HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 08 16 City Commission Workshop Minutes
AUGUST 16, 1993
The Workshop Meeting was called to order by Deputy Mayor John V. Torcaso at
7:00 p. m.
Roll Call:
Mayor Philip A. Kulbes, absent
Deputy Mayor John V. Torcaso, present
City Manager John Govoruhk, present
Don Jonas, present
John Langellotti, present
Terri Donnelly, present
Cindy Kaehler, present
Discussion of Fiscal Year 1993-94 Budget:
The Commission Budget was reviewed. Contributions were increased $2,300 for the
Youth Soccer which was taken out of Community Development. Commissioner Langellotti
said he would like to know who does the money go to that is allocated to the Federa-
tion of Senior Citizens. He said he would rather see it go to a service that is to
service the residents of Winter Springs. The Winter Springs Art Festival was
discussed. Commissioner Kaehler said she would like to have the Rotary Club make
a presentation to the Commission to see what the benefits are to both the City and
the Rotary Club.
Manager Govoruhk explained the Staff is in the process of putting a permit together
for any function to pay for police, fire, rescue services.
The City Manager's budget was reviewed. There was a reduction of $1,337 from last
year. No changes were made.
The City Clerk's Budget was reviewed. Under regular salaries the position for the
receptionist was included along with the Deputy Clerk. On Page 11 Comprehensive
Planning Budget was decreased $15,000 in salaries.
Commissioner Langellotti questioned legal fees. Harry Martin explained as of July
$97,000 has been paid.
Commissioner Jonas asked about printing expense. Harry Martin explained the increase
was due to the election printing from the General Government Budget. Telephone has
also been added to the City Clerk's Budget.
Commissioner Langellotti asked if the general insurance includes the proposed increase.
Finance Director explained with the bill that we just received today, the general
insurance will cost us about $152,000 this next year. The consensus of the Commission
was to have an audit of our insurance.
Under current budget General Insurance the figure of $180,000 is to be deleted.
Commissioner Kaehler asked about the $6,000 Monthly Retainer and the added $15,000
in other legal services. Mr. Martin explained through July we have already paid
$97,000 and we just received a statement for seven or eight thousand dollars more.
Workshop Meeting, City Commission, August 16, 1993
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The Finance Department Budget was reviewed. Other Equipment $7,000 was discussed. The
Finance Director explained he had asked for a high speed printer to print the utility
bills. Currently it takes 7 to 12 hours to print the utility bills and a new high
speed printer could reduce that down to 2 to 5 hours. Commissioner Kaehler said we
need a laser printer and she said the Purchasing Department could piggyback and get
an adequate laser printer for $2,000.
The Personnel Department was reviewed. No changes were made.
The Comprehensive Planning Department Budget was reviewed. Utility Services in the
amount of $16,000 was put into the Purchasing Department Budget. Mr. Martin explained
the Purchasing Department oversees the maintenance of the City Hall and the expenses
related to it.
Commissioner Kaehler said she would like to reserve comment on several things, and
the Comprehensive Planning Department is one that she would like to reserve comment
for the end.
The Purchasing Department Budget was reviewed. Line Code 4661 Repairs & Maintenance
City Hall $12,000 was added to this Department from Public Works. Current Budget
should read O. Under salaries are included the salaries of the janitor services
which is now under the Purchasing Department. Manager Govoruhk explained they will
be under a different classification when the reorganization takes place.
The Information Services Department Budget was reviewed. Manager Govoruhk explained
it is not a new position but is breaking out from the Planning Department. This is
for repairs, maintenance, operating supplies and Jeanine Porter would be in that
Department. She would be responsible for all repairs, maintenance for all computers
throughout the entire City. Commissioner Kaehler said she wanted to reserve comment
on this Budget also.
The Engineering Department was reviewed. Operating Supplies were discussed.
Commissioner Jonas said two years ago the Commission requested explanation of what
was being asked for and the cost. Commissioner Kaehler also noted that other
equipment was not explained. Commissioner Kaehler said she wanted to reserve comment
on this Budget also.
The Land Development Budget was discussed. The merit system was discussed. No
changes were made.
The Police Department Budget was discussed. Manager Govoruhk explained the new
City doctor will be Dr. Grahm. Line Code 6412 Computer Programs New/Update and
Line Code 5430 Employee Development were discussed. No changes were made.
Deputy Mayor Torcaso called a recess at 8:15 p. m. and called the meeting back to
order at 8:20 p. m.
Workshop Meeting, City Commission, August 16, 1993
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Mr. Dick Denny, Vice Chairman of the BOWS Board spoke to the Commission. He said
the Board received a notice from Harry Martin to the effect that the arbor fees
which had been allocated to the BOWS Board had accumulated to $3,825, and that if
the money was not used by the end of this year, it would go to the General Fund.
Mr. Denny said the BOWS Board would like to ask the Commission to make some arrange-
ment where this money could continue to accumulate due to the fact that some of the
plans that the BOWS Board are working with, state and county, are maybe a year or
more out and they have to make plans and allocation of money. The Commission was in
agreement to take the funds allocated at the end of the year and reallocate them in
the next year's budget for the BOWS Board.
The Fire Department Budget was then discussed. Manager Govoruhk explained the Fire
Department and Paramedic Budget have been made into one budget. He explained they
are asking for three firemen to be spread through the year for a total of $42,537.
FICA and the power generator were discussed.
The Building Department Budget was discussed. The increase in travel, per diem,
employee development and dues and registrations was discussed. The Building
Official explained because of the new state mandated certifications required, his
department will be required to obtain these certifications. Manager Govoruhk
said he would not approve four conferences a year for the Building Official to
attend, and he said he wanted to have that on the record.
Commissioner Jonas asked the Building Official if he anticipates an influx of permits.
Mr. Moran said yes he does. Mr. Moran said he did a little research over the past
three years. In 1990 total permits issued were 2,052 and the total issued so far
this year has been 4,296. New housing starts, single family homes issued in 1990
were 143. This year so far 254; the budget for 1990 was $187,000 and the budget
this year is $163,000 which is a decrease of 17%. The increase in revenue in 1990
was $160,000 and the increase he predicts for this year is $318.00.
The Public Works Department was discussed. The Superintendent of Public Works
explained the reason for the decrease in mosquito chemicals. Commissioner Kaehler
asked to see in writing the salaries of the Public Works Department.
Mr. Spencer explained his department will also be required to obtain certain certifi-
cations, and he explained the 1979 dump truck is rusting but the motor is still good
and they would like to trade it in and get another truck and have a lift bucket to
do tree trimming, put up Christmas decorations, etc.
The Recreation Department Budget was discussed. Commissioner Jonas asked why there
is a decrease in salaries. Mr. Martin explained he separated the Senior Center
and the people who operate the concession stands. Operating supplies and the increase
of $17,000 was questioned. Mr. Whitsett explained they have nine more acres to improve,
ballfields to build at Trotwood and at Sunshine Park they would like to reroof the
building. The $45,000 for other equipment was also questioned. Commissioner Kaehler
asked why the increase in Workmen's Compensation costs.
Commissioner Kaehler asked that half of the cost of the truck for the Public Works
Department be taken out of the Transportation Improvement Fund and half from the
General Fund.
Workshop Meeting, City Commission, August 16, 1993
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Discussion followed on the Stormwater Management Fund. Commissioner Kaehler
said on page 4 we have the description of revenues and the expenditures match
the revenues, but there is a fund balance of $120,000 that carries over and she
asked where that came from. Mr. Martin explained the budget had been revised
on July 12th and the Commission received their budgets on July 1, so they do
not have the current figures.
Commissioner Kaehler suggested that the Commission needs to have the revised pages
and also she wanted spelled out from the departments their request for other equipment.
Deputy Mayor Torcaso called a Workshop Meeting for August 25, 1993 at 7:00 p. m. on
the Budget.
Commissioner Kaehler said part of her problem with government is its top heaviness.
She said the way she looks at this, we are running a business and there is only so
much we can charge the consumer for the services we offer to give them. She said
she thinks we are going to need to cut some staff positions. She said there are
some people that she would rather not have to do this to because it does effect
their positions; however, if she does not do what she needs to do she said she is
not doing her job and she takes this job very seriously.
She said for the next meeting she will have in writing some of her suggestions.
She said we have a responsibility and we are going to have to live up to our
Deputy Mayor Torcaso called a Workshop Meeting for August 25, 1993 at 7:00 p. m.
Meeting was adjourned 10:00 p. m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk