HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 11 27 Regular
1. The BOWS Board requests that the City of Winter Springs please install
irrigation, and do some landscape planting along the Public Works wall.
2. The BOWS Board wishes to advise the Commission that it is in full support
of mandatory trash pickup.
3. The Board would like for the City Commission to send a letter to the Principal
of Keeth Elementary School asking that the retention pond be mowed and maintained.
4. The BOWS Board requests that the City Commission write a letter to the Principal
of the Winter Springs Elementary School, with a copy to their PTA President and to
Mr. Ken Bovio, Director of Elementary Schools of Seminole County, stating that the
BOWS Board would appreciate the initiation of some general landscaping projects, and
allow the BOWS Board to supply its services if requested.
5. The undergrowth in the pond at Georgetown has been brought to the attention
of the BOWS Board. The Board would like to know if anything can be done about it.
They would like to see the condition at that site improved.
~ O\} 2. o 19B'3
N 1)69 Trotwood Boulevard
Of v.l\Nl(R ~ln\Wi~ter Sprin~s. FL. 32'708
C\1't tll'f "i\Ll November 18, 1989
Mayor Leeanne Grove
City of Winte~ Sprin~s
1126 E. S.R. 434
Winter Sprin~s, FL 32'708
Dear Mayor Grove:
I'm writing this letter to put vou on notice of a dan~~rous
traffic condition now existing on Trotwood Boulevard In the new
Oak Forest subdivIsion. I do so as a father of voun~ chIldren
and as a responsible citizen of Winter Sprin~s.
In the Sprin~, 1989, the Citv of Winter Sprin~s exercised a
~reat deal of foresi~ht and prohibited the extension of Trotwood
Boulevard to S.H. 434. The reaSon. an extension would create
unwarranted traffic in a residential area. The extensIon would
be a short cut.
The Citv of Winter Springs, after exercisin~ limited
foresight. approved the connection of Papaya to Trotwood
Boulevard. thus joinin~ old and new Oak Forest with an interior
s tree t . 'fhe resu 1 tis \~.n\Yllr_r.anJ.~~__~rIl1J_tg._~__~__I'.eJ!lJd,el\.j:.J~~. I;Ll'ee.
o_t h e,l' W t~_~._tl' e,'_o.~ ,_. t!.bQ r_~._.f'_U ~.__t.r.~J.!J.Q_.
No one resides in Unit Eight of Oak Forest. Trotwood
Boulevard traffic could easily lead one to conclude that Unit
Eight was fullV developed and occupied. It is not unfair
commentary to describe the drivers who now use Trotwood
Boulevard, thanks to the Papaya connection with Trotwood
Boulevard as follows:
- inconsiderate of the lives and safetv of voun. children.
- disobedient of the posted speed limit of 20 moh bV at least
15 mph on a regular dav time basis.
- thoughtless. irresoonsible. poor role models, inattentiv~
- not smart, dan~erous. and, sadly,
- tvoical Florida drIvers.
'rhe WInter Sprin?s Police Department are to be commended tor
their Interest. They trv to make an impreSSion. We're asked to
get license plate numbers and pass them on. But for the red
letterin! on the white back~round of Seminole County license
plates. and the inherent difficulty of reading six alpha numeric
characters moving away from a standin~ observer at 35 olus miles
per hour. we could all help the oolice. In the world of mere
mortals, that su?gested course of action frustrates the citizens.
To focus on why and how. why to fix the problem. and how to
fix at least part of it. a process starkly in contrast to what
most citizens expect of their government leaders (ie. whv np~ and
~ecaus._e that's the wav we've always done it), I su~~est two
solutions. each focusin~ on the l!aJ~_ty__a,Jl(:ty!el__(~;r~_.9J___0t1t'.
QJl.t l.cl_;r-'~J:! :
1. Block the connection of Papaya at Trotwood Boulevard. thus
eliminating a short cut. Unit Eight residents will be easier to
control through resident peer pressure. We'll be able to
identify them and reach their conscience through our homeowner
association. The NIMBY factor will bear heavily upon their
2. Absent a gutty and responSible decision required in 1.
above. a choice for the lesser backboned. control the
intersection of Trotwood Boulevard and Venture Court with a 3-wav
stop sign. This suggestion should give those perRons I describe
in paragraph 4 above an opportunity to perform at least one
responSible motor vehicle operation while on Trotwood Boulevard.
to obey a traffic control device as opposed to ~n advisory device
(20 mph speed limit si~n).
What must be said, althoueh patently obviouA to most persons
of minimal intelli~ence. is to exercise over worked ~~FAULY
SO_LJJ~tQN. 3, \A/hieh is to do absolutely not.hin,tS to ehallen~p the
law 01 inertia. Or, abro~ate your responsibility to explore
solutIons to man endan~erin~ problems on your city streets.
I'd be interested in what you intend to do about this
problem. Our residents are upset, with ~ood reaSon. I don't
relish the idea of inviting 'IOU to go with me to the funeral of
an innocent chi ld who was struck down on a street ~aJ1El~.~_d ,by
My home telephone number is 695-1940.
The office is 646-
Yours trulv.
~UN. F~
Ronald N. Fiskp
Winter Springs Police Department
Oak Forest Homeowners Association
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Cln " C~ r~ I HALL
1002 Antelope Trail
Winter Springs, FL 32708
November 15, 1989
The Mayor of Winter Springs,
City Commissioners and City Attorney
City Hall, 1126 East Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Ladies and Gentlemen:
The purpose of this letter is to inform you of a matter that
infringes on a citizen's basic right to be heard on matters of
importance to the city of Winter Springs.
The attached letter is essentially self-explanatory. I
contacted the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Board and was
assured that Mr. Lindell's presentation was timely, it addressed
the matter under consideration, and was helpful to the Board.
However, it was in opposition to the variance being sought by the
owner of the country club.
The quality of the decision~of our elected and appointed officials
depends in large part on being fully informed on all aspects of an issue.
It is apparent that this will not be the case on matters involving Tuscawilla
Country Club because members face the prospect. of suspension for testifying
in opposition to the ownership. As a member, ,I assume I face this prospect
for bringing this matter to your attention.
As a public official who has been involved in public hearing proceedings
for many years, I know the importance of a complete and factual record. City
officials should be aware that they are not likely to obtain such a record
when they call for public input on matters pertaining to Tuscawilla Country
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Very truly yours,
/~hC1- (~::/~-~11-7-.
Paul W. Halnon
Lf5 c.
\j 1500 Winter Springs Blvd.
Winter Springs. FL 32708
..." (407) 366-1851
. '-"
October 24, 1989
Mr. Alan Linde 11
600 Northern Way #203
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Dear Mr. Lindell:
Your actions at the recent Plahning and Zoning meeting violated the
Rules, Regulations and Bylaws of Tuscawilla Country Club. However,
this incident alone is not the reason for disciplinary action.
Rather, your behavior at the country club combined with your actions
at the Planning and Zoning meeting requires the club to impose a two
\~eek suspension of your memberc;hi P pri v il eges.
In an effort to be fair and not cause you undue embarrassment, you
may choose the two weeks of your suspension. However, you must notify
us in writing by not later than November 10, 1989 that you intend to
observe the suspe~sion on specific days (net less than one week
continuously), and the suspension must occur prior to October 15, 1990.
This is a serious matter and we expect you to observe this request and
further expect you not to make light of the incident or suspension.
In the future, you will be expected to observe all club Rules, Regulations
and Bylaws. Any further violation will incur further disciplinary action
including revocation of your membership.
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Steven D. Sanders
Tuscawilla Country Club