HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 12 09 City Commission Regular Minutes
DECEMBER 9, 1991
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
was called to order by Mayor Philip A. Kulbes at 7:30 p. m.
Roll Call:
Mayor Philip A. Kulbes, present
City Manager Richard Rozansky, absent
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
John V. Torcaso, present
Don Jonas, present
John Langellotti, present
Terri Donnelly, present
Cindy Kaehler, present
The invocation was given by Commissioner Terri Donnelly. The pledge of allegiance
to the flag was led by Commissioner Don Jonas.
Approval of minutes of Nov. 25, 1991: There were no additions or corrections;
the minutes stand approved as submitted.
Public Comment:
Paul P. Partyka, Oswego Court, was present on behalf of the Tuscawilla Rotary Club
and the Winter Springs Art Festival. He introduced Roger Owen, Chairman of the
Rotary Club. They presented the "Best of Show" to the City, and thanked the City
Commission for their support and the Police Department and Recreation Department
for their assistance.
John Ferring, Baltic Lane, spoke about his report regarding Cablevision of Central
Florida. He encouraged the Commission to talk to other cable companies to see if
they would be interested in coming into our City. He asked that an audit be requested
by the City and he spoke about the 7% franchise fee being charged, whereas the federal
government says the franchise fee should be no more than 5%.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said he would contact Mr. Bertram, Vice President of Finance
of Cablevision and ask him to contact Harry Martin, Finance Director.
Glenn Childs, Wildcat Court, spoke in reference to the Comprehensive Plan.
General Agenda
Public Hearing and second reading of Ord. No. 512, providing for new Chapter 9, Land
Development. Art. VIII. Impact Fees. Div. 2. Transportation Facilities, etc.:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 512 by title only on second reading. Mayor Kulbes
recessed the Commission Meeting and opened the public hearing. No one spoke for or
against the ordinance. Mayor Kulbes closed the public hearing and reconvened the
Commission Meeting.
Motion was made by Commissioner Kaehler to adopt Ord. No. 512. Seconded by Commissioner
Torcaso. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Torcaso, aye; Commissioner Jonas,
aye; Commissioner Langellotti, aye; Commissioner Donnelly, no; Commissioner Kaehler,
aye; motion carried.
Mr. Tipton was present and explained all the information is backed up by available
information from allover the country.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Dec. 9, 1991
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Public Hearing and second reading of Ord. No. 513, amending, revising, and re-
placing in its entirety the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Winter Springs,
Florida, which will control future land use, guide public facilities, etc.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 513 by title only.
Motion was made by Commissioner Kaehler to table. Seconded by Commissioner Jonas.
Vote on the motion: Commissioner Jonas, aye; Commissioner Langellotti, aye;
Commissioner Donnelly, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Torcaso, aye;
motion carried.
Resolution No. 677 expressing appreciation for the dedication and hard work of
Paul P. Partyka for his service to the City, etc.:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Resolution No. 677 by title only.
Motion was made by Commissioner Kaehler to approve Resolution No. 677. Seconded by
Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Langellotti,
aye; Commissioner Donnelly, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Torcaso, aye;
Commissioner Jonas, aye; motion carried.
Discussion of Options - Solid Waste:
Mr. Tom Daly and Mr. Charles Wilson of Industrial Waste Services were present. Mr.
Wilson read part of his letter which is attached to these minutes.
Paul Partyka, Oswego Court, suggested keeping the number of pickups the same and
suggested we go to total citywide recycling. Kitty DeGrenia, Highlands, spoke about
billing. Bill Jacobs, S. Edgemon Ave., asked about the rules.
Mayor Kulbes called a Special Meeting for Dec. 17th at 7:00 p. m.
A recess was called at 9:25 p. m. and the meeting called back to order at 9:35 p.m.
Commissioner Kaehler said that I. W. S. has agreed in principal to continue the
billing for the next year at the same rate with the additional pickup as discussed
if we will consider a five year contract extension and putting it on the tax rolls
for the following year with the added stipulation that we also help with collections.
City Manager Richard Rozansky:
Resolution No. 676, supplementing the Personnel Policy of the City, establishing
official holidays for calendar year 1992:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Resolution No. 676 by title only.
Mayor Kulbes read the holidays that were listed and added Thursday, Dec. 24, 1992.
Motion was made by Commissioner Torcaso to approve Resolution No. 676 as amended
to include Thursday, December 24th. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion.
Vote on the motion: Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Torcaso, aye; Commissioner
Jonas, aye; Commissioner Langellotti, aye; Commissioner Donnelly, aye; motion carried.
Church of the New Covenant-request for extension-letter of Nov. 16, 1991:
Motion was made by Commissioner Jonas to grant the extension through August 1992.
Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Torcaso, aye; Commissioner Jonas, aye; Commissioner Langellotti, aye; Commissioner
Donnelly, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; motion carried.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Dec. 9, 1991
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Trotwood Park Lighting Easement:
Motion was made by Commissioner Jonas that we grant the blanket easement at Trotwood
Park. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Commissioner Jonas, aye; Commissioner Langellotti, aye; Commissioner Donnelly, aye;
Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Torcaso, aye; motion carried.
Resolution No. 678, requesting the Florida Legislature to adopt HB 215, which would
authorize counties to levy a discretionary surtax, etc.:
Attorney Kruppenbacher explained this would allow counties to fund affordable
housing programs. Commissioner Kaehler asked for more information.
Motion was made by Commissioner Kaehler that this Resolution be tabled until
January 13, 1992. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Vote on the motion:
Commissioner Langellotti, aye; Commissioner Donnelly, aye; Commissioner Kaehler,
aye; Commissioner Torcaso, aye; Commissioner Jonas, aye; motion carried.
Central Winds Park Bidding & Construction Phase-434 Improvements/Entry:
Commissioner Kaehler asked for some background information and this item will be
discussed on Dec. 17, 1991.
Mayor Kulbes said the Woodstream request would be on the agenda for Dec. 17, 1991.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said he has asked the Attorney General for an opinion on
the street lighting issue. The City was served with a lawsuit on Dec. 2; it is
regarding a foreclosure where we have a lien against the property.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said he has been talking with Mr. Mickus regarding proposed
resolutions to the issue. On the garage lawsuit they are awaiting the Judge's
scheduling a hearing.
Commission Seat I - John V. Torcaso:
Commissioner Torcaso thanked all the people that supported him in the election. He
said it was 15 years ago that he was elected as Commissioner Seat 5 and he is glad
to be back.
Commission Seat II - Don Jonas:
Commissioner Jonas spoke about the three light poles in Trotwood Park and asked
when they would be turned on.
Commission Seat III - John Langellotti:
Commissioner Langellotti asked about the ordinance for the changes to the Code
Enforcement Board and asked the status of a curfew for our parks.
Commission Seat IV - Terri Donnelly:
Commissioner Donnelly said Mr. McKinney had contacted her and again requested a
hearing before the City Commission, or as an alternative would agree to arbitration.
Commission Seat V - Cindy Kaehler:
No report.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Dec. 9, 1991
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Mayor's Office:
Election of Deputy Mayor:
Mayor Kulbes asked for approval to name Commissioner Donnelly Deputy Mayor for 1992.
Motion was made by Commissioner Torcaso to nominate John Langellotti for Deputy Mayor.
Seconded by Commissioner Kaehler. Discussion. In discussion Commissioner Kaehler read
from the Charter which states the Commission shall select from amongst its members a
Deputy Mayor who shall act as Mayor during the absence or disability of the Mayor, and
if a vacancy occurs, shall become Mayor for the remainder of the unexpired term or
until the first muncipal election after the vacancy occurs whichever shall occur first.
Vote on the motion: Commissioner Donnelly, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner
Torcaso, aye; Commissioner Jonas, aye; Commissioner Langellotti, aye; motion carried.
Mayor Kulbes said he would like to have the City Engineer, Leonard Kozlov appointed
to the Seminole County Water Resource Task Force.
Mayor Kulbes thanked the Orlando Sentinel for the article about the snake, and that
it was not animal cruelty when the snake was destroyed in the Ranchlands.
Meeting adjourned 10:05 p. m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk