HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992 09 21 City Commission Workshop Minutes
September 21, 1992
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Kulbes at 7:00 P.M.
Mayor Philip A. Kulbes, Present
John V. Torcaso, Present
Don Jonas, Present
Deputy Mayor John Langel lotti, Present
Terri Donnelly, Present
Cindy Kaehler, Present
City Manager Rozansky
City Attorney F. Kruppenbacher
Mayor Kulbes stated that the agenda will be changed, the workshop with the
Planning and Zoning Board wi 11 be held first and the workshop for the
maintenance of the common areas in Tuscawilla will be held after that item.
Joint Workshop with Planning and Zoning Board to Discuss LOR Overview Reoort
Fred Goodrow, of Hen i gar and Ray, gave his presentat ion. He sa i d that the
Camlission and Planning and Zoning Board has a copy of the draft Land Use
control recarrnendations he has subnitted to the City. In that report he
mentions Euclidean Zoning, which is a traditional method that was started
back in the 1920's. What we are proposing to do is IOOve away fran Euclidean
Zoning to a certain extent and the reason is because of the State statutory
requirements for Canprehensive Planning. One of the things the State
statute says is that you have to have a Canprehensive Land Use Plan Map, and
that map actually becanes the law. What we are recommending is that you
don't necessar i 1 y need the zon i ng map, and depend on the 1 and use map. One
of the reasons we recammend this is that it would only take one process if a
developer wants a change.
Goodrow said that another thing to consider is doing away with a lot of
specific standards such as setbacks, specific lot size standards and things
like that. The reason we are suggesting that you may to consider'not having
that is because once again your Canprehensive Plan has these standards and
criteria for developnent that protect open space, wetlands, it has
landscaping standards, certain types of setbacks fran environnental areas
and things of that nature. All of those standards ca1i>ined, when you place
those standards on a piece of property, require a developer in his design to
take into account all of those things and meet those particular standards.
what we are suggesting is that if you have these specific lot standards it
restricts anyone fran a really quality type of design. We are suggesting
that you depend greatly on the density standards in the Canp Plan, and what
that is called is performance standards. We are also suggesting that you
may want to consider a IOOre stream-line version of processing things.
Goodrow stated that he is here tonight to explain this to the Camlission and
P & Z Board and get any feed back that you might have. Fran this point we
are going to begin drafting the particular standards, and if that is what
you would like to see that is what we will begin doing. If you feel very
strongly that you don't want to do that, then we will begin a process of
drafting regulations that are very Euclidean and very specific in nature and
include the existing zoning map and the amendments that would be necessary
that would bring the existing zoning map into conformance with the Land Use
City Commission Workshop
September 21, 1992
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Commissioner Kaeh ler asked if everything covered in the CallJ Plan, if we do
away with all of those kind of ordinances then what is the rul ing. Goodrow
stated that what he suggests is doing away with things like particular
setbacks, and the reason is you would have to have separation between unit
standards, you would have to have buffering standards between different
types of uses the necessity to have specific setbacks are really not
necessary unless that is what you want.
Kaehler asked what gives the City control over the developer saying that the
City does not have any standards. Gooqrow stated that in that instance what
we would be providing in the land development regulations are buffering
standards, there would be certain types of distances that would have to be
maintained fram a multi-family development fram a single family development.
That distance could vary, these things would be brought to you to see what
would be rrost appropriate. What I am saying is that you would have
standards that would keep development types away fram each other through
some kind of buffering standard. There would be protection fram existing
Discussion. Kulbes stated that another workshop will have to be set up to
90 over this draft. The rneni:>ers of the P & Z Board present were in
agreement. Hopkins, Chainman of the P & Z called a workshop for the Board
with Goodrow for September 30th at 7:00 P.M.
There was discussion on the planning grant. Goodrow stated that the
application has to be in by November 1st, and a draft has to be submitted on
that date.
Larry Lobb, Blue Spruce Court and Russ Robins, Oak Forest, spoke about the
CallJ. Plan and Land Use regulations.
Joe Genova, resident of Tuscawilla asked about the CallJ. Plan as it relates
to the Tuscora Road extension.
Tuscawilla - Maintenance of Cammon Areas:
Kulbes stated that one way of getting the funds to beautify not only
Tuscawilla but the entire City would be for this Commission to add a half a
mi 1 to the ad valorEm tax and spend that rroney on beautification. That is
how the Cities of Altamonte and Casselberry do it, they assess everybody in
the City. This is something that could be taken care of somewhere down the
line, but we are concerned about the immediate future because as of the 30th
of September there will be no rrore ma i ntenance by the deve 1 oper in
Tuscawi lla.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said he would like the homeowners to present what
their particular issue or requests are and then we can speak to the issues.
City Commission Workshop
September 21, 1992
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Thomas Wixted, 957 Wedgewood Drive, spoke about having a special tax on the
tax bills for the residents of Tuscawi11a for the maintenance of the medians
and fountains in the Tuscawilla development.
Bill Richman, Eagle Nest Circle, spoke on behalf of the Tuscawil1a
Homeowners Association. He provided an outline on a legal aspect that is
available to the City. He stated that the Tuscawilla Homeowners Association
would like to have a vote of the people which would include a referendum,
they would also ask the Commission tbat it would be in the City's best
interest and the homeowners and the developers best interest to meet
immediately and to fonmu1ate a method of pa~nt in the short run.
Torcaso stated that he can not personally see taxing the people for the
maintenance of the medians and caTlOOn areas, especially when there are sane
mandatory homeowner associations in Tuscawilla who already pay for the
maintenance of their own areas.
Kruppenbacher stated that last week he recommended that there be a meeting
with the developers who have a vested interest in making sure that this
property looks well, that probably coincides or exceeds the homeowners
vested interest. If we can get this meeting together I think on the interim
basis we could probably have sane solutions because Mr. Mikes is prepared to
take care of the entrance way and the fountains. I think if we could piece
together everybody the problem would be resolved as it relates to that. It
is a policy decision on the City's part whether they want to put it up for a
referendum or not and I think what the Commission has heard the homeowners
recommend to you is that they would prefer to have a referendum so all the
homeowners could vote. The result of that would be if it was passed they
would be voting to tax themselves to take care of this property at a higher
level then what would other wise be afforded, and the majority would rule on
that issue.
Kaehler suggested that until there is a meeting with the developers and the
homeowners exactly what will be done for the here and now, but rroving
forward with this, I think it is only fair that the people who are going to
pay the tax decide whether or not they want to pay the tax. Whether or not
we take it to a referendum or not, it is possible to send to each resident
of Tuscawil1a survey form that they could send back voting aye or nay and
then that will decide it. Then put it on as a special assessment because it
would collect the money faster and the survey will be the same as having a
referendum. Discussion.
Kaehler said that what she does not want to see happen is that the entire
cost of maintaining the areas be born by the Tuscawil1a residents because
the City does mow other areas of town. We don't mow and take care of them
to the standard that the people of Tuscawi11a are use to, so therefore I
think there should be an offset of the cost of doing this. Kruppenbacher
asked if she was talking about being assessed above and beyond what would be
calculated as the City's normal maintenance of the properties. Kaehler
stated yes, so there no one thinks we are charging them the entire cost of
maintaining the property because that is not what the intention is.
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City Ca1mission Workshop
September 21, 1992
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city Manager Rozansky discussed areas on the map that the developer
maintains at this time and what the City would maintain.
Gary Hillery, resident of Tuscawilla, spoke of an area on Northern Way on
the left side, that has not been mowed recently but was being mowed by the
Susan Dunn, Fox Den in Oak Forest, member ~pf the Board of Directors, said
that Oak Forest is part of the PUO and they do not have a mandatory
homeowners association and this tax proposal would help them and they would
like to be included in this special tax. Russ Robins also spoke about
including Oak Forest in this special tax.
Tom Brant, Tuscawilla Homeowners Association, spoke about the entrance of
Tuscawilla at Seneca and the sign at that area.
Kaehler stated she has suggested to be assessed on the water bill so the
money would came back to the City. If the Homeowners Association would give
the City Manager the approximate cost that they are paying for their
maintenance so this can be included also.
Kaehler suggested to get with the developer and start the process
immediately with Tuscawilla and Oak Forest to find out what they want so
this way we can roll one thing into the other.
Kruppenbacher summarized what Kaehler stated and that is you would like to
have the City Manager and Staff get with the developers right now and have a
plan put together for the interim and then for us to get with the attorney
for the developer and get a ballot that we believe is appropriate that the
City can mail out to all the property owners within Tuscawilla and Oak
Forest. Kaehler stated yes. There was. no opposition from the Ca1mission.
Kruppenbacher stated that they will move forward on this.
Roy Lobb spoke about his concern about the collection of the special tax.
Bill Stiver, Vistawilla Dr., stated that this should be put into the parks
and recreation budget and not have the residents of Tuscawilla pay for this.
John Morgan, Troon Trace, spoke against the special tax.
Kitty Degrenia, Executive Director of the Highlands, stated that the
Highlands Homeowners Association maintains same of the City's property in
the Highlands, and if Tuscawilla is going to have the City do the
maintenance then why doesn't the City maintain their property in the
Paul Partyka, Oswego Court, asked what would happen if there was a no vote
and also said why doesn't the City have a fee for the entire City.
Art Hoffmann, Mt. Laurel Drive, said that the survey will need to tell the
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City Commission Workshop
September 21, 1992
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people what the cost will be, how it will be collected, who will be in
charge of spending the money and what wi 11 be done with the money.
Barbara Gou1, Ruth Rudy and Toni Ig1er, all realtors and residents of
Tuscawi11a spoke about the necessity of keeping the medians and common areas
up the present standards.
Richard Rudy, resident of Tuscawi11a, spo~e about a unit charge. Fred
Hannan, Bear Creek Circle, also spoke about a unit charge and a map should
be included in the survey describing the areas in question.
1 ega 1 .
Swan Street, asked if having a special taxing district is
Ku1bes stated that the consensus of the residents present is the City should
do sanething to take care of the maintenance of areas in Tuscawilla and we
will take that into consideration.
John Hatfield, resident of Tuscawilla, was in favor of an assessed value and
said the property owners should be surveyed.
. Loraine Seed, Seneca Blvd., spoke in favor of the special assessment.
Kruppenbacher stated that the survey will objective. Kaehler stated that
the survey should say "over and above standard maintenance".
Commissioner Donnelly stated she hopes the meeting for the interim solutions
will bring out sane long tenm ones and not only look to the government for
Commissioner Langellotti asked Mr. Genova about a letter to the Tuscawi1la
Haneowners Association. Mr. Genova stated that the letter was contingent
upon a hasty drawing up of a taxing district.
Kulbes stated with no further comments, he is asking the City Manager to
meet with Mr. Mikes and the other developers and the haneowners
representatives so we can get a program set up to take care of the short
term plan and develop a long range plan to take care of the whole problem.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Margo Hopk i ns
Deputy City Clerk