HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 01 10 City Commission Regular Minutes
JANUARY 10, 1994
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
was called to order by Mayor John F. Bush at 7:30 p. m.
The invocation was given by Carl Buffington, Rector of the Episcopal Church of the
New Covenant.
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher.
Roll Call:
Mayor John F. Bush, present
Deputy Mayor John V. Torcaso, present
City Manager John Govoruhk, absent
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
John L. Ferring, present
John Lange110tti, present
Cindy Genne11, present
Cindy Kaehler, present
Approval of minutes of December 13, 1993:
Motion was made by Commissioner Torcaso to approve the minutes of Dec. 13, 1993.
Seconded by Commissioner Lange110tti. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Ferring, aye; Commissioner Lange110tti, aye; Commissioner Genne11, aye; Commissioner
Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Commissioner Cindy Kaehler read her letter of resignation as follows:
Mayor, fellow Commissioners, City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk, and my
constituents: It is with deep regret that I inform you that as much as I have
moved out of my district over the Christmas holidays, I must resign my commission
seat. Several of my supporters feel that the Districting Ordinance would permit me
to retain my seat; however, I feel that that would be circumventing the spirit of
the ordinance if not necessarily the letter of the law. Those of you who know me
best know that finding loopholes is not the way I operate.
She said this is very difficult for me, but I am going to read this, but bear with
me a little bit. It saddens me that some who were concerned about my residency did
not offer me the courtesy of a phone call. I have never ever dodged the issue in the
eight years I have served the citizens of Winter Springs. Surely you did not think
that I had begun to now, and since I am an old timer now I am going to make some
This by the way is draft number 40 something. I vacillated and yes I do vacillate
on occasion between fiery indignation at the latest attacks on me and this Commission
in the Tuscawi11a Homeowners Newsletter and great sadness that someone would so dis-
tort the truth. I wanted to sit up here and just rip somebody apart. I have
thankfully calmed down and realized that it would be playing the game by rules that
I do not agree with.
My suggestion to my favorite poison pens would be to put your bountiful energies
to good use by offering constructive criticism and if your constructive suggestions
go unheeded and you feel the job is not being done properly, run for a position on
this Commission. Now I would like to be a bit presumptious and offer some hard
learned advice for my fellow Commissioners.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Jan. 10, 1994
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Take the time to listen to both sides of the issue. Ask questions and don't
necessarily accept the answers that you are given. Very importantly, do your
homework. Listen to your heart and vote your conscience, even if the snipers
shoot at you. Your job is to do what is best for the 20,000 plus people who live
in this City.
I would like to thank the Staff for their support over the years; some of you have
been great to work with and I will miss some of our rowdy discussions, and to my
staunch supporters, thank you for your support. Your constructive criticism and
most of all your friendship. I have met some of the very best people God put on
this earth while serving on this Comm~ssion. I have also met a few that the devil,
but never mind. And finally since it is unlikely that I will be in a position to
win an Academy Award and be able to say all of this good junk I'd like to thank my
This is to my Dad who is not with me any more. He taught me that two wrongs don't
make a right, and to my Mom who taught me not to have any hair on my tongue. Some
people will understand that, other people won't. You can either blame them or thank
them for the way I turned out. I thank them and I love them and I thank you very
kindly for this indulgence and for allowing me to serve you. Thank you.
Mayor Bush thanked Ms. Kaehler and said we appreciate her hard work over the years
and that she will be missed. Mayor Bush said according to the City Charter if a
commissioner resigns the commission will appoint a replacement until the next general
election. Mayor Bush recommended that we make it known that the seat is available
and for interested citizens in that district to let the Commission know of their
interest in serving, and this will be on the agenda for the next meeting to fill the
Mayor Bush presented the resolution of appreciation to Don Jonas, former Commissioner,
and a plaque to Charles Holzman, former fire chief.
General Agenda:
Presentation of the County's Economic Development Plan-Tony VanDerworp, AICP:
Mr. VanDerworp gave each Commissioner a copy of the Seminole County Economic Develop-
ment action plan. He explained this plan was put together by a 26 member task force
over a two year period. He said they did not look geographically at any specific area.
They tried to look county-wide; however, they did look at three specific areas; the
area around the airport, the area along 1-4 as a developing corridor and redevelopment
areas such as US 17-92 where we have older businesses that we would like to revitalize.
Mr. Vanderworp made a slide presentation and left a copy with the Mayor.
He said they will be making a report to the County Commission and will send a copy of
the report in February as to the activities of the coordinator over the last quarter.
Planning & Zoning board Recommendation-Request of Hubert Earley to rezone that. 80 acre
parcel of land (east of Fisher Road south of Panama Road and west of the power ease-
ment) from R-Cl (Single Family Dwelling district) to either R-lAA (One Family Dwelling
District) or R-lAAA (Single Family Dwelling District), not to exceed 3.5 units per acre.
Mayor Bush recessed the Commission Meeting and opened the meeting for public comment.
Attorney Miranda Fitzgerald with the law firm of Lowndes Drosdick Doster Kantor & Reed,
representing Dr. Earley, spoke to the Commission. She said there are several people
with her that will be a part of this presentation.
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Attorney Fitzgerald showed an aerial of the property owned by Dr. Earley. She said
the application that is before you tonight covers the area between Fisher Road and the
power line easement. She said there are two other parcels further east that Dr.
Earley also owns but they are not part of the applications tonight but they may be
referred to.
Attorney Fitzgerald said this particular property is before you this evening with
three separate zoning applications for the Commission's consideration and review.
She explained that Dr. Earley has owned this property or held a beneficial interest
for approximately 12 years. It had been sold at one point in time and again he
retained the mortgage. That particular transaction went into default and last year
through a deed in lieu of foreclosure he took title back to this property, and at
that time came into the City as part of his investigation of what the reasonable use
would be for this property. He asked about the Comprehensive Plan designation on the
property and also the zoning, and he learned that at that time and in fact since April
1992 there had been an inconsistency between the Comprehensive Plan designation and
the zoning.
The Comprehensive Plan designation on the 80 acres shows lower density residential
and it has a density range of 1.1 dwelling units to 3.5 dwelling units per acre. The
zoning, however, only includes 1 dwelling unit per acre. Under the Comprehensive
Plan statutes in Florida the Comprehensive Plan controls over inconsistent zonings,
and he has a piece of property that the zoning cannot be implemented under the
Comprehensive Plan designation as it exists.
Attorney Fitzgerald went on to explain that after discussions with Staff Dr. Earley
learned that there are three conventional zoning classifications that have been
implemented by the City that will effectuate or implement or be consistent with the
Comprehensive Plan designation and those zoning categories are the R-lA, R-lAA and
the R-lAAA. He chose the R-lA but that was recommended for denial by the P&Z Board.
After that there was a Workshop with the Commission again trying to work out some thing
that would satisfy reasonably everybody recognizing they had divergent views on what
is an appropriate use of the property.
Attorney Fitzgerald said they would be talking primarily about two other applications
that they filed after the Workshop. One is an R-lAA application that has a series of
voluntary conditions that Dr. Earley as the property owner has voluntarily agreed that
if this property is zoned to the R-lAA category he would voluntarily impose conditions,
limitations and those are listed in the application. As an alternative to that they
asked for conventional R-lAAA zoning without conditions, and she said they are here
tonight to focus on the R-lAAA because they feel from all the dialogue they have had
that probably is the one that is more in line with the thinking of some of the people.
It is the one that would allow the largest lots of the conventional zoning category
that the City has adopted but she said they would be dealing with all three applications,
and asking that the commission select one.
She explained that all of the consultants that are here this evening have anal~z~d this
property under all three of the applications and she said she would like to ask
Turget Durvish to come and talk about traffic. She said she would ask when we conclude
this evening that the aerial photograph that she presented be introduced as Exhibit 1.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Jan. 10, 1994
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Attorney Fitzgerald also offered into the record Mr. Durvish's professional resume
as Exhibit 2 and two traffic reports that he has prepared as Exhibit 3 and Exhibit 4.
Exhibit 5 is a letter explaining Mr. Durvish's work and why he later in November
revised that application. Mr. Durvish then made a brief presentation. He said every-
thing is described in detail in the report the Commission will be getting.
Attorney Fitzgerald then introduced the environmental consultant Mr. Jim Modica.
Mr. Modica who specializes in dealing with environmental issues made his presentation.
Attorney Fitzgerald said Mr. Modica's resume should be listed as Exhibit 6 and his
summary letter report as Exhibit 7. Next she introduced their geotechnical engineer
Ian Kinnear with PSI, and his colleague Dan Fulford, both of whom who have visited
the site and have participated in the soils analysis. Mr. Kennear's resume will be
Exhibit 8 and Mr. Fulford's resume will be Exhibit 9, and the soils report on the
project is Exhibit 10. Mr. Kinnear then gave a brief report.
Attorney Fitzgerald then introduced Don McIntosh of McIntosh and Associates, Inc. who
are the project's development consultant and civil engineers and she introduced four
resumes: Exhibit 11, Mr. McIntosh's professional resume, Exhibit 12, Charles True's
resume; Exhibit 13, Jack Weinstein's resume and David Kelly's resume as Exhibit 14
and again a short letter report summarizing their work on this project as Exhibit 15.
Don McIntosh explained the application before the Commission is for an area of
approximately 80 acres that is presently zoned R-Cl inconsistent with the existing
Land Use Plan designation lower density residential. He said applications have been
made as mentioned earlier for all three conventional zoning categories for the 80 acre
parcel. After numerous meetings Dr. Earley has charged him with focusing on finding
what might be an agreement that embraces a reasonable land owner as well as a reasonable
use of Dr. Earley's property.
Mr. McIntosh said in summary there are many comprehensive goals, policies and ob-
jectives supportive of and consistent with the applications that have been made
tonight, especially the application for R-lAAA. He said we have truly tried to
bring a development and zoning application which is consistent with its goals,
objectives and comprehensive plan, and he said we believe the R-lAAA application
if not all the applications provide the City with the ability to protect the areas
character while granting the applicant a reasonable use of his land consistent with
the state approved Comprehensive Plan.
Attorney Fitzgerald asked for approval of the R-lAAA. She said we presented informa-
tion on the others, but we focused on the R-lAAA tonight and we feel that that is a
reasonable use for this property.
Carl Stephens, president of the Ranchlands Homeowners Association spoke against this
Attorney Neil McCullough, attorney representing the Ranchlands Homeowners asked for
the motion of the Planning & Zoning Board to be read. Mayor Bush read the motion:
"I make a motion that the zoning application by Mr. Earley be denied and that this
Board make recommendation to the City Commission with or without public input tonight
that the Comprehensive Plan be amended to comport with the rustic residential zoning
of this parcel in question. (Motion by Glavin, seconded by Brown) (Minutes of 12/15/93).
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Jan. 10, 1994
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Dave McLeod, Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Board asked the Commission to stick
behind the recommendations of the P&Z Board.
Peter Goldberg, 115 W. Tradewinds Road, spoke against the project.
Richard Davis, 120 E. Tradewinds Drive, spoke against the project.
Carol A1vine, 275 East Tradewinds, spoke against the project.
Dick Langdon, 232 Morton Lane, spoke against the project.
Joseph Genova, Adidas Road, asked the Commission to respect the decision of the P&Z
Board to deny it.
Moti Khem1ani, president of the Tuscawi11a Homeowners Association, said he was here
speaking as a taxpaying citizen, and he said people who bought into the Ranchlands
bought into a community to fulfill their dreams and he said do not be intimidated by
Mayor Bush then closed the public portion and reopened the Commission Meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to sustain the Planning & Zoning Board's
recommendation to deny this application. Seconded by Commissioner Lange110tti.
Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Lange110tti, aye; Commissioner Genne11,
aye; Commissioner Torcaso, aye; Commissioner Ferring, aye; motion carries.
Mayor Bush called a recess at 9:30 p.m. and called the meeting back to order at 9:45
Mayor Bush then opened the public comment portion of the meeting.
Moti Khem1ani, president of the Tuscawi11a Homeowners Association, spoke about the
property behind 1125 Duncan Drive. He presented Mayor Bush with some pictures
of the property that is in the City and on the other side is the unincorporated
property in Seminole County called the Tusca Ridge Development. Mr. Khem1ani said
several people called him regarding the large masses of dirt being brought in from
outside and being poured right behind their house. The City Manager was asked to
contact the County regarding this issue.
Attorney Fred Jones and Ken Leffler spoke in regard to Item B, the public hearing and
second reading of Ord. No. 553, amending the Comprehensive Plan, etc.
Dick Denny, Pebble Beach Circle West, spoke about Cab1evision, and asked if the City
has received any notification about the means to become certified to regulate cable
Harold Scott, Swan Street, spoke about Commissioner Kaehler's resignation. He also
spoke about Case FEC 90-68, having to do with FS106 and a couple charges against the
Tuscawi11a Newsletter.
Mayor Bush closed the public comment portion and reopened the Commission Meeting.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Resolution No. 728, request of J. R. Hattaway to split
two (2) lots into three (3) lots, located on Coral Way, by title only.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Resolution No. 729, expressing appreciation to the Winter
Springs Civic Association for organizing the 1993 Holiday Parade, etc., by title only.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Jan. 10, 1994
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Attorney Kruppenbacher read Resolution No. 730, regarding subordination of certain
easement rights, etc., by title only.
On Resolution No. 728, Commissioner Ferring questioned the legality of going two lots
to three. Attorney Bricklemyer answered the lot split tends to deal with a single lot
to two lots. He said that is not what we have here. In general when you create the
third division of property you are required to plat.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to deny Resolution No. 728. Seconded by
Commissioner Gennell for discussion. Discussion. Attorney Kruppenbacher explained
this does not fall under Sec. 9-3 of the Code. Mike Hattaway, Arabian Ave., spoke
to the Commission representing his father who is the applicant. After discussion
the motion and second were withdrawn.
Motion was made by Commissioner Torcaso to approve the lot split for Mr. Hattaway.
Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Gennell, aye; Commissioner Torcaso, aye; Commissioner Ferring, aye; Commissioner
Langellotti, aye; motion carried.
Resolution No. 729, expressing appreciation to the Winter Springs Civic Association, etc.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring, seconded by Commissioner Gennell to adopt
Resolution No. 729. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Torcaso, aye;
Commissioner Ferring, aye; Commissioner Gennell, aye; motion carried.
Resolution No. 730, regarding subordination of certain easement rights, etc.:
Motion was made by Commissioner Torcaso to adopt Resolution No. 730. Seconded by
Commissioner Ferring. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Ferring, aye;
Commissioner Gennell, aye; Commissioner Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Appointment to the Code Enforcement Board will be deferred to the next meeting.
First Reading of Ord. No. 555 establishing a non-ad valorem assessment allowing for
the collection of fees for mandatory solid waste/recycling/yard trash collections, etc.:
Motion was made by Commissioner Torcaso to read Ord. No. 555 by title only on first
reading. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Commissioner Ferring, aye; Commissioner Gennell, aye; Commissioner Torcaso, aye;
motion carried.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 555 by title only on first reading.
Fire Station No. 2 - Request one year approval for a temporary trailer to be used as
living, office and work area for fire personnel during construction of the new
station-(approximately 6-9 months):
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to approve the request for a one year
approval for a temporary trailer. Seconded by Commissioner Torcaso. Discussion.
Vote on the motion: Commissioner Gennell, aye; Commissioner Torcaso, aye;
Commissioner Ferring, aye; motion carried.
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Public Hearing and Second Reading of Ord. No. 553, amending the Comprehensive
Plan of the City of Winter Springs adopted by Ord. No. 513; amending the Future
Land Use Element, the Traffic Circulation Element and the Future Land Use Map, etc.:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 553 by title only on second reading. Mayor
Bush opened the public hearing.
Fred Jones, Attorney representing Mr. & Mrs. Blain who own Lot 28, Fairway Oaks Unit
1, located at 1254 Royal Oaks Drive, Winter Springs spoke. He said their property and at
least five other parcels within the Fairway Oaks subdivision abut Parcel 5 which is
one of the items which has been sort of isolated out in going through this re-
classifying the use within Tuscawi11a. He said these particular parcels 5 and 6 are
the parcels which adjoin Northern Way and Hole 14 on the golf course, and he said
apparently there are proposed plans which have come to light recently to rep1at since
it has never been platted. Mr. Jones said the purpose of our attendance tonight is
to object to the amendment for the change in the Comprehensive Plan and the Future
Land Use Map. Discussion. Mr. Jones said on behalf of his clients they have a
vested right and will continue to object to any development on that property.
Doug Murdock, Royal Oak Drive also objected to the amendment.
Motion was made by Commissioner Torcaso to withdraw the amendment. Seconded by
Commissioner Ferring for discussion. In discussion Mr. Goodrow explained the proper
motion would be to withdraw that particular item in the amendment. Commissioner
Ferring withdrew his second. Motion died for lack of a second.
Mr. Goodrow of Henigar & Ray explained the Commission had before them the Staff
recommendations which were bound together with the original transmitted version
of the amendment together with the ORC Report comments from DCA and together with
Staff recommendations. He said the biggest objection DCA had with all of the
items was that there was a lack of data and analysis, and Mr. Goodrow said that was
correct. There is essentially no data and no analysis done of the data to sub-
stantiate the changes that were requested with regard to at least items 6 through 16.
Mr. Goodrow explained Item 7 is the Button Crescent View annexation. Item 8 is the
Springs Land property; Item 9 was the Schrimsher property; Item 10 is the Tuscawi11a
Country Club property; Item 11 was the Joyce property; Item 12 was the Winter Springs
Development Joint Venture parcel 15(lc); Item 13 Future Land Use amendment for the
Winter Springs Development Joint Venture parcels 14c, 15(2a&b) 15(3) 61 and 80; and
Item 14 was the Parker property; Item 15 the Blumberg property and Item 16 was Lots
26b and 26c; all of those we are recommending you withdraw those items from the
amendment for lack of appropriate data and analysis.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring that we withdraw Items 7 through 16. Seconded
by Commissioner Genne11. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Torcaso, aye;
Commissioner Ferring, aye; Commissioner Genne11, aye; motion carried.
Leanne Grove, with Donald W. McIntosh and Associates, spoke in reference to Item 8,
Springs Land. She said she wanted verification that removing this will not in any way
jeopardize or compromise the site's vesting ability or the ability to revise the plan
when SR 434 realignment is completed which is included in the vesting certificate.
Attorney Brick1emyer explained the vested rights permit that the City issues is good
for 5 years and after that point in time if the property has not been developed
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Jan. 10, 1994
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consistent with the vested rights permit, then it has to be developed in accordance
with the Comprehensive Plan designation. Mrs. Grove stated the permit is good for
5 years after the road is widened. Attorney Bricklemyer explained whatever the
vesting agreement says they are vested. He explained it wouldn't jeopardize their
right to make a request. He said what we are doing here does not have anything to
do with whether or not they get that changed at some other date.
Mr. Goodrow said in Item 1, the City's request had attempted to change the date they
were going to have adopted the concurrency requirements. He suggested we not worry
about it and just keep working trying to get the concurrency done.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to withdraw Item 1 dealing with traffic
circulation Element policy C8. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote on
the motion: Commissioner Ferring, aye; Commissioner Gennell, aye; Commissioner Torcaso,
aye; motion carried.
Mr. Goodrow said in Item 2, was the concern about a change in a policy regarding
access to collector roadways. What the City was trying to do was to keep from
getting in a situation where you had an existing parcel of land and the only way
you could take access to that parcel was off of a collector roadway which our policy
said we wouldn't allow that, so we tried to make some changes. DCA objected to it
because it was actually opening a door for just about anyone to add any new parcels
of land that are subdivided. Mr. Goodrow said they made several recommendations for
changes to the actual wording to the policy statement and some additional background
data or information that should be amended to this particular item as it goes forward.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to accept the Staff's recommendation to
change the wording of Item 2. Seconded by Commissioner Torcaso. Discussion. Vote on
the motion: Commissioner Gennell, aye; Commissioner Torcaso, aye; Commissioner Ferring,
aye; motion carried.
Mr. Goodrow said in Item 3 which has to do with several different policies which were
actually changing all of the residential land use categories to eliminate the lower
end of the range. He said we are going to eliminate the lower end of the range so
every category would be inclusive up to the maximum and not just within the range.
Mr. Goodrow said DCA had some problems with that. His recommendation is the com-
patibility issues can be handled in a different matter, and because it was only a
comment by DCA and not an actual objection, the City leave it the way it is and we
will deal with the compatibility issues in the land development regulations. There
was no action on this particular Item.
Attorney Miranda Fitzgerald, spoke on this issue. She said she wanted to raise as
an issue any effort to now use the elimination of this lower range as the basis
going forward and now saying in regard to Dr. Earley's property this City can enforce
a one dwelling unit per one acre requirement. She said it is going to be their
position that that is inappropriate because his zoning application was pending before
the amendments were brought for formal review and because the Comprehensive Plan as it
existed at the time he applied for his zoning allowed the minimum density, a range from
1.1 to 3.5. She said she did not want this action to try to be applied retroactively
to his property.
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Attorney Bricklemyer explained this proposed change had nothing to do with the
Earley property. No action was required on this item.
Mr. Goodrow said in Item 4, this was one that was previously discussed where the
mixed use residential classification was initiated to more appropriately deal with
the court ordered settlement. Mr. Goodrow recommended Item 4 be withdrawn.
Motion was made by Commissioner Gennell to withdraw Item 4. Seconded by Commissioner
Ferring. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Torcaso, aye; Commissioner
Ferring, aye; Commissioner Gennell, aye; motion carried.
Mr. Goodrow said Item 5 was an objection that DCA had to the City withdrawing the
floor area ratio requirement that was previously in the plan. His recommendation
was that we reword this to put the floor area ratio back in, and amend this item
to be worded as Staff has suggested.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to amend Item 5 as recommended by Staff.
Seconded by Commissioner Torcaso. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Gennell, aye; Commissioner Torcaso, aye; Commissioner Ferring, aye; motion carried.
Mr. Goodrow said Item 6 was the Sprague annexation. This had to do with the extension
of the sewer line not requiring them to make connection to the sewer line. His
recommendation was to amend 3f.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to amend 3f in this amendment to read: The
site would continue to use the existing septic tanks with no change in the projected
LOS. Sanitary sewer facilities are not available within 1/4 mile of the site. What
we have to add is the site will continue to use existing septic tank with no change
in projected levels of service. Seconded by Commissioner Gennell. Discussion. Vote
on the motion: Commissioner Ferring, aye; Commissioner Gennell, aye; Commissioner
Torcaso, no; motion carried.
Motion was made by Commissioner Ferring to adopt Ord. No. 553 subject to their con-
sensus previously reached by each motion. Seconded by Commissioner Torcaso. Discussion.
Vote on the motion: Commissioner Gennell, aye; Commissioner Torcaso, aye; Commissioner
Ferring, aye; motion carried.
Attorney Kruppenbacher gave the Commissioners some documents which are exempt from
public disclosure for the executive session to be held on January 17, 1994.
Commission Seat II - John L. Ferring:
Commissioner Ferring gave his farewell wishes to Commissioner Kaehler.
Commission Seat IV - Cindy Gennell:
Commissioner Gennell said the Commission has received information from the YMCA.
She said they are now prepared to make a presentation to the Commission and if
possible at the next meeting.
She spoke about the meeting she attended with the Central Florida Transportation
~ Regular Meeting, City Commission, Jan. 10, 1994
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Commissioner Genne11 spoke about the letter from the Division of Historical
Resources and she said she would like us to investigate just what is available
out there.
Commissioner Genne11 said she would like staff to look into the Comprehensive
Plan and see if there are any more problems. Mr. LeBlanc explained he does not
know of any problems with the Plan, but will double check. He said the incon-
sistency that we are talking about will soon be removed if DCA approves the
Comprehensive Plan amendment by not having minimums, and that is where the conflict
was. There was a minimum of 1.1 unit per acre and R-C1 stated 1 unit per acre.
Commission Seat I - John V. Torcaso:
Commissioner Torcaso gave farewell wishes to Cindy Kaehler.
Mayor's Office:
Mayor Bush spoke about the lapel pins that will be in the Clerk's office for the
Commissioners' review.
Mayor Bush spoke about the letter he received from a young resident who is
interested in having a fund raiser so that we can have a large jungle gym in
the park. It was suggested the letter be given to the City Manager.
Mayor Bush said he met with the County School Board and they are very interested in
some intergovernment relations. They are going to suggest some dates to meet with
the Commission to present some plans they have. They will contact the City Manager.
Commissioner Ferring spoke about the widening of Tuscawi11a Road and he requested
a joint workshop with the County Commission. Mayor Bush will send a letter.
Meeting was adjourned 11:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk
':7-. ~ ,MAYOR