HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 04 05 Regular Item B BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA ITEM B April 5. 2001 Meeting REQUEST: Community Development Department, Land Development Division, present to the Board of Adjustment the request of Howard and Libby Baity for a variance to Section 9-241 (c) to have a finished floor elevation less than eighteen (18) inches above the hundred year flood stage. PURPOSE: The purpose ofthis agenda item is to consider a request of Howard and Libby Baity for a variance to Section 9-241 (c) to have a finished floor elevation less than eighteen (18) inches above the hundred year flood stage. The subject property is located at 627 Sailfish Road. APPLICABLE CODE: Sec. 9-241. Stormwater management. (c) The drainage system for each subdivision shall include a sufficient facility to remove storm water without flooding any lot in the proposed subdivision or in the surrounding territory. All finished floor elevations shall be a minimum of one and one-half (1 1/2) feet above the hundred-year flood stage. Sec. 20-82. Duties and powers, general. The board of adjustment shall make recommendations to the city commission to grant any variance or special exception as delineated in this chapter. (1) The board of adjustment shall have the additional following specific powers and duties: a. b. c. To recommend upon appeal such variance from the terms of this chapter as will not be contrary to the public interest where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of this chapter will result in unnecessary and undue hardship. In order to recommend any variance from the terms of this chapter, the board of adjustment must April 5, 2001 BOA Agenda Item B Page 2 and shall find: 1. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; 2. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; 3. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; 4. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of this chapter and would work unnecessary hardship on the applicant. 5. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; 6. That the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter, will not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. d. ..... (2) In recommending the granting of any variance, the board of adjustment may recommend appropriate conditions and safeguards. Violations of such conditions and safeguards, when made a part of the terms under which the variance is granted, shall be deemed a violation of this chapter. The board of adjustment may recommend a reasonable time limit within which the action for which the variance is required shall be begun, or both. (3) Under no circumstances shall the board of adjustment recommend the granting of a variance to permit a use not generally or by special exception permitted in the zoning district involved, or any use expressly or by implication prohibited by the terms of this chapter in the zoning district. No nonconforming use of neighboring lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning classification April 5, 2001 BOA Agenda Item B Page 3 or district, and no permitted use of lands, structures or buildings in other zoning classifications or districts shall be considered grounds for the authorization of a varIance. (4) (5) Sec. 20-83. Procedures. (a) Upon receipt, in proper form and with appropriate fees, an application for a variance, special exception or conditional use as delineated in this chapter, the board of adjustment shall schedule such application for consideration at a public meeting. (b) All such applications will be process within sixty (60) days of receipt of same. (c) All meetings for consideration of a variance, special exception or conditional use shall be noticed for at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the meeting in the following manner: (1) Posting the affected property with a notice of the meeting which indicates the matter to be considered. (2) Posting in city hall a notice of the meeting which indicates the property affected and the matter to be discussed. (3) At least seven (7) days prior to the meeting, the board of adjustment shall also notify all owners of property adjacent to or within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the property to be affected of the time, date and place of the meeting. Such letter must also indicate the variance, special exception, or conditional use requested, and must require proof of delivery. (d) All interested persons shall be entitled to be heard as such meetings or to be heard by written statement submitted at or prior to such meeting. (e) In the event a special exception, variance or conditional use is not authorized by ordinances of the city, the person requesting the unauthorized action must submit an application pursuant to section 20-28. April 5,2001 BOA Agenda Item B Page 4 (f) Appeals to the board of adjustment may be taken by any person aggrieved or by any officer, board or bureau of the city affected by any decision of an administrative official under the zoning regulations. Such appeals shall be taken within thirty (30) days after such decision is made by filing with the officer from whom the appeal is taken and with the board of adjustment, a notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof. The appeal shall be in such form as prescribed by the rules of the board. The administrative official from whom the appeal is taken shall, upon notification of the filing of the appeal, forthwith transmit to the board of adjustment all the documents, plans, papers or other material constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken. (g) The board of adjustment shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of the appeal, give public notice thereof, as well as due notice to the parties in interest, and make recommendations to the city commission for the appeal within a reasonable time. Upon the hearing, any party may appear in person or by agent or by attorney. For procedural purposes, an application for a special exception shall be handled by the board of adjustment the same as for appeals. (h) Any variance, special exception or conditional use which may be granted by the council shall expire six (6) months after the effective date of such action by the city commission, unless a building permit based upon and incorporating the variance, special exception or conditional use is obtained within the aforesaid six- month period. However, the city commission may renew such variance, special exception or conditional use for one (1) additional period of six( 6) months, provided good cause is shown and the application for extension shall be filed with the board at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the six-month period. Any renewal may be granted without public hearing, however, a reapplication fee may be charged in an amount not to exceed the amount of the original application fee. It is intended that provisions contained within this subsection are to be retroactive to the extent that any variance, special exception or conditional use previously granted shall become void if a period oftime in excess of twelve (12) months shall have lapsed, and a building permit based upon and incorporating the variance, special exceptions or conditional uses has not been issued prior to expiration of such time limit. CHRONOLOGY: March 19,2001 - Variance application received by City April 5,2001 BOA Agenda Item B Page 5 FINDINGS: 1) Please refer to Attachments A & B. 2) The requirements listed under Section 20-82(1)(c) have not been met. 3) The requirements of Section 20-82(c) have been met. RECOMMENDATION: The Board of Adjustment forward this application to the City Commission with the recommendation to approve this application with the following caveat: The applicant acknowledges and holds harmless the City of Winter Springs, Florida for any liability which may be caused to this residence because of the finished floor elevation being lower than that required by Code. A TT ACHMENTS: A - Zynka P. Perez Memo to Donald LeBlanc dated March 20, 2001 Subject: 627 Sailfish Road B - Dennis E. Franklin Memo to Charles Carrington dated 03/21/01 Subj: Finish Floor Elevation - 627 Sailfish Rd. C - Variance Application BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION: ATTACHMENT A .. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 To: Donald LeBlanc Land Development Coordinator From: Zynka P. Perez Engineering Ins Subject: 627 Sailfish Road I received a boundary survey, signed and sealed by Mr, James Shannon Jr., P,L.S, for the lot grading/drainage requirement of the building construction at 627 Sailfish Road. The "as-built" finished floor elevation of the building is 35.19' and does not meet the required 35.50' or 1,5 feet above the base flood elevation of 34.00' as per land development code 9-241. A review of the building permiVinspection file for 627 Sailfish Road, I found the following: An application for building permit was filed April 6, 2000 by Mr, and Mrs. Baity, owners, and Mr. John Laudani, builder. With the application was a boundary survey showing the proposed finish floor elevation of 35.50', as specified by the City, The application for building permit was approved on April 28, 2000. On October 31, 2000, Mr, Vince Marshall, fonner building inspector, noted on the file that the finished floor elevation was too low. The builder was infonned of the discrepancy and was required to submit an elevation certificate as clarification. An elevation certificate was received on November 16,2000 and indicated the finished floor elevation at 35.17'. This elevation of 35,17' does not meet code. Without resolving the discrepancy of the finished floor elevation, the builder proceeded with construction and with request( s) of additional inspections dated November 27& 28, 2000. The building pennit /inspection file clearly shows that the builder was made aware that the finished floor elevation did not meet the code, Mr. Laudani was informed to resolve the issue of the finished floor elevation through the application of a variance before the final inspections of the building can be signed-off And without the sign-off of the final inspections, a Certificate of Occupancy cannot be granted, I have enclosed photocopies of documents mentioned above, If you have any questions, please call me. . '. i Page2/ Memo - 627 Sailfish Road Enclosed Documents (Photocopies only): 1. Boundary Survey dated March 10,2001, received by the City on March 13,2001 2. Section of Flood Zone Map on City's Map showing the base flood elevation and the parcel/lot - 627 Sailfish Rd. 3. Land Development Code Sec. 9-241 4. Application for Building Permit for 627 Sailfish Road received by the City on April 6, 2000 and 5. Boundary Survey dated February 9, 2000, noted by City on April 6, 2000 6. Approved Building Permit and Fee Schedule dated April 28,2000 7. Building Permit/Inspection File with notations on finished floor elevations' discrepancy and various inspections by building inspector(s). 8. Elevation Certificate dated November II, 2000, received by the City on November 16, 2000 cc: City Staff BOUNDARY SURVEY DESCRIPTION: LOT 11. BLOCK H, NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES SEC. 2A, AS PER PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 12. PAGE 39 THROUGH 41. PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY. FLORIDA. .0 r.I 11 ~ -!AILF7SH ROAD D::::02-S2' . LRr::::141S.0'iJ :::: 77. 06' . ... o crj <\J N .. cc ,." '^ ~ ;:: ..... LOT 12 .Lu .... ..0 .... !ll ()) ~ ~~..... ~ .....€i\ ~~' ( II ~ ~ ..0 I ~ &t ::J · /::: .- ::> .- /~ CI) I I Lor 77 [fJ PARk ~ ~/;r7 ~~ 4078t:J8/fCJtj8 D::::OO'57' R::::927.69~0. L::::7J.94' LOT 70 NOTES: - BEARINGS BASED ON THE S0U1H LINE OF LOT BLOCK aH" AS BEING N 77.38'33" W. - ELEVATIONS BASED ON ORANGE COUNTY BENCH MARK #3293601, ELEVATION BEING 43.986 - UNDERGROUND UllUllES WERE NOT LOCATED. - (0.0) INDICATES _.\2) MAR 1 3 2001;' CITY OF 1~PRINGS SHANNON SUR~IN'tf'1~e. 499 NORTH S.R. 434. SUITE 2155 ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, 32714 (407) 774-8372 DATE OF SURVEY: MARCH 10, 2001 FJELD BY: J.H. SCALE: 1" = 30' mE NU!.lBER: PB12-39 LOT 11"H" ..\ ~ .: ~ ~ ~............." ~. ,. ........ .....,... .......... , , . .. ,..,: .~".".... ...... , "'" \ <,,,(,--'<'''''':' "','" ",( ," \r"" " , r.. p.O \ \1 ~ 0."0 ~., I '" )_,_,--,~-,,' " ,'''''m 1 ,,,' <>' ---- -'-.<' , , ,. .,..~ ", ,- -.--' ' ' j .,__~'C~ ' - ". ",' ~ :'~;/P#~"/':'~': . .' :.' , -' ,,' '~..., \j~"~"~"~"""~"""""\:' ~ -- ," ,-' \ ..,..N>'(".. '., . '. ...' t. · '. .. ....~, ~' , ' " I"'" j r-' ., , , ' ". 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",."m""""",,"d""" '.>...,.. . r ~~,~N \ .........~ .~...-.................. / j 1 ............ ~ I ...... ....\ ~ ..,..........., ., ~ . % \ ~ ...\ \. ". ..... ..~,. ..: ZONE ': .' / . " / .................. ........ ~ \ \ ............\ \ \ PT\ 1(J) \:0 ......... .0............. \ ~ ~ .. .... ....~ \ .......... ~ ~. " 9 9-221 WINTER SPRINGS CODE ) trial or mobile home districts. All four-foot side- walks shall not exceed twenty (20) feet per sec- tion, Sidewalks shall be constructed of a minimum of two-thousand-five hundred-pound "C" concrete with a minimum thickness of four (4) inches except at driveway approaches, where such side- walks shall be at least six (6) inches thick, The contractor shall place a one (1) inch deep contrac- tion joint every four (4) feet and an expansion joint every twenty (20) feet in the sidewalk. The requirement for sidewalks shall be the responsi- bility of the builder, and such sidewalks shall be installed prior to the final inspection of any build- mg, (b) Sidewalks shall be required in all develop- ments unless the city commission determines it to be in the interest and welfare of the environment to exempt same, (Code 1974, S 14-119; Ord, No, 444, S 1(9), 1-9-89; Ord, No, 466, S 1, 3-26-90) Sec. 9-222. Driveways. All driveways shall conform to federal housing authority specifications, See subsection 9-299, driveway entrances for standard vertical curb and gutter. (Code 1974, S 14-120) Sec. 9-223. Curbs, gutters, easements. (a) A properly prepared subgrade and ap- proved road base and wearing surface with a minimum of Miami-type curbs and gutters shall be provided for all paved streets within any subdivision having lots less than one (1) acre in size, Where it is shown to the satisfaction of the city engineer that percolation rates are adequate, the developer may install swales in lieu of curbs and gutters. (b) A properly prepared subgrade and ap- proved road base and wearing surface with grass swales not to exceed one and one-half (1I1z) feet in depth and a minimum of five (5) feet from the road edge may be provided for all streets in subdivisions with lot sizes one (1) acre or greater, subject to approval of the city engineer, based on soil conditions and water table, ( (c) Streets and drainage easements are to be cleared as required and left in a neat and clean condition. Street rights-of-way and outfall ditches shall be sodded or sprigged with grass, or seeded and mulched, or shall be otherwise protected to prevent erosion in a manner approv.ed by the city engineer. The subgrade must be of suitable mate- rial and must be prepared in accordance with the standards prescribed by this chapter, (d) Legal drainage easements, both on-site and off-site, will be required, Any off-site easements needed for legal reasons, construction, system performance, or maintenance of the facility shall be included in the development proposal and made criteria for development approval. Such easements shall be of sufficient width to provide adequately for watercourses, drainageways, chan- nels, pipes, culverts, or streams and access to permit maintenance of same. Drainage ease- ments for pipes shall be a minimum of fifteen (15) feet wide, Larger easements will be required for large pipes or where construction or maintenance requirements dictate, (e) See section 9-301 for alternate curb sec- tions, (Code 1974, S 14-121) ( Sees. 9-224-9-240. Reserved. DIVISION 4. DRAINAGE Sec. 9-241. Storm.water management. (a) The design concept for drainage systems in proposed developments shall be approved by the city engineer. All drainage systems shall have a positive outlet or overflow unless documented as being unnecessary by geohydrologic investigation based on a twenty-five-year design storm. (b) All drainage facilities shall be designed for a rainfall of a twenty-five-year/twenty-four-hour return period using an SCS Type II Modified rainfall distribution. The twenty-five-year/twenty- four-hour storm is the "design storm", (c) The drainage system for each subdivision shall include a sufficient facility to remove stormwater without flooding any lot in the pro- posed subdivision or in the surrounding territory, ( !'i82 ( \. c ( .(1 LAND DEVELOPMENT All finished floor elevations shall be a minimum. -of one, and one-half(l1h) feet above the hundred- year flood stage, (d) Retention/detention ponds, (1) Dry bottom ponds, All dry bottom retention/ detention ponds will have a pond bottom elevation of no less than one (1) foot (twelve (12) inches) above the seasonal high ground water elevation, which is to be determined by a registered profes- sional engineer in the State of Florida with an expertise in soils. The side slopes of all dry bottom retention/detention ponds shall not be steeper than two and one-half (21/2) horizontal to one (1) vertical. All dry bottom ponds with no exceptions, in which the side slopes are steeper than four (4) horizontal to one (1) vertical shall require a green vinyl chainlink fence with a min- imum height of four (4) feet. All fences must meet setback requirements in sec- tion 6-193, buildings and building regula- tions, (2) Wet bottom ponds, All wet bottom ponds must have side slopes no steeper than four (4) horizontal to one (1) vertical mea- sured from the top of the berm down to at least three (3) feet below the normal wa- ter level, measured vertically. This is the side slope transition point. Side slopes may then transition, from the transition point, to no steeper than two (2) horizon- tal to one (1) vertical down to the pond bottom, Wet bottom pond side slopes steeper than these values are not allowed. If a fence is used, it must be of the same specifications as the fence for dry bottom ponds, (3) All ponds, Retention, detention, percola- tion, and treatment of stormwater are required by the city. Stormwater regula- tions, criteria and requirements of the State of Florida, St. Johns River Water Management District and the Depart- ment of Environmental Protection, as they may exist and be modified from time to time, are to be the regulations, criteria, and requirements which the city shall 9 9-241 utilize for review of stormwater facilities, All city stormwater requirements shall also apply in addition to any federal and state requirement, If there is a conflict between requirements, the stricter require- ment will apply, All ponds shall have a minimum ten (10)' foot wide stabilized maintenance berm capable of supporting a maintenance vehicle. There shall be a minimum ten (10) foot wide easement to each pond dedicated to the city and the homeowners' association (if planned). All fenced ponds must have a locked..gate with ten-foot wide gate opening, (e) Flow quantities off-site are not to exceed that prior to development, The stormwater. runoff volume and rate from the "design storm", for the post development condition, shall not exceed that for the pre-development condition. eD The city encourages the preservation of existing swamp areas, ponds (including intermit- tent ponds), wetlands and wet areas, and bayheads for water storage and conservation purposes, Ex- isting flood storage quantities shall not be re- duced by development from that which existed on-site prior to development, Pre and post- development volume must be adhered to with additional compensating storage for all floodwa- ter displaced by development below the elevation of the hundred-year flood as defined by the Fed- eral Emergency Management Agency on the lat- est official panel of the Flood Insurance Rate Map, Compensating storage is to be calculated between the hundred-year flood elevation and the seasonal high water table. The seasonal high water table shall be established by a registered professional engineer in the State of Florida with expertise in geotechnical engineering based on recent soil borings on the subject site. There n'lust be at least one (1) soil boring per pond, performed at the proposed location of the pond. (g) The development of each phase of a devel- opment shall be capable of standing on its own if subsequent areas planned for development are not developed, (h) Inlet spacing, Inlets shall be spaced in such a manner as to accept one hundred (100) percent of runoff, Typically, the maximum allowable gut- 583 . ~-'1 /.. OUILDING DEPARTMENT , f.J.12G EAST STATE ROAD 434, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 TELEPHONE (407) 327-1600 . . ." .'../'0 .' ~i" ~ NAM'" \-\()""nrol + Lihh '/ (30",4-'( :,hElEPIION'" ,'to)} 9) I -O.;:lS;;J --/. M IGADDR ". \~q ~ ~Q("Y\'\'~~o C+,/ ?vl'o-\-e, Sr("'~S) ~L :idIO&' ~ SIMP IT HOLDERS NAME: Ho(uo.rd. ZV. 'Ba..+y r:t.~ L .hby A. ~ l+y,; hv" bard ctno( WI'fc:: ~~~ I' ~~. ??~.s.~... . ~ ?:l' . ." 1.~?~~' ~~:'? .~!:;.. ~.r.~;:. ;I?;~~;~ ~ ~~. :~~?,,?1r *NSTRUCTlONADDRESS: ~'i. So.. I \ ):,.sh 13 Cl_' _~ + s ___ '-__.__'= 3_708- I LEGAL DESCRIPllON: LOT: BLOCK; H. . SUBDMSION: north Orlo.Mo RancheS PARCELl O~- ;;).\:.. 30 - 503- OHoO -0\10 ZONING: S,.n~\P ~~I'\Y Homp (d ~{ar'i ') . UVING AREA: ;:;) S \ S SQ. Fr. GARAGE/CARPORT AREA: Y;)O SQ. Fr. PORCHIENTRY: ~ 9 1 SQ. FT.. ESTIMATED VALUE OF WORK TO BE DONE: $ qS.OOO,OO MODEl: CO IOn 1'0. I . ., . ~.~;;~~.. '-:f~ \.;~. 'G.~:d:;~,: 'l:1.3~~'~' ~:~~.~~~.~.~~.).).. 3bS ~.y.ciib' WORK DESCRIPllON: ADDRESS: \ ~q 3 SO,(\-\.,'(1 jO c.-\..; ZJ,n4-er Spf'I'~3 $.... r;;:'L ..:~;:~f:);o~'t'2~:-<:~~ UCENSEI . C G- - LO 5 8 S~ b . EXPIRES: ~ - '3 \ - 00 WORKMAN'S COMP EXPIRES: to - ~ 9 ~OO." ..' . !'~~JO . n BONDING COMPANY: ~e 'f'\ {?)mWf) I Inc. . . . .. ,..".~ . L'[JUiJ ADDRESS: P.c. &x 5 ~o St:, <1) J 33'l Ar\,n{j+on S+:J O('\Qnaloj ~/"j(.:)'~d~~':':;",;~':'~'::" ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: A (' e. h I' + e. c... +u \' e IT ADDRESS: ~J S DOUj \Q S' A Cle00e; Sl'J\4e ICOO.; ,q \~rnon1e Spf'I'()j'CS MORTGAGE LENDER: FIT'S -t \-\0 r I :2. Q I) Ho me Loa f} ~ ba Svn he H: ADDRESS: S L .......................11I................ ................... .......... .................. ARBOR PERMIT I ~ 9 - ~ 8 h SEPllC PERMIT I O~ 190 3 - N .......~..._.~..~............................................................................ Pl.E4SE R&UJ llIE FOllOWING AND SIGN WHERE APPUC4BLE EVERY APPt.IC4 nON MUST HA n= NOTARIZED SIGNA n/RE5. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF cOMME,NCEMENT MAY REsuLT IN YOUR PAYING 1W\CE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERlY. IF YOU INTEN Q 'To OBTAIN ANANONG, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTIce OF COMMENCEMENT. . . OWNERSAFADAVIT: I CERTIFY THAT ALL TIlE FOREGOING INFoRMATI6N IS AcaJRATEAND THAT ALL WORK WILL BE DONE IN COMPUANCE WITH ALL APPUCABLE LAWS REGULATING CONSTRucnON AND ZONING. I FURTHER UNDERSTAND THAT WORK MUST COMMENCE WITHIN 60 bAVi;^ D BE COMPlETE IN ONE (1) YEAR FROM ATE F SU NCE R E RM LL EXPIRE. SIGNATURE SIGNATURE J, KIMREY ISSION /I CC 643160 EXPIRES: June 15. 2001 Bonded Thill Notary Public Underwriters CONTRACTOR: C/k/ Pt,--- ~........ --.;......"" ,"t' CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: 7~J,'n-\-e\' Sr("lnj~1 ~L.. .3d;bgPHONEI ('to}) 971-0;;)5.;) WORK DESCRIPTION: nU.:\- \e+S I Sc...Jl:"):~~hp~, 1'3 b:l-5i > eC1-. AMPERAGE: . \ d. CJ VOLTAGE: ;) It () .. PHASE: S,' f\j leT-poLE: YES / NO_ /'r i ':. . f1~. . .'i.' . ;..r......:.... ;'~;;;';;;' ~:,:,;;,;;""';;;2: .otii!............... ~cJ.JJ/li . " U~E' RA 00 \ 5 ;JLtS I' .., . . CONTRACTOR ADD C e (\ +0 c: ~I 0 (-- ", k P I :~:.:;~ ",. ('" ~'. :;. . CONTRACT AMOUNT: . 0\\0(')010) A a- oluc-4, . , R 00 ~L ~~KoJ PHONE' ct-Io1) 38'1- ~ S40 (",. . .", '", <.'.:. . I.';: .~ q:::.:':'>:" . :~.~~ '.:: I. ~~{f:~ . . ~ :', WORK DESCRIPTION: AI', hqnole/pr -t' C'omprz-RS<.""r SYSTEMlYPE: c:.e(\-\...~ , EER: . SEER: . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . · '" . . . · . . . . . ~:~;;,;;;;;;';;; . . · . . ;1~ . ~~~kVJ '.........,... CONTRACTOR: C 8 V P\Ul"rlbll"'\lj ,Inc. .U~SE' C ~D 3 ~~ )~_ CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: 5 ~ ~ Car (\ Ct -ko n Dr. ~ \'()\e, ?o..r\<-. I <;'L3;))Q ~ PHONE' (1[0)) b 1'/ ~ 3155 WORK DESCRIPTION: ~Q(/8h +- ~\n"'-\ PI&mb'()5 ~r ba..-\-nroom+ ~,+chen NO. OF FlXTURES*:+'"'t /'2--- .RESIDENTIAL FIXTURES: LAUNDRY TRAY. SINK WATER a..OsET. TUB OR SHOWER .COMMERaAL FIXTURES: AS DEANEO BY 1994 STANDARD PLUMBING CODE FIXTURE UNrr - TABLE 713.1. . .' .................~....t..~..~.........................................~............. OffiCE USE ONLY CALCULATEDVAL~E: . ):1.5/ SYc PERMIT FEES: BUILDING PERMIT: PlAN REVl8N: ELECTRICAL PERMIT: MEOiANICAL PERMIT: PLUMBING PERMrr: RIGHT OF WAY PERMrr: ARBOR PERMIT: ~{~~t ..5"'S40~ ?' .1, ~ /Y,t?t!J . ~ 5,/,5- II rri , S'Y PERMIT TOTAL: IMPACT FEES: TRANSPORTA TlON IMPACT: POUCE IMPACT:' ARE IMPACT: . . . . . . 'o~;;'; .. .~ 00 APPROVED BY: FIRE MARSHALL APPROVAL BY: BLDGPERM2JREV 11195 DATE: 0;27 4'a~~~~1L (5'~~" - 50' R ~A I /11 (A N 0 _ LF I ~H PEN PAVED - - JiOAO ---- ROAD) ~- - - - LOT 10 BLOCK[H , t:J Q ~ ;; .-- PARK Curve' Radius Delta CI W5, DO' 2' 52' ~D' C2 927,69' 0'51'40' 35. 5~' 6,91' Chord/Br 71. 06' S7B-~2-39, DE 13, 9~' N7H2-09. OW __D?lOTES _0 DIRECTION ~. . ut STDRIOlATER 1IUIlIIIIff, NOTE: THERE NAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS TNAI IJlE NOT SHD'" ON THE pur THAf NAY B! f'CkJHO IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY. NOTE: TNIS SURVET 'NOT VAliD WITHOUT THE SIGNATlIlE AIIll THE ORIGINAl RAISED SHL Of A FLORIDA LICENSED $URV!:YOR ANO MAPPER.' NOTE: THE FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATlDN SHOWN NEREON IS IlAS(O ON A NININL14 ~ABEilv~?O~ wilt m~Al~I~smVE THE NEIflEY CONST1l\JCTED RES I 0Ellc[ ow N SCALE I INCH . 30 FEET -;5 JOIl. 0- LEGEND: M(O.ll.I.llUC)DI$I ..... .lE.Ul<< IYP." rnlCAl t.LlL .. COICAET[ II..Otlr.l.l..l ( . COOUl.lIo; P.I..POIIl1CFllf1tRS[CTIDN P.le. ..PQIII1CFlUOtStaJlY( riL.~~~~LI~ P,lP. .. fUlWOl aJI(IlQ. POIICT t... .. Cl:lNXT( OUCDCT t.l..f. .. CKII.lUII fDca: I.f. .. IOXI mCf LLL .. IJILQIII8 S[TII.O( LII€ 1/11''' .,go-IT-Il'U lIES. .. q:SltOa 1,)-Fl.lT 1'1 . IOlUO P.1.-POINTCFT.I.NliOCl Due. CIA (01" DESDUPlIOM P.o.L- POIl(f DIlLU( uti\,.." UTllIn '.WIUS I .. t,DlGMI CF << 1.1l-IAOlII.uJ I.p.-IAOIIm( cm.-toIU(R em, .. tGYEJI(D toC. .. CQIO("T( tL .. COICAlfE Il..OCI P.lll. .. POII.uo1IUtREJ1C,[ ICllUO'T 1lEC. -lI:COroG It.L .alIUlI"I[l~LIIi( 3D PLOT PLAN FOR: HOWARD. LIBBY BAITY LEGAL DESCR I PT ION: LOT I\, BLOCK H, NORTH ORLANDO RANCHES SEC, 2A, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 12, PAGE 39-4\, PUBliC RECORDS OF SEHINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REVIEWED THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATING HAP PANEL NUHBER _Jl.ll7J:..Jl.UiL DATED uAlJ1JJ'Jli... AND DETERHINED THAT THIS PROPERTY LIES IN FLOOD ZONE n:~:___.. CERTIFICATION A AENGINEERING AND SURVEY I NG. I Ne, 570 Hon,HIO AVE' HA I RAND. FLORIDA 327S1 (401) 677-141J FAX 677-J406 L. 8. . 5953 PlOT PlJJlDJr(.T ntls ISNClTA.MVO LEGAL DESOIIPTlON POOVIOCD BY CliENT BVJIINGS IIJ.S[D ON THE SOVTH llll: or lOT II, BlOCK It,lS N71")8'J.r_ IJlIOOIGAQ.HJ IKPOOV[M[J(TS IrlOlLOCAI(O I ~~~W O~E T~HHIUL TH FLORIDA FL~ I~(UA~~ ,WPcTob'l:. S iNT TO SECTION m.027 FLORIDA TATUTES. ~- -- ------- NEV I L A. CAMPBELL, P. L. S. 3355 NOT VAliD I..N..(S5 SIGHED JJC) SOU:O . ---- DATE 04128100,- OFFICE PHONE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1126 E. STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 407-327-5963 INSPECTION LINE BUILDING PERMIT, 407-327-7596 PERMIT # 00-00675 SITE ADDRESS: 627 SAILFISH RD SUBDIVISION: N ORLANDO RANCHES LOT# 11 PARCEL# OWNER: BAITY, HOWARD & LIBBY OWNER ADDRESS: 627 SAILFISH RD CITY: WINTER SPRINGS 4 PHONE: 407-971-0252 STATE: FL ZIP ~ODE: 32708 CONTRACTOR: SAUDANI, JOHN ADDRESS: 1393 SANTIAGO CT CITY: WINTER SPRINGS LICENSE# CGC 058526 PHONE: 407-365-4986 STATE:FL ZIP CODE 32708 WORK: CONSTRUCT S F R DESC. VALUE OF WORK: 195546.00 SQUARE FOOTAGE: 2515 STORIES: DWELLING UNITS: ARCHITECT ENGINEER FEES: 100-0001 100-0002 100-0003 100-0004 100-0005 100-0006 100-0007 100-0008 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: VIU OCCUPANCY TYPE: R3 USE ZONE: SPRINKLERS: BUILDING PERM PLAN REVIEW ELECTRICAL PERMIT MECH. PERMIT PLUMB. PERMIT R.O.W. PERMIT ARBOR PERMIT RADON 977.73 25.00 55.00 85.00 15.00 25.15 -------- -------- TOTAL FEES 1182.88 FEES PAID 1182.88 ******************************* NOTICE ******************************** THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION IS NOT BEGUN WITHIN 2 MONTHS, OR , IF WORK OR CONSTRUCTION IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 6 MONTHS ONCE WORK IS STARTED. PERMIT EXPIRES 1 YEAR FROM DATE OF ISSUANCE. GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL LAW OR DEED OR HOMEOWNER RESTRICTION REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF SAME. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS DOCUMENT AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. I FURTHER CERTIFY THPllJii .\f.i~,i~~~~~',~~,~.,. RFOR MED UNDER THIS PERMIT WILL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH ALL *~P~f'~A~E AND LOCAL LAWS' AND DEED OR HOMEOWNER REGULATIONS. ::'Ui.:UhjJ~~0'i~ : ~ . j ~....:. ........ -~t~~~-~~~~~~i~~d-~~~~~) - - ~- / _& ~ / - qQ ZONE: . BUILDING CONTRACTOR: ~TATE NO.: PHONE NO.: OWNER: JOB LOCATION: PHONE: ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR: PHONE: MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR: PHONE: OTHER CONTRACTOR: PHONE: SEPTIC PERMIT # REMARKS: EE ELEVATION SOIL REPORT: ~cd S'-/t!,0e; (i) PE;~: t;O:; opt J:bSUBDIVISlo:Yt;c4POJ~fl N.O.C. DATE: 6. 1_ _ _ LOT NO.: _ / ': I AF~ IT~D.A15 _ MODEL #: ~ SQUARE FEET: INSPECTIONS TYPE OK REJ'T R.OW BACKFLOW DATE INTERIM FEE REC'D: FINAL INSPECTIONS: BUILDING UTILITIES ENGINEERING ..~.". '" '" " 5$:., ". :.......: !1 Sent By: FIRST FINANCIAL; 4079777020; Nov.10-00 5:33PM; Page 1/2 ,".. .. FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ELEVATION CERTIFICATE ' Q,M.B, No, 3067-0077 Expires July 31. 2002 Important: Read I elnstruct ons on Daoes .7. 0-68960 SECTION A. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION For Insurance Company Use: BUILDING OWNER'S NAME Policy Number Howard Baity; Libbv Baity BUIl.DING STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt.. Unit. Suite, aM/Of Bldg, NO.) OR P,O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. Company NAtC Number 3,27 Sajlfish Road .....- .........__...~.._...... ... .... ,,-..... h 1 CITY STATE ZIP CODe Winter S nn Fl. 32708 R RTY 0 arce Number, Legal Description, etc,) sec 2-21-30 BUILDING USE (8,g" RQsidenliat, NOrH'llsitlenliiil, A\Jllilioll, ACOlIS$ory, IiIli;. Use CuuIII\en1s section if necess3ty,) SFR LATITUDElLONGITUDE (OPTIONAl) HORIZONTAL DATUM: SOURCE: 0 GPS (Type):_ ( #1f. f#f - ##,#1f' 0( ##,~ 181 NAD 1927 0 NAD 1983 0 USGS Quad Map 0 Other:_ SECTION 8 ~ FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION 81. NFIP COMMUNITY NAME & COMMUNITY NUMBER 82. COUNTY NAMe 83. STATE 120295 Seminole Fl. B4, MAP AND PANEL 85, SUFFIX 86, FIRM INDEX 87, FIRM PAN!;L 86, FLOOO I B9. BASeFIOoD eLEVATlON(S) NUMBER DATE EFFECTIVE/REVISED DATE ZONE(S) (Zone AO, use depth of flooding) 0135 e 4/17/1995 X 34 B10, Indicate the source of the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) data or base flood depth entered in 89. o FIS Profile t8I FIRM 0 CQmmunity Determinod 0 Other (Describe):_ B11, Indicate the elevation datum u$ed for the BFE in B9: 18l NOVO 1929 0 NAVD 1986 0 Other (Describe):_ B12. Is the building located in a Coastal Barrier Resources System (CBRS) area Qr Otherwise Protected Area (OPA)? 0 Yes 0 No Designation Date_ SECTION C - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Building elevations are based on: 0 Construction Drawings' 181 Building Under Construction" 0 Anlshed Construction -A new Elevation Certificate will be required when construction of the building Is complete. C2. Building Diagram Number 1 (Select the building diagram most similar to the building for which this certificate is being completed - see pages 6 and 7. If no diagram accurately represents the building. provide a sketch or photograph,) C3. Elevations - Zones A1.A30. AE, AH, A (with BFE), VE, V1-V30, V (with BFE), AR. ARiA. AR/AE. ARlA1.A30, ARlAH. ARJAO Complete Items C3a-i below according to the building diagrnm specified in Item C2. Stato the datum usod, If the.datum is different (roro the datum used for the BFE In Section B, convert the datum to that used for the BFE. Show field measurements and datum convcr~ion calculaUon, Use the space provided or the COmments area or Section 0 or SecUon G, as appropriate, to documentlhe datum conversion, Datum Conversion/Comments Elevation reference mark used _Does the elevation reference mark used appear on the FIRM? 0 Yes 0 No o a) Top of bottom floor (including basement or enclosure) . ~,llJt.(m) 'i Q b) Top of next higher floor ~y_, _ft,(m) f/) Q e) Bottom of lowest horizontal structur31 member (V ~,\~~ _' _ft,(m) i ~ Q d) Attached garage (top of slab) :......{j~ . ~. _tt,(m) ~ i! o e) Lo.....est elevation of machinery and/or equV ~ 'l~ 6 ~ ~ serviCing the building ~ ~ '~~\~~Lft.(m) f ~ a f) Lowest adjacent grade (IJ\G) ..., ~ ~ ...",~~ -Ift.(m) z a 9) Highest adjacent grade (HAG) "" ~~O~f~. _ft.(m) ~ ~ a h) No. of permanent openings (flOOd vents) within 1-",~ adjacent grade _ ] o I) Total area of all permanent openings (flood ven~\'t3h ~sq. in. (sq. em) SECTION 0 - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTlFIC^TION This certification Is to be signed and sealed by 8 land surveyor, engineer. or a(ehi~ct authorized by law to certify elevation information, I certify that the information in Sections A, 8, end C on this certifICate represents my best efforts to interpret the dats available. I under.stsnd Ut4i eny felse stlltement mtfy be pun;.shable by fine or imprisonment under 18 V,S. Code, Sectir;m fD01, CERTifiER'S NAME Ralph Swerdloft. Carl M. Smith LICENSE. NUMBE.R 3411: 3762 TITLE Surveyor COMPANY NAME Rrst Fln~nc~f SUIVlIYOrs. Inc. STATE TELEPHONE ZIP CODE 7 S EE REVERSE SIDE FOR CONTINUATION REPIJ\CES ALL PREVIOUS EDITIONS Sent By: FIRST FINANCIAL; 4079777020; Nov-10-00 5:33PM; Page 2/2 , }M~ORTANT: In these Spaces, copy the correspondIng information from Section A For Insurance COmpany Use: BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt., Unit, Sufte, and/or Bldg, No,) OR 1",0, ROUTE AND BOX NO, Policy NumOer 627 SAILFISH ROAD CITY STATE ZIP CODE Company NAIC Number WINTER SPRINGS FL 32708 SECTION D - SURVEYOR. ENGINEER. OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED) Copy both sides of this Elevation Certificate for (1) community official, (2) Insurance agenllcompany, and (3) building owner, COMMENTS 0.68960 o Check here if attachments SeCTION E. BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zone AO and Zone A (without BFE). complete Items E1 through E4. If the clavation Certificate Is intended (or use as supporting information for 8 LOMA or LOMR-F, See/ion C must be completed, E1, Building DlaglOlm Number _(Select the building dIagram most sImilar to the building for Which this certificate is baing completed _ see page$ 6 and 7. If no diagram accurately represenls the building, provide a sketch or photograph,) E2. The lOp of lhe bottom floor (including basement or enclosure) of the building Is _ ft.(m) _in,(cm) 0 above or 0 below (check one) the highest adjacent grade, E3, For Building Diagrams lH3 with openings (see page 7). the next higher floor or elevated noor (elevation b) of the building is _ ft.(m) _In.(ern) above the. highest adjacent grade. E4. For Zone AO only: If no flood depth number is available. is the lOp of the bottom floor elevated in accordance wilh the communily's flood lain mana ement ordInance? 0 Yes No 0 Unknown. The local official must certlthis information in Section G. SECTION F. PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION The property owner or owner's authorized representative who completes Sections A. B. and E for Zone A (wIthout a FEMA-issued or community-issued BFE) Or Zone AQ must sign here. PROPERTY OWNER'S OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME:; ADORESS CITY DATE STATE ZIP CODE SIGNATURE TELEPHONE COMMENTS o Check here if aUachnltmls SECTION G - COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) The local off/tial who is aulhorlzed by law or ordinance to administer the communIty's floodplain management ordinance can complete SectIons A, a, C (or E), end G of this Elevation Certificale. Complete the applicable /lem(s) and sign below. G1. 0 The information in Stction C was taken from other documentation that has been signed and embossod by a licensed surveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by stale or local law to certify eleviltion information, (Indicate the source and dale of the elevation data in the Comments aroa below.) . G2. 0 A community officlel completed Section E for a building located in Zone A (without a FEMA-issued or community-issued BFE) or ZO:'le AO. G3. 0 The followfng Information (Items G4-(9) is provided for community floodplain management purposes. , G4. PERMIT NUMBER G5. DATE PERMIT ISsueo GG. DATE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLlANCEJOCCUPANCY----', ISSUED ! 37. ThIs permit has been issued for: 0 New Const.ructioll o Substantial Improvement ;S. Elevation of as-built lowest floor (Including basement) of the building Is: ---'-' _fL(m) 39, BFE or (in Zone AO) depth of flooding at the building site is: _' _ ft.(m) LOCAL OFFICiAl'S NAME TITLE COMMUNITY NAME TELEPHONE' SIGNATURE OATE Datum: Datum: _ COMMENTS EMA Form 81-31, AUG 99 -~-.. ..,....". 'I_-'}" ~U\H~ :E.MA 1=0(1*1' 81--' . REPI AC:I=~ Al I PQl:\Jlr",~ rnITI('\~'" ATTACHMENT B - '..... ~ I BUILDING DIVISION Memo To: From: Charles Carrington, Community Development Director Dennis E. Franklin, CBO, Building Official~ Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator 03/21/01 cc: Date: Re: Finish Floor Elevation - 627 Sailfish Rd, The following is a chronological list of inspection activity at 627 Sailfish Rd. Temporary Power Pole 5/5/00 Approved Rough Plumbing 5/11/00 Approved Slab 5/17/00 Cancelled Re-Slab 5/18/00 Approved Lintel 5/30100 Cancelled Re-Lintel 5/31/00 Approved Frame 10/31/00 Rejected (The inspector notes that the contractor was notified that his finish floor elevation was too low and he would have to verify through commission). Re-Frame 11/14/00 Rejected Re-Frame 11/21/00 Approved Insulation 11/27/00 Rejected Re-Insulation 11/28/00 Approved Final The inspector who made the notation on the package jacket, Vince Marshall, is no longer employed by the City of Winter Springs. My understanding is that he notified the contractor of his FFE problem on or about the October 31,2000 inspection. . Page 1 SUMMATION: I was unaware of this situation at the time. However, it is policy to work with the contractors and not hold up their projects so I assume that the inspector allowed the contractor to proceed to prevent a delay in the job. I believe it was the contractor's responsibility to satisfy the requirements at that time he was advised rather then wait until the job is near completion. The contractor created the problem by building the finish floor too low, then he ignored the direction of the inspector, and now he wishes the city to assist to help him to meet his personal responsibilities of his closing date, Supportive documentation is in permit file 00-006755 for your review. . Page 2 ATTACHMENT C RECEIVED ~!MI \ ,; Z001 l;Jl1T"WCuH\WIN T:='R :;PRINGS ;CUmml;nity OeV~IOpr:le~1 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL .32708-2799 (407)327-1800 FOR: SPECIAL EXCEPTION V VARIANCE CONDITIONAL USE ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION . ffi~ Uo'o~ A,00."~'f .' ~f' 3C.S-Y9P"r;, 1, APPLICANT :~PHONEC4.=L(.~O)) Y'Oy- '(9C(y- ."'-'1/ ""'y ow co ADDRESS: 17S'13 ~AAJ7iIl6.o t'_t- IMAHc:r rA:,J,<: F( 3) 70y . . .~~~ . 2 PURPOSE OF REQUEST: V;1tf.f~"';{,e r.tcI'lD...t-IcL.!'J.).J- ,4 Sr.I,? ( o.l~,,, t '5 ,'",,,h. .) ,J, LA, ~ ATTACH A COPY OF THE PARCEL SURVEY. ATTACH AN 11 x 17 MAP SHOWING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND SURROUNDING PARCELS, ATTACH LEGAL' DESCRIPTION, 6, TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 7. LOCATION OF PARCEL (Street Addressand/ or Nearest Cross streets): :'1 ~ ~A, L h~I' 'Eo ~~v T('.... c:",P1'l.;,v, s. FL 1,:;1.70 r _AJ~T _1&><; !&rn.~ )- __,~s f 8. PRESENT ZONING: ~I Lk,.J":'4l FUTURE LAND USE: 4e By Signing below' I understand that city of winter Springs Officials may ~nter upon my property to inspect that portion as relates to this application; , (I f the appl icant is not the owner of the subject property I the applicant must attach a letter of authorization signed by the owner) . j/owM..d w gf}iry clrz '~'bh\, n .8a.d'f OwNER-PLEASE TYPE I {kJ,/ 5~~~ ~~ 014 R-SIGNATU . PERSONS ARE ADVISED THAT, IF THEY DECIDE TO APPEAL ANY DECISIONS MADE AT THESE MEETINGS/HEARINGS, THEY WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE, THEY wILL NEED TO INSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, AT THEIR COST, WHICH INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED, PER SECTION 286.0105, FLORIDA STATUTES ".f. SECTION 20-84 - APPEALS FROM DECISIONS OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (1) Any person, or persons, jointly or severally aggrieved by any decision of the Board of Adjustment may, within thirty (30) days after the filing of any decision in the office of the Board of Adjustment, but not thereafter, apply to the City Council for administrative relief, After a hearing before the City Council an aggrieved party may, within thirty (30) days after the decision of the City Council, file an appeal with a court of competent i u r i ~ die t ion 0 v 0 r I: h (; :; \I b i (: r: I; i:\:, I' !'.t., r , <\ }. ;~.. ;~. ~"