HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 01 14 Consent 206 Contractual Agreement with Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc. for TMDLCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 206
January 14, 2008
MGR ~~ /DEPT /~~~~
REQUEST: Public Works Department - Stormwater Division requesting authorization to
enter into a contractual agreement with Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. (CDM)
to provide professional engineering services for the development of a Total
Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Master Plan.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request authorization to enter into a
contractual agreement with Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. (CDM) to provide
professional engineering services for the development of a Total Maximum Daily
Load (TMDL) Master Plan at a cost of $57,600.
• The purpose of the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Master Plan is to identify, price,
and prioritize projects, activities, and policies that the City can implement in order to
meet its TMDL obligations for Lake Jesup.
• Lake Jesup has been verified by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection
(FDEP) as impaired for nutrients and unionized ammonia due to elevated annual average
Trophic State Index (TSI) values and exceedances of the unionized ammonia criterion.
FDEP formally adopted a TMDL report for Lake Jesup in April 2006. The TMDL report
identified the nutrient loading sources and required reductions to meet water quality
standards for total phosphorous (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) within the Lake Jesup Basin.
• The Lake Jesup Basin Stakeholders are currently preparing a Basin Management Action
Plan, or BMAP, to reduce the amount of nutrients that caused the verified impairment of
Lake Jesup. The BMAP is expected to allocate nutrient reduction responsibilities to the
cities, counties, and other entities within the Lake Jesup Basin. While the specific
allocation for the City of Winter Springs has yet to be determined, it is anticipated that
011408_COMM_Consent_206_TMDL Master Plan Consulting Services
January 14, 2008
Agenda Item #206
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significant nutrient loading reductions in Winter Springs from surface runoff and other
sources will be required.
• The City's TMDL Master Plan is intended to be concurrent with the BMAP. The TMDL
Master Plan will assist the City with evaluating the available pollutant loading reduction
strategies, including the implementation of local projects, participation in regional
projects, or the expansion of existing pollutant loading reduction activities.
• A Request for Qualifications (RFQ) was issued in October, 2007. The RFQ outlined the
services requested, submittal requirements, and evaluation criteria.
• A total of eleven (11) submittals were received by the November 2, 2007 deadline.
• Staff reviewed the submittals and selected a short list of four firms: CDM, BCI, PBS&J,
and E-Sciences.
• Interviews with the short-listed firms were conducted on November 16, 2007.
• Based on the interviews and the written submittals, staff ranked the top four consultants
as follows:
1. CDM
2. PBS&J
3. BCI
4. E-Sciences
• Staff selected CDM and then negotiated the scope of work and fee of $57,600 for the
TMDL Master Plan. A copy of the scope of services and fee breakdown is attached.
Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. (CDM) is a consulting, engineering, construction, and operations
firm with amulti-disciplinary staff of about 4,000 in more than 100 offices worldwide, including
10 Florida offices. The City's TMDL Master Plan will be prepared locally out of CDM's
Maitland office. Staff selected CDM as the most qualified firm based in part on the following:
• Extensive national and local TMDL experience
• Highly qualified local staff
• Familiarity with the Lake Jesup TMDL
• Consistent attendance at the Basin Management Action Plan working group meetings
• Understanding of the City's goals for the TMDL Master Plan
• Established relationships with FDEP, SJRWMD, and other basin stakeholders
011408_COMM_Consent_206_TMDLMsster Plan Consulting Services
January 14, 2008
Agenda Item #206
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The funding source for this $57,600 project is the Stormwater Engineering Fund,
#3810. The fee exceeds the $25,000 budgeted for this project in FY 07-08. The project
is expected to be completed in early FY 08-09. A supplemental appropriation from the
Stormwater Fund Balance is requested for $32,600. The projected FY 08 Fund Balance
is $587,187.
Staff recommends that authorization be granted to enter into a contractual
agreement with Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. (CDM) to provide professional engineering
services for the development of a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Master Plan at a
cost of $57,600, payable from the Stormwater Engineering Fund, #3810, including a
supplemental appropriation of $32,600 from the Stormwater Fund Balance.
1. Scope of Services for TMDL Master Plan
Ol 1408_COMM_Consent_206_TMDLMaster Plan Consulting Services
Camp Dresser & McKee Inc. (ENGINEER) has been selected by the City of Winter
Springs Public Works Department (CITY) to provide consulting services for the
development of a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Master Plan for the CITY. The
Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) adopted a TMDL for Lake
Jesup in 2006 which requires reduction of nutrient loading sources for total
phosphorous (TP) and total nitrogen (TN) by 34 and 50 percent, respectively, to meet
water quality standards within the Lake Jesup Basin.
The Lake Jesup Basin Stakeholders are currently preparing a Basin Management
Action Plan (BMAP) to identify activities to reduce the amount of nutrients contained
within nonpoint sources that ultimately reach the lake. Therefore, the CITY has
requested assistance with preparation the TMDL Master Plan which will evaluate the
available pollutant loading reduction strategies, including the implementation of local
projects, participation in regional projects, or the expansion of existing pollutant
loading reduction activities. The intent of the master plan is to use the best available
information from the BMAP and develop the most cost effective strategy for the City
to meet its TMDL obligations.
The ENGINEER's services will include data collection, review and identification of
conceptual load reduction activities, both structural and non-structural, that can be
implemented within the CITY limits as well as a prioritization of recommended
projects. The CITY'S jurisdictional area within the Lake Jesup Planning Unit is shown
in Figure 1. The ENGINEER shall supply the personnel, essential equipment, and
facilities to accomplish the tasks identified in this work order.
The CITY's Scope of Services is provided below:
Task 1 City Stormwater System Review -The ENGINEER will review data either
already obtained by the ENGINEER or made available by the CITY that will include:
1. CITY Stormwater master plan;
2. CITY stormwater system infrastructure maps and inventory;
3. Existing BMPs within the CITY;
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TMDL Master Plan
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4. Field review of major City stormwater system components;
5. Sanitary sewer and septic tank system information;
6. Reclaimed water system information;
7. CITY's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) annual
8. CITY Code and Comprehensive Plan policies related to stormwater quality;
9. Current CITY stormwater funding sources.
Task 2 TMDL Data Collection and Review -The ENGINEER will review data either
already obtained by the ENGINEER or made available by the CITY related to the
Lake Jesup TMDL. Data items to be collected and reviewed by the ENGINEER
1. Lake Jesup TMDL report as well as supporting information and water quality
data presented throughout the BMAP process;
2. Relevant water quality data and/or studies for the CITY's municipal separate
storm sewer system (MS4);
3. Projects completed in the CITY after the TMDL was adopted that the CITY
may receive credit for;
4. CITY reclaimed water quality data; and
5. Adopted or anticipated pollutant loading sources and reduction requirements
for the CITY.
The ENGINEER will provide a memorandum to the CITY summarizing the findings
of Tasks 1 and 2. It is intended that this memorandum will become a section of the
final report.
Task 3 Identification of Pollutant Load Reduction Strategies -Based on the data
reviewed in Tasks 1 and 2, the ENGINEER will recommend up to fifteen (15) general
types of activities and/or projects that may be implemented to help achieve pollutant
load reductions to Lake Jesup. These can be of either a structural and/or non-
structural nature and may include regional projects, retrofits, expansion or
modification of existing stormwater treatment facilities, implementation of new
technologies, or other projects as appropriate. The recommendations made under this
task will be conceptual in nature and will not include hydraulic/hydrologic and/or
water quality modeling performed as part of this scope of services. The ENGINEER
will submit the list of recommended projects and activities to the CITY for review
S'. W OOO1B W MNB\Winter SpringslSwpe_07Dec10.doc
prior to performing any pollutant load reduction calculations (Task 5) or further
analysis as described in the following paragraphs.
For each recommended project, the ENGINEER will provide a conceptual drawing
and project description using the geographic information systems (GIS) software
Arcview Version 9.2. The ENGINEER will also provide an Engineer's Opinion of the
Probable Construction Cost for each recommended project and will include the
estimated probable cost of construction, engineering, permitting and appropriate
The ENGINEER will work with the CITY to develop a prioritization scoring system
for the recommended projects in order to develop an implementable capital
improvement projects (CIP) list for nutrient load reductions to Lake Jesup. Using the
prioritization scoring system, the ENGINEER will rank the recommended projects
from highest to lowest.
The ENGINEER will provide a memorandum to the CITY summarizing the findings
of this task. It is intended that this memorandum will become a section of the final
Task 4 Pollutant Loading Model Update -The ENGINEER will estimate the associated
pollutant loading reduction capability for each project where published information
on removal efficiencies is available. To estimate load reductions, the ENGINEER will
update the existing pollutant load model (Watershed Management Model) originally
developed for the Lake Jesup Basin Engineering Study and Drainage Inventory
(CDM, 2001) to include the CITY's land area. The ENGINEER will run the pollutant
load model for the CTTY's jurisdictional area using land use and event mean
concentration data that are consistent with those data used by FDEP for the
development of the Lake Jesup TMDL. The ENGINEER will evaluate the loadings for
nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) within the CITY as well as the estimated
reductions associated with the projects recommended under Task 3 and tabulate the
The ENGINEER will provide a memorandum to the CITY summarizing the findings
of this task. It is intended that this memorandum will become a section of the final
Task 5 Report -The ENGINEER will summarize the findings of Tasks 1 through 4 in a
report. The ENGINEER will submit a draft copy of the report (in electronic format) to
the CITY for review and comment. Once the CITY's review comments are received by
the ENGINEER, the ENGINEER will prepare the final report. Two (2) hard copies
and one (1) electronic copy of the final report will be submitted to the CITY.
S:10000\8W MNBIW inter SpnngslSwpe_07Dec10.doc
Task 6 Meetings and Coordination
Subtask 6.1 Progress Meetings The ENGINEER will attend one (1) project kickoff
meeting and three (3) progress meetings with the CITY. The ENGINEER will prepare
minutes for each of these progress meetings. It is assumed that each meeting will last
2 hours and that two of the ENGINEER's staff will attend. The ENGINEER will also
coordinate with the CITY to discuss the status and/or problems during this work
authorization and contact the CITY weekly via telephone or a-mail regarding the
status of the project.
Subtask 6.2 City Commission and BMAP Meetings The ENGINEER will prepare a
PowerPoint® presentation of the findings of the TMDL Master Plan and present it to
the CITY Commission. The ENGINEER will submit a draft presentation to the CITY
for review prior to the Commission meeting. The ENGINEER will also present the
same presentation to the Lake Jesup, Crane Strand, Long Branch Technical Working
Group BMAP.
^ Memorandum summarizing Tasks 1 and 2 findings in electronic format.
^ Memorandum summarizing Task 3 findings in electronic format.
^ Memorandum summarizing Task 4 findings in electronic format.
^ Draft Letter Report in electronic format
^ Final Letter Report (2 hard copies and 1 electronic copy).
The completion of Tasks 1 through 6 will be completed within ten (10) months of
issuance of the notice to proceed by the CITY. Compensation for these services will
be a lump sum of $57,600.
5:100001BWMN8\Wlnter Springsl5cope_07Dect0.doc
Table 1
City of Winter Springs, Florida
TMDL Master Plan
Cost Buildup
December 2007
Task Officer
5180 PAnelpaU
$180 Seniw
5130 Prof.
$115 Prot
$100 Sr. Support
$f10 Staff Support
S75 Project
No. Descrl on hours ours Hrs Hrs Hrs Hrs Hrs Hrs Hrs $ S S
1 Gd SlonnwaterS stem Review u~ 2 J 1t ".~ U 4 b 4[ a 4,J4~ a tbu a -
2 TMDL Data Collection and Review 0 4 8 12 18 0 4 8 54 $ 5,720 $ 150 $ -
3 Identificatbn of Pollutant Load Reduction Strate ies 4 8 32 28 24 2 12 8 118 $ 13,460 $ 400 $
4 Pollutant Loadin Model U date 2 8 16 46 24 0 2 4 102 $ 11,840 $ 400 $
5 Re rt 4 6 12 24 4n 2 R 24 120 $ 12.500 $ 500 $
6 Meetin sand Coordination
Pro nss Meetin s
a -
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CiN Commission and BMAP Presentatbn
a ~ -
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Prom, i i ~i.,h ~~~ t:r. a u - $ 55.560 $ 2A5U $ -
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O~rtside Pmt Cost ~,- 550
- :A50
otal Cost $ 57,600