HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 02 07 City Commission Workshop Minutes
February 7, 1994
The meet ing was ca 11 ed to order at 7: 00 P. M. by Mayor Bush.
Mayor John F. Bush, Present City Manager John Govoruhk, Present
Cannissioner John V. Torcasa, Present
Cannissioner John Ferring, Present
Cannissioner John Lange 110tti , Absent
Cannissioner Cindy Gennell, Present
Schoo 1 Board MeI1't>ers Present:
Superintendent Or. Paul Hagerty
Barbara Kuhn, School Board Chairman
..Jeanne Morr i s
Larry Str i ck 1 er
Diane Kramer, Executive Director for Facility Planning
Chris Burkaback, Program Manager Faci 1 ities Department
Berry Hoble, Director of Applied Technology
Mayor Bush stated that he appreci ates the Schoo 1 Board I1lB1'bers being here as
well as the Superintendent. We are looking forward to working with you on
this and I think it is a great opportunity for two goverrment agencies to
save the tax payers sane rooney and provide better services to the citizens
and to the young people of Winter Springs and the surrounding area.
Chris Burkaback, Program Manager Faci lities Department, stated that the site
itself is approximately 55 acres and is directly north of City Hall. We
have two major points of entrance, the primary one being on Brantly Road on
the east portion of the site and the secondary entrance will be off of S.R.
434 once there is a realigrment of that road in the future. The athletic
fields are located on the eastern and western portions of the site and the
0CJT1) 1 ex in the center of the site. I nstead of putt i ng the ent i re bu i 1 ding
under one roof, it wi 11 be broken up into different pieces with academic
cluster in the northern portion of the site, which wi 11 house normal
classroans. In the center in the front we have the aaninistration wing and
/TUsic, the auditorilln, cafeteria, media and gym. The CXJl1) lex wi 11 hold
2,500 students and is approximately 350,000 sq. ft. The building wi 11 be
brick and wi 11 have a lot of landscaping and light colored elements
throughout the CXJl1)lex.
Cannissioner Genne11 asked if the City's property abuts the School property.
Diane Kramer, Executive Director for Facility Planning, said yes and pointed
out on the ITlI!lP where the City's retention pond is and Second Street R-o-W.
Cannissioner Gennell also asked about fencing. Kramer said they plan to
fence along the railroad but not along Second Street, they plan on
maintaining the street for public access. She said the road has a little
different configuration than shown, it will loop around in to the school.
Burkaback said that there is approximately 750 parking spaces on site for
student, staff and visitors.
Joint Workshop
City Cannission &
Schoo 1 Board of Semi no 1e County
February 1, 1994
Page 2
Cannissioner Geme11 asked if there has been discussion with using the
school's prking for our overflow parking sane nights if needed. Kremer
said that is one of the reasons we had the ITIJtua1 use section in the inter-
local agreement because we think this is a wonderful opportunity with us
between the park and City Hall. Discussion.
Manager Govoruhk said the School Board wanted to know the City's feelings
about Second Street having no sidewalks and they talked to the previous
Cannissioners and a couple of the current cannissioners had no problem with
Cannissioner Geme11 asked if there would be a problem later when the
rai 1 road track is abandoned and turned into a bike trai 1 or hiking trai 1
with unfencing it. Krsner said that there is a certain EmOUnt of fencing
that is needed for security but for access if it becanes a bike trai 1 or
pedestrian trai 1 would be a wonderful opportunity that we can certainly take
advantage of.
Kramer introduced the School Board personnel to the Cannission.
Kremer said that she wanted to go over the inter-local agreement. She said
that as you know those of you who have been on the Cannission and for those
of you who are new, we have been here a coup 1 e of times and we have tr i ed to
make this a community project. I think it is a very exciting thing for both
us and you in this location what we can aCCCJTp1 ish camunity wise with this
faci 1 ity. Fran the very start of this project we have had our design
meetings here, we have had input fran the camunity, and input fran the
City. This inter-local agreement is sort of the legal docl.lTlent we need to
do sane of the things that we have talked about. The first item covered in
Section 2 says that the Statutes allow the School Board and a local
goverrment to detennine their own way of approving plans. We don't fall
under the bui lding codes, we have our set of regulations fran the State
dea ling with educat iona 1 faci 1 it ies. We work with the local goverrment and
decide how should we review the project to make sure we take into account
a 11 the off-site irrpacts and things that we need to do to be sure that we
fit in with the City of Winter Springs. What we have proposed is that we
would sul:xnit all of this information, which is typical for any project that
you have in your City; we would then review it with your Staff and
incorporate their recannendations and bring it directly to you, the
Cannission, outlining anything that we might be doing that is different fran
any of your regulations. We then have a public hearing and approve the site
plan at that time. This is sort of a one step - one stop permitting.
Kraner said Section 3 deals with the concurrency evaluation by the County.
We access a State Road and a County Road so we prepared all of our traffic
Joint Workshop
City Commission &
School Board of Seminole County
February 7, 1994
Page 3
studies to the County's criteria. We had the County review that for
concurrency to make sure that we met all of their requirements and we
sutmitted that information to the City.
Krsner said that Section 4 deals with the Second Street R-o-W. Second
Street extends along the southern boundary of our property and we are
propos i ng that we not abandon that R-o-W and ma i nta in a pub 1 i c access
through there with a driveway that wi 11 be open to the pub 1 ic. It wi 11 not
be built to road standards, we wi 11 maintain it and the City wi 11 not have
to maintain it. We won't be providing sidewalks or any of the construction
cr i ter i a that you have for a regu 1 ar road R-o-W. I f we keep it as a R-o-W
and keep it open to the public, we gain an extra 15ft. and on this narrow
site that 15ft. is very critical. Discussion.
Krsner said the third item in the agreement is we are providing for nutua 1
use of each other's fac il it i es . One th i ng in part i cu 1 ar and that is 1 i sted
in number 7 of the agreement,is all of our High Schools need extra practice
fie 1 ds and yet they are not used 24 hrs. a day, everyday and we fe 1 t 1 i ke
that would be an excellent opportunity if we could develop a practice area
on your park site. A practice field is a cleared area about 360' by 150'
where our band could practice in the afternoons and sane of the football
teems could practice there depending on the season. We have all our
caf1)8tition fields on our site, we just need an extra practice area. With a
nutua1 use agreement you could use sane of our faci lities for sane of your
recreation programs. Also, if we look to the future you have plans for a
pool and that may be a nice joint project for us. The Mayor had talked to
us about possibly incorporating an environnental studies progrsn in this
High Schoo 1 . We have tr i ed to des i gn the schoo 1 around the progrems that we
are offering and of course in order to incorporate a good envirormenta1
studies progrsn we would need sane access to the Lake through the park.
Commissioner Ferring said we would like to CO'I"p1ement the School Board on
the i r des i gn standards. He said he has a coup 1 e of th i ngs that concern him
one is you had mentioned that to coordinate the planning of the High School
to CO'I"ply with Sections of the Florida Statutes and you would came directly
to us and not to the Planning and Zoning Board and asked the City Manager if
we can bypass the P & Z Board. The second concern is i tern 7 in the i nter-
local agreement and that is I don't see it as an equitable position for the
Board to want to use City property for whatever their needs are as far as a
practice field is concerned. We would only be able to have access to that
particular field after you have finished whatever your needs are on it,
basically fran week days fran noon to 6:00 p.m. I find that as a difficult
position for us to maintain for our residents and our tax payers saying this
is our property but we can't use it fran noon to 6 p.m. Everything else
looks super and I'm sure that we can work sanething out that wi 11 be rrore
equ i tab 1 e on both ends regardi ng nurber 7.
Joint Workshop
City CaTmission &
School Board of Seminole County
February 7, 1994
Page 4
Kraner regarding nLl'l'ber 7, yes it is the City's land but we as a School
Board are offering to irrprove it, to maintain it, to keep it up and roow and
fertilize it, everything that it takes to keep it an operational field; in
exchange we are just using it noon to 6 p.m. weekdays. The City has full
use of it after and probably many times we wi 11 not need it every day of the
year. Discussion. .
CaTmissioner Ferring said item 6 and 7 are separated and in item 6 the
mutua 1 use of each others propert i es, I don't see why that can't be
incorporated into item 6 because I'm sure rrost cases we would not be
requiring to util ize the field when you have need for it, it would sit
better with everybody if it is all wrapped into one subsection. Discussion.
Mayor Bush said the Schoo 1 Board wou 1 d absorb the cost of the eng i near i ng,
the drainage etc., so the City really wouldn't have any direct cost. Krsner
said no that is what is meant by develop and maintain.
CaTmissioner Torcaso questioned having Second Street opened to the public
and the High School children going back and forth instead of using Brantly.
Kraner said once the chi ldren are on caT1)us they stay on caT1)us and we have
ways of routing the traffic during the day. CaTmissioner Torcaso also said
that he did not 1 ike the work "shall" in nLl'l'ber 7.
There was discussion on changing the wording in numer 7.
Strick ler said we should try it for a year and see what happens, if it is
not work i ng dur i ng that year there cou 1 d be an agreement that we cane back
to the table and try to figure out what happened.
CaTmissioner Gennell mentioned that the YMCA is going to use a good portion
of the park for inter-session programing and year round schools.
Discussion on the practice field and where it wi 11 be located.
Dr. Hagerty, Superintendent of Seminole County Schools, said that it sounds
like each of us wants to have that absolute guarantee to take care of our
needs when we need it and we're worr i ed about not hav i ng an open door for
d i a 1 ague if a conf 1 i ct ex i sts . The 1 anguage suggested that the schoo 1
system has first priority for use of the field and if the City has any other
need for that then that will call for sane sort of discussion and mutually
satisfactory resolution. CaTmissioner Ferring said that would be fine and
Cannissioner Torcaso also said he didn't have a problem with that.
Cannissioner Gennell asked the Manager about the extra few acres the City
just bought. Manager Govoruhk said it is a lrrost nine acres, and has a 1 ready
Joint Workshop
City Commission &
School Board of Seminole County
February 7, 1994
Page 5
been graded down, the spr i nk 1 er system put in and sod is about ready to be
put down for the soccer field.
Manager Q)voruhk went over with the School Board what is presently at the
park, what is planned for this year and talked about a site that would be
good for their practice field. Discussion on the location of the practice
David Mcleod, City Commissioner elect, mentioned using an existing soccer
field closer to the School. Discussion. It was determined that the
existing soccer field would be used for the practice field for the High
Schoo 1.
Commissioner Genne11 spoke about the potential for archeological sites
within the undeveloped property in the City and asked the School Board if
they would consider doing sane sort of archeological survey before they
bu i 1 d. Di scuss ion. Krsner said they wou 1 d have an env i ronnenta 1 assessment
done of the property which would mean having saneone walk the property and
look to see if there is anything that would indicate further study of the
Mayor Bush said that it is a consensus that you can get together with the
City Manager and soften the language a little and the School would
absolutely have first priority on the use of that field and if any conflicts
cane up it wi 11 be discussed between the principal and the City Manager.
Mayor Bush said the next topic is the environmental studies program and
explained that with the location of the lake an environnental study seemed
to be a natural for this area.
Betty Hoble, Director of Appl ied Technology, said there is a growing demand
in the area of environmental studies and that program would fit very well in
this area. Seminole Camunity College is getting ready to put in an
environmental studies program and their is already one at the University.
Kraner said that the Mayor presented this idea to us and we think it is a
good idea and would 1 ike to incorporate it if that is the desire of the
City. Discussion.
Commissioner Gennell said with the School and City Hall in close proximity
might encourage the students to be interested in their local goverrment.
Hoble said what we are attEl'J1)ting to do is work with the camunity to bring
the camun ity into the Schoo 1 s and the Schoo 1 s into the camun i ty .
Mayor Bush said that we are looking forward to working with the principal of
the School and talking about same of these things further.
Joi nt Workshop
City CaTmission &
Schoo 1 Board of Semi no 1 e County
February 1, 1994
Page 6
Kraner reviewed with the CaTmission the Statutes that the School Board falls
under with the review and bui lding procedures. She said that she would be
gl ad to gi ve the P&Z Board a courtesy presentat ion and go over the site
Kraner also asked the CaTmission if they would object if the School Board
asked the County to change the nerne of Brantly Road to Tuscawilla Road so
there would be no confusion as the County has a High School with the nerne
Brantley High. Discussion. Mayor Bush said there seems to be a consensus
to change the nerne of the Road to Tuscawi 11 a Road.
Discussion on a meeting with the CaTmission, School Board and P&Z Board.
Mayor Bush said after the Manager and School Board has worked everything out
then we wi 11 have a joint meeting during a regular scheduled meeting not a
workshop .
Mayor Bush said that he would 1 ike to have an estimate fran the School Board
as to how fTUch money they are sav i ng the taxpayers by us i ng a fie 1 d that is
already existing.
The meet i ng adjourned at 8: 20 P. M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Margo Hopkins
Deputy City Clerk