HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 03 18 City Commission Special Minutes
March 18, 1991
Mayor Ku1bes called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
Roll Call:
Mayor Philip A. Ku1bes, Present
Commissioner Cindy Kaehler, Present
Commissioner Don Jonas, Present
Commissioner John Lange11otti, Present
Commi ss i oner T err i Donne 11 y, Present
Commissioner Paul P. Partyka, Present
City Manager Richard Rozansky
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher
First Public Hearing Prior to Transmittal of 1991 Comprehensive Plan to State
of Florida for Review and Comment:
A. Land Use/Population Projections
B. Traffic Circulation
C. Housing
D. Recreat ion and Open Space
E. Conservation
F. Infrastructure - Potable Water, Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Stonn
Drainage, <roundwater Aquifer Recharge
G. Cap i ta 1 IlT1)rovements
H. I nterQOverrmenta 1 Coordi nat ion
J. Koch, City Planner, reviewed the first four elements for the pub1 ic. She
stated that the land use element's main objective is residential land use to
meet the population growth that is expected up to the year 2010. Commercial
land use will be mostly along S.R. 434, the light industrial area will be along
S. R 419. We have to 1 arge parce 1 s that will be a mi xed use cannerc i a 1. We are
planning a central core to join both sides of the City with a lot of public and
civic activities.
John Morgan, resident of Tuscawi 11a, asked about an area on the map. Koch
stated that that area represents hanes in unincorporated Seminole County.
Kitty DeGrenia, High lands, asked what the ilT1)act wi 11 be on Sheoah Boulevard.
Koch stated that there is no plan to widen that stretch of S.R. 434. DeGrenia
also asked if the Shepard Road extension had any plans for it to be widened.
Koch stated that no the road wi 11 be adequate with two lanes
Mayor Ku1bes stated that a few years ago the City revised the PUO Ordinance and
changed the density calculations fran gross acreage to net acreage. He stated
that now we are go i ng back to gross acreage in the areas that are most 1 i ke 1 y
to have wetlands or envirormenta11y sensitive land; if a developer has property
that has wetlands on it if they go by the gross acreage then they can put more
hanes on a sma 11 er piece of property whereas if you go by the net acreage then
it would be detennined by the nurber of buildable acres. Koch stated that what
we are trying to do is to have property for affordable housing, to be a buffer
fran the wetlands.
Commissioner Partyka also had question on the nurber of buildable acreage.
Koch stated that what we are trying to aCCCJ11)l ish is to have affordable housing
with a natural buffer fran the wetlands; what this would aCCCJ11)lish is lower
cost to the developer which in turn would create affordable housing.
. There was discussion on the use of gross acreage compared to net acreage.
Commissioner Kaehler stated that this was sanething that was done a long time
ago with the Planning and Zoning - it is called cluster zoning.
Ci~y Cannission Special Meeting
March 18, 1991
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Cannissioner Kaehler asked Cannissioner Partyka if he was canfortable with the
explanation. Cannissioner Partyka stated he was.
Koch explained traffic circulation. She stated that the Local Planning Agency
has recommended a collector road system to help elevate the traffic circulation
problems that are in the City. The first recannendation by the Board is the
north/ south connect i on of Shore Road another connect i on that is if1l)Ortant is
the eastern/western sides of the res i dent i a 1 area, wh i ch wou 1 d make emergency
serv ices eas i er to prov i de. The Board is a 1 so recommend i ng a loop road system
in th i s area to he 1 p open up the area to commerci a 1 and to prov i de an
alternative to S.R. 434. This is a long-tenm project and won't be done until
2010. Koch a 1 so ment ioned that the ~x Ra i 1 road will be abandon i ng a port ion
of the railroad so it won't cost the Expressway Authority more money to build
an overpass.
John Morgan, resident of Tuscawilla, asked about the roads going through
developments. Koch stated that the roads in blue will be funded by the
developer and the roads in green will be paid for by impact fees.
Kitty DeGrenia asked about the area by the railroad tracks for nature trails
etc. Koch stated that the City would like to purchase that r-o-w, for bike
paths, nature trails etc.
Koch explained the housing element. She stated that the basic requirement is
in with the land use element. What we looked at is affordable housing, which
is a requirement by the State. We are to make it easier for developers to
build affordable housing, one way is to have smaller lots, higher density per
acre. The other thing to accomplish is the rehabilitation of the older
Kitty DeGrenia asked about the homes along S.R. 434 that have been turned into
businesses, that they take away fran the neighborhood. Koch stated that there
are two different types of neighborhoods, one where there are business and
homes together. Koch stated that the problem that we are trying to el iminate
is where business are built next to homes.
Commissioner Langellotti asked about the reV1Slon on the Code for Code
Enforcement. Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that it is under review and will be
brought up after the submittal of the Comprehensive Plan.
Commissioner Kaehler asked Consulting Attorney Lee Worshsn, if he had looked
into the renters laws. Attorney Worshsn stated that he has found that there is
a renter's licensing. Commissioner Kaehler asked Worshsn to look into the
requirement of having a property owner put a months rent into escrow for up-
keep of property.
Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that there are a number of Code revisions that
have been brought up and asked the Commission if they wanted to wait until the
implementation of the Comprehensive Plan or get the revisions as they are
Manager Rozansky stated that the reason for waiting is that if we change the
Code now we might have to change it again after the Comprehensive Plan is
adopted to bring the Code in line with the Comprehensive Plan.
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City Commission Special Meeting
March 18, 1991
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Commissioner Donnelly had a question on page 4 of the housing element. She
stated that it stated that "institute reinspection requirement upon resale
prior to occupancy by new owner to assure housing meets mininun safety
standards". She asked if there is a need to clarify what mininun safety
standards are in the plan or the Code _ Mayor Ku 1 bes stated that the
Carprehens i ve Plan is not suppose to spe 11 out in deta i 1 what the
mininun/maxinun requirements are; what the Carprehensive Plan gives is a broad
picture of what you are trying to do. Mayor Kulbes stated that the entire Code
of Ordinances wi 11 have to be reviewed and revised to meet the new
Carprehens i ve Plan.
Mayor Kulbes also mentioned that the state will be monitoring the City annually
to see that we are carrying out the objectives of the Carprehensive Plan.
There was discussion on the reinspect ion requirement.
City Attorney Kruppenbacher stated that the reason we leave it broad is because
if we are specific we will have to abide by that, leaving it broad we can
modify the standards.
There was discussion on having a zoning that includes affordable housing_ There
was also discussion on the density for affordable housing.
David Hopkins, Chairman Planning and Zoning Board, stated that the reason the
Board has the wording the way it is for affordable housing is that we are aware
that there is environmentally sensitive land, this also accomplishes affordable
housing. The Board was concerned that putting a cap on the density for this
could limit and maybe end up with a piece of property that would not or could
not be developed. The Board thought it should be in more general terms for
density so we are not locked into sanething that we could not do anything with.
With the redevelopment of the Codes, that the density could be more specific at
that time.
Kitty DeGrenia, stated that there is a part of the Highlands that has 16 units
per acre and asked if the Highlands goes under the new PUD Ordinance. Mayor
Kulbes stated that the Highlands will fall under the old PUD Ordinance, the new
PUD Ordinance is for new PUD developments.
Commissioner Kaehler stated that the wording should state gross "usable" acre,
with a maxinun of 12 units per acre. There was a consensus of the Commission
that this would be better than the statement in the housing element.
Koch explained recreation and open space. She stated in recreation and open
space we set our own standards, there is no state requ i rement . There are sane
general standards that the Department of Natural Resources puts out that we use
as a guideline when deciding how much park area for population. There are
different levels of parks, there are camunity parks and neighborhood parks.
Community parks by their definition is one that serves the whole camunity and
that's what basically our "super park" is by their definition. Neighborhood
parks are parks that can be walked to. There are no neighborhood parks in the
south west and Oak Forest areas, and the prob 1 em is that there is no 1 and for
informal play. One of the recommendations in the plan is to address this
City Commission Special Meeting
March 18, 1991
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The Board is reccmnending that we buy land to have informal neighborhood parks.
In the capital improvements element we are reccmnending a funding source be
identified to buy vacant land in the southwest and Oak Forest areas. We are
required to consider all types of recreation. We would like to encourage
family types of recreation such as a bowling alley, miniature golf course,
things of that nature that would add to the recreational facilities in the
City. That is one of the uses that we would like to emphasize for the central
core, same additional private recreation.
Mayor Kulbes asked if Chapter 6 of the Florida guidelines for Department of
Natural Resources as a guideline for the parks, if that will be included as a
part of the recreation and open space element of the Comprehensive Plan. Koch
stated that yes along with the actual elements there is a set of materials for
support studies and will be included in the plan, and will be used in reference
Koch explained the conservation element. She stated the point is that the
environment is the reason that communities like ours exist. The purpose is to
preserve more of the natural environment. One of the things the City is doing
to preserve the environment is the effluent lines for the reuse of wastewater
for irrigation which will cut down on the use of fresh water. The capital
improvement element will include funding for the effluent disposal lines out to
the City park which in turn will create more sewer capacity.
The Board also recommends creating a zone called conservation to assure that
the wetlands and other sensitive areas wi 11 remain and not be developed. The
Board is also suggesting that the best way to insure that the environmental
areas stay undeveloped and unpolluted is that they come under public ownership.
We are also looking at preserving the air quality to make sure that our
standard of clean air is kept up.
Commissioner Partyka asked if there is anything that we can do to provide an
incentive to either people or developers for them to be innovative in
developing ways in conserving water or natural resources. Koch stated that we
could include that as a general goal to offer certain incentives for new ideas.
Mayor Kulbes suggested that maybe we could offer an incentive for less water
use whereas they could get a reduction on their water bill. City Manager
Rozansky stated that he didn't know if this could be done because of our bond
requirements. Commissioner Kaehler stated that she liked the idea of the
developer or homeowner putting in some sort of saving devices and offer some
kind of saving incentive. Commissioner Partyka stated that maybe an incentive
on infrastructure development, devices, something that is positive.
Commissioner Jonas asked Glen Marvin, of Tuscawilla Joint Venture, if fram a
developers point if it makes a difference in asking a developer to provide all
water saving devices in the home vs regular taps. Marvin stated that if it is
mandatory it would make a difference to the builders if it raises the cost of
the home.
Mayor Kulbes asked Terry Zaudtke, Conklin Porter & Hames, to explain the water
use fram the different types of homes. Zaudtke stated that when they analized
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City Commission Special Meeting
March 18, 1991
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it, it was found that there was a higher consumption level on the east side of
the City than the west side of the City. He stated what was done for the
Comprehensive Plan was to establish the minimum criteria per capita per day.
Mayor Kulbes asked about the progran on water conservation. It was determined
that the time limit to implement the program would be 1995 in order to have the
progran in effect.
Mayor Kulbes asked about sanitary sewers. He stated on page 7 of 16, talking
about the east system "the City will provide an effluent that will meet the
standards to meet the public access spray irrigation" - isn't our system now
qualified to do that. Zaudtke stated that the City is grandfathered in on the
east system, but don't meet requirement of the class I reliability. Class I
reliability relates to have back-up components within the facility. Until the
time we expand the facility we have to operate under the permit that that
facility was constructed in 1986-87. When we expand we will have to meet the
new requirement. Mayor Kulbes asked about interconnecting the two systems.
Zaudtke stated that in Staff meetings this was talked about and should be done
within a five year period.
Commissioner Langellotti asked about the encouragement of the public use of
effluent. Zaudtke stated that presently there is a reclaimed water ordinance
which requires all new developments to put in a grey water system, other than
that we were planning to put an irrigation system along the power easement on
the southern part of the western system. There are numerous homes along the
power 1 ine, what we are looking at is offering them a no charge for a tap in if
they would put in an in-ground system.
Kitty DeGrenia, stated that there are areas in the Highlands that could be
hooked up for effluent disposal and could be connected fram the golf course.
She stated that she has brought this up numerous times and has not gotten a
solid answer. Zaudtke stated that we can't tie into the golf course because
the City doesn't own it.
Commissioner Kaehler asked about the discouragement of the use of septic
systems. Zaudtke stated that if there is a home within 50 feet of the sewer
1 ine you have to connect, and homes can not have a septic tank with a lot
smaller than 1/4 of an acre.
Koch explained solid waste. She stated that we have to abide by the State
regulations to reduce the solid waste; in order to do this we have implemented
the recycle program. The goal we are working for is to reduce solid waste by
15% One of the objectives in order to make the recycling feasible we are
looking into making this mandatory.
DeGrenia asked about the possibility of the City having their own compost site.
Mayor Kulbes stated that it would cost too much to have the City have their
own, and will be involved with the County's compost site, this will start in
January 1992.
Leonard Kozlov, City Engineer, explained storm drainage and groundwater aquifer
recharge. He stated that the City is presently to institute a stonmwater
management utility. The City is attempting to put this in place independent of
City Commission Special Meeting
Ma~ch 18, 1991
Page 6
the County. What we plan to do is once this is in place is to establish a
revenue stream, then create a study of all the problems and concerns. When we
establish the problems, we will establish the priorities. We will then start a
program to meet the latest requirements that the stonmwater management people
want us to do. We will establish a water monitoring program for various
Koch exp 1 a i ned the cap i ta 1 i/ll>rovement element. She stated that a 1 arge part
of this element is based on the refunding of the expansion of the sewer
effluent disposal. We have received a revised capital i/ll>rovement program for
water and sewer and is being reviewed now and would like to hold this over to
the next meeting so the review will be complete.
Koch stated that the new road systan will be paid for by the i/ll>act fee. The
rate of income will determine the time table for the roads.
Koch stated that we need to look at some funding source to purchase land for
the neighborhood parks.
Koch stated that the capital i/ll>rovement element is reviewed every year.
Koch explained intergovernnental coordination. She stated that this is an
overall commitment to keep open communication with all the other agencies and
governnents so we can mutually benefit each other.One main objective is to keep
close watch on the schedules for road construction by the State and the County.
Another is to keep close ties with the school board, to keep than informed of
major development that would i/ll>act the schools and help with finding sites for
new schools.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Norton, City Clerk