HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 11 11 City Commission Regular Minutes
NOVEMBER 11, 1991
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida
was called to order by Mayor Philip A. Kulbes at 7:30 p.m.
Roll Call:
Mayor Philip A. Kulbes, present
Deputy Mayor Paul P. partyka, present
City Manager Richard Rozansky, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
Cindy Kaehler, present
Don Jonas, present
John Langellotti, present
Terri Donnelly, present
For the invocation Commissioner Jonas asked for a moment of silent prayer. The
pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by the VFW Post 5405. and then a new
American Flag and a new POW flag were presented to the City.
Approval of minutes of October 28, 1991:
An addition to the minutes on the first page, last sentence, add the words, "and a
more favorable rate." The minutes stand approved as amended by Commissioner Kaehler.
Public Comment:
Mr. John Connell, president of the Homeowners Association of Mohawk Village, extended
an invitation to the Mayor, Commission and City Manager to attend a Christmas display
lighting on Thanksgiving Eve night between 5:30 p. m. and 6:00 p.m.
. Mr. Joe Genova, Addidas Road, spoke about the sign dedicating the building to the
senior center, apologized to Commissioner Partyka and congratulated the Mayor and
Commission because his tax bill went down.
General Agenda:
First reading of Ord. No. 512, providing for New Division 2. Transportation
Facilities, Sec. 9-386. Transportation Impact Fees, etc.:
Motion was made by Commissioner Kaehler to read Ord. No. 512 by title only on first
reading. Seconded by Commissioner Partyka. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Jonas, aye; Commissioner Langellotti, aye; Commissioner Donnelly, aye; Commissioner
Partyka, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; motion carried.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 512 by title only on first reading.
First reading of Ord. No. 513, amending, revising, and replacing in its entirety
the comprehensive plan of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, etc.:
Motion was made by Commissioner Kaehler to read Ord. No. 513 by title only on first
reading. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote on the motion:
Commissioner Langellotti, aye; Commissioner Donnelly, aye; Commissioner Partyka, aye;
Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Jonas, aye; motion carried.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 513 by title only on first reading.
City Manager Richard Rozansky:
Resolution No. 675, appointing Sun Bank, N.A. as Registrar and paying agent in place
of Barnett Banks Trust Co., N.A. for the City's Refunding Revenue Bonds, Series 1991
and terminating the custody agreement relating to the Funds and Accounts associated
with such funds:
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Nov. 11, 1991
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Attorney Kruppenbacher read Resolution No. 675 by title only.
Motion was made by Commissioner Partyka to adopt Resolution No. 675. Seconded by
Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Donnelly, aye;
Commissioner Partyka, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Jonas, aye;
Commissioner Langellotti, aye; motion carried.
Blower Proposal, Conklin, Porter & Holmes:
Manager Rozansky stated the purpose of this amendment to the Engineering Agreement
is with the proposed effluent disposal improvements we are going to increase our
disposal capacity by approximately 250,000 gallons. It will require an increase in
treatment capabilities of the west water treatment plant. Two existing blowers are
both operating to meet existing needs and the third blower will be needed for the
additional flow and also to insure minimum effluent requirements should one blower
go out. The cost of this blower is $65,000.
Motion was made by Commissioner Partyka to amend the Agreement with Conklin, Porter
& Holmes, stated as Amendment 14. Seconded by Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion.
Vote on the motion: Commissioner Partyka, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner
Jonas, aye; Commissioner Langellotti, aye; Commissioner Donnelly, aye; motion carried.
Manager Rozansky spoke about a letter he received from Industrial Waste Services
regarding the recycling of steel cans. He said a flyer will be sent out on this.
Manager Rozansky spoke about the Comprehensive Plan and
given out. The schedule lists who is going to correct
we are going to do to fix it and also when we think we
Rozansky said they are trying to finish by Nov. 19th.
problems he might bring someone in to help get it done
the schedule that has been
the problem, approximate thing
will get that done. Manager
He said if there are any
and Commission concurred.
He said he is meeting with the Attorney tomorrow (11/12/91); he said he thinks we
can get our portion done by 11/18; then it will be reviewed and typed; and then
maybe it should be taken to Tallahassee to be reviewed; then we get it back and have
it adopted by the 15th of December. Then it will be printed and we have five days
to get it to the addressees.
Mayor Kulbes called a recess at 7:55 and called the meeting back to order at 8:05 p.m.
Commission Seat I - Cindy Kaehler:
Commissioner Kaehler asked Mr. Artman what was going on with the ponds.
Commission Seat II - Don Jonas:
No report.
Commission Seat III - John Langellotti:
Commissioner Langellotti spoke about his conversation with Sheila Ryan, and that she
has joined the Civic Association.
Commission Seat IV - Terri Donnelly:
No report.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Nov. 11, 1991
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Commission Seat V - Paul P. Partyka:
No report.
Mayor's Office:
Mayor Kulbes read the resuls of the Nov. 5, 1991 Election as follows:
Seat/District I - Mike McDonald 805 45.8%
John V. Torcaso 953 54.2%
Seat/District III-Hal Florea 805 45.5%
John Langellotti 963 54.5%
Seat/District V - Cindy Kaehler 1016 57.9%
Raphael Toribio 740 42.1%
Mayor Kulbes announced the Swearing In Ceremony would be held on December 2, 1991
at 7:00 P. M.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p. m.
Respectfully submitted,
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Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk