HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 05 13 City Commission Regular Minutes
MAY 13, 1991
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
was called to order by Mayor Philip A. Kulbes at 7:30 p.m.
Roll Call:
Mayor Philip A. Kulbes, present
Deputy Mayor Paul P. Partyka, present
City Manager Richard Rozansky, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
Cindy Kaehler, present
Don Jonas, present
John Langellotti, present
Terri Donnelly, present
For the invocation Commissioner Langellotti asked for a moment of silent prayer.
The pledge of allegiance to the flag was led by City Manager Richard Rozansky.
There were no additions or corrections to the minutes of April 22nd and April 29th.
The Minutes stand approved as presented.
Mayor Kulbes presented Tim Lallathin, Assistant Fire Chief, a service award for 15
years of service to the City of Winter Springs.
Public Comment:
John Ferring, Oak Forest, spoke about the City's Pension Plan.
Park Presentation-Mr. David Barth:
Mr. Barth of Glatting Lopez Karcher Anglin and Jim Van Ostran of Webb & Associates,
Civil Engineers, were present and spoke to the Commission about the Central Winds Park.
Mr. Barth said we are here to tell you that we are ready to go to bid for the first
phase of construction for Central Winds Park. Mr. Barth prepared a project update
that has three parts, an update of the documents themselves, an update of the budget
and an update of the schedule.
Mr. Barth explained the contract documents are between the City, Contractor and Glatting
Lopez which have been reviewed by Staff, and pending any additional comments by the
City Attorney, that part is complete. The second part of the Bidding Documents
is the set of Construction Plans. He explained the Commission has already seen the
Design Development set, and this is a refinement of those, and they have been
reviewed by Staff.
The third component are the technical specifications, Volumes 1 and 2, Volume 1 is
the Site Improvements and Volume 2 is the Architectural Improvements. These also have
been reviewed by Staff. Mr. Barth said the only issue regarding completion of the
documents under Item 1 is that we are still in the midst of discussion with Florida
Dept. of Transportation regarding improvements to State Road 434.
Mr. Barth said what they are proposing to do if the Commission is in agreement to
bid the project is to separate out the improvements on SR 434 as a separate bid package.
Jim Van Ostran, John B. Webb & Associates, spoke about their meetings with D.O.T. He
said basically what D.O.T. has done is lengthen the tapers, lengthen the turning lanes
and there is a tremendous cross section as far as the amount of asphalt they want on
the road. Mr. Van Ostran said we have talked a lot and the costs are higher than what
we want. He said they are trying to get the costs down because this will be bypassed
in about three years.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, May 13, 1991
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Mr. Barth estimated the cost of the Phase 1 at $2,574,144.00. We were successful in
getting the $150,000 grant, and two alternates to reduce cost was to replace vinyl
coated fencing with aluminized fencing at a cost savings of $32,000 and to put in mulch
as opposed to shell at a savings of $40,000.00 approximately.
The Commission was in favor of proceeding to go to bid.
Commissioner Kaehler asked Mr. Van Ostran to provide the Commissioners with a summary
of his meetings with the D.O.T. and copies of his letters to them in order for the
Commission to contact the Secretary of the Dept. of Transportation to lobby and try to
get something done.
Request for manufactured offices-Request of Jon M. Hall to allow three (3) manufactured
offices on approximately four (4) acres on Old Sanford Oviedo Road:
Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator, said the property in question is at the
end of the Old Sanford Oviedo Road. Mr. Hall has approximately four acres of property
on which he would like to put manufactured offices. Mr. Jon Hall was present and spoke
to the Commission. He said he would like to make a small affordable business rental
site, possibly four or five stalls for parking and 1600 square foot office space,
similar to his business on Wade Street. The Fire Marshall will have to check and see
if there is a need for any particular type of equipment. Mr. Hall was given an estimate
to run an existing water line across the railroad tracks to that area. Before any
business is to get an occupational license they will have to meet with Staff and get
Staff approval.
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti that we approve the request for manufactured
offices by Mr. Jon Hall for three of them on the four acres. Seconded by Commissioner
Jonas. Discussion.
An addition to the motion that the site be re-inspected by Staff every three years to
make sure they are still in compliance with the original site plan, in good condition,
etc. Vote on the motion with the amendment: Commissioner Jonas, aye; Commissioner
Langellotti, aye; Commissioner Donnelly, aye; Commissioner Partyka, aye; Commissioner
Kaehler, aye; motion carried.
Temporary Business Office-Request of Winter Springs Development for reconsideration
of application for temporary office trailer at Sales Center (Intersection of Winter
Springs Boulevard and Northern Way):
Don LeBlanc, Land Development Coordinator, explained Staff has no problems with this
request; there are two stipulations being once the core area is basically completed
they move their temporary offices north of the railroad tracks along S.R. 434 for the
new property and if they do sell that property at the intersection of Northern Way
and Winter Springs Boulevard that all the temporary buildings be removed. Mr. Glenn
Marvin from Winter Springs Develop. was present and spoke about their need for this
temporary office.
Motion was made by Commissioner Langellotti to approve a temporary business office
at the request of Winter Springs Development Corp. Seconded by Commissioner Jonas.
Discussion. Attorney Kruppenbacher stated this was not to exceed two years and to
be in conformance of our Code. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Langellotti, aye;
Commissioner Donnelly, aye; Commissioner Partyka, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, no;
Commissioner Jonas, aye; motion carried.
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Mayor Kulbes called a recess at 8:30 p. m. and called the meeting back to order at
8:45 p. m.
First Reading of Ord. No. 504 repealing Sec. 2-194, Disposal of Surplus Property and
providing for New Section 2-194, etc.:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 504 by title only on first reading.
First Reading of Ord. No. 505, providing for districts, etc.:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ord. No. 505 by title only on first reading.
Mayor Kulbes called a Workshop Meeting for May 30th at 6:00 p. m. and a Special Meeting
for June 3, 1991, at 7:30 p. m. for Ord. No. 505.
Review of Sec. 9-386.19 Review of Impact Fees, etc.:
Manager Rozansky said he gave the Commission the letter from the City Planner. The
Engineer is re-doing the figures and our Consultant, Tipton & Associates are looking
at the figures. The City Planner suggested we wait until the Referendum Election in
July to see if that passes before making recommendations to the Ordinance.
Discussion of Interlocal Agreement between Seminole County and the City of Winter
Springs to cooperate in terms of the provision of essential governmental services
to the citizens residing in the County, etc.:
Commissioner Kaehler explained when the Commission was discussing the abandonment of
Orange Avenue, all the people came complaining about their road, and that it had not
been maintained for ten years, and then Commissioner Sturm's letter saying that be-
cause of this Interlocal Agreement it was now the responsibility of the City to not
just maintain the road, but upgrade the road to the standards that it needs be, is
the reason it is on the Agenda. Attorney Kruppenbacher explained his understanding
from Staff is that this road has been maintained in the same form and fashion that
we maintain similar unpaved roads in the City, and that is our obligation under this
John Isley, Spring Avenue, Bob Jacobs, Boat Club Road, a Realtor who lives on Spring
Avenue and Sally Kile, Spring Avenue, all spoke in discussion.
The City Commission will attempt to meet with the County Commission to discuss the
City Manager Richard Rozansky:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Resolution No. 661 appointing Trustees to the Board of
Trustees, etc., by title only. Attorney Kruppenbacher recommended Commission table
this Resolution until the next meeting and give a copy of our Charter to Attorney
Meade, give him the plan, give him direction the Commission would like to have 5
Trustees, and have Attorney Meade write it so it can be done, and have this on the
next Agenda.
Motion was made by Commissioner Kaehler to table Resolution No. 661. Seconded by
Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Donnelly, aye;
Commissioner Partyka, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Jonas, aye;
Commissioner Langellotti, aye; motion carried.
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Resolution No. 668, supplementing Resolution No. 665, etc.:
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Resolution No. 668 by title only.
Motion was made by Commissioner Partyka to adopt Resolution No. 668. Seconded by
Commissioner Langellotti. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Partyka, aye;
Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Jonas, aye; Commissioner Langellotti, aye;
Commissioner Donnelly, aye; motion carried.
Manager Rozansky informed the Commission he accepted the bid for the Civic Center roof.
Manager Rozansky asked the Commission if they will allow him to approve bids. Commission
was in agreement to allow Manager Rozansky to accept the bids.
Comprehensive Development Plan-Status of Attorney's Legal Review:
Attorney Kruppenbacher said he met with Staff and had a good meeting. He said they have
been going through the legal review preparing our plan for consistency with both the
State and local plans making sure that each element is there. He said the plan is to be
advertised at the end of May for approval by the Commission and transmission at the
June 10th meeting.
Fiscal Year 1991-92 Budget Calendar:
Manager Rozansky said the Commissioners will receive the Budget before the first of
July, and he will formally present it on July 8th.
Mayor Kulbes called a Workshop Meeting for June 17th to discuss the merit system and
the evaluation form.
Manager Rozansky spoke about the letter from Mr. Ferring regarding the Veteran's Memorial
near Sunshine Park. Manager Rozansky said the Civic Association would pay for the
monument and the City would provide the labor and pay for the flag pole. He also spoke
about the storage shed for the Civic Association and the addition to our shed. The
Commission was in agreement to do this.
Manager Rozansky gave a brief update on the drums. He said there are now 45 drums
which are stacked on pallets, covered with visquen and are ready to go. Now we are
addressing the dirt that will have to be removed.
Motion was made by Commissioner Partyka that we put the drum disposal contract on the
Agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Kaehler. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Jonas, aye; Commissioner Langellotti, aye; Commissioner
Donnelly, aye; Commissioner Partyka, aye; motion carried.
Attorney Kruppenbacher explained there are emergency circumstances associated with
removing these drums as rapidly as possible.
Motion was made by Commissioner Partyka to authorize the City Manager to extend the
existing contracts to include removal without further bid. Seconded by Commissioner
Kaehler. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Jonas, aye; Commissioner
Langellotti, aye; Commissioner Donnelly, aye; Commissioner Partyka, aye; Commissioner
Kaehler, aye; motion carried.
Attorney Kruppenbacher spoke about the two condemnation lawsuits served the City
regarding the State Dept. of Transportation condemning of property. He explained the
most sensitive one is the condemnation of the property for the Authority that abuts
or potentially includes or deals with our ponds from our Utility.
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He stressed the City should focus on maximizing the dollar recovery for the property
we are about to lose.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said he spoke to D.O.T. regarding a traffic light in front of
City Hall; he spoke about the agreement and release for the Citizens Alert Program;
and he said he looked into the issue of the size of recreational vehicles and drafted
an amended ordinance that would permit the parking of a recreational vehicle without a
permit up to a maximum of 35 feet, with a requirement to get a permit beyond that.
Commissioner Kaehler said the question also becomes whether or not we want to have
recreational vehicles parked. Mayor Kulbes said to put this item on the Agenda for
the next meeting for discussion.
Commission Seat V-Paul P. Partyka:
Commissioner Partyka spoke about a letter he received from Mr. Mikes about putting a
recycling bin at the Tuscawilla Country Club. After investigating costs it was
determined to be impractical to do that. Commissioner Partyka also spoke about Oak
trees to be planted up and down Northern Way. The Public Works Director said he
does not have any oak trees. Commissioner Partyka also spoke about recycling ordinances
to deal with commercial establishments and suggested I.W.S. come to one of our meetings
to discuss that issue.
Commissioner Partyka also spoke about the guest cottage issue.
Commission Seat I-Cindy Kaehler:
Commissioner Kaehler said she attended a CALNO Meeting and the interlocal agreement was
discussed. She felt the County would be receptive to discussing the agreement with our
Commission. She said there was a presentation on the one cent sales tax.
Commission Seat II-Don Jonas:
Commissioner Jonas spoke regarding the resolution that was passed in reference to the
people who served in the Persian Gulf.
Motion was made by Commissioner Jonas that all people who served in the Persion Gulf
be given that opportunity for us to take care of their water and sewer bill (Heads of
Household, with a cut off date in December). Seconded by Commissioner Partyka.
Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Jonas, aye; Commissioner Langellotti, aye;
Commissioner Donnelly, aye; Commissioner Partyka, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; motion
Commission Seat III-John Langellotti:
Commissioner Langellotti spoke about the damage to the parks and asked the Chief to
look into that and report back. Commissioner Langellotti also spoke about a newsletter
he received from the City of Apopka and asked if we could put something like that
together to get information out to our residents.
Commission Seat IV-Terri Donnelly:
No report.
Mayor's Office:
Mayor Kulbes appointed the City Planner to represent the City on the County's Concurrency
Management Municipal Technical Advisory Committee.
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Mayor Kulbes spoke about the two letters he received from Mr. Tom Binford.
Meeting was adjourned 10:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk