HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 10 07 City Commission Workshop Minutes
Octoner 7, 1991
. The meet i ng was ca 11 ed to oraer by Mayor Ku 1 bes at 7: 00 P. i"1.
BOLL,,_9ALL: ______u_ u___uu_u________ _ ____________u_________ _____________________________________
Mayor Philip A. Kulbes, Present
Comm1ssioner C1nay Kaehler, Presen~
Commissioner Don ~onas, Presen~
Comm1ssioner Jonn Langellotti, Present
Commissioner Terri Donnelly, Absent
Deputy Mayor Paul P. Partyka, Present
City Manager Richard Rozansky, Presen~
City Attorney Frank Kruppencacher
;r:tq~stLi aJ_Waste_~~[.Y_ic~~l. u'''\c ,_--=-.__<::CJl!!)er~ia t~CYC I in~/Operat ions :____________________
Mayor Kulbes s~ated tnat Tom Daly is here to give the presentation.
Ta~ Daly, from :ndustrial Waste Services, introduced Charlie Wilson, new General
Daley stated tha~ State Law states that beginning ~anuary 1, 1992, we can not
~icK up garcage and trasn, which is grass clippings and tree trimmings mixea with
9ar~age. The grass cl~ppings and tree trimmings has to be picked up secarately
ana w1tn a separate truck. We have given yo~ two different options to iook a~
ana deciae which way yo~ would like the garbage and trash picked up starting
January 1992. Notning nas ~o be decided tonign~, we are just bringing i~ to your
.a~tention to ~hinK about.
wilson said now the City's c~rrent serVice 1S twice weekly garbage and trash
combined and once per week recycling; witn the cos~ cegin 11.74 per month. One
~p~ion is: once per week garbage, once per week yard trash and once per week
recycling; with the cost at the same rate as it is now, 11.74 per month. The
other op~ion is: twice weeKly garbage, once per week yard trash and once per week
recycling; with the cos~ at 16.43 per montn. The second option is another ~rip
per week.
~aehler stated that personallY she likes option 1, because she does not like to
see ~he garbage ~rucks run through the City any more than tney do now; and op~ion
2 cos~ is too high. She asked about if a holiday falls on a trash pick up day
how will that be handled if the Commission chooses option 1 with only one day of
garbage pick up. Wilson s~ated that they would either work the holiday or make
~t up on tne following day.
Mayor Kulbes asked since the C;~y star~ed recycling, how much solid waste
reduction has there been per family to jus~ify one pick up per week on solid
waste. Wilson stated that the trena 1S somewhere around six pounds per week.
Wilson also stated that the average yard trasn would average about 18 - 20 pounds
aepeno1ng on tne season.
~angello~ti asked about looking at piCKing up the reCYCl1ng once every two weeks.
Daley stated that they would look at that possibility. Langellotti stated that
. that migh~ be better even if the residents needed two bins.
~onas stated that he woula like to nave some type of survey of the residents to
see what type of service they would like.
City Commission Workshop Minutes
October 7, 1991
Page 2
Kaehler asked about what exactly is picked UP for recycl1ng. Daley stated that
they pick UP any piastics that have the numbers 1 or 2 on the bottom.
Manager Rozansky stated that he has discussed with Daley the options. He stated
that the County didn't go with mandatory trash pick up and how do you work their
Dayment. Aren't their tags a dollar and if someone chooses to participate they
have to pay a dollar for the bag: how do you make their runs because the flyer we
received states that they still get two garbage pick ups. Wilson stated that
what the County did is they elected to stay with garbage pick UP twice per week
and trash is ~asically on a tag or bag. Daley also stated that garbage is a two
can limit and if there is more the residents have to buy a tag for a doliar. The
City of Winter Springs is unlimited for the number of cans.
Rozansky asked how is the trash picked up. Wilson stated that they run an
additional truck to pick up the trash. Wilson also mentioned that this will be
mandatory by 1994.
Rozansky stated that if we are going to try to go mandatory and put it on the tax
rolls for January, we are going to have to publish it a few times with a
resolution. What we are trying to do. and: was working with the County, was to
try to piggy-back on the back of their mandatory comouter runs. it would have
saved a lot of problems and a lot of money. Because of the agreement the County
has with the Tax Collector, they could have included the City with their's and
we could have went along with them; we thought, now the County turned around and
said they don't want mandatory for another year. We reverted back to looking at
two things; one to either to see whether or not we could get ~t on the tax rolls
in January and start the process or see if we can get it on comouter as we have
the two utilities now and we could build a list. Our probl~1 would be to get the
people that are not on either utility. We were leery about saying we want
mandatory because of people take it anyway until we can be sure we can cover the
City. If we take mandatory and put it on our list and we miss somebody or we
can't collect we owe them. whatever is on the bill we have to Day them. if we
have a problem then we would have to subsidize from the general fund our garbage
There was discussion on getting this on the tax rolls. Wilson stated to get this
information on the tax rolls the Tax Collector needs all the information by June
of each year and then has to certify the information before it can be put on the
tax rolls. Rozansky stated that it has to be published. there are so many
reauir~nts for publication and notification that has to be done, it is liKe an
assessment. Wilson stated that they can come back with some information. they
can go to the County to see what is available.
John Ferring, reslaent of Oak Forrest, spoke about some residents paYlng double
as they already pay a lawn service to take away the trash.
Art Hoffman. resident of Tuscawilla, Questioned the residents who rent homes.
Joe Genova. resident of Tuscawilla, also spoke about some residents Daying
maintenance fees for 1awn care paying doubie.
City Commission Worksnop
Oc~ooer 7, 199:
Page 3
~;itty DeGrenia, from ~he Highlands Homeowners Associa~ion, asked about the
resiaents who use dumpsters.
Kulbes said ~hat this is not a simple task, I~ ,s a very complicated matter with
many solutions that the Staff and IWS will come up with a solution agreeable to
~ames Dasher, resident of the Highlands, spoke about how other Cities nandle this
~ohn Morgan, residen~ of Tuscawilla, spoke about the money being made from
recyciing and that the money could be used to offset the additional runs.
Al 3ecker, resident of Tuscawilla, also spoke about some residents paying double.
Rudy Warling, resident of the City, mentioned having the City collect the trash
and not franchise out.
Tom Gordon, resident of the City, spoke about the residents purchasing special
trash bags for the trash.
Ann Schneider, resident of the Ranchlands, suggested having the residents cali if
. ~hey nave yar;c ~rasn to be picked up.
~aenler stated that she would li~e to see a survey to the residents to 3ee what
tney want..
Partyka asked about total reCYCllng by everyone, residents and commercial.
Wilson stated that commercial is the last step for recycling.
Wilson also sta~ed that ~he yard trash will be going to the Osceola land fili
site no~ the coun~y dun~.
Partyka sta~ed that he would like to see the total City on recycling.
~onas suggested what could be done for the people tnat pay for lawn maintenance,
~hat the maintenance people leave the yard trash for the franchise to pick up as
tney are paying for it any way instead of having ~he maintenance service take it
~~oyd Anderson, ,esident of Hacienda Village, spoke about Grants.
BeCKer askec if there would be other workshops on this subject with other
~roviders for competition.
~angeliotti stated he is not a firm De I lever ,n letting garbage layover because
he feels it is a health hazard and he thinks that the City should purchase a
chipper and truck, tha~ way as residents have trash they can call the City and
~he City can go pick it up and in turn could mulch it and give it to the
residents for compost or what ever they want. He said he feels this would solve
a big problem.
City Commission Workshop
October 7, 1991
Page 4
Kaehler stated what would it cost one tax payer a year for garbage serv~ce; why
couldn't we raise the millage by that percent; which would be maybe one tenth of
a oercent and have the Tax Collector collect this and pay only one check which
would save money in billing and we could have the fourth run of service and it
shouldn't cost any more.
Rozansky stated that the way Commissioner Kaehler stated to have an ad-valorem
assessment would not be difficult. and we have talked about another assessment.
which would require oublications; these are two different forms of assessments.
Wilson said they will cane back and tell the Commission what kind of reduction
there would be if the City went to mandatory trash and garbage pick uo where the
billing would be on the tax rolls and the City would pay one bill oer year.
There was discussion on the type of billing and the number of
determined that the City will put out a survey in the Winter
Newsletter to find out how the residents want the garbage and trash
how they want the billing done.
runs. It was
Springs Civic
oicked up and
The survey will be distributed in the newsletter that will be out between October
15th thru the 20tr.
Kaehler asked the Commission if the City Hall could recycle the paoer that is
produced here. She stated that she has looked into this and stated that there is
a Company that brings in a bin and when it is full they collect it and send a
check for the paper. She asked if she could get orices on this and if we did
~nlS maybe the recycling money could be used toward the playground eauipment.
The Commission was in agreement to this. Kaehler stated she would bring back the
information at the next meeting.
Code Enforcement Board Operations/General Discussion:
Kulbes stated that there are many Code violations that come before the City. and
the Code Board takes appropriate action and if the person is in violation of City
Codes the Board fines them. The Board gives this oerson a grace period to
rectify the situation before the fine goes into effect. He stated that 99% of
the time the violation is cleared and no fine is oaid. He said that it seems to
him if the administrative procedures are gone through that there should be sane
sort of minimum fine placed for administrative cost only even if the violation is
taken care of.
City Attorney Kruopenbacher stated that he has been worKlng with the City ~anager
and Police Chief on the issue of Code Enforcement and trying to strengthen the
issues associated. He said he would like to go over where he is at this ooint
and then get comments fran the Commission, the Code Board and oublic.
Kruppenbacher stated that initially in reviewing the actual current ordinance it
aooears to track Florida Statute 162, but the oarts in terms of it does not adopt
i62-21 which are suppleTental procedures which would enable your Code Enforcement
Officer to issue a citation at the oarticular scene and forward it on to the City
Commission Workshop
October 7, 1991
Page 5
County Cour~; oypasslng ~he Code Board and basically much like a ~raTilC ticKet.
Yo;., can pay ~ t o~- contest it. The i ncent i ve is not to contest it. We are
looking ~o o/-ing back to you a~ the second meeting in October, an ordinance to
adopt that add; t i ona I enf or-ce-nent author i ty . We have looked at surround i ng
ccmnunities and certain other j~risdictions outside YOLjr area. Revisions to your
ordinances on grass cutting and the failure to maintain property and
strengthen~~g our ability to take steps in the event we determine it is a
nuisance and not have to wa~t rcr the Code Board to meet to deal with the
'; ~ 0 1 at ~ on. We have rev ~ sed and will be br ~ ng i r,g a long another ord i nance
regarding the parking of recreational vehicles subjecting it to Commission
approval and cleaning ~p any problEms associated with that particular issue. In
~~e process or looking at this as it relates to new neighborhoods that the
Commission will oe approving that have homeowner deeds and restrictions, , am
adv~sin9 Mr. LeBlanc in the future that those deeds and restrictions while they
nave always obligated/provided tha~ nothing waive the City ordinances etc. I want
to go more affirmative that the property owner agrees to comply with ail the City
Codes and Ordinances and in the event they don't the City shall be entitled to
and or tne Homeowners Association to an irrrnediate injunctive relief to require
compliance just another effort to try and have some further protection. That is
where we are right now in steps in trying to approve the ability to pounce on
~eople and not get tied up in what: think is a statute that clearly enables the
. party who is violating the law to enjoy the benefit of procedural steps and every
other kind of step before they are neld accountable. One of the things we are
going to deal with is strengthening the issue of repeat violations. Where if
YOL<r cited and YOL.; do it again, i want to avoid going back to the Code Board
ever- '/ time. -:-r-. i s is where we are not. ! suggest if there are other- 1 ssues you
\',ar::: looked at, ; f jO:"; \'IOL.; I a just give them to us at your second meet i ng in
Octoner, we wll1 bring back every solution that we think yo~ can maximize and
take in an ::rdinance l-eady to go that night, and if you can't take steps to solve
iOL.;i probleTl we'll explain why you can't.
~angei;0ttl n~entioned vlolations of loud speakers/radios, animals, not only the
~p keep of yards and parking of disabled vehicies; but there are other little
thi~gs that came up. He said that he can recall when he sat on the Code Board
whe:, it was two months or so when there was a c:anp I a i nt of no i se from a party,
and it 'l'Ias t:YIO iI.Onths since the vi 0 I at i on was cited, and the no i se cont i nued. He
stated that he would like to see more "te:eth" i:-, the fines for violations. So we
.::an stop it and make the Code Officers job a lot easier. if the people knew that
~hey were in violation of noise or unkept property and if they are cited and
:::rought oefo/-e the Coce Board, : et them dec i de, 1 et them pay the fine and then go
,x,. Too many cases aren't so: vec.
:"~ibes s~ated ~hat it seems to him 1:hat if our Code Officer gets a violation on
n01se, that noise is taking place at that time he goes out to investigates, he
should be able to write them a ticket, same thing as a speeding ticket, saying
you are fined per i od; and not have theT) appear before the Code Enforcement Board,
,think if we were able to eliminate those types of violations going before the
Boare, a 1: the major- i tam wo....l d go before the Board for sett I ement.
..James Dasher, member of the Code Enforcement Board, asked the Chy Attorney '""hat
c~ty Commission Workshop
October 7, 1991
Page 6
is the difference of where lS the distinction between a violation of City
Ordinance involving Police action such as a traffic violation and the Code
Enforcement Board, somewhere there is a grey area, how is it determined that
traffic violations are treated different than other vioiations of City
Ordinances. Kruppenbacher stated that the Florida Legislature created what is
called the Florida Uniform Traffic Code that said every driver in the state has
to abide by the following laws, they have not created a Flor~da Unifor~ Code
Enforcement rules. We will look at that issue for the ability to s~te and not
rave tc go before the Code Board. One of those ways may be what the statute
contemolates and that is a suoplemental procedure that will enable the Code
Officer to ~ssue the citation at the scene ~uch like a traffic ticket.
Hoffmann said in Chapter 162-21 it states the Code Officer is authorized to issue
a c~tation on the spot if it goes to the County Court, however, he has to give
reasonable notice of a period of time to correct the infraction. However it
states he does not have to provide this reasonable time if he believes the
violation presents a serious threat to the public health, safety and welfare or
if the violation is correctable or irreversible.
There was discuss i on on 1; ens that have bee:; placed on propert i es .
Kr~ppenbacher said the City has placed ten liens on properties. two
been oaid.
of wf-i::n have
Kruppenbacher :-;;entioned some of the areas that they have approac:-:ed: we w~ll be
revising the height limitation to cover set back requirements. ~ssue of distance
from property lines, the issue of littering, a whole new article on littering to
dea 1 wi th every kind of 1i tter; n9 and not ma i nta in i n9 yards: Oil weeds etc., we
have a new article on the obligation to trim grass, shrubbery and trees, the
oarking of recreational vehicles, and commerciai vehicles. out door disolays and
storage, and a new article on everything to do with the abandoning or derel~ct
vehicles. He statec that he feels that they will be bringins back the toughest
enforcement they :an find of other aublic entities that have attemoted to solve
their own probl~.
Bob Gray, Chairman ::f the Code Enforc8iient Board, stated he feels the Code Board
is working pretty well. He said he is a little concerned about the imDressio~1 of
collecting iT'Oney to cover expenses of the operations of the City Code Offker.
Our intent and our job is to b:ing citizens ir,to cXlpl iance with c~t:. Code.
Ninet,,' percent of the cases get resolved before ccming before the Code Board,
very few of thEm actually go before the Code Board and go th:ough the p;ocess of
assessing liens. ; wonder what the backiasr of ~he c~tizens would be when they
find that they can be fined imnediately for not cutting the grass or not cieaning
up their ~ool. I am not say~ng that it i3 a bad ~dea, I'm saying we need to
estab i i sn our intend. whether we are go i ng to make nuney or whether- oU: interest
~s ~:I 3e~ting the citizens to ccmo1y with C~:',/ Code.
":i.; i bes sa i d the intent is net to make nu!ley, the intent is to clean up the Ci ty.
You have to realize that every t~~ie we send out an officer to check out a c~tj
Co:Trr. i ss i on Workshop
October 7. -; 99"1
. Page 7
carp 1 a i nt
~ t ::c,s~s t;--le C: i t'y' t ~;lje and l~oney.
the time and money spent on
it is ~o cOver expenses.
That .s what we are trylng to
the officer gOing out and giving the
Krc.:ppenbache: stated that fraT. yo,-,r 1 awyer standpo i nt that :.A,ft. 1 I peop 1 e know that
11: w. i i cost then, Ter' .io13.ting your codes, they will,~olate /c...:r codes. What
we are talking about is t:) amen:::l ordinances to make it easier on thEm to do the
job the) have ::ee:. doing, and to deal with the people that fragrantl, ignore us.
John Morgan spo~~e abo:.At hane occupational licenses. There was discussion cn this
~angellct~i comllended the Code Enforcanent Board malIDerS :)n the fine job they do.
~ bye Ancierso,-, member cf the Code Board, asked if a board member can site a
. ioiation. Kruppenbaoher stated that by the Statute members OT tne Code Board
co.:,': start the code process, i recomnend that if SCX11eone reports a violation tc
a 30ard member', that malIDer shou I d not i fy tr.e Code I nspector and the Code
'nspector can go and take the canplaint and start the process.
. eh i ef Govoruhk stated that one ma i n th i ng the Board is do i ng now is to r,ot l fy the
hCX1:eowner and the mortgage canpany and th i s has he 1 pec:! in gett i n9 the vi 0 1 at ions
-=:leared c.:p and with collecting fines. He also mentioned that the Code Board also
i I-,e i ude and future vi 0 1 at ions oT the same nature in the re 1 i ef order so if there
~s a repeat of the violation the fine starts inmediately and does not have to go
oack before the Code Board.
Schneider mentioned trat there sometimes is difficulty in finding the homeowner
and getting word fran the mortgage canpany, time passes and in cases where there
lS a pool involved the pool turns into a health hazard, in relation to sCfi~ething
ir: this natc.:re is it possible that our Code Officer can issue a citation.
~r~ppenbacher stated that we ai-e working on getting an ordinance to be able to
iSSue a c~tatior". if the violation is regarding publ~c safety. We will be able to
bypass the Board and ~ssue the c~tation inmediately and not have to wait ;..ntii
the iSSue goes before the Code Board. We are still wo:k~ng through what those
cases are.
:~sner stated that his inte~t ~f being on the Code Board IS to make Winter
Spr~nss a des~rable place to live.
'<I-~ppenbacher stated that he wi 11 be back to the Calmission wi1:h all :.r,e re'v~sed
ordinances the se:ond meeting in October which is October 28, 199i.
;:,e workshop was adjo;.;rned at 9:50 P.M.
. Respectfully Submitted,
Margo Hopkins
Deputy City Clerk