HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 11 23 City Commission Regular Minutes
November 23, 1992
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs,
Florida, was called to order by Mayor Philip A. Kulbes at 7:30 P.M.
Ro 11 Call:
Mayor Philip A. Kulbes, Present
Deputy Mayor John Langel lotti, Present
City Manager Richard Rozansky, Present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, Present
John V. Torcaso, Present
Don Jonas, Present
Terri Donnelly, Present
Cindy Kaehler, Present
The invocation was given by Commissioner John V. Torcaso.
allegiance to the flag was led by Commissioner Don Jonas.
The pledge of
Approval of minutes of November 2, 1992 there were no additions or
corrections; the minutes stand approved as presented.
pub 1 i c Comment
Mayor Kulbes presented Ms. Thompson of the Missing Children Center a check
for $1,417.00, from the proceeds from the Circus that was held on November
17, 1992.
Ms. Thompson presented the Mayor
everything he has done for the
certificate of appreciation to the
support the City has given them.
a certificate of appreciation for
Missing Childrens Center, and also a
City of winter Springs for all the
Reverend Fred Schram, and Kevin Hoggin spoke on behalf of the Florida
Symphony Orchestra and the Florida Youth Symphony Orchestra, and asked for a
donation from the City. Mayor Kulbes said that this item is on the agenda
and the Commission will address it at that time.
Jim Lup, Chairman of the Commerce & Industry Dev. Board, and Mel Glickman,
member of the C. I .D.B. spoke on behalf of the Board. Lup asked the
Commission to authorize Board member Glickman to do the work on the brochure
as there was a question there might be a conflict of interest.'
City Attorney Kruppenbacher said that if you all make a policy decision that
you would have no opposition to Glickman's going forward, and you don't have
an alternative approach to take, then I would recommend is simply vote that
you have no opposition and that you would waive any conflict for him,
subject to my confirming with the Attorney General's office. That this
process and Glickman doing the work would in no way jeopardize either him or
the City in any legal fashion in confirming that in writing. Discussion.
Roger Itkor, resident of Tuscawilla and volunteer working with the City's
Recreation Department; and Ron Zarbow, resident of Oak Forest, President of
F.C. America Soccer Club; spoke about a letter from the Tusc. Homeowners
Assoc. President and the activities they are involved with and asked for a
vote of confidence from the Commission. Discussion.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, November 23, 1992
Page 2
General A~enda
Motion was made by Commissioner Jonas to add the request of the C. I .D.B. to
work with Mel Glickman on the brochure. Second by Commissioner Kaehler.
Vote: Langellotti: aye; Torcaso: aye; Jonas: aye; Donnelly: aye; Kaehler:
aye. Motion carried.
Commissioner Kaehler moved to waive any conflict in the City awarding the
bid to Glickman, subject to the City Attorney obtaining clearance from the
appropriate State of Florida Governmental Authority. Discussion. Vote:
Jonas: aye; Donnelly: aye; Kaehler: aye; Torcaso: nay; Langellotti: aye.
Motion carried.
Public Hearing and Second Reading of Ord. 534. setting forth the procedures
for the detenmination of vested ri~hts; etc.:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. 534 by title only on second reading.
Mayor Kulbes recessed the regular meeting and opened the Public Hearing.
Donald Mcintosh spoke in favor of Ord. 534.
There was no one else present to speak for or against Ord. 534.
Mayor Kulbes closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the regular meeting.
Commissioner Donnelly moved to approve Ord. 534. Seconded by Torcaso.
Discussion. Vote: Langellotti: aye; Donnelly: aye; Kaehler: aye; Torcaso:
aye; Jonas: aye. Motion carried.
City Mana~er Richard Rozansky:
Manager Rozansky explained that Ord. 538, is the amended Ord. from the
workshop that the Commission had agreed upon.
Commissioner Kaehler moved to read Ord. 538 by title only on first reading.
Seconded by Langellotti. Discussion. Vote: Torcaso: aye; Langellotti: aye;
Jonas: aye; Donnelly: aye; Kaehler: aye. Motion carried.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. 538 by title only on first reading.
Manager Rozansky mentioned that he provided a copy of a letter he received
from the Seminole County Chamber, regarding a staff member and an elected
member from the City to be on the 17-92 beautification board. I have
appointed a staff member, the City Engineer L. Kozlov. Commissioner
Langellotti volunteered to serve on the Board, the Commission was in
Manager Rozansky also mentioned a letter he received from the M.P.O. on the
bike paths, they are asking for $750.00. Rozansky said he feels that it is
worth while with our park system.
Greg Kern, City Planner, said that basically it is fonmed to study the need
for bike ways/path ways etc. Our addition of funds to this program will be
returned in them helping us design bike ways/path ways within our own City.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, November 23, 1992
Page 3
Discussion. Commissioner Kaehler asked that when this cames up again next
year, that the Commission knows what is involved and how the money was
spent. The Commission was in consensus to authorize $750.00 for the M.P.O.
Manager Rozansky explained that the City went out for bid for three flag
poles for central Winds Park, and only received one bid in the amount of
$10,705.00 for three flag poles and installation, one 60' and two 40'poles.
He said the three flag poles will be put in the entrance median, a large
flag pole in the middle with the american flag and a flag pole on either
side one with the city flag and one the state flag. Discussion.
Commissioner Kaehler moved to deny the expenditure of $10,705.00 for flag
poles. Seconded by Commissioner Donnelly. Vote: Langellotti: aye; Jonas:
aye; Torcaso: nay; Donnelly: aye; Kaehler: aye. Motion carried.
Manager Rozansky mentioned that he has received correspondence from HRS
regarding smoking. This was discussed during our staff meeting regarding
same employees who are worried about health. What I would like to do,
unless someone objects is Monday, put this whole building off limits for
smoking. Discussion. This would affect all City buildings. The Commission
was in consensus.
Commission Seat I I - Don Jonas
Commissioner Jonas advised that on Dec. 5th, the grand opening of the park,
the plan is to have the Commissioners park at City Hall and transportation
will be provided for them to the park, meet here at 9:30 A.M.
Commission Seat I I I - John Langellotti:
No report.
Commission Seat IV - Terri Donnelly:
Commissioner Donnelly commended the Civic Association for another successful
holiday parade. She also passed on a suggestion that was made to her to
issue a proclamation to Bill Schaffer and co-workers for their time on the
ho 1 iday parade.
Commission Seat V - Cindy Kaehler:
Commissioner Kaehler said she had a constituent call and ask why the
stormwater utility bill was placed on the water bill. Leonard Kozlov stated
that it was faster and that if we added it to the ad-valorem tax bill, the
City would have to pay an extra fee to the County.
Commissioner Kaehler also thanked the civic Association for all the help
they gave the Park Committee for the Nov. 14th, fund raising event. She
said that the Park Committee raised in excess of over $4,000.00 for the
Commission Seat I - John V. Torcaso:
Commissioner Torcaso applauded Commissioner Kaehler and everyone who helped
in the fund raising event. He also stated that he would like to see the
pension plan on the agenda again soon.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, November 23, 1992 Page 4
Mayor f s Off ice:
Mayor Kulbes called a workshop on Dec. 1, 1992 for the borrow pits.
Mayor Kulbes mentioned a copy of the letter he received from Sheelah Ryan.
He also said that he attended the legislative session in Tallahassee and
said that he would get the info to the Commission that he received.
Mayor Kulbes asked the Commission if they wanted to donate to the Florida
Symphony. Discussion. Commissioner Torcaso moved to donate $1,000.00 to
the Florida Symphony. Seconded by Langellotti. Discussion. Vote:
Commissioner Kaehler: aye; Commissioner Donnelly: aye; Commissioner
Langellotti: aye; Commissioner Jonas: aye; Commissioner Torcaso: aye.
Motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:48 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
'-11t a l-gt' fk.-P~~'/L'
Margo Hopkins,
Deputy City Clerk