HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 12 09 Regular . . . ... December 5, 1991 TO: City Manager B Land Development Coordinator FROM: RE: Agenda Item E.2, December 9, 1991 Commission Meeting Attached, for your reference, are the minutes of the Commission Meeting of January 14, 1991. It was at this meeting that the Church of the New Covenant's last request for a temporary trailer was approved. jfg attach. cc: Mayor Commission City Attorney City Clerk A /' e~gul<.lr I'keting, City Commission, J<.In. Ill, 1991 Nayor Ku1bes cLllled Ll recess <.It 9:25 p. m. and called the meeting back to order at 9:35 p.m. Page 3 90-91-7 Commerce & Industry Board Report: Ruth Smith, Chairman of thc COllullerce & Industry Board, spoke to the Conunission about th~ r~port that was presented to the COllunission. She explained the Board hilS been in l!xistence about two years now. She said the Board is plcLlsed to presl!nt this report, it is a rather extensive report and the Board is very proud of the ~eport. Public Hearing to consider an Appeal from the Board of Adjustment decision denying the request of Vincent ContestLlbile for a Special Exception to Sec. 20-252 of tIle Code to allow a tire shredder to be placed on the property located at 200 Old Sanford/ ~)viedo Road. (The property 1_s zoned C-2 Gcneral ConlluL'rciill and Industriill D.lstr1ct). I'lr. Contestabill.! spoke to the COll1l1lission about his bU::ilness. lie ::iaid it 1s Ll clean business and is approved by the Department of Environmental Regulat10n. lie said he Llgreed to a maximum amount of J,OOO tires a day and putting in a 10,000 gallon water tLlnk. The only concern of the Fire Department was if the machine broke down and there was a large storage of tires and Ll f.lrc started. Nayor Kulbes recessed the Commission Meeting from the audience spoke against the request. and reconvened the Co~"ission Meeting. and opened the public hearing. No one Mayor Kulbes closed the public hearing Motion was made by Conunissioner Kaehler to grant the Appeal subject to the restrictions ef Stuff recommendations of J,OOO tires per day plus the 10,000 or more gallon water tank to be mon1tored by Staff. Seconded by COIIUl1lssioner Partyka. Discussion. Vote on the motion: COllunissione r Donnelly, aye; COllulIissioner Partyka, ayc; Commissioner Kaehler. aye; Commiss ione r Jonas, aye; COllunissioner Langellot ti, aye; 1II0t ion carried. Public Hearing and Second Reading for Ord. No. 499, vacating and abandoning a portion of that 7~2 foot utility easement located in the rear of Lot 2, tilk. II, N. Orl. Terrace Sec. One of Unit One, as recorded in 1'.8. 16, Pg. 63, P.R. of Seminole County, FL: Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 49Y by title only on second reading. The Land Development Coordinator explained wIlen this was originally submitted it was to vacate a portion of the easement where the swimming pool was encroaching on the ease- ment. After the property was re-surveyed it was noted that a metal building was also on the easement. If the COllulIission is in approval to vacate the casement it would take only a slight change to vacate the entire easement. Mayor Kulbes recessed the COIlUl1ission Heeting .:mu opened the public hearing. No one spoke against the ordinance. Hayor Kulbes closed the public hearing and reconvened the Commission Heeting. -- Notion was made by Commissioner Kaehler for approval of Ordinance No. 499 as amended to read tile entire 74 foot easement. Seconded by Commissioner Partyka. Discussion. Vo!;e on the motion: Commissioner Partyka, aye; COllullissioner Kaehler, aye; Coml1lissioner Jonas, aye; COllllllissioner Langellotti, aye; Conunlssioner Donnelly, aye; 1II0tion carried. Church of the New Covenant (Intersection of Tuscawilla Road and Tuscawilla Trail)- Request for extension of temporary tralleuermit: el'Iot10n Wi.lS made by COlllmissioner Partyka that we allow a temporary extension of a temporary trailer here at this property for one year. Seconded by Commissioner LlOgellot ti. Uiscussion. Vote on the lIIotlon: Conul\issloncr Kaehler, aye; Commissioner .. ..;. ~. '., - Regular Meeting, City Commission, Jan. 14, 1991 Page '. 90-91-7 '- Jonas, aye; Commissioner Langellot ti, aye; Commissioner Donn~lly, aye; Conunissioner Partyka, aye; motion carried. Planning & Zoning Board Recommendation of Nov. 14, 1990: 1. Highland Lakes Final Development Plan/Preliminary Engineering (located at terminus of MacGregor Road): The Land Development Coordinator explained the reason it did not come to the COlUlUitision before this was we wanted to have the Shepard Road issue settled one way or the other. The main points are the City Engineer's letter and the co~nents frolU Mr. Doug Taylor. Winter Springs Water & Sewer Weti t regarding the 12" water line. Mr. Taylor explained according to our Haster Plan it has to be a 12" line. City Attorney Kruppenbacher reconunended this be continued until the next meeting and that Mr. Zaudtke should be present. Discussion followed with the City Engineer regarding his letter of Oct. 5, 1990 citing several unanswered issues. Couuuissioner Kaehler said the question here is whether the preliminary engineering Code is being met. Hr. Chancellor said he is not attempting to debate the mcrits of our Code. Motion was made by Con~issioner Kaehler to deny. Motion died for lack of a second. . Motion was made by Commissioner Partyka to delay this issue until the next Commission Meeting provided we get all the answers and all requirements of the Code arc mct for preliminary engineering. Seconded by Commissioner Jonas. Discussion. Vote on the 1II0tion: Commissioner Jonas. aye; COllUnissioner Langellotti. aye; Commissioner Donnelly. aye; Commissioner Partyka, aye; Commissioner Kaehler. ayt!; motion carried. Appointment to Code Enforcement Board: Cu~uissionerti were asked to have an appointment for the next meeting. City Manager Richard Rozansky: 1. Firtit Keading of Ord. No. 500 amending Sec. 19-102(1) User Charge Schedule, Sec. 19-102(]) Sewer Rates and StlC. 19-102(6) Miscellaneous Chaq~es. etC.: Motion was made by Cownissioner Partyka to read Ord. No. 500 by title only. Seconded by Couooissioner Jonas. Discussion. Motion carried unanimously. Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 500 by title only on first reading. Recreation Department - Baseball Field/Scheduling Report: The Conunissioners will review the report. Reports: City Manager Rozansky reported that some 55 drums have been found on a portion of th~ Winter Springs Water & Sewer East property. The Fire Department, thc County Department that handles hazardous waste have looked at them and the Dept. of Environmel Regulation will be notified. Manager Rozansky said they are very old, but there is something in them. --- Manager Rozansky said the election for the Public EUlployees Relations Commission to be represented by Local 3296 International Association of Firefighters was held, an it passed 19 to 3. ./ " . 1204 Winter Springs Boulevard Winter Springs, Florida 32108 Mr. Dick Rozansky, City Manager City of Winter Springs City Hall Winter Springs, Florida November 16, 1991 Dear Dick: Confirming m~ brief discussion with you the other day, I am writing to explain, more fully, the circumstances that our church faces, some of the reasons therefor and the help that we need as a result. The Episcopal Church of the New Covenant has been growing consistently since its inception in 1916. Our leadership's decision had been to limit debt incurrence and had therefor been constrained to whatever facility growth, contributions permitted. We had a capital funds drive which did not produce sufficient proceeds to provide the minimal requirements of our congregation. We decided to lease a trailer as an interim fix, pending capital growth sufficient to meet the minimal requirements and secured permission from fe city as required. Our capital did grow, but not sufficient to meet e tl~etable we had estimated, partially because of the recession. As a "esult, we had to request extensions of time for use of the temporary trailer used for classrooms and office space. The Vestry (our governing body of which I am a part) decided we should take the necessary action (incur debt) to acquire funds to build the classrooms and office space using a two phased construction plan based on the projected cash flows and limited financing. This was back in March of this year and was predicated on us having the necessary facilities to abandon the leased trailer by the end of 1991. We did so, however, the best financing option open to us was a bond issue. Use of bond issue financing permitted us to accelerate the phases, in that it provided a more rapid flow of adequate funds to meet both phases. We had not contemplated the bond issue option, nor the time and scope of effort required to float a bond issue. We began the process in April, and with a limited staff, all contributing voluntary labor cut out of tight personal and business schedules, we conducted a Building Fund Drive, prepared a 50 page Prospectus, a 10 page Underwriting Agreement, a 21 page Trust Agreement, a 16 page $950,000 Mortgage and Security Agreement, sold the bonds, and secured the funds. However NOTHING could be done to begin construction prior to recording the mortgage, without Jeopardizing the financing. As of approximately November 15, 1991, funds were available to us and we began construction .proximatelY one week prior to that, using a qualified construction mpany which has posted payment and performance bonds. ~ Mr. Dick Rozansky, City Manager City of Winter Springs City Hall 4I5inter Springs, Florida Page 2 The city's extension runs out at the end of this year. Our schedule for construction requires that we maintain the temporary stucture through August of 1992. We therefore are respectfully requesting your assistance to us and the community in permitting the temporary trailer to remain on our property for this extended period. We believe this action to be in the best interest of the community and would represent highly valued city support for the extensive effort put forth by the members ot New Covenant, many of whom are citizens of Winter Springs. I would personally appreciate your efforts, those of the city government staff, and the city commissioners in assisting us in these efforts which we believe will make Winter Springs a .ore attractive and desirable place to live and raise families. Thanking you for you efforts on our behalf, I am . eve ungerford Vestryman, Episcopa rch of the New Covenant .