HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 07 26 City Commission Regular Minutes
JULY 26, 1993
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 by Deputy Mayor John V. Torcaso.
Mayor Philip A. Kulbes, absent
Deputy Mayor John V. Torcaso, present
Commissioner Don Jonas, present
Cannissioner John Langellotti, present
ComrrUssioner Terri DOill1elly, present
COI1lTdssioner Cindy Kaehler, present
City Manager John Govoruhk, present
Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher,present
City Manager Govoruhk asked for a moment of silence for the invocation.
1illl2fQvaL of Min~tes_.Qf JulY_12.LJ,~2J~_____u___________
ComrrUssioner Langellotti moved to approve the rrdnutes of
Seconded by Cammissioner Jonas. Discussion. Vote: All
July 12, 1993.
aye. Moti on
Public Carrnent...;.___ _______ _____________
Trish Drebert, resident of Winter Springs, spoke about the narrdng of the new
High School and also about fouring an Arbor Committee to oversee land
clearing. Commissioner Donnelly told Ms. Drebert that the City has a
Beautification Board and if she liked she could leave her name and when
there is an opening she could be considered for that Board. Drebert stated
tliat she would be interested in the BOWS Board. Drebert also mentioned the
property the City purchased for the new police station and asked if the
residents could have trees that would be cut down to build the building.
John Bush, Tarpon Circle, also spoke about the narrung of the new High
Schoo I .
Cammissioner Jonas stated that the Cammission feels strongly about narrdng
the High School Winter Springs High School.
Deputy Mayor Torcaso told those present that Mayor Kulbes was in the
hospital and that we all wish him a speedy recovery.
G~f!~f~l Aqenda:
A. Fiscal Year 1993-1994 Budget:
City Manager Govorul~ said that the Comrrdssion sets the rrdllage rate, you
can not go higher after it is set, but you can go lower. The recommendation
for pres~1ting the Budget is 3.9221, and the roll back rate 3.5592 which
makes a difference of .3229. The present Budget is at 3.6153 which would be
an increase of .3068 and that is what we are reccmnending is put it at
3.9221 at this time. We can always go back, whatever the Commission decides
to do. Discussion.
Commissioner Kaehler moved set the proposed rrdllage rate at 3.9221.
Seconded by Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
Regular Meeting, City Comrrdssion, July 26, 1993
Page 2
Comrrrrssioner Kaehler moved to set the
Seconded by Langellotti. Discussion.
back rate
All aye.
be set at 3.5992.
Motion carried.
Comrrdssioner Kaehler moved to set the day, time and place of the public
hearing for Monday, September 13, 1993 at 7:30 P.M. at Winter Springs City
Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, FL. Seconded by
Langellotti. Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
f>.r.Qposed Mini Putt-Putt Golf Course: __________________
Glenn Whitsett, Recreation Director, gave his presentation. He stated that
he would like to thank the City Manager for giving him the opportunity to
present this to the Comrrdssion.
Whitsett stated that the Comrrdssioners has received a packet and he will go
through this with them. Whitsett said that he has done a lot of research on
mini putt putt golf and has found that this is a very popular and family
oriented recreational activity. In checking with the surrounding area
courses, they do quite well financially but in my opinion their charges are
high for a farrQly outing. We would like to offer the same activity at a
reasonable fee for a profit.
Whitsett also stated that he has comrrdtments fram six companies for
corporate contributions: Sam Sung - Architect, Florida Power Corporation,
Orlando Electric Services, Rinker Materials, Coke-Cola and Dittmer
Architectural Alurrdnurn.
Whitsett said that the proposed space for this is to the left of the parking
lot on about a quarter of an acre, just before the leisure area.
City Manager Govoruhk also said that they will be looking at the whole park
to see if the mini putt putt golf course could be better located.
Discussion on this item.
Comrrdssioner Kaehler stated that she feels that this is government at its
best, finding ways to save tax payers money and to find innovative things
and this is phenanenal and Whitsett should be cc:mnended. This is just what
we wanted, a park that generates sane money and allows the citizens to have
more kinds of activity which wouldn't cost them a lot of money.
Comrrdssioner Kaehler said that the only thing she would like to see ccme out
of this is same of the monies be set aside and be allocated for security.
Deputy Mayor Torcaso asked if there was anyone present who had any comments
on the putt putt golf course. Paul Partyka, Oswego Court; Gladys Zahand,
Murphy Road; Frank Baker, South Edgemon Avenue; Raymond Conca, Marlin Road .
and Art Hoffmann all spoke in favor of the mini putt putt golf course.
Regular Meeting, City CaUT~ssion, July 26, 1993
Page 3
Hhitsetl also stated that they would like to have money set aside han the
putt putt golf course to help build the second phase of the park.
Ccmnissioner Kaehler mentioned that in the packet the Ccmnission received
there was a request that if volunteer dollars could not be generated, would
the Coomission be willing to transfer sane dollars iran the youth program or
somewhere in the budget to this particular program. It states in the packet
that tCle Recreation Department will try to get monies donated by dedicating
holes ~ld donations etc. but they may need more money, and I feel that if we
are going to do this we need to make that comni. troont to the Parks &
Recreation with the understanding that they wi 11 troy to get all the money
they can through donations. Discussion. CalrrUssioner Jonas said that this
is sar~thing that the Tuscawilla Rotary Club would be interested in helping
in SOfflE': way.
City Manager Govoruf~ stated that we are saying to the Ccmnission that we
C~1 find the money just as soon as we finish up the bond on the park, with
S~f€ probl6fs we have, but at the same time this putt putt golf course can
be, looking down the road: making lots of money to expand the park. This is
the reason we brought this to the COITrrUssion for your recommendation, just
in case we do fall short, that we can came up with and finish projects for
the parK. He mentiolleJ thal there is roughly $35,000 that was put aside for
a boardwalk for the park, but we still have alligator problems, so we can
take that money &ld rr~ve it up to same of these other progr~ns until we get
this cleared up with the wild life. Discussion.
Milllager Govorur~ mentioned the proposal by Coca-Cola, that he was going to
give it to the Attorney, do we want to ccmnit that far ahead and camnit the
City to that.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said that if the CarrrrUssion agrees with the project,
then let us get it put together and we will deal with the legal concerns.
COHlll.issioner Kaehler moved that this lJl:oject be approved in concept and
direct the Parks & Recreation Department to put together a package ~1d give
it to the City Manager and bring it back to the Ccmnission as soon as
possible. Seconded by Langellotti. Vote: All aye. Motion carried.
Carmissioner Langellotti complimented Glenn Whitsett, Recreation Director
and his department for the fine job they have been doing.
City Manaqer John GO\loruhk: Reports:
Manager Govorur~ reported monthly reports have been distributed. He said
the cit has closed on the Moss Road property and he would like to get
started on Fire Station No.2. Ccmnission was in agreement to get started.
Regular Meeting, City C~ssion, July 26, 1993
Page 4
GgIJI~S~!on Seat II - Don Jonas:
Camrrdssioner Jonas spoke about the applications for City Manager. Copies of
th~ applications that were recommended by the Camrrdttee will be given to
each Camrrdssioner. If any Camrrdssioner wants to look through all the
applications they may do so and select any other ones that they want. It
was decided at the first meeting in August C~ssion would come in with
their lists and discuss their choices and hopefully narrow the list down.
C~ssioner Jonas also discussed the Tuscawilla Maintenance, and asked that
it be on the Agenda for the next meeting. Commissioner Kaehler said if
there was any new information on this issue she would be willing to listen
to it; however, Commissioner Jonas could not put it back on the agenda.
Camrrdssioner Jonas asked about the ~ight acres and he would like to have the
soccer fields there and where the soccer fields now exist, put two more
baseball fields. He s~id the reasoning for that is the softball-baseball
would be in one complex and soccer would be in another complex.
Camrrdssioner Kaehler asked Staff to do a proposal of what they feel that
property should be and also the best use of that property.
Camrrdssion Seat III - John Lanqellotti:
No report.
Camrrdssion Seat IV - Terri Donnelly:
Camrrdssioner Donnelly said the Camrrdssion has received sample onlinances
fram the Florida League of Cities demonstrating how some local govern!nents
have addressed the issue of te~ lirrdts as well as restrictions on rtmning a
deficit budget.
Motion was made by Commissioner Donnelly that we put lirrd ted government. on
the agenda for discussion. Seconded by Commissioner Kaehler. Discussion.
Vote on the motion: C~ssioner Jonas, aye; Corrrrdssioner Kaehler, aye;
Camrrdssioner Langellotti, aye; C~ssioner Donnelly, aye; motion carried.
Conmissioner Donnelly said she had three items she was proposing t.o put on
the ballot for the November Election. Te~ lirrdts of two full terms
excluding any partial terms that may be s~rval tmder any exc~ptional
circumstances. For instance if someone is filling a partial te~ because
saneone can not complete a term, then that person could still run for two
more terms; the second one is to revoke the rrdnority veto that currentl y
exists pertaining to the selection and terrrdnation of the City Manager, and
the third would be that future bond issues would be decided by referendum
unl ess it is a bond refunding issue that is used t.o reduce the bal ance of
existing bond debt. Discussion followed on the te~ lirrdtations.
Motion was made by Camrrdssioner Donnelly that we do what is necessary to get
the issue of term lirrdts, a lirrdt of three terms of three year terms, on the
ballot. for the public to decide the issue. Seconded by Ccmnission~r .
Kaehler. Discussion. Vote on the motion: C~ssioner Kaehler, aye;
Conmissioner Jonas, aye; Conmissioner Langel lotti, aye; Canmssioner
Donnelly, aye; motion carried.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, July 26, 1993
Page 5
In discussion of the City Manager it was discussed there would be a contract
with the City Manager. Attorney Kruppenbacher explained the City Manager
would be hired for a limited period and at the end of that period of time,
unless the Commission renews his contract, then his emploYment is exoired.
There was discussion of having bond issues decided
Commissioner Kaehler said she could not support that.
by referendLm.
Commissioner Donnelly asked each Commissioner to review the ordinances.
Attorney Kruppenbacher explained that he is being directed to bring back for
first and second reading an ordinance and at which time public input will be
taken and the Commission will decide whether or not to pass the ordinance
which will place on the referendLm in Noverber for passage or defeat by the
publ ic a decision to 1 imit the term 1 imits to the City Commission and Mayor
to three three-year terms.
Commission Seat V - Cindy Kaehler:
Commissioner Kaehler recommended Grace
Planning and Zoning Board and Greg
Ann Glavin be reappointed to the
Smith be appointed to the Board of
Motion was made by Commissioner Donnelly to approve these appointments.
Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Comnissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Donnelly, aye; Commissioner
Langellotti, aye; Commissioner Jonas, aye; motion carried.
Commissioner Kaehler thanked everyone for all their support for her and her
family with the passing of her father.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Margo Hopkins
Deputy City Clerk