HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 06 17 Workshop
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426 0. Xwy. 434 · 19)inler cSprings, !:l/orida 32 70~
:Posl Office :JJox U0292 · Gas.se/6erry, !:l/orida 327U-0292
(407) 327-/3/.5 · !:lax: (407) 323-/744
,CITY Of ~'~;~iti.R SfiimGS
.elT'( HALL
April 26, 1991
Mayor Philip A. Kulbes
Winter Springs City Hall
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Re: Building at 426 E. SR 434, Winter Springs.
Honorable Mayor Kulbes:
You are aware of the problems I have had regarding my potential
residency at subject location. Please review the enclosed
correspondance I have had with the City pertaining to this matter.
I find it difficult to believe that someone with some sort of
authority in City Hall can not make a decision on this extremely
simple request in a 2 1/2 month time period. Can you help me?
. In addition, if I can not live at subject location and also conduct
my business accordingly, then the same should hold true for
everyone else in the City. There are single family residences on
Hwy 434 in Winter Springs zoned commercial where people reside AND
conduct their business. So I know it is being done. There are
certain officials of the City that have business offices in their
residences, yet they do not have an occupational license nor the
appropriate zoning approval to conduct business from their
residence. I guess what I am saying is, let's all play by the same
rules. . .
Your time and consideration regarding this matter are appreciated.
I trust I will hear from you in the very near future.
Respectfully SUbmitted,
Tom A. Binford
Enclosures (3)
Telephone (407) 327-1800
May 17, 1991
Tom A. Binford Realty Co., Inc.
426 East Highway 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Dear Mr. Binford:
Your letters of April 26 and May 10, 1991 were brought to the
attention of the City Commission on May 13, 1991.
During the discussion, Mr. LeBlanc stat~d that he did respond,
verbally, to you on March 14, 1991. I suggested that in the future,
prompt written response would do more to create a favorable impression
between the City and its citizens. It is my belief the City Staff and
its elected officials are here to serve the citizens with courtesy and
Your letter of May 10, 1991 has been given to the City Attorney
for his opinion. I will check with him in the next few days relative
to his response.
Yours truly,
70m .71. 2Jinford !7?ealiy 00., 9nc.
426 C. J[wy. 434 · '{g)inler cSprings. !lloric/a 32704
:Posl Office 2Jox /rJ0292 · Gassel6erry, !lloric/a 327/rJ-0292
(407) 327-/3/.1 · !lax: (407) 323-/744
February 14, 1991
Mr. Donald LeBlanc, City Planner
City of Winter Springs
Winter Springs City Hall
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Re: 426 E. SR 434.
Dear Mr. LeBlanc:
Apparently there is some question as to the legality of my
continuing to reside at the above address. In an effort to delete
any perception of potential wrongdoing, be advised I will no
longer reside at the above address until such time as the City
Attorney rules it is permissible and under what conditions.
:Jom !7l. 2Jjnford!J( eali.!/ Go., ~c.
426 C. J[wy, 4J4 · lVinler cSprinys, !:llarida J270<1
::Posl Office 2Jox U0292 · Casse/6erry, !:llarida J27U-0292
(407) J27-/JI.1 · !:lax: (407) J2J-I744
February 13, 1991
Mr. Donald LeBlanc, City Planner
City of Winter Springs
Winter Springs City Hall
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Re: Building at 426 E. SR 434, Winter Springs.
Dear Mr. LeBlanc:
Thank you for the courtesies extended to me on my visit to your
office this early afternoon. I appreciate the information you gave
me and wish to confirm same.
I own the building at 426 E. SR 434. Some time ago I
converted part of this previously single family house into an
office for my business. Recently I moved into the other part. As
you are aware, I have lived in Seminole County for 23 years, been a
law abiding citizen, and publicly contributed both significant
monies and time toward the betterment of our community. It just
dawned on' me that my living at this address at this time mayor may
not be proper. There are residents living next to me in a similar
house and there is a resident manager living on the commercial
premises at the Public Storage facility a couple of blocks down
from me on Hwy 434. Anyway, if necessary, today I was ready to
fill in any application or form and pay the required fee to rectify
the current situation if need be while I was in your office. After
perusing the code book, you told me my situation was apparently not
reflected and therefore, you would contact the City Attorney to
find out what had to be done and would let me know accordingly.
Your time and consideration regarding this matter are appreciated.
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Tom A. Binford .
cc: City Attorney
M. D. Jones
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