HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 03 28 City Commission Regular Minutes
MARCH 28, 1994
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
was called to order by Mayor John F. Bush at 7:30 p.m.
The invocation was given by Commissioner Cindy Genne11. The pledge of allegiance
to the flag was led by Commissioner John Ferring.
Roll Call:
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor John V. Torcaso, present
City Manager John Govoruhk, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
John Ferring, present
John Lange110tti, absent
Cindy Genne11, present
David McLeod, present
Approval of minutes of March 14, 1994: there were no additions or corrections; the
minutes stand approved as presented.
Public Comment:
Dick Denny, Pebble Beach Circle West, spoke about the BOWS Master Plan. He
explained the Master Plan was presented to the Commission in 1992. He said the
comment was made that the B.O.W.S. Board, having drawn up the Master Plan, had
fulfilled their job so to speak. Mr. Denny said if you look at the bylaws of
the B.O.W.S. Board their purpose is to come up with a Master Plan and they are to
work with other civic groups and governmental agencies regarding the approach of
the City surrounding areas which affect the impression of visitors and citizens of
the area with regard to the City and the B.O.W.S. Board shall submit to the City
Commission such recommendations as seem warranted, etc.
Mr. Denny explained there is more then just drawing up a Master Plan, albeit the
Master Plan was drawn up and is pretty thorough and offered some avenues to make
our City a more pleasurable place to look at.
Back in Feb. 8, 1993, the then acting City Commission designated the arbor permit
fees to be used by the B.O.W.S. Board. At that time they had accumulated $3,825.
Mr. Denny said it is his understanding that the money was subsequently turned over
to the Public Works Department, and when the B.O.W.S. Board was in the process of
preparing a proposal to spend some money, they were informed they had no money.
Mr. Denny went on to explain he feels the Commission should give some consideration
as to what the B.O.W.S. Board is intending to do and to give them some assistance
in getting it done.
Manager Govoruhk explained the auditors said the money was to be put into a line
code. Manager Govoruhk explained the staff had never seen any of the plans. He
said the staff is to get involved and when it comes to approval it will be in the
budget for beautification, but it also will be an on-going project throughout the
Gladys Zahand, Murphy Road, also spoke about the Master Plan.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, March 28, 1994
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General Agenda
Public Hearing and second reading of Ord. No. 553-A, amending the effective date of
Ord. No. 553,etc.
First Reading of Ord. No. 559, amending the 1993-1994 Fiscal Year Budget, etc.
First Reading of Ord. No. 553-B, amending Ord. No. 553, etc.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to read all three ordinances by title only.
Seconded by Commissioner Torcaso. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Gennell, aye; Commissioner McLeod, aye; Commissioner Torcaso, aye; Commissioner
Ferring, aye; motion passes.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 553-A by title only.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 553-B by title only, including the words,
"amending Policy F-4 of the Traffic Circulation Element of Ord. No. 553. on first
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 559 by title only on first reading.
Mayor Bush recessed the Commission Meeting and opened the public hearing for
Ord. No. 553-A. No one spoke for or against the ordinance. Mayor Bush closed
the public hearing and reconvened the Commission Meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to approve Ord. No. 553-A amending the
effective date of Ord. No. 553. Seconded by Commissioner Torcaso. Discussion.
Vote on the motion: Commissioner McLeod, aye; Commissioner Torcaso, aye; Commissioner
Ferring, aye; Commissioner Gennell, aye; motion passes.
Preliminary Engineering - Tuscawilla Parcel 61:
Spencer Cowan said the Commission has the preliminary engineering on Tuscawilla
Parcel 61.
(Attorney Kruppenbacher asked this portion be verbatim)
Commissioner Ferring-question, and going through the P&Z minutes this was recommended
to us subject to certain conditions, was it not Spencer?
Spencer-yes it was sir;
Commissioner Ferring-what were they?
Spencer-the motion was made approving the preliminary plan and subject to consideration
of screening or walls adjacent to properties Northern Way, Winter Springs Boulevard
and also adequate buffers and retention ponds and also consideration of the second
egress on Northern Way.
Commissioner Ferring-on the screening, Mr. Culp, as you are aware, I think the City
usually when they are going to go to final engineering, and approval, we would like
to know what your intention is as far as putting a wall up on this particular develop-
ment because it is contiguous with Georgetowne on each side and we would like to see
some type of compatibility with the Georgetowne units as far as the aesthetic values
are concerned. That is one.
Mr. Culp-with regard to the planting screen easement in the preliminary engineering
stage we have shown the planting screen easement at the perimeter as required by the
Code. We do intend to provide a compatible type of planting screen easement to
Georgetowne. We do not at this point have a final design for that. We would like
to leave that open to be able to be a combination of brick wall and landscaping
berms and landscaping. The code requirement at this stage is for the 10 foot
Regular Meeting, City Commission, March 28, 1994
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93-94- 12
planting screen buffer along all those lots that front both the interior streets and
Winter Springs Boulevard and Northern Way and that's what we've proposed for the
preliminary engineering. At final engineering we'll actually have the full design
of that planting screen easement with all the walls, and berms and landscaping shown
at that point and it will be compatible with but not identical to Georgetowne.
Commissioner Ferring-and what you are telling me is there will be a wall?
Mr. Cu1p-there will be a brick wall; I'm not committing to 100% brick wall at this
point because I think we'd like the opportunity to present some landscaping and berms
and combination with brick walls. The code requirement is for a planting/screen
easement. I don't think we have that in a lot of places in the City. We have a
brick wall. We'd like to do a combination as the Code seems to allow is this
planting screen easement so we do want to do something complimentary in the terms
of brick but also use berming and landscaping in coordination with that brick.
Commissioner Ferring-so you want to make it prettier?
Mr. Cu1p-yes.
Commissioner Ferring-what about the retention ponds? What are you proposing for the
retention ponds as far as buffering is concerned?
Mr. Cu1p-a10ng the retention ponds on the preliminary plan that we had submitted
earlier on and reviewed with the Staff we did not show the planting screen easement
because that wasn't a code requirement, but we will commit to continuing a 10 foot
planting screen easement along the ponds. We are not committing at this point to
brick walls along the ponds but will commit to the planting screen easement which
would mean we would do berm and landscaping in those areas and some brick wall but
we wouldn't do a continuous wall there. That would be our proposal at this point.
Commissioner Ferring-as far as the maintenance of these ponds are concerned, how is
that going to be handled?
Mr. Cu1p-its all maintained by the homeowners association.
Commissioner Ferring-do you have the deed restrictions in here?
Mr. Cu1p-yes. We submitted them with our initial submittal. The Staff has reviewed
Commissioner Ferring-the deed restrictions have been submitted?
Mr. Cu1p-yes they have been. Covenants and restrictions were submitted with the
initial submittal. We submitted and as far as I know they've been reviewed. We
have not had any comments on those. I'm sure as we get to final engineering and
normally in our final platting process they are reviewed in detail. and we'll have
the opportunity to go over that again in the final platting.
Commissioner Ferring-have you filed for an arbor permit for the removal of trees and
how many trees do you intend to remove in that area?
Mr. Cu1p-we only intend to remove those that are necessary for the road construction.
We've not done any type of tree surveyor aerial survey at this point. We're going
to limit it only to those that are necessary for the raod construction and then we're
going to keep whatever trees we can on the lots as we develop each lot and build homes
on each lot.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, March 28, 1994
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Commissioner Ferring-have you discussed this with the Staff?
Mr. Culp-the Staff has not requested anything with regard to arbor permits at this
point. At final engineering they will require us to have an aerial survey which
locates the trees and those that are being removed, but they have not requested
and not required at the preliminary engineering to be done at this point.
Mayor-he didn't answer one of the questions about have you applied for an arbor permit?
Mr. Culp-no we have not. Its not required at this point. We will apply at our final
Commissioner Ferring-I took it that you would be doing that at final engineering.
Mr. Culp-that's correct.
Commissioner Ferring-on Sec. 9-49 approval of this preliminary engineering is to be
construed only as a go ahead to submit the final engineering. You are aware of that?
Mr. Culp-that's correct.
Commissioner Torcaso-at the present time I don't think we'll have any problem with the
preliminary engineering but I think our concerns will be the same as Commissioner
Ferring about the brick wall, etc. I'm glad he brought it up so you are aware of
what our feelings are.
Mr. Culp-we intend to bring in fully engineered plans and details of the entire
planting screen buffer with the final engineering so you can see everywhere that
we'll have the brick, the type of brick, the size the type of landscaping and berms
the elevations all of that with our final engineering.
Commissioner Gennell-what property in the subdivision beside the retention pond is
going to be private property common area?
Mr. Culp-other than the retention ponds I don't see any area that would be common
area in this parcel. Now of course there would be common property, the subdivision
the planting screen easements, although they are not common areas, those would be
common property and will be maintained by the homeowners association. The entry
walls, landscaping and signage and the entire planting screen easements will be.
Commissioner Gennell-the streets are gonna be turned over to the City?
Mr. Culp-that's correct.
Mayor-when you say compatible, who determines what is compatible?
Mr. Culp-I think that's a process that we go through with the Staff and Commission.
Mayor-so the Commission will have the final say on what's compatible at final
Mr. Culp-I think that's a process that we go through together.
Myor-do you have a date in which you expect this to be before the Commission?
Mr. Culp-I don't have the date worked out on my schedule. We plan to submit our
final engineering within the next two weeks and proceed through the Staff Review
which takes 4-6 weeks sometimes, then come back to the Commission at that point.
Mayor-so the Commission may not necessarily see it even though you are gonna
present it to the Staff within 2 weeks?
Mr. Culp-it does come back before the Commission for final engineering approval.
Mayor-but I mean within 2 weeks you are gonna show it to the Staff?
Mr. Culp-I'll show it to the city of Winter Springs whoever they want to look at it.
Attorney-Mr. Spencer, Sec. 9-46 filing and contents of preliminary map and plan per
our Code have been eomplied with, am I correct?
Regular Meeting, City Commission, March 28, 1994
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Attorney-Mr. Ferring brought out a very good point. What this is when you go to 9-72
it specifically contemplates that if there is a substantial change between the final
engineering plans and the preliminary plans that it then goes back to P&Z before it
comes back to you. I am concerned in light of our learning from our past issues,
that if in the next 2 weeks the Staff is gonna obtain a final plan that is going to
contain more detailed things such as the concerns raised by Commissioner Ferring,
that we not show back up here on the doorstep with a final plan that is more detailed
for you for the first night because I think it puts you in the awkward position of
basically looking at a developer saying well if we don't approve it tonight what do we
do to your project? No. 2 I don't care who the developer is and this is no slight on you,
they will always argue all of these issues were covered and now I'm at the final plan
and now you want to change things, etc. So I think we ought to address that issue now
given the fact that it was significant enough for Commissioner Ferring raised it that
one, if the final plan is coming in in two weeks that's gonna contain all of these
issues, you ought to be given a copy of it immediately in 2 weeks and then you ought
to agenda looking at it from a preliminary standpoint and then going to another final,
because its not going to do us any good having him go to the Staff, get to the final
and be sitting here telling him he's gotta go back because there were issues.
Mr. Culp-could I request then that we have a workshop on the final engineering as
opposed to a preliminary review of the final engineering and then a final?
Attorney-I don't care, all I'm saying I don't want this Commission to be in a position
at the last night they are looking at it given the fact there was a concern
Commissioner McLeod-this does go back to P&Z for final?
Mr. Culp-final engineering does not go back to P&Z.
Attorney-it can go back.
Commissioner McLeod-I would suggest this one does for the simple reason, the other
night there was an awful lot of confusion at the P&Z Board regarding this project.
Nothing to do with the developers but more of an internal with our own City through
some changes we've had. Some of those concerns was the fact there was not enough
input as far as our P&Z felt from the Fire Department, Police Department, which now
I see in front of us as the City Manager had promised the P&Z in the future they would
have. We the Commission have comments from each one of the departments that would have
probably made it a lot smoother the other night in the P&Z meeting.
The poor developer got caught in the middle of it but I think in lieu of that I
would recommend that we do instead of us having a preliminary with the developer, I
think it should go back to P&Z because they had concerns of these walls, also and the
landscape, a lot of things.
Attorney-Commissioner, Sec. 9-72 contemplates that when the final plans are submitted
for processing only if significant changes, alterations or modifications have been
made to the final plans which would cause to be construed at the time of Staff
Review that a substantial difference between the final and preliminary plans now
exist must the plans then go back to P&Z, so one could argue that the Staff has to
make that judgement. I think that puts the Staff in an incredible position of being
Monday morning quarterback on why did you not make that judgement. I think that I am
going to construe that this Commission has the inherent authority to always send some-
thing back to one of its boards for further input.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, March 28, 1994
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Commissioner McLeod-the reason I mentioned that was because in the P&Z's outcome of
what we are reading here in our minutes was due to they were going to see the final
and I don't believe the developer has a problem necessarily with that. Maybe its a
workshop with the P&Z rather than a regular P&Z meeting prior to the final coming to
the Commission. From what I heard of that meeting and the confusion the other evening
both from your side and also the Commissioner, they were kind of guaranteed they
would have another shot at it and I know the ordinance is different.
Mayor-sounds to me like the Commission can decide to send it back to the P&Z if
they want to but they don't have to unless someone said this is a significant change
and the Commission would say what is significant and what isn't.
Attorney-until advised by a higher authority it is my position you have the inherent
authority to send something back to your boards in this case.
Mr. Culp-we have no objection to it going back before the P&Z on a timely basis. As
you know it took us quite a while to get to the P&Z Board and through Staff Review
because of the transition that is going on so if we could get it on a fairly timely
basis and also I request we address those items that were items of concern by the
P&Z and not open it up for a new P&Z hearing on the preliminary plan where we
addressed the wall issue and the details of those and the details that may need to
be more quantified for them.
Mayor-it appears to me from what Frank has said, if the Commission wants to send it
back to the P&Z they can. At this point the Commission has not spoken.
Commissioner Ferring-just want to get back to one more thing. I have no problem
coming back on a workshop if there is a substantial change and I'll rely on Staff and
especially in lieu of the fact we've got some people that I think are really going to
be able to do a job for us, I think that I would allow them to make that decision.
One of the questions I want to ask you, when were the covenants given to the City?
Mr. Culp-I have to look back to my original submittal. We had several submittals on
this parcel and they are required when we submit the initial documentation to be
included as part of the package. I have a memorandum from the Land Development
Coordinator dated Jan. 19 on the proposed covenants of Parcel 61.
Commissioner Ferring-in the covenants cause I haven't had a chance to look at them,
what is the percentage of occupancy that will be required and will you be keeping
maintenance up until what point of occupancy?
Mr. Culp-we will be keeping control of the association and maintenance until we sell
the last lot.
Commissioner Ferring-in other words you will do the maintenance until 100% is occupied?
Mr. Culp-the homeowners association will do the maintenance, the developer will maintain
control of the association and will find any deficiencies until the last lot is occupied.
Commissioner Ferring-what is the developer's responsibility until the homeowners take
over as far as maintenance is concerned? You have no financial input into that at all?
Mr. Culp-yes we do. We have the requirements through the documents, covenants and
restrictions to fund any deficiencies, the homeowners as they come in to fund the
homeowners association initial assessments as well as prorated portions of their dues.
Commissioner Ferring-that will not be put into an escrow fund?
Mr. Culp- that will be handled as all funds for homeowners associations are reqqired.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, March 28, 1994
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Commissioner Ferring-and they will be taking money out of those funds before they
take over?
Mr. Culp-that is correct.
Commissioner Ferring-I think that needs to be addressed, o.k. I don't think that is
proper that you will be taking money out of the homeowners contributions until they
actually take over control and that should be your responsibility on the part of the
Mr. Culp-I'd be happy for your legal counsel to review that. We've used these
covenants and restrictions for a number of years and have never had any question in
that regard.
Commissioner Ferring-I'm giving you one now.
Mr. Culp-o.k. I'd be happy for legal counsel to review that.
Attorney-how do you want it to work?
Commissioner Ferring-at least to my best judgement that the developer should be taking
care of the maintenance of that development until at least 75% of occupancy has been
attained at their expense and the monies that are contributed in the interim period of
time go into an escrow fund to be used for the homeowners association for future
maintenance projects and whatever else would be required.
Mr. Culp-we obviously are not committing to that this evening.
Commissioner Ferring-that might be a substantial change.
Mr. Culp-not to what we've submitted.
Commissioner McLeod-I would like to remind the City Manager and also the City Attorney
that there's many homeowner associations in Tuscawilla that has had problems over the
past and once they've gotten into development that the homeowners ended up with problems
which then ended up here in the Council Chambers. I would like not to see any of those
problems end up as being a problem for the City Commission at this time or any time in
the future. I would ask the Council to read through the covenants very closely, go
back and think about some of the other areas of Tuscawilla that's had problems,
maintenance problems or whatever and address those issues at this time. I also
agree with Commissioner regarding the fact of waiting until 100% occupancy before the
homeowners end up having a say is basically what you end up with. I do not believe
in that. I believe when you are sold out 75% the homeowners should have some say as
to what's happening in their community even though you are the developer. That's
very tough line to put on somebody buying into a place and I know that's been done
in the past, but we're trying to make things here a little different in the future.
Mr. Culp-we are committing to fund the maintenance and any improvements that are
necessary and committing to fund any deficiency until the point that the community
is turned over to the association. We at no point said that we were going to stop
funding or not maintain the community, so whether its 75% or 100% we are committed
to fund that and any deficiencies there are in the homeowners association would be
funded by the developer.
Commissioner McLeod-I just believe the homeowners association should have it 75%
occupancy some say so as to what the final development ends up being with you people.
Mr. Culp-obviously we could work with that.
Commissioner Gennell-Frank, I know this isn't in a lot of these documents, but having
had experience with community associations I'm going to suggest that they need to have
wording in there that requires them to set up reserve funds because historically a
develoepr will come in and for one thing sometimes they will under fund. That's why
its important that the homeowners get control of that association before the developer
leaves and if they see those funds are way too low they can get the funds up where
they belong but in the meantime if a developer is in there four or five years and
Regular Meeting, City Commission, March 28, 1994
Page 8
has not set up reserve funds there may be something that wears out after ten years,
a developer doesn't turn it over until its five years old. If he hasn't provided
for a reserve fund the homeowners are stuck holding the bag. So I'd like to see
something in there for reserve funds and I'd like to also see something in there
authorizing not requiring but authorizing the late fee for delinquent assessments
because that's absent in most of these documents and again the association gets
stuck holding the bag.
Commissioner McLeod-one other thing, question I had on the homeowners association
of this, is it 100% mandatory?
Mr. Culp-yes it is.
Commissioner Torcaso-in the next two weeks I do not want to see the final engineering.
I want to wait for comments from the Staff. I go along with Commissioner McLeod
saying it should go to P&Z before it comes back to us. We won't know any more in
two weeks. then we know tonight. We are agreeing on the preliminary engineering but
I'm not ready for the final engineering until I get more information.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to approve preliminary engineering of
Tuscawilla Parcel 61 subject to all of the discussions that have been going on here
tonight regarding what this Commission is expecting from the developer.
Mr. Culp-could I ask for a clarification because we had a recommendation from the
P&Z Board that we haven't addressed and I want to make sure that wasn't one of the
items that we are looking to.
Commissioner Ferring-I have no problem with that.
Attorney-what did that mean?
Commissioner Ferring-what we're talking about was the walls, the screening the
covenants, all
Attorney-no his question to you about
Commissioner Ferring-he was talking about the P&Z Board had some discussion regarding
another road coming in off Northern Way and I don't have a problem with the way the
plan is laid out and the way Staff has recommended it.
Attorney-does the Commission agree with that?
Commissioner McLeod-I think its kind of a shotgun effect Commissioner. I mean if I
was standing in their shoes I'm not sure I'd totally understand the length of my
Mr. Culp-if I could maybe clarify that. What I understand my responsibility is to
come back with.
Attorney-P&Z has recommended a road; sending it back to the P&Z for input or we're
not sending it back we're going to have a workshop with the Commission. You are
going to have to have one of those.
Commissioner McLeod-I don't think that's been determined.
Commissioner Ferring-I don't think that's been determined by P&Z that they recommended
a road. They just wanted a further study on it and talking to Staff I can see the way
this is laid out there's ample ingress and egress from the positions that are now
under their plan.
Mayor-so this road is not in the preliminary?
All talking-no
Mayor-but it very well could end up in the final?
All talking-no
Mayor-why are we talking about it then?
Regular Meeting City Commission, March 28, 1994
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Attorney-because it was mentioned in the P&Z report and we're simply and I think he
brought it up to make sure the record was clean so that down the road somebody says
who forgot about the road. This Commission if it agrees with what is being said is
taking the position that no additional road is necessary.
Mayor-think we need to nail it down exactly what it is that the developer needs to
comply with.
Attorney-I think he gave he made a motion which I heard legally he has truly given a
preliminary approval of a plan subject to the resolution of each and every concern
that was identified tonight and that is subject to the Commission's satisfactory
concluding those matters have been resolved and I am understanding in my left ear
from the developer that he is in agreement to abide in accordance with that.
Mayor-you understand the motion then?
Mr. Culp-it is my understanding that we need to submit final engineering along with
that final engineering that is required by the Code we will submit additional details
with regard to the planting screen easement so that can be determined that it is
compatible in compliance with your wishes and that we also be submitting and reviewing
the covenants and restrictions for the issues that were raised by Commissioner McLeod
and Commissioner Gennell and Commissioner Ferring. Am I accurate in that?
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Torcaso. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Commissioner Torcaso, aye; Commissioner Ferring, aye; Commissioner Gennell, aye;
Commissioner McLeod, aye; motion passes.
Commissioner McLeod-we will receive a copy of the covenants to the homeowners
association prior to final engineering, right?
Attorney-you will receive a copy that has been submitted to the City along with
recommendations so you can see the original ones and you can see the second ones. I
don't have the original one yet myself, but you'll get both.
Commissioner Ferring-just gotta tell you Mr. Culp, I implore you to really look at
those covenants because I can't see those homeowners footing that bill until you
are out of there.
Mr. Culp-like to have your counsel's comments on those and then we will work with
him on that and submit a revised document.
Attorney-now I need you to decide and clarify are we going to a work session of
this Commission when this final is brought back or are we going to P&Z Board to
look at the revised issues and then bring it back to you and I think - I would ask
you to clarify it.
Mayor-the recommendation is to go back to P&Z?
Commissioner McLeod-I would like to make a motion that it goes back to P&Z Board
for final approval and that the P&Z Board get a copy of the covenants and all Staff
comments along with a copy of the minutes of this meeting. Seconded by Commissioner
Torcaso. Discussion.
Mr. Culp-I was asking for clarification with regard to what is going back before the
P&Z. Its my understanding you want final engineering as opposed to preliminary; you
want a final engineering which addresses the issues that you brought up tonight that
we just agreed to to go before the P&Z. and that hopefully I can ask the Staff to
work with us to bring it back before P&Z in a timely manner not to hold up the process.
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Commissioner McLeod-perhaps that should be a workshop with the P&Z and somewhat along
with Staff.
Attorney-no, the confusion will be they don't have the authority to vote. Then they'll
want to have another one.
Mayor-is the motion o.k.?
Attorney-I would ask that a verbatim set of these minutes be transmitted back to the
P&Z, this Commission and to me, not a summary version because there are a lot of new
issues with these discussions.
Vote on the motion: Commissioner Ferring, aye; Commissioner Gennell, aye; Commissioner
McLeod, aye; Commissioner Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Stormwater Master Plan approval:
Bill Holmes, Tom Mammoth and Terry Zaudtke of Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc.
were present to speak to the Commission. Mr. Holmes said on January 17th they
presented the Stormwater Master Plan to the City and there were some questions,
primarily to do in the Summary Report on the annual budget and the funding of the
report. Mr. Holmes said they have provided the Commission with revised pages XVI
and XVII to clarify the funding and detailing some more options.
Mr. Holmes explained Table G which was page XVI had an annual budget based on a ten
year program and it was the items in that budget were to pay as you go. He said
what they added to that pay as you go program as a way of a footnote was where the
recommended improvements are distributed over a ten year planning period and an
estimated number of improvements are accomplished each year funding by annual
revenue. He said to determine where the annual revenue was coming from on Page XVII
they indicated there are two sources, two alternatives, one was to increase the
revenues from the existing stormwater management utility and the second one was to
introduce and continue one or more additional funding sources such as revenue bonds
and their local agreement, in addition to revenue collected under the existing
stormwater utility and as described in the section. Mr. Holmes said that was the
only change made in that report.
Commissioner Torcaso's recommendation was to increase from 2.04 to 2.60; he would
consider 2.50 as a maximum.
Commissioner Ferring said at their original meeting it was indicated the Commission
was not willing to start putting an increase in the user fees at this time, and he
said he would like the wording put down that only as a last resort would there have
to be an increase in the user fees.
Commissioner Ferring asked Mr. Holmes about the conversation they had regarding
the St. John's Water Management District for a possible source of funding.
Commissioner Ferring asked Mr. Holmes to put something together that could be sent
to them.
Terry Zaudtke explained this is a Master Plan. He said it is not set up as an
absolute budget item; it is a plan to give the Commission a range of things that
should be done that have been identified as problem areas within the City. It is
given a range in terms of monetary very probable opinions of cost based on the
planning basis, not on preliminary engineering and not on final engineering, so
Regular Meeting, City Commission, March 28, 1994
Page 11
the numbers that are in front of the Commission are very gross estimates. Any
changes to the fees would have to be on the basis of a budgeted item or a change
by resolution or ordinance to the City Code. Mr. Zaudtke said he would caution
the Commission against tying their hands at this point with a master plan whereby
you lock yourself into something that two or three years from now may be unrealistic.
He said you may find that regulations as they increase for stormwater due to EPA
Stormwater and NPDS requirements may cause you to have to spend more or get more than
that fee and he said he would caution you not to tie your hands at this point and
allow yourself that flexibility in your budget.
Manager Govoruhk explained that when we talked about it the last time we were going
to leave it as it is now at $2.04. As we get into the 1994-95 budget if there are
changes that would have to be recommended, they would be recommended at that time.
Mr. Zaudtke said the Commission needs to be aware there are some deficiencies in
the existing system that we cannot get a developer to do that will have to be
addressed as part of this master plan.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said as he understands the recommendation of Conklin, Porter
& Holmes as the engineers for the City is the recommendation for a motion to adopt
the plan as presented tonight with the representation as to how future funding takes
place the Commission will make those decisions in the future. The Commission will
have to make some decision for future funding.
Commissioner Ferring so moved. Seconded by Commissioner Torcaso. Discussion. Vote
on the motion: Commissioner Gennell, aye; Commissioner McLeod, aye; Commissioner
Torcaso, aye; Commissioner Ferring, aye; motion passes.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to remove the tabling on the final
engineering for Tuscawilla Country Club. Seconded by Commissioner McLeod. Vote
on the motion: Commissioner McLeod, aye; Commissioner Torcaso, aye; Commissioner
Ferring, aye; Commissioner Gennell, aye; motion passes.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to place Mr. Mikes' seven lots on the
agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Ferring for discussion. Commissioner Ferring
said we need the Roberts Rules of Parliamentary procedure; under those rules
the item that was tabled when it is removed from the table automatically becomes
the item of issue. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Torcaso, aye; Commissioner
Ferring, aye; Commissioner Gennell, aye; Commissioner McLeod, aye; motion passes.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said legally the following is his advice; this Commission in
order to avoid liability and in dealing with this issue has one of two options before
it. That is either an option to approve the final engineering for 7 lots based upon
the fact that the previous Commission had approved and signed off on the Settlement
Agreement with those 7 lots or alternatively authorize him to immediately file with
the Circuit Court Judge in Seminole County who would be assigned to this case a
motion to either determine that the Settlement Agreement of 1993 is the effective
and binding settlement document and the final engineering is approved pursuant to
that or alternatively to determine that the issue that was raised regarding whether
or not there was something that occurred between 1992 and 1993 that undermined the
1993 document was such as to make the 1993 Settlement Agreement not valid. I premise
that on the understanding or the thought that there were no objections to the proposed
final engineering other than the issue that was raised over the 7 lots.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, March 28, 1994
Page 12
Attorney Kruppenbacher said it is his strong recommendation that under no circum-
stances do you deny this request for approval because he said he does not think
that is a proper way of dealing with this particular property owner given the
situation and the development that took place. He said he thinks we either abide
by what the prior Commission of 1993 adopted or we go to the Circuit Judge
immediately and say Judge here are the verbatim minutes of the 93 meeting, here the
verbatim minutesof the 92 meeting; here is what has occurred, you make a legal
decision, as the Judge sitting, which is the binding document, or what are the
binding terms of the settlement.
Motion was made by Commissioner McLeod recommended by the counsel that we file with
the Circuit Court in Seminole County to determine if the seven lots are binding
through the previous Commission or was something overlooked by the presentation to
the Commission by our own staff which would not make that binding. Also, the persons
present would be the City Manager, the City Attorney and also the Mayor for the City
at that hearing. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Attorney Kruppenbacher
said he did confer with Mr. Mikes in lieu of the alternatives and options. this was
acceptable to Mr. Mikes, he would prefer to have it approved tonight, he is not
waiving those rights. Additionally Attorney Kruppenbacher said he contacted Attorney
Jones who advised he had no objection to this, this being the appropriate way to deal
with the matter and Attorney Kruppenbacher said he wanted that on the record that
he has spoken to the parties.
Mayor Bush asked the record to reflect that Mr. Mikes was present this evening and
. did agree.
Vote on the motion: Commissioner Torcaso, aye; Commissioner Ferring, aye; Commissioner
Gennell, aye; Commissioner McLeod, aye; motion passes.
City Manager John Govoruhk:
Manager Govoruhk introduced Mr. Bruce Behrens who will be in charge of General
Services and will be the assistant to the City Manager.
Manager Govoruhk reported that Vistawilla was checked over the weekend; there were
five lights that had been out; Florida Power has been notified and we are still on
schedule to open on April 1.
Manager Govoruhk talked with George Pappas in Deland of the FDOT, and he said they
would be happy to go over the plans for SR 434. Manager Govoruhk is to work with
DOT to set a Workshop meeting.
Commission Seat II - John Ferring:
Commissioner Ferring spoke about the letter from Congressman MIca regarding the
Greenway Beltway and the five and one half miles and its connecting interchange
with 1-4. Commission was in agreement to send a letter in support of their efforts.
Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell:
Commissioner Gennell reported that she went to Tallahassee to the Legislative
Conference. She said she spoke to a couple 6th grade classes at Indian:Trails
Middle School about their relationship with government. She said she has a
committee working on the 35th anniversary of the City celebration.
Regular Meeting, Ctiy Commission, March 28, 1994 Page 13
Commission Seat V - David McLeod:
Commissioner McLeod asked about the timeframe of agendas.
Commission Seat I - John V. Torcaso:
Commissioner Torcaso reported the Chamber of Commerce has changed their meeting
days from Mondays to Wednesday.
Mayor's Office - John F. Bush:
Mayor Bush reported the County Commissioners have agreed to meet with us on April 28,
1994 at 4:30 p.m. here at City Hall.
Mayor Bush also reported the groundbreaking for the fire station would be March 30th
at 10:00 a.m.
Mayor Bush said Mr. Jim McShea has resigned so an appointment from any Commissioner
can be considered to fill this appointment.
Mayor Bush recommended Mr. William Fernandez at 250 E. Panama Road has agreed to
serve on the B.O.W.S. Board.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to approve the appointment of William
Fernandez to the B.O.W.S. Board. Seconded by Commissioner Genne11. Discussion.
Vote on the motion: Commissioner McLeod, aye; Commissioner Torcaso, aye; Commissioner
Ferring, aye; Commissioner Genne11, aye; motion passes.
Mayor Bush asked the City Manager to report back to the Commission on the proposed
shopping center in Oviedo with any further information.
Mayor Bush said he would like to make an honorary proclamation naming John Baker
as the honorary historian for the City.
Motion by Commissioner Ferring to make an honorary proclamation naming Jbhn Baker
as the honorary historian for the City of Winter Springs. Seconded by Commissioner
Torcaso. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Torcaso, aye; Commissioner
Ferring, aye; Commissioner Genne11, aye; motion carried.
Mayor Bush read the letter from Mr. Jonathan Cox, 639 Marlin Road supporting
Resolution No. 738,supporting the efforts of 1000 Friends of FL, Florida National
Scenic Trails ADvisory Council, USDA Forest Service and Florida Trail Association
for the protection and acquisition of the Lake Jessup Greenway by the Florida Dept.
of Environmental Protection, etc.
Commissioner Genne11 reported we will be hosting the Council of Local Governments
meeting on April 6th at 7 p.m. in the Conference Room. The YMCA is going to give a
presentation and the other presentation will be by Seminole County Recreation on
their long range plans.
Meeting was adjourned 9:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
~1~ ,MAYOR
Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk