HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 01 14 Regular NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA NOTICE is hereby given by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, that said City Commission will hold a public hearing on Monday, January 14, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible to consider an amendment to the approved Master Plan of the Highlands Planned Unit Development to delete the proposed Shepard Road Extension on the following described property: A portion of the North Orlando Ranches, Sections 11 and 12, as recorded in Plat Book 13, Pages 22 through 25 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, or, that proposed 10-acre project now known as Highland Lakes which is to be located off the northeast terminus of MacGregor Road and immediately south of the City effluent disposal area, all located within the Highlands Planned Unit Development. The Public Hearing will be held at City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708. This Notice shall be posted in three (3) public places within the City of Winter Springs, Florida and published in the "Orlando Sentinel Seminole Extra", a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, one time at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the Public Hearing. Interested parties may appear at this hearing and be heard with respect to this proposed amendment. Persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at this meeting, they will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes. Dated this 23rd day of December, 1990. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS ?n~T~ Mary T. Norton, City Clerk PERSONS WISHING TO SPEAK AT THE JAN. 14, 1991 COMMISSION MEETING TO THE SHEPARD ROAD EXTENSION ISSUE: N !\N) [ -/-"r\)pr: C-5~, /SI/I/:J- U4ffllt€{Le~~'1 6SJ- P?t4f/'P7/c ~ ~ E.J/ MrLp/t JL.) & t:-T/cv~ ~.4-;X' / jNCL ~'~KNA-tJ IuS A~~"(2Ce~c\~ ./ j'J~I!6,... ~..:",~ (.~r h?~A. 1/ r \. "- u .... \:I" _ _ .., 'l. Co ~ IV 0 \J e-- tL (! \ ILc. ( ~ /;-/. A J>A-n1..s if(i-/tr; ",{.7 T1+E., r=.~E NS 1'0 ~ "I',+w ~ vi ~ . &u.illit .. 7" In I J flu !u;.?Q I]2J, t/l/tA(I/(~ W/~~W .s~e; .jA:J(')AJ~111 <!7: vi ~TNIC(< O'A/~/LL g'17 <;rtl(l..lltIG 1:>~'4/€'" I k'1~ 1'1aJ-+;Vl Cot 7 R.YC/^ Ct. /:. ':;)e.rv"\\W ~::iL tlf'ece.. ~l { Anhll\~~ kti. ~ ~1,:tjft::;/:::/ce I:; ::J::t~d-& v oj /ft I~ ~"J ~yf(4Io1Lf /Jr '?z1. ~ ~ $ J11~ I)/lf 1-r:>s> ~ * F11 ~;k~ Av<; 6cf's-:~~~ . 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'~~~,.c4~' m~l-1g--?fA ~~ ~/sr ~ j)o~:J ~fJ~ 7-11 C;"';'&'Wd';' /~ /;6, /7, /~ i,. /f, ~d. '".~.! ~~ / ~'- ::<L( 02~ - ~- u~~,... "" "~' . JAN 1 I~ 1'~1 J 1 CITY OF Vi N, [i\ Si);~~qG<: CITY HALL My name 1S Jim Conger, 726 Andover Circle. I am a member of the Daard of Directors of the Highlands Homeowners' Association and have been for almost 12 years. I served as its President for 6 years in that critical period following the turnover from the Developer. I speak tonight as a concerned citizen, and I want to be sure th~t certain important facts are presented to this Commission to ~id them in making a decision in this controversial matter. I want to stick to the facts rather than answer or refute many of the rumors and fallacious statements I have heard in the past fe,., months. Fact #1. The attached map shows the entire Highlands PUD. The green line on the map is Shepard Road extension that passes through 3 separate areas that will be affected by tonight's decision. These are the city's perk ponds (28 acres), Florida Land Company property (10 acres) shown in yellow, and Warren Williams property (18+ acres) shown in orange. Since there could be as many as 250-300 homes built in this entire area, it would significantly increase the number of dues paying Highlands members thus keeping assessments lower. If Shepard Road does not go completely through these 3 areas, it will leave the 18+ acres with no direct access to the Highlands. This me~ns if 200-220 homes are built in the 18+ acre area, they would be denied direct access to the Highlands amenities, and the individual homeowners would be required to go outside the Highlands and reenter at another place. This denial of direct access would be a reason for the owner/developer to request removal of the entire acreage from the PUD. The Highlands documents provide for the inclusion of additional property in the PUD, but does not allow deletions. If the precedent is ever established for withdrawal from the PUD, other owners or sections can find reasons to be removed, for example the property on route 434 at Sheoah Blvd.Such property, being out of the PUD, could be rezoned commercial. This is not desirable, and it could lead to a degradation of both the Homeowners' Association and the Highlands as we know them today as well as have some affect on property values. As a fact, inquiries have already been made about withdrawal, and it has been indicated there is sufficient justification for deletion of the property from the PUD. This should never be permitted to happen. The loss of revenue will also increase the costs to its present members. -'l~ --..-.... - F~ct #2. A look at the Qrea map clearly shows that if 12"1 C:~(,,.E""'c::. ~ Shepllrd I~o~d con tin ues on to Edgemon Avenue, the Aresponse time to parts of the Highl~nds will be significantly faster. If the road projections for incre~sed traffic on all our roads are true, all mlljor ro~ds will be more congested and perhaps take pOlice and fire units more time to reach the area using present roads thus increasing present response time. There should be no pluses and minuses in this matter. When you need help, you need it fast and if the new road is a shorter route, it will take less time. Fact #3. If Shep~rd Road does not go through and the Florida Land Company builds 39 units on its property as planned, the only access to that property will be MacGregor Road. This will place another 80-100 daily car trips on this road creating congestion on a narrower road and through an established neighborhood.Also, the City traffic engineer has already stated that MacGregor Road is not adequate to handle this traffic and another outlet is needed. Fact #~. There already exists a cut through the Highlands from Edgemon Road to route 17-92. There are no known statistics to show how many cars cut through and use it as a short cut. I 11m sure Lhere arc some, but I have never seen very many.An exam- ination of a map shows that people who live in the streets to the East of the IIighlands may use the roads now to cut through to 17-92, but the addition of extending Shepard Road to Edgemon does not invite more people to cut through simply because those that want to cut through are already doing it. Fact #5. If the traffic projections are correct, residents will soon need another road to get in and out of the Highlands, whether for work, play, or shopping. Already it is difficult to get in or out at certain times of the day. Lastly, and this is a truism, people for their own reasons will allvays talk about increased traffic, endangerment to persons on the street, more breakins and vandalism, and speeding. These concerns are genuine, but these happenings occur wherever you live. We have speeders on Sheoah Blvd, Shepard Road as it now exists, and some of the side streets. Some of these speeders and vandals -~- . . .., , ----.-.----- are Highlands residents. While such happenings are regretable, the inclusion or deletion of one street will not change the fact that these occurrences have happened and will continue. The Commission will surmise from these comments that I am in favor of leaving the PUD alone. Most or all of you are aware that I moved six months ago out of the Highlands and no longer own property there. In my capacity on the Board of Directors, I have always done what I considered best for the Highlands. I am presenting these facts to insure the Commissioners have the necessary information from which to make a decision in the best interests of the Highlands and the City. Thank you for the opportunity to present these facts. Over 100 meeting Road. 1000 Road. residents were present at the Highland Homeowners on August 15, 1990 to protest the extension of Shepard The Highland Homeowners Association, representing over homeowners, is against the proposed extension of Shepard On September 5, 1990 there were 126 residents present at the planning and zoning workshop. All were unanimously opposed to the extension of Shepard Road. Some of our concerns are: SAFETY There are no sidewalks along most of Shepard Road. Our Clubhouse and swimming pool are along Shepard Road. Children, pedestrians and bicyclists are constantly on the road going to and from the Clubhouse and their homes. Increased traffic not familiar with our area would jeopardize their safety. SHORTCUT Completion of Shepard Road would create 419 thru Edgemon, which would increase possibly vandalism and breakins. / a shortcut from 17-92 to traffic and speeders and CHARACTER OF NEIGHBORHOOD Extension of Shepard Road neighborhood and adversely secluded areas, such as property values. would change the character affect our property values. the Highlands,' now command of our Quiet, higher EMERGENCY RESPONSE TIME There were two recent emergency calls to 911 from the Highlands fo~ paramedics in life and death matters. In both instances the response time was under two minutes. (per Bill Corrente) It was pointed out that it would be difficult to improve that response time with increased traffic on Shepard Road. Even if the response time could be slightly improved, it is our contention that the disadvantages far outweigh any advantage. We therefore respectfully request that application for a PUD Plan amendment, Shepard Road, be approved. Florida Land Company's deleting extension of Residents of the Highlands. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA NOTICE is hereby given by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, that said City Commission will hold a public hearing on Monday, January 14, 1991 at 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible to consider an amendment to the approved Master Plan of the Highlands Planned Unit Development to delete the proposed Shepard Road Extension on the following described property: A portion of the North Orlando Ranches, Sections 11 and 12, as recorded in Plat Book 13, Pages 22 through 25 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, or, that proposed 10-acre project now known as Highland Lakes which is to be located off the northeast terminus of MacGregor Road and immediately south of the City effluent disposal area, all located within the Highlands Planned Unit Development. The Public Hearing will be held at City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708. - This Notice shall be posted in three (3) public places within the City of Winter Springs, Florida and published in the "Orlando Sentinel Seminole Extra", a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Winter Springs, Florida, one time at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the Public Hearing. Interested parties may appear at this hearing and be heard with respect to this proposed amendment. Persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at this meeting, they will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, they may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes. Dated this 23rd day of December, 1990. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS f~~ 'f dd~ ~ ?n~T~ Mary T. Norton, City Clerk ,- __~_____.~_""V"'_"~'___''''_~__ ~//' , / ~anning & Zoning Board Minutes ,November 17, 1982 Page 2 Mr. Harling explained that the intent is for the roads to be public in this development. The City Planner elaborated on this by stating that the entrance road will be off North Third Street, and will eventually come up and connect with Shepard Road (another collector road), which will connect to North Edgemon; a temporary turn-around will be provided on the new collector road, which will be extended north as the other tracts are developed. Discussion. Suggestion was made by Mr. Harling on providing an additional parking space every four units, spread throughout the project, which would be mulched. The Planner asked who would own this property. Mr. Harling stated in some areas it would be the City. The City Planner then stated that the City cannot maintain public parking areas. Discussion. Kaplan inquired if the Highland Homeowners Association had heen contacted concerning this project. Mr. Harling stated they have received a letter from the Architectural Review Board, from Florida Land. Discussion. Mr. Harling stated that between now and December 1st, they will make some revisions and work with the City staff in trying to alleviate some of the concerns for additional parking spaces. Chairman Hatfield moved that the request of Warren Williams be tabled at this time. Kaehler seconded the motion. Vote; all aye, motion carried. WORKSHOP ohn Hatfield called the workshop to order on Industrial and Intense Commercial zone Site Development Standards. Mr. Hatfield stated that since the City Engineer could not be present that this topic be postponed. Instead the Board reviewed the existing C-2 categories and divided the uses into 3 sub-categories. Re.s.pe_ct fully s;ubm. ~ tted..?I. JZ (// 'L / A I ~;;. ~/!ktt~.t- r i ,- ,//.'P rJ'~ Sherr A. Zie ka Reco ing Se etary / ~ '-"._. - .._=.------._--~_..- City of Winter Springs Commission-Special Meeting August 7,l984 My name is Edward Magennis. I make this statement on behalf of Highlands Homeowners Association, of which I am a member of its board of Directors. I would remind this board that the additional acreage to be used as percolating ponds is a part of the Highlands and thus of the PUD plan, approved by the City in August 1971. Thus, the City, would require approval of any improvements thereon by the Highlands Homeowners Association Archi- tectural Review Board. Incidentally, it is possible that the City, as owner of such acreage, might have a vote as a member of the Highlands Homeowners Association under Article III of the Highlands Declaration of Covenants. The Homeowners' Association has several direct interests in the percol- ating ponds acreage. These are: 1.- We are greatly concerned that the ponds may have adverse effects on nearby homes in the Highlands by reason of malodor. If the ponds will indeed give off offensive smells the resultant effect on the quiet enjoyment of those homes and their market value is obvious. 2.- The method and route to be used for transferring the effluent from the sewage plant to the new percolating ponds. 3.- Assurance is needed that the proposed extension of Shepard Road to Edgemon is carried out. If that the extension were to be abandoned, homeowners in the Highlands areas southward of the present cut-off point would be seriously inconvenienced traffic-wise. Instead of having an easy route to the present clubhouse and swimming pool via Shepard, they would have to use N. 3rd Street and Sheoah Blvd. Owners to the northward also would obviously be affected. 4.- The Association is interested in. acquiring a sit~ for an additional swimming pool and club-house. The rapid growth of the Highlands makes it \ (page one of two pages) City of Winter Springs Commission-Special Meeting August 7, 1984 Continued. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . apparent that such additional facilities will be needed in the not distant future. The President of the Association, Jim Conger, has made tentative advances to Florida Land Company for a donation of about four acres in the general area now being transferred to the City. I understand that this request is being taken under advisement by Florida Land Company. If the four acres should be axquired it would, of course, be common property of the Highlands Homeowners Association members. We are hopeful that Florida Land Company will generously donate the land. In this connection, I don't think it would be amiss to refer to the City of Winter Springs Ordinance 56 of 1971, providing for PUD Zoning. That Ordinance requires that 20% of the gross acreage in a PUD be common open space. "Common Open Space" is defined as an area within the PUD intended for use of PUD residents in common. In another section it provides that "The Association" (meaning in this case Highlands Homeowners Association) "shall manage all common open space and recreat- ional and cultural facilities". . The Highlands comprises some 548 acres, if the golf course (126 Approx acres) is included. However, in the Highlands Homeowners Association Declara- tion of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, dated February 2, 1973, the golf course property is specifically excluded from "The Highlands". Thus, excluding the golf course, the amount of common open space required 8<1. ~o ~;2.2 by the Ordinance would be ~acres()8< x 20%). Florida Land Company seems to consider that the golf course should be included as common open space which would meet the requirement. However, this is evidently not what was comtemplated in Ordinance 56. By no stretch of semantics can the Highlands Homeowners Association claim to manage the golf course property. (page two of two pages) Regular Meeting,-City Commission, Aug. 14, 1984 Page 2 83-84-22 e-f."- oe 'I: ( Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman to table until the next available meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Linville. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, no; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, no; motion carried. There will be a public hearing on Sept. 11 for reconsideration of this issue. Acquisition of North Orlando Water & Sewer Corporation: Attorney Lang said the Commission was provided an agreement at the Public Hearing \ that was held on this issue. A revised agreement was provided the Commission for this evening. During the interim Attorney Lang wrote a letter to Florida Land's negotiator indicating the Commission felt that Site 16 ought to be included in the purchase because that was their understanding. They told Attorney Lang that was not to be included in the purchase. They are willing to give us a lease purchase agreement and the terms of that lease purchase agreement would be that we buy the site within the first year for $7,500.00 an acre. The alternative is we rent it for $2,800.00 a month. At the end of the first year what we will do is get the site appraised and buy it for the appraised value and we lease it for 14% of the appraised value. They claim there are 37.3 acres on that site which means it comes out to approximately $278,000 to buy it. Attorney Lang has talked to Cal Conklin and there is a question as to whether we need all that acreage. Attorney Lang recommended we go back and say that the lease purchase agreement would be acceptable with the understanding that it would be $7,500.00 per acre, not $278,000.00 total for that portion or all of the acreage that we intend to buy, that is assuming the Commission ap?roves the entire agreement. There is a provision that will have to be worked out as to how we agree on appraisal after the first year. The proposal as it is now, is the City has the right to select an appraiser. If they reject our appraisal, they have the right to select an appraiser. If we don't like their appraisal, we can then reject their appraisal and the two appraisers get together and decide on a third appraiser and we would be bound by the third ,appraisal. On the purchase price on the office building, they have indicated that they will sell it to the City for cash at closing for $100,000.00 subject to the City getting an appraisal such that it is a condition precedent to us buying that we can get an appraisal showing that the approximate market value is $100,000.00. Attorney Lang said they have clarified the infiltration exfiltration prov1s1on wherein it indicated the City would be forced to keep the plant at maximum capacity eliminating any infiltration exfiltration such that there is no responsibility to take the plant and the system beyond its current level of operation. There was some ambiguity that was raised by the Engineer and that has been clarified. The Dayron site has been clarified as being approximately 28.3 acres that we would be buying of which approximately 20 acres would be used for effluent disposal pursuant to the plans. The plans have been provided to Attorney Lang and they will be turned over to Cal Conklin. There is some question as to whether or not that road can be ,- ~\?< ~t~ ~~~ -, Meeting, City Commission, August 14, 1984 Page 3 83-84-22 extended through there on our property, and it is going to take some time to determine that. The contract has been modified to read that we have no obligation to purchase if it can not be used for effluent disposal and if our appraisal does not show that it is worth approximately $700,000.00. We have to get that done and accomplished before closing because we have got to reject the entire contract. On the water line on Bahama Road, they have indicated to Attorney Lang that the water line is in in the easement and that the right of way is there. If there are any other problems with that water line, we need to get to them quickly. They claim there is not a problem on the Bahama Road water line. The receivable that was shown will be gone before closing. We are not buying that receivable nor will we get it. The 2,200,000 dollars will include the computer and the software. The FRC property: what they are proposing is even if the FRC developer agreement does not become a reality in that the property is properly rezoned to take effluent, they still want a developer agreement with us so that they get in line for 75,000 gallons. There would be no priority associated with that but they would have a commitment from us for 75,000 gallons which they would pay for and would get in line with all the other developers. In reference to the Iron Bridge - Mr. Zaudtke and Gerald Chancellor have modified the language that gives us flexibility so that all we do is commit to trying to find 500,000 gallons additional capacity from whatever source meets accepted engineering standards. / / As to the lease on the golf course, Attorney Lang said he has indicated we would like an assurance from Dr. Day or an extension of that lease prior to closing. He said it would be the recommendations of the engineers, and he concurs, that it be a lease the City has with Dr. Day prior to closing to extend the use of the golf course and the terms under which we could use it. Attorney Lang said there is an updated list of developer agreements including the FRC commitment. He said they deleted the money damages provision out of the contract. They provided us with FRC's developer agreement which is a standard form developer's agreement with the exceptions that were presented last week with regard to the fact that they do not have to pay a commitment fee since they are donating property and it was a trade out. They have modified the title insurance whereas they had a $lOO,OOO.OO cap on it before and it will now be title insurance in the amount of property that they are conveying to us whatever we elect to buy. Attorney Lang's recommendation was the City indicate they will pay $7500.00 per acre for all or that portion of Site 16 that they consider necessary for effluent disposal and to make it for 2 year option, and the City have a lease extension with Dr. Day for the use of the golf course under terms and conditions that are acceptable to us so that we know we will be able to continue using that for effluent disposal as long as the City has the Utility. Regular Meeting, City Commission, August 14, 1984 Page 4 83-84-22 Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs to authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement'if those two provisions are modified to conform with those recommendations. Seconded by Commissioner Grove. Discussion. Motion was amended by Commissioner Hartman to amend the motion to change the purchase agreement to a lease option wherein we have the right to buy for twelve months at $100,000.00 and we rent for $1,000 per month during the interim. Seconded by Commissioner Jacobs. Discussion. Vote on the amendment to the motion: Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; motion carried. Jean Hody from the Highlands spoke in discussion. Mr. Magennis from the Highlands also spoke in discussion. Attorney Lang said assuming there are no title defects we will close within 45 days. Vote on the main motion as amended: Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; motion carried. ~ Public Hearing on Ord. No. 299, an Ordinance of the City to extend its territorial and municipal limits to annex the hereinafter described lands situate and being in Seminole County, Fl., etc. Second Reading: Motion was made by Commissioner Adkins, seconded by Commissioner Linville to read by title only. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; motion carried. Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 299 by title only on second reading. Mayor Torcaso recessed the Commission Meeting and opened the Public Hearing for Ord. No. 299. No one spoke for or against the ordinance. The City Planner, Don McKenna, said the property borders Lake Jessup and S.R. 434 and goes on the south side of S.R. 434. The property is also known as the Leffler property. Mayor Torcaso closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the Commission Meeting. Motion was made by Commissioner Hartman, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to adopt Ord. No. 299. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye;motion carried. Planning & Zoning Board Recommendations of Aug. 8, 1984: Highland Village Unit I: The City Planner said the replat is located on North Third St. and Sheoah Boulevard. It is zoned Planned Unit Development, multi-family. The Applicant, Newlando, Inc. wishes conceptual approval of the Highland Village Unit I replat to build cluster homes at a density of 7 units per acre, 4 - 6 units per building. He also wishes to waive Sec. 14-64 of the City Code which prohibits drainage ditches within a sub- division, and this refers to the swa1e along the west property line which also borders the golf course and has a design slope of 2-1; also the retention area A which borders Third Street which could also be classified as a ditch because of its side slope of 3-l. The slope of the retention area was originally designed at 4-1 as proposed in the final engineering of the original Highland Village Plat, but in order to save the ~ landscaping and trees along Third Street, it was suggested by the developer to change it to 3-l. The private road shown as Tract H on the plat is proposed and maintained by the Homeowners Association. The proposed setbacks for the cluster homes as you can see // .. ~Regul~r Meeting, City Commission, Nov. 13, 1984 Page 4 84-85-3 ,~ Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs to accept the bid of Briar Construction '~ in the amount of $44,609.75 for Wade Street. Seconded by Commissioner Adkins. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs,aye; Commissioner Grove,aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; motion carried. Fee Schedule: The Staff is in the process of reviewing the fee sthedules, Resolutions Nos. 335 and 456, and will corne back with a recommendation. The fee for the garage sales has not yet been determined. A fee of $5.00 or $10.00 was suggested. Florida Power Distribution Easement: There are two poles on Moss Road that have to be moved because of the construction. Florida Power Corp. is requesting an easement. Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs to place Resolution No. 464 and Ordinance No. 304 on the agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Hartman. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Linville, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; motion carried. Attorney Kruppenbacher read Res. No. 464, granting a distribution easement to Florida Power Corp., etc., by title only. Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner Grove to adopt Resolution No. 464. Discussion. Vote on the motion:Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Grove, aye; Commissioner Hartman, aye; Commissioner Adkins, aye; Commissioner Linville, aye; motion carried. .~ Commission was in agreement to have Attorney Kruppenbacher read the first reading of Ord. No. 304 by title only. Winter Springs Water and Sewer: Manager Rozansky reported that work is now started on the Dayron Site. Mr. Jim Conger, president of the Homeowners Association, spoke about the construction of the extension of Shepard Road through the 28 acres that the City owns, and who is going to construct it. Manager Rozansky said this will have to be addressed. Manager Rozansky also said the City will have to relocate one or two water mains on Moss Road. ~ Reports: Manager Rozansky spoke about the letter from Seminole County about the light in front of the Keeth Elementary School; spoke about prisoners working for the City. The Commission approved an eighth holiday for City employees, Monday December 24, 1984. There was discussion of stopping the mosquito spraying because someone had complained that it was a risk to someone's health. Attorney Kruppenbacher said theCity could notify this person when we would be spraying and also advertise a schedule. City Attorney Kruppenbacher said the bridge on Costa Rica in Hacienda Village was inspected because the City signed an agreement with the County to inspect bridges in July of this year. (fj-- ri " 4~E~'~<~ ft....tlTI.'~ ~~'" wCJ ' ~ . , ? .~.,,, ; '" . .. . -+- ," ~~, .~ ~'- -'~ ~~"''''' cO.>'" y-- ::X:S-~5~"'" I r ~ I gf CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 400 NORTH EDGEMON AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1800 January 16, 1985 MEMO TO: Commission/Mayor RE: Dayron Effluent Disposal Facility On January 1St 1985 I met with Tom Lang and Gerald Chancellor. The subject of the meeting was the Dayron Project. It appears that when the soils engineering firm did the soil borings/samplings they missed some pockets of clay. It is now necessary that the clay be removed so that the ponds will work properly. The cost of this additional work is $18,325.15 and was presented to me by way of change order number one (attached). I initiated the order because we really have no choice. That is, we could refuse to pay and stop the job while we haggle over responsibility/ liability. In the end we must remove the clay anyway, a delay would just add to the costs. Consequently, we may as well sign the change order and then discuss liability, etc. We have scheduled a meeting for January 18, 1985 to do just that. I will report the results of the meeting to you. / Q~ R~chard Rozan City Manager RR/pkl Enclosure - . , (-::: (':::::: R .:'1 l' ~ ' : :-1 \l':~ r Y 1 9:3 5 '~--'----- - ------ -- -------. C)\""~~~r:'~ PI;-,'.:~(t N,). 272 :: ~,,' c;: ~~ ~ E:::':; ?~ ':'. ~ C ~ , . .'0, 83-375 /. /' .... ' ; r:jcct Effl,u,e.nt Disposal F2cilities, \\'inter Springs, FL .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . - - _U_ __n__ ..- - - __n ______ n. _.__________ __ ____ "------- ----- -- ...,----~.~-- - ---- ------ - -- ------- -- --,- CC:~J?ACIOR ,~.:c~~.I?~!i.]~~:s, <?Z ~!c:r.i~~,. ~~c:. . . . ~ .. . . ... .......... ~ . .. . . .. . . . Cc;-;::::: For. , ;'i,q\VS,L;<? . . . . . , . . . . . . . ' . . ' , C:::::2_: D3:: 01 :\overLc..:::r 1984 . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . - .. . . . . .. . . .. .. ~~_:. -==---~---=:::=..-:====--:-.-=====:-- .~~-:--..:....:::.=.:.~--====---=-:..~~~-=::-----=.......::::--==:::.=-.=:------==- ::-- ---:-:.-=::-- ~--==-"':"::';:-.~-::::::":::-==-~~:...~ ~--:::::::=:::::~-==-: j 0: . . ,~t1.G p:J,i l.c:.e.r? ,qf. f 1, 0.'!~~,.1;-. s:: . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . ". . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . .. 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Dote _ . . . . . . . . . .19. . -=.:...:----:: :=':::::=::::'--==-=-'.-- --- ~-----------------~ ------- 1 r,~ .~.b0'''e C~2:l~~~ .-\[~ .!..::::e;::~d: CHC BUILDERS OF FLORIDA, INC. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. C:,:--;,"....,:70R, By.,~ A --I I~, Glenn Gro'n:'2r0a: President' , . , . D2:e _ . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .19..... ~ ./ - c::'i2:...:;l: ..9J~DEH 1;0. 01 BREI. Y:DO\'iN This request is :or acji'~i(;:1al c;.r0':,rcut and replacement of materials in Ponds that are ~~suit~ble. POlIO NO. 1 F.rca along the south ':;,1"\d \.:cst end 50' Kide 190' a1oT1g south end 200' aloT1g ~est side 5' dGep. 173 x 50 x 5 - 27 l602 140 x 50 x 5 - 27 1296 123 x l~O x 2 - 27 1276 ,,~ x "" x 2 27 267 Q'..J C-..J --.---- cO~21 ?G:-~d ~~ 0 . 1 44~1 cy ,- po~m liO. 2 Krea lo:2~~8 ,~ ~e~ter area 0: PO:1C 30 x 60 x 2 27 133 oy POND NO. 5 l-.!:ea . .- ..i..osc.~e::.. alene; :1c::-~.:h :-_:€ :r~. :ro~ T1orth~est corner cast~ard 138 x 43 x 2 - 27 = ~4G Cj RECAP POR CHA::;GE ORDER EXCc9,-a. tion S014 cy @ 2.00 10,028.00 1503 cy @ 2.25 3,381.75 3511 cy @ 1.40 4,915.40 18,325.15 ~o~=c~.; ~~~a~~:~ent ?eplace ~~,~a~~~ent Regular Meeting, City Commission, April 13, 1987 Page 4 87-88-12 Manager Rozansky reported there was a meeting with the County representatives on the impact fees, and the interlocal agreements will be presented to the County Commissioners tomorrow evening for tentative approval, and will be presented on April 28th for final approval. To be included in our inter-local agreement is the first phase of Tuscawilla and Red Bug Roads, Lake will be in the second five-year plan. All of the engineering for Tuscawilla Road will be done at once; they agreed to move the portion of Tuscawilla between Lake and SR 419 up to the second phase; two things, as funds become available and the other one is the expressway would mandate. They also agreed to work on the intersection of SR 419 and Tuscawilla Road. Commissioner Hoffmann spoke about the imbalance of fees. City Manager is to send a memo to the County with our concerns. Manager Rozansky said he has received a request from IWS to have their early pickup during the summer months from May 1 to Sept. 1 to start at 6 a.m. Attorney Kruppenbacher presented a proposed ordinance on lot splits for the Commission to review; he is still working on the Charter Revision; the homeowners still have not brought back the easements. Attorney Kruppenbacher reported on the proposed settlement with Florida Public Utilities which was to move the lines at the time the road is going to be paved and the gas company pay the City $10,000 also a $1,000,000 insurance policy and the City would be the insured. The Commission asked that at Florida Public Utilities expense the pipe line be marked to show the depth, length, etc. in concrete, and at our choice of consulting engineer to tell us the information and to increase the insurance. City Attorney to get back with Florida Public Utilities with that information. Commission Seat I - Cindy Kaehler: Commissioner Kaehler said she is getting complaints about mosquitoes and someone has told her about a new chemical that is being used and asked this to be checked out. Manager Rozansky said that Gil Artman was in an accident. Commissioner Kaehler asked about the legality of giving the property around the pond to the property owners in the area of S. Edgemon and Fruitwood and Panama. This was brought up before but all property owners did not agree to it. The problem now is that the pond has shifted and they are unable to get the heavy equipment back there to mow and maintain the property. Everyone has put up fences and there is no access to get back in there. Also Commissioner Kaehler asked about the new type of speed bumps, and asked for a three way stop sign to be installed in the area of Panama and Murphy Roads to slow down the speeders. Commission Seat II - Arthur Hoffmann: Commissioner Hoffmann asked if the Personnel Policy will be scheduled for review at some future time. ,.- oJ - Commission Seat III - Philip A. Kulbes: No report. January 7, 1991 TO: City Manager coordinato~ FROM: Land Development RE: Agenda Items ,.,- On December 28, 1990 the City Manager's office received a package from Florida Land Company addressing Highland Lakes and Shepard Road. Upon review of this package it was found to be incomplete. Attached for your review is the correspondence which, in my opinion, makes this a complete package. /fg attach. cc : Mayor Commission City Clerk City Attorney - May 4. 1989 FROM: Land Development coordinato~ TO: City Manager RE: Dayron Project. Pre-Application Meeting The above referenced was held on May 2, 1989. P. Fiske and D. McBriarty represented the project. Staff members present were Archer. Artman. Govoruhk, Holzman. Hursh. Koch. Kozlov and LeBlanc. This is to be a proposed 51-unit project similar to Highland Village II. There was discussion as to what had to be included on the plan. A good vicinity map which depicts the neighborhoods has to be included. The roads will be public. There must be a Homeowner's Association to take care of pond maintenance. Homeowner documents and the proposed plat must be submitted during preliminary engineering. .,....-... Signage. Arbor Ordinance. standard hydrants. lighting plans and hydrant spacing were discussed. All lots must have a minimum of 25' frontage. There must be a visual buffer between this project and commercial properties. It seems that this property was once a dump site and also a low area. The retention/detention ponds must be dry bottom ponds. The plan needs to show which areas require fill. The City Engineer needs a soils report. Lots 44 through 51 cannot ingress/egress onto Shepard Road as this is scheduled to be a collector road. The engineers discussed various engineering concerns. DRL/gh cc: Staff c~'. C~~ '('(\~~eQ. Ju 1 Y 1 3, 1989 'I1mIgWan~ ~~ Homeowners' W1.: WC\tUW')~, I' Association. U~~ ~.-. 1989 675 Shepard Road' j \j.L 1 7 Winter Springs. Florida 32708 (407) 327-0640 -, Florida Land Company Mr. Gerald Chancellor 255 s. Orange Ave. Orlando, FL 32801 'C1D'. OE WINTER SPR1~G$ s:and Development Coordtnator, Dear Mr. Chancellor, As .we recently discussed, the Highlands Homeowners' Associa- tion cannot approve the preliminary site plan as submitted. The original PUD plan of the Highlands indicates that MacGregor Road joins Shepard Road and Shepard Road continues south towards Edgemon Avenue. It is our understanding that the city will not allow curb cuts on Shepard Road as it is considered a collector road. It is further our understanding that the City of Winter Springs will build their portion of Shepard Road north of your property adjacent to the ponds. - After approval of a conforming site plan, the Association will require the following for further approval. A. The 10 acre parcel must maintain its common areas such as the retention pond. Thus it must be a separate association with documents approved by the Highlands Homeowners' Association. B. Elevations of the retention pond indicating any proposed fencing and landscaping. C. Site plan indicating street and lot measurements. D. Tree survey of all trees to remain on each lot over six inches caliper. E. Explanation of what is to be done with the existing gas line through the property. Please feel free to contact our office if you should have any questions. Sincerely, ~ ~ '/1( . A-;7'zP<.u:, Kathleen M. Degrenia Executive Director KMD/daw .- cc: City of Winter Springs, Planning Dept. ~, ,;v FLORIDA LAND COMPANY ~ ~. J~~~rrw&:@ NO'! 0 7 19B9 November 6, 1989. CITY. OF. WINTER SPRINGS t:and Development Coordinatot Mr. Richard Rozansky, City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 S.R. 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: Highland Lakes - 10 Acres The Highlan~s Dear Mr. Rozansky: It was a pleasure meeting with yourself, Mr. Kozlov and Mr. LeBlanc concerning the above referenced property and our plans for same. As we discussed, since the City has decided not to purchase our property for use as a park it is our intent to initiate its development, as we originally did in April of this year. In recent discussions with Newlando, Inc., it is our understanding that the purchase of our property would have allowed the City to incorporate these two properties with its own, for a "super" park facility. Unfortunately, this concept apparently is not to be accomplished. Please be assured that we do plan on complying with all of the applicable City codes with regards to development of our property. However, we may be requesting some variances as regards certain aspects of the stormwater code which would follow development characteristics of the Highlands. We would respectfully suggest that the City may wish to revisit that section of the code which requires a pond bottom elevation higher than the seasonal high ground water elevation. In effect, this mandates that all stormwater ponds be dry ponds which can be difficult if not impossible to achieve for a number of reasons. Based upon previous discussions, it was our understanding that the City desired to have the right of way for Shephard Road reserved for future use. At our recent meeting, it was indicated that the City wishes to not only have the right of way reserved, but also to have Shephard Road constructed. We have had preliminary discussions flORIDA LAND COII.\I'ANY 2555, ORANGE AVENUE SUiTE 1-144 ORLANDO. flORIDA 32801 \-1071425-2745 14071425-3125 FAX \.......- ,-' .~., Richard Rozansky November 6, 1989 page two with Newlando, Inc. and it is our mutual feeling that the Ci ty and the Highlands should consider the impacts of Shephard Road and other alternatives. We have contacted Jackie Koch and scheduled a meeting with her, on Tuesday, November 14, 1989. As we understand it, Ms. Koch is the City official in charge of the planning of Shephard Road. Mr. Kozlov and Mr. LeBlanc both stated that the approval of the Highland Homeowners Association of our development plans would be necessary before the City staff would process same and present the plans to the City Commission. I do recall that this direction was also given to our consultants previously this year. It would be appreciated if the City could provide us with what specific approvals are needed from the Association and the form of those approvals. Thank you for your time and that of your staff. We shall proceed with the planning and design of the project, subject to further input from your staff and Ms. Koch. ~~. Gerald L. Chancellor Vice President GLC/av cc: ~nald LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator Leonard Kozlov, City Engineer y j ./ / ,- "".~ December 21, 1989 TO: FROM: RE: City Manager City Engineer City Planner Police Chief ~ Land Development Coordinator~ Shepard Road A meeting concerning the above referenced wlll be held on January 4, 1990 at 10:00 a.m. Also invited were Gerald Chancellor and two members of the Highland Homeowners Association. DRL/fg .----- '-~. January 5, 1990 TO: City Manager ~ FROM: Land Development Coordinator RE: Shepard Road Extension A meeting in regards to the above referenced was held on January 4, 1990. Staff members in attendance were City Manager Rozansky, Govoruhk, Holzman, Koch, Kozlov, LeBlanc and Taylor. Others at the meeting: G. Chancellor, J. Conger, K. Degrenia, J. Froscher and M. Glickman. To summarize the reason for the meeting: 1. The Master Plan and the Comprehensive Plan for the Highlands calls for Shepard Road to be a collector road and connected to Edgemon Avenue; 2. The Highlands Homeowner's Association does not want Shepard Road to be a collector road; and 3. Chancellor desires to develop a project through which Shepard Road would be built. Conclusion: the Master Plan is in effect and any alteration to this plan would have to be approved by the P & Z Board and the Commission. DRL/fg cc: Staff FLORIDA LAND COMPANY ~D)~:'I( t~\ l1~f.~~ "I r~ \, .' " n '\J" -Ji. .j ~"t fJ '...,J F E.B 2 1~90 ~, ':u February 1, 1990 CITY of WliHtI< :;jJI<ING" CITY MANAGCR L~/W'tf . Mr. Richard Rozansky, City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: Highland Lak~s Dear Mr. Rozansky: At our meeting of 1/4/90, with yours~lf, Jackie Koch, Len Kozlov, Don LeBlanc, other City staff and th~ Highlands Hom~own~rs Association representatives, it became obvious to us that the City staff intends to support the ext~nsion of Sh~phard Road as a coll~ctor road: regardl~ss of the desires of the otht::r parti~s involved. In addition, Shephard Road will connect to Edgemon Road which has becn designatcd a local road from the VFW to S. R. 434 and a collector road from the VFW to S.R. 419, according to Ms. Koch. As I indicatcd at our meeting, Florida Land Company would conside:r constructing She:phard Road as a collector road, how~v~r w~ do not want to be placcd in tht:: position of appt::aring b~for~ th~ City Conunission with st::vt::ral hundrt::d angry Highlands residents opposing our development pl~ns dUt:: to this collector road issut::. SinCe 1/4/90, Wt:: understand that c~rtain City staff m~t with the repre:sf::ntatives of the: Highlands Homt::ownt::rs Association and purportedly camf:: to an agrf::f::mt::nt as rt::gards thf:: issu~ of Shephard Road. Unfortunately, Wf:: Wf::rc not invit~d to that meeting nor has the City staff conununicatf::d to our company what agr~~ments w",re reached, if any, as regards to our property. It would bt:: apprf::ciatf::d if you could dirf::ct thf:: appropriate City staff m~mber to advisc us accordingly and also as to with whom on tht:: staff w~ should direct our futur~ conununications. Oncf:: again, Wc wi th th", Ci ty do so, it is Nf::wlando, Inc. indicatcd that portion of the Wf:: stand rf::ady presf::nt, we are would likf:: to rf::itcrate our willingnf::ss to coopcrate on the construction of Shf::phard Road. In ord",r to our continuf::d bclief that thf:: City, ours~l Vt;:S and must work together in th~st:: efforts. You hav~ thc City is rcady and willing to construct that road which traVf::rSeS the City property. LikeWiSf::, to do the same wh~n our propt::rty is developed. At re-planning and re-designing our project. FLORIDA LAN [) COMPANY 255 S. ORANGE AVENUE ~UlTE 1444 ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32801 (oIUI1425.2745 (oIU7) 425-3125 FAX .,,/ oJ,,' . " ./ - .,--- Mr. Richard Rozansky, City Manaqer February I, 1990 paqe two It would seem appropriate that we schedule meetings in the immediate future between your consulting engineers, ourselves and our engineers and the City staff to address the planning and design of Shephard Road. We will also look forward to working with you and your attorneys on the formal agreement between the City and Florida Land Company on the financial aspects of this collector road project. Please contact me at your convenience, so that we may discuss these matters. ~~- Gerald L. Chancellor Vice President GLC/pl cc: Ronald D. Campbell .. -1 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (305) 327-1800 CITY MANAGER RICHARD ROZANSKY February 5, 1990 Mr. Gerald L. Chancellor Florida Land Company 255 S. Orange Avenue Orlando, Fl 32801 RE: Highland Lakes Dear Mr. Chancellor: Thank you for your letter of February I, 1990. This is to inform you that, other than the meeting of January 4, 1990, there has been no formal meeting in regards to Shepard Road and no agreement, actual or conceived, has been reached. The City position, as stated in the meeting of January 4, 1990, has not changed. Ms. Degrenia and Mr. Conger of the Highland Association did come to City Hall, unannounced, on January II, 1990. Ms. Koch and Mr. Lelllanc explained the rationale behind the City position at this time. Be assured that the City is not in the practice of reaching agreements unless all concerned parties are present. Please contact me if further information is required. Sincerely, ~~w ER Sf RINGS Richard Roz~hsky \ City ManageJ. RR/DRL/nav .t~ ,~ ".- FLORIDA LAND COMPANY ~D. ~~(l~\~:~!lL~?)~~'1Wl !\~) . "'-J ~ ,,,,,, F f..[S 9 lSSa .Cl1:Y of WINTER SPRINGS CITY MM~AGm February 8, 1990 ~r: (,~C p~~ Mr. Richard Rozansky City Manager City of Winter Springs, Florida 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: Highland Lakes Dear Mr. Rozansky: We are in receipt of your letter of 2/5/90 and have reviewed same. It is somewhat disappointing to learn that the City staff and the Highlands Association did not corne to an agreement on the issue of Shephard Road. As you are quite aware, the issue of Shephard Road is critical to our company being able to proceed with the site planning process for Highland Lakes. As we indicated in our letter of 2/1/90, we are not in disagreement with the City position and wish to move forward wi th the development of our property. In order to do so, we feel that a consensus of the parties involved is necessary wi th respect to Shephard Road and other issues. We would request that the City staff play a lead role and a mutually agreeable meeting be scheduled with ourselves, the Highlands Association representatives and the appropriate City staff as soon as it is convenient for all. Perhaps, you can direct Ms. Koch and/or Mr. LeBlanc to do so, we shall be looking forward to this meeting. It would also seem appropriate for us to have our respective consulting engineers meet to discuss the technical aspects of Shephard Road. If you could advise us which engineering firm the City is utilizing for this project, we will instruct our consultants to contact them in~ediately to schedule a joint meeting. Our engineer is Doug McBriarty with Commonwealth Engineering, 788-8111. FlOf{IDA lANl) COMPANY .!5!> S. ORANCE AV[NUE ,.../ ./, ,/ -/' \...,/' .~ Mr. Richard Rozansky February 8, 1990 page two Otl'ter issues seem to require the attention of yourself, our company and our respective attorneys, as indicated in our 2/1/90 letter. We shall anticipate a meeting to address those issues in the near future. Thank you for your time and cooperation, please contact me to discuss the above at your convenience. ~. Gerald L. Chancellor vice President GLC/av . .' .' .- CITY OP '.JINTER SPRINGS APPLIC\l'ION x APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY 1'I...W (Spc.:1fy Name) High13nd LdkHl,; APPROVAL OF PINAL ENCINEE:R.INC AND PLAT SI':E PLAN R1Wltw StrmiIT SIX (6) COPIES OF THE rUT ANP ENGIltEE.RINC fOR THIS DEVF.LOPHI::Nr WI'nt TaIS APPLICATION APPLtCAN'r NAME: Fl nrld:'\ Ll1l"ld COr.1Danv PHOUE NO: , 01 01 1 41 r; -17 4 'l ADDRESS: "r;!j ":rmthj)r'.'II'IQ.... ;\"Jl'nlll' f>lIltJ'11-1-\ {)rl"rfln FIQrirl... 17801 (If tho Applicant 18 not the owner of the ~ubj~ct prop~rty. the applicant must include <1 letter of authorbation signed by the ololllcr.) . LECAL DESCRIPTION Ol-' SunJECT ~ROI'ERT'l:A portion M tt:~ :>Ionh Or1.,ndo ~~n.:he.. ~ction 11 find North OrLVlrlo n~nchl''l 1.c,,-"ic.n :2. ~" r~l..:cr~cd ~n Plat Book 1~ ......nR.ap~ 27 th(ouoh 2S r:l!...-tt.t: Public 1l~~Qrd', III :;()m1no\(. CllUilt'l. rlr:ltt~o'I . 1~C!t! Att;H~~m...n" ] fnr ~Clrn[ll,>I'~ <!"'<:~riptinn) 'tOTAL ACRES: 1 0.0 TOTAl. USABLE ACRES: 10.0 CENERAL LOCATION (ln~lude Names and typos of Roads Abutting Property): Sp.ct1on 34, TWP 20, RNC 30, Loc^t~d 3pproximfit~ly 0.1 mile w~st of S.R. 419, 0.2 miles north of Ed emon AVenu~ 'ust east of M^cGre or ~oad 6nd south of the Clt of Winter Spring~ Effluent Dispog~l Area. PRESENT LAND USE; P. U. D. ZONING CLASSIFICATION: r U. O. .. OE':'AILS OF REQUEST: .39-\.Init Dingle fomlly c\lbdiviHion DATE: July 9. l~~O SICNATUU: ~).4L1!;;C'~~J - ---.-......----------....---........._-.........~---------........... FEE: RECEIPT NO. DATE: ORDINANCE REFERENCES: LECAL & OWNERSHIP VERIFIED: ACTION: c- ~~~~aw~~ JUl 1 a 1990 CJn: OF. WiNTER SPRINGS land Development Coordinri.t&n 'litmighlan~ Homeowners' Association. ~ 675 Shepard Road Winter Springs, Florida 32708 (407) 327-0640 July 18, 1990 City of Winter Springs Mr. Don Le Blanc, Planning Dept. 1126 State Rd. 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Re: Highland Lakes Dear Mr. Le Blanc, On June 21, 1990 the Highlands Homeowners' Association Architectural Review Board reviewed and approved the proposed site plan for Highland Lakes. If we can be of further assistance or you need additional information please call me. Sincerely, ~ 11c. ~.L~; Kathleen M. Degrenia Executive Director KMD/daw ~~@~UWlr~ !lUl 20 1990 - 'cn:v; OF. WINTER SPRINGS Cand Development Coordinator I.-.j September 7, 1990 TO: City Attorney ~~ FROM: Land Development Coordinator ~/" RE: Alterations to the Preliminary Development Plan, Section 20-358 The Master Plan for the Highlands pun, approved by the City Council on August 29, 1977, depicts Shepard Road as connecting to Edgemon Avenue. Recently, there has been opposition to this connector road. Because this is on the Master Plan, the Staff requires this to be included in any plans for development for any property affected, unless the Plan is changed. The subject connector involves a minimum of three (3) parcels with at least as many owners. _~ The questions are: 1) Who can legally apply to alter the Plan? 2) If only the legal owners can apply, do all the owners have to be in agreement to the change. or can only one owner apply even if the others disagree? 3) Can the City Commission apply for an alteration without anyone's consent and must the procedures of 20-358 be followed? Attached is a letter from the Highlands Homeowner's Association. An immediate response is requested. ffg enc. cc: City Manager .' lan~ Homeowners' Association. tr.~. August 7. 1990 675 Shepard Road Winter Springs. Florida 32708 (407) 327-0640 City of Winter Springs Mr. Don Le Blanc. Planning 1126 State Rd. 434 Winter Springs. FL 32708 Dept. Dear Mr. Le Blanc. ~..-. At the September 5th planning and zoning meeting discussing the City Comprehensive plan. over 200 Highlands residents spoke against the planned extension of Shepard Road to Edgemon Avenue. It was suggested by David Hopkins that the Highlands Homeowners' Association submit a request to the Planning Department for a change to the Preliminary Development Plan. According to the PUD Zoning Section 20-358. (a) "Any request for an alteration. etc...... does this mean that the Highlands Association. an individual. or the owner of the property can submit a change to the Master Plan? The Association requests an interpretation of this section. Sincerely. ,;(~Ih.~~ Kathleen M. Degrenia Executive Director KMD/daw ~~~~UW[ij S"EP 0 7 1990 -crr..'l On WINTER SPRINGS tand Development Coordlnatc:t ~ .. ~, ':u- G~ '-' FLORIDA LAND COMPANY '~IEllW~~ s EP 1 41990 @ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CITY HALL Certified Mail P-248-151-303 September 13, 1990 Ms. Mary Norton, City Clerk City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 . Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: Highlands P.U.D. Shephard Road Amendment Dear Ms. Norton: Florida Land Company hereby requests the deletion of Shephard Road from its current terminus to Edgemon Avenue as it appears in the Highlands P.U.D. This request is being submitted to you for review by the planning and zoning board, pursuant to Section 20-358 and Section 20-359 of the Winter Springs Code. As the originai developer of the Highlands, it is our opinion and that of our legal counsel that we have the right to make this request. We also believe that such amendment wlll be supported by a vast majority of the residents of the Highlands. Based upon our previous discussions with the various City staff members, we are fully aware of the staff's position as regards Shephard Road. However, regardless of the recommendations which staff may make concerning the appllcation, It is our request that this matter be placed on the next available Planning and Zoning Commission agenda for consideration. Please advise us of the time, date and place of the next Planning and Zoning Commission hearing and confirm that we are on said agenda. Assuming that an application fee is required, we would appreciate being informed of the amount and are prepared to pay such fees immediately. ~~~ ~ ~;..~ . flORIDA .I () LAND ~ <! COMPANY 255 S. ORANGE AVENUE SUITE 1444 ONLANDO, FLORIDA 32601 (407) 425-2745 / '''--''' .~' Ms. Mary Norton September 13, 1990 page two If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact myself or Gerald Chancellor. Thank you for your time and assistance. Sincerely, R~~be~ President RDC/av cc: Richard Rozansky. Gerald L. Chancellor Doug McBriarty, Commonwealth Engineering James Reed, Equtre '- -.-' I -' CITYOFWINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1800 September 27, 1990 Mr. Ronald D. Campbell Florida Land Company 255 S. Orange Avenue Orlando, FL 32801 Re: Alteration to the Preliminary Development Plan for the Highlands PUD Dear Mr. Campbell: The City Attorney's office. at the City Commission meeting of September 24, 1990, stated that Florida Land Company could, without consent of other property owners involved, make application under Section 20-358 of the City Code for the above referenced. Before this can be presented to the Planning and Zoning Board. the following is required: 1) Application (enclosed) along with fee of $300.00. 2) Name and address of all abutting property owners, along with fee of $1.00 for each owner. There could be additional fees for actual cost for Public Hearing Notices, if required, printed in newspapers. Please direct all future correspondence or inquiries to me at the above address or telephone number. Sincerely, ~\'(L\C.~_ Donald R. LeBlanc Land Development Coordinator ffg enc. cc: City Manager City At torney City Clerk / ~~ '7/ FLORIDA LAND COMPANY 'lE~~ur-?~@ SEP 28 mJ .OJ September 27, 1990 Mr. Richard Rozansky City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 ," ~lTY of WINllil' ,"('Mr" . .. . ~. I.' j1~.)' _ CITY MANA'.t.11 Re: Highland Lakes Shepard Road -~... eLf;: %~ v~~ &- "1J&t IA. It t (It{ ~() Mfl"1 piC- fJlt) ~I c... Dear Mr. Rozansky: As you are aware, we have recently submitted a letter application to Mary Norton, City Clerk, for the deletion of Shepard Road from the Highlands P.U.D. and requested to be scheduled at the next Planning and Zoning ("P&z") Commission hearing, as regards this matter. In a recently telephone conversation with Ms. Norton, we were informed that our application had been referred to the Ci ty Attorney and apparently we have not been scheduled on the next available P&Z agenda. Quite frankly, this is very disburbing news and would seem to confirm once again the continued actions of the City staff to delay the Highlands Lakes project. Our engineering consultants, Commonwealth Engineering, have also responded to Mr. Leonard Kozlov's letter of 8/20/90, which requested additional information on our preliminary subdivision plan. As of this date, we have not had any response to our resubmittal. However, we do request again that our preliminary plan also be scheduled for the next P&Z hearing, regardless of the City staff's recommendations or concerns. It is our firm belief that we and our consultants have provided the City with engineering and design data far beyond what is necessary for a preliminary plan application, pursuant to City Codes and Regulations. We also believe that a review of the City's records and files with regards to other such applications will prove to support our beliefs. Some months ago, certain City staff commented to us (on more than one occasion) that we should donate this property to the City. It would al-'pear that since we are not agreeable to such a "donation," that the City force us to do so or make the approval/permitting processes onerous to the point that we choose not to attempt development of the property. Please be assured that such efforts will not be successful. FLORIDA LAND COMPANY 2'lr, 0;. ORANGE AVENUE ~uln 1.j.l4 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801 (407\ 425-2745 (407) 425-.1125 FAX - -~-- '-J' Mr. Richard Rozansky September 27, 1990 page two We shall look forward to being scheduled before the Planning and 7.oning Commission on both of our applications in the immediate future. If you should have any questions or wish to discuss these matters, please feel free to contact myself or Mr. Gerald Chancellor. Sincerely, R~P~ President RDC/av cc: David Allen, Commonwealth Gerald L. Chancellor James M. Reed, Esquire '. [De. .,-.-: CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA CITY MANAGER RICHARD ROZANSKY 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327.1800 October 16, 1990 Mr. Ronald D. Campbell Florida Land Company 255 S. Orange Avenue Suite 1444 Orlando, Fl 32801 RE: Highland Lakes Shepard Road Dear Mr. Campbell: I passed am in receipt of your letter of September 27, 1990 and have on a copy to the Commission for their information. - The last paragraph on the first page was particularly interesting to me. The first knowledge I had of this parcel came when Mr. Thomas Lang, onc of our attorneys provided me with a copy of a lettcr dated May 4, 1989 addressed to him from Gerald Chancellor. In the letter Mr. Chancellor referenced a letter dated April 12, 1989, also direc- ted to Mr. Lang, asking him whether the city would be interested in the acquisition of the subject property. We notified Mr. Chancellor that the City was interested and subsequently entered into a contract August 30, 1989 for the property. As a result of a soils engineering evaluation of the site, we discovered the property did not meet our criteria and on October 11, 1989 exercised our option to cancel. The property simply could not effectively be utilized as an effluent disposal site. That ended any interest the city had in the site. No one on the staff has been authorized or directed to take any action to acquire the property. If infact you believe someone has, I would greatly appreciate knowing who as well as the circumstances surrounding the incident(s). On September 27, 1990 Mr. Donald R. LeBlanc wrote you a letter explaining the procedure you must follow to apply for an alteration to the Preliminary Development Plan for the Highland Planned Unit Development. As of this date you have not responded to his letter. Should you wish to discuss this matter, please feel free to contact me. SPI INGS -- ':c...', c..~ \. ~ \\\0-,^-~'J"'2 fL. November 16, 1990 Doug Taylor, Utility Manager Winter Springs Water & Sewer West 1 North Fairfax Avenue Winter Springs, FL 32708 RE: Highland Lakes Shepard Road, 12" Water Main ,~~m;UWlr~ NQV 1 9 1990 CItY. OF WINTER SPRINGS rand Development Coordina~ Dear Mr. Taylor: At the City P & Z hearing of 11/14/90, your memo of 11/12/90 to Mr. Don LeBlanc concerning the above was presented to us. We do not agree with your interpretation of the Developer Agreement which you reference nor the the statements by City staff made at the hearing of 11/14/90, that the Developer Agreement/City codes require a 12" water main. The "Off-Site Installation" section of the Agreement is not applicable to our project, as we have no off- site facilities proposed or needed. We are proposing to build all of the water mains and sanitary sewer facilities necessary for this project and have shown the appropiate connections of same to the Citys' existing utility facilities located in MacGregor Road, Highlands Village; which is adjacent to our project on the east side. Our engineers have shown on the plans a 6" water main in Shephard Road which will provide for the "looping" of our proposed water distribution system, in accordance with good engineering practice. The 12" water main which you desire to be built, and stubbed to the north and south, would not tie to any existing city water mains. It would be similiar to the construction of Shephard Road, which will not connect with any existing roads. It is our position and that of Florida Land Co., that if the City desires an oversized water main, we will be pleased to construct same as long as the City pays for the oversizing. You have also increased the water main from size 8" to 12", when for the past several months you wanted an 8" water main. We would appreciate receiving your or your consultants calculations and analyses which show that the larger diameter main is necessary. Has the utility's master plan for the Highlands been updated, and analyses performed to take into account that several hundred or more residential untis will not be built in the Highlands due to: / ,- /;/' / /. < ,- .>// ,:1" t' ,,/ 1) The City's use of 28 acres of property zoned for 12 M. F. units per acre for effluent disposal, and 2) Our project is a reduction in density from 120 M. F. units to 39 single family units, and 3) The projects to the east, Highlands Village, etc. also had substantial reductions in density. Please provide us and our consultants a blue line copy of the Master Plan which you refer to in your memo of 11/12/90. We would be pleased to meet with you at your convenience to discuss these matters. Please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Gerald L. Chancellor President cc: Ron Campbell Florida Land Co. cc: Don LeBlanc City of Winter Springs cc: Doug McBriarty, P.E. Commonwealth Eingineering GLC/lb /f I I /1 / ;" ~~ 'W - FLORI DA -.-' LAND COMPANY Qc...' {\'~\ mQ..v........)etL --,-' \o..\\'QP November 19, 1990 Mr. Donald LeBlanc Land Development Coordinator City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Re: Highland P.O. Dear Mr. LeBlanc: I hereby request copies of the Official Planning and Zoning Minutes for the following Hearings: 11/7/90 11/14/90 Amendment to P.O. Site Plan Approval Please forward these copies to my attention at the address shown below. Sincerely, a~4P Ronald D. Campbell President RDC/av ~~~~nW~lID NOV 20 1990 CITY. OF. WINTER SPRINGS. Land Development CoordinatOl: FLORIDA LAND COMPANY 255 S. ORANGE AVENUE SUITE 1444 ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32801 (407) 4l5.2745 (407) 425-3125 FAX / / ~~ ,~ FLORIDA --' LAND COMPANY .,./' t'.c., C\.~ \'\\"'---A...')~\t._ November 26, 1990 Mr. Donald LeBlanc Land Development Coordinator City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Dear Mr. LeBlanc: Please advise us as to the scheduling of Public Hearings on the following items: 1) Application to Amendment for Highlands P.D. and Deletion of Shepard Road. 2) Preliminary Site Plan - Highland Lakes (which was approved by Planning and Zoning on November 14, 1990). I would appreciate a responce to this request at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, -dJ4// Ronald D. Campbell President RDC/av cc: Gerald Chancellor '~~~UWflbJ fiIN 2.7 199/3 ~DT..'lOF. WlNJfER .SiP.RINGs !:and DeVelopment CoordJnatOl' FLORIDA LAND COMPANY 255 S. ORANGE AVENUE SUITE 1444 ORLANDO. FLORIDA 32601 (407\425.2745 (407) 4l5.) Il5 FAX "--' ~ CITY OF WI NTER SPRI NGS, FLORIDA 112li EAST STATE ROAD 4:34 WINTEr'! SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1800 November 30, 1990 Mr. Ronald D. Campbell, President Florida Land Company 255 S. Orange Avenue Suite 1444 Orlando, FL 32801 Re: Highlands Lake Dear Mr. Campbell: The City is in receipt of your letters dated November 19, 1990 and November 26, 1990. - The Planning and Zoning Board convened on November 28, 1990. The Minutes of November 7, 1990 were approved and the Minutes of November 14, 1990 were deferred until the next meeting. tentatively scheduled for December 12. 1990. Therefore, only the Minutes of November 7 are enclosed. The Minutes of November 14 do not become official until such time as the Board approves them. As per your request of November 26, 1990. the following is submitted: 1) The request for Alteration to the Preliminary Development Plan for the Highlands pun will be presented to the City Commission on December 10, 1990. At this meeting. the City Commission is required. according to Code, to schedule a Public Hearing. The tentative date for this Hearing will be January 14, 1991. 2) Provided that the Planning and Zoning Board approves the Minutes of November 14 at their next meeting, Highland Lakes Final Development Plan/Preliminary Engineering will be presented to the City Commission on January 14, 1991. Please contact me if further information is required. Sincerely, ~_-\'Q \?~-- Donald R. LeBlanc Land Development Coordinator /fg enc. cc: City Manager ~~ 'w FLORIDA LAND COMPANY December 27, 1990 Mr. Donald LeBlanc Land Development Coordinator City of Winter Springs, Florida 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 RE: Highland Lakes Preliminary Site Plan Approval As of this date, we have not received a copy of the "Approved" November 14, 1990 Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes for the above. Please forward some at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Sincerely, &I:!~ President RDC/dlw '[E~fEUWfE~ QS'c 1 3. 1990 e OE WJ'" . . ~,..TER SPRINGs . . ,mem Coo,"" IJ n.tor FLORIDA LAND COMPANY 255 S. ORANGE AVENUE SUITE 1444 ORLANOO, FLORIDA 32801 (407) 425-2745 (407) 425-3125 FAX CITY OF WI NTER SPRI NGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE l'lOAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1800 January 3, 1991 Mr. Ronald D. Campbell, President Florida Land Company 255 S. Orange Avenue Suite 1444 Orlando, Florida 32801 Re: Highland Lake Dear Mr. Campbell: The Planning and Zoning Board, at their meeting of January 2, 1991, voted to send the attached November 14, 1990 minutes to the Commission for their review. Please contact me if further information is required. Sincerely, ~--...-.~CL ~.C:;~, Donald R. LeBlanc Land Development Coordinator - cc: City Manager /fg attach. - Planning and Zoning Board Minutes Special Meeting November 14, 1Y90 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. BOARD MEMHERS David Hopkins, Chairman, Prescnt John Langelotti, Present John Torca~o, Pre~ent David McLeod, Vicc-Chairman, Present CITY OFFICIALS L. Kozlov, City Engin~cr M. Jenkins. Assistant Engineer J. Koch, Dir. Adm./Comp. Planning D. LeBlanc. Land Development Coordinator Special Meeting on the Final Development Plan - Preliminary Engineering, Highland La~ Hopkins said the Board has received copies of the information provided by Staff. Hopkins asked LeBlanc to give a brief presentation. Lelllanc said this meeting is at the request of the developer. The process [or the developer prior to going tu thc Conunission, is the Staff Kcview and the Planning & Zoning lloan.l. Hopkins said the options we have are modifications, or to deny this plan. if we do not find it sufficient. He developer, to speak. either to recommend approval, approval with Also, it may be sent back for further informatior invitl'd Mr. Chancl'llor, rl..'prcsent;jtivc o[ the Mr. Chancellor gave a synopsis of the actions that have been taken over the past year. He explained the current plan. He said he understood that the Ciry'u portion of Shep:lrd Road would be constructed when the rcmaininp, propeL"ties Wl'ce c1l!velop....d. Hopkins s.:1id thi,:;; is in direct confli.ct with the proposill th.lt Chi:mcellor submitted la:>t Wl..'ck. Chancellor 1;,'111.1 if the PLl1ming [. Zllning TIo:lrd deciJl's to [orw:,rd th.... pl:m that: i:> before them tonl.ght to the COlllm11;:;10n, 1.t 1:~ his unJ....r1;ulnuin~ rh:tt the ownL:C of thu property is willing to con~iuer witl\urawinc his request in regarJ to the solution of Shep;lrd Road. He !.i,:lid the llo,\rd can submit a plan that shows Shcpard 1\o,ld or one that delctcs Shepard Road. Koch said what is before this Board at thu moment 11; whether this plan meets the City Code. The Board iti to look at the concept of the plan for Jli~hl.'lnd L::tkl's. Hopkins asked that the public be allowed to give co~nents. Mr. Warren Williams, 312 Wing Lane, Winter Park, spoke. lte !.iaid he owns 17.26 ~crL::> south of this property. He said he has a problcm wi~h the two application~ pcnJing. in that he is at a loss to take any action regarding his land until he sees what tilL: results will be. He said he would like to see both of the applicants IlcarJ at the same time by the Commission; otherwise. he is afraid that contradictory dcchions will be made, as the two applications are contradictory. The developer's opposition to installing a 12 inch water line on Shepard Road w~s discussed. Kozlov said if Shepard Road goes tllrough, it will need to be a 12 inch pipe. Kozlov said according tel the Tf'comml.'ndation of tl\l~ Utility Man:l,~('r, the pipe to the north of this project had a twelve inch pipl~ in place, ;mll if it docs go through to the Routh of Ili~hlands Lake. it will need to be matchinc in size. Planning and Zoning Board Minutes Special Workshop November 14, 1990 Page 2 Chancellor said that subsequent development to the south needs to be served by City facilities. McClcod sald that Doug Taylor, the Utility Manager, said that with the section of Sllepard Road in~talled, the developer is required to install the 12 inch water main in .lccoruance with the City's Mastl..'r Plan. Hopkins asked about the existing gas line. Chancellor said it's a four inch line which serves the Highalnds and the south. He said the responsibility to m.:1intain it is with the g.-lS company. lle said tlw City has nn .1I~n'cment with the g.:lS comp.-my saying thill the g;tS comp.:l1lY would n'locate the rJlS line to thl~ Slll'pard Road right- Or-W.lY e.:1st o[ the City property. Chancellor said Florida Land Comp:my would not reach an agrpement with the gas comp.:lny in that the gas comnany proposed that the Flor iua L.-1Tlu Comp;my should pay not only [or movi1\l~ the gas line acro~~s their property, but also .-,cross the City property <lnu acro~;s Mr. William's property. Hopkins asked whose re~ponsibility it is to In<lintain the retention pond~;. The 1I1~~hland Lakes Assoc.l:ltlon will be responsible. Hopkins asked if this is infringing on any of the 100 year Flood Plain. K07.lov said engineers have genC'r.:llly ju~>t luoked at lhe F.E.M.A. m.:lp, found the general location and noted the di~tance [rom it. ]Iopkins askeu Ch<lncellor if he is opposed to adding the additional sized W.:lter m<lin. Ch.1\1ccllor said they question whether the 1::'. inch is .1ppropriatc or nceded. Hl']lki.ns .1sked .1bout problems with the existing gas line. Chancellor said the gas line issue will bc resolved. McLeod made .1 mntion th.1t we find the pl<lns in compliance with the origin.1l PUD Ordinance, nnd that tlley be passed on for acceptance with attachments but they must comply with the additional reconunendations of the staff. Torcnso seconded the motion for dlscussion. Discussion. Roll Call: John Torcaso, :lye; DLlvid HcLeod, aye; D<lvid Hopkins, .1Yl'; John L.:lngelotti, aye. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned .:It 9:15 P.M.. Respectfully submitted, Caroline McGinley - .- November 26, 1990 TO: Land Development Coordinator FROM: City Engineer "j(~ SUBJECT: Error in the typed Minutes of the P & Z Special Workshop dated November 14, 1990 On page 2, third paragraph, there is an error regarding the information provided the Board on the 100 year flood zone. ...- Mr. McLeod inquired about the issue of the 100 year flood elevation that was not provided on the preliminary engineering. As the City Engineer, I told Mr. McLeod that there was only a note on the engineering stating the project was not in the flood zone. He was told that the Code requires that the distance and location of the 100 year flood elevation be provided, which the engineer-of-record did not do. Mr. McLeod was told that the preliminary engineering did not meet the City Code. Mr. McLeod asked Mr. Chancellor why this information was not provided, and Mr. Chancellor mentioned a surveyor would be needed to determine this information. I told Mr. McLeod that all the engineer-of-record (Mr. McBriarty) would need would be to use a FEMA map; measure the information off this map and place it on the preliminary engineering. Mr. McLeod told Mr. Chancellor that it was his responsibility to provide that information. The preceding is a representation of events regarding the 100 year flood plain issue. /fg cc: Asst. City Clerk '- .........:-" CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1800 November 30. 1990 Mr. Ronald D. Campbell. President Florida Land Company 255 S. Orange Avenue Suite 1444 Orlando. Florida 32801 c.; Re: Highland Lake Dear Mr. Campbell: It has ,come to my attention that the material posted to you on this date was inadvertently mailed. The Minutes you received were the unofficial. working-copy of the November 14. 1990 Planning and Zoning Board meeting and not those of the November 7. 1990 meeting. Enclosed are the minutes of November 7. 1990. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Sincerely. l:',-~~ \:>~. ~\~ -- Donald R. LeBlanc Land Development Coordinator Jfg enc. cc: City Manager ~, '7/ ,- .- FLORIDA LAND COMPANY December 27, 1990 Mr. Donald LeBlanc Land Development Coordinator City of Winter Springs, Florida 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 RE: Highland Lakes Preliminary Site Plan Approval As of this date, we have not received a copy of the "Approved" November 14, 1990 Planning and zoning Commission Minutes for the above. Please forward some at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Sincerely, ~~#U President RDC/dlw '[E~g:UWflbJ Q6c J 1 1990 ~IU'.(R SPRlNG$ . - ern CoordJnltgr FLORIDA LAND COMPANY 255 5, ORANGE AVENUE SUITE 1444 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801 (407) 425.2745 (407) 425.3125 FAX . , -...../ .........' CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST ST ^ TE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1800 January 3. 1991 Mr. Ronald D. Campbell. President Florida Land Company 255 S. Orange Avenue Suite 1444 Orlando, Florida 32801 Re: Highland Lake Dear Mr. Campbell: The Planning and Zoning Board, at their meeting of January 2. 1991, voted to send the attached November 14, 1990 minutes to the Cmrunission for their review. Please contact me if further information is required. Sincerely, ~~O- \2, c-";~. Donald R. LeBlanc Land Development Coordinator - cc: City Manager Ifg attach. -- ,/~ -....../ --/ Plannin& ~nd Zoning Bo~rd Minutes Special M~~ting November 14, 1990 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. BOARD MEMI\ERS David Hopkin~. Chairman. Pr~~ent John L~ngclotti. Present John Torcaso. Pre~ent ,David McLeod. Vice-Chairman, Present CITY OPFTCIALS L. Ko~l"v, City Engin~er M. Jenkins, Assistant Engineer J. Koch, Dir. Aom./Comp. Planning D. LeBlanc. L~nd D~velopmcnt Coordinator Special Meeting on the Final Development Plan - Prelimin~ry Engineering, Highl~nd Lake' Hopkins said the Board has received copies of the information provided by Staff. Hopkins a~ked LeBlanc to give a brief pre~entatlon. LeUlanc ~aid thlti m~ctin~ is at the rcqul.'::;t ()f the dcvelop~r. The pro~esfi Cor the dcvelopf.~r pril.lr to co.Ln~ tu t:hc Co"~ission, is the Staff Review and the Planning & Zonine iluard. Hopkins said the options we hav~ are modifications, or tu deny this plan. if we Jo not find it sufficient. He developer, to speak. either LO recommend approval, appruval with Al:.;o, it may be ~ent back fur il.lrcl1l.'r in[urmation invitcd Nr. Chancellor, rl.'prescnt:a tiv~ of the Mr. Chancellor cave a synopsis of the actions that have been cakcn over the past year. He explained the current plan. He said he understood that the Ciry's l,ortion of Shepard Road would be constructed when the relllainin~l, properties Wl'ce c\evelopl.'d. Hopkins said this is in direcc con!] ;,ct with the.' proposal th:\t Ch.:mccllor subm:i.t red last w~ek. Chancellor saiJ if the Yl~nnin~ & Zoning Board d~ciJ~s to forwarJ ch~ plan t:haL i~ before tlH'tn con l.~~ht to the Commi:.:;lon. ':'c i..,; hi:,; unJI.'n.t.1nuinr. th:lt the own.:[" of the property I:; willine to con~;idc r withdrawinr, hi:.; rC(lue~, t in rC~~:Jl'J to the ::iolution. of Shep:lrd }{o.:\d. He said the toard can submit a plan that ~h0ws Sh~p:lrd Road or one th~t deletes Shepard Ko~d. Koch said wh~t is b~forc this Board at the moment i:. whcLher th.L:; pl~n m~ct::; the City Coue. 'l'he Board 1::; to look at the concept of t:hc plan for lli~hlanJ L;lkl.'::i. Hopkins ~sked that the public be ~llowed to Civc co~"ent::;. Mr. Warren Williams. 312 Wing Lane. Winter Park, spoke. lie ~aid he own:; 17.26 acrc~ south of this property. )~ said he ha::; a problem w.L~h the two application:; penuin~. in that he is at a 10::;s to take any action l.'e~',;..rdinc his 1anu unLil he ::;c<:$ what Lh~ resultH will be. He said he would like to see both of the applicants hU;lrJ at; lhe same time by the COll~l~sion: othl!l"wi.se, he is :If raid that contradic cory dcci::>ion:; will be mnd~. ~s the two applicationR are contr~dictory. - The developer's opposition to inst~llinG a 12 inch water line on Shcp:lrJ KO:ld w~s discussed. Kozlov said if Shepard Road goes tl\rnugh, it will need co be :I 12 lnch pipe. Kozlov said accorJinc tC\ the r('commend:lrion or lh~ Utility }1:m.1p.cr, the pipe to the north of this proj~ct haJ a twelve inc.h pipe in pbcC', .1nll if it Jocs go thrnlll~h to th~ south of 1I1l'.hl:\Ods L:\kl', it will nCl'c1 to bl.' m:ltchlng in si?c. ,/ '-' ~ Planning and Zoning Board Minutes Special Workshop November 14, 1990 Page 2 Chancellor said that subsequent development to the south needs to be served by City facilities. HcCleod said that Doug Taylor. the Utility Manager, said that with th~ section of Shepard Road installed, the developer is required to install the 12 inch w~lt~r main in accordance with the City's Mast~'r Plan. Hopkins asked about the existing gas line. Chancellor said it's a four inch line which serve:; the Highalnds and the south. H~ said the responsibility to maintain it is with the gas company. He said the City has an agrl'l:mcnt with the g.:\s company saying t\\.'11.: the gas company would relocate the gas line to thl.: S1\l~pard Road ri~ht- of-way ea::;t of the City pruperty. Chancellor said Florida Land COlnp:my would not reach an ar,n'l'mlmt with the ~~.1.::; comp:my in that the ~~.'\s company proposed that thl.: Florida L.lIId Company should pay not only for moving the gas line acrus::; th~ir property, but also across th~ City properey and across Mr. William's propcrl:Y. Hopkins asked whose responsibility it is to maintain the retention ponds. The J-Ilghland Lakes Association will be responsible. Hopkins .Hiked if thi!': is infrinl!,ing ,un any of the 100 year Flood Plain. Kul,lov said cn~~ineers have i~enl'r.:Llly ju:;e lookl.:d .:Lt Lhe F.E.M.A. map. found the l',l.'\wral location and notl.:d the di:;e.:lnce irom ie. Hopkins askcu Chancellor if he is opposed to adding the additional si7.l.'d W:lter main. CIl..meellor tiaiu Lhcy 'lues tion whe ther the 12 inch is .:lpproprial.:c or ne~'Jed. lI"lpk Lns .:\sked .lbout problcm~ with thl! ellis t inl? eas lin". Chancellor said the g.:LS line i~;~;u..: will be resolved. McLeod marle a motion that we find the plans in compliance with the original PUD OrJin~ncc. and that t1ley be passed on fur acceptance with attachmcnt~ bue th~y must comply with the .:Ldditional rcconul\cndatlons of che titaff. 'l'orcaso seconded chI.! moeion for discussion. Discussion. Roll Call: John 'l'orcaso, aye: D:Lvid HcLeod. aye; D:lviJ Hopkins. ay~>: John Langclo I: 1:1. .lye. Motiol\ carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.. Resp~ccfully r.ubmitted. Caroline McCinley .- ,,( >, ''-' .......... / ./ / / <,- November 26, 1990 TO: Land Development Coordinator FROM: City Engineer "t~. SUBJECT: Error in the typed Minutes of the P & Z Special Workshop dated November 14. 1990 - On page 2. third paragraph. there is an error regarding the information provided the Uoard on the 100 year f~ood zone. Mr. McLeod inquired about the issue of the 100 year flood elevation that was not providcd on the preliminary engineering. As thc City Engincer. I told Mr. Mc~eod that there was only a note on the engineering stating the project was not in the flood zone. He was told that the Code requires that the distance and location of the 100 year flood elevation be provided, which the engineer-oi-record did not do. Mr. McLeod was told that the preliminary engineering did not meet the City Code. Mr. McLeod asked Mr. Chancellor why this information was not provided, and Mr. Chancellor ulentioned a surveyor would be needed to determine this information. I told Mr. McLeod that all the engineer-of-record (Mr. McUriarty) would need would be to use a FEMA map; measure the information off this Ulap and place it on the preliminary engineering. Mr. McLeod told Mr. Chancellor that it was his responsibility to provide that infonnation. The preceding is a representation of events regarding the 100 year flood plain issue. Jfg cc: Asst. City Clerk .- January 7, 1991 TO: City Manager coordinat~ FROM: Land Development RE: Agenda Item This is for the Public Hearing to amend the Highlands PUD Preliminary Development Plan. Again, attached is the package submitted to the P & Z Board (Staff comments included) and the P & Z Minutes of November 7, 1990. /fg attach. cc: Mayor Commission City Attorney City Clerk "~ ,----. December 5, 1990 TO: City Manager Land Development coordinato~ FROM: RE: Agenda Item, P & Z Board Recommendation The above referenced concerns the Shepard Road Extension which Florida Land Company has requested to delete from the Highlands PUD Preliminary Development Plan (Master Plan). - The P & Z Board found this inconsistent with the plan and forwarded it to the City Commission for action. Section 20-358(b) of the Code requires that the Commission hold a Public Hearing on the matter. This is the purpose of the meeting on this date. A public hearing may be held on January 14, 1991 if the Commission is in agreement on this date. Attached is the package submitted to the P & Z Board. /fg attach. cc: Mayor Commission City Attorney City Clerk ~ .."... ----- October 30, 1990 TO: P & Z Board Land Development coordinato~ FROM: RE: Request of Florida Land Company for Alteration to the Preliminary Development Plan of the Highlands PUD as per Section 20-358 of the Code The above referenced is to delete that portion of Shepard Road extending from the present terminus (as shown in red on the attached aerial map) to some junction on Edgemon Avenue. Florida Land Company's project is highlighted in yellow on the aerial. The Shepard Road Connection was approved by the City Council on August 29, 1977 and the connection is to be made as development occurs. Please see attached Staff comments on this request. The P & Z Board will hear this request at 7:30 p.m. on November 7, 1990. /fg attach. cc: City Manager October 4, 1990 TO: Land FROM: City Engineer SUBJECT: Shepard Road Extension As per your request, in a meeting held on October 2, 1990, the following comments are made regarding the Shepard Road Extension. From an engineering standpoint, the Engineering Department is concerned with the engineering conformance to the City Code and standard engineering practices. The Engineering Department takes a neutral position as to whether the road should be constructed or not. Please note that the engineering drawings with paving and drainage, sanitary sewer and water distribution, was submitted to the City for approval on September 11, 1973. Briskey Engineering Company was the Engineering Consultant for the project. /fg CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1800 TO: Land Development Coordinator FROM: G. E. Artman&~ DATE: October 4, 1990 SUBJECT: Shepherd Road Extension ********************************************************************* The extension of Shepherd Road to Edgemon or lack of extension would have no adverse effect on Public Works activities now or in the future. FIRE DEPARTMENT 102 NORrH MOSS ROAD WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 TELEPHONE (407) 327-2332 FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICES October 4, 1990 TO: Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator FROM: Fire Chief~ SUBJECT: Deletion of Shepard Road - Highlands PUD The following is offered in defense of Shepard Road being left on the Plan for development of the Highlands PUD. I personally measured certain distances of travel between significant points in the Highlands from Fire Station One or. Moss Road. There is a signif- icant difference in distances of up to a full mile between points depending on whether or not Shepard Road is allowed to go through. Examples of differences are as follows: FROM TO VIA DISTANCE Fire Sta. One Intersection of Sheoah Blvd. SR 434/Sheoah Blvd. 1 .9 Mi 1 es and Shepard Road Fire Sta. One Intersection of Sheoah Blvd. 419/Shepard Road 1.6 Miles and Shepard Road Extension Fire Sta. One Proposed New Project SR 434/Sheoah Blvd. 1.4 Miles MacGregor Road Fire Sta. One Proposed New Project 419/Shepard Road .8 Mil e Fire Sta. One End of Existing Shepard Rd. 434/Sheoah Blvd. 2.5 Miles Fire Sta. One End of Existing Shepard Rd. 419/Shepard Road 1.0 Mile Extension North End of End of Existing Shepard Rd. Sheoah Blvd. 2.0 Miles MacGregor North End of End of Existing Shepard Rd. Proposed New Project .1 Mile MacGregor In addition to the above, the fire department response area includes Wild- wood and other locations in that vicinity which includes the intersection of Shepard Road and US Highways 17 and 92. Travel distances range from 2.7 miles via SR 434 and US 17 and 92 to 2.4 miles via Sheoah Boulevard as opposed to 2.1 miles by way of the proposed Shepard Road route. Land Development Coordinator Deletion of Shepard Road - Highlands PUD Page Two While the differences in distances may not seem to be great it must be considered that heavy equipment, i.e., fire trucks and rescue units will be making these trips and do not travel as fast nor are as maneuverable as a sedan or other lighter and smaller vehicles. The measurable distances are extremely valuable for two reasons: Travel time and alternate routes. Presently there is only one route for emergency vehicles to reach the interior of the Highlands. The response time to the far reaches of the Highlands PUD is as much as seven (7) minutes while the average response time city wide is three and one half (3.5) minutes. To permanently delete Shepard Road from the Highlands PUD is detrimental to the safety and well being of the current and future citizens of that commun- ity. Such deletion will create another "deep pocket" in the city that isolates citizens from each other and creates delays in responding to emergency situations. As the Chief of a department which is responsible to provide fire suppress- ion and emergency medical services to citizens, the deletion of Shepard Road from the Highlands PUD is considered to jeopardize those citizens. ""'-'" CLH/pjs October 30, 1990 TO: Planning and Zoning Board SUBJECT: Shepard Road in the Highlands Shepard Road is an important link in the limited collector road system of the western area of Winter Springs. As one of two collector roads planned to support a 641-acre developnent, it functions to carry traffic from the local streets in the Highlands to and from arterial highways that form a triangle around the PUn and allow easy access for residents to travel in all four directions of the metropolitan area. It is a well-conceived design. Winter Springs needs to complete all planned collector roads and construct additional ones to ensure adequate traffic circulation for its citizens in the future. To eliminate one \'tUUld be a self-defeating action. .- If Shepard Road were not completed through to Edgemon Avenue as a full-fledged collector road with no residential driveways, this would repeat the mistakes made south of S.R. 434 where three collector roads deadend short of any direct connection to other collector or arterial roads to the south. The City plans to correct this situation by completing two or more paved connections down to Seminola Boulevard and Lake Drive so that those residents may have a convenient alternative to always using S.R. 434. The people who live in the Highlands at large deserve the same efficient traffic circulation options. The City's transportation consultant, in his study of our existing traffic circulation (1989), forewarns us that as growth continues we are facing serious traffic congestion problems due to our minimal collector road system. To consider deleting Shepard Road then would be detrimental to the residents and beneficial only to the developer, whose construction costs would be reduced. Further, if the Shepard Road right-of-way were diverted to connect only to MacGregor Road to the south, an unsound traffic design would result. This connection would direct collector road traffic down a local street with 72 residential driveway cuts. And even beyond that hazard, traffic moving between MacGregor Road and S.R. 434 would necessarily use either Sheoah Boulevard or one of the local streets in the North Orlando area, neither of which routes should be impacted by additional traffic: the Sheoah - S.R. 434 intersection at the Elementary School is not a proper place to dump traffic designed to travel eastward to Edgemon Avenue; neither would it be acceptable to load Banbay Avenue with that traffic. Shepard Road is designed and so far has been built to proper collector road standards, with no residential driveway cuts, and should be canpleted as such. Planning and Zoning Board October 30, 1990 Page 2 To redirect Shepard Road to avoid connection with its intended outlet and instead create hazardous situations on local residential streets and at a school crossing is not a valid option. Besides traffic efficiency and safety, the planned Shepard Road connection to Edgemon Avenue serves two civic functions. By this route, young people and seniors will benefit fran a shorter trip to SUnshine Park a:rrl City emergency vehicles will have a faster response time to the northern area of the Highlands. As to the conjecture that the Edgemon Avenue connection will draw additional outside traffic through the Highlands, study of the map of this area of Winter Springs demonstrates this concern is not valid. Arrfone wishing to leave S.R. 434 and drive through the Highlands to U.S. 17-92 can do so now, via North Edgemon, North Third Street, Sheoah Boulevard, and Shepard Road. .- 9i Jacqueline Koch Director of Administrative Services/ Cornprehensi ve Planning ~"- TO: DON LEBLANC, LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR FROM: John Govoruhk, Chief of Police DATE: October 8, 1990 SUBJ: YOUR LETTER OF SEPTEMBER 25, 1990 (Alteration to the Preliminary Development Plan for the Highlands PUD) 32-90 Presently the Highlands is isolated from other sections in the City. In the event an Officer is on 17-92 and receives emergency (burglar- prowler-fire-rescue) 9-1-1 calls on the North section of 434 thru 419, then there is a long delay for response, which has and will happen more frequently due to population, and traffic growth. This alternate route, will decrease response considerably which can mean saving a life, be it a citizen or Officer in need of help and/or may result in the apprehension of criminals. The extension would also mean more effective patroling of the area. Concern of traffic problems that this could cause would be monitored by the Traffic Division of Winter Springs Police Department and a few well placed speed limit stop signs. Regular enforcement by the Traffic Officer would help detour thru traffic. :/1)., . 7 ~~ d/ .,.' /')':-- ,,' a0 /, . .~ ,,L- /1 Jon 0 o{ruhk " Chief of Police JG/eds /'- -. .~~ '" January 4, 1991 TO: City Manager coordinato~ FROM: Land Development RE: Agenda Item Commissioner Partyka requested further information on the request for partial vacation of the 7~ foot utility easement located to the rear of the property at 112 Murphy Road. This request was to accommodate the encroachment of the swimming pool in the easement. Please see attached memo from the Building Official. NOTE: Upon review of the corrected survey on January 3, 1991, it was noted that a metal building is also encroaching on the easement. This was not shown on the original request. Encroachment of this building is contrary to Section 6-84(e) (4) of the Code. Mr. Cheneler, attorney for the property owner, was notified of this matter and that that portion of the easement where the metal building is located was not in the original request for vacation. All utility companies but three had no objection to vacating the entire easement. If Mr. Cheneler gets permission from these three companies, it would be a simple matter to amend the proposed ordinance to read the entire easement. This decision rests with the Commission. /fg attach. cc: Mayor Commission City Attorney City Clerk MEMO: 12/21/90 TO: LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR BUILDING OFFICIAL ~~ 112 MURPHY ROAD FROM: RE: An investigation has been conducted concerning the above mentioned property pertaining to the utility easement. The pool was permitted March, 1979 Permi t #4464 Inspection Conducted A. Steel and Ground B Fi na 1 3/28/79 5/25/79 i""""" All other records were destroyed previously and past administration did not require a survey to properly locate structure prior to final iinspection. This investigation revealed other dimensional descrepancies on this property and the owner at our request provided a new correct survey which shows the metal building also to be encroaching on the utility easement. -- AI A. Cheneler, P .A. Attorney At Law - l/Y To: ..0. 80x 680642 Orlando, Florida 32868-0642 (407) 628-2804 2 J 80 Park Avenue. North Suite 110 Winter Park. Florida 32789 December 18, 1990 Mr. Millard McKinney Building Official City of Winter Springs 1126 E. S.R. 434 Winter Springs, Plorida 32708 Re: 112 Murphy Road Winter Springs, Plorida Dear Mr. McKinney: Enclosed please find corrected Survey and Sketch of Descripti have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. you " AAC:crr Enclosures cc: Mr. Lawrence R. Gastley - RECEIVE!)' :J Ci DEe.l 9 199() ,ty ot W to~ 13Jdg. ~prittA OF SURVEY DESCRIPTION NtJrlA O,lq"Jdo krrat!f:: J"r-L.I/on tJ/Je tJI' till/I tJne / ft; . Page (s) &3 I Public Records of Seminole County, Florida FLI-.J - , " f' ;?o,5 ~ N /II1lrcH, ",r rtJ yf:' Scr.s"/8"I.~. i-PT 93 /)~v." ,~,e,., to' (AI. ~ (~ LB.4-4-7S of ,F MOJ &,i ..s /' -f: sP~Y# ~ /~ I ~.7'().t'78. 12 ~ -~J 0)3 OO't~ ~ ~ NfJJ C1' 'N S't:..r S/8 N I.R. ~ '^ LB. 4-475 JPJLAT Lot 2, 8/oc.k fI. I as recorded in Plat Book - ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ Lof/ I 'I.J'N ~ .... '-J ' /.~ ~~ "I~ \j~ ~, ~~ '" ........ ", Lof 3 10' , " , ~lY) _ 3' ..... -~ "" l..i) 3.?>' 20' \I'- N) ~ "'V~D t::JAc I< ~I .' 20' , ~J ' ~ ~q~ ~ \.JIJ " CI'II/r..eE rt: B t. 0 c 1< ...... Ht?U~E' -40.oR~JJ #" 1/2 /, "5' ~ ~~ \ lr--.. ~'~l ;,....."- ~~~ , "Q 14,73 ~~ ~< c" . CQwr.... *'--.., ~. lrea "r. \ll ,.. . Ir... ll9d CLF . eML. '.k r_H_:::.. ~ w. . ~ '.,.0. ..,,, . It.,..".",.."... ~ ~/P' ~",...u'."'.._A' uK' U"ll~.., ':"._A' ~ " :~.' . ";~:.It4~' ,",", ~Q.' D~7:::~." '::j ~~ ":r . ~""wr.\.. ...4 L- ~"~G.:.a~:'''''''.'. L . ,,.0 L.....~" _ I l\ . U.h.. T" . '"u... I"C . t\l~II\.'O'..C"r..'..'. " . P\lh".u/.'....., .-1' r-.,II"~Ot..I..,,.....Q"L.. MW . .L.a......, ....Ul . "'.''''411. ...... Uu I u, I....,." . ...sr;:r $I."U., . L1= 1.3(J2fj'I1-"~_.L..S,q441S, ~ L'" Col..? ,f;:;: 1-ZJtf./5 I ) , \ -.: __,-- _ L :: &I,F4-' _.,~. ~/,54- _.---=-~5.1Iv'. .5W. (;0 __ , ",. I.Of I eRe-c. ' p - ~ 6" I,.... ..s / 4-5 ~ ~ vi. ~~ -;;If, A I c' t).5' . "" (1.::' IV. I \(\ t-... "J 1\1 ?85' C: ('ONe ~ '11\ f1) " tl " 20.1 ' ~ CP ..,: l\j ~^ ~ ,~ ~~ ~ Q... ~ "1- ~ tS'Er 5/8" II? 'J L& 44-75 (J)' lJ\ N\ -.. 7' 20,0;" 1{P , ~ \l , 't 2 f:.:tj.l./ C . D(W '-.j " 2/.07' _.. ,- ....------i> 16' -......-- .. --........." --.~... ({ptJ I~/W) ---__0 .. _._..._-~--~;;flr LJOJ./A./LJ.4R'I' SuRVEY Ce.eTI/::'/G.D CD/l.REcr TO L.-4WR$A./CG R~Y c,q-SrU=y ~A/D A L .4. C )../EIl/EL.r;R PA · Bearing structure based on recorded plat. · BuildIng ties shown on thIs survey should not be used to reconstruct property lines. RtJl/f) cj III '" o '" of e 0( ~ f:? Il.. ] '"- .. c :2 i '0 '" !l! ~ .!I f:. ~ 'C .2 '"- " o z III C .. n. 0: .. ::l ... ~ 6 III l' 3 :r ] l.- f{ i: :5 ~ ~ .CE V/Jt.'(} //,/IJ'. .'If) ,./,r/.'II LlV/L 1>,...;'6 ~Ll.{;'~1> ",.. I hereby certify Ihallhis survey is Irue and correcl to Ihe best ot my knowledge. and that this survey nas been prepared In accordance with the adopted "Minimum Technical Standards" as required by Cnapler 21 HH.6 F.A.C. effectivll September 1. 1 981. Accuright Surveys Of Orlando, Inc. PR EPARED FOR L4WREA/t"E R,4Y G'/J.srLEY 2012 E. Robinson Sf. :i~.u ;:8. ~ FRANK A. RAYM~lS 4007 Orlando, FL 32803 Phone 894-6314 DATE: "'!IUS 0. .I,fI.9O'... SCAlE: /', =ZO' I"'OUNOATION AOOED:............. FINAL AOOf:D: .......2)......'... ..... DRAWN BY: . .... ......1.1'\.8._., ..... FlU:: NUMBER: "I ;::),Kl~';'l'CH OF' DESCRI PT ION DESCRIPTION PROPOSED VACATED UTILITY EASEMENT "'" COMMENCE at the Northwesterly corner of Lot 2, Block H, NORTH ORLANDO ~TERRACE SECTION ONE OF UNIT ONE, as recorded in Plat Book 16, Page 63, Publio Reoords of Seminole County, Florida, run thence N69053'00"E along the Northerly line of said Lot 2 a distance of 19.00 feet to a POINT OF BEGINNING; continue thence N690 53'00"E along said Northerly line a distance of 50,00 feet; thence S20007'00''E a distance of 7.50 feet to the Southerly line of a 7.5-Foot Utility Easement; thence S69053'00"W along said Southerly line a distance of 50.00 feet; thence N20007'00''W a distance of 7.50 feet to said Northerly line of Lot 2 and the POINT OF BEGINNING. Contains 375 N': scr .l/8"1.~. t-E, J.+7S sc:. r J"/d" I R. t..R 4-47S MINT ~F CP,wE~E/'IJ."N7'. N w/;' c..",. I~ 1-1 \II ~ '" I." ' ~~ 1l1~ Lt;fl \j ~ S, , ~~. ~ ~ " ........ ~ ~ ~ , ~ Lof 3 ~ '~ 20' , \/'. Ii) ~ WO;.)J:) DEe. K ZO' f, a ~ CbNc.e.~rE O~OCK #OU.3,L .4 CU)~~JJ ". 112 /.,s ~~ ~<J\ ~~) " "- ~ ~ /1-.7)1 ~~ <<: CIl . .....w...., YIIIfJ. ,... PI.. C: t I' . ,_ .. l;L' . Cloo'. LIM ,_~ '" ... · - ,.- .111 . "f""o",,,, ~ ~ ./P . _....0'.,._' III . "I II' '--' t\, " .. · ...., ..., "'" .... · _"tw4 :"t ~ ",4 · ,- ... · ...,...., -...;:, l'\ .... · c-.... c, · c-,... ,.. ""'-l '" · · 1.4.... L · .... ......., t... :c " ~~~Of'Clor..",,. :';'.' ':{::~o:.,....., - , ..... "".".0'-'...,...".. I" . .......h .... , ....,_ .... ...11', a-. . -Sf:r S/~"U.. . _.1 = /.J.1I1tJ '/~} II _.U._"'~7S, ~ ?;:: + Z +, I j 1 , \ ~ L ::: tJ,/..s-4-' _ e. ~/.74- ,Sw, ~o . toOr , ~(G' ...5/6" /.;'", 7I'F ~ 1).5' vi. d.o '/'I. r ll\ " N I\l ~,87' '0 Co..<' 'to ''^ 1')' " Q , ... ~. "I ~< 20./' , ~ C.P. 7' Il\ H'I " ~ 20,0>' \J If., , , " ~AI" . D(W z ^1 ";.. &rS/8" IIC'.~ L& 4+7~ /~/ '-i ~ 2/,07' ~ L r. C. I. 5 ~/p/ --.----- --"-~~()/~/W) ---t;.-.-----;;;i;; II r RtJlIlJ -..-- THIS SKETCH IS NOT A SURVEY. I HUUY eu"" TIIIT THU ",neH II nut: IlICl COIUCI TO IIlI .nT (J# "' KIIOWUOGI. IlIIO IIIAI 11111 IKITCIt lIft" Till '1111111111" T'C.WI&.. IfIllClMOI' __ alUIUll" ':-In II 111\-1 n.0I10l IOMO (J# LIIIIl IUlv(Y\l.~ '....IIl11n 10 I .'''0Il Ul. ocT 'I.OlIUM ""'Ull. ! lit 0.. ~ Q) r-i Q) ~ Q) .c: u lit ..... ~ Cl/I :>. <1l ..... ~ III /tl ~ :>. /tl ~ Q) U c: <1l. ~ 1 /tl ...:l .. o ~ ~ U Q) L. L. o U " <1l .~ ~ '~ ~ 10. <1l U PREPARED FOR LAWLE/(CE A:Ar (;A-f TLEY I Ai A. CIIEtVELEL, ;:'.4. j ttlll?/ C/I! SlII?fffY ~..... '2'0.t;.. 'Eo.,~' \~a~nbd.t~ }~~~~. ~ S~':..... ~ /\ O"lando, Flo,.lda 32803 I ( 407) 894-6314 REI/II r ON8I ~. ~A~olo";LS -;;07 , Ln,J'IAI. D/J . I . " ./ 'M~ 1 4 W~O WINTER SPRINGS WATER & SEWER WEST 1 NORTH FAIRFAX AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1641 January 7, 1991 Al A. Cheneler, P.A. P.O. Box 680642 Orlando, FL 32868-0642 Dear Mr. Cheneler: Winter Springs Water & Sewer West has no objection to vacating the easement described as follows: - BEGIN AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2; RUN THENCE N690 53'00"E A DISTANCE OF 78.72 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2; THENCE S090 48'55"E A DISTANCE OF 7.62 FEET; THENCE S69053'00" W A DISTANCE OF 77.62 FEET; THENCE N180 07'39"W A DISTANCE OF 7.50 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Jl~/r:o..~ Doug Taylor utility Manager DT/blc - ;Al 'AI A. Cheneler, P.A. Attorney At Law - / To: P,O. Box 680642 Orlando. Florida 32868-064 2 (4071 628-2804 2180 Park Avenue, North Suite 110 Winter Park. Florida 32789 January 4, 1991 Mr. Doug Taylor 1 North Fairfax Avenue Winter Springs, FL 32708 VIA FAX - 327-6912 Dear Mr. Taylor: Re: 112 Murphy Road, Winter Springs, Florida The 7.S foot Utility Easement on the rear of Lot 2, Block H, NORTH ORLANDO 'J'ERRACF. SECTION ONE OF UNIT ONE, as recorded in Plat Book 16, Page 63, Publi c Records of Semi nole County, Florida, more particularly described as: BEGIN at the Northwest corner of said Lot 2; run thence N69"S3'00"E a distance of 78.72 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 2; thence S09"48'S5"E a distance of 7.62 feet; thence S69"S3'00"W a distance of 77.62 feet; thence N18"07'39"W a distance of 7.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. .- Contains 586 square feet, more or less. Dear Mr. Taylor: Per discussion with your office today, enclosed is a revised Sketch of Description in reference to the above-described property. To refresh your memory, you have already consented to the vacation of the 7.5 foot util ity easement. For your convenience, we ar:e enclosing a copy of your prior approval letter. We were just informed yesterday that the previous Sketch of Description prepared by the surveyor contained a slight error ill the legal descri ption. Therefore, we need your approval letter including the revi sed legal descript ion. Note this is the exact same 7.5 foot utility easement. We have a closing pending so it is critical that we obtain the approval letter immediately. .- Please hand delivery a copy of your approval letter to Don LaBlanc and mail to original to us at 2180 Park Avenue, North, Suite 110, Winter Park, FL 32789. Thank you for your prompt assi stance in this matter and if you have any questions, please contact us immediately. Sincerely, . . .J , ' ! / '( ",, (,' I i C!, I ( ,/('//(' :..Ir"''/(i'/~ Al A. Cheneler :J~ WINTER SPRINGS WATER & SEWER WEST 1 NORTH FAIRFAX AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS. FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1641 , Ote o 3 1990 November 30, 1990 Al A. Cheneler, P.A. P.O. Box 680642 Orlando, FL 32868-0642 Dear Mr. Cheneler: Winter Springs Water & Sewer West has no objection to vacating the easement described as follows: - COMMENCE AT THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF LOT 2,BLOCK H, NORTH ORLANDO TERRACE SECTION ONE OF UNIT~ ONE, AS. RE- CORDED IN PLAT BOOK 16, PAGE 63, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RUN THENCE N69053'00"E ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2 A DISTANCE OF 19.00 FEET TO A POINT OF BEGINNING: CONTINUE THENCE N69053' OO"E ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET: THENCE S20007'00''E A DISTANCE OF 7.50 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF A 7.5 FOOT UTILITY EASENENT: THENCE S69053'00"W ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET; THENCE N20007'00''W A DISTANCE OF 7.50 FEET TO SAID NORTHERLY LINE OF LOT 2 AT THE POINT OF BEGINNING. If I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, J~~ Doug Taylor Utility Manager DT/blc - [)b JAN 0 4 1990 SOUTH SEMINOLE & NORTH ORANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY - 410 LAKE HOWELL ROAD P,O. BOX 941831 MAITLAND. FLORIDA 32794-1837 TELEPHONE (401) 628,3419 January 4, 1991 Al A. Cheneler, P.A. Attorney at Law PO Box 680642 Orlando, Florida 32868-0642 RE: VACATION OF EASEMENT Dear Mr. Cheneler: This is in response to a telephone request from your office today. The Wastewater Transmission Authority does not have any facilities in or around the area described in the survey. - Yours very truly, ~ Pc3f&~jl' Ernest P. West, Jr., P.E. Executive Director gd WTA-9l-005 - JLf AI A. Cheneler, P .A. Attorney At Law - ply To: P.O. Box 680642 Orlando, Florida 32868-064 2 14071 628-2804 2180 Park Avenue, North Suite 110 Winter Park. Florida 32789 January 4, 1991 Mr. Ernest P. West, Jr. Executive Director South Seminole & North Orange County Wastewater Transmission Autlwrity P.O. Box 1837 Winter Park, Florida 32751-1837 Re: 112 Murphy Road, Winter Springs, Florida The 7.5 foot Uti 11 ty Easement on the rear of Lot 2, Block 11, NORTH ORLANDO TERRACE. SECTION ONE OF UNIT ONE, as recorded in Plat Book 1 6, Pag(~ 63, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as: - BEGIN at the Northwest corner of said Lot 2; run thence N69'53'OO"E a distance of 78.72 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 2; thence S09'ld3'55"E a distance of 7.62 feet; thence S69'53'00"W a distance of 77.62 feet; thence NI8'07'39"W a distance of 7.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Contains 586 square feet, more or less. Dear Mr. West: Per discussion with your office yesterday, enclosed is a revised Sketch of Description in reference to the above-described property. To refresh your memory, you have already consented to the vacation of the 7.5 foot utility easement. For your convenience, we are enclosing a copy of your prior approval letter. We were just informed yesterday that the previous Sketch of Description prepared by the surveyor contained a slight error in the I egal description. Therefore, we need your approval letter incl\lding the revised legal description. Note this is the exact same 7.5 foot utility easement. We have a closing pending so it is critical that we obtain the approval letter inmlediately. Please fax your approval letter to 628-4853. Thank you for your prompt assistance in this matter and if you have any questions, please contact us inunediately. 0""-"'" Sincerely, Al A. Cheneler ~3 _.__.,..._--~----'- SOUTH Si=:MINOLE & NORTH OHANGE COUNTY WASTEWATER TRANSMISSION AUTHORITY - 410 LAI<E I lOW ELL ROAD P.O. BOX 941831 (," '{ t ') U9 .((~~ MAITLAND. FLORIDA 32794-1837 TELEPHONE ('101) 628.3419 October 2) 1990 Al A. Cheneler, P.A. Attorney at Law PO Box 680642 Orlando) FL 32868-0642 RE: VACATION OF EASEMENT Dear Mr. Cheneler: We are in recei pt of your September ll~, 1990 lelter regarding your representation of Nr. Lawrence R. Gastley in his desire to have an easement vacated. We do not have any facilities in or around the area described in the survey. .- Yours very truly) , /~; ) ~Lc! ~~IL. ~r. Ernest P. West) Jr.(/p.E. Executive Director gd cc: Lowry Rockett WTA-90-274 - )J- -,--~--~----~,-~---"-'---"---"""'''' . ~...... , :\ ~- \ ~ . ....,,,.,..' P:~P!:;~lEIW . Inc. .- DIVISION OFFICES 600 W. ROBINSON STREET . P.O. BOX 2433 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32802 TELEPHONE (407) 425,4661 January 7.. 1991 Mr. AZ. A. CheneZer.. P.A. P. O. Box 680642 OrZando.. FL... 32868-0642 - RE: Revised Description of a 7.5 foot utility easement on the rear of Lot 2.. Block H.. North Orlando Terrace Section one of unit one.. as recorded in plat book 16.. page 63.. public records of SeminoZe County.. Florida.. at 112 Murphy Road.. Winter Springs.. Florida Dear Mr. Cheneler: The area of concern is not a PeopZes Gas naturaZ gas service area. We suggest FZorida Public Utility our of Sanford. System.. Inc. you contact If I can be of further assistance.. please feel free to contact me at (407)425-4661.. extension 240. Very truly yours.. PEOPLE GAS SYSTEM.. INC. LJ. MaliiiV LWM/dm cc - ;L) AI A. Cheneler, P.A. Attorney At Law Reply To: P.O. Box 680642 Orlando, Florida 32868-0642 (407) 628-2804 2180 Park Avenue. North Suite 110 Winter Park. Florida 32789 - January 4, 1991 Mr. Larry W. Mattoon, Division Engineer People's Gas Company 600 West Robinson Street Orlando, Florida 32801 VIA PACSIMII~ - 843-6174 Re: 112 Murphy Road, Winter Springs, Florida The 7.5 foot Utility Easement on the rear of Lot 2, Block H, NORTH ORLANDO TEHRACF. SECTION ONE OF UNIT ONE, as recorded in Plat Book 16, Page 63, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as: - BEGIN at the Northwest corner of said Lot 2; run t.hence N69'53'00"E a distance of 78.72 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 2; thence S09'48'55"E a distance of 7.62 feet; thence S69'53'OO"W a distance of 77.62 feet; thence N18'07'39"W a distance of 7.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Contains 586 square feet, more or less. Dear Mr. Mattoon: Per discussion with your office yesterday, enclosed is a revised Sketch of Description in reference to the above-described property. To refresh your memory, you have already consented to the vacation of the 7.5 foot utility easement. For your convenience, we are enclosing a copy of your prior approval letter. We were just informed yesterday that the previous Sketch of Description prepared by the surveyor contained a slight error in the legal description. Therefore, we need your approval letter including the revised legal description. Note this is the exact same 7.5 foot utility easement. We have a closing pending so it is critical that we obtain the approval letter immediately. Please fax your approval letter to 628-4853. Thank you for your prompt assistance in this matter and if you have any questions, please contact us immediately. - Sincerely, ('f.e (( , (/((/(/~(( II (./'/' Al A. Cheneler t- f-......... 20 -"._,~,..".._,-~_......_----,. _.---....-,~---'--~- lP:?J>!'~~1E1\. ,.0.0. DIVISION OFFICES 600 W. ROBINSON STREET . P.O. BOX 2433 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32802 TELEPIIO!H::. (407) 425.4661 October 2, 1990 Al A. Cheneler, p.A. P. O. Box 680642 Orlando, FL 32868-0642 - RE: Lawrence R. Gastley concerning a seven and one- half foot utility easement Dear Mr. Cheneler: The area of concern is not Peoples Gas System, Inc., natural gas area. It may be Florida Public Utility out of Sanford. If I can be of further assistance, please call me at (407)425-4661, extension 240. Very truly yours, PEOPLES GAS SYSTEM, INC. ?!J~a~~nfV!aJranY\ Division Engineer LWH/dm cc .- /q ff~~. ~!R'.-t ~~~~1'1 ,t_':l f... 1 :"" .' ' ,-,.,,"'-' qH~: ~t~F~'nnn Or1'''''' " ,"," " Operator for Florida Gas Transmission Company Steer lake Road P. O. Box 616898 Orlando, Florida 32861-6898 (.407) 295-.43.41 January 4t 1991 Hr. Al A. Cheneler Attorney At Law P.O. Box 680642 Orlando, Fl. 32868-0642 Re: 112 Murphy Road, Winter Springs, FL Dear Mr. Cheneler: Florida Gas Transmission Company has no objections to the proposed vacation as indicated on the attached description. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 407/295-4341. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, ,- Ac{ec ham District Manager REB/cls Attachment - Part 01 the Enron Group 01 Energy Companies /3 AI A. Cheneler, P .A. Attorney At Law Reply To: P.O. Box 680642 Orlando. Florida 328680642 (4071 628-2804 2180 Park Avenue. North Suite 110 Winter Park. Florida 32789 January 4, 1991 Mr. Bob Beckham, District Manager Florida Gas Transmission P.o. Box 616937 Orlando, Florida 32861-6937 VIA FACSIMILE - 578-2308 Re: 112 f>lurphy Road, Winter Springs, Florida The 7.5 foot Utilit.y F.asement on the rear of Lot 2, Block H, NORTH ORLANDO TERRACE SECTION ONF. OF UNIT ONE, as recorded in Plat Book 16, Page 63, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as: BEGIN at t.he Northwest corner of said Lot 2; ['l1n thence N69'53'OO"E a distance of 78.72 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 2; thence S09'48'5S"E a distance of 7.62 feet; thence S69'53'OO"\~ a distance of 77.62 feet; thence N18'07'39"W a distance of 7.50 feet. to the POINT OF BEGINNING. - Contains 586 square feet, more or less. Dear Mr. Beckham: Per discussion witll your office yesterday, enclosed is a revised Sketch of Description in reference to the above-described property. To refresh your memory, you have already consented to the vacation of the 7.5 foot utility easement. For your convenience, we are enclosing a copy of your prior approval letter. We \oJere just informed yesterday that the previous Sketeh of Description prepared by the surveyor contained a slight error in the legal description. Therefore, we need your approval let.ter including the revised legal description. Note this is the exact same 7.5 foot utility easement. We have a closing pending so it is critical that we obtain the approval letter inroediately. Please fax your approval 1 ett:er to 628-11853. Thank you for your prompt assistance in this matter and if you have any questions, please contact us immediately. Sincerely, ,- l LC (l. CIL(JlCC{-C) 1(., '.) / Clf..--.__ At A. Cheneler \l po--... h~b;jlnrt~ll~ GH:~ Pipi;lhiol'; (),~c"d,h'ti (n~'lp(h"V' Operator lor Florida Gas Transmission Company Steer lake Rood P. O. Box. 616696 O.lando, Florida 32661-6696 (407) 295-4341 OCTOBER 3. 19'10 ~IL A. CHENELEH ATTORNEY AT LAl<J P. O. BOX 680642 ORLANDO. FL 32868-0642 DEAR I'IR. CHEI-1ELER: ,- RE: Cmll'IEI'lCE iH THE NORTHl'IE'3TERL Y CIJFH'-IER OF LOT 2. BLOU. H. j'IC)PTH tJRL(1('-\DO TEF' 'E SECT 101'1 m!E or: UN IT ONE. AS RECORDED IN PLAT BuuK 16. PAGE 63. PUBLIC PECORfY:i OF 5EI" I NULE COUNTY. FLOR 1 OF.. fiLl1'1 THENCE 1'169 5:5' 00" E ~1U1NC; HIE ('lOR THERL'"( L H'IE OF SA I 0 LOT 2 F1 o i ST(\!',ICE UF 19. ..Y' FEET TO (4 PO 1 NT OF BEG nil'" I NG: LOI'.jf [I',IUE THENCE 1'169 53' OO"E (.LONG SA 1 D 1'lOHTHERL,y L HIE r\ n I S H\(',ICE OF 5\).00 FEET: H1El'ICE S20 07' 00" E ,:\ D I STA('ICE -;'.5':' FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF A 7.5 nJOT Ul I L I TV EfY:iEl"IEI'IT: THEI'ICE S6'i 53' ()I.) \I v.J F\LONG :;;,:\1 D ':iOUTliERL\' L HIE {1 D I ST(II'ICE OF 5(1.00 FEET: alEl'lCE ('.Ct:. IJ7';')i}"I;! ?\ DISTANCE OF 7.50 FEET TO SAID j'lUFHHERLY L 1I'1E OF un :2 AT THE PO UH OF BEG I [\IN I NG. CONTAINS 375 FEET. El'll1m,l G(1S P I PEL I I'IE OPER~\ T 1 r"IG COl'IP{-\(\lY I FLOR I Dr1 G(\S H{'S r.lo IJBJECTIU('I~:i ~H THE PI~OPOSED '}f=tUHIOlI REFEREI'lCED (\80'-/E. I F yOU fli~i''''E r:-il'\'i- OUEST lOllS. r~LE{-\SE FEEL FREE TO CALL, I'IE ':iT ',<107.''2'15-<1-:41). TII(i('.II<'dlU FOR YOUR COOPER?HI()(\I. SINCERELY. , ~~~y~~ DISTRICT l'lANAGER ,~- RE8o' \;b attachment \~ PorI ollhe Enron Group 01 Energy Companies _~,.....- ~...,__.e ( ._,~ : I \.....~~-~--,~ Jf\N 1 4 1990 -- A Division of American Television and Communicalions Corpora lion A TIME WARNER ING. COMPANY ~ . 'II J..\.;" ;;"'1 ,~ I ~.' " I' January 4, 1991 Al A. Cheneler, P.A. P.O. Box 680642 Orlando, FL 32868 Dear Mr. Cheneler: Cablevision of Central Florida has no objection to vacating the following utility easement described below: The 7.5 foot util i ty Easement on the rear of wt 2, Block H, NORTH ORLANDO TERRACE SB:TION ONE OF UNIT ONE, as recorded in Plat Book 16, page 16, Page 63, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as: BEGIN at the Northwest corner of said Lot 2; run thence N69053'00"E a distance of 78.72 feet to the Northeast corner of said wt 2; thence S09048'55"E a distance of 7.62 feet; thence S69053'00"W a distance of 77.62 feet; thence N18007'39"W a distance of 7.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNIN3. Contains 586 square feet, more or less. If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ~J(lJt'dJ Construction cc: file - ----- it> PROVIDING ENTERTAINMENT AND INFORMATION SERVICES 10 CENTRAL FLORIDA FROM COAST 10 COAST 3767 All American Boulevard. Orlando, FL 32810 . (407) 295-9119 . Fax (407) 578-0979 __"..._..._u_--~_.,- J ,~~ 1 ~ - .-1- - ~ 1 t" 1":--: I 1 1 : 01'4. ~ Sl\ETCH H t..:..: C ,-I F--: .L c; I '1" ~ l.J F: ..... I~ .... ::?....~ . Oli' DEseRl PT ION oe:SCRlPTIOH VACATED UTILITt 5ASEMENT PROPOSED - Tho 7.S-toot utll1t~ Easement on the rear of Lot 2, DlocltH, NOnTlI ORLANDO TERRACB SECTION ONE OF UNI'r ONB, as reoorded in PInt .Book 16, Pale 63, Publio Recorda of Seminole County, Florida, more p~rticularlY de8oribe~ as: BEGIN at the Northwest corner of said Lot 2: run thence N690 63'OO"E a distance of 78.72 feet to the No~thea9t corner of said Lot 2; thenoe S090 4B'GG~E a distanoe of 7.BZ feetl thenoe S6906S100~W a distanoe ot 77.62 flet; thenoQ N180 07'39"W a dlstanoe of 7.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Contains 686 square sa .rt,"a, N' L.LJ. J..f.7 S ,/ NI' t..,.".". ".$' - ~.- .:sl, r' J'/ ~ . / ,f. I-R 4-41' I'Ohvi tor ,O.I't,./NAlIN<'- t< lViv' t.",,. /./'- ~ .. -.l/.~'. l~ ~ Lqf! ~~ ~, \l.h' ~ ~. " L~fJ /(1' 4!O' ~ ' & t::! CtMIC.e.tu4 BI.D~I(' II11U$€ A o()~t'J.1 "." I. 1,'5 ~~ \t' ~ ,'I " r..... ~~ ~~ <<. ~;: \:::'~ _.. ~,.,lr':I~\r... ,...~ \-... .. , .... ,.... '" . "'....'...' ~.... .If' It,....,.,.,....., t1" · "~I ". ......... ~. " ., . ...\.\ ...' 14"" ..... . ......t.. :-.:;. " ... . 'F: r ,..,....,.. "" "'". ,....It ' I Oo~"I'" ~ ...... . I \" ;,,, ~ \1 '"~I\ ~ . :1.",> .tIf4'nl'" ~.,. .h~ ~. ttl"..r."""""n i\ I U.... \ tl\ll' f.'........ vu " ,......, . " .s.,;,-.5"/. /.". b L1 = /J'lt! 'HI)' _,U.4-f7S, -.} R"" .ofl.4-,/" , ,,~ L c: &/,Pf' _ o~, /JJI.?4' -=::;.-- pc-e/'le . s.,J. t:. I :;..--- \.of ~((.'1.. ~/~.;.A'~'(p W. ~.., , (},!i' , (1,10 P' I '.8~' 'll CiWC .....'" Pi , . Ij\ r-.. N N II , ... C\l , 11\ ,;., ... ~~ (#' 20,0" {(, / C'A.I/ of ' D(W ~ ~ , '" 2. "I i- &r.m',n',.:\ L~ 4 4-7" ~ t.l.: 2.1.01' ~ L.?I.~ 5 vi, 16' . ~",Y!~----'.~..-r ;;~/W) __.,-I;..--.---;:;ij ;;w r R~lftJ ..... lH It SKETCH IS HOT A SURVEY. &".~./ .o".~. - ;.., ~, ",,/ < I Po ~ Q) rl Q) ~ .i rO ,:( .. t r"I U ~. ~ B 2, \.0 ~ o 4.l .jJ ~ ~ k 8 ~ .O"t Ii-< .~ U t HUltl culIn fHflt ,,,It ..ue.. II ,..1( ,,140 ~~u, tl t~ ......_ 1ft lwnut.nlll. AIl6 ..tAl J /'1/1 T m , /1' /fTl (Yrmr" PREPRREO ~OR . A','Pf-NL'f MJ' (;"#$7"'.1' I - _.......~._-,_..,._._..~-~-_.- fRE,"'U:D "0" .i.AWFN# MI' {;ASTLEY. A~;4. eNI'I'Ii"I.I'~, ,-4, t~' .A. \~G .~ \..f J, ~ \,) ).. ,\j ,L..II...,l ",r'.I.'1,- J..1. ... A ...... . OESCRIF'T10N PROPOSED VACATED UTILITY EASIMENT Th. 7."-foot utility Eaft~ment on the rear of Lot 2, 9100\ ~, NORTH ORLANDQ T.RRACI SBOTION ONX OF UNIT ONB, as r~oorded in plat ,Book 16, p~,~ 8', Publ~o Reoorda of 8e~\nol. OountYI Florida, more pArtioularlY de.orlbed a.. - aJOIN at tbe Nortbweot eerner of 9~id Lot Z; ~U" ~henoe ~$90 63'00"1 a dlltanot of 78.72 fQet to ~b. Northeast corner of said Lo~ at thenoe 8090 49'60"1 . dl.tanoe of 7.~Z feett thenoe eS9Q63'OO"W a dl.tanoe ot 71,62 h'ti thence tUO" 07' 39"W a dlstanoo Dr 7,50 fut to th. POINT OF IIOINNINQ. c~nt.ln. 686 square $(1" ",,"I.t, N' t../J. .1..#-16 /L:.~ ~,NI t.~,.." ...q,~' L,IJ WooD tJI, ~ I< ~ ~. " q 20' \ . & ~ ""Nc.een:' altJ~~ HOU#E .A D()Il".IJ tr "I. \ \ I,U. ~~ ~t' ~ ..'\ ~" ~~ ~ ~~ '<~ u, \!'a -'" 1.&'tlR:ltlu~,_~ \..., r,,:'"I!i.l1bt:r' =-..'~~!rt..l i ~ t'~ t'I!!:"~' ... s. 1'1 :'1:''''' ....~ · ~ " · ,~t;fl="t'- "'fJS!~"'-' ~ . 1:.,.... :U1lm" -.. , . .$(l"oS'/. /.", . II III 1"1' 'If ')' _.1.I..4f'fJ, ~ R. fl....,'" . '\~ L c ('1.j4-' - It ~1.1~ . sf/.e.o' Ioof I ~(~, $.'6'; ~~'!Jt ,.1 ", ~ tJ.~'rv' d."t/. ; 10' '.87' 'c:.~ ~. Pi ... ~ ,. ~ . \II ~ 10,0' , ,(, , ~ \J , '" ~ , "" $I! r ,'-1' . "f,~ 1..& 411/-7-' ~ ~ rfJ1' -. (JOIU . D{W /. f e I. ..---- ..- __---.-----"- ~'~/W) ..~_~,...-.-----i1tii;wr R~Af) (q ..,- THt IJ"'~" .D"u. - :r... ~. 1"1 I Mml mll" 11411' '~l\ ...... If hI/( .... ~, It Il4 1t",1I# ~,...c.... "' I.' 1111' "'... """ 'IIC !AllI\il'IIl '''-Ie-. .,..... . !PI'"''' ~I(. " ...., ""1l1li .,.... II~'" ""'....., """'", It "'",.. ,"~..r I\III~ Illll/n. - j CCffl/ C/If J(Jj(fIi'ff ., Orl."e!. Iny , 7\""'" 11'1.,.1...., "" "'" It II... ,r.t " "" t. lQ&' E. R.~ln'.~ .t. O"I.nlll., ".,.I.h .e.o. (407) e9~-631'i Uylt 10"" - ~. ~A~' Pl$'~OOl < , Po ~ 1 ...: '"' .c .. t ~ ~ I ". a i- s .. o. u \ '1 ..., ~ i' " --:j - - flL (~. CHEIIELER, P.(.-l. lt3I~5331~19 P. 0 I J """1- 4-91 ,.."'1 11:4"::1 SKETCH ". C C U F. 1 r::; H.... ~ U R V E 'T: ~.... ,. OF DESCRIPTION OESCRIPTIOH VACATED UTILIT1 5^S2MEHT P.- PEtOPOSBD ThQ 7.6-tQot Utl11t1 Easement on the reat of Lot 2, Block H, NORTH ORLANDO TERRAeB SECTION ONE OF UNIT ONB, as reoorde~ in Plat .Book 16. Fa'. 6S, Publio Rloord, of Brltnole Count" Florida, mort par~lcularlT dG80rlbe~ u: BEGIN at tho Northwest corner of 8aid Lo\ 2: run thence N890 G3'OO~B a di.tance of 79.72 feet to tho Northeast corner of said Lot 2; thena. s09~ 4S'ijG"E a dl.tanoe of 7.6Z feetl thenoe S69~~3'OO"W a dl.tanoe of 71.62 f..t; thenoe N180 07'39"W a distanoe of 7.S0 feet to the POINT 0' 8EOINNINa. sa .I'"{,"l.l, N' L.J!. ,/. 4-1$ ~ NIl..,.".,. ~.f' I..QfI ~ ~ ~ L~f J ~ .~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~/.4f . #0:'.0 (::J6.e.1< ;..., .;. 2'0' ~ . & t:!. C~A/r:.e.er4 aLDelt' 1<1 ,Hi ~ ~ A D()~'JJ I#" III I,~S ~~ '<J:'. ~ ~'\ l-.'" ~~ ~~ ~< \1: '='1:$ -" -n,','R:.t'tl., ,...~ \..., " . _ ,..., ,.. , ,.,....\'..' ..... q, ~ .' .::~,' ti .:1:;'" :: . '~:fJ""" ~ '-l r1.i'~f::1"" f:':'~~l'" ~ \l, ~', ~~iioif!''''''!1,t R't.nUll!l.,...... '1 tl:,~ ,);,~:':Ult n" ........ ..... . , .s(,../';I a.. . A:: IJ.';O If-')' _.U..ff7S. ~ i. · t. /, /(!S t2+.'" . '\' L c (,/.r'l-' _ e. ~',54- ~ ,(.,;N~ s""" s >N. e. f ;....-- 1 j' "of ~(~'L ..51 b';Jt'fI' r/. d~'tI. f (),(,' , ',8~' '..(~ ~'''' Pi .... , , ... ,." . 1/1 . ItI " (4' 2~.()1' (I, , (XJAI~ . all.11 ~ v . '" z "'" ~ .s~~ 6;'.. IH.~ A "'+7~ ~ ~ el.07' ~ 16' . ...' .__.....,.-----.../;I'tf/WJ ,......~-~.-..-----;:1v,fl'llr I'~AtJ .. , .c . III ~ II 1 < ~ 0( II ~ 1"4 4J a. ! ~ e. ~ .. o ~ ~ ~ ~ lot 8 l .~ \f.l ~ U ~'!.~~!I~_!....! ~l~.!"!!~~..' ~.~ 1 I h ....,.1T'l r /'iT"" nrmr.' &A...,.I ~".. . .;,~. ~. ,,'u .1 . _...~~.~!. R~J..o ...~?~.r~ ~. . /" THI' '~ETCH 18 HOT R SURVEY, Jf=ltl-87- '91 FR I 16: 32 I D : Jf=lI'lESTm,jl~ TEL 1'10: 487-646-8488 1:*1383 P82 -- ....... <<Ii) .~..... ....... Florida Power CORPORATION -- January 7, 1991 Ai A. Chene1er P.O. Box 680642 Orlando. FL 32868-0642 RE: Lot 2, North Orlando Terrace Section One. Unit One Dear Mr. Cheneler: Florida Power Corporation has no objection to the a.bandonment of that certain 7.5 foot wide utility easement being more particularly described and shown on the accompanying Sketch of Description. Very truly yours, /") ... . -----.. J"",;/" ~ ......~ f . -"' L..; I- (,J;;J.-:-.rILd~.L.'__ -.j . .? t..t,L~ IL ?QL Ro ary z. g ,-nba~(~~I- Easentent Spe~' aQist? '_J cc: R.D. Bowman L.E. Raihl ..T.S. Hendrix \"2 JAMESTOWN ENGINEERING OEPARTMFNT .-.-.-- ----'...,. - .....,. .- .0... 1.....0.... ..eDo". .....0......: .. -.- .. ..... Florida Power November 29, 1990 COltI'Oll^fION Al A. Cheneler P. O. Box 680642 Orlando, FL 32868-0642 RE: Lot 2, North Orlando Terrace Section One, Unit One Dear Mr. Cheneler: Florida Power Corporation has no objection to the abandonment of the 7.5 foot wide easement as described in the attached Sketch of Description. ~~ ~ ~6-----, /@ - Rosemary Z. Gruenbaum Easement Specialist cc: R. D. Bowman L. E. Raihl J. S. Hendrix -- JAMESTOWN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT STATE ROAD 426. POST OFFICE BOX 417 · WINTER PARK, FLORIDA 32790,0417 A Florida Progress Company 10 ... United ... Telephone ...~System United Telephone Company of Florida Box 3000 · Altamonte Springs, Florida 32715.3000 JAN 1 4 1990 January 07, 1991 Al A. Cheneler, P.A. Attorney At Law P.O. Box 680642 Orlando, Florida 3868-0642 RE: ABANDONMENT OF 15 FOOT REAR UTILITY EASEMENT 112 MURPHY ROAD, WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Dear Mr. Cheneler: United Telephone Company of Florida has no objection to the abandon- ment of the fifteen (15) foot wide utility easement on the north sid, of Lot 2 , BLOCK H, NORTH ORLANDO TERRACE SECTION ONE OF UNIT ONE, a recorded in Plat nook 16, Page 63, Public Records of Seminole County Florida located at 112 Murphy Road, Winter Springs, Florida. This lot is in the Southern Bell territory and not in United Telephone serving area. You need to refer to Southern Bell and use this numbe: 327-7824, which works at that location as a reference Should you require further assistance, please contact me at 830-3151 SQ~ fhc-- ~ C. Owens Engineer-Distribution JCO/nw(1.6l) .- q AI A. Cheneler, P.A. Attorney At Law - Reply To: P.O. Box 680642 Orlando, Florida 32868-06'12 (4071 628-2804 2 J 80 Park Avenue, North Suite 110 Winter Park, Florida 32789 January l~, 1991 Mr". James Owens, Engineering United Telephone Company P.O. Box 3000 MC 4043 A1tamonte Springs, Florida 3271.5-3000 VIA l'ACSIMILE - 26()-26U3 Re: 112 Murphy Road, Winter SprillgS, Florida The 7.5 foot Utility Easement 011 the rear of Lot 2, 1310ck II, NORTH ORLANDO TERRACE SECTION ONE OF UNIT ONE, as recorded :in Plat: Book 16, Page 63, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as: BEGIN at the Northwest corner of said Lot 2; run thence N69' 53' OO"E a distance of 78.72 feet to the Northeast corner of sai d Lot 2; thence 809'48'S5"E a distance of 7.62 feet; thence 869'S3'00"W a distance of 77.62 feet; thence N10'07'39"W a distance of 7.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. - Contains 586 square feet, more or less. Dear Mr. Owens: Per discussion with your office yesterday, enclosed is a revised Sketch of Description in reference to the above-described property. To refresh your memory, you have already consented to the vacation of the 7.5 foot utility easement. For your convenience, we are enclosing a copy of your prior approval letter. We were just informed yesterday that the previous Sketeh of Description prepared by the surveyor contained a s light error in till'! legal description. Therefore, we need your approval letter incltlding the revised legal description. Note this is the exact same 7.5 foot utility easement. We have a closing pending so it is critical that we obtain the approval letter immediately. Please fax your approval letter to 628-/~853. Thank you for your prompt assistance in this matter and if you have any questions, please contact us immediately. -- Sincerely, (~C 0... (. III IlClCi I J ( 1'('((. Al A. Cheneler <6 .In~ United 11111. Telephone ....Syslem United Telephone Company of Florida Box 3000. Altamonle Springs, Florida 32715.3000 - OCT 11 1990 October 5, 1990 Al A. Cheneler 862 West Morse Blvd., Suite 225 Winter Park, Florida 32789 RE: ABANDONMENT OF 15 FOOT REAR UTILITY EASEMENT Dear Mr. Cheneler: - United Telephone Company of Florida has no objection to the abandon- ment of the fifteen (15) foot wide utility easement on the north side of the lot located at 112 Murphy Road, Winter Springs, Florida. This lot is in the Southern Bell territory and not in the United Telephone serving area. You need to refer to Southern Bell and use this number 327-7824, which works at that location as a reference. Should you require further assistance, please contact me at 830-3151. Sincerely, ~ ae-- ~ ~we~: Engineer-Distribution JCO/nw(1.81) - 1 lJ 1. lJ4. !~ 1 lJ3:42 PM *ORLANDO ENGINEERING 'AL A. CHEHELERJ P.A. 1el~~3!1~19 ~ ~ PlJ2 P.0~ - @ M. I. Bry.n M.n'Q.r - Engineering Southern Bell 2215 E. Roblnllon Sir"" SUit' 300 1'. 0, Bo\( 29"'9 Orlando. FlorIda 32802,2$4$ (407) 237.3478 Ootober 9, 1990 Mr. Lawr.noe R. Gastley C/o Al A. Chemeler, P.A. P.O. BOk 680642 Orlando, FL 32868-0642 -- RE: V'Ioation ot a 7 1/2 foot utility easement at the rEU!l:t of Lot 2, Blook H, North Orlando Terr~oe, Section One ot Unit One according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 16 at page 63 of the PUblic records of Serninola County, Florida. Dear Mr. Gastley: Our Engineering Department has reviewed the vaoation request stated above and ha~ no objection to its being granted, due to the lot in question being in United Telephone Territory. It is our suggestion you contact United Telephone with your request, If we can be of further assistance, ~leasa contact Mary Forrest at (407) 237-3501. - Yourl!J truly, .. iJJ~.ck NflV ~";''''1er-En'1ineer!n9' ~'r- J /' · KAR: laa rIlAeJ~' I'0^. \~ attaclunant oru ~ qlej' (10 J r/ I ~. ,J hii' Jr" '\~ W; ul" A.\'f/ . lD "- @) Southern Bell M. B. Bryan Manager - Engineering 225 E, Robinson Street, Suite 300 r. O. Box 2949 Orlando. Florida 328022949 (407) 237,3478 October 9, 1990 Mr. Lawrence R. Gastley c/o Al A. Chemeler, P.A. P.O. Box 680642 Orlando, FL 32868-0642 - RE: Vacation of a 7 1/2 foot utility easement at the rear of Lot 2, BlocIc II, North Orlando 'I'errace, section one of unit One according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 16 at page 63 of the public records of Seminole County, Florida. Dear Mr. Gastley: Our Engineering Department has reviewed the vacation request stated above and has no objection to its being granted, due to the lot in question being in United Telephone Territory. It is our suggestion you contact united Telephone with your request. If we can be of further assistance, please contact Mary Forrest at (407) 237-3501. Yours truly, . .Jo~3~~ci! o KAR: laa attachment - A . ." SOl m I Company y .-....- ---'------~_.- ,SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION PROPOSED VACATED UTILITY EASEMENT The 7.5-foot Utility Easement on the rear of Lot 2, Block H, NORTH ORLANDO TERRACE SECTION ONE OF UNIT ONE, as recorded in Plat ,Book 16, Page 63, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as: J"'- BEGIN at the Northwest corner of said Lot 2; run thence N690 63'00"E a distance of 78.72 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 2; thence S090 48'55"E a distance of 7.62 feet; thence S69053'OO"W a distance of 77.62 feet; thence N180 07'39"W a distance of 7.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, Contains 586 su -Q,"U, 1\ i ~. 404-75' I ,\I ,/ PREPARED FOR LAWRE;VCE Mr GAf.TLEY I AI. A. CNFIVELEL, p..4. St:.r J'/c1' 'R, LR 4.47.5 /'OINT OF ,b.."'INNIN6- ... '" NW Co,.",,. /.,=- ~ '< "1.6' ~~ ~ Lqf/ ~ ~ ~, \i:~ ~, --..:: I'" ~ ~ ~ ~ Lot J ~ ~ 20' >-. ~~ ~~ I.) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/.4S . I.U ~~ \~ ~~') , r-.... ~~ ~~ '<< -. UIIfr..... "" ~ I t: : t::'1:: cu . e.... ftl.' r....~ "- lit' , ..... r..... .,. . "'....01.....' ~ ~ =",' .:::r~i~:::r-' ::", ~~,::-..., ~ ~ ~...."'=n... r.:~~~.,.. ~ II · , ~::i:. U' ' '{'I'" '1 a.' ~~:~o:!i:::::::t.. IV : n.::;::""'" Otn . .......... ... lUll', ......, . .. ,sf:r St' 1,( b L1 = 1.3.20 'I"} ,. _.J..JS._1:f7S. 'to R= +2.+.1" , \ -: L = (,/,5'"+' _ e. (pI,~4- ,5W,/:.o ' I.Or I ~~f;t., ,5/1l4-5"'(p tV- ~..I..tJ,5' . a.~ ,.... , ~ C"A/t:A!4r~ Bt.DCK NOu.sE .4QD.-r~JJ '112 ?8~' ~~ ri , (p' II " 'oj. l\j '" '" ... 20.0?' {(, , ~ \) , .,. 2 ""l "'i. t5'Er$/S" I/{,~ L& 44-7:) ili.</~ . D/W '-i " 21.07' -~ - -,---,------- -;- (,tJ 1tf'IW) _-~-'-___;.1iiR?lIr RtJlI/J .- , IIEIU' till'" Ifill loll mIeN" lIor ~ Clllllrel 10 IIC Mil 01 0' _(01;(, llIllI ,.,,, rNI' trneN Nt" ,.. 'ftl.''''''' rtc""IC"," ""M>NO" " ""'1110" own. I. ...-. ,,,,,,,Oft _ 01 lllllll '''''YfY1l11 ,""_, 'it lIellDlf 111,011 PUilIOIIllollIII, THIS SKETCH IS NOT A SURVEY. CA.",.:1." L'I'~.. - .7~". -I, /P~~ itt!!?/t/#' S!!?ffff ~..,.. 20.t:.. 'Eo..!,..I'RO: ;,;'\~ ~}~!':. ~ s~':'''''f 1\ Orlan,Io, Florl"a 32803 (407) 894-6314 ~~ a ~r>.... ~ FRANK A. RAY" 0 PLS '007 /: .zo. 6-4- UVUIO"tT 'j. u, tAl. OD I ../ .. 0<( II. L. III .... III ~ o 0<( .... 0<( CIll >- III .... ~ 'n III ~ >- III It: III U c: Ill, I. :t III .J o ~ ~ U III I. I. o u 'tl III 'rO "" 'rO ~ L. III U , 3 AI A. Cheneler, P .A. Attorney At Law Reply To: P,O, Box 680642 Orlando, Florida 32868-0642 1407) 628-2804 2 J 80 Park Avenue, North Suite '10 Winter Park, Florida 32789 January 14, 1991 Mr. Don LeBlanc Land Development Coordinator City of Winter Springs 1126 E. S.R. 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 VIA IlAND DELIVERY Dear Mr. LeBlanc: On behalf of my client, Lawrence R. Gastley, I request that the following easement be vacated: /..""...... The 7.5 foot Utili ty Easement on the rear of Lot 2, Block H, NORTH ORLANDO TERRACE SECTION ONE OF UNIT ONE, as recorded in Plat Book 16, Page 63, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as: BEGIN at the Northwest corner of said Lot 2; run thence N69.53 'OO"E a distance of 78.72 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 2; thence S09- 48' 55 "E a distance of 7 . 62 feet; thence 869- 53' OO"W a distance of 77.62 feet; thence NI8.07' 39"W a distance of 7 . 50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Contains 586 square feet, more or less. Unfortunately, a utility shed, built-in swurulll.ng pool and cool deck lie directly on the utility easement. As a result, potential buyers will not purchase the property unless the easement is vacated. It is critical that this 7.5 foot easement be vacated as quickly as possible in order for Mr. Gastley to be able to sell his property. Assuming the request for vacation is granted, no other property owners will be denied access to or from their property. All parties having any interest in the easement have confirmed in writing that they have no interest in the utility easement and have no objection to your granting our request for vacation. In support of our application, enclosed please find all approval letters. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Enclosures 2 AI A. Cheneler, P.A. Attorney At Law - Reply To: P,O, Box 680642 Orlando. Florida 32868-0642 /407) 628-2804 2 J 80 Park Avenue. North Suite 110 Winter Park. Florida 32789 November 29, 1990 r-k. Don LeBlanc Land Development Coordinator City of Winter Springs 1126 E. S .R. 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 YJA J1{\ND J)I~J.IVI.mY Dear Mr. LeBlanc: On behalf of my cli(~nt, Lawrence R. Gastl ey, I re<jllest tltat the follm'ling easement be vacated: - COMMENCE AT TilE NORTII\'lESTERLY CORNER OF LOT 2, BLOCK II, NORTII ORLANDO TERRACE SECTION ONE or UNIT ONE, AS RECORDED IN PLAT nOOK 16, PAGE 63, PUBLIC RECOIWS or SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, RUN TIIENCE N69'S3'OO"E ALONG TilE NORTIIERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2 A DISTANCE or 19.00 FEET TO A POINT OF BEGINNING; CONTINUE THENCE N69'53'OO"E ALONG SAlD NOlnllERLY LINE A IHSTANCE or 50.00 FEET; TIIENCE S20'07'OO"E A DIS'rANGE OF 7.50 FEET TO TIlE SOUTIIERLY LINE or A 7.5 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT; TIIENCE S69'S3'OO"l'l ALONG SATD SOUTIIERLY LINE A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET; TIIENCE N20'07'OO"w A DISTANCE OF 7 . 50 FEET TO SAID NORTIIERLY LINE OF LOT 2 AT TIlE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINS 375 SQUARE FEET. Unfort.unately, a bull t-in swimming pool and cool deck lie directly on the utility easement. As a result, potential buyers \'liJl not purchase tlte property unless the easem(~nt is vacated. It is critical that this 7.5 foot easement: be vacated as quickly as possible in order for Mr. Gastley to be able to sell his property. This easement is a utility easement and, for your convenience, 1S hi.ghlighted on the enclosed survey. Assuming the request for vacation is granted, no other property owners will be dent ed access to or from their property. A.ll parties having any i nl:erest. in the easement have confirmed in WrJ 1:1 ng that they have no intet.'(~st in the utility easement and have no objection 1:0 your' gr::mting our request for vacation. In support of our application, enclosed please find: 1. Letter fr'om CahleVision of Central FJ orida; 2. Letter from Florida Power Corporation; G) - (>11'. Don Lf~IHanc '.and D(~vel opmml t Coordi ne! tor November 29, 1990 3. Letter from Southern llell; {~. Letter from IInited Telephone System; 5. Letter from Enron Gas Pipeline Oper;]ting Company; 6. Letter from Peoples Gas System, rnc.; and 7. Let.tel' from South Seminole &. North Orange County Hastm~ater Transmissioll Author'j ty. As you instructed, I have enclosed 01lr finn's check In the amount of $200.00 to process this application. It is essential thaI: this easemeut. he vac;l1:ed as <]uieldy as possible. If you need allY additional infonnation or havf~ any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~ ~~ . AAC:crr Enclosures ,- .- January 3, 1991 TO: City Manager coordinato~ FROM: Land Development RE: Agenda Item This is a request of Church of the New Covenant to extend their temporary trailer permit in accordance with Section 20-412 of the Code. A permit for a temporary trailer was first granted by the Commission on July 13, 1987 for a period of 24 months. An extension for this permit was granted on September 25, 1989, not to exceed December 1990. 4- As of this date there have been two meetings discussing proprosed construction, but formal site plans have not been submitted. Please see attached. /fg attach. cc: Mayor Commission City Attorney City Clerk -- Church of the Ne\v Covenant January 2, 1991 The Commissioners City of Winter Springs Winter Springs, FL 32708 Dear Sirs: By way of this letter, the Episcopal Church of the New Covenant is re- , questing an extension on the permit for our temporary Sunday School building. The permit is needed in order that we might construct a permanent Sunday School building during the year 1991. -, We have the needed funds to complete this construction, the design has been completed [or the new building, and we have contracted with Dyer, Riddle, Site Engineers, who will submit their completed findings by January 15th. We have not had complaints from neighbors regarding the temporary building, and it is not visible from Tuscawilla Road or to the adjoining properties. The construction will be completed in 1991. Thank you for your help in this matter. yours, Jt@t'lwlt~ ON 02. 1991 Gregory O. Brewer, Rector GOB/bas ~ OE Wll'lTER SPR\~GS 'tDD(1 Qe.'lWop.ment Coordmator cc: Ms. Mary Norton ~r. Don LeBlanc 875 Tuscawilla Road. Winter Springs, FL 32708' Phone: 407-699-0202 ----.--.--- - Regular Meeting, City Commisison, September 25, 1989 Page 2 88-89-29 City Manager Richard Rozanksy stated that the purpose of this Meeting is to finalize the budget, and adopt the millage rate. The general public will be allo~tlto speak. He said that a summary of the Fiscal Year 1989-1990 Budget, along with the required notice of tax increase, has been published in accordance with Florida Statutes in the Sanford Herald and the Sentinel, and he believes we have met all of the require- ments of the law. He stated that the proposed millage rate is 3 mills and the rolled back rate is 1.8076. The difference between the two is 1.1924. This represents a 65.97% increase in property taxes over the rolled back rate. _ The City..Manager Summarized the General Budget which totals $10,067,176. He revi"ewed revenues in all funds. and expenditures in all funds. Captial Improvements/Equipnlent Fund totaled $402.331, Transportation Improvement Fund totaled $641,000. Personnel and Benefits were reviewed. The City Manager reviewed the Water and Sewer budget. The total budget is $2,783,200. Prior year renewal and replacement funds total $282,200. Water and Sewer expenditures were reviewed. Total expenditures were $2,783,170. Audit/ Administrative Services total cost was $75,060, Capital Projects, $893,000, Vehicles. $25,000, Other Equipment, $94,100, Additional Personnel, $10.524. Public Hearing on the Budget: David Hopkins, 321 Arapaho Trail. questioned the justification for the very high raise in taxes in just one year. Discussion. "_. Mayor Grove closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the Commission Meeting. Attorney Hadley read Resolution 621 in its entirety, setting the Ad Valorem Tax millage rate for the City of Winter Springs for the Fiscal Year 1989-90. Couwlissioner Kulbes made a motion for the adoption of Resolution 621. Commissioner Partyka seconded the motion. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Con~issioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, no; Conunissioner Partyka, aye; COII~issioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Kaehler. aye. Motion carried. Commissioner Hoffmann made a motion to adopt budget Ordinance 470. Commissioner Kaehler seconded the motion. Vote on the motion: COllwlissioner Jacobs, no; Conunissioner Partyka. aye; CommiSSioner Kulbes. aye; Conunissioner Kaehler, aye; Couwl1ss10ner Hoffmann, aye. Motion carried. Public Hearing for Ordinance 468 to extend territorial and municipal limits to annex the hereinafter described lands, etc: Attorney Hadley read Resolution 468 by title only. The City Planner explained the position of the lands on the map. There were no public comments on the Ordinance. Mayor Grove closed the Public Hearing and reconvened the Commission Meeting. Conunissioner Kulbes made a motion for the adoption of Ordinance 468. Commissioner Hoffmann seconded the motion. Vote on the motion: COlrnnissioner Partyka, aye; Commissioner Kulbes. aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; COlrnnissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye. Motion carried. - Temporary trailer permit for the Church of The New Covenant: Discussion. Scott Culp, member of the Episcopal Church of The New Covenant, stated that the trailer is a temporary educational facility. They are having plans drawn to be submitted at the end of January or February for a new educational building. 'fhey're planning to start construction by April of next year. COlrnnissioner Kulbes made a motion to grant the Church of The New Covenant the extensiQn of a temporary "~ / .. ..' , /' ------ / r- 'f ,.... I , I : f I ,I: ,; i I, Regular Meeting, ,City Couunission, September 25. 1989 Page 3 88-89 -29 trailer permit, not to exceed December. 1990. Commissioner Partyka seconded the motion: : Commissioner Partyka, aye; Commissioner Kulbes. aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Jacobs. aye. Motion carried. Temporary trailer permit for Atlantic Specialties: Mr. LeBlanc. Land Development Coordinator, said that the .trailer is located on the Joyce property next to the sawmill. Dan Stevens, 1201 Orange Avenue said they have had a trailer there for office purposes for a year. He requested permission to leave the trailer there. He said that he may need to transfer to another area of Winter Springs, so he would like permission to transfer his permit for the remainder of the twelve month pcriod granted. Discussion Commissioner Kulbes made a motion to table this case until the next,mceting. Commissioncr Partyka seconded the motion. Vote on the motion: Con~issioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, no; Commissioner Hoffmann, no; Commissioncr Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Partyka, no. Motion failed. Commissioner Partyka made a motion to approve his permit based on his getting a 'written approval from the current landowner and payment of the fee to the City. He would then grant him the permit for six months. Discussion.. Commissioner Partyka amended the motion to say that if he does this within two weeks. 'it is approved without its coming back to the Commission. Commissione' Hoffmann seconded the motion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Jacobs. aye; Commissioner Partyka, aye; Commissioner Kulbes. no. Motion carried. City Manager Richard Rozansky: 1. Bids for a car for Winter Springs Water and Sewer. City Manager Rozansky said three bids were received which were unacceptable. He will encumber the money and write up a Purchase Order in order to get a proper car for Water and Sewer. 2. First Reading of ,Ordinance 417. repealing Section 9-178 of the Code: Attorney Hadley read the Ordinance. '''Section I - That Section 9-178 of Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Winter Springs. Florida, is hereby deleted in its entirety. and the following replaced therefore: Sec. 9-178. Required improvements to be completed prior to' building on lots; exceptions. No building shall be erected on a lot or parcel of land subject to this chapter, which parcel is within a proposed subdivision. nor shall any building permit be issued therefore", etc. DIscussion. Mayor Grove said this will be set for Second Reading and Public Hearing.~ 3. Reports: City Manager Rozansky asked for questions on the monthly reports. .Co.~issioner Hoffmann asked what the normal water usage is. Commi~Qloner Kulbes asked about the number of ,police cases sent to court. He asked about the large number of reinspections. Cownlssioncr Hoffmann asked where most of the services of Mutual Aids were given. He asked whether the water overrunning on Winter Springs ,Boulevard near Oviedo has been resolved. Commissioner Kaehler asked about giving out permits where people are allowed to demuck and fill in and use the land for building purposes. Commissioner Hoffmann asked about item 17. Braewick Revision - the developer proposes to change the product line. Attorney Hadley sent greetings from Attorney Kruppenbacher, who is now in Korea. Commissioner Hoffmann asked about the statuses of Ordinances 464 and 567. Commissioner Kulbes spoke on the Study Conclusions portion of the Memorandum on solid waste and recycling which includes Franchise Zones. Mandatory Collection, Unified Solid Waste and Recycling Program. and Cooperate Countywide Public Education Program. He said that these four were out in the forefront of 'all areas that have studied this, an~', ,are included in their programs. He advised that Winter Springs '- --. Church of the New Covenant December 14, 1989 Mr. Richard Rozansky, City Manager City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, FL 32708 Dear Mr. Rozansky: Mr. Donald R. LeBlanc recently brought to our attention the fact that our temporary permit for an on site trailer had expired. He informed us by letter that if we wanted to renew that permit, we should contact you and - request to be put on the Commission agenda. Therefore, on behalf of the Episcopal Church of the New Covenant, I am asking you if we can be put on the Commission's agenda. We are presently working with an architect, Mr. Richard Matz, of Maitland, on future facilities. We hope to being our capital funds drive within the next month with the plan to break ground in the middle of 1990. So, we are forging ahead, but not as quickly as we would have liked. Thank you for giving this your kind consideration. hearing from you in this regard. I will look [orwnrd to Sincerely yours, ~~~~IlW~~ SEP 15 1989 ~G.~. Gregory O. Brewer, Rector (signed in Fr. Brewer's absence) CITY of WINTER S~RINGS . cm .A"AGEIt Enc 1 . _. P.S. this is help. I am enclosing the check for $500.00 to renew our permit. I hope the proper procedure to follow at this point. Thank you for your ?1Je- ~ GOB 875 Tuscawilla Road. Winter Springs, FL 32708 · Phone: 407,699,0202 ,- Regular Meeting, City Commission, July 13, 1987 Page 3 86-87-17 - Request of New Covenant Ep~scopal Church: The Church of the New Covenant Episcopal Church requested approval for a temporary structure during their expansion. Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs to approve the request to place a trailer for a 24 month period subject to a satisfactory site plan. Seconded by Commissioner Trencher. Discussion. Vote on the motion: COlmnissioner Kaehler, aye; COlTUnissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; COllunissioner Trencher, aye; motion carried. First Reading of Ord. No. 388, annexation (Lot 12, Entz. Farms Add. H2), Raymond and Martha Denton: Motion was made by COlTUuissioner Trencher to read Ord. No. 388 by title only on first reading. Seconded by Commissioner Hoffmann. Discussion. Vote on the motion: COlTUuissioner Kaehler, aye; Conunissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Trencher, aye; motion carried. Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 388 by title only on first reading. First Reading of Ord. NO. 389, annexation (Lots 9 and'lO, Blk. D, Flamingo Springs), Billy Martin: Motion was made by COlTUuissioner,Kulbes to read Ord. No. 389 by title only on first reading. Seconded by Conunissioner Hoffmann. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Conunissioner Hoffmann, aye; COlTUnissioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, absent; Conunissioner Trencher, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; motion carried. - Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 389 by title only on first reading. Resolution No. 574, appreciation to members of the Sign Ordinance Revi~w Committee: Attorney Kruppenbacher read Rcsolution No. 574 in its entircty. Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs to adopt Resolution No. 574. Seconded by Commissioner Kulbes. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Conunissioner Trencher, ayc; Commissioncr Kachler, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; motion carried. C~sy' Manager Richard R07.ansky: 1987-1988 fiscal Year Budget: Manager Rozansky transmitted the 1987-1988 Budget to the Commission on July I, 1987. The Budget is based on 1.5 mills that we have now. Total Budget for the City is $5,660,452. The Winter Springs Water & Sewer Budget is $2,081,996, making a total of $7,7'+2,448. At the next Commission Meeting, the Commission is required to set the proposed millage rate and set the day, time and place for the public hearing for the Tentative Budget. }layor Torcaso called a Workshop Meeting [or July 20, at 7:00 p.m. - Manager Rozansky reviewed all Revenues as Ad Valorem Taxes Franchise Fees-Cas Franchise Fees-Water Franchise Fees-Cable TV Occupational License Permits-Building follows: 653,787 22,368 25,317 43,211 42,000 150,000 "- Church of the New Covenant January 2, 1991 The Commissioners City of Winter Springs Winter Springs, FL 32708 Dear Sirs: /....-.. By way of this letter, the Episcopal Church of the New Covenant is re- questing an extension on the permit for our temporary Sunday School building. The permit is needed in order that we might construct a permanent Sunday School building during the year 1991. We have the needed funds to complete this construction, the design has been completed for the new building, and we have contracted with Dyer, Riddle, Site Engineers, who will submit their completed findings by January 15th. We have not had complaints from neighbors regarding the temporary building, and it is not visible from Tuscawilla Road or to the adjoining properties. The construction will be completed in 1991. Thank you for your help in this matter. Gregory O. Brewer, Rector GOB/bas .~, cc: Ms. Mary Norton Mr. Don LeBlanc 875 Tuscawilla Road. Winter Springs, FL 32708 · Phone: 407,699,0202 January 7, 1991 TO: City Manager ~ Land Development Coordinator FROM: RE: Agenda Item This is to consider the P & Z Board's recommendation in reference to Highland Lakes Final Development Plan/Preliminary Engineering. Attached are the packages presented to the P & Z Board, engineering drawings and the P & Z minutes of November 14, 1990. NOTE: This agenda item becomes invalid if Shepard Road is removed from the Highlands PUD Preliminary Development Plan. The reason for this is that Shepard Road is included as part of the engineering. /fg attach. cc: Mayor Commission City At torney City Clerk _.._._-_.........~~""_..~_._. - Planning and Zonin~ Board Minutes Special Meeting November 14. 1~90 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. BOARD MEMRERS David Hopkin:>. ChairmuL\. 1)rc~Hmt John Langclotti. Present John TorcaHo. Pre~cnt David McLeod. Vice-~lairman. Present CITY OJ;,n CIALS C.--""Ozlov. Ci r.y Engint:e r H. Jenkins. Assistant En~ineer J. Koch. D1r. Adm./Comp. Planning D. Lefilanc, Land Development Coordinator Special Meeting on the Final Development Plan - Preliminary Eneincering, Highland Lakc~ Hopkins said the Board has received copies of the information provided by Staff. Hopkins asked LeUlanc to give a brief pre:;entation. LeBlanc ti;lid thit: lIICl.'tinl:'. i~ at thl.! rcq\ll'st uf t:he ul'veloper. The.~ pro~etis fur t:hc devl'luPl.r pri.ur to eoinj~ tv the COllunis::iion. 1s the Staff Revie.... .1nu the Planning ~ Zoninr~ BoaeJ. Hopkins said the option:;; ....e have are either Lo recommcnJ approval, approval with modifications, or to dl.'ny this plan. Also. it may be ::;.'nt back fur fllnh.,.'r infurmation if Wl! Jo not find it sufficient. Ill.' invite.'d Mr. Ch;mcl'llor. rl'prL'scnL~It:ive of the developer. to :;;pcak. Mr. Chancellor cave a synopsis or the actions that Ilavc been taken over the past year. He c:..plained the current pLm. He said he understood that the Ciry':;; porcion of Shep:lrd ROad ....uuld be constructed ....hen th.! cCIII:Lininj.~ propcJ.'ti...s we.'ce etevelopl'd. Hopkins said this i:> in direct confJ i.ct with the propo~;;!l dl:lt Ch:lI1cel.lor ~:ubl1l:i.tred la::;t wl'ek. Chancellor s:lid if the Pl:lI1ning .c. ZlIni.ng Bonrd deciul.'S co [orw;lrJ tl1l.' pL111 t:h..:.: is before tlwm t:onl.~~ht to the COl1lmil;~;lon, ':'r 1.-; hi~; ulhlL'r~;t;lJ)uine LhdL the uwncr of the property i:; ....illing to con::;ldel' ....ithJrawinr, his rCfIue::;t in rCj.~:ll'U to thc solution of Shcp..rd l~oad. He said the lloi\rd Coln ::;ublllit a pl:lI\ tholt .-;how::; Sh"'r~lrd Road or one th:H del... tes Shepard }{oad. Koch Solid what is before this Board at the moment i~ whether tlli~ plan meets the City COUl'!. 'l'hc DOHrd is to look. at the concl.lpt of the plan .1uL' lIil;hl:lnJ L:Jk,'s. Hopkins asked thac the public bl.l .1llo....ed to Civc COOllllcnts. Hr. Warren Williams, 312 Wing L.1ne. \.Jlntcr Polrk. spoke. 111.' said he own~; 17.26 .1cr..'::; south of chis property. He said he has a prublem w1;.h the two ;lppli~~IC.i.Olls pcnJilli'.. in that he is .:11: a lo::;s to takl.! any nction ref.tlrdinc his lanJ unU.l he se('~ wh:1I: Lhe result:: ....ill be. He saiJ he woulet like to Sl'C both of the .1pplic:lI1t::; hL',-.rJ aC the s;\me time by che COlluni.$:;ion; otlwrwise.', he is ..[raid t:hat concradiccury deci:-.i.OIl.... ....ill be made. as the t....o applications nre contradictory. The developer's opposition to installing a 12 inch ....:Ltl.r line on Shl'polrJ Road W:JS discussed. Kozlov Solid if Shepard Road eOl.'S through, it will need to be a 12 .i.nch pipe. Kozlov said accordinc C(I che Tl'CommenLl:ltion of the Utility M~ln''\J:('r. ell(' pIpe to che north of this project hac.l .1 tWL'lv(' inc.h p:i.re.~ in pl:lcC', :11\11 if it doct~ eo l:hrou~h co the r.outh or IIl1~hl.'\ncls L:lk,'. it ....ill n('('(1 to he.' 1II,'\tchine in t;iu. Planning and Zoning Board Minutes Special Workshop November 14, 1990 I' ':lge 2 - Chancellor said that subsequent development to the south needs to be served by City facilities. McCleod said that Doug Taylor, the Utility Manager, said that with th~ section of Shepard Road installed, the developer is required to install the 12 inch Water main in ilccordance with the City's Hast~r Plan. Hopkins asked about the cxisting gas line. Chancellor said it's a four inch line which serves the Highalnds and the south. He s.:lid the responsibility to lrL.:lintain it is with the g':l::' company. He said th(.\ City has an .:lgrl'cmcnt with the g:lS comp:my Haying that the l!':IS company would reloC':ltc thc l~.'S line to the Shl'pard Road right- of-way (last of the City property. Chancellor s.:1id Florid~l Land Company would not rc.ll'h an a~rl'l'ment with tIll.' gas comp.'lny in th.:lt the g.,s comn.my proposed that the Florida L..Hld Company ::>hotlld flay not only [or movinl~ the ga~; line acro~;s tlll'ir property. but also across th~ City property and acro~s Mr. William's property. Hopkins asked whose responsibility it is to maintain the retention pond~;. The Highl.and Lak&.:S A~HiOci:\tion will hI: l'('!RpOnti1blu. HopkinH lIRkc(j if thi~ i~ infringing on ~IllY of thl' 100 year Plood Plain. Ko~lov Baid (ml:',ilW('r~ have genC'r.,lly ju~;t luoked .1[: l.hLo! F.E.M.A. llInp, .found th~ g~nl!ral location and nOl:~d the di~;t.:U\cc frolll it. Hopkins asked Chnncellor if he is Opposed to addin~ the additional sized w~tcr main. Ch.,mcellor tiaid they question whl.ther l:hc 12 inch is appropriate or 11l~l'llcll. Il11Jlki.ns .:lsked ':lbout probl~lIIs with the ex.isting eilS line. Ch.:mccllor S.:11d the j,',ns line i~;~;ue will be resolved. - NcLeod m..de a motion that We find the plans in compliance with tIll! oril',in<11 PUD Ordin.lnce, and th.:1t they be p<lssed (.)Jl fur .:1CCl'pt:lncc with :ltt.lchnwnt~. but thl.'Y must comply with the additional rcconuncndations of the ~taff. 'l'orcaso seconded the motion for dlscussion. Discussion. Roll Call: John 'l'orc..so, aye; David NcLcod, aye; D':lviJ Hopkins, aye; John Lanr.clot ti. ':lye. Motion carried. McetinR adjourned at 9:15 P.M.. Respectfully r.ubmitted, Caroline McCinley .,- / I I / / / / J-... ,I November 26. 1990 TO: Land Development Coordinator FROM: City Engineer ~ j,~ SUBJECT: Error in the typed Hinutes of the P & Z Special Workshop dated November 14. 1990 On page 2, third paragraph, there is an error regarding the information provided the Board on the 100 year flood Zone. Hr. McLeod inquired about the issue of the 100 year flood elevation that was not provided on the preliminary engineering. As the City Engineer, 1 told Hr. McLeod that there was only a note on the engineering stating the project was not in the flood zone. He was told that the Code requires that che distance and location of the 100 year flood elevation be provided, which the engineer-of-record did not do. Hr. HCLeod was told that the preliminary engineering did not meet the City Code. Hr. McLeod asked Hr. Chancellor why this information was not prOVided, and Hr. Chancellor mentioned a surveyor would be neodod to determine this information. 1 told Hr. HcLeod that all tho engineer-of-reoord (Hr. HcHriartyj would need would be to Use a FEIIA map; measure the information off this m"p and place it on tho preliminary engineering. Hr. HcLeod told Hr. Chancellor that it was his responsibility to provide that information. The preceding is a repreSentation of events regarding the 100 year flood plain issue. Jfg CC: Asst. City Clerk ". .. - November 7, 1990 TO: P & Z Board ~ Land Development Coordinato~ FROM: RE: Staff Review, Highland Lakes Final Development Plan/ Preliminary Engineering The above referenced was held on November 6, 1990. R. Campbell, G. Chancellor, D. McBriarty, and B. Pittman represented the project which is located in the Highlands PUD. Staff members present were Artman, Dallas, Govoruhk, Koch, Kozlov, Lallathin, LeBlanc, McKinney and Taylor. - Please refer to attached Staff comments and correspondence relating to this project. The City Planner (Koch) comments on Shepard Road are not to be construed as approval of the technical design of this road. There was a brief discussion on cost distribution (City/Developer share), according to Developer Agreement referred to in Utility Manager (Taylor) comments. Both Chancellor and Taylor agreed to do further research on this matter. There is a gas transmission line going through the project. The developer stated that this line will be relocated during construction. The exact, future placement is unknown at this time. This project will be presented on November 14, 1990 at 7:30 p.m. /fg cc: City Manager Staff - - ~~ ':0 - - FLORIDA LAND COMPANY HAND DELIVER November 6, 1990 City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: Gerald Chancellor, Engineering Consultant To Whom It May Concern: Please use this letter as written notification that Gerald Chancellor has been retained by Florida Land Company as an authorized representative for our project at the Highlands P.U.D., Winter Springs, Florida. Therefore, any verbal or written requests for information from Mr. Chancellor should be provided to him by the City of Winter Springs. Commonweal th Engineering Associates, Inc. also remains as an authorized representative of Florida Land Company. Please contact me should you have any questions. ~~ Ronald D. Campbell President RDC!av cc: Gerald Chancellor STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE The foregoing instrument was this .5+1.- day of November, 1990, PRESIDENT of FLORIDA LAND COMPANY, on behalf of the corporation. acknowledged before me by RONALD D. CAMPBELL, a Florida corporation, ~~.~ NOTARY PUBLIC N'1X- Afyo:rmkfc~ ~~1\E~l)~mA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL 2, 1991. , BONDED THRU NOTARY pual.lC UNDERWRITER.... (SEAL) FLORIDA LAND COMPANY 255 5. ORANGE AVENUE SUITE 1444 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801 (407) 425-2745 , . "-- - October 31, 1990 TO: Staff coordinato~ FROM: Land Development RE: Staff Review, Highland Lakes Please review the attached, latest revision for the above referenced. A Staff Review for this project has been scheduled for 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 6, 1990. - This project does not meet all Code requirements at this time, but the developer has requested, and it was agreed, that the project would be presented to the Planning and Zoning Board and the Commission as is. Please see attached letter from Chancellor & Associates, Inc. You are to have your written comments prepared for this meeting and please reference the Code Section justifying your comments (or Development Agreement). A Special Meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board will be called for November 14, 1990. The Staff will be present to answer questions the Board may have. ffg attachs. cc: City Manager - Ihis re . Ce/PI, If ' reI/}" ""IUOrSe -------, /987./. - 31, 1990 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Mr. Gerald L. Chancellor Chancellor & Associates, Inc. 605 E. Robinson Street, Suite Orlando, FL 32801 210 Re: Highland Lakes Dear Mr. Chancellor: As per our conversation of October 30, 1990 and your letter of October 26, 1990, the following is offered as a synopsis of our conversation: - 1) Your letter of October 26 states that" ... directed by our client Our records indicate that Commonwealth Engineering Associates, Inc. is the firm representing Florida Land Company. If your firm is indeed representing Florida Land Company, and not Commonwealth Engineering Associates, Inc., the City needs a notarized statement from Florida Land Company so designating your firm in this capacity. If your firm is to be co-responsible, along with Commonwealth, this statement should so state. This information is required for our records. " 2) I brought to your attention the fact that Florida Land Company has made application to alter the Preliminary Development Plan of the Highlands PUD by deleting the Shepard Road Extension and that the engineering plan you wish to submit to the Planning and Zoning Board and to the Commission includes Shepard Road. You stated that you were aware of this and that this is the way you wanted it presented. Although we did not discuss this, you should be aware that if Shepard Road is deleted from the Preliminary Development Plan, your engineering plan will have to be revised and be presented to the Planning and Zoning Board and to the Commission once again. If you find my synopsis of this conversation to be in error, or I can be of further assistance, please call me. Sincerely, ~~~.c.e..~~~ __ Donald R. LeBlanc Land Development Coordinator .- ffg cc: City Manager Certified Letter No. P 858 920 931 ,-, Chancellor & Associates, Inc. 605 E. Robinson Street . Sui~ 210 Drl;ando, Florid.32IJ(}1 (407J 872-1707 October 26, 1990 Leonard Kozlov, P.E., City Engineer City of Winter Springs 1126 East S.R. 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708 Re: Highland Lakes Preliminary Engineering Plans Dear Mr. Kozlov: .- We are in receipt of your letter of 10/05/90, which you have addressed to Commonwealth Engineering and are again requesting additional information concerning the above. It would be appreciated if in the future you would be so kind as to have the courtesy to provide a copy of all such correspondence to the owner/developer, Florida Land Company. Please be advised that it is not our intent to consider revisions to the preliminary plans for this project until such time as we have had an opportunity to present the project to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Once again, we are requesting on behalf of Florida Land Company that this project be scheduled for the next available Commission hearing, regardless of your comments. We have also been directed by our client to respond to your 10/05/90 letter. The numbered responses below correspond to those purported "deficiencies" contained in your letter. 1. The plans resubmitted on 10/21/90 by Commonwealth adequately address the original comment '3 contained in your 08/20/90 letter. You are now requesting ~ changes to the plans, which we will be pleased to address in our final engineering plans. - 2. It is not understood why you are so insistent upon knowing the invert elevation of the existing sanitary sewer located in Highlands Village Two: adjacent to our project. Since we will be connecting with a force main and not a gravity sewer line, this invert elevation is meaningless from a construction or engineering standpoint. In addition, Highlands Village Two has been completed and platted for quite some time, do you or the City Utility Department not have as-built plans for that project? Obviously, such plans would show you the invert elevation you desire. If you still wish to have this invert elevation shown, we would request that you provide same to ul~~~r~~\fi~y to show it on our final engineering plans. ~~~~U.Cl ~~ (i)ET 2 9 1990 ~ DE WJNTER SPRINGS CanC1 J)e.\lelopment Coordinator: '/ // - Leonard Kozlov, P.R., City Enqineer City of Winter Sprinqs October 26, 1990 paqe Two 3. The natural seasonal high water table for this site is irrelavent. As you are well aware, the City has 20 acres of percolation/evaporation ponds adjacent on the north and our project is downstream (ground water movement wise) from these facilities. Therefore, how the City Utility Department loads these ponds with effluent has a direct and rapid effect upon the elevation of the groundwater table under this project: as is further evidenced by the trees which are apparently being killed by the City's activities. Please remember that these are preliminary engineering plans which also means that r.oadway locations are preliminary in nature. Prior to preparation of final engineering plans, (once roadway locations are known), we will be pleased to perform further soils investigations including water table elevations to facilitate the final design of the roadways. - We would remind you that the City had also done soils investigations and water table elevations during 1989 (in the wet season): when the City was investigating the purchase of this property to expand its effluent disposal facilities. Perhaps you could refer to those reports to satisfy your curiosity as regards groundwater table elevations. 4. As was stated previously by Commonwealth Engineering, the site is not located within a FEMA flood hazard area. If you need to know where the nearest 100 year flood zone is with respect to this project, we would suggest that you refer to the FEMA map for Winter Springs. In the event that you do not have such a map, please advise us and we will be pleased to purchase one for you. As City Engineer it should greatly facilitate your review of development projects in the future. 5. The engineering plans, Sheet 2 of 3, resubmitted to you on 9/21/90, show a fire hydrant at the NE corner of Lot #14 which by our measurements is approximately 480 feet from the hydrant between Lots 5 and 6: and approximately 420 feet south down Shepard Road to the hydrant located at Lot '26. We do not see what you are requesting to be corrected, you may wish to note that the plans ~re to a scale of 1 inch equal 50 feet. - 6. An Don-site easement, from the point of discharge of the pond to the site property line, .. . n was not what you previously requested in our opinion and is not necessary for a major portion of the length which you are now requesting such an easement to be provided. The majority of the storm sewer piping system will be located within public rights-of-way and easements will not be needed. For those portions which are not located thusly, we will provide appropriate easements on the final engineering plans and plat for this project. Once again, - this is a preliminary plan and even the roadway locations are not certain, much less where easements may be located. In addition, since Florida Land Company owns the property in question, they can dedicate ahy necessary easements at will. /7 .,.,,' ':~. ....,..-- .. , ..'. . -- Leonard Koz1ov, P.E., City Enqineer City of Winter Sprinqs October 26, 1990 paqe Three 7. It is our belief and that of Florida Land Company that the 8" water main a10nq Shepard Road is stubbed out properly as shown and is not "in error." If the City Utility Department wishes to discuss these matters, we will be qlad to do so with them and perhaps address any chanqes in our final engineering plans. We would also question why the water main should be stubbed to the north at all, since there is no developable property to the north of our project: only the City IS effluent disposal facilities. 8. We are not asking the City to pay for the water mains needed for this project. However, if the City desires oversizing of water mains and the like for the benefit of others, it is our opinion that the City should pay for same. We will not remove the note as you request, but will look forward to discussing these matters with the proper City authorities. From previous indications by City Staff, it is our understanding that such matters are left to the' City Commission not the staff as was stated to me by Mr. Don LeBlanc at our meeting of 7/31/90, before the City Department Directors. - 9. The note which you refer to has been on our engineering plans since July, 1989. If the City code requires the finished floor elevations to be 1.5 feet above the 100 year flood level, we shall of course comply with same. We will be pleased to make the note correction (if appropriate) on the final engineering plans. Of course, if you wish to redline the note on the preliminary engineering plans, please feel free to do so. We trust that the above responses will satisfy your letter of 10/05/90. Irregardless, on behalf of Florida Land Company, we again request to be placed upon the Planning & Zoning Conunission agenda for the next available hearing. If you should decide not to comply with our request, we would appreciate you advising us of such a decision in writing immediately. It is our opinion and that of legal counsel that you nor other staff members have the legal right to deny such a request. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, '1UtLld. J;f ~edUv)pJ- Gerald L. Chancellor President - GLClpl cc: Commonwealth Engineering Ronald D. Campbell, Florida Land Company Richard Rozansky, City Manager Don LeBlanc, City Land Development Coordinator ~ November 6, 1990 TO: Land Development Coordinator SUBJECT: Final Developmen~ Plan for Highland Lakes The plan for this development of 39 patio homes in the southeastern area of the Highlands is in accordance with the approved master plan of the PUD. The area is designated multi-family, which includes patio homes, and the proposed density of 3.9 units per acre is well below the 7.5 allowed by code. The plan for Highland Lakes incorporates the completion of MacGregor Road from its present terminus in Highland Village 2 to its ultimate connection to Shepard Road, the collector road serving this area of the PUD. The section of Shepard Road required in this development is included in the design and meets the City's specifications for a municipal collector road. ~ Highland Lakes will be a development very similar to Highland Village so no buffering between the two is necessary, in that the transition will be nearly imperceptible. To the north, the City's effluent disposal sites already include a natural vegetation buffer. To the east, the Shepard Road right-of-way will provide a spatial buffer between the homes in Highland Lakes and the commercial properties east of the PUD along SR 419, which presently include natural buffer areas themselves. ~ Jacqueline Koch Director of Administration/ Comprehensive Planning WINTER SPRINGS WATER & SEWER WEST 1 NORTH FAIRFAX AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1641 November 6, 1990 MEMORANDUM TO: Don LeBlanc FROM: Doug Taylor VI~ RE: Highland Lake Preliminary Engineering Plan .~ The preliminary design for the Highland Lakes project is acceptable except for the water main on the proposed Shepard Road extension section. This water main should be increased from an 8" to a 12" line. This change is required after reviewing the Utilities master water distribution plan. As to the statement in Mr. Chancellor's letter to Leonard Kozlov dated October 26, 1990, stating that the City should pay for the over size water line and the like for the benefit of others, the City has no obligation to pay for such improvements. The Developer Agreement from which Florida Land Company was assigned the water and sewer capacity states that the Developer will construct and install all water mains, gravity sewer lines, lift station(s) and force main(s) from Developer's property to the service companies existing facilities in accordance with overall master plans of the utility system and in accordance with approved engineering plans and specifications. This original agreement was between North Orlando Water and Sewer (Florida Land Company) and Newlando, Inc. and was signed by Gerald Chancellor representing the service company the 8th day of September, 1984. DT/blc - November 5, 1990 TO: Land Development Coordinator FROM: City Engineer~ SUBJECT: Highland Lakes, Preliminary Engineering With regard to Mr. Gerald Chancellor's letter of October 26, 1990, he has responded to an engineering comment review letter issued October 5, 1990 to Mr. Douglas O. McBriarity, P.E., Commonwealth Engineering, the engineer-of-record. - To date the City has not received a response from Mr. McBriarity nor does the City know if Mr. Chancellor's letter represents Mr. McBriarity's response. Nevertheless, all of the items in the City's letter, dated October 5, 1990, remain except for item 5, where the engineering requiring a minimum of 750 feet maximum separation does meet the City Code. The items in the City's letter of October 5, 1990, except item 5, have not been responded to satisfactorily. /fg - ~ "'----..,. -..,...,; '0 CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1800 October 5, 1990 Mr. Douglas o. McBriarty, P.E. Conuno~lth EngineeriI1lJ Associates, Inc. 2180 West State Road 434 Suite 3100 Longwood, FL 32779-5010 RE: Preliminary Engineering Review - Highland Lakes Dear Mr. McBriarty: - Your response letter dated September 21, 1990, and the revised Preliminary Engineering, for the subject project, were received on September 21, 1990. The Land Developnent Code (LOC), Article II, Division 2. Preliminary Plan, Sections 9-46 through 9-70, state the required infonnation is to be subni tted with the Preliminary Plan. The following canments address the deficiencies noted in your latest subni ttal. At the errl of each item belCM, the section of the LOC requiring this infonnation for a Preliminary Plan, is shcwl in {brackets}. 1. On sheet 2 of 3 of the en]ineerin] plan, please add the required slopes to the" interior residential streets" cross-section, as shc1.m for a 50 I right-of-way in Section 296 of the LOC. The sidewalks, utility area and roadway should have slopes of 2%, 6.25% and 2%, respectively. Also, please add the work "minimwn" to all the pavement thicknesses and change the subbase thickness to 8", as stated in Section 9-201 of the LOC. This section supersedes all previous references to a 6" subbase. This was requested in the City's letter, item 3, dated August 20, 1990. [Section 9-46 par. b(2.f <<u)]. 2. Please include the invert elevations for the sanitary sewer adjacent to the project site. This was requested in the City's letter, item 4, dated August 20, 1990. (Section 9-46 par.b(2.k)]. - 3. Please comply with item 8, of the City's letter dated August 20, 1990. The .July 15, 1986, report by .Jamnal 6( Associates, that you sJ.lbnitted .July 18, 1990, is titled; "Soil and Hydrogeologic Investigation for Effluent Disposal Permi tting. " This report makes no mention of the estimated seasonal high water table, bearing capacity of the soil or sui tab!li ty for residential construction. Please provide this information fran .Jammal << Associates. The seasonal high water table must be provided to determine the location of roadway underdrains. It is understcxx1 that the roadway grade is not established at ~.' ~ Mr. Douglas O. McBriarty, P.E. October 5, 1990 Page 2 of this time, but the seasonal high water table is to be provided as part of a complete soils report. {Section 9-46 par.b(2.q & u)). 4. Even though the site may not be in a flood zone, please include on the engineering plans, the elevation, distance to and location 0 the nearest 100- year flood zone. Sheet 3 of 3 of the engineering plans, notes 2 and 4, make reference to the 100-year flood elevation but the elevation was not specified. This was requested in the city's letter, item 9, dated August 20, 1990. {Section 9-46 par.b(2.u)). - 5. Please comply with item 14 of the City's letter dated August 20, 1990. The distance from the fire hydrant between lot 5 and 6, heading east to lot 14, then south down Shepard Road to the fire hydrant located at lot 26, measures 860 feet. This exceeds the maximum 750 feet distance between fire hydrants, stated in Section 9-261 par. (c) of the LOC. Please correct this. {Section 9-46 par.b(2.g)) . 6. Please comply with item 18 of the City's letter dated August 20, 1990. Your su1:mi ttal of the legal document relating to the off-site easement was received but the on-site easement, from the point of discharge of the pond to the site property line, was not drawn and noted on the engineering plans as requested. Please draw and note this on the engineering. [Section 9-46 par.b(2.g)) . 7. Please comply with item 19 of the City's letter dated August 20, 1990. The 8" water main along Shepard Road, that you added to sheet 2 of 3 of the engineering plans, does not go all the way to the north and south property lines, as required by the Utility Department (WSWS-West). The water line is shown stopping 115' short of the north property line and 75' short of the south property line. Please correct this error on the engineering plans. {Section 9- 46 par.b(2.u)). - 8. On sheet 2 of 3 of the engineering plans, please remove the note in the center of the sheet, regarding the 8" VB. 6" water main on Shepard Road that stated, "The City of Winter Springs to pay the difference between the tw:>." Section 9-261 par. (b) of the LDC stated, "In no event shall the City be required to pay the cost of the installation of the water and sewer trunk line system." [Section 9-46 par. b( 2. u) ) . 9. On sheet 3 of 3 of the engineering plans, note 2 states that finished floor elevations will be 1.0' above the lOO-year flood level. Please change this note to irrlicate finished floors must be at least 1.5' above the lOO-year flood level, as is required by Section 9-241 par. (c) of the LOC. [Section 9-46 par.b(2.u)) . ',- ....;.;j Mr. Douglas O. McBriarty, P.E. October 5, 1990 Page 3 Please respond in writing to each of the al:x:we items. If you have any questions, please contact tbJs office. "- MJ /LTK/mh cc: Ci ty Manager Land Developnent Coordinator Building Official - ;. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1800 TO: Land Development Coordinator G. E. Artman J'~c. 4 FROM: DATE: November 5,1990 SUBJECT: Highland Lakes ********************************************************************* In accordance with Code of Ordinances, Section 9-203, all street signs will be installed by Public Works and the developer will pay for the cost of these signs. In accordance with Section 5-3, an Arbor Permit must be obtained prior to any land clearingg for this development. "...--. - -- TO: DON LEBLANC, LAND DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR FROM: JOHN GOVORUHK, CHIEF OF POLICE DATE: NOVEMBER 5, 1990 REF: HIGHLAND LAKES 39-90 Street "A" - Need name. Only mail boxes as approved by the U.S. Post Office standards are to be in the RIGHT-OF-WAY, NO CONCRETE. BARRICADE(S) To conform with F.D.O.T. construction and design. All STREET NAME (with STREET NUMBER and ARROW), DEAD END signs as approved, are to be installed by Public Works (Sec. 9-203, 9-204). HOUSE NUMBERS will be posted, per City Ordinance Sec. 9-374. '~ /.1 " <,/ /v\JoLg~~1(/~ Chief of Police JG/eds - - November 1, 1990 TO: Land Development Coordinator Building Official ~~ FROM: RE: Highland Lakes, Review Project has been reviewed by this department. The following item has not been received: 1. Letter of Transmittal to Florida Power Corporation for street lighting plan. (Reference Sec. 9-204 of City Code)~ required on final engineering. /fg -- -. Winter Spt;ings Fire Departuent OFFICE OF 'mE FIRE MARSW.. To: Land DeveJopment Coordinator From: Fire Marshal RE: Preliminary plans, Highland Lakes site plan review The Fire Marshal's Office has reviewed the above refrenced site plan and' find no problems with hydrant spacing or roadway size or gas main re- location area. R. E. Dallas Fire Marshal November 13, 1990 TO: P & Z Board coordinato~ FROM: Land Development RE: Highland Lakes Attached are additional comments from the Utility Manager/West concerning the above referenced. - NOTE: The only Staff members attending this meeting will be the City Engineer, City Planner and Land Development Coordinator. /fg attach. cc: City Manager - - WINTER SPRINGS WATER & SEWER WEST 1 NORTH FAIRFAX AVENUE WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708 Telephone (407) 327-1641 November 12, 1990 MEMORANDUM TO: Don LeBlanc Doug Taylor Ii r FROM: RE: Highland Lakes Project .- If the Highland Lakes project is to be built as designed with the section of Shepard Road installed the Developer is required to install the 12" water main in accordance with the City's Master Plan. The Developer Agreements's require the developers to construct and in- stall all water mains, gravity sewer lines, lift stations and force mains from developer's property to the service companies existing facilities in accordance with overall master plans of the utility system at the sole cost of the developer. Attached are copies of those sections of the Developer Agreement pertaining to off site install- ations. If the Shepard Road extension is not constructed due to replating then the Developer would not be required to install the 12" water main. DT/blc Attachments .b........... ..~ ;' '~ ..<~ 0, , , ; to the Service Company a copy of the final estimate of payment covering all contract items and Release of Lien from Contrnctor(s). -- (b) After the approval of plans and specifica- tions by Service Company and appropriate regulatory agencies, Developer, or the engineer of record, shall set up a precon- struction conference with engineer of record, utility contractor, appropriate building official(s), all other utility companies involved in the development of the Property, and Service Company, as may be appropriate. Developer shall provide to Service Company's representative forty-eight (48) hours written notice prior to commencement of construction and forty-eight (48) hours written notice prior to any inspections or tests being performed as described herein. "Notice" shall be complete when Service Company actually receives same. - During the construction of the water dis- tribution and sewage collection systems by Developer, Service Company shall have the right to inspect such installations to determine compliance with the approved plans and specifications. ' The engineer of record shall also inspect construction to insure compliance with the approved plans and specifications. The engineer of record and Utility contractor shall be present for all standard tests and inspections for pressure, exfiltration, line and grade, and all other normal engineering tests and inspections to determine that the systems have been installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, and good engineering practices. --- (cl Upon completion of construction, Developer's engineer of record shall submit to Service Company a copy of the signed certification of completion submitted to the appropriate regulatory agencies. If certification is for the water distribution system, a copy of the bacteriological results and a sketch showing locations of all sample points shalL be included. The engineer of record shall also submit to Service Company ammonia mylars of the as-built plans prepared and certified by the engineer of record. (d) Developer will provide Service Company with two (2) copies of the approved paving and drainage plans. (e) Developer will provide Service Company with three (3) copies of the approved subdivision plat. ,......... 8. Off-Site Installation - The Developer will construct and install all v.'ater mains , gravity sewer lines, lift station (s) and force main (s) from Developer's property to the Service Company's existing facilities in accordance with overall master plans of the utility system and in accordance with approved engineering plans and specifications. At all times prior to, during and upon completion -5- ~ .. --- . . '~ ~ the construction of the extensions of Welter and sewer lines, .5erv ice Company shall have the right to. inspect and approve all construction plans and specifications, piping, connections, equipment, materials and construction work being provided or performed, or previously provided or performed, by or on behalf of the Developer. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed by Service Company, elnd any costs of such inspections shall be borne by Service Company. It shall be the Developer' s responsibility to insure that all construction fully meets the plans and specifications approved by the Service Company. As a condition precedent to receiving water and sewer service, Developer shall: -- (a) Provide Service Company with three (3) copies of the approved subdivision plat. (b) Provide Service Company with three (3) copies of the approved paving and drainage plans of the development. (c) Furnish Service Company with three (3) copies of the plans, specifications and engineering cost .estimate for the water distribution system, sewage collection system, lift station(s) and other facili- ties necessary to serve the property described in Exhibit" A".' Developer must receive approval from Service Company of said plans, specifications and engineering cost estimate prior to proceeding with any construction of the facilities. -- .- (d) Obtain approval of the plans and specifi- cations from all necessary governmental agencies, including, but not limited to, the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation, the County of Seminole, andl or the City of Winter Springs. No con- struction shall commence until Service Company and appropriate regulatory agen- cies have approved such plans and speci- fications in writing. When permits and approved plans are returned by appropriate regulatory agencies to Developer, Developer shall submit to Service Company one (1) copy of water and/or sewer construction permit and approved plans. (e) After the approval of plans and specifi- cations by Service Company and appropriate regulatory agencies, Developer, or the engineer of record, shall set up a precon- struction conference with engineer of record, utility contractor, appropriate building official(s), all other utility companies involved in the development of the Property, and Service Company, as may be appropriate. Developer shall provide to Service Company's representative forty-eight (48) hours written notice prior to commencement of construction and forty-eight (48) hours written notice prior to any inspections or tests being per- formed as described herein. "Notice" shall be complete when Service Company actually receives same. During the construction of the water dis- tribution and sewage collection systems by -6- . , ..i'" ,"'~. ~ ..J Developer, Service Comp6ny shall have the right to inspect such installations to determine compliance with the approved pIons and specifications. The engineer of record shall also inspect construction to assure compliance with the approved plans and speci- fications. The engineer of record . and utility contractor shall be present all standard tests and inspections for pressure, exfiltration, line and grade, and all other normal engineering tests and inspections to determine tha~ the systems have been installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, and good engineering practices. (f) Upon completion of construction, Developer's engineer of record shall submit to Service Company a copy of the signed certification of compl~tion submitted to the appropriate regulatory agencies. If certification is for the water distribution system, a copy of the bacteriological results and a sketch showing locations of all sample points shall be included. Developer's engineer shall deliver one (1) set of anunonia mylars of "As-built" engineering plans, prepared by the professional engineer of record, showing the location of all water and sewer systems and services installed, and certification by the professional engineer of record to the Service Company that such systems and services, as built, comply with the plans and specifications approved by the Service Company. Furnish proof satisfactory to the Service Company that the installation of the facili- ties and all contractors, subcontractors, materialmen and laborers have been paid in full, and provide an engineer's certificate of total cost of improvements, i.e., by Release of Lien or other appropriate means. (g) Install, at its sole expense, all of the aforesaid facilities off-site, in accordance with the plans and specifications approved by the Service Company. The Service Company agrees it will complete its review of the plans and specifications within thirty (30) days of receipt from the Developer. 9. By these presents, Developer hereby agrees to transfer to Service Company title to all water distribution and sewage collection systems installed by Developer or Developer's contractor, pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. Such conveyance shall take effect at the time Service Company issues its final letter of acceptance. As further evidence of said transfer of title, upon completion of the installation, but prior to the issuance of the final letter of acceptance and the rendering of service by Service Company, Developer shall: (a) Convey to Service Company, by bill of sale in form satisfactory to Service Company, the water distribution and' sewage collection systems as c6nstructed by Developer and approved by Service Company, as appropriate for Service Company ownership. (b) Provide Service Company with copies of Releases of Lien for said invoices. , , -7- 1 ? r Cc) ~ssign any and all warranties and/or main- tenance bonds and the rights to enforce same to the Service Comp~ny which Developer ohtains from any contractor constructing the utility systems. Developer shall remain secondarily liable on such warranties. If Developer does not obtain such written warranty ~nd/or maintenance bond from its contractor and deliver same to Service Company, which warranty and/or maintenance bond shall be for a minimum period of one year, then in such event, Developer by the terms of this instrument, agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Service Company for any loss, damages, costs, claims, suits, debts or demands by reason of latent defects in the systems which could not have been reasonably discovered upon normal engineering inspection, for a period of one year from the date of accept- ance by the Service Company of said utility systems. Cd) Provide Service Company with all appropriate operation/maintenance and parts manuals. (e) Further cause to be conveyed to Service Company all easements and/or rights-of-way covering areas in which water and sewer systems are installed, by recordable docu- ment in form satisfactory to Service Company. (f) Convey title to Service Company, by record- able document in form satisfactory to Service Co~pany, an acceptable site for any lift stations constructed on Developer's Property along with recordable ingress/egress ease- ment documents. Service Company agrees that the issuance of the final letter of acceptance for the water distribution and sewage collection systems installed by Developer shall constitute the assumption of responsibility by Service Company for the contiryuous operation and maintenance of such systems from that date forwara. ,...-... 10. Easements - Developer hereby gr~nts and gives to Service Company, its successors and assigns, but subject to the terms of this Agreement, the exclusive right or privilege to construct, own, maintain or operate the water and sewer facilities to serve the Property; and the exclusive right or privilege to construct, own, maintain and operate said facilities in, under, upon, over and across the present and future streets, roads, alleys and easements, reserved utility strips and utility sites, and any public place as provided and dedicated to public use in the record plats, or as provided for in agreements, dedications or grants made otherwise and is independent of said record plats. Nortgagees, if any, holding prior liens on the Property shall be required to either release such liens, subordinate their position or join in the grant or dedication of the easements or rights-of-way, or give to Service Company assurance by way of a "non-disturbance agreement", that in the event of foreclosure, mortgagee would continue to recognize the easement rights of Service Company, as long as Service Company complies with the terms of this agreement. All water distribution and sewage collection facilities, save and except consumer installations, shall be covered by easements or rights-of-way if not located within platted or dedicated roads or rights-of-way for utility purposes. Developer 'hereby further agrees that the foregoing grants include the necessary right of ingress and egress to any part of the Developer' s property upon which Service Company is constructing or operating utility facilities. The foregoing grants -8- PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES November 7, 1990 The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P.M. l?9~_MEMBERS : David Hopkins, Chairman, Present John Langellotti, Present John Torcaso, Present David McLeod, Vice-Chairman, Present John Horan, Present CITY_9.FFI~.I~~ : J. Koch, Dir.Adm./Comp.Planning D. LeBlanc, Land Dev. Coordinator T. Lallathin, Asst. Fire Chief J. Govoruhk, Police Chief Approval ~f Minutes of Septemper 19, 1990: Torcaso moved to approve the minutes of September 19, 1990. Langellotti. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. Seconded by ~~o~l of Mi~~tes of October 3, 1990: Langellotti moved to approve the minutes of October 3, 1990. Horan. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. Seconded by - Recommendation to Ci ty Commission Regarding Taking Initiative in Code _E.r.!fQl.:~,?mell!:.i____ ___ Hopkins stated that at the last meeting the Board discussed the role of the Code Enforcement Officer within the City. It had been brought to the attention of the Board that the Codes violations were not routinely cited unless there was a complaint signed and forwarded. Langellotti stated that presently the Code Enforcement Officer is in the process of getting the department setup. This should be completed by the first of the year and at that time will be able to act upon any violations without first having a complaint. Chief Govoruhk stated that around the first of the new year the Code Enforcement Officer will have her own transportation and will enforce all Codes without having a signed complaint. McLeod asked if the Cooe Enforcement Officer will have the power to site violations when she sees them. Govoruhk stated that the Code Enforcement Off jeer has the power now, according to the Code, to give a written warning and if the violation is not corrected then the violation will go to the Code Enforcement Board. McLeod stated that at this time the Board should wait and see what is enforced and what becomes part of the procedures. The Board was in agreement with this. Hopkins stated that no action will be taken on the recommendation at this time. Planning and Zoning Board Minutes November 7, 1990 Page 2 - Request of Florida Land Company for Alteration to the Preliminary Development .Van of tl}e HiJlb.l~-P_Q.JJ_~~~ SectiQ!.L~9-3_!?_I3_Qf_t;l)e C,Qde: LeBlanc stated the Board has a set of plans at their seats which is for a special meeting to be held on November 14, 1990, for the preliminary engineering-final development plan of the Highland Lakes subdivision. LeBlanc stated that for tonight I s meeting Florida Land Company is asking for an alteration to the preliminary development plan of the HighlarlCls PUD. The Board has received Staff cOllunents in the package that was sent. Mr. Gerald Chancellor, representing Florida Land Company, is present for any questions; also City Staff present for questions are: J. Koch, J. Govoruhk, T. L:tllathin, Capt. Pilcher, A.M.S. LeBlanc stated that the Board has three options: the Board may find the amendment consistent with the master development plan, the Board may find it inconsistent with the Il\.3.Ster developnent plan and then the request would go before the Commission with or without reco~nendations, or the Board may call a Public Hearing to be held at a later date. LeBlanc stated that the abutting property owners were notified of tonight 1 s meeting. Hopkins asked how many property owners here notified. There were seven, and also out of courtesy the Highlands Homeowners Association W"ctS notH ied. ~ Gerald Chancellor, representative for Florida Land Company spoke for the request. Chancellor gave the Board a package of a color aerial of the property and letters written over the last several months. He stated that the City owns property to the north, to the west is Highlands Village Phase II, whidl is a zero lot line patio home development, to the east there is a buffer zone and a commercial warehouse operation, and to the south is undeveloped pro,perty that fronts on Edgemon Avenue. Chancellor stated that the property that they want to develop is approximately ten acres and the developer is proposing to build 39-40 single-family zero lot line homes; this is the developnent that is caming before this Board next week on November 14, 1990. On the plan the Board will note Shepard Road beil1g' proposed fram the terminus fram the City property through to the south to remaining undeveloped property. The plan was approved many years ago wi th Shepard Road shown looping through to Edgemon Avenue. The developer feels that there are a number of alternatives that could be considered by the Planning and Zoning Board and the City C~runission and City Staff with regard to what can be done with Shepard Road. The developer is in the position of simply needil1g' direction as to what the consensus might be: Shepard Road to be put in as a collector road or Shepard Road not to be put in at all, or to con..sider Shepard. Road as a local road and not a collector road. ..-.. Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes November 7, 1990 Page 3 From the project's standpoint, he can design the project to fit any scenario with no impact on the development. The developer realizes that the PUD master plan does have Shepard Road going through to Edgemon Avenue. Hopkins stated that what he is asking for is an alteration to the master developnent plan to delete Shepard Road. Chancellor stated yes they are asking for the deletion of Shepard Road and what to do with Shepard Road. Chancellor stated that they would like direction as to what to do with the road if the Board decides that Shepard Road is to remain. -- Koch asked what the developer means to delete Shepard Road. Chancellor stated he meant not to build the road and incorporate the 60' R-Q-W into lots, open space, etc. He stated that the developer had sumi tted a plan to the Ci ty in July 1989 and the plan did not show Shepard Road going through to Edgemon Avenue. He stated that the plan was returned because Shepard Road was not shown and the City could not review the plan until this was corrected and the plans were reviewed by the Highlands Homeowners Association. Chancellor stated that the developer would like to reach a goal that makes everyone happy. He stated that they are not looking to force the deletion of Shepard Road. Koch asked what does the developer want to do instead of building Shepard Road. Hopkiru..;; stated that the application before the Board is for the deletion of Shepard Road. Chancellor stated that the developer is looking for direction. Hopkins stated that the City's traffic consultant, Mr. Bill Tipton, is present, and asked what impact the deletion of Shepard Road would have on traffic movement in that area of the Ci ty . Mr. Tipton stated that he has made an overvie.w of the situation and found that over timp. the developer has been piecemealing the road. The original plan for the Highlands is for a good collector road design with curves and speed limits. Now the developer is asking to cul-de-sac the road but has not made it clear just what he wants done with Shepard Road. He stated that Shepard Road is too long to cul-de-sac. 111ere is a need to have more than one way in and out of the area and' this would help relieve the pressure of the traffic on the existing roads in the Highlands. Mr. Tipton stat~ that he reconnnends that Shepard Road be continued through to Edgemon Avenue for traffic flow and safety. Plarming and Zoning Board Minutt::s November 7, 1990 Page 4 ...... Hopkins asked Tipton if there were any alternatives to Shepard Road. Tipton stated that he looked at extending Shepard Road to MacGregor Road but MacGregor was not design to be a collector road, there are driveways just about every fifty feet and then it exits onto Third Street where there is a very short block over to Sheoah Boulevard. He stated that he had determined that connecting Shepard Road to MacGregor Road was not appropriate. Horan asked about any connection onto to SR 419. Tipton stated there is no plan to connect Shepard Road onto SR 419. Hopkins asked the Board whether this application warrants a Public Hearing. There was discussion. Horan read a portion of Section 20-358 of the Code for the residents present so they could understand what procedures the Board has to follow. Chancellor stated that if Shepard Road was to be deleted then he would design the road to connect to MacGregor Road. The request is a substantial chaIqe to the Highlands PUD and the request should go J:>e.tore the Commission. He asked Tipton about Edgemon Avenue being a collector road and it has driveway cuts along the south portion of Edgemon Avenue. Tipton stated that there are driveway cuts on F.dgemon Avenue south of SH 434 and Edgemon Avenue was built as a local road but try to serve as a collector road. ...... Langellotti asked if the City has any intentions for Shepard Road. LeBlanc stated that when the property owners build their portions of the road, the City would build their section. Koch asked if Shepard Road was not canpleted hCM would the remainder of the Highlands have access to the arneni ties of the Highlands Clubhouse, how 'i\Ould the developer des,i.gn the road so the residents would not be isolated from the amenities. Hopkins stated that the job before the Board is to look at the alteration and determine whether this request is consistent or inconsistent with the previously approved master development plan. He opened up the floor to any residents who would like to speak on this request. Phil Kulbes, resident of the Highlands, stated that he would like to clarify something concerning the road across the effluent plant. He stated that the Ci ty has never taken into consideration building this road. He stated that Staff is takirq this into consideration with the COIJUnission not knowing about it. ...... Planning and Zoning Board Minl1tes November 7, 1990 Page 5 Kulbes stated that there is a possible alternate solution to the extension of Shepard Road, extend Shepard ei ther to Edgemon or to MacGregor or talk to the property owners to the south to l1l<:"1ke an agreement for a road in from Edgemon to serves both properties. Consid8r the benefits versus the problems. The benefits would be the response time for police and fire. Kulbes stated that you have to think of how many times will an emergency exist for the use of Shepard Road. Hopkins stated that just once would benefit. He stated that the residents are concerned about protecting their neighborhood. Torcaso mentioned that the Homeowners Association approves all development in the Highlands PUD. Kulbes stated that the Homeowners Board of Directors is against the opening of Shepard Road. - McLeod stated that the Board has a letter from Kathleen DeGrenia which states that the Homeowners A..c;sociation wishes the City great success in the opening of Shepard Road, they have reviewed and approve of the plan. Ed Kaplan, resident of the Highlands, stated his opposition to the opening of Shepard Road to keep traffic out of the neighborhood. Mel Glic~nan, president of the Board of Directors of the Highlands, stated that if all the residents had been aware of this meeting there would be more residents present. He stated that he feels this request merits a public hearing so all residents could attend and possibly discuss an alternative to the extension of Shepard Road. LeBlanc stated that there is a letter the Board was given from the City Manager stating that the Shepard Road extension was to be made and the letter stated Tho options available to the developer. Ruthanne Kulbes, resic1pnt of the Highlands, stated that regardless what has taken place in the past, the residents were not aware of this and it is now time to look at the future. Skip Drumhour, resident of the Highlands, stated his concern about the opening of Shepard Road, and mentioned that a workshop should take place to resolve this situation. He also mentioned that he is concerned about the traffic that this extension would create. Hopkins stated that there are so many implications that maybe the Board should call a public hearing on this request. Plarming and Zoning Board Minutes November 7, 1990 Page 6 ..-. Jim Conger, member of the Highlands Board of Directors, stated that to the best of his knowledge the Highlands Board of Directors has not taken a stand pro or con on the Shepard Road extension. JoAnn Maddie, resident of the Highlands, stated her concern of the Shepard Road extension, that there will be problems with crime in the neighborhocxl, and concerns about the children who play in the area and the joggers that are in the area. She stated that these concerns should weigh with the consideration of response time. Warren Williams, officer for the owner of the land to the south of the proposed Highland Lakes subdivision, stated that he has discussed this with Chancellor and Ms. DeGrenid for about a year and a half CU1Ll many suggestions were acceptable but not to the City Staff. The Staff said that this road had to be a collector road. He stated that he doesn't mind if the road does not go through so long as there was an access to get in and out of the Highlands. He stated that if the road goes through, he feels that the road shoLl.ld be a Inear~ering rocld and not a collector rQ~d. Bob Jennings, representative of Mindich Hames, builder of homes in Eagle Glen and Highlands Village, stated that MacGregor is not sui table for a lot of traff ic and stated that this request should have a public hearing ~o the residents in Eagle Glen can be represented at this hearing. ~ Hopkins stated that the Board's purpose is to consider the proposed amendment to the previously approved rraster developnent plan and determine whether it is consistent with the rraster plan and the consistency is ba~~u upon the purpose and intent of the PUD district, the concept, land uses, densities and phasing and any other pertinent ordinances or regulations; these are the three areas that the Board needs to find consistent or not consistent. If the Board finds the request is not consistent with the previously approved master development plan then the request gets forwarded onto the Commission. If the Board finds the request consistent then the Board can approve it as is or with amendments. Or the Board can call a Public HeariI~ before making a finding. McLeod said Ms. DeGrenia has a set of plans for Highland Lakes which show Shepard Road which the City requires. She stated that the City has required this road to be shown as a collector road. In 1989 a plan came before the Board of Directors showing Shepard Road meandering with curb cuts and hooking up to MacGregor Road. That plan was taken to the City and was refused because Shepard Road was not shown as a collector road. ..-., .......- Planning and Zoning Board Minutes November 7, 1990 Page 7 There was discussion on the request. McLeod stated that he has a problem with amending the PUD without having an alternate way showing the proper information giving an alternate way of looking at this project. Chancellor stated that he agrees that this request is a substantial change and is in approval of a public hearing before the Commission. -",,,,-,, Horan moved that this Board make a finding that the application subnitted by Florida Land Company is not consistent with the purpose and intend of the PUD district nor consistent with the concept, land uses, densities, phasing of the approved preliminary developnent plan and pass this recommendation along to the Ci ty Commission with the request that the Commission has a public hearing after due notice to all of the residents on the application request. Seconded by Langellotti. Vote: All aye. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P.M. Respectfully Subni tted, Margo Hopkins, Recording Secretary Planning and Zoning Board The Orlando Sentinel Publiahed Daily A1tamonte Spring., Seminole County, Florida $47.22 ADVERTISING CHARGE ~htte llf1flllriba} SS. .A>UNTY OF ORANGE Before the undersigned authority personally appeared CANDACE mDY , who on oath says that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Orlando Sentinel, a Daily newspaper published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida; that the attached copy of ad- vertisement, being II PUBLIO HEARING in the matter of JANUARY 14, 1991 in the Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of DECEMBER 23, 1990 Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been contin- uously published in said Seminole County, Florida, each Week Day and has been entered as second-class mail matter at the post office in Altamonte Springs, in said Seminole County, Florida for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of ad- vertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, conunission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the said newspaper. C~~ J- Cey Sworn to and subscribed before me this /.flrh clay of DEC&'\1BER ~-v. ~ .., CammtIIIan -:.., Notary Public June!'.!'" NOTICE OF PUBUC HEARING CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS NOTICE is hereby given by Ihe City C9mmlsslo~ of Ihe Clly. of Wlnl~r Springs, Florida, thai aaldCity Comrms- siOnWiIl hold a public heliring on Mon- day. January 14. 1991 a17:3O p.m, or 88 soon thera8fler 88 J)Cl88ible 10 cona.1der an amendment 10 lhe approved Master Plan of the Highlands Planned Unit De- veloPmentlo delete the ~ She- pard Road ExtensiOn on the following ~~~rnme North Orlando RancheS. Sec\Ion8 11 and 12, as recorded in Plat Book 13. Pages 22 through 25 of the Public Recorda of SeminOle County. Florida, or. thai proposed 10-acre projecl now known as Highland Lakes which is 10 be located oflthe northeast ter- minus of MacGrllllOt' Road and im- mediately south 01 the City eflluent dispoeal area, all located within the Highlands Planned Unll Development. The PublIc Hearing will be held at City Hall, 1126 East Stide Road 434. Winter I Springs, Florida 32708. ThiS liIotlce shall be posted in IhrElll (3) public places within the City of Wtnter Springs, FIO. rida and published in the "Orlando Sentinel Seminole Extra", a newspaper of general circulation .in the City of Winter SpringS, Florida, one time at leasl fifteen (15) days prior to the date of lhe Public Hearing. Interesled parties rTllly appear at \hiS heerlng and be heard wftIirespecl 10 this proposed amendment. Persons are advised thai W they dac'tde to . appeal any dflciSion l11$de al this meeting, they will need a record of the procee(llngs and for such purpose. they may need 10 ensure thel a verbatim re- cord of lhe proceedings'is made which rscord includes the testimony and evi- dence upon which the appeal is 10 be based per Section 286.0105 Florida Statutes. Daled th'~AA!~~~~=\?3~dro' FLORIDA Is/Mary T. Norton Mary T. Norton, City Clerk LS.147(6s) Dec.23,I990 FORM NO. AD-264