HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 01 14 Regular 608 Request of Ed Steigerman of 606 Pearl Road Remove (1) Specimen TreeCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 608
January 14, 2008
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The Community Development Department, City Arborist, recommends the City
Commission consider the request of Ed Steigerman of 606 Pearl Road to remove (1)
specimen tree located in the front yard of his residence.
The purpose of this agenda item is for the City Commission to consider a request by
resident Ed Steigerman to remove (1) specimen (30"inch diameter) Sweet gum tree.
The specimen tree is located in the center of the front yard at 606 Pearl Road and within
20' (feet) of the residence. Mr. Steigerman indicates the sewer drain line is obstructed by roots
from the specimen tree and his commode will not flush properly due to this condition.
On October 13, 2003, Chapter 5 of the City Code was repealed and replaced with
Ordinance No. 2003-22 (pertinent sections enclosed as attachments).
Sec. 5-2. Intent and Purpose.
Sec. S-3. Definitions.
Sec. 5-4. Permit Required for Tree Removal and Land Clearing;
Separate Violations Criteria.
OI1408 COMM Regular 608 Specimen Tree Removal Steigerman
Sec. 5-8. Specimen or Historic Trees.
Sec. 5-16. Waivers and Appeals.
1) Section 5-8.b of the Arbor Ordinance provides that a specimen tree shall not be
removed except for extraordinary circumstances and hardships and only by final
permit approval by the City Commission.
2) Upon a visit to this site by the City Arborist, the 30" diameter Sweet gum tree appears
to have a 10" hole in it's main stem which is currently showings signs of decay but is
also currently stable.
3) There are at least 12 structural limbs on the tree that are in need of corrective pruning
in order to make the tree sustainable.
Staff recommends the City Commission approve the request of Ed Steigerman to
remove his (30" in diameter) specimen Sweet gum tree at 606 Pearl Road and install (4) four
tree replacement credits plus (2) two 3" caliper City approved trees prior to the specimen tree
A. Ordinance 2003-22 (pertinent excerpts).
B. Photos of the specimen tree located at 606 Pearl Road. (Shown on Projector)
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lea 5x~, ~ Iut~u~ ~d ~ar~a~a,
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(a~ rPta~aose. The purpose o~this.Chapter is to e~tabliehpratoa~rrQ reg~ilatlons par x`caes within
. ~ tiro City in ardor to araintain and prateot~tho Clty Forest, to batter oontral pm6lems of
ffoodiag, sail avnvcreadaa, air poUudaa and noiga,~and to make tha City a hcalthiar, more
attractive and ea£er place in whisk to li~-o. .
(~} Irtterst, T'he intent of this Chapter ie tQ anoourage the proteotian ofthe maximum number of
7'rsas within the Frlwary 'IY~e Froteodan Zone and o:f large Spaaiinen mraes vrlthin the
Seovndary Theo Protection Zone. Zt~ls fltrthar the intent of this Chapter to enoauraga the
pmteodon ofTraes native to Central Florida and to enaoura~e mm~erromov~al o e~xotio, nefft
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To this end., it shall baunlawfltl to at~t down, damage, poison, orin anyather manner destroy
or sense to be destroyed arty Tree or other vegetation as covered by the provisions ofthis
Ord Chapter except in accordance with the, provisions set forth herein,
(E`~3` .Specimen wee. AETrea, otherthaaanund8sirabletrae, afruro#uraiivunsoundt~e the ^~onot
he recovered by pnu~in~ dyad tree, or diseased true, that is has a n er aFtvr~ett
inches or more in diameter. ~ ~ (~
~ ~eoimen trees shall not inai tr3a la, ;+~1 path ~ er~c s
a otf an ins P or oh o n~a
~(~} ,S~ern. Z`he main trunk of a plank, its primary axis that develops buds and shoots instead of
' Sec. 5-4, ~ Permit Required for Tree itemaval and Land Clearing; Separ~ta Vi.olatlans;
_Crlterta; Can r~.ctar p,~rmltR$qu#re~..
{a} Pertnlt Requ.~red. No Person shalt engage iri Tree Removal or engage in Land Clearing
looatad within the City, 'without first abtah~ing a permit as provided in tlii~ Chapter. ~
rs~o ~• ownerhas retained a coubraetor to ar£orm thg d Cle nr ~ ~, , ~
con for sh be res o ib a or ob ' P the arms ~g `~~$ R m° al f e
L~uu~C . Clea_rin nr ?'rAA Removal It shall be a separa#s violation ¢£tliie Chapter for each Tree
removed and each day a person is engaged in Land Clearing without a permit.
Sec. 6-8: Specimen or hfstoric trees.
(b) Removal. Notwithstanding any other pro-
vision of this chapter, specimen or historic trees
shall not be removed except for extraordinary
circumstances and hardships and only by final
permit approved by the city commission.
(Ord. No. 2002-08, § 2, 4-8-02; 2003-22, § 2,
§ 6-16
tation of the chapter will deny the applicant
reasonable use of the property or where such
waiver can be demonstrated to be consistent with
the purpose and intent of the chapter. The pres-
ervation of any approved tree over four (4) inches
in caliper may be considered as the basis for the
granting of a waiver from the literal application of
the provisions of the city's land development
regulations. If, in the determination of the city
commission, the sole basis for the request for
waiver is to preserve such tree which would
otherwise have to be removed, it may direct any
required waiver fee to be waived.
(b) Appeals. Any person adversely affected by
an administrative interpretation of this chapter
by the city forester may first appeal that inter-
pretation to the city manager by filing a written
notice of appeal of said interpretation within ten
(10) calendar days of said interpretation. The city
manager shall decide said appeal within five (5)
business days. Any person adversely affected by
an administrative decision of the city manager
under this chapter may appeal that interpreta-
tion to the city commission by filing a written
notice of appeal of said interpretation within
thirty (30) calendar days of said interpretation.
Failure to file an appeal within the time periods
required by this subsection shall result in the
administrative interpretation to be declared final
and shall be deemed a waiver of the person's right
to further appellate review and proceedings. The
city commission shall decide said appeal within
thirty (30) days of the city's receipt of said notice
of appeal and the city commission's decision shall
be final. Except for the mandatory time periods
required for the notice of appeal, the time periods
required for a decision may be extended by mu-
tual agreement between the city and the person
filing the notice of appeal.
Sec. 5-16. Waivers; incentive program and
(a) Waivers. The city commission may grant a
waiver to provisions of this chapter where the
applicant demonstrates that the literal interpre-
{c) Incentive program. The city commission re-
serves the right to offer and approve incentives
for purposes of protecting and preserving mature
trees and planting enhanced landscaping. Such
incentives shall have a public benefit and may
include, but are not limited to, varying provisions
of the city's land development regulations (e.g.
reduced parking; modified setbacks) and provid-
ing credits to city development fees. Any incen-
tives granted under this subsection shall be con-
Supp. No. 5 323