HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 04 29 Special . . . May 6, 1991 TO: coordinato~ City Manager FROM: Land Development RE: Agenda Item, Request of Jon M. Hall to allow three (3) Manufactured Offices The applicant, Jon M. Hall, has requested that the Commission allow the placement of three (3) manufactured offices on approximately four (4) acres located on the northwest end of Old Sanford/Oviedo Road. Please see attached correspondence and minutes of the meeting with Mr. Hall. /fg attach. cc: Mayor Commission City Attorney City Clerk . JON M. HALL CO. Equipment Brokerage Domestic/Export April 17, 1991 Mr. Donald LeBlanc City of Winter Springs 1126 E. State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Re: Wade Street Property Dear Mr. LeBlanc: . I am requesting from you the ability to place three manufactured offices on the above described property. We plan to make avail- able three 1 1/3 acre lots for rent to the small businessman. The plan that I left with you yesterday will give you a general idea of what we are planning. Thank you and your staff for your time yesterday. I am looking forward to working with you on this project in the near future. Sincerely, ...--. ~~~&UW~~ IPR 2:> 1991 ~ DE WINftR $P~ING9 . . Developrrntf)i Coordinator . 345 Thorpe Roan · Tan, Florida 32H24. (407) 240-7433. FAX (407) 240-9684 . . . April 17, 1991 TO: City Manager Land Development coordinator~ FROM: RE: Jon Hall Meeting The above referenced was held on April 16, 1991. Jon Hall represented himself. Staff members present were Artman, Govoruhk, Jenkins, Koch, Kozlov, Lallathin, LeBlanc, Lockcuff, McKinney and Taylor. Hall owns approximately 4 acres on Old Sanford/Oviedo Road. This property is further subdivided into three parcels by existing fencing. Hall desires to lease these parcels. In order to attract clients, he is proposing to install a 20'x50' temporary structure on each parcel. This approval would have to be granted by the Commission. The type businesses to go on this property are unknown at this time. No matter, before any business could commence operations, the Site Plan Review Board will have to give approval. It was understood by Hall that a particular use may require more stringent requirements than others. Fire safety was discussed. This would have to be addressed by the Fire Marshal. Along this thought process, it was stated that there was a 10" water line on the other side of the tracks, and possibly, all the owners along Old Sanford/ Oviedo Road may want to join together and bring the line to their side. The Utility Director agreed to provide a cost estimate for this. Other items discussed were driveways, drainage, Arbor Ordinance, regulatory traffic signs, handicap accessibility and lighting. Please see attached. ffg attach. . . PLAT OF SURVEY FOR JOHN M. HALL COMPANY SEMINOLE COUNTY. FLORIDA DESCRIPTION I. (I t. (i It n rl l II (! W U ~ l !i 5 . 5 ( 0 (} l n r I. n l 7. [ NT Z H J N (j [ It F ^ It M S ^ 0 n J T ION NO.2. II C (. 0 r d I II !I l u lito r 111 l l II u t' C (I r II!. rt.l (; (I t. rl rJ d III P 1 II l n () n k 5. P 4 !J U 9. 0 r t II 0 p u I.J 1 I c It c cut' d ~ 0 r s C 11\ 1 fI ole C (J U n l y. r 1 () t' I d c'l . SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This is to certify that a Survey of the above described property was made under my direction and the Plat hereon is a correct representation ofl the same and meets the Minimum Technical Standards as set f.orth in Chapter 21 : H H - 6. F lor 1 d a Adm i n 1st rat f ve Cod 0 .' Cop 1 e s . '0 f t his sur v c y are 1 n val f d un 1 e sse m b 0 sse d w 1 t h the sea 1 0 f the un d e r s 1 9 n cd. . . ..... , · Rl'S '1653 t/.~ '24 .T~,;ii5 V. KEll Y SH I 'I'H ASSOC IA TES. I NC".-~. ,-..- la07 French Avenue Sanford. Florida 3051322-2213 . .\ , " ' , d, \' \ . . >~~I.f. . I r---"::- __ ........ ............"-.. YU"'/.J"-(.t./J ./ ............... ............... "-.. "-.. ............................. FNo. ,., ; ~- " .J "IT ~o/)loqrJ //Jlt'~~h-c/ ,t;d/r/ __ le/)- .5/Jo t S QJ ..show/,? ........ ; /(}2 ) \ . SC AL E:. : /" 8/00' 'nR Aln Q? Q4 . < FNO.'C.M. /T~ __'" ~~ ~ ~ "-... "-... ~~ FNo. (AJJuIJ1<!d E/1 I "-... t ..., k. /tJ(/'.... ............ , ~- h' ~ a~ '\. ~. D~ ~;. ....... 1 D~ . 102 .. .I ...1: ) .;//)/1//1' J 1~/~~'l':I//~"'i/ /;';.//11 : It'p. -V/c:J CS OJ -J/ld{( '/). "'., I I ...~ SO . T,o\CI<. Q~ . ~. SCAL~: /"6/0D' . April I, 1991 TO: Staff M coordinato'& FROM: Land Development RE: Jon Hall Property, Old Sanford/Oviedo Road A meeting to discuss the above referenced with Jon Hall is scheduled for 9:00 A.M. on April 16, 1991. His desire is to have three rental properties and wants to put temporary offices on each in anticipation of attracting customers. He has no . potential renters at this time. /fg . . . . ~ May 6, 1991 TO: City Manager FROM: J. Koch, Director of Administrative Services/()) Comprehensive Planning ~ SUBJECT: Update of Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance The annual revision of Sec. 9-386 involves three activities: 1. Estimation of the 1991 costs per lane mile of improvements to the municipal collector road system. 2. Update of the impact fee rates per unit of development based on 1991 data. 3. Adoption of an ordinance amending Sec. 9-386 to implement the revised calculations. The Assistant Engineer has been provided information on the municipal collector road system as now proposed in the Comprehensive Plan and is computing the 1991 costs to construct all of the roads, from which the cost per lane mile is calculated. The Transportation Consultant is reviewing the technical data and updating any rates that have changed since the initial study in 1989. Once the 1991 construction costs are provided to him, he will supply an amended Exhibit B to be adopted. Subsequently an ordinance will be processed to reflect 1991 data. Because two road segments that are part of the City system have been upgraded to major collector roads and are included among the projects proposed for funding by the County infrastructure sales tax, it would be preferable to have final adoption of the ordinance amending the City impact fee program delayed until after the July 9 County referendum; in case the tax fails, we would want to restore the costs for these road segments in our calculations. JK/fg . o 1,.t '. A-rJ.. '*1. 5([ f. C I T'1 ClA.rr.J.C, f;::i IJ It IJ (';- ~(L-"J . MEMO: 5/7 /91 TO: FROM: C ITV MANAGER BUILDING OFFICIAL~ ~ SEC 9-386.19 REVIEW OF IMPACT FEES RE: In reference to the above subject, there a re severa 1 groups that should be added to our land use type listing. Category No. 140 Manufacturing 150 Offi ce/Wa rehouse 252 Congregate Care Facility/Counseling Center 450 Stadium 560 Churches 590 Li bra ry . Two areas that I need clarification on are: 1 ) Sec. 9-386.07 (D.) Change of use, redevelopment or modification to existing buildings. Just what constitutes a change of use? The other area that needs some clarification is 9-386.12 Vested Rights (B.) This paragraph discusses NOT extending of the building permit beyond the initial time period. Just what does that mean? 2) c' . " One final point that should be discussed is a checks and balance of the Impact Fees collected to insure that any un- intentional mistake would be caught by another party. 'RJT2'(P' nr n~!}' ~Wf) tl ,j - ~ ,. , ,.".. ~_ ",. " . ' t I 'I ) :.. "..J I l' ' I. ,,~ i . I"', 'I ~: ~';"~: "..,j.