HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 01 17 Add On Regular 601 Fire Assessment Program Update - January 17, 2008
Date: January 17, 2008
This was provided to the City Commission by
Staff at the January 17, 2008 City Commission
Special Meeting during ADD-ON Regular
Agenda Item "601".
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What has the Commission Approved?
D On September 24/ 2007/ the Commission was
presented seven (7) options for funding the
Fire Department as follows:
. 3 Assessment Options.
. 2 Non-Assessment Options.
. 2 Hybrid Options.
What has the Commission Approved?
D As shown, the Commission unanimously
approved Option "e" of the three Assessment
Fire Assessment Ootions
Fire A~sessment Revenue 2,606,000 2,758,000 2,758,000
Fire Operations 2,412,000 2,356,000 2,356,000
Fire Truck -0- 208,??oo 208,000
Assessment Administration 194,000 194,000 194,000
Tolal Expenses 2,606,000 2,758,000 2,758,000
Fire Assessment Rate 203 223 223
Reculiu. Millage 3.()696 -. 2.9986 3.0696
Voted Millage .1022 .1022 .1022
TOlal Millage 3.1718 3.1008 3.1718
General Fund Operating Surplus $345,654 $178,251 $329,654
Vote Required Simple Simple Simple
Majority Majority Maiority
Operating Rcvellue Neutral Yes Yes Ycs
Fin: Trllck Neutral --- Yes No 3
What has the Commission Approved?
D As shown, the Commission was advised of the
break-even points and (cost)/savings in
$100,000 increments.
Fire Assessment "Break-Even" Table
-- Net Savin (Cost) --
Scenario FA-A FA-B FA-C Hyb-A Hyb-B
Fire Fee Amount 203 223 223 62 78
Home Taxable Value:
(94) (101 ) (26) (42)
"Break-Even" amounts are shaded.
What has the Commission Approved?
D Based upon this data, the Commission
unanimously approved:
. To move to the next step of refinement of
assessment rates based upon 0.1800 mills for
. To approve a 1.0423 operating millage reduction to
make the new assessment revenue neutral to the
What has the Commission Approved?
o On January 7, 2006 the City's assessment
consultants provided the City Commission with
six assessment rate options, inclusive of
exemptions, ranging from $216 to $256.
...101: FY 2007.08 Budgel $256
PIU$FlraTruek (portion $2S6,~26)
PII,_StatlJ.tory Discount ($176.367)
tation costs 1:$116.560\
Rate Scenarios (can't)
January 7, 2008
Scenario 5: FY 2007.08 Budget $227
. No Fire Truck
. Plus StatutOl'Y Discount ($162.056\
. No Tali Collector Commission
. 'No Stu<ly Impl&i'ner,tation cost':,
. Tota! $3.403.157
What has the Commission Approved?
o From this discussion, the Commission:
. Established a maximum assessment rate of $256 for
purposes of development of the Implementing
Ordinance and Initial Rate Resolution.
. Set a date of January 14, 2008 for first reading of the
Implementing Ordinance, and January 28, 2008 for
the second reading of the Implementing Ordinance
and adoption of the Initial Rate Resolution.
What has the Commission Approved?
o On January 14, 2008 the Commission:
. Approved the first reading of the Implementing
. After considerable discussion, directed the City
Manager to review rate impact data and to develop
alternatives for the Commission to consider.
What has the Commission Approved?
D The City Manager and staff have reviewed the
impact data and concluded:
. That the calculations, with minor exceptions, are
. That the difference in break points are subject to the
addition of exemption costs to the original estimates,
which did not include those exemption costs.
Brea k
@ $223 rate
(to include
@ $223 rate
Citizen - Presented
Break Point
@ $216 rate
Staff Revision of
Citizen - Presen ted
Btea k Poi nt
@ $216 rate
What has the Commission Approved?
o The City Manager and staff have reviewed the
impact data and concluded:
. That the differences in (cost)/savings to homeowners
are as follows:
Staff Revised. $223 Staff Revised $ 2 1 6
Taxable Original Rate (to include Rate (inclu d ing
Value Ii. $223 Rate exerrrpti()ns) exemptio ns)
$ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 ( 1 0 1 ) ( 1 1 9 ) ( 1 1 1 )
$ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 2 1 ( 1 5 ) ( 6 )
$ 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 1 44 9 0 99
Mitigation Strategies
o There are two mitigation strategies that can be
applied to the fire assessment fee as follows:
. Hardship Exemption.
. Installment Payment Plan.
Hardship Exemption
o This exemption can be applied to reduce the
impact on persons of very low income. The
funds lost by the exemption have to be
replaced by General Fund revenues.
o The exemptions are normally based upon
poverty guidelines established by the Federal
o The Federally established poverty level today is
Hardship Exemption
D An example of how this exemption can be
applied is as follows:
Income Brackel Income ExemptIon
Poverty level & below $ 10,200 1000/0
1250/0 of poverty level $ 12,750 750/0
1500/0 of poverty level $ 15,300 500/0
1750/0 of poverty level $ 17,850 250/0
2000/0 of poverty level $ 20,400 00/0
D Income would have to be verified by income
tax returns, etc.
Installment Proposal Plan
o Florida Statutes allow the tax collector to
collect non ad valorem assessments in four
equal installments.
o For example, the City could offer a similar
installment plan for this year.
I;;;)ue D .L. j!;! Amou nt .Balanc:.e
Ju ne $50 $ 1 50
J u Iy $50 $ 100
Aug ust $50 $50
Septem ber $50 $0
What Alternatives are Available?
D The question remains: In light of continuing
pressures in property taxes, how does the
Commission desire to fund the Fire Department
. Fire Assessment Fee?
. Property Taxes?
. Some Combination?
What Alternatives are Available?
o Fire Assessment fees provide for:
. A more equitable system for funding the Fire
. A known and protected source of revenue.
What Alternatives are Available?
o Property Taxes:
. Are vulnerable to anti-tax pressures.
. Can be spent for any General Fund purpose.
. Require 250/0 of the residential taxpayers to pay 470/0
of the cost and allow some people to pay nothing.
Alternative 1
o Adopt the assessment fee at the $225 level
which includes:
. Operating Budget $ 1,973,000
. Fire truck $ 208,000
. Statutory Discount $ 176,000
. GSG Costs $ 117,000
. Collection Costs $ 77,000
o and implement the mitigation measures which
. Hardship Exemption.
. Installment Payment Plan.
Alternative 2
o Adopt the assessment fee at some lower level
and implement the mitigation measures which
. Hardship Exemption.
. Installment Payment Plan.
Alternative 2
D Rate Options:
Rate if Revenue Millage Equivalent
$ 25 $ 264,375 0.1190
$ 50 $ 528,750 0.2380
$ 150 $ 1,586,250 0.7141
$ 200 $ 2,115,000 0.9521
$ 225 $ 2,379,375 1.0712
$ 250 $ 2,643,750 1.1902
Alternative 3
D Do not implement the fire fee, and
D Consolidate the City Fire Department with the
County which would result in the department
being funded from the County's Municipal
Services Taxing Unit (MSTU) at a current
millage of 2.3299 mills.
Rceq.uir@d (Zity County Fire
Op@rat;il1~lY1illag@ IVISTU lVIi Ilage
0 p e ra ti n 9 M I I I a 9 e Rce d u cti 0 n 1 0 4 2 3 2 32 9 9
Ad d I ti 0 n a I M I I I a 9 e Rce d u cti 0 n 1 0 8 1 7 0
Tota I FY 2 0 0 8 Rce d u cti 0 n 2 1 2 4 0 2 3 2 9 9
Alternative 4
D Do not implement the fire fee, acquire a loan to
operate the department in FY08 that could be paid
back in 15 years, re-establish the millage reduction
provided for this year in FY09.
D We do not know what additional limitations the
legislature may place on us in its next session.
D If no additional restrictions are adopted by the
legislature, a unanimous vote would be required to
restore the millage. This could be very difficult to
accomplish two months before an election.
Alternative 5
D Implement the fire assessment fee at a nominal
amount to get it established, borrow the $2.4
million needed to fund the fire department this
year, which could be paid back over 15 years, and
restore the millage in the FY09 Budget.
D We do not know what additional limitations the
legislature may place on us in its next session.
D If no additional restrictions are adopted by the
legislature, a unanimous vote would be required to
restore the millage. This could be very difficult to
accomplish two months before an election.
Alternative 6
D Implement the fire fee at a reduced amount for the
first year and increase it over the following years.
The lost revenue could be made up from loans and
restored property taxes in future years.
D We do not know what additional limitations the
legislature may place upon us in future years.
D If no additional restrictions are adopted by the
legislature, a unanimous vote would be required to
restore the millage. This could be very difficult to
accomplish two months before an election.
Alternative 7
D Implement a Mobile Home Fire Fee Category which
would be lower than the regular residential fee.
How much do we need to cover the Fire
D"ept. Budget?
D Required Assessment Rate = $225.
1 "mount
Fire Operations $ 1,973,000
Fire Truck 208,000
Consultant Cost 81,000
Notice & Billing Costs 36,000
Collection Costs 77,000
Total $ 2,375,000
City Manager Recommendation
o Required Assessment Rate = $194.
~i> One-Time
~i Requi>fed Assessment Prope rty General Fund
>> Reven ue Fee Taxes Reserves
Fire Operations $ 1,973,000 $ 1,973,000
Fire Truck 208,000 $ 208,000
Consultant Cost 81,000 81,000
Notice & Billing Costs 36,000 36,000
Collection Costs 77,000 77,000
Hardship Discount 100,000 $ 100,000
Total $ 2,475,000 $ 2,050,000 $ 100,000 $ 325,000
. Hardship Exemption.
. Installment Payment Plan.
. Mobile Home Fee Category.