HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 03 25 Regular
wuu. A. Jacobe
404 s. Edg8\I:In Ave.
Winter Springs, Fl 32108
Mlu:cb 25, 1991
Mayor, Cit.y CcaIlIi..ic:lner8
Cit.y of Wint.eE' Springa
I read with great intere.t CooperII (, ltybrand'. Audit for J88r ending
Sept8aber 30, 1990. I IlU8t say that I was both satisfied and
disappointed. satisfied in tbeir CXIlpr8hen8iw and detailed published
report. Disappointed by their oral report for glossing over obvious
inequities pointed out in their management CXIIIDBIlts.
nus was by far, the worst Audit the City has had since I call r6lIl8lIlber
back to 1918.
Aside frall the management CXIIIII8Dts, YW:h I will addn.. lat.eE', I would
like to tum your attenticn to the Cadllned Balance Sheet, 'Which .mows the
fund balance of $843,000. My prediction of Fund Ba]nc::-, as IICIIB of JOU
may recall, was over $150,000, loIhich would have been enough to fund the
budget, and was my reason to votAI against last J88r8 tax i.ncreaH. SaI8
of JOU may also recall that the Cit.y Manager insillt.ed that the Fund
Balance would not uceed $350,000. Needle.. to say I was IIIDre than
right and just a little off, the City Manager was a1maet 1/2 Million
dollars off. Canllequently taxes were increased __ it was not necessary.
Ulfortunately, the City Manager appears to be a typical bureaucrat,
willing to stick it to our taxpayers no matter what.
Sane of JOU may also recall that during my investigation of Seminole
UUlltie., I insillt.ed that the purchase price was 12.3 Killian plus the
$150,000 note and a1maet 5 Killion for future connecticns for a total of
18 Mlllian. Needl.ss to .ay the acquisition of Seminol. Utiliti.s, as
reported in the Audit, was over 18 Hulion. I was right again and the
cbfuscaticn of the fund balance and the true purchase price of s.inole
Ul:.J.llti.. caused an unnecessary tax increase and quite p>>si.ble the over
pIIJIll8Ilt of a utility.
And spNlking of ,:-hv.l. Utilities, this Ccam1ssion should look very hard
at the "lhwdited riDancial statauent for February". You will ... that in
Hinter Springs Water Ii Sewer East the revenues ate dawn over 10\ and if
I'. DOt adstaking there is a band payaent due April 1st. I hope JOU ask
questicns about the ability of Winter Springs Water Ii Sewer East to ..t
all future band payments.
, In ngard8 to the J1A..~t Call1l8Db, do not; be led to be.u..v. that the..
nine .... are ilwignificant and not IIlIlterial to the efficient operation
. of tbi8 City. You ahou.ld go over each any eveEY ane in depth to JOUr own
8.tisfacticn. ~.. areas needing ~b are a nf1ectJ.on of the
type of EDBg8II8Dt plagued by tbi8 City for. loDg time. In addit.ian the
City Maaager, 1IIbo is the chief financial officer to the City, keeps over
$3.6 mllllcn in a cigar box eariung DO inten8t that could have saved our
taxpBJen over a quarter of a 1IIi11icn dollan a J88r. i!lat is just
another ~le of ~t. lblt we have ben 18 . perfect exa'IIJle
of the "Peter Principle". ~ 18 no question in lIlY mind that the
operaticm of tbi8 City is over the bead of the City Manager. ~ City
Manager baa been . spectator, no longer willing or able to run the Cities
day-t:o-day operation, when we need . player.... professional.
Major bluaden, misaanag&nBnt, lId8infomation can not; and should not be
over J.ocked by tbi8 Calmissian or swept under the rug. ~ is not the
... City, in 8ue or budget, ...it waa in 1918. I st:&'ongly &90<......00
you taU . good hard look at our ~t and staff to He if you are
..tisfied with theaa taking Winter Springs into the 21st Centuqr.
.. , .... .
I taa1d al80 liJce to take t:hia time to addnss the 8RJOinbBnt of Auditor
for Pi8callrear 1990-1991. Salle of !fOIl may recall that during my
invutigation of s.dnole utiliti.. I Mot 3 Certified letters to Coopen
lr l1Ybnnd and DlMIr receJ.v.cI a reepcnae. I ClCnII1der t:hia totally uncalled
for by a 81g Six Fha that ViUI h1recl and work8 for t:hia Clamd.as1on. Salle
of !fOIl may not Iumt IlppI:'Oved of my investigation, but all of !fOIl can not
deny that I had the right to do an investigation. Any f1m euployed by
th18 C'anll1as1on, or prior Calmiss1ons, should not .iDpede a City
CaIIlI1as1cner in the process of looking into any probl_ that are of a
publJ.c pu%p08e.
What happened with .. and Coopers " ~brand (and could happen to any of
you) u that they~, in my opinion, following the inat:ructicna of the
City Manager who ViUI trying to 1nhJ.bJ.t my investigation under the gu1aa of
Ocopen lr ~brand requesting addition payll8nt. 1'h18 U probably a cUnct
violation of the nlationshJ.p of the City Manager with the City Auditors.
HhJ.c:h u Mty the C'anll1asion, and not the City Manager, bins the City
Auditors. 1be City Calmission took a giant .tep fonrard in hiring a Big
Six Pha, because of their experti.., hcw8ver, Cooper8 lr ~brand should
not have p1ayed polltJ.ca over an 18s\18 as Jqlortant as the acqu1aition of
Ao.R~nol. Utilitie.. For the rea&on8 just stated I no....-d that the City
fire Ocopen lr ~brand and aollcJ.t another auditor.
~.a. (\
Page 2
The area of prime concern to me is the south shore of
Lake Jesup. While you as a city can control little of those
things which influence three of your boundaries, this one
frontier is within your control. It is likely that never
again will anyone have this opportunity to so extensively
mold land use patterns and long range planning for the
future. All other city leaders and planners that follow you
will expand on your present work. What will we leave to work
with 30-40 years in the future? What will future generations
think about the job we have done today?
I am also unclear and concerned with these conservation
designation boundaries. I do not fully understand what
criteria was used to determine these boundary locations.
These appear to be minim~! ~!~nQ~~Q~ adopted from other
jurisdictional bodies. Is this the criteria we should be
relying on to set aside the one natural resource area that
Winter Springs can control? Is this the place to lock in
future plans for sewer and water capacity, concentrated
housing, commercial development, road construction and
traffic? Winter Springs may n~~Q all these things, but must
they be here on the south shore of the lake?
A serious effort has been undertaken by Seminole County,
The St. Johns Water Management District, the Dept. of
Environmental Regulation and many others to restore Lake
Jesup to a working ecosystem and preserve its natural and
rural boundaries. Does this future land use map really
include Winter Springs' contribution to this effort? Is this
what we want to recommend as a groundwork for future land use
Under this comprehensive plan, the proposed
transportation loop north of SR 434 is intended to open up
land to commercial development. The abandonment of the
railroad tracks will remove even more obstacles. Water and
sewer services will be extended much closer to the lake's
edge. Agricultural usage will be restricted or eliminated.
New traffic from SR 434 and the Expressway will spur
commercial development. The interchange area north of SR 434
is proposed for high intensity use. Does this entire concept
show inspiration and vision or more of the same. e~~ ~~
~~~!!~ Q~Y@!Qeing !Q m~~! Q~m~nQ~ Q~ Q@m~nQing Q@Y@!Qem@n!
~nQ@~ !ni~ e!~n1 Is this really what we choose to leave for
our grandchildren? Only they will know if we have addressed
these questions well. It will be their world then.
~ {3(Vv'\/ )J
Ro ert J. King,
2211 Black Hammock Rd.
Oviedo, FL 32765
(407) 365-3128 home
(407) 623-3398 work
March 14, 1991
City Manager
Land Development coordinator~
Agenda Item, Request of Cast-Crete for
Temporary Office Trailer
The above referenced, for a proposed business, may be granted by
the Commission under Section 20-412 of the Code. The location
is at the terminus of Old Sanford/Oviedo Road (see attached).
The Staff held a pre-application meeting on this project on
January 22, 1991 (see attached minutes). At this meeting, the
Staff agreed to the temporary office for a period of one (1) year
with the stipulation that if the business is successful, a site plan
must be submitted nine months after Commission approval.
cc: Mayor
City At torney
City Clerk
P. 0, BOX 16000
TAMPA, Fl33667
(813) 64'1-4641
SIMMEE. Fl 32742
KISSIMMEE (407) 847-5285
ORLANDO (407) 841-4233
12019 CR 54
ODESSA, Fl 33556
PASCO (813) 842-2599
~lllSBOROUGH (813) 920-6653
SPRINGHill, Fl 33526
PASCO ( 813) 868-4073
HERNANDO (904) 683-1935
March 11, 1991
To: Winter SprinGS City Crnrunissioners
From: Dave Soroka - Cast-Crete
Re: Property on Old Sanford Road
To Whom it May Concern:
Please accept this letter as our request to set up a 12'x60'
construction office trailer on a temporary basis at 200 Old
Sanford - Oviedo Road, Winter Springs.
We would like to have it in place by April 1, 1991.
Enclosed is a site plan showing the location.
k;h, /You~VerY,r-Iu.~_~/___
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... v~, 4(/ "/' ·
Dave 'Soroka
6324 CR 579
P. 0, BOX 16000
TAMPA. Fl 33667
FAX LINE: (813) 64'1-0671
Please Reply To:
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January 23, 1991
City Manager
Land Development coordinato~'
Pre-Application Meeting, Cast-Crete
The above referenced was held on January 22, 1991. Mr. C. Soroka
represented the project. Staff members present were Artman,
Dallas, Govoruhk, Kozlov, LeBlanc and McKinney.
The applicant proposes to establish a storage yard for finished
concrete, construction items. The location is the Maller property
at the end of Old Sanford/Oviedo Koad.
Other than storing finished products on site. a temporary office
trailer and a storage trailer would be on site.
The Staff is in agreement that this is an authorized business and
the following conditions must be met:
1. Application for a temporary trailer must be approved by
the Commifisiun (Staff recommends a one ye<lr approval. with
the stipul~'tion that a formal site pl<ln he submitted at
the nine month point if the business is to be continued;
2. The storage trailer is to be treated as a construction
3. A 5000-gallon water tank. properly engineered. for fire
supression is required;
4. A lay-out of the site. depicting where each activity will
take place, must be provided;
5. The site will be fenced;
6. A septic tank permit is required;
7. An Arbor Permit is required; and
8. It is highly recommended that the water supply be tested.
cc: Staff