HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991 03 06 City Commission Workshop Minutes
March 6, 1991
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Kulbes at 7:30 P.M.
Mayor Philip A. Kulbes, Present City Manager Richard Rozansky, Present
Commissioner Cindy Kaehler, Present
Commissioner Don Jonas, Present
Commissioner John Langellotti, Present
Camrrdssioner Terri Donnelly, Present
Commissioner Paul P. Partyka, Present
BOARD MEMBERS: ___________________H_____
David Hopkins, Chai~, Present
Martin Trencher, Present
John Ferring, Present
David McLeod. Vice-Chai~. Present
John Horan, Present
__ ____CJTY _9FIrICIAI,._:_ ___ _ ____________________
J. Koch. Dir. Adm! Ccmp. PI anning
Mayor Kulbes stated that the agenda will be changed to hear item 2 first.
Discussion of Plan Elements in preparation for March 13 LPA Public Hearing and
March 18 Commission Public Hearing:
a. Potable Water, Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Stonn Drainage, Natural
Groundwater Aquifer Recharge.
b. Conservation.
c. Intergovernmental Coordination.
d. Land Use-Carrnercial_.______________________ ____ ________
Koch stated that in looking at laying out the land use map especially for
commercial; we have gone over the water/sewer elements, we found out that by
1996 there is no additional funding for disposal sites for effluent and no
added sewer capacity and we would only be able to develop 100 acres of
commercial property within the six year period. We will have to explain how we
will meet that requirement for sewer capacity for the commercial area.
Koch stated that Terry Zaudtke. of Conklin. Porter and Holmes is present to
give a presentation.
Zaudtke stated that looking at the revised population data based on the 1990
census, at first things looked optimistic because the census figures had
dropped; but when you start adding in the commercial property - the commercial
zone uses more sewage and water per acre than housing. We have looked at
al ternati ves for providing the capacity and funding. The City Manager has been
looking at the possibility of refunding the water and sewer revenue bonds which
would provide additional funds. Those funds would be used to increase effluent
disposal capacity. Once the areas are developed, we would have additional
capacity for new development.
Zaudtke mentioned that the City's goal should be to get 100-200 thousand
gallons ahead a day to have the option that when a developer canes in we will
Joint Workshop
City Camrrdssion/Local Planning Agency
March 6, 1991
Page 2
have the capacity.
The sewer systems will be two separate systems, the water facilities can
interconnect. He mentioned that there is no major changes to the master plan
that was approved 2-3 years ago. We have had some new sites developed, the new
super park will be an excellent option for effluent disposal. The next would
be the power easements.
Mayor Kulbes asked if the east
handle all we have. Zaudtke
and west sewer plants would be sufficient to
stated that we probably will have to add more
City Manager Rozansky stated that the City plans to connect the systems, we
could probably add effluent disposal. With the refund money we could pay for
what we want to do. We have prioritized what to do. We have a problem with
money, only two choices and those are to up the rates or expand the capacity
and sell the effluent. We have to spend money to raise money to be able to
camrrdssioner Partyka stated to the Manager that he would be interested in
looking at the justification of raising the cost for sewer capacity.
Mayor Kulbes asked about joining the Iron Bridge plant. Zaudtke stated that it
would be very expensive, and the impact fee charges are $12.00 where the City's
are $6.30.
Zaudtke stated that when
should be more demand
more funds.
the effluent disposal systems come into use, there
fran the residents for this and in turn would generate
There was question on the safety of the effluent disposal.
There was question as to the expressway using about 5 acres of the land near
Tuscawilla. It was determined that the expressway would only take up about 10%
of the land there.
Mayor Kulbes mentioned a statement on page 8 of 16, about the City meets all
criteria for public safety. Zaudtke stated that the wording could be changed
to the City is currently and will continue.
McLeod had a question on connecting the two facilities. Zaudtke stated that
the water system can be connected but not the sewer system.
There was discussion on grey water systems.
Ferring mentioned sludge disposal. Zaudtke stated that there is a concern
about that, under current FDER standards require more treatment before disposal
. .
Joint Workshop
City C~ssion/Local Planning Agency
March 6, 1991
Page 3
on land. There are other options available, which would increase our operating
costs but not our capital costs.
Lee Worsham stated that a concern with comp plans is that in addition to all
the requirements, the capital improvement elements is to afford everything, you
have to keep in nUnd that the City would have to spend their own money or have
the residents spend money. The Planning and Zoning Board has made great effort
to hold down innovation to be more cost effective.
Hopkins stated that the Board is not trying to obligate the City which could
cause a false sense of security and cause financial problems.
Koch stated that the equation between the two elements, if the Comrrdssion wants
to proceed with the anticipation of commercial development prior to 1996 the
Board needs direction to go ahead to put these funding sources and additional
capacity generation in the capital improvement element. We need to show what
the expenses will be and where the funds will come from.
Comrrdssioner Kaehler stated she has no problem with this as long as the future
users pay and not the current users.
Mayor Kulbes stated that the consensus of the Comrrdssion is that the connection
fees and refunding of the bond issues will be the funding.
There was discussion on the commercial property.
Discussion or comments received at. February 27 LPA Public Hearing on Plan
Elements and preparation for March 11 Comrrdssion Public Hearing:
a. Land Use - Residential
b. Population Projections to 1996 and 2010
c. Traffic Circulation
d. Housing
e. Recreation and Open Space
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Koch stated that the four elements for the Public Hearing will be residential
land use, traffic circulation, housing and recreation/open space. She asked
the Comrrdssion and Board if they had any comments or questions on these
elements before the Public Hearing.
Comrrdssioner Partyka asked what was the key point on residential land use.
Koch stated that it basically redefines densities. Based on that you can see a
graduation fran low to high based on units per acre. This adds an intermediate
category. There are two exceptions those being in Tuscawilla based on the
settlement agreement. The real jest of this is the coordination with
affordable housing. Provide smaller lots and more affordable homes. The
consensus is to make housing affordabl e and not to exclude anyone and in turn
this would attract employment.
Joint Workshop
City Camrrdssion/Local Planning Agency
March 6, 1991
Page 4
Corrmissioner Kaehler asked what percentage has to be affordable housing. Koch
stated that there is no quota, we are just stating that we will do something to
further progress to make an effort to increase affordable housing.
Mayor Kulbes commended the LPA on the great job they have done with putting the
camp plan together.
Mr. Robert King, resident of Black Hamrock, stated his concern to the
Camrrdssion and Local Planning Agency about the environment along the lake.
Koch stated that we are not proposing development along the lake, we are
planning a natural transitional zone.
The meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M.
Respectfully Subrrdtted,
Margo Hopkins
Deputy City Clerk