HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 06 17 City Commission Workshop Minutes
June 17, 1991
The workshop was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Kulbes.
Mayor Philip A. Kulbes, Present
Commissioner Cindy Kaehler, Present
Commissioner Don Jonas, Present
Commissioner John Langel lotti, Present
Commissioner Terri Donnelly, Present
Commissioner Paul P. Partyka, Present
City Manager Richard Rozansky, Present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher
City Manager Rozansky stated that the Commission called for a workshop on the
merit system and stated that he added the pension plan because the Finance
Director is present to show same of the investments that were made.
Mayor Kulbes said let the record show that Oammissioner Kaehler arrived late at
7:05 P.M.
Manager Rozansky stated that he provided the Oammission with forms that he
intends to use for the evaluation of the Staff and would like comments fram the
Commission on the program in general. He stated that as far as the rank and fi le
on the merit evaluation, they do have a merit type of evaluation. Each of the
department heads evaluate the workers, who have a regular progression that they
are scheduled to go through and as they became eligible they are moved up a pay
grade; that is provided that they have met all the prerequisites and are rated,
and this is done by the immediate supervisor and the department heads
Manager Rozansky stated that the City's payroll now is about 3.2 million dollars
not count i ng the two ut i 1 it i es . He stated that he has not allocated any men i es
for raises yet but to estimate it at ten percent - that would be about 320,000,
five percent would be about 160,500. He explained that each job has a pay level
wh i ch as an eXafll) 1 e cou 1 d start at a one 1 eve 1 and go to a four 1 eve 1 . Except
same of the rank and file, the people that we hire this year that are brought in
at a one level or a two, same of those people will be upgraded to the penmanent
grade level of a two or a three or whatever it is and based upon the
recarmendation of the department head.
Manager Rozansky stated that outside of that he is building no pay increase this
year because the budget is really tight. He stated that the Oammission has
always been pretty liberal with the whole staff including himself, and with the
general state of the economy and the taxes and the burden on the tax payer, he
probably won't include one in the budget this year except what was just stated.
Manager Rozansky stated that the Oammission has the evaluation forms; they are
sort of universal forms, and he stated that he has changed them around sane but
the form is used by many. He stated that there are fifteen i tams on the sheet
which will be used for the rank and file, there would be a possible four points
City Commission Workshop
June 17, 1991
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for each item, which would mean a possible total of 60 points. There is a form
for supervision which would include department heads and higher ranked people,
people who are not supervisors but have rrore responsibility than the average
Langel10tti asked if the form was what the City has in existence now. Manager
Rozansky stated that we don't use these particular forms right now but for the
rank and file there is sort of a merit system, they have grades.
Manager Rozansky stated that the non-allocated personnel
form, we need to set salary levels for the non-allocated
allocated personnel consists of the department heads,
Development Coordinator, Planner, City Clerk, - people that
are not in this merit
personnel. The non-
senior people - Land
are up in the super
Commissioner Partyka stated that his overall comment with this system here is
900d and his only suggestion is to have a column for performance examples.
Commissioner Kaehler apologized for being late and asked to be brought up to
where the Commission is at this point. Manager Rozansky stated that in the
budget this year, the rank and file salaries have been funded for the low ranking
errployees, other than that there is no lOOney in the budget for anyone else, such
as department heads and the sen i or peop 1 e , and he stated that he does not plan to
ask for any lOOney this year. Also there is no cost of living lOOney in the budget
this year because of the taxes and the economic situation. He mentioned that
when he does present the budget to the Commission, they will see that he has
tried to hold the budget down in all areas. He explained that the people that
have pay ranges are the people that have the lOOney in the budget for raises.
Manager Rozansky stated that what he wi 11 try to do is set a salary range for
everybody. The City is just about in the middle pay range cOOl>ared to other
Cities of the same size.
Kaehler asked how much of a raise did the errp10yees receive last year. Manager
Rozansky stated they received 5%, and some received rrore. Kaehler asked how much
lOOney would be needed to give 2% raise to all errp1oyees. She stated that when
she was at a CALNO meeting, she asked what the other Cities how they handle
raises, and was told the merit system does not work. Because a lot of times the
errployees that really deserve to get it don't get it and there is a lot of
playing around sometimes with the merit system which is not what we wanted to
have. What the Cities said that they are doing is that there is an across the
board raise of "x" percent but not everybody gets that raise. It is not an
autanat ic raise, the peop 1 e who are just a "body" do not get a raise, but the
people who put a little extra into their work they do get their raise. That is
why I asked what it would cost us if everyone in the City was doing good how much
would a 2% raise for everyone cost us.
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June 17, 1991
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Kaehler stated that this is not an automatic increase.
Mayor Kulbes asked who would detenmine if the employees received a raise.
Kaehler stated the department heads, just like it is done now.
Commissioner Partyka stated that this is really in effect a perfonmance system.
The people who benefit fram a merit raise are the ones who do an exceptional job.
Kaehler stated that what other government sectors do for their people, if they
are doing an outstanding job they have different perks for the employee, they do
something to show recognition such as tickets to an attraction, a personal
parking space, etc., just something a little extra to show they are noticed.
Kaehler stated that she can't go along with not giving the employees anything.
Partyka stated that we should give something to the good employees no matter what
happens with out budget.
Commissioner Langellotti stated that in the system that is in force now there is
no favoritism being played. He stated that by keeping it the way it is now we
should just settle on a figure for across the board and the employees that are
doing better job we should give them a little more.
Kaehler stated that she does not agree with an across the board raise, that we
should decide on an increase and the people that deserve to get it will get it
and the other people not get it.
Commissioner Donnelly stated that the method of evaluation should be set by the
City Manager.
Mayor Kulbes stated that it is the City Manager's responsibility to recommend to
the Commission what the percent he wants to give those people in the merit
Kaehler mentioned that the manager did not want to give any raises. Manager
Rozansky stated that they are getting an increase. Kaehler stated that it is
only within their grade, that is not what she means.
Mayor Kulbes stated that if the Commission sets a certain percentage then the
manager can not exceed that even if the employee deserves more.
Kaehler stated that if we try to keep the millage rate as it is now then we
penalize the employees.
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June 17, 1991
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Partyka stated that what the manager meant was if we stayed with the old system
there would be no raises. But if we believe in the concept of the merit system
there will be raises. If we approve the merit system then the manager will come
back to us with the details of how much money he will need for raises.
John Ferring, 1182 Baltic Lane, spoke in favor of raising the millage rate in
order to give the employees a raise.
Art Hoffmann, Mt. Laurel Drive, stated that 2/3 of the budget is salaries and
would have to double the increase in the millage rate to support the salaries.
Commissioner Jonas stated that an important factor is that the employees have
jobs, and that he is not 100 percent for merit pay. The manager needs to came up
with a percentage for raises.
Mayor Kulbes stated that the Commission is in agreement that there should be some
sort of a merit pay system and that the merit pay should be presented to the
Commission on a yearly basis.
Langellotti asked if the employees could be evaluated every six months. Manager
Rozansky stated that it is possible, the personal policy has to be amended if we
cIo something with this pay, because the policy points out what is clone. We
evaluate people on their anniversary date, I evaluate the department heads by
talking to them. I look out for my department heads. Other employees are
evaluated every year and have always been treated good and have moved up
steadily. This coming year it is built in the budget when new people start they
are programed to move up in pay grade steadily. With the exception of the non-
allocated employees, if they have the pay grade space left within their career
field will probably be moved up if they meet the criteria.
Manager Rozansky stated that the City is in the middle of the pay scale compared
to other Cities salaries.
Partyka stated that the issue is how to evaluate the employees, it is important
to record examples of performance.
City Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that there are a multitude of issues here in
coming up with a compensation plan for employees, and if the Commission feels
they need help in figuring this out then hire a professional to help design the
best plan possible, then bring it back to the Commission, if this is what you
feel you need.
Kaehler stated that she was against hiring a professional because the purpose of
a workshop is to get ideas and now the manager can take the ideas and put
something together and bring it back to the Commission.
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June 17, 1991
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There seemed to be a consensus of the Commission that they did not want an across
the board raise and only reward the deserving employees.
Spencer Harris, 1192 Baltic Lane, spoke in favor of a reward for the rank and
file to sharpen their thinking.
Mayor Kulbes stated that the consensus to the Commission is for the City Manager
to came up with a workable merit evaluation program and a merit pay system that
will benefit our employees that produce more than a standard run of the employee.
There was discussion on the evaluation fonm for the evaluation of the City
The Commissioners stated for the Manager to make up an evaluation fonm with what
is specific for his job.
Manager Rozansky asked for his understanding - on the basic program I have
touched on this with you tonight, that there are rank and file members that are
scheduled to move up in their grade structure, to me that is separate fram the
merit - ok? They are already in my budget. The Commission agreed.
Langellotti stated in regard to the pension plan, he would like to see the
Commission reappoint five new people to that board who have had same experience
with pension plans, residents, and no one that has been involved with the City
and the pension plan. Five new people that we name to this Board to be
accountable to us at any time that we want to ask about the pension plan. He
stated that for over three years he has never heard a word about the pension plan
until recently. He stated that he would like to see this Commission appoint
these people and get on with it and get feed back fram them on our plan, whether
it is good or bad. I feel the employees would be better off and they would know
exact1y what is going on with the p1an. I think it is our duty that we have to
give the employees that information. According to our Charter, the City Manger
and Mayor to execute this plan and the Commissioners appoint members as trustees.
I think we should do it now and get it in force and get it working.
Mayor Kulbes stated that he has no problem except he wou1d like a ruling fram the
City Attorney, as there are presently members on that Board now whose terms don't
expire for another year or so.
Kruppenbacher stated that there could not be a vote on that tonight, but you
could put it on the agenda for the following meeting, I'll look over the
ordinance and contact Bob Mead. He stated that he did not see why the Commission
couldn't do it, but he would 1ike to double check it.
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June 17, 1991
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Mayor Kulbes stated that as he see's
reorgan i zat i on of that part i cu 1 ar board.
it, it would be an administrative
Kruppenbacher stated that that was
Kaehler stated why don't we just put it on the agenda, new appointments, unless
the City Manager comes up with a reason why we can't so that this way at the next
meeting we can have our appointments. Kruppenbacher said put it on the agenda
and be ready to make the appointments.
Manager Rozansky asked that it be put on the agenda for the first meeting in July
as the agenda for the June 24th meeting is all ready made up and it wouldn't have
to be emended. The Commission and Mayor agreed.
Donnelly asked if it would be a problen if a City E!Ol>loyee was an appointment for
the board. Kruppenbacher stated he wou 1 d check into that and 1 et her know a week
before the July 1st meeting.
Kruppenbacher stated that the City should check with their insurance carrier to
be sure that the board members are covered for their conduct for their
recommendations made.
Commissioner Jonas asked if the board can have any power to be able to counter
anything the Florida League of Cities has accomplished, to help our E!Ol>loyees.
The Board now has no powers, if we appoint new members, he stated that he would
like then to have more control of what if going on with the pension plan.
John Ferring, 1182 Baltic Lane, spoke against the pension plan that the City has
now, and stated that the City could take control of their fund.
Kruppenbacher stated that this issue should be put on the agenda for the July 1st
meeting and he will take care of legalities.
Harry Martin, Finance Director, gave a presentation on the pension plan and what
was earned from the first contribution in 1983 until the present. He stated that
overall our plan is a good plan.
Langellotti asked about the suspense fund. Martin stated that the forfeitures
come back to the City. Manager Rozansky stated that next year there will be
changes, and it will enable us to keep the money in the fund and spread it out
amongst the E!Ol>loyees, which I would recommend to do rather than take it back.
Right now we can't do that because of the type of plan we have and the Fed's say
we can't do that now.
The workshop was adjourned at 9:05 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted
Margo Hopkins
Deputy City Clerk