HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 08 30 Workshop
August 27, 1993
City Manager
City Planner .k/"
August 30 School Board Meeting
Attached is an agenda from Diane Kramer, facilities planner for the School Board, for Monday
night's joint work session. In discussing the agenda with her this afternoon, she noted that
besides the School Board, Superintendent Haggerty will be in attendance, along with a
representative from Schenkel & Schultz, as well as Ms. Kramer.
. Attachment
cc: Mayor/Commission
~ .
Joint Work Sessioa between
the City orWinter Springs and tbe School Board orSemioole County
August 30, 1993
L Review of prelimiDary lite plan for High School AAA
a. access! proposed transportation improvements
- S. R. 434
- Brantley Road
b. utilities! proposed extensions
. water
- sewer
- water reuse
. connection fees
c. proposed schedule
n. Review process
- FS 235.193(9) provides for the governing body and district school board
to establish an alternative process for reviewing a proposed educational fi.cility and lite
plan and off-site impacts.
m. Shared use potentia!
a. parking
b. gymnasium
c. auditorium
d. cafeteria
e. media center
f. classrooms
g. athletic fields! courts
h. swimming pool
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F.S. 1991
F.S. 1991
in the formal;
anticipated II
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facilities to m,
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(c) Adopt
resolution of
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of Regents ar
3-year capi
235.435(4). Pr
nity college, a
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Board of Reg
leges 3-year
(e) Includ,
facilities, corr
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(f) Reque
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the need.
(2) The c(
educational pi
after receivin,
data and sha
terms of the b
offered, and t
Upon comple
permanently corrected. However, if the governmental
entity which has jurisdiction determines upon investiga-
tion that it is impracticable to correct the hazard, or if the
entity determines that the reported condition does not
endanger the life or threaten the health or safety of stu-
dents, the enlily shall, within 5 days after notification by
the school board. excluding Saturdays, Sundays. and
legal holidays. inform the board in writing of its reasons
for not correcting the condition. After the 5-day period
has elapsed. the governmental entity shall indemnify the
school board from any liability with respect to injuries,
if any, arising out of the hazardous condition.
HI.lOty.-s. 919. ch. 19355. 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 892(301); s 68. ch 29764.
1955; 55. 15.35. ch. 69-106; s. I. ch. 69-300; s. 4. ch. 73-338; s. 10. ch 77-458;
s. 102. ch. 79-400; s. 2. ch.80-279; 5 9. ch 80-414; S5. 19.50.52. ch. 61-223; s
1. ch 84-349: ss. 26. 27. ch. 85-116; 55. 1.4. ch. 86-1.
'NOIe.-Repealed efleetive July ,. 1995. by s. 27, ch. 85-116. and scheduled lor
review by the Legislature pursuant thereto. Repealed efleetive July 1. 1995. by 5.
4. ch. 86-1. and scheduled lor review by the Legislature before that date.
may, solely at its option, waive all or part of the 9O-day
notice period.
(6) Each local governing body which regulates the
use of land shall determine. in writing within 90 days
after receiving the necessary documents, whether the
proposed educational facility and site plan, and the 011.
site impacts, are consistent with the local comprehen-
sive plan and local land development regulations. If the
determination is affirmative, school construction may
proceed and no further local government approvals shall
be required. Failure of the local governing body to make
a determination within 90 days on consistency shall be
considered an approval of the school board's applica.
(7) A local governing body may not deny the site
applicant based on adequacy of the site plan as it
relates solely to the needs of the school. The local gov-
ernment may consider the site plan and its adequacy as
it relates to environmental concerns, health, safety and
welfare, oUsite impact, and effects on adjacent prop-
(8) If the determination is negative, the local govern.
ing body will advise the school board of the deficiencies
and make recommendations to address its concerns.
The local school board may, within 90 days, resubmit
revised documents, The local governing body will have
90 days after receiving the revised documents from the
school board to make a determination as to whether the
proposed educational facility and site plan, and the off.
site impacts. are consistent with the local comprehen.
sive plan and local land development regulations,
(9) Nothing herein shall prohibit a local governing
body and district school board from agreeing and estab-
lishing an alternative process for reviewing a proposed
educational facility and site plan. and oUsite impacts.
Hlstory.-s. II, ch. 77-458; 5. 9. ch 80-414; 55. 20. 50, 52. ch. 61-223; s. 1. ell
84-349; 5. 25. ch. 85-55. 55. 10.26.27. ch. 85-1 16; 55. 1,4, ch. 86-1; s. 7. ch. 90-365.
'Note.-Repealed elleelive July I, 1995. by 5. 27. ch. 85-116. and scheduled ,..
review by the Legislature pursuant thereto. Repealed effeetive July I, 1995. by I.
4. ch. 86-1, and scheduled for review by the Legislature belore that date.
'235.193 Coordination of planning with local gov-
erning bodies.-
(1) It is hereby declared to be the policy of this state
to require the coordination of planning between the
school boards and local governing bodies to ensure that
plans for the construction and opening 01 public educa-
tional facilities are coordinated in time and place with
plans for residential development. concurrently with
other necessary services. Such planning shall include
the consideration of allowing students to allend the
school located nearest their homes when a new housing
development is constructed near a county boundary
and it is more feasible to transport the students a short
distance to an existing facility in an adjacent county than
to construct a new facility or transport students longer
distances in their county of residence. Such planning
shall also consider the effects of the location of public
education facilities, including the feasibility of keeping
central city facilities viable, in order to encourage central
city redevelopment and the efficient use of infrastruc-
ture and to discourage uncontrolled urban sprawl.
(2) A school board, upon the request of a local gov-
erning body within its district, shall submit in writing to '235.195 Cooperative development and use of fecil.
the local governing body an official statement clearly Ities by two or more boards.-
showing the capability. or lack thereof, of the existing (1) Two or more boards, including district school
public school facilities in an area being considered for boards, community college boards of trustees, the
development, redevelopment, or additional develop- Board of Trustees for the Florida School for the Deaf and
mentto absorb additional students without overcrowd- the Blind, and the Board of Regents, desiring to cooper.
ing such facilities. atively establish a common educational facility to
(3) If there are no public school facilities in existence accommodate students shall:
in the area of proposed development. the school board (a) Jointly request a formal assflssment by the com.
is required to provide the local governing body with the missioner. State Board of Community Colleges. or Board
projected delivery date of such facilities in that area. of Regents, as appropriate. of the academic program
(4) The general location of public educational facili- need and the need to build new joint-use facilities to
ties shall also be consistent with the capital improve- house approved programs. Completion of the assess.
ments plan found in the comprehensive plan of the ment and approval of the project by the Board 01
appropriate local governing body developed pursuant to Regents, the State Board of Community Colleges, or the
s. 163.3177(3) and in accordance with s. 163.3194(1). Commissioner of Education, as appropriate, should be
(5) The School Board shall file with the local govern. done prior to conducting an educational facilities survey.
ing body which regulates land use. a notice of intent 90 (b) Demonstrate the need for construction of new
days prior to bidding the award of an educational facility. joint-use facilities involving postsecondary inslilutions
The notice of intent must include a description of the by those institutions presenting evidence of the pres.
proposed educational facility, proposed location or loca- ence of sufficient actual full-time equivalent enrollments
tions. capacity of the facility, and anticipated completion in the locale in leased. rented, or borrowed spaces to
date. Any local governing body that regulates land use justify the requested facility for the programs identified
], ~ . tIII- -~-~
AUGUST 30, 1993
John Langelloti,
John V. Torcaso
Terri Donnelly
Cindy Kaehler
Don Jonas
Mary T. Norton
Don LeBlanc
Greg Kern
Dr. Paul Hagerty
Sandy Robinson
Larry Strickler
Barbara Kuhn
Dianne Kramer
Tom Marcy
~Chris Birkebak
Tom Chandler
Dan Tarczynski
Greg Bachnik
George Barcus
Winter Springs
Winter Springs
Winter Springs
Winter Springs
Winter Springs
Winter springs
Winter Springs
Winter Springs
Superintendent, SCPS
School Board Member
School Board Member
School Board Member
Seminole County Public Schools
Seminole County Public Schools
Seminole County Public Schools
Schenkel Shultz
Schenkel Shultz
The joint work session was held August 30, 1993 at Winter
Springs City Hall for the above project. The purpose of the
meeting was to review the preliminary site plan, discuss
expediting City reviews and the potential for sharing
page two
The meeting began with a discussion as to the naming of
the school. The Commissioners strongly urged the
School Board to reconsider the ranking of proposed
names and asked that "Winter Springs High School" be
placed first. The School Board members were not averse
to this sugges~ion. Dr. Hagerty proposed that a caveat
be added to their recommendation that states the City
of Winter Springs understands that school district
lines do not always follow City jurisdictional lines--
that a student living in Winter Springs will not
necessarily attend this High School. The Commissioners
were agreeable.
Review of Prelimdnary Site Plan
The Architects presented a site plan and reviewed the
design process which led to this scheme. Site access
was discussed and local residents expressed concern
over traffic generated by the school. Dianne Kramer
informed the group that a traffic study is underway.
Larry Strickler asked that the Department of Facilities
Planning keep local residents abreast of studies and
issues that might impact their neighborhood.
Review Process
Dianne Kramer asked the City if they would consider
establishing an alternative process for reviewing the
school plans, the site plan and off-site impacts. The
City was agreeable and asked Don LeBlanc to assist the
School Board in that endeavor.
page three
Shared Use Potential
Dianne Kramer described "shared use" as a mutual
overflow of facilities and amenities. Some of the
proposed school facilities include: parking for after-
hours functions, the auditorium/gym/cafeteria for
meetings and the courtyard for arts events. The School
Board is interested in occasional use of the City's
park and the possibility of environmental science class
visits along the lakeside. The City and the School
Board concurred that they have amenities to offer each
other, and if shared they can enrich the Community.
The possibility of sharing landscape maintenance, and
security was also put forth, and will be considered
Those present
School Board Members
Tim Eckmair