HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 04 11 City Commission Regular Minutes
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APR I L 11, 1994
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs,
Florida, was called to order by Mayor John F. Bush at 7:30 p.m.
The invocation was given by Paster David Brett, Lord of Life Church. The
Pledge of Allegiance to the flag was led by Mayor John F. Bush.
Roll Call:
Mayor John F. Bush, Present
Deputy Mayor John V. Torcaso, Present
City Manager John Govoruhk, Present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, Present
Commi ss ioners:
John Ferring, Present
John Lange1lotti, Present
Cindy Genne11, Present
David McLeod, Present
Mayor Bush stated that Mr. Bill Schaefer from Channel 2 was unable to attend
the meeting tonight, the presentation will be rescheduled for a later date.
Mayor Bush said that he is moving item B on the general agenda to the first
item on the agenda.
Approval of Minutes of Special Meeting of March 21, 1994 and Regular Meeting
of March 28, 1994: there were no additions or corrections; the minutes
stand approved as presented.
Mayor Bush presented Mr. John Baker a Proclamation appointing Mr. Baker as
Honorary Historian of the City of Winter Springs, Florida.
Genera 1 Agenda:
Approval of Amendment to Settlement Agreement between the City of Winter
Springs. f10rida and Florida Country Clubs. Inc.:
Mayor Bush said he will have public comment on this item at this time and
after this item is finished there will be opportunity for public comment on
other issues the public wishes to bring before the Commission.
Steve Kropp, 1105 Northern Way, said that he cannot understand why the City
would allow development on recreational land in a PUD.
Commissioner Ferring said that we have been presented with infonmation
tonight regarding changes with the settlement agreement and we should
discuss whatever has to be voted on before public input. The Commission was
in agreement to this.
A torney Kruppenbacher said that following the last meeting the Commission
directed and authorized him to go before Judge Benson in the Circuit Court
of Seminole County regarding requesting Judge Benson to find whether or not
there was,a 1993 or a 1992 settlement agreement and the whole configuration
associateq with the issues of Parcel 4. Judge Benson did not make any
decision on the issue.
Regu 1 ar Meet i ng
City Calmission
April 11, 1994
Page 2
Attorney Kruppenbacher said that he and the City Manager have researched
docunents to ascertain facts and culminating with today have reached an
option that is available to you the Calmission. Attorney Kruppenbacher gave
the Calmi ss i on a package wi th three opt ions. Opt i on One: is root i on to
approve final engineering of Parcel 4 and the request for Court approval of
the Sett 1 ement Agreement current 1 y on file wi th the Court. Opt ion Two:
would be a rootion to disapprove final engineering for Parcel 4 based on
decision that a mistake was made and the City is prepared to honor its
understanding of the mediated settlement which it deans to require 3 lots on
Parcel 4. Option Three: Motion to approve Amendment Sett lement agreement
No. 1 (which for the record would amend not only the 1993 settlement
agreement but would also include an amendment to the 1992 mediation
agreement) in accordance with the terms of the Agreement attached hereto
with authority for City Attorney to file Settlement Agreement Amendment with
Circuit Court and obtain entry of attached Final Order approving Original
and Amended Settlement.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said that Amendment Settlement Agreement No.1 calls
for the following: Parcel 4 which is 7 lots on Northern Way would change to
3 (three) lots; the three lots commencing from the easterly point of Parcel
7 rooving west; The first lot coming west would be approximately 225', the
second 225' and the third being the largest would be 375'. the remaining
property would then be designated golf property within the concept of the
original agreement. Discussion on the lot frontage footages.
Jim Mikes property owner/developer stated that the five lots will be turned
into three lots, the last two western roost lots will be deleted completely.
He said there will be no lot line that will go past the westerly right-of-
way line of Shetland Avenue.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said the next is Parcel 7, this Parcel would be
changed to add an additional 5 lots totaling 13 lots. This property is
currently near the tennis courts next to the actual club house. Parcel 8
would go from 38 lots to 39 lots (adding 1 lot).
Discussion on the number of lots being added.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated the next item would be as it relates to the
lot adjacent to the Fairway Oaks subdivision, depicted as Lot 17 on the
engineering for Arrowhead Unit 1, also referred to as Mr. Murdock's issue.
Mr. t'k../rdock' s agreement, which is attached, and is marked Exhibit "B", would
also be part of the settlement agreement. Attorney Kruppenbacher said that
Mikes advised him today that he was in agreement with what Mr. Murdock had
tendered with the exception of paragraph number 5.
Discussion on if there would be roam to adequately put 13 lots on Parcel 7.
Mikes said that Parcel 7 currently has approximately 10 1/2 acres. Mikes
went on to say that he has anticipated removing 2 of the 8 tennis courts
Regular Meeting
City Camlission
Apr i 1 11, 1994
Page 3
which would then be rebuild on the opposite side. Putting three lots along
the entrance road and then reducing the size of the acre and a quarter lot
to approximately 2/3 of an acre.
Camlissioner McLeod said it is his understanding that if we went with option
three we would be going back to the original three lots on Parcel 4 and then
give the proposal to build up to 13 lots on Parcel 7 provided all
engineering comes through the proper Boards; and Parcel 8 we are adding 1
additional lot providing that it can fit within the rules and regulations of
all Boards. Discussion.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said if the Camlission approves option three, he
would like to add (where is says "Now, Therefore...") "FCC I and the City
agree to modify the mediated settlement agreement and the original
settlement agreement" that way either document is addressed.
Camlissioner Ferring asked if the Camlission agrees to option three, how
soon will it get memorialized. Attorney Kruppenbacher said this document
subject to what I just added will be hand changed and assuming Mikes and the
Mayor can sign it first thing in the morning, it will be taken to Court and
if Judge Benson is not in hearings we could get it signed tomorrow, if not
it may be Wednesday. Discussion.
Mayor Bush opened the meeting for public input.
Jim Willis property owner at 1047 northern Way, stated that he does not feel
that building homes on Parcel 4 would be compatible to his property across
the street.
Doug Murdock, property owner who Attorney Kruppenbacher has been in contact
with , spoke about his agreement with Mr. Mikes. Discussion between Mikes
and Murdock. Mayor Bush interrupted and stated that his appears to be a
discussion between you two gentlemen and not with the Camlission.
Martha Pultz, 1039 Northern Way, said in both the 1992 and 1993 Agreements
is says the following: "..all these developments should be secure for
further approvals and it must comply with applicable City Codes and
approvals.." and asked if this development was being done according to the
Codes. The Camlission said yes. Pultz also brought up that it was her
understanding that Northern Way and Winter Springs Boulevard were major
collector roads and according to major collector roads they can no longer
have direct driveways into it. Camlissioner McLeod stated that at this
present time is being "kicked" back by Tallahassee. Pultz asked about the
prices of the homes to be built, stating something fram the 1992 and 1993
Mayor Bush said that the purpose of option 3 amends the settlement
agreements fram 1992 and 1993. He also said that he didn't believe that a
Regular Meeting
City CaTmission
April 11, 1994
Page 4
settlement agreement could guarantee the price of anything.
Mike Jones, representing a Homeowners Association, said that he wanted to
thank the CaTmission for the efforts they have make as a Board and wanted to
encourage the CaTmission to vote for option 3 with the proviso to make sure
that the proper exhibits and all the things are properly attached to the
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated for the record that what the CaTmission has in
front of than is the actual docLl1lent that would be presented to the Court
with the revision he spoke about earlier. Discussion.
Mayor Bush asked the City Attorney to review once more for the CaTmission
exactly what he is changing on the docLl1lent. Attorney Kruppenbacher read
the agreement with the changes he spoke about.
CaTmissioner McLeod said that he would like to see on the docLl1lent where is
says Parcel 7 shall be penmitted to develop a total of 13 lots and a total
of 39 on Parcel 8 provided it meets with the local requirements. Attorney
Kruppenbacher stated that he is adding this language: "..provided said lots
can be developed in accordance with applicable City Codes and any state or
Federal regulations".
Jones asked how "golf property" is defined. Attorney Kruppenbacher said
that it is defined as follows: gulf property shall be used for the purposes
of operation of a Country Club, golf course, tennis club, club house,
restaurant, golf and tennis teaching, and training facilities school acadany
with no on site residences, stonmwater drainage retention/detention for the
development property, affluent disposal and related uses. Jones also said
for the record that he hasn't seen anything even though the City Attorney
has read the agreement and that he would like to review the docLl1lent.
Attorney Kruppenbacher gave Jones an agreement to review.
Doug Clark, 1004 Nancy Circle, Vice-President of the Woodstream Homeowners
Association, wanted to know in what way does this development irJl)act the
Woodstream development and if there is any docLl1lentation on it. Attorney
Kruppenbacher asked Mikes to speak to Clark regarding his question and
Paul Partyka, 684 Oswego Court, said that City needs to develop a new
process that starts from the beginning where anything that irJl)acts people
that they are informed to end confusion on the residents part. Mayor Bush
said that agendas are posted and information is made available and that is
why there are elected CaTmissioners.
Marcia Horton, 715 Golf Point Drive, asked if the number of tennis courts
will be dropped from 8 to 6. Mikes said that it would stay at 8, and that
Regular Meeting
City Camlission
April 11, 1994
page 5
the tennis courts, the cafe, the pool will probably have about a million
dollars reconstruction in 1995.
Lawrence Pultz, 1039 Northern Way, was concerned about the 800' frontage at
Parcel 4. He also asked about a wall around the golf course. Attorney
Kruppenbacher said that he has not negotiated a wall and does not know
anything about a wall.
Mayor Bush close the public input and opened the City Camlission meeting.
Camlissioner McLeod moved to approve option 3 and approve the amended
settlement agreement No. 1 in accordance with the terms of the agreement
attached hereto that with the authority of the City Attorney to file
settlement agreement amendment with the Circuit Court and obtain entry of
attached final ordered approving original and amended settlement. Seconded
by Torcaso. Discussion. Vote: Camlissioner Ferring; aye; Camlissioner
Langellotti: aye; Camlissioner Gennell: aye; Camlissioner McLeod: aye;
Camlissioner Torcaso: aye. Motion carried.
Mayor Bush call a 10 minute break.
order at 9:00 p.m.
Mayor Bush called the meeting back to
Mayor Bush said at this time he would like to open up the meeting for any
comment for any item on the agenda or anything that the public would like to
bring before the Camlission.
John Morgan, 977 Troon Trace, President of the Homeowners Association for
the Greenbriar subdivision, mentioned he wasn't aware of this agenda item
tonight regarding the Maintenance Building on the golf course. he stated
that in June of last year the Board of Directors of their Homeowners
Association sent a letter to the City with same concerns they had regarding
the maintenance facility. He said their concerns are primarily do to the
noise that the maintenance facility would generate plus the access in and
out of it by the workers. He wanted to know what kind of protection the
homeowners are going to have with the workers running down the road and
possibly knocking down one of the poles that the high voltage wires are on.
City Manager Govoruhk said that the traffic coming in and out will be the
same as it is currently. Discussion.
Camlissioner Torcaso said that he doesn't think we are here to discuss the
roads or anything else, according to the agenda should the Camlission
approve the Maintenance Building on the Tuscawilla Golf Course and that is
what he is interested in. He said that we have recommendations from the
City Engineer and Staff where they all approve it.
Gene Lein, 1173 Winged Foot Circle, said that Augusta National Boulevard has
been used for years by vehicles going down through the easement to the
Regular Meeting
City Carmission
April 11, 1994
Page 6
maintenance building and would be happy to see the entrance to the
maintenance building on the other side.
Paul Partyka, 684 Oswego Court, spoke about an issue brought up at the
Oviedo City Carmission meeting last week.
Carmissioner Ferring said that our City Manager has been in contact with
Gene Wi11aford and has explained to him exactly what happened regarding the
parcel of property owned by the City of Winter Springs that is abutting the
City of Oviedo. Discussion. Attorney Kruppenbacher said he is asking that
no one fram this City Carmission or the City Staff speak on the topic of the
easement. If they wan an official decision, I'll write one out for your
approval as a formal public body.
Mayor Bush closed the public input and opened the regular meeting.
Tuscawi11a Golf Course-Approval of Maintenance Building:
Carmissioner Lange110tti moved to approve the maintenance building
relocation. Seconded by Carmissioner Ferring. Discussion. Vote:
Carmissioner Genne11: aye; Carmissioner McLeod: aye; Carmissioner Torcaso:
aye; Carmissioner Ferring: aye; Carmissioner Lange110tti: aye. Motion
Tuscawi11a Road Widening Discussion:
Carmissioner Ferring said that he asked for this to be put on the agenda so
we can bring the rest of the Carmission up to date with what is happening
with the widening of Tuscawi11a Road. We put together what we believe is
the pertinent documents regarding what Seminole County is planning at this
particular point; when it carnes to the City of Winter Springs it will be
fram Lake Road to Winter Springs Boulevard. Seminole County further have
made plans to go just about to Forest Creek.
Carmissioner Ferring said there are three points he would like to bring out
to the Carmission. Number One: they are putting a 22' median in the center
of Tuscawi11a Road. This has been discussed time and time again with public
input on several occasions regarding or basically what the "mish-mash" that
they did on Red Bug Lake Rod. We want to make sure that what they did on
Red Bug Lake Road does not happen on Tuscawi11a Road. they have dece1 lanes
on Tuscawi11a right now in the Winn Dixie Shopping area that can accommodate
one car, you take your life in your hands if you want to make a left turn
going south bound into the Winn Dixie entrance down that steep hill. These
are the things that we are trying to meet with them, I think we are going to
be meeting with them on the 28th. Mayor Bush said yes on the 28th at 4:30
p.m. here at City Hall.
Carmissioner Ferring said Number Two: is the buffering, the whole west side
of Tuscawi11a Road according to the County will not be buffered by either
Regular Meeting
City Commission
April 11, 1994
Page 7
vegetation or a wall. Commissioner Ferring repeated that the west side of
Tuscawilla Road, the County is not going to provide any buffering except
where there might be an existing fence in the back of some resident's home.
We have asked them to make sure proper buffering is put in place, they're
very intransigent in their position saying if there is not a fence there, we
don't have to put anything there.
Commissioner Ferring said that in the packet the Commission has are the
County Land Development Regulations and if you look at those County Land
Development Regulations you will note that there are certain criteria which
they themselves have set up which says, and I believe I'm correct and I hope
that our Attorney will be able to elaborate a little more than I can on this
because we are in the process of looking at it from a legal standpoint also,
of what their land Development Regulations that they should be putting up
some type of buffer or a wall to be sure for health and safety factors.
Commissioner Ferring said Number Three: is that in the City of Winter Spring
son Tuscawilla Road you have three churches, an elementary school and a
middle school, a lot of the traffic that would go in and out of these areas
for some reason the County has dismissed. st. Stephens Church being our
main issue - they are intent in putting that median right across st.
Stephens' path or entrance ways, where originally the County gave them
permission to open those entrance ways. Now they are putting a median on
the southern most entrance way which is their main entrance way. Which
would mean people coming out of that entrance way would have no other way
but to go north; they could not go south. That would create a problem.
Commissioner Ferring said these are three main points that we have been able
to address, we have been trying to address and with the City Manager and
City Attorney and I hope that these documents will prove useful to you and
help out in whatever input that you may want to have in respect to this.
Mayor Bush said that Commissioner Ferring brings up a point that he thinks
the City has to address and that is the buffering on the west side of
Tuscawilla Road. Discussion on buffering. Commissioner Ferring said that
there is a legal opinion in here in reference to Seminole County's opinion
and it clearly states that they have no intention of putting buffering up
unless there is something there already.
Commissioner Ferring mentioned that conversely we have a memorandum from our
Attorney, Mr. David Smoker who takes issue with Mr. Groot's opinion, so if
you would go through both of those documents you will be aware of it when we
get into our discussion with Seminole County.
Mike Jones, Dunmar Estates, thanked Commissioner Ferring for bringing this
up. Jones explained what happened with Red Bug Lake Road. He stated that
Regular Meeting
City Ca1mission
April 11, 1994
Page 8
the Ca1mission shouldn't stand here whenever they
Ca1mission to be dictated to by that Ca1mission.
them; they are coming through our City and they can
wants it built.
meet with the County
he said to stand up to
build it like our City
Ca1missioner Ferring said that he would like to give a little more
information on this because this is not something that we haven't been
addressing. We have been addressing it for quite a while and we are very
adamant in our stance as far as not giving the County any rook whatsoever
when they came into our City. That they will build in accordance with our
guidelines. The point of the matter is though we've appealed before the
County Ca1mission, we've had City Ca1missioners appeal before the County
Ca1mission; they keep throwing certain obstacles in our way which we are now
researching to see how we can counter them. We also did our own engineering
study by Conklin porter and Holmes, because they claim what they were doing
was in accordance with the green book standards of engineering design. We
have an expert Attorney who has been involved with us in giving us guidance
as we are going along. Jones again spoke regarding Red Bug Road.
Mayor Bush said that one of the things we want to come out of this kind of
discussion is for the Ca1mission to came to a consensus of what we are going
to talk to the County about. Things should be brought up - such as: should
it be three lane, four lane, should it have a median or shouldn't it. I
think these kind of things need to be resolved within the Ca1mission as much
as possible so that when we meet with the County Ca1missioners we are not
arguing among ourselves on what we want. We need to have it nailed down as
much as the Ca1mission can possibly do by the 28th.
Mayor Bush said the things that he would like to see the Ca1mission look at
again is three lanes or four lanes, the Catholic Church medians and the
Ca1missioner Torcaso said the whole thing is for the City Ca1mission to
stand together because this is our City and these are our people that live
here and we can't have any dissension amongst ourselves.
Attorney Kruppenbacher mentioned to the Mayo if he could recommend that on
the meeting of the 25th (prior to the meeting with the County on the 28th) a
recommendation from Staff regarding the median issue, a recommendation fram
Staff regarding the road itself including buffering. Mayor Bush asked the
Manager to take care of what Attorney Kruppenbacher asked.
Commissioner Ferring reiterated the three major points and that being: 1)
buffering 2) the 22' median and 3) access to the property on the road
including the Churches, the Schools and same of the residences.
Regular Meeting
City Conmission
Apr i 1 11, 1994
Page 9
Conmissioner McLeod said that he would 1 ike to get from Staff what we
presently have on our books regarding buffering and the LOR's, the zoning
requirements along there. He said meaning what do we presently have by
Chapter and Number. He said if we are going to talk to the County
Conmission and say that these are our requirements, then lets make sure that
they are the requirements that we do have. Mayor Bush asked the Manager to
make sure that the information gets to the Conmission before the next
Isabel Laub, Blue Spruce Court, spoke about who would maintain the median
and does the City really want a median.
Appointment to Code Enforcement Board:
Conmissioner Ferring moved to nominate Gene Lein. Seconded by Langellotti.
Discussion. Vote: Conmissioner Torcaso: aye; Conmissioner Ferring: aye;
Conmissioner Langellotti: aye; Conmissioner Gennell: aye; Conmissioner
McLeod: aye. Motion carried.
First Reading of Ordinance for Environmental Level Study for City
Conmissioner Torcaso moved to read the Ordinance for Environmental Study by
Title only. Seconded by langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Conmissioner
Gennell: aye; Conmissioner Ferring: aye; Conmissioner Langellotti: aye;
Conmissioner McLeod: nay; Conmissioner Torcaso: aye. Motion carried.
Discussion on reading the Ordinance by Title only. Attorney Kruppenbacher
read the Ordinance regarding Environmental Level 1 Study in its entirety.
There was discussion on the City Conmission having the authority to waive
the site assessment requirement. The Conmission's consensus was to keep the
Ordinance as is without the having the authority to waive the site
assessment requirement.
City Attorney Frank Kruooenbacher:
Attorney Kruppenbacher said he has given the Conmission and Mayor a packet
regarding the special taxing district in Tuscawilla and also one for Moti
Khemlani. Discussion. Conmissioner Ferring asked the Attorney how the
telephone negotiations were proceeding. Attorney Kruppenbacher said that he
is still talking to them.
City Manaqer John Govoruhk - Reports:
Manager Govoruhk sa i d that Car 1 Gos 1 in came on board today and the had a
prior appointment so he couldn't stay for the entire meeting.
Manager Govoruhk said that the Conmission has the Pension Plan Board meeting
"" It .1 .. .
Regular Meeting
City Carmission
April 11, 1994
Page 10
review and to look them over and let him know where to go fran there.
Manager Govoruhk said the Carmission has a copy of the letter for the
Insurance Certification and he read the letter for the people present. The
letter states that the City's classification has changed for 5-9 to 4-9
which results in a decrease in the City's property insurance. He said that
he has relayed to the Fire Department that they have done an outstanding job
bringing our insurance rate down; which benefits all the City and residents
of the City.
Carmission Seat III - John Langellotti:
Carmissioner Langellotti thanked everyone for the support in the loss of his
Carmission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell:
Carmissioner Gennell reported that the CALNO Meeting was held her last week.
The YMCA came to the meeting and gave a report of what they were doing for
the City of Winter Springs. She said the County gave a report on their
development plans as far as recreation within the County and how it mayor
may not affect us. She also mentioned that Seminole County wants to try to
develop a uniform sign ordinance and that they would like the members of
CALNO to have a representative (Staff person) to interact with the County on
this issue. Discussion. Mayor Bush asked the City Manager to assign a
Staff member to attend.
Carmissioner Gennell mentioned that the Lake Jesup Bill, that failed here,
passed in the Senate and the House unanimously. She said the Friends of
Lake Jesup are meeting this Thursday night for their regular meeting at 7:30
p.m. She said eventually each City will have a representative sent to the
Carmissioner Gennell spoke about the 35th Anniversary Celebration for the
City of Winter Springs. She said it will be on Monday, June 20th at City
Hall. She mentioned that there will be an open house, displays in the lobby
and in the evening there will be speeches and a reception following. The
open house during the daytime will be beneficial, it will be an educational
opportunity for parents and children. Discussion on the date for the
Anniversary. Mayor Bush asked Carmissioner Gennell to put together an
agenda of her plans and have it put on the agenda for the next meeting on
the 25th.
Manager Govoruhk mentioned that there will ge contributions caning in and
after researching the records for the 30th Anniversary a special account
should be set up for this for that purpose only and when it is closed it
will be closed out autanatically.
. '41! ..,...,.,.
Regular Meeting
City Carmission
Apr i 1 11, 1994
Page 11
Carmissioner Torcaso moved to have a special account for the 35th
Anniversary. Seconded by Gennell. Discussion. Vote: Carmissioner Ferring:
aye; Comnissioner Torcaso: aye; Comnissioner McLeod: aye; Comnissioner
Gennell: aye; Comnissioner Langellotti: aye. Motion carried.
Carmission Seat V - David McLeod:
Carmissioner McLeod congratulated the City Manager with his selection of a
new Planner for the City. Discussion on meeting with the new Staff members
and the Planning and Zoning Board. The City Manager will bring this up at
the next meeting under his seat.
Carmission Seat I - John V. Torcaso:
Comnissioner Torcaso said that he goes along wit the City Manager in talking
to his new Department heads before meeting with the Comnission and Planning
and Zoning Board together.
Carmission Seat I I - John Ferring:
Carmissioner Ferring said that he put a copy of the Oviedo Voice in the
Carmission boxes that describes what is gong on with that 10' easement.
Carmissioner Ferring also spoke about a letter (which he gave the Comnission
a copy of) he received from the Chelsea Woods Homeowners Association
regarding back flow devices. Discussion. Comnissioner Ferring asked the
City Manager to have information on the back-flow devices in the near
future. Comnissioner Ferring spoke about letters he has received from
residents regarding the CSX Railroad being abandoned. He asked the City
Manager to contact the Railroad and have them officially tell the City if
they are or are not abandon i ng the rail road.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said the needed to bring up a few things and that is
the amendment settlement agreement No. 1 - he is not changing the written
agreement but said that when he speaks with Mikes tomorrow he intends to
represent to him that under paragraph 2-a that what he represented tonight
was there would be no building on Parcel 4 west of the right-of-way line of
Shetland Avenue. The second issue is that he needs the Comnission all
together after the meeting for an Executive Session on Police Bargaining.
Mayor's Office - John F. Bush:
Mayor Bush said that he has been approached by some citizens regarding the
Duda Shopping Center Project and we had asked the City Manager to check into
that and said that he didn't want to hear it now because it was getting late
and the Comnission is needed to have the Executive Session but will hear
what the Manager has regarding the Duda Shopping Center Project at the next
The meeting adjourned at 10:25 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Margo Hopk ms ,
Deputy City Clerk
ohn F. Bush, Mayor