HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 12 17 Special . (j) ~6'. CoIA.~ ~ Wi ruJc. / January 3, 1992 To: City Manager '~ , From: City Engineer Subject: Woodstream On Thursday, December 26, 1991, an onsite inspection of the surface water drainage problem at Woodstream was conducted. Present were: Robert (Bob) Y. White, P.E.: Mark Jenkins; a representative of the Woodstream Homeowner's Association and myself. . It was noted, at the intersection of Richard Road and Nancy Court, that golfcourse irrigation water collects and ponds on top of accumulated silt, as shown in photo #1. Mr. White states in his memo to me dated December 31, 1991 (THE MEMO), that clearing away the accumulated silt in this area of the ponding, coupled with a shallow depression east of this location, will allow the water to drain eastward solving this problem. The roadway surface, surrounding the storm inlet in the center of the road, on Nancy Court in front of Kim Court, has subsided slightly allowing water to stand. Mr. White states in the memo that filling the depression with cold mix asphalt will provide a quick fix but cutting away the problem section of pavement, compacting the underlying soil and placing concrete is a much better repair. Regarding the stated "flooding" problem at the end of Kim Court: There is a large storm inlet in the road that appears to be clear, see photo #2. Mr. White states in the memo that a clogged pipe may be the problem, since this site has positive drainage (3% slope). He feels the homeowner's association will need to have the pipes inspected. . Several potholes were noted in the road at the end of Nancy Court and a roadway underdrain was dug up by the homeowner's association and a small ditch dug, next to the existing pavement, see photo #3 and #4. Mr. White states in the memo that only the roadway underdrains were completed and the underdrain across the rear of the northeasterly townhouse unit should be completed and the east side street underdrain should be extended up the hill, under the next two driveways. These underdrains were recommended by Mr. White at the commission of the Homeowner's Association. He also states that completion of Woodstream Phase II and Woodstream Addition should alleviate a lot of the present drainage problems for Woodstream. /nav Attochmcllts .. . ,"'V,'.1. " .,.. " , ,1.~" ~..r::l~"_" '. .... , ~ ~l ,', ", '(". .','" I t-,' ~t.;.........b.1l...L...~.......J..d~ ~c1'~Mf . _._~_ ,...J'''-:' Vl. - "Z ~ - .~ \ ..~~~~_~i-!.f\ .".t....... .' . " . ~ ,...~ ..~:;~iiili j'_-I.o CD Woo 1) 1St' ~ IiiA k A~$) , T101V . \~..'2 b-~' . @) ""'oo~s~ G"", ~\'r\O~ : --- . . . ~- - - "'-- " - 1 1_- ,'2..-Z6-~\ v.ro.o ~"r ~~ \-- ~OD\"~o~ ~ I' ' . ' / ..'. LIL' .; >. ' ,. , .~-- .."",..... --_..-,-'~ . . . " ~.......__ _t- vz..-'Zr.-Cit I WOO C")!J' o..e. ~"^ AOPt'T .~ (5) // o ) .0-, ", .~. \ J '" ~ 0'1 o ,,' I I /' ----..~-=-- Q) o ~ -<r- ~ ,----.----- I, II I I 10 Q 1---- ___ DEC-31-91 TUE 16:51 .L. P _ 0 1 f7,.pr :? 2- 7 - c, ~ 12. ROBERT Y. WHITE . OFFICE (407) 281-1188 BEEPER (407) 228-4428 (Digital) DBCEM1~ER 31, 1991 PROFESSIONAL CIVIL ENGINEER 1502 FABIAN AVENUE ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32807 '" .\ I ;, L. T. YOSLOV, P.E. CITY ENGI~~ER, CITY OF WINTER SPRIN~S 1126 }I;. S.R. 434 WINT~R SPRIN~~, FLA 32708 I' 1 ~ " \' ~. .j ( ,... .. ., \.~ ~'" 1 ,~ " "" I ,I" ',\ ,,' I, I" ll.l elil \,1 .' ,., CII(' l.lh.:...LlJC RF.: DRAINAGE lo~V ALH A. 'PION, WOODS'.PREAl.1, AS RF.QUIRED BY COMJ'Y1ISSION . DtAR LEONARD, MAY I RECORD BY THIS LETTER MY FINDINGS BASED ON Olffi INSPBCTION OF 12/26/91: 1. AT THE INTERSECTION OF RICHA.RD ROAD & NANCY CIRCLE THE DAMPNESS THERE WOfTLD APPEAR TO BE CAUSED BY GOLF COlJRSE IRRIGATION AND AN ACCUMULATION OF SILT ~rICH WHEN REMOVED AND COUPLED WITH A SHALtO'" DEPRESSION EAST OF THE EAST SIDE OF THE IN'I'EHSEC'l\ION SHOULD AI,LOW PERCOLATION OF THIS WATER INTO THE GROTTND. COfVlPLETION OF THE PROJECT WILL Pl~RMANEN~.\LY CURE THIS PROTILEM AND HEDlJGE THE RUNOFF VOLUNE TO NANCY CIRCLE. 2. ON KIM COURT REPORTED DRAINAGE PROBLEMS IN THE CT1LDESAC ;\1UST BE DUE TO CLOnGED PIPES, 'RECAtTS.E THERE ARE INLE~'S A. T KIM 0T. / NANCY CIRQLE INTERSECTION AND AT THE END OF KIM CT. mTLDBSAC, AND THERE IS POSITIVE(3% SLOPE)OtT1'FALL FROM THIS AREA. THE HOMEOWNERS SHOULD CONMISSION AN INSPECTION OF THESE: PIPES. THE WA-TER STANDING AROHND THE IN'rERSF:CTION INIJE'r IS DUB TO SETTLEtvJENT OF I~TSTTFFICI&:N'l\LY COMPACTED BACKFILL, A. COMMON prWRIJEf4. THE AP'PLIC^'rrON OF COllD MIX . ASPHALT WOflLD PROVIDE A QnICR FIX, 'RT1T A rIlOR1': P1'~q]\'lAw:mT SDLTT'1'HW IS TO CUT A\tJAY THE PAV'F~MENT sr.r.'PrON 12" T)"~l~T) IN)i1 36" P.Ar~l< FROM 'PHE . . . ,,//:- 9 1 ; , TUE 16:52 P.l2t2 . r,r.:rpTEI1, w'HIT1~ TO KOST,OV, 12/31/91 ~CONT.) STDES OF THE INJJF.T, A P'PTJY VIBnATORY COMP~'ION AND RJi:PA VB wn'11 6'1 ClP r.OlvrpJ. C'l"'~D SAND A 1\1D f)" OF 3000/~1 r:oj\TCtn;'T'J<~. 3. AT THE LOW END OF NAN~Y CIRCLE THR SERPAnE, DA~PNESS A POrpnOT,'r.;s ARE CAHS1i:U l1Y GROUNUWATEq RETTT't'{N }'IJOW PI10'RA'RlS M~r,l1AVATf::D BY LI\','iN T RRIGATIO~. ONI,Y rpHE 'srr!"tE'ET' POTION OP rpTTp, r.ORR'f';r,'PIVR TlNUErrORAIN l1ECOT1'IT'i'ENJ)'ED BY MYS'/UJP AT 'T'qp, r:Oj\lMISSIIDN OP 1'HF. HO~1;:O\~}~RS WAS QONPJ.I:ET}';D. TH"E llNDERDRA.IN A0,t.\QSS ~\HE Rli)A!l O'fiI THE NORTH}jAST1~RJJY 'rOWNHOTTSE UNIT SHOT1I,D BE COjVTprJE'I'r~D, AND THF. 'F.I\'i'T' SIDE s'rrmR'r ITN'Dt.RDRAIN SHonIJD BE BXTENDJ<m TTp TH'!':: HILl.J TTNDEH THE NF.XT TWO D!UVEWA Y8. Tl1J.~N THE POTHOLgS SHOUIJD B"P. 1BPAIJ1ED BY'()ffE OP ~'HV. AL'rF.RNA'T'IV'F.:S I 1\1 2., ABOVE. 'fi'INALI/V, THE r,OMPI,F,rrrON 01<" WOO'DSTR]~AM PHASE II (NANr.V 'nOtmT') AND WOODSTR1~ArvI ADDITION(THE nEMAINDF.R)WOTlLD }~N1rANr:E n:1AJNAG1~ PIHST Arr '"]'lHF, 110'" 'P.ND ANT) ~~HEJ\f T}fF, TJPPlilR l~N1)EOP THr. EXJ Stt'ING WOOSTrmAM snnDIVI SION. 4ND vlHATFNER "fjITTTT7R1'1 ~'!AIN'TENA.T\TnE R,EQlTJ,mr.n:T"1'S I'f1HERF..ARi<: 'POl{ NANny rT./ KIJVT r.",. s'r.'n~}~TS ^ ND nfucrr,TAGR( APPARF.~N'rL Y IN' SA rrISFACTORY r,ONDTTTON F.Xr'EP'1' A.S NOrrF.D)WOHI/D BE SJlATtF.D BY A rvrrrCH LA11GER P0l1TmWNJ~11 'RAS"F:, "HF. '~!EW' DEVETJOPER( AS OPPOSED 1'0 THE 'OI/D' DEVELOPJ!~T1 OT" 'EXIS'J'INr1 WOODS'T'lmAM) TIEING INITIALLY THR MAJORIT~TNTIL THE LOTS ARE SOLD. THANK YOU li'OR THIS OPPOT{1J.1FNITY TO BE OP Sl"~!lVJ(":F.:. SIN(~l~RID:" , &~ Bon WHITE