HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 06 11 Regular ~~ - June 4, 1991 TO: City Manager ~ Land Development Coordinator . FROM: RE: Agenda Item, Additional Engineering Design for S.R. 434 Entry into Central Winds Park ,- Due to additional requirements established by the Department of Transportation in regards to the proposed entryway to the park at Wagner's Curve, additional engineering will have to be done. Enclosed is the proposed contract. Also enclosed is a proposed alternate to the existing entryway and a memo from Jim Van Ostran. This proposed alternate has been posted to D.O.T. for their review. If, the City can work out all the details satisfactorily, this could result in a savings of approximately $40,000. Mr. Van Ostran will be present for the meeting to answer your questions. jfg enc. cc: Mayor Commission City Attorney City Clerk / ,/ :./ ~. ..L ...- /91 TUE 9:0e;. P.02 ,/" .' / / ~OItH 11. Webb ~ Associates, JHC. eOlfslllting eNgiNeers - -........-.- 331e MAGUIRE BOULEVARD, SUITE 100. ORLANDO. FLOAIDA 32803 (407) 898-9322 FAX (407) 894.0189 MEMO DATE: June 3, 1991 '10: Winter Springs city eaumission Members Richard Fozansky, city Manager Fro1 : Jim Van ostran, Project Manager SUBJECT : central Winds park ~ 434 I-morovements W12-01.4 As an update to the last memo dated May 22, 1991, a few items have tran...:::pired r@)t\(ding state Road 434 iJnprovements at the entrance to Central Winds Park. After a meetil1CJ with City staff, Don lBBlanc suggested that we totally relQ('~te the curve south of the existirq curve and maintain traffic on the existing roadWay until it could be shifted over to the new road (we have anclOSE.'d ~ preliminary drawing of same). We examined that idea. 'lhts concept eliminates the need for wilding a temporary roadwaY for ma:i.ntenance of traffic (a requirement of Florida Department of Tt"an..~portation) ard then tearing the roadway out after the new road is constructed. '!his reduces construction cost $ 40,000 - $ 50,000 (not inclUding right--.of-way costs) . 'Ih is concepts' success deperds on three i tams: 1. '!he Florida Depart:l'nent of Transportation agreeing to the design (we feel that this is likely). 2. Mr. Keen working out an agreement with the city of winter Sprirqs for the road right-of~y. 3. 'It\e Florida Depart:l'nent of Transportation being willirq to revert the right-Of-way back to Mr. Keen at the time the New Florida Department of Transportation Bypass Project is constructed (1995- 1996). Page Two Winter Springs city Conunission Members June 3, 1991 other i terns which may still be deba.ted on which could lower costs somewhat are as follows: 1. Reduce the asphalt from 3 1/4" down to 2" saving approximately $ 7500 +/-. The Florida Department of TransPJrtation's design, a 10 year road design on a projected 8 year traffic count is an over design for the life of this roadway. since the road will be used only as a park entrance after 1996. A 1999 traffic count and a 2001 road design is beyond. what is needed. If the Florida Department of Transportation would allow the 2" pavement and we found that before 1996 the pavement was not holding up, the City could resurface with an additional 1" at that time. 2. Reduce the roadway speed limit to 35 mph thereby reducing the taper length by 200 feet. This produces a savings of $ 7000 +/-. A reduced speed limit 1000 feet before and after the curve is a very inexpensive way to make the curve safer and to save around $ 7000. 3. since the new design maintains traffic on the old road this eliminates the requirement for a maintenance of traffic plan- savings $ 1300. - Should you have any questions on the above, please do not hesitate to call. ~ johlt Ii. Webb ~ Associates, lltc. Consulting enginecrs 3319 MAGUIRE BOULEVARD, SUITE 100. ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32803 (407) 898.9322 FAX (407) 894-0169 May 29, 1991 city of Winter Springs 1126 E. S.R. #434 winter Springs, FL 32708 Attention: Mr. Richard Rozansky City Manager SUbject : ProPJsaI for Additional Engineering and Land Surveying Services Central winds Park/SR 434 city of Winter Springs, Florida W12-01.4 ..i---- ladies/Gentlemen : John B. Webb & Associates, Inc., is very pleased to provide this proPJsal for additional Engineering and Land Surveying Services for the Central winds Park, City of Winter Springs, Florida. We have reviewed the necessary infonnation and have determined our scope of services to be as follows. I. Preliminarv DesiQll A. Develop preliminary design relocating curve to the south in order to utilize existing roadway for traffic maintenance. B. Develop Construction Cost Estimate for above design. C. Meet with City officials to discuss feasibility of right-of-way a<:xIUistion. D. SUl:::mit preliminary design to Florida Department of TransPJrtation for approval and to discuss handling of the right-of-way after bypass is built. -- Estimated Fee for Item I Above $ 4,700.00 Page 'IWo Mr. Richard Rozansky City of winter Springs May 29, 1991 II. Plan PreDaraticn A. Provide a plan-profile sheet showing proposed mainline arxi establish new profile grade line in accordance with the addition of the four- foot paved shoulder. B. Provide full cross-sections at 100 foot intervals along proposed mainline construction. sections to include existing ground, proposed roadway template arxi drainage features. C. Provide maintenance of traffic plan showing staging of the construction arxi methcxl of maintaining traffic flow. D. Provide a typical section sheet showing proposed roadway templates of the mainline. Pavement design has been supplied by Florida Deparbnent of Transportation arxi no additional pavement design has been included in this proposal. '!his sheet will also include the driveway profile and driveway pavement section as required by Florida Deparbnent of Transportation. -. E. Provide a plan sheet detailing necessary location arxi type of signing arxi marking on the mainline roadway. Estimated Fee for Item II AOOve. $ 8,725.00 m. Permi.tt.i.m Rec1uirenEnts A. Prepare drawings arxi sul::mit application package to st. Johns River Water Management District for approval of 40C-42 individual pennit. B. Provide attendance at agency meetings throughout duration of project. '!his includes one (1) meeting with st. Johns River Water Management District, one (1) meeting with Florida Deparbnent of Transportation arxi two (2) meetings with City of Winter Springs. Estimated Fee for Item III AOOve . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4,325.00 IV. Bi<H.i.rQ Rlase A. Provide construction and bid dcx...""UllleJ1ts for City of Winter Springs. .- B. Provide an engineers construction cost estimate for the proposed design. Page 'Ihree Mr. Richard Rozansky City of Winter Springs May 29, 1991 C. Provide certification of compliance with Florida Department of Transportation sight distance criteria. Estimated Fee for Item IV Above. . . . . . . $ 2,350.00 v. Mtiticna1 Smveyi.nJ Requ.ireDent A. Provide field work for additional cross sections along centerline, every 100 feet. B. Provide field work, legal descriptions and sketches for right-of-way taking . C. Provide field work for additional location required by Florida Department of Transportation due to the lengthening of the tapers. .- D. Stake-out and refence Centerline Construction as per Florida Department of Transportation Guidelines. Estimated Fee for Item V Above . . . . . . . . $ 5,175.00 We propose to provide the above, listed professional engineering and land surveying services at the hourly rates listed, plus out-of-POCket expenses, in accordance with Exhibit "A" - Schedule of Fees and Compensation, John B. Webb am Associates, Inc., which shall become part of this agreement. We estimate the fee for these services to be '!Wenty-Five '!housand '!Wo Hundred Seventy-five Dollars ($25,275.00), and we shall not exceed this amount without prior authorization from you. Payment for services provided shall be made monthly, based on an itemized invoice of man-hours for personnel assigned, plus out-of-POCket expenses (telephone, travel, printing, postage, etc.) and in accordance with Exhibit "A" of this agreement. -- All requested blue prints shall be furnished at One Dollar and '!Wenty Five Cents ($1.25) Per sheet and shall be billed in addition to the stated fees. Page Four Mr. Richard Rozansky City of winter Springs May 29, 1991 The cost of these services does not include application, review fees, or permitting fees which are customarily paid for by the client. Additional services not listed herein, or revisions to completed work not the fault of our firm, shall be furnished at the hourly rates listed in Exhibit "A", plus out-of-pocket expenses. Should the contract be tenninated prior to completion of work as outlined herein, our firm will be compensated for the work performed up to the tennination date at the hourly rates (plus expenses) . Acceptance of this proposal may be indicated upon execution by yourself or the signature of an authorized official of the City of Winter Springs, in the space provided below. One signed copy of this proposal returned to our office will serve as our agreement and as our notice to proceed. Should you have any questions relating to any matter contained herein, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, JOHN B. WEBB & ASSOCIATES, INC. P.E. ames L. Van Ostran, P.L.S. Director of land Surveying cc: Mr. David BarthjGlatting, Lopez, Kercher, Anglin PROPOSAL Aa.:t:P I'W AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AS PROPOSED HEREIN ARE HEREBY AUIHORIZED . CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS BY: DATE: .- TITLE: WITNESS: P-275 EXHIBIT "A" SCHEDULE OF FEES AND COMPENSATION JOHN B. WEBB AND ASSOCIATES, mc. JANUARY 1, 1991 A. FEES AND COMPENSATION 1. Reimbursement of salary cost, overhead, and administrative expenses for personnel employed on Project at the following inclusive hourly rates. Professional and Technical Services Personnel Category Hourly Rate Sr. Project Manager/Principal Engineer/Sr. Surveyor. $ 83.00 Project Manager/Project Engineer/Project Surveyor. $ 67.00 Environmental/Civil Engineer/Land Surveyor $ 62.00 Engineering/Survey Technician II . . . . . . $ 52.00 Engineering/Survey Technician I . . . . . . $ 41.00 Senior Draftsman/Senior Technical Assistant $ 36.00 Draftsman/Technical Assistant $ 31.00 Administrative Assistant $ 29.00 Three-Man Survey Crew $ 81.00 Two-Man Survey Crew $ 65.00 2. Reimbursement of direct non-salary expenses are as follows: a) Travel and subsistence cost incurred by personnel engaged in the work when traveling in connection with the project. b) Identifiable reproduction costs applicable to project. c) Identifiable communication expenses applicable to project. ..,........, 3. Reimbursement for services performed by an independent consultant, approved by the client, shall be at cost, plus fifteen percent (15\) for handling. 4. Reimbursement for services rendered in court or for depositions will be 2.5 times'the above rates with a minimum of an eight (8) hour day for each day of appearances or deposing. B. TERMS AND CONDITIONS The above schedule of fees and compensation is based on the following conditions: 1. Charges at the hourly rates above will include the time that applicable employees are performing actual work on the project at the offices of John B. Webb and Associates, Inc., at the site of the project, or in travel status in connection with the project. 2. Some of the personnel categories listed may not be required or may be required only for short periods of time. - C. PROVISIONS OF PAYMENT 1. Invoices for fees and reimbursements shall be submitted to the Client on a monthly basis, unless otherwise agreed. The amount to be invoiced shall be determined by John B. Webb and Associates, Inc. Page 1 of 2 "'- 2. Payments shall be due upon receipt, and after twenty (20) days, a charge of 1-1/2 percent per month shall be assessed on all invoices not paid according to these terms. 3. Jphn B. Webb and Associates, Inc. shall have the right to cease performing any and all services or terminate an agreement for said services if any invoice has remained unpaid for more than twenty (20) days after submitted. D. SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1 . Insurance John B. Webb and Associates, Inc., at its expense, carries public liability insurance for property damage and bodily injury, automobile liability insurance for bodily injury and property damage, "and Workmen's Compensation Insurance. 2. Deliberation In the event any invoice or any portion thereof remains unpaid for more than forty-five (45) days following the invoice date, John B. Webb and Associates, Inc. may initiate legal proceedings to collect the same and recover, in addition to all amounts due and payable including accrued interest, its reasonable attorney's fees, and other expenses related to the proceeding. Such expenses shall include, but shall not be limited to, the cost, determined at John B. Webb and Associates, Inc. normal hourly billing rates, of the time devoted to such proceeding by its employees. ./,/' 3. Conmencement, Prosecution, and Coq>letion John B. Webb upon receipt perform the schedule. and Associates, Inc. proposes to begin work immediately of "Notice to Proceed" and to diligently expedite and services in conformance with the Client's proposed The Client shall agree to such appropriate extensions of time for performance of the services that may be necessary because of delay occasioned by the Client, Acts of God, or other acts beyond the control of John B. Webb and Associates, Inc. 4 . Notice to Owner of Property Within forty-five (45) days upon execution of this agreement, John B. Webb and Associates, Inc. shall submit a Notice to OWner to inform the OWner of said property that John B. Webb and Associates, Inc. has or is furnishing services for improvement to the real property. * Applicable date: January 1, 1991 Rates for Professional and Technical Services and out-of-pocket expenses shall be subject to change by negotiation and mutual consent at the end of one (1) year following the above-stated applicable date, in recognition of inflationary trends not subject to the control of either party. Page 2 of 2 C-007 June 3, 1991 FROM: Land Development coordinator~ TO: City Manager RE: Agenda Item, Official Zoning Map Update - The above referenced, as per the dictates of Section 20-102(c) of the Code, must be updated and approved once yearly by the City Commission at the first regularly scheduled meeting after May 31 which, this year, is June 10. The Planning and Zoning Board recommended acceptance at their meeting of May 15, 1991 (please refer to attached, unofficial P & Z Minutes). /fg cc: Mayor Commission City Attorney City Clerk PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES May 15, 1991 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. BOARD MEMBERS: David Hopkins, Chairman, Present David McLeod, Vice-Chairman, Present John Horan, Present Martin Trencher, Present John Ferring, Present CITY OFFICIAL: D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coord. J. Koch, Dir. Adm./Comp. Planning F. Kruppenbacher, City Attorney Approval of Minutes of Mav 1. 1991. Trencher moved to approve the minutes of May 1, 1991. Seconded by Horan. Vote: All aye, except McLeod who abstained as he was not present at the May 1 meeting. Approval of updated Zoning Map as per Section 20-102 (c) of the Code of . Ordinances. LeBlanc noted to the Board that there is only one change to the map, Ordinance 497, annexing a piece of property for which a land use has not yet been assigned. This was adopted November 12, 1990. Trencher moved to recommend to the City Commission the acceptance of the Zoning Map as updated. Seconded by Ferring. Vote: All aye. Conceptual Plan - Tuscawilla Countrv Club. ISO-unit Guest Cottaae Proposal City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher addressed the Board. Kruppenbacher stated he had received a request from the City Manager to render a legal opinion on the proposed development. He performed a comprehensive background check into all related matters, including the Imara decision, to ensure the City acts consistently with previous actions. Kruppenbacher stated he had a conversation with James Mikes of Florida Country Clubs Inc. (the owner of Tuscawilla Country Club) at 5:15 today in which Kruppenbacher noted he had concerns regarding a vested right to develop this project. He believed it would be prudent to meet with the City Manager and City staff to clarify his various concerns. Kruppenbacher said he was immediately advised by Mikes to give an opinion so Mikes could sue the City tomorrow. Kruppenbacher advised the Board to take no action at this time until he can consult with his client, the formal City Commission, and consult with experts within his firm to make sure everyone is handling this issue properly. Kruppenbacher recommended to the Board to defer this discussion. Ferring requested Kruppenbacher to forward copies of the Imara decision to the members of the Board. McLeod requested Kruppenbacher verbally highlight the decision so the Board has some base to work from. Kruppenbacher stated there was an original final judgement which resulted from the case being heard on November 21 and 22, 1985. The court found in Paragraph 1 that a preliminary development plan was approved by the City in 1971 and was currently in effect for the property. The second finding was under that PUD plan, the court found that the parcels of real ,property owned by Imara planned for development were designated for condominium use development. The third - ,."'-~ WI.NTER SPRINGS CIVIC ASSOCIATION PO Box 195332 Winter Springs, FL 32719-5332 May 8, 1991 Mr. Richard Rozansky, City Manager City of Winter Springs T own Hall 1126 State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Dear Dick: Pursuant to our previous discussions regarding the Civic Associations .- re~uest for a storage shed, and our own plans for a Veteran's Memorial near Sunshine Park, I am submitting drawings for each project subject to your approval or the City Commission's. It is the Civic Associations hope that the City will assist in these projects by supplying us with the support that is needed to make both of these projects a reality. The cost of the Veteran's Memorial will be borne by the Civic Association and the City will provide a flagpole and the space needed. Please advise me if there is anything else that you need from me and I would appreciate your returning our drawings as they are the only copies we have. Sincerely, c=~ ~ Ferring, President ...... ..~ """"'~. r'""" ," ," ~,.". ,! ' . (,"11 . . \ '" ,) , I ~ I' ; " '," i . ~.... :" I - . I i 13-,( l",.~ 110 . 1;:/ " . {'J:'5 ~ U}t/,!0!f;}'(:;"/tzlJ: at WiN ilk ~Pl.. o ( c/ 6!/r- an 111At:l,GC; $~ () I cu L:IJ.-L~ 'f<~~ r':,~,>,.,~~~ ._, ~ . f,. t -', .. ~ ,,', ;lP~-~ ,. .., ". ", ,.,.,. . . '<q ....~ " ., " , ~ . , l~ . A-'>, 'f !, ," " ' ...... ...", "', I' It", " ,'~ ,.;... ,}' .'-. ,~ - - ~z J... (~ i!; . i.' , '..', 1 { : ,..... " \,. , ... ;r" " d,-\! ,~ 0 VY/ tI -'~>dJ ~ "'-~',: \~d. ~. 0"'~~":~ nyj: ;i'C:\'!W.lS' CII It, ""'!'.'U ' 3... \';\'I:~' " ...\ -.~ May 16, 1991 Mayor Phil Kulbes City Winter Springs 1126 E. S.R. 434 Winter Springs, FL 32701 Re: Development 01' a portion 01' the 244 acres owned by Florida Country Clubs, Inc. in the Tuscawilla PU D Dear Mayor Kulbes: - Historically, land use in the Tuscawilla PU 0 haS been the subject of much misunderstanding and contl'oversy. The pl'Oposed use by Florida Country Clubs, Inc. ("FCC") is no exception. This letter is inlended to clarify lhe si tuation. In 1971, the Tuscawilla development was annexed into the City and a PU D plan adopted as part ot' the annexation. With the exception 01' changes to portions ot' the plan tor specific parcels now developed, the 1971 plan stands in lact today since no subsequent plan was ever adopted. FCC owns 244 acres which includes 190 acres tor 1I1e Tuscawilla Country Club. The 54 remaining acres are vacant and not used. FCC acquiI'ed the land in September, 1987. Prior to closing, I did my due diligence at the City concerning the land use and zoning applicable to the entir'e 244 acr'es. 1 was intormed of the 1971 annexation and the plan. I was not advised of any SUbsequent I legally adopted amendment of the plan which aft'ected the uses on FCC's properly. At that time, I confirmed that the 1971 plan as applied to FCC's property included eight acres 01' condominiums at twelve units per acre on our 8th tee on Winter Spl'ings Boulevard and the 14th green on Northern Way and ten acres 01' guest cottages at fifteen units LO the acre near [tie clubhouse al'ea. In 1985, two years pl'ior to FCC's acquisition of IIle l44 acres, a local court confirmed the validity of the L~71 plan. In panicular', it found that the condominium designations on the plan are valid and such parcels are developable at twelve units per acre (or 48 units on each of FCC's lour acre condominium pJrcels). No specific mention was made by the coun concerning FCC's clubhouse area. In 1989 and 1990, the issue ot' land use was again debated in the CilY'S litig'ation with Gultstl'eam. As the court records retlect, the City confirmed the right to ten acres of guest cottages al fifteen units per acre. - Since early 1988, I tlave been meeting with the r'epl'esentatives or Tuscawilla homeowners association to arl'ive al a plan for the use of our extra land which can 1500 Winter Springs Boulevard. Winter Springs. Florida 32708. 407-366-1851 - Mayor Phil Kulbes May 16, 1991 Page 2 accommodate FCC's economic interests and not adversely affect the surrounding homeowners. Many proposals have been made by FCC to the homeowners, but there has been no "official" confirmation fl'Om the HOA of their desir'es. During the same period of discussion with the homeowners, I have continually keep the City'S staff advised of our "progress" (or lack of it) and have developed a better undel'standing of the staff's posi tion. In order to make certain we develop consistent wi Lt1 the original 1971 PU D plan, we retained the same planning firm which did the 1971 plan and which participated in the Gulfstream settlement. They have pl'epared plans which are consistent with both the 1971 plan and the confirmed zoning in the GuUstream set llement. Several months ago, we submitted to staff a plan for the 150 guest cottages as permitted by the 1971 plan. We did not at that time submit a plan for the 96 condo units on our other parcels, however, the plans for those parcels will be submitted next week tor final plan approval. Our interest in developing the 96 units is not as keen as tile 150 units, and the 96 units are negotiable. The staft' has met with us several times (and the City attoI'ney has been involved in several of the meetings) on the guest cottage land plan. They have now deferred to the P&Z and City Council 1'01' guidance. We have had recent conver'sations with Mr. Khemlani as the representative of' a large group of the Tuscawilla homeowners. He has expressed opinions of a number of' the homeowners. Based on discussions with MI'. Khemlani, we Cll'e willing to incorporate into our plan if approved by the City Council, the f'ollowing conditions: o We will use the 150 units (with an average size of 1100 to 1200 square f'eet) as luxury apartments. The units will be designed tor potential f'uture convel'sation to condominium. o We will not pUl'sue any other residential uses on OUI' land over the 150 units, specifically releasing any l'igllts to the 96 conclominium units on Holes 8 and 14. We will eventually seek permits to build anOUlel' 9 golf holes for a total of 27 holes, but that will not be addressed at this time. o The units will be luxury in natur'e and consistent with the look of our clubhouse. o We will build the new pool/tennis before dbmdntling the old facilities. o We will commit to intense landscaping and a beautiful roadway and entrance treatment, including a brick and wruugllt il'On perimeter fence on Winter Springs Boulevard. We will also re-landscape the islands in the l'Oadway. - Although some homeownel's may 110pe we will go away i:lndnot press our legalr'ight to develop our property, we will not. We al'e prepared wi I II financing to immediately develop the guest cottage pal'cel. Should we be delayed by the Ci ty or homeowner's, we - Mayor Phil Kulbes May 16, 1991 Page 3 will incur signiticant damages for which we will seek appropriate compensation from the party at fault. The issue must be addressed immediately and the City must take its position to either assist in or prevent OUI' development so that we can proceed in the appropria te manner. I will be pleased to meet with the City'S designated representatives to work out a compromise consistent with what I stated above. JRM:bh cc: Members of the City Council Members of the Planning & Zoning Board Frank Kruppenbacher Dick Rozansky Don LeBlanc - Moti Khemlani Mike Holbrook Charley True very ~rUl~ mes R. Mikes T07:MISC:JRM0077