this event, the
Hardee first vice president shall remain in that office for an additional one-
Hendry year term, and there shall be an election to fill the office of second
Highlands vice president.
Manatee 2) In the event that a vacancy occurs in the office of the first vice presi-
Sarasota dent, the second vice president shall advance to the office of the first
vice president.
S@CtlOn 2: !
Glualifications: All officers/directors shall be employed by a munici- 3) In the event that a vacancy occurs in the office of the second
vice president, the president shall make an appointment to fill the
pal government in the full-time capacity of any appointed or elected
* vacancy. Such appointment shall be confirmed by a majority of the
clerk or duly appointed deputy city clerk, assistant clerk, clerk Board of Directors. Such appointment shall remain until the next
of the council or clerk performing duties commensurate to the duties annual meeting, at which time there shall be an election for second
performed by a city clerk. If an officer/director shall cease to possess vice president in accordance with the terms of Article VII.
qualifications during his/her term of office, for a period in excess of 90
days, he/she shall forfeit the office. 4) In the event that a vacancy occurs in the office of a director, the
president shall make an appointment to fill the vacancy. Such ap-
"All references shall be interpreted to include city/town/village. pointment shall be confirmed by a majority of the Board of Directors.
Such appointment shall remain until the next annual meeting, at
To be eligible to hold office as president, first vice president, second vice which time there shall be an election.
president, one must: (1) be a member of FACC for three consecutive
years; (2) be a CMC (Certified Municipal Clerk); (3) have served at least
two years as a district director; and (4) have attended at least two state Article VII -Nominations and Elections
conferences. As provided in its By-Laws, the Florida Association of City Clerks' Board
of Directors shall consist of the president, first vice president, second
No person shall be elected as president unless such person shall have vice president, immediate past president, and six district directors (one
served as officer or member of the Board of Directors for an aggregate member from each of the six geographic districts), all of whom are
of three years prior to becoming president. The person serving as first elected at-large by mail ballot, except as otherwise provided in Article
vice president shall be deemed automatically elected to the office of ~
- VI. The qualifications for election to the Board and the terms of office are
president for the
next ensuing year following the annual meeting. The 'y~~ provided in Article VI.
person serving as second vice president shall be deemed automatically
elected to the office of first vice president for the next ensuing year fol-
lowing the annual meeting.
Nominating Procedures:
The FACC president shall appoint a Nominating Committee, consisting
of one member from each of the six geographic districts and the imme-
diate past~president, who shall act as chair. The Nominating Committee
shall nominate all qualified candidates for each Board position, except
for the positions of president and first vice president which shall auto-
matically be filled by the first vice president and second vice president,
respectively, and submit its nominations to all members who are quali-
fied to vote. No election shall be held for any position in which there is
only one applicant/nominee.
Following each annual conference, the FACC membership will be
advised, via the FACC newsletter (the City Desk) or by direct mail, of
the president's appointment of members to the Nominating Committee.
Further, the membership will be advised that nominations for election to
the Board of Directors for the ensuing year will be accepted by the chair-
man of the Nominating Committee until 70 days prior to the membership
meeting held during the annual conference.
Official nomination forms shall be obtained from, and returned to, the
chairman of the Nominating Committee. FACC members, meeting the
qualifications provided in Article VI, may submit a nomination form on
their own behalf, or they may be nominated by another active member of
The committee shall meet, review all nominations, and notify the Florida
League of Cities (FLC) of the nominations for preparation of the mail
ballots. Ballots must be mailed to the membership at least 45 days prior
to the membership meeting held during the annual conference, and
returned to the FLC no later than 30 days prior to said membership
meeting. If the 30th day falls on a Saturday or Sunday, ballots would be
received on the following Monday. The Florida League of Cities shall
serve as the Canvassing Board for election results and shall notify the
FACC Board of Directors and Nominating Committee chairman of the
results of said elections. The election results will be brought before the
FACC membership at the membership meeting held during the annual
conference, for ratification.
The ballots shall be destroyed following the end of the annual confer-
Article VIII -Duties of Officers
Section 1: President
The president shall (1) preside bt all meetings; (2) appoint all commit-
tees, including the chairman thereof; (3) appoint an association histo-
rian; (4) call meetings of the Board of Directors; and (5) perform such
other duties as may be required by FACC.
Section 2: First Vice President
The first vice president shall (1) perform the duties of the presidency
during the president's absence; (2) become president in the event of a
vacancy in the office of president; (3) serve as an ex-officio member of
the Goals Committee, (4) approve minutes of all meetings, as prepared
by the Florida League of Cities, after review by the Executive Board;
(5) present the treasurer's report, as prepared by the Florida League
of Cities, to the Board of Directors and membership at the regularly
scheduled meetings and respond to questions/concerns of members
relative to said report; and (6) perform duties as may be assigned by the
TSection 3: Second Vice President
~~ The second vice president shall (1) conduct the correspondence of
the association, and oversee the preservation in a permanent file of all
records and letters of value to the association and its officers which shall
;~ be transferred to a successor at the conclusion of the term, (2) shall
` % be responsible for overseeing the content of the newsletter, including
r collection and composing articles, and its printing and distribution, after
review by the Executive Board, (3) serve as an ex-officio member of the
Membership Committee, and (4) perform duties as may be assigned by
+. the president.
Section 4: District Directors
The district directors shall be composed of one representative of each of
the six geographic districts and shall serve as a liaison between FACC
and the clerks in their respective district.
Section 5: Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall be composed of the officers of the associa-
tion, immediate past president, and six area representatives who shall
have general supervision over the affairs of the association.
Section 6: Immediate Past President
The immediate past president shall vote on all matters considered by
the FACC Board of Directors. The immediate past president shall serve
as chair of the President's Advisory Committee and the Nominating
Article IX - Commitfiees
To ensure continuity of purpose on the various committees, whenever
possible, the president shall have the latitude to either appoint to the
various committees a past president, a director or an officer assigned
to act as liaison, or to appoint avice-chairperson who may ascend to
the position of chairperson upon conclusion of the chairperson's term of
February 11, 2008
Ms. Lisa Burns, MMC
Florida Association of City Clerks (FACC)
Nominating Committee Chairperson
c/o City of Temple Terrace
Post Office Box 16930
Temple Terrace, Florida 33687
Dear Ms. Burns:
On behalf of the City of Winter Springs' City Commission, I am pleased to endorse our
City Clerk, Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, CMC as a candidate for Second Vice President for
the Florida Association of City Clerks.
Our City Commission and I fully support Andrea's possible participation on the Florida
Association of City Clerks' Executive Board, recognizing that a certain amount of time
away from the office is required to fulfill the duties of the position.
Furthermore, our City Commission and I understand that travel and time away from the
office will be involved, and we agree to funding of such related expenses.
Please contact me at (407) 782-6230 should you have any questions or concerns.
~ i r~pY
~~ ~ ; ~
John F. Bush
City of Winter Springs
her Appointment in 1999; and
WHEREAS, through her dedication and numerous contributions to the City of Winter Springs,
ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, CMC, CITY CLERK performs an invaluable service to the City
Commission, Staff, and the citizens of the City of Winter Springs; and
WHEREAS, ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, CITY CLERK in addition to her numerous
responsibilities for the City of Winter Springs, has been a member of the Florida Association of City
Clerks (FACC) since 1998 and has served on several Committees for this organization, including
serving as the Chairperson for the Institute Committee for the three (3) consecutive years; and
WHEREAS, ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, CITY CLERK has for the last two (2) years
served the Florida Association of City Clerks (FACC) as the Central East District Director, and the City
of Winter Springs has fully supported Andrea's service in that role; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission appreciates the knowledge and experience that
their City Clerk acquires from her involvement and participation in this Professional Association and
that this contributes to the overall body of knowledge for our City.
SECTION I -That the City of Winter Springs' Mayor and City Commission offers our support
to ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, CITY CLERK to pursue the position of Second Vice President
as a member of the Executive Board for the Florida Association of City Clerks; with the understanding
that in accordance with the By-laws of the Florida Association of City Clerks that should Andrea
Lorenzo-Luaces be elected (unopposed or otherwise) to the position of Second Vice President for the
Florida Association of City Clerks that ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, CITY CLERK would
automatically progress annually, to the position of First Vice President, then President, and then would
serve as their Immediate Past President.
SECTION II -That the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Winter Springs understands
that time will be needed for ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, CITY CLERK to perform these duties,
and that time away from the office will also be required; and that financial support from this City will
also be given so that Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces can perform the duties as noted in the Florida Association
of City Clerks' By-laws, and that we willingly agree to do this.
SECTION III -That this Resolution commends the services of ANDREA LORENZO-
LUACES, CITY CLERK and is to be recorded upon the public records and Minutes of said City
Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida.
SECTION IV -That this Resolution be forwarded to the Florida Association of City Clerks
(FACC) with the nomination packet for ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, CITY CLERK as a
nominee for the Second Vice President/Executive Board Member for the Florida Association of City
Clerks (FACC).
~~~, iai~nedl ca/u~'~/~aae /r,Pireuirrta~ Qet yru~ hairul a~zd ea~cQe~ t/i6
dal ter 6e zPa!
Mayor John F. Bush
Deputy Mayor Donald A. Gilmore
Commissioner Robert S. Miller
Commissioner Rick Brown
Commissioner Sally McGinnis
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs
Andrea-Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk
City of Winter Springs, Florida
Resolution Number 2008-12
Page 2 of 2
her Appointment in September 1999; and
WHEREAS, through her dedication and numerous contributions to the City of Winter Springs,
ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, CMC, CITY CLERK performs an invaluable service to the City
Commission, Staff, and the citizens of the City of Winter Springs; and
WHEREAS, ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, CITY CLERK in addition to her numerous
responsibilities for the City of Winter Springs, has been a member of the Florida Association of City
Clerks (FACC) since 1998 and has served on several Committees for this organization, including
serving as the Chairperson for the Institute Committee for the three (3) consecutive years; and
WHEREAS, ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, CITY CLERK has for the last two (2) years
served the Florida Association of City Clerks (FACC) as the Central East District Director, and the City
of Winter Springs has fully supported Andrea's service in that role; and
WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission appreciates the knowledge and experience that
their City Clerk acquires from her involvement and participation in this Professional Association and
that this contributes to the overall body of knowledge for our City.
SECTION I -That the City of Winter Springs' Mayor and City Commission offers our support
to ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, CITY CLERK to pursue the position of 2"d Vice President as a
member of the Executive Board for the Florida Association of City Clerks; with the understanding that
in accordance with the rules and by-laws of the Florida Association of City Clerks that should Andrea
Lorenzo-Luaces be elected (unopposed or otherwise) to the position of 2°d Vice President for the
Florida Association of City Clerks that ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, CITY CLERK would
automatically progress annually, to the position of ls` Vice President, then President, and then would
serve as their Immediate Past President.
SECTION II -That the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Winter Springs understands
that time will be needed for ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, CITY CLERK to perform these duties,
and that time away from the office will also be required; and that financial support from this City will
also be given so that Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces can perform the duties as noted in the Florida Association
of City Clerks' rules and by-laws, and that we willingly agree to do this.
SECTION III -That this Resolution commends the services of ANDREA LORENZO-
LUACES, CITY CLERK and is to be recorded upon the public records and Minutes of said City
Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida.
SECTION IV -That this Resolution be .forwarded to` the .Florida Association of City Clerks
(FACC) with the nomination packet for ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, CITY CLERK as a
nominee for the Executive Board far the Florida Association of City Clerks (FACC).
J"~r: i~~r.'Cii~.,F1 r~~~re~~'J" /~aa~ /~reiiirJ~ J~f ri~~ l ai~c~ aid ~~~riiJ~~/ //ri~1
1F~~/fc- fig ~~~z;°
Mayor John F..Bush
Deputy Mayor Donald Gilrnare
Commissioner Robert S`Miller
Commissioner Rick Brown / -~~-
Commissioner Sally McGinnis ~
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs
/~ .
Andr -Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk
City of Winter Springs, Florida
Resolution Number 2008-]2
Page 2 of 2