HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990 09 10 City Commission Regular Minutes
SEPTEMBER 10, 1990
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, was
called to order by Mayor Leanne M. Grove at 7:30 p.m.
Roll Call:
Mayor Leanne M. Grove, present
Deputy Mayor Cindy Kaehler, present
City Manager Richard Rozansky, present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, present
Arthur Hoffmann, present
Philip A. Kulbes, present
William A. Jacobs, present
Paul P. Partyka, present
The invocation was given by Commissioner Philip A. Kulbes. The pledge of allegiance
to the flag was led by Commissioner William A. Jacobs.
Motion was made by Commissioner Partyka to approve the minutes of August 27, 1990.
Seconded by Commissioner Hoffmann. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Partyka, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner
Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; motion carried.
Public Input:
Mrs. Helen Powell, Hacienda Village, spoke about three different areas where water was
running in Hacienda Village. She also spoke about an "opening" next to 390 that has
no cover on it.
Terri Donnelly, Perth Court, spoke about the last Planning & Zoning Board Meeting
where traffic circulation was on the Agenda. The main concern was the extension of
Shepard Road, and she said they were directed to contact the property owners and
appeal to them for an amendment to the P.U.D. Attorney Kruppenbacher said there are
a lot of issues here and he will report back at the next meeting.
Public Hearing for 1990-1991 Fiscal Year Tentative Budget
1. Amend Tentative Budget as required
2. Adopt amended Tentative Budget
3. Recompute proposed millage rate
Manager Rozansky explained the purpose of this Tentative Budget Hearing is to adopt
the Tentative Budget for FY 1990-91. Prior to the conclusion of the Hearing the
Commission will receive public input, amend the Tentative Budget as it sees fit,
recompute the proposed millage rate and publicly announce the percent if any by which
the proposed millage exceeds the rolled back rate.
Manager Rozansky reviewed the General Fund Revenues which totalled $5,570,027. The
Public Service Tax Fund, Excise Tax Fund and Electric Franchise Fee Funds were also
reviewed. Also thedollowing Dunds were reviewed: Capital Equipment/Improvements Fund,
$346,132; Police Education Fund $49,500; Special Law Enforcement Trust Fund, $6,650;
1989 Improvement Refunding Bond Issue $801,345; 1989 Sinking Fund Reserve $801,938;
1989 Construction Fund $2,480,000; Land acquisition Fund $22,100; Local Government
Comprehensive Planning Act Grant $22,000; Winter Springs Employee Pension Fund $90,000;
Transportation Improvement Fund $763,466; Transportation Impact Fees $507,000; Police
Public Safety Impact Fees $24,700; Fire, Public Safety Impact Fees $49,400; Total
Budgeted Revenues $11,534, 258.00.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Sept. 10, 1990
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The amount of Ad Valorem that is anticipated to be collected is $2,072,591.00. The
current gross taxable value of our real estate is $573,283,198; current millage rate
is 3.00 mills; the rolled back rate for this coming year would be 2.8475 mills; our
proposed millage rate this year is 3.6153 which is a 26.96% increase over the rolled-
back rate.
Manager Rozansky explained the initial proposal was for 3.7287 mills. Through Work-
shops that was cut to 3.6153 mills, a .1134 reduction over what was proposed. The
purpose of the millage is to adequately fund the general fund so that we can deliver
the general public needs by way of health, safety and welfare.
Next items discussed were history of the millage in the City and a recap of major
expenditures showing an increase of $577,150 or 11.56% of the General Fund. Each
Department was then reviewed: Commission Budget $79,325; City Manager $97,924;
City Clerk $154,035; Finance $139,701; Personnel $38,491; Administrative Services and
Comprehensive Planning $295,730; Engineering $98,863; Land Development Coordinator
$38,209; Police $1,678,087 General Fund; Police Education $49,500; Special Law
Enforcement Trust Fund $6,650; Total Police Department Budget $1,734,237; Fire
Department $936,504 (with the following statement: All allocations within this
Budget may be subject to the collective bargaining process. Therefore, your decision
to budget certain amounts of dollars for salaries and benefits is not a decision to
award those salaries and benefits).
Building Dept. $187,617; Paramedic $430,558 (with the same statement as the Fire Dept.);
Public Works Dept. $779,447; Recreation Department $136,273; Summer Youth Program
$22,953; Senior Center $13,500; Parks $79,943, Total Parks and Recreation $252,669;
General Government $362,868; Total General Fund $5,570,027.
Capital equipment/Improvements $346,132; Transportation Budget $763,466; 1989
Improvement Refunding Bond Issue, Sinking Fund $801,345; 1989 Sinking Fund Reserve
$801,938; 1989 Construction Fund $2,480,000; Transportation Impact Fee Fund $507,000;
Police, Public Safety Impact Fee $24,700; Fire, Public Safety Impact Fees $49,400;
Winter Springs Employees Pension Fund $90,000; Local Gov. Comprehensive Planning Act
Grant $22,000 and Land Acquisition Fund $22,100; Total of all expenditures
Additional personnel requested as follows: Public Works Department: two maintenance
men second quarter; two men fourth quarter, $27,258; Recreation Department, two men
first quarter, two men third quarter and two men in the fourth quarter for a total
cost of $58,155; Police Department, two dispatchers first quarter, one dispatcher
second quarter and two in the third quarter for a total of $67,428; Deputy Clerk
Cost of living/longevity: Non-Allocated Personnel 5% and Allocated Personnel 3% and
2% longevity and Pension 4%.
The Capital Equipment/Improvements Fund was discussed. For the Police Department,
$65,350; Public Works Department $50,100; Recreation Department $37,900; City
Hall roof repair $45,000; Total improvements $346,132. The Transportation
Improvement Fund, funded by Local Option Gas Tax for road resurfacing $149,109;
Drainage/Road Study-Ranchlands $50,000; Public Works Department $83,000; total
Transportation Improvement Fund $763,466.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Sept. 10, 1990
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Manager Rozansky explained the City owns and operates two Utilities which are self-
supporting. The City purchased Winter Springs Water & Sewer West in 1984 and East
in 1990.
The Budget for Winter Springs Water & Sewer West is $2,304,029. Renewal and
Replacement Funds, prior years allocations $163,140; Capital Projects $359,840.
The Budget for Winter Springs Water & Sewer East is $2,517,265.
The total of all Budgets is $16,518,692.
Mayor Grove recessed the Commission Meeting and opened the public hearing.
Charlotte Sengel, Morton Lane, spoke about the $50,000 for a drainage study; Carl
Stephens, Fisher Road, spoke about the money set aside for the drainage study;
Cindy Gennell, Wildwood Homes, asked about depreciation in the Water and Sewer Budget,
and Roger Owen, Nancy Circle, spoke about ways to save money in the Budget.
Mr. Timmons, Williams Road, spoke against the money for the drainage study in the
Ranchlands. Diane Neilsen, Panama Circle, spoke about salaries, fringe benefits and
across the board wage increases; Jim Patterson, Seneca Boulevard, asked about Ad
Valorem and the general increase in the budget; and Bill Oswald, Big Buck Circle,
asked about personnel.
Mayor Grove closed the public hearing and reconvened the Commission Meeting.
Commissioner Kulbes recommended an ad valorem millage rate of 3.5 mills. By cutting
each Department's expense 2% and reducing the Capital Equipment/Improvement Fund
Reserve of $40,000 would reduce the budget by $131,120 to reach the 3.5 millage rate.
Motion was made by Commissioner Kulbes that we set the millage rate at 3.5 mills.
Seconded by Commissioner Partyka. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Kaehler, no; Commissioner Hoffmann, no; Commissioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner
Jacobs, no; Commissioner Partyka, no; motion failed.
Motion was made by Commissioner Jacobs that we set the Tentative millage at 3 mills.
Seconded by Commissioner Kulbes. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hoffmann,
no; Commissioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Partyka, no;
Commissioner Kaehler, no; motion failed.
Motion was made by Commissioner Kaehler that we set the millage at 3.6153. Seconded
by Commissioner Hoffmann. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Kulbes, no;
Commissioner Jacobs, no; Commissioner Partyka, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye;
Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; motion carried.
The percentage of increase over the rolled back rate is 26.96%.
Motion was made by Commissioner Kaehler to adopt the Tentative Budget. Seconded by
Commissioner Hoffmann. Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Jacobs, no;
Commissioner Partyka, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye;
Commissioner Kulbes, no; motion carried.
Municipal Service Taxing District Report - City Attorney:
Attorney Kruppenbacher explained he has researched the issue dealing with common areas
including the parks within the Tuscawilla Planned Unit Development that will become
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Sept. 10, 1990
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the responsibility of the City to maintain. Attorney Kruppenbacher said his
research not only included looking at the applicable statutes but also consulting
with the Attorney General's Office, Florida League of Cities counsel, Attorneys
for the City of Orlando, general counsel for the City of Tallahassee, and for the
City of West Palm Beach. Attorney Kruppenbacher advised the City does not have
the authority to impose an MSTU on these properties, only a County can do that
under F.S. 125.
A municipality can impose a Municipal Services Benefit Unit under F.S. Chapter 170.
It is all explained in Chap. 170. To get an opinion from the Attorney General the
City Commission has to authorize the letter signed by the Mayor and Attorney formally
requesting an opinion. Attorney Kruppenbacher recommended that a list be ptepated of all
particular pieces of property and what is required for each piece; then this could
be submitted to the Attorney General.
Motion was made by Commissioner Hoffmann to request the Mayor to draft a letter with
the assistance of the City Attorney to request of the State Attorney General to decide
whether F.S. 170 is applicable for a municipal service benefit unit as it applies to
Tuscawilla and put in all those properties therein. Seconded by Commissioner Kaehler.
Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Partyka, aye; Commissioner Kaehler,
aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Kulbes, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye;
motion carried.
Attorney Kruppenbacher reported that he and the City Manager met with Mr. Mikes at
the end of July to discuss his desire to build homes within the Tuscawilla Country
Club. Attorney Kruppenbacher explained to Mr. Mikes he would not be able to address
that issue until the end of August due to his work on the Tuscawilla settlement.
On August 20 another letter was received regarding his desire to build condominiums
on those properties. Attorney Kruppenbacher said he will research the matter.
Commissioner Hoffmann asked if the Code Enforcement Board could in some way be given
the opportunity to have on-going prosecution of violations rather than having to repeat
the procedure each time the violation re-occurs. Attorney Kruppenbacher said he spoke
with the Police Chief who is looking at various ordinances. Attorney Kruppenbacher
said he advised that we go ahead and cite under the nuisance ordinance and if we get
a repeated violation we will look at filing a suit to enjoin them.
City Manager Richard Rozansky:
Manager Rozansky reported the floor of the senior center has been poured and they are
starting to put the iron up around the stemwalls.
Mr. Stephens of the B.O.W.S. Board has asked Manager Rozansky for permission to
obtain a landscape architect for their first project which would be City Hall.
Commission was in agreement to allot $1,000.00.
Commission Seat II - Arthur Hoffmann:
Commissioner Hoffmann spoke about water bills.
Commission Seat III - Philip A. Kulbes:
No report.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, Sept. 10, 1990
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Commission Seat IV - William A. Jacobs:
Commissioner Jacobs spoke about the meeting with D.O.T. on Wednesday regarding
improvements to S.R. 434.
Commission Seat V - Paul P. Partyka:
Commissioner Partyka asked the status of recycling. He also asked the status of the
retention pond on Seneca.
Commission Seat I - Cindy Kaehler:
Commissioner Kaehler asked if anyone has approached the post office about putting
up a No Left Hand Turn Sign.
Commissioner Kaehler also spoke about the Council of Local Governments Meeting that
was held here on Sept. 5. Commissioner Constantine was very informative about the
therapeutic pool they have in Altamonte Springs.
Mayor's Office:
No report.
Meeting was adjourned 11:11 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary T. Norton,
City Clerk