HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 04 12 Regular . . . August 19, 1991 TO: Public Works Director City Engineer ~~ 226 Morton Lane - Street Drainage FROM: SUBJECT: With regard to the last regular Commission Meeting on August 12, 1991, the resident of 226 Morton Lane presented his stormwater run-off problem to the Commission. It was determined by the Commission after some discussion to seek a possible drainage easement on the property opposite 226 Morton Lane, since a lake exists behind this property. upon reviewing the plat books for North Orlando Ranches, Section 6, it was noted that a fourteen (14) foot drainage easement exists between lots225 and 227 (seven (7) feet on each side of the property line) to the lake behind lots 225 and 227. Since there is an existing drainage easement, it should be helpful for you to construct a relief swale to the lake from the street as a temporary measure to relieve the stormwater in this low area of the road and alleviate the problems for the resident at 226 Morton Lane. ffg ~y Manager cc: C1cc,S'. Co~ ~()(l C(t- 'E~ @;[W. fi7l~r.l ~)/V AUG 20 . . ]991' J~Y of (i',.,.._ Zf) 'v Iv I cd SPRJ ., ([5~;- ~" ,. . . . rt I (I) /1'11<.-';--' l~ {. ( August 7. 1991 TO: ,:.-.., f' SUBJECT: Ci ty Managet' City Engineer'fi!V Highlands Lake Sidewalk i " ',~ FROM: ,.." - : " " '''''OJ , . :, ~ oJ .... !.I .' " With regard to the issues raised by the Highlands Homeowners Association as to the val idi ty of Mt'. Douglas 0, McBr iarty I s (Commonweal th Engineet'ing) letter dated January 25, 1991. who was the previous engineer-of-record. the folloWing remarks are made: 1) The statement that no sidewalk exists on the east side of Shepard Road is cot'reet. 2) The concern of a road connection onto Shepard Road would not occur is correct since it would require the City Commission to authorize such a connection. 3) The statement regarding a buffer zone of trees to be maintained in the right-of-way; thus establishing the basis fat' eliminating the sidewalk on the east side would be correct: but consideration would be necessary in detet'nlining the width needed to install the t'elocated gas line, Trees in this area would have to be removed. A sixteen foot width would be available for both the tree buffer and the gas line. The variance that was granted to the developer. Florida Land Company, was to maintain an envit'onmental tl'ee buffet' and to fOt'go the sidewalk on the east side all within the right-or-way. /fg - .' January 25, 1991 Commonwealth ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES I:>;CORI'OMTlU CONSULTING ENGINEERS. . .j rrruJo:nr Juhn D. Froschcr, r.E., C.O. Vicc rrciidcnu J"mci C. llu\.J, P.E. . D..v.J E. ~lIcn. r.E. Sen.,u Asoodalc Srrl'hen E. B..jlcv. r.E. A"'l4:.ar"i Doullla. O. Mdlriau\', r,E. No:cu M. D""'n,,v Thurn.1i F. Will", A.ET. Thom.u J. McC,lnn, r.E. C1ty Commission Clty of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 4~4 Wlnter Sprlngs, Florlda 32700 Attentlon: Mr. Leonard T. Koslov, P.E. Ci ty fng,ineer Re: Highlond Lokes Sid~wolk Varlance Request Commonwealth Project No. 2D4-~5-2al Ho~orab~e Comm1ssion: , On beha'lf of our Cllent, we are requestlno a variance to the sidewalk requirement (Section 9-221 of the LDC) whlch requires sidewalks to be .~onstructed an both sided of a roadway. We propose to construct sldewalk, ln our project, alono the west side of Shepard Road only. Along all other proposed roadways, we will construct sidewalks an bath sldes,' as required by code. The reasons for thls request are os follows: . 1. No sidewalk has boen installed along the east side of the exist1ng portion of Shepard Road to the north. 2. Ariy development olono the east slde of Shepard Road, odjacent to thls project; wil'l be 1n Seminole County and be of on lndustrial or commercl01 land use fronting on County Road 419. Development of this nature should not be permitted roar access onto Shepard Road lnto a reSidential area. 3. A sidewalk along the wost side (residential side) of Shepard Road, as constructod to tho north' of thiS project, would benefit t.he residenco of this project. However, a sidewalk along the east side of Shepar'j' Road would be redundant ond would cause the unnecessary removal' of trees which will be providing a buffer from non-residential dQvclopmont to the oo~t. . . We appreciate the Commission's .indulgence 1n this matter and hope for a favorabJe ruling and grant1ng of this request. A~sociotes, Inc. ~~~~UW[~ JAN 2 5 1991 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS Land Development Coordinator. , . cc: Mr, Donald LeBlanc. itV of Winter Springs, via: HD Mr, G~rald ChQncellor. Chpn~cllor & ^fifonctntn~1 vtn; FAX & US, Mr, non Cbmpbell, rlorida Land Company, via: fAX & US dom/kodov, a~sl flm/proJ IChrono/v1a: 110 . '2180 ,WEST S,I\. 434. SUITE 'liDO · LONGWOOD. FLORIDA 32771).5010 · (~071 78R-RII\ · FAX (1071 7H.4(102 · . . . CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1800 July 23, 1991 Mr. Ronald D. Campbell, President Florida Land Company 255 S. Orange Avenue Suite 1444 Orlando, FL 32801 Re: Highland Lakes Dear Mr. Campbell: This letter is to advise you that the Highlands Homeowners Association has requested that the City Commission reconsider their action of January 28, 1991 granting a variance to the Code eliminating the sidewalk requirements on the east side of the above referenced project. This request will be heard by the City Commission at the regularly scheduled meeting of August 12, 1991 which will commence at 7:30 P.M. in City Hall Chambers, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida. By this letter, you are cordially invited to attend this meeting to present your reasons for the elimination of the sidewalk. Please contact me if further information is required. Sincerely, ~~ \2~_ Donald R. LeBlanc Land Developemnt Coordinator jfg cc: City Manager City Clerk Certified #P 292 357 737 . . . ~~~~UW![~ JUN 13 19911 .:jTY at WINTER SPRINGS CITY MANAGER '1iffiigtdan~ Homeowners', Association. U --. 675 Shepard Road Winter Springs, Florida 32708 (407) 327-0640 Jun e 1 2, 1 991 , . Mr. Richard Rozansky' City of Winter Springs 1126 State Rd. #434 Winter Springs, Fl. 32708 ". Dear Mr. Rozansky: 'On yanuary 28, 1991, the City Commission granted a variance to the code, eliminating the sidewalk on the east side of Highlands ~akes. I have enclosed the Minutes of the meeting concerning this matter for your review along with the request from Floripa Land and Mr. Koslov's recommendation. ' The Highlands Homeowners' Association (HHOA) was not aware of.this request nor were any of our members present at the meeting. Had we been present, we certainly would have objected to this variance. During several informal staff meetings, the HHOA 'was assured that the sidewalk would be included in the plan. It is the opinion of the Highlands' Board of Directors and the Architectural Review Board (ARB) that the sidewalk is'vital to the overall master plans of the pun. . Presently, the'City i~ building a sidewalk on, the east side of Sheoah Blvd. across from. the tennis courts all the way to "Shepard Rd. Bopefully, as money is appropriated, the sidewalk will ,continue on the northern side of Shepard Rd. to the perk pond property. It is our hope that eventually as the remaining property is developed, the sidewalk would continue to Edgemon Ave. .If the sidewalk is built on the east. side, it would provide for the least amount of curb cuts and thus have a long uninterrupted distance. This plan is designed for the safety of the residents who walk, jog or cycle through the community and would be esthetically appealing as well. I, .. . . . City of Winter Springs page 2 It is ,our belief that any major changes to Highlands Lakes must' first be approved by the HHOA and the ARB. Therefore, we request that this subject be placed on the Agenda at the June 24th. Commission meeting for re-consideration. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated by the Association. I Sincerely, {~'/h. /J~ Kathleen M. Degrenia EXEcutive Director KMD/mir cc:' fitle enc 1. ", . . . .. l 'n{' .... \ \ :.\\ \ \\ \ \\ \ ' \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ . \ \ \ \ \\~\ \h\ \. I \ \~\ \ I~ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \. \ \ \\\ \ \\ \\ \\ \ '\ \ '\ " , " , // " , // ., / ","" ~/ ~ ~ .. " ~ " /:,.. / I~" 1 'r ---......... , -...~.... II .... './ I " I 1/ /'1 II.. . 110. ,IOJ I' II , I . /1 :~.N~ LU.4::t~ ~ I/'~ u (/ ~~ iJwtwu.. ~ w:ulL ,I \, . I' , . 111ft, '~ ':'''"_''"::::.=:. ,,:!, = __ __ _ __ __ 0..:.------ _ J :.:.:.:.::'1' ' . . -------;;-r;..=;E:--RO-;:;--4-;4--------'~,~. 2.0 .Ji~ll2.:.!!..._ __ _ _ ___ --------------- OVE~AL.L. STRut NA"'. MAP <J~rnigl \lands :..: -.---.- '.. " ". '.. rf . January 25', 1991 Commonwealth ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES ISCORI'ORATEO CONSULTING ENGINEERS Atter;1tian: Mr. Leonar.dT. Koslov, P.E. City Engineer Pr~.iJo:nl John D. Flosch~r. P.E., C.O. Vice Pr~sid~nu Jam~. C. llo\'J. P.E. DavlJ E. AII~n, P.E. S~nl"r Anocialc 5lephen E. Bail~y. P.E. AnocI311:S Doul:la. O. MeBri3rl\', P.E. Neeo M. Duwney Thomas F. Willc, A.e:T. Thoma. J. McCann. P.E. ': City Commission City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 / Re: Highland Lakes Sidewalk Variance Request Commonwealth Project. No, 204-05-201 Honorable Commission: On behalf of our Client, we are requesting a variance to the sidewalk requirement (Section. 9-221 of the LDC) which requires sidewalks to be constructed on both sided of 0 roodway, We propose to' ,construct sidewalk, in our project, along the west side of Shepard Road only. A'long 011. other proposed roadways, we will construct sidewalks on both sides, .as required by code. The reasons for this request are. as follows: 1 . No sidewalk has been installed along tho east side of the existing portion of Shepard Road to the north, .. '2. Any development along the east side of Shepard Rood, adjacent to this project, will be in Seminole County and be of on industrial .or commercial land use fronting on County Road 419. Development of thiS" nature should not be permitted rear access onto Shepard Rood into a residential area, 3. A si~ewalk along the west side (residential side) of Shepard Road, os constructed to the north of this project, would benefit th,e residence of this projoc"t. However, 0 sidewalk along the east side af. SheP!lrd Raadwauld be redundant and wauld couse the unnecessary removal of trees which will be providing a buffer from non-residential development to the east. We appreciate the Commission's indulgence in this matter and hope for, a favorable ruling a~d granting of this request. Inc, ~~~tUWrr~ JAN 25 1991 CITY. OF WINTER SPRINGS Land Development Coordinator.' cc: Mr, Donald LeBlanc, Ity of.Winter Springs, via: HD Mr,' Gerald Chancellor, Chancollor & Associates, vta: FAX' US Mr. Ron Campbell, Florida Lond Company," via: FAX & US '. . dom/kOslov,~25/flm/proJ/chrono/via: HD · 21BO WEST S.R. 434. SUITE HOO · lONG WOOD, FLORIDA 32779.5010 · (407) 7B8.8111 · FAX (407) 774.4002 . ~ . . . ., January 25. 1991 TO: City Manager City Engin.er~ Highland Lakes - Preliminary Engineering FROM: SUBJECT: The. revised preli~inary ~ngineering for the Highland Lakes proj~~t was received ~n January 24, 1991. All issues of the City's October 5. 1990 lett~r have been addressed except for the matter regarding the twelve (12) inch water line that is to come down . Shepard Road~ This issue ,will have to be resolved by the City Commission in conj~nction with the developer, Mr. Ron Campbell. Florida Land Company. '", On Sheet 2 of J of the engineering, there is a note stating "Shepard Road requires a 6" W.M.. and 8" W.M. is to be installed'per request,by the City of Winter Springs. The City of Winter Sprin~s to pay the difference between the two". It was publicly stated before the City Commission on January 14. 1991 that the Ut,ility Department-West required a twelve (12) inch water main in lieu of a 6 or 8 inch water main on Shepard Road as per the Master Water Plan ,previously approved by the City Commission. 1'he Utility Director publicly stated that he made an error in originally requesting that an ~ight (B) inc~ line be installed. In addition. Section 9-261(b) of the Land Development Code states "In 1"0 event shall the City be r'equired' to pay the cost of the installation of the water and sewer trunk line system.'1 Therefore. the developer. Florida Land Company. will be required to pay for all costs for water and sewer installations. If the developer wishes to have these costs shared. he would have to go to the Board of Adjustment to obtain a variance to this requirement. Next. the developer. Florida Land Company. wishes to delete the need for a sidewalk on'the east side of Shepard Road. Since the east side of the Shepard Road right-of-way is adjacent to the City limits (boundary). it is recommended that the Commission grant this request. Reference Section 9-221(b) Land Development Code. A letter from the Engineer of Record is attached. Ifg ee: Land Development Coordinator Utility Director-West Terry Zaud~ke-C.P.". Duiiding Official Public Works Director t, _'" l.- .... . Regular Mect~ng, Citr CommisQion, J~n. 2~, 1991 I P!!B@ ~ 90~91"'6 Mr. Zaudtkc explained' the 12" line in the computer analysis t,hat was performed on . a day-to-day basis without fire flow shows in the future, when that is connected, we have a demand of over 600 gallons per minut.e going through that' end of the loop. He said the significance of it in we need to provide in this area, the residentia~ area, by Code, 500 gallons per minute in addition to the maximum day and we need to provide 1250 gallons per minute for any industrial or commercial establishment. That is the basic reason for the l2"line. Mr. Gerald Chancellor, Robinson St., Orlando, spoke for the development'. Motion was made by Commissioner Partyka that we allow the development of this project with 12" piping that is paid by the developer. Additionally, that th~ sidewalk on the east ,side would be eliminated in terms of a variance to Code, and that the west side have n sidewalk'per the letter and recommendationB by Mr. McDriarity. Seconded by Commi88ione~ Langellotti. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Langellotti, oye; Commissioner Donnelly, aye; Commissioner Partyka, aye; Commissioner Jonas, aye;, ,..mot ion carr ied. I PreRentation/Discussion on Purchase of Golf Course-Jack Ahern, Vice Presi~ent, Florida Group Municipnl Leaaing, Inc,: Mr. John T. Ahern, Florida Group Municipal Leasin~. from nocn Raton~ Flor!da, spoke to the Commission. He said his company is presently involved in purchase and lease purchase back to municipalities of facilities needed by municipalities throughout the United States. . He said he has negotiated with the owners of Winter Springs Golf facility.' He said we did that with the purpose of lease pur'chasing back to the City of Winter Springs that facility. The cost that we pay for the facility is $4,800,000 and we project to turn the facility back to the City of Winter Springs on n 240 month lease purchase for a cost of ~42,57l.JO per month, which the 240 equal payments would equal 20 year lease purchase. At the end of said lease purchase, the property would revert to the City for the cost of $1.00. ., Mr. Ahern said in the year 1989 or the early 'part of 1990 the present owners projected a revenue base of $1,370,000 income vs. $840,000 expense ratio. The ~unaudited figures show $1,372,453 income of revenue vs. $841,041 outgo on expenses. The 240 equal payments of $42,571.37 which worked out to $510,804 per year on a rental basis vs. $526,000 profit on r'evenue basis which includes $2"0,,000 for the existing three partners which raises that to $546,000. In addition ~he City pays. the golf course roughly JO to$J5,000 per year for spray effluent which raises that number $576,000. giving the City a net operatinR profit for the year 1990 if the City had owned it, approximately $66,000 per year profit. The owners projected 50,000 rounds of golf for the year 1990. Their actual count comes up to '55,184 rounds. 'Discussion followed. l . '. Dr. Sinthro, Greenspointe, John Ferring, Uo1tic Lnne, Mr. Carpenter, Greenspointe, Susan Reid, Hayes Road, Terri Meta Aloha Court, all spoke in discussion. Motion was made by Commissioner Partyka to table until the next meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Donnelly. Vote on the motion: Comm16sioner Langel10tti, aye; Commissioner Donnelly, aye;- Commissioner Partyka, aye; Commissioner Jonas, aye; motion carried. . NUISANCES . ARTICLE I. IN GENERA L Sec. 13-1. General prohibition. Nothing may be done on any lot which may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neigh- borhood. No refuse pile or unsightly objects shall be. allowed to be placed or suffered to remain thereon. In the event the owner shall fail or refuse to keep premises free of refuse piles or other un- sightly objects or growths, then the city commis- sion may enter upon such land and remove the same at the expense of the owner and such entry shall not be deemed a trespass, (Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.76, 1-8-68) ." Sec. 13-2. Uttering. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to place or throw, or cause to be placed or thrown, any paper, bottles or pieces thereof, tin cans, garbage, glassware, refuse, debris or any other offensive, unwholesome or unsightly matter whatever in or on any street, road, sidewalk, alley, playground, vacant property or any other public grounds, or in or on the bank of any canal, stream, lake, watercourse or pool within the city. (b) It shall be unlawful for any person to cause or permit junk, scrap metal, scrap lumber, waste- paper products, discarded building materials, or any unused abaridoned vehicle, or abandoned parts, machinery or machinery parts, garbage, trash or other waste materials to be in or upon any yard, garden, lawn, outbuildings or premises owned, rented, leased or otherwise occupied by him in the city unless in connection with a business en- terprise lawfully situated and licensed for the same. (c) The existence of excessive accumulation or untended growth of weeds, undergrowth or other dead, or living plant life; or stagnant water, and all other objectionable, unsightly or unsanitary matter upon any lot, tract or parcel of land wi thin this city be it uncovered or under open shelter, to the extent and in the manner that such lot, tract or parcel of land is or may threaten, or endanger the public health, safety, or welfare, or may rea- sonably cause disease, is hereby prohibited and declared to be a public nuisance and unlawful. (d) It shall be the duty of the owner of each lot, tract, or parcel of land within the city to reason- Supp. No.4 . ~ 13-26 ably regulate and effectively control excessive growths and accumulations, as enumerated in sub. section (e) on the property. It shall also be the duty of the owner to drain, regrade or fill any lot, tract, or parcel, including swimming pools thereon, which shall be dangerous or unsanitary, have stagnant water thereon, or be in such other condition as to be susceptible to pro- ducing disease or danger to the public. (Code 1974, ~ 7-1; Ord. No. 464, ~ 1,2-12-90) Sec. 13-3. Duty of owners of buildings to keep surrounding property clean; notice; failure to comply with notice. (a) All land within a three-hundred-foot radius of any dwelling or other building within the city shall be kept in a clean and trim condition by the owner of the property. (b) If the owner of any property fails to comply with the conditions of this section, he shall be notified by the city of the violation and be al- lowed fifteen (15) days to comply. (c) If, after the fifteen-day period provided for in subsection (b), the owner has not cleaned the property in accordance with this section, the city shall have the right and authority to enter upon the property in question, clear the land according to the requirements of this section and charge the owner for the cost thereof. (Code 1974, ~ 7-2) Sees. 13-4-13-25. Reserved. ARTICLE II. NOISE Sec. 13.26. Prohibited generally. It shall be unlawful for any person to make, create, 01' maintain any unreasonably loud, dis- turbing, and unnecessary noise within the city. Noise of such character, intensity, or duration as to be detrimental to the life, health, comfort, or repose of any individual is prohibited. (Code 1871, ~ 9.14(0)) 79:3 . . . , August 5, 1991 TO: City Manager FROM: Land Development RE: Church of the New Covenant Extension, Staff Review coordinator@ Attached is the City Planner's comments regarding the above referenced. This is an agenda item scheduled for August 12, 1991. Jfg attach cc: Mayor Commission City Attorney City Clerk . . . ~. jO August 5, 1991 TO: Land Development Coordinator J. Koch, Dir. Admin. JComp. Planning~ Church of the New Covenant Expansion Development Plan FROM: RE: Applicant should confer with County to determine if the advance in the schedule for widening Tuscawilla Road to Winter Springs Boulevard prior to 1996 affects their requirements for turn lanes or right-of-way adjacent to this site. County level of service standards will be enforced on Tuscawilla Road, subject to any relief for small developments to be included in concurrency management system. Municipal transportation impact fees are in process of being updated and a new ordinance and rates may be in effect by the time a building permit for this expansion is obtained. Jfg . . . -- August 7, 1991 TO: Ci ty Manager J. Koch, Dir. Admin./Comp. Planning~ Tipton's Proposed Contract to Update Transportation Impact Fee FROM: RE: As discussed at our meeting with the transportation consultant, the requested fee for updating the City's impact fee ordinance is substantial this year - $10,000 - because all of the calculations must be revised to reflect both (1) the new data in the 5th Edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Manual just published and (2) the 1991 design, right-of-way and construction costs for paving and drainage for collector roads. Subsequent yearly updates required by the Code should be less expensive. This $10,000 fee can be charged to the transportation impact fee account pursuant to Sec. 9-386.17 by the procedure in Sec. 9-386.15(b). /fg ~~~;;[1\:: tilm jt.'.JC 7 rHl f.;TY. of WINTER SPR1NC.~ CITY MANAGER . . . ~ August 5, 1991 TO: City Manager coordinato~ FROM: Land Development RE: Church of the New Covenant Extension, Staff Review The above referenced was held on July 23, 1991. S. Cu1p, L. Smith, T. Holton and V. Browning represented the project. Staff members present were A1amina, Artman, Dallas, DeWitt, Govoruhk, Koch, Koz10v, LeBlanc and Lockcuff. Please refer to attached Staff comments. Additional comments are: 1) Initial construction will be the classroom, Phase I. 2) According to the developer, the County does not require road improvements until the second phase commences, which is scheduled to be the expansion of the worship facility. 3) The developer will notify the Oak Forest Homeowner's Association before the water line is installed because this will come across an easement in Oak Forest. It will be the developer's responsibility to restore the easement once work is done. 4) Impact fees will be applied. This project meets all Code requirements. ffg attach. cc: Mayor Commission City Attorney City Clerk . . .. ........ ,,' - CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Ttlltlphontl (407) 327.1800 July 1, 1991 Mr. Lawrence L. Smith Jr., P.E. Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt, Inc. 1505 East Colonial Drive P.O. Box 538505 Orlando, FL 32853 8505 Re: The Episcopal Church of The New Covenant, Engineering Review Dear Mr. Smith: Your modification to the final engineering for the subject project, received on June 20, 1991, was found to be satisfactory. Upon completion of the project, you will have to submit a "Letter of Certification", three (3) sets of "as-built" engineering and three hundred dollars ($300.00) for an "as-built" inspection fee. If you have any questions, please contact this office. MJ/L'l'K/fg cc: City Manager Land Development Coordinator V--o Building Department . ~~~_~IlW[~ AI!fG 01 1991 CL~ OE WINTER SP-RINGSl tantt QQ.wlopment Coordlnatoo July 15, 1991 TO: Staff ~ Land Development Coordinato~ . FROM: RE: Staff Review Board The above referenced will convene at 9:00 A.M. on July 23, 1991 to consider the Site Plan for The Episcopal Church of the New Covenant Extension. . Written comments are required for this meeting. 1. PCI" ~1\1 COdQ, R.e: ~e~. i-S4(b) .lo1\ !;;J)L)C.~T'O""Al. ~ a c', I, +: e.s :l. r e t" e. '\ u , ;"e-J. ~ '^. v-e.. ~ ~ ,;'4,. /fg z.. S?rlt'l"'-.\er s'1~+-e...,.,) ~\\I~~ MIlS+ be. MO""IJ..,.e.J. 1. "-"'. '" ,J t" e. c..o W\ ~ e 0'\ d ~ e , ~ 5} ~ I \ ~ +, ~ "" 0 .r . + 1east 00'\ e. .L~~ \, 1 cl.(c)Ylt ~ b. lOC,il+e.J ~ 4- i"h62 e-n t(~ nee '('.'O-.v'l l\:1sc... ~II\.. ~o~J. (K..t:. c'.~ cod,,: 7-7' J 7-77.) r ......,o..,IJ )I~o C}1~e . 9re..i .l.4~t ()~ 4-\-,"II,h\- . to a re...ho- t::t (iH".ocp"j\..m tr 'the Q..ll~-I-,(;, b""dJ,(\,~ -\-0 le"6v,", 'ff ,t' k ler- ~ "" S' t ~ 1\,,1 . .:5. . .R~c'JQ..~ , -/ , ,.,yn I t ';-Cl-'~ , /I~' . . . TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ: DON LEBLANC, LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR JOHN GOVORUHK, CHIEF OF POLICE JULY 18, 1991 SITE PLAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE NEW CONVENANT 10-91 Lighting within the project will be adequate for security. At the Exit onto Tuscawilla Road a Stop Sign will be installed by Public Works and a Stop Bar painted on the Roadway. Adequate Handicap Parking as required by City Ordinance. All Markings on Roadways are to be Thermoplastic and conforms with Roadway and design standard specification issued by F.D.O.T.. 1 ) 'J (/' ./ C7 //' // 61Qd:;:~ht('1 v/2>/ Chief of Police JG/eds '- . MEMO: 7/23/91 TO: LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR FROM: BUILDING DEPARTMENT (Inspector Alam1na) RE: STAFF REVIEW / SITE REVIEW 7/23/91 EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE NEW COVENANT THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT HAS NO OBJECTIONS ON THE ABOVE REFERENCE. 7)~ . - \ - . . . . . . TO: Don LeBlanc FROM: G. E. Artman Date: July 22, 1991 Episcopal Church of the New Covenant Extension SUBJ: ~pa At this time, compliance with the Arbor Ordinance has not been accomplished nor has there been discussion as to the proper placement of applicable traffic regulatory s1gns. . . . WINTER SPRINGS WATER & SEWER EAST 890 NORTHERN WAY, C-l WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 365.3025 .July 30, 1991 TO: DON LEBLANC FROM: MIKE DEWITT RE: CHURCH OF THE NEW COVENANT CC: KIP LOCKCUFF . 1) Meter sizing is agreed upon 2) The water main ~rom Chokecherry Drive to the master meter will b. pr...ure tested at 1~0 psi ~or two hours. I recommend the complete .y.tem be t..ted, but that i. the responsibility o~ the owner 3) The utility company's responsibility ends at the master meter . 91.157 . . SOILS LEGEND ~ AllAMSYlLLE- .PAlUI 'I..E ......0. S ASTATULA-...-U "..[ .A"DI.O TO ... '1UlP[. I TAYAIIE.-..LL_II 'INE ......OS.O TO...ILONS ~"''''''. ......~ .OILS DlVIOE i ~ i . . _ _ ~ ~ . CHOIlEeHEIIIIY DII. ~ :......"'1.---.1. '-' ~ --;.;;;;... - - - - - - 1'r1illAct~""" aoo ... ~ -.....- "~"'-""" -::> 'rfrn:.t=.r- ~.......,....-.. c::::...J I aID ~r Mna'-t . , . I ==-"u'" ""IIY...,.,..~.r......r i:-'~:::.~~ ,.~..... ' " II OAK fOfttST UNIT ONE -.c.,..,.". "'MwT_ ~ ' . p.a. 12'. fIGS. az a'3 ....... ,....... _ ",--, ZOIlEO NIl ....' ...--.... &5"~7' !IrE _. "llll.... ~~ OUT icw CITY NOT ~ATT[O . II ~ .. I I I , \ c....... ~-.oL..o e.... 1.,..,6'00 c-..r.III.'6~ O-IU:I" j C~T._~-I-.#r" 7_,C4._ ~~.., /..,...6'..... .... \ LAKE TUSK" WILLA PHASE II PB.3t. PAGE ,8.:2 ZONED .u.o. :. z - N _.S' 11'51' W # --- ~"--'-..-..m -__ :r.Il-..II.. ~ - - .-...L.. : ----. --~,. -- t:'ENE~ ~ , . TU$KAwtu..A TRAIL SUBDIV1SION P...... PaGE. ZOllED Pu.O ~ rNC ~ 41TI' ~ JII\II.fl~""". t:'N~.rr'- ~ ~D ,lAID ~TANV6 .I~'''''&I'II. I'. TAlC ~~ JIl<<"",4/ 'NC~~ "'M""i:IItOI'~ ~~ ""':Sl~. Slrr~~ ~~ IWrliIVr~ ....,""""".. ""'JIIINAL'T ~ ... V1'7~'TAIS ,.,. T~~€D~'''''''''D""AM1rr~y.$~'1' ~':;~';,~7'::::::'~ ~~_Z~ << TAIfC .'z" """.". ~~ATCP AH7/INN-"", IIII/J Mr ,~ Z'GNI" tfI1II<<~ 1D ~ AI:!IU~ 1iII~ ~ ~ff~~~~C 1~4f:t 7WI" AIfr AMlI"r"T~ ... ~ M"I#K "'AIr'AU- ~ $~tfIIr SI7 JI/IJ.A .,-ilJl,tilKnt1f1!:C~ n;,r#I;~Y~ AT nvl "",..,r..,-....,,,.. #r "'6e"I<H-.LtI.~.IM'""" A'IWP. I~...."". 4E. &tArtlY AIV,.""",.,.,J04I ~ ..., T~. ~ MtI4 IJtIItfDV ,..,.,., 6fII ~ JI"Wt)~~ IY ~ ~~~~i~~ I: ~1tN.<<: ITItMr '2 OIAl-'NIIC ."0 ~ t:Jt>rt"PwCr,/'JiItfTrJ' rNI ~S~ r 4:'L.~.., I/IUILDlIIC ''''l.L aE "~C1U11*CD TOr TNI. Pc.AN. ALL orNer ~ul'DII>IC AreA. "..~LIQ ... ,r",r4.Jr<< .rc 7"P rCItllAJN UMDlaTuraCD OU"MC """W' J COU8T1tVt7'/OM . IC7DITIIt>>I PGID IJiD'f""It>>I ~ .,. .st~ ."'CrCt M. ~ SOOOfNC ~ At50 8C ~ ..... ao...o ...., MMIICDuIn:l." AQJJflNNr = ~Qlow C'fMBIN.. ClMt:rr"""", F'l&rWIlIIt'O ~(Gr'AS5CD)"NOAL.I: 't1ntC/lt ~~<<D~ AI'C 7Z) ~ ~"" ~b ItIWC/1lCD. Norc ~~~eIUN.&MIIlIIC; Aft"'A la rc..,. acA'&D,c;.'JIIDCD iI&ND ~'eD ;/IICC'Otr..:u1VC n> ARr:""'CC.TV~ ~","T~. /!alII!"""'" ~~I""'P'JV/IIIIYI ~~.-zP.....-.r"."."""," ~.,., ...., "" ~""""'IIIW"~ ~ ., "'..".,.,1 J/IIII' ,AilAI....., ~.w-, .. ;iIM'~II, r"ll1 .....1IIt> ""'~ ....~. 0. _ "" ~ "'~AMf ""'"vPlrI>- ,.-. 14N:" ,.~ ~. ~r~ .- ~_ ~.., ,/IWtI::I_ ,.. I"'..... ,-.. LOCATIONIIA.. :.IOCWALN ~IJD ==...-= eX/aTINt: , . - . . ppot:JO:iU) z:zzz:zzz ruru'C SeCTION 12. TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST THE CITY OF IIINTER SPRINGS. SENINOLE COUNTY. FZ.DRIDA DESCRrl'rr_ (O.R... UtNI. ,.".71. & noJ ,... ... __r_ ." ... _"'" ~J#IItf"_ ,__ ., ""...,,,..,.,.,.11. ,...., - _...,_.,..,.,.,.".,., ,--,II."". ___,.,,.,...-,.,.. ..,,.-.,---~,....,~ ,..,. -...."..... ...,....~/_.,..,.... . .....-."....,- .......,...,...-.... -....-...".......... __,. .,4_. . ....._." D.. IwC.' ....... aM'.'.T. ... ",",' - .....,....... ..,. ~ ..... ............ ..... ~......,..., .,~.,. _ _ ........._,~ .,_.~." "'.M IWf ..,.......,....,4.~ ...... _ __,rh." _ _"'.14 _ ..M 1Wf..........,....... ....... ... _ _.,. ,.. ..,." .. _Nf~ ., --. . L/t&N77NII RAN A~~ ~SJlrlAl.~~ ~~IY'~NM~~ TZ:J #!J(JIIVSTA"r;Cr,J/QJJN. ~.. =~~~'4:t~ ,~.rNC: ~~ ,~. .,r6tD~ "".->.) "'~-"... -- .0-548..00 ~ I' -i ~=.Jl0 un.lI. HI III II ~"\l1I L".\ I'IIH Olll1.I"I" - SITE PLAN THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF THE NEW COVENANT . nOlllOA _ i.......I.. - n.IlUAIl't ".1 ... ,-.'d ~-/7' :n-' ~ rT - J. ...- . ~ . .."...,. ~~,:-==--::,::,".:.-=:.:::-_--- WINTE:lIII .'UIlIO .... ...