HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 02 06 Public Hearing
Persons wishing to speak during the Public Hearing on Monday, Feb. 6, 1989:
1. MOl' Kti EM LAN t
2. \~"" ~~-f"\~~
3. RJo~.Q h
4. Bob ~ by vJ
5. if!;Jg:;:, _ T.g. h'-I; J(
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On February 6, 1989, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs,
Florida, will hold a public hearing regarding the status of the land use
classification for the following property:
Parcel 61
From the centerline intersection of Winter Springs Boulevard and Northern Way,
as shown on the plat of Winter Springs Unit 4, recorded in Plat Book 18, Pages
6, 7 and 8, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; run N.03036'55"W. along
the centerline of Northern Way 175.78 feet; thence N.86023'05"E. 40.00 feet to
a point on the East right-of-way line of Northern Way, said point being the
point of curvature of a curve concave Easterly and having a radius of 1893.55
feet; run thence Northerly along said right-of-way line and along the arc of
said curve 309.34 feet through a central angle of 09021'36" to the point of
beginning; thence continue Northerly along the arc of said curve 453.33 feet
through a central angle of 13043'01"; thence run S.70032'18"E. 151.81 feet;
thence N.26012'27"E. 283.35 feet to the South line of a 110 foot wide Florida
Power and Light Company Easement; thence N.54005'37"W. along said South line
168.00 feet to said East right-of-way line of Northern Way; thence N.25022'55"E.
along said East right-of-way line 126.74 feet to the point of curvature of a
curve concave Southeasterly and having a radius of 410.00 feet; run thence
Northeasterly along the arc of said curve 430.83 feet through a central angle
of 60012'23" to the point of reverse curvature of a curve concave Northwesterly
and having a radius of 298.47 feet; run thence Northeasterly 177.65 feet along
the arc of said curve through a central angle of 34006'09" to the South line of
100 foot wide Florida Power corporation Easement; thence S.85010'12"E. along said
South line 904.73 feet; thence S.2r45'05"E. 179.07 feet to the Northerly right-
of-way line of Winter Springs Boulevard, said right-of-way line being on a curve
concave Southeasterly and having a radius of 1215.18 feet; thence from a tangent
bearing of S.62014'55"W. run Southwesterly along said right-of-way line and along
the arc of said curve 737.53 feet through a central angle of 34046'29" to the
point of tangency; thence S.27028'26"W. 261.56 feet to the point of curvature of a
curve concave Northwesterly and having a radius of 1085.92 feet; run thence South-
westerly along the arc of said curve 988.49 feet; thence N.I0022'19"W. 50.00 to the
beginning of a curve concave Northwesterly and having a radius of 1035.92 feet;
thence from a tangent bearing of N.79037'46"E. run Northeasterly along the arc
of said curve 170.78 feet through a central angle of 09026'44"; thence N.19048'
58"W. 315.30 feet; thence N.89032'31"W. 419.75 feet to the Point of BEginning,
containing therein 32.9979+ acres. (Parcel 61 Tuscawilla, is recorded in G.R.
Book 1705, Page 1744, P.R. of Seminole County, Florida.)
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JAN6 1989
Clfi HAUl
IS "xc.?
- ..- -~"".."" ~"""" -"~"',.j, '..J'''-J .'t. .:,.......1:
31 - Ta\'ares-~1illhopp.;:r fine sand, 0-5'10 slope,
All abutting bnd part of original P.UD. zoning.
A four foot (4') sidewaLl..: will be constructed along the frontage
Boulevard within the right-of-way.
The temporary detention pond shown is for the proposed right
tract will be responsible for it's own storrnwater management ~
\1-1~' "
/O~ "
11. Proposed pavement construction of Augusta National Boulev:l1
Springs Boulevard to Northern Way will be accomplished in t
, ~
From the centerline intersection of Winter S~rings
plat of Winter S~rings Unit 4, recorded in Plat Be
Seminole County, Florida; run N.03036'55"W. along'
thence N.86023'05"E. 40.00 feet to a point on the 1
point being the point of curvature of a curve conc,
feet; run thence Northerlv along said right-of-way
feet through a central angle of 09021'36" to the Pi
along the arc of said curve 453.33 feet through a I
32'18"E. 151.81 feet; thence N.26012'27"E. 283.35
Florida Power and Light Company Easement; thence N
feet to said East right-of-way line of Northern Wa
Of-way line 126.74 feet to the point of curvature,
radius of 410.00 feet; run thence N0rthea~terly al
a central angle of 60012'23" to the Doint of rever
and having a radius of 298.47 feet; run thence Nor
curve through a central angle of 34006'09" to the
Cor?oration Easement; thence S.85010'12"E. along s
05"E. 179.07 feet to the Northerly right-of-way li
Of-way line being on a curve concave Southeasterly
from a tangent bearing of S.62014'55"W. run Southw
the arc of said curve 737.53 feet through a centra
thence S.27028'26"W. 261.56 feet to the point of c
having a radius of 1085.92 feet; run thence Southw
feet; thence N.Io022'19"W. 50.00 feet to the begin
having a radius of 1035.92 feet; thence from a tan
along the arc of said curve 170.78 feet through a
58"W. 315.30 feet; thence N.89032'31"W. 419.75 fee
32.9979:t acres.
P/lPCEL 61, TC/SC/lWILt./?" 15 RECO/~DED I-V-O.R.
· MAIN W/ ~V€
_.;,1!1'!11 &""~~~I_'''''i:_l'''''I''~'''._'' "."",., .~'"'.
The Otlando Salltinel
Publiahecl Daily
AItamonte Springs, Seminole County, Florida
i~~~o~~~~~ribll} ss.
Before the undersigned authority personally appeared
Tuesday C. Leavitt
, who on oath says that
she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Orlando Sentinel, a Daily newspaper
published at Altamonte Springs, in Seminole County, Florida; that the attached copy of ad-
Notice of Hearing
vertisement, being a
in the matter of
land use classification for Parcel 61
in the
was published in said newspaper in the issues of
January 22, 1989
Affiant further says that the said Orlando Sentinel is a newspaper published at Altamonte
Springs, in Seminole County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been contin-
uously published in said Seminole County, Florida, each Week Day and has been entered as
second-class mail matter at the post office in Altamonte Springs, in said Seminole County,
Florida for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of ad-
vertisement; and affiant further says that he/she has neither paid nor promised any person,
firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this
advertisement for publication in the said newspaper.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this
On February 6, 1989, the City Comml8-
!IiOO 01 the City of Winter Spilngs, Flor-
Ida, w1H hold a publoc hearing regarding
the 8lalus 01 the land use cIassilicstion
~~~ ~Iowlng property:
From the centerline intersection of Win-
ter Springs Boulevard and Northern
Way, as shown on the plat of Winter
Spnngs Unit 4, recorded In Plat Book
18, P!lges 6, 7 and 8, Public Records of
Seminole County, Florida' run
N.03'36'55"W. along the centeriine of I
Northe~n ,Way 175.87 leet; thence I
N.86"23 OS W. 40.00 feet to a point on
the East right-of-way Ane of Northem
Way, said point beirig the point of cur-
vature of a curve concave Easterly and
having a radius 01 1893.55 leat; run
l!1enc8 Northerly along said right-of-way
lone and along the arc of said curve
~.~ ~ through l! central angle of I
09 21 36 to the pOint 01 beginning' ,
thence continue Northerly along the arC' I
.of said curve 453.33 feet througl1 a can- '
tral angle 01 13'43'01'" thence run
S.70'32'18"E. 151.81 ieet; lhence
N.26"12'27"E. 283.35 feet to the South
line 01 a 110 loot w1da Florida Power
and Ught Company Easarnent. thence
N.54'05'37"W. along said So'uth IIna
168.00 feet to said East right-ol-way line
01 Northern Way; thence 'N.25"2:!'SS"E.
along said East ~ght-of-way 126.74 feet
Jg the JXllnt 01 CIlIVat\We of a curve con-
Q"~e<!)I<lll;lO..' . '\AIl
,~9!'1' R~;:l~M" .'
1m,9 !!is:. .ilf,. .
. '.. ~ ~iI'm rIi' l,!}l
pot~~eVarse curvatUr curve
concave Northwes1ertv and having a ra-
diUS of 298.47 feet; run thence North-
~flI!ly In.65 feet along the arc 01
said CUrve through a C8"1lral angle 01
34'06'09" to the South line'of 100 fool
wide AOrida Power cornnratlon Ease-
ment; thence S.85'lO'12r.E:-~ong said
South line 904.73 leet; thence
S.27'45'OS"E. 179.07 feet to the North-
erly right-of-W!ly line 01 Winter Springs
Boulevard, said nght-ol-way line being
on a curve concave Southeasterly ana
having a radius of 1215.18 feet; thence
from a tangent bearing 01
S.62"14'55"W. run Soulhwes1erty along
said right-of-way tine and along the arc
of saicf 737.53 feet through a central an-
gle 34046'29" to the point 01 tangency;
thence S.27'28'26"W. 261.56 feet to the
point of curvature of a curve concava
Northwesterty and having a radius 01
1065.92 feet; run thence Southwesterly
along the arc 01 said curve 988.49 feet;
thenCe N.l0'22'19"W. 50.00 10 the be-
ginning 01 a curve concave Northwes-
terly and having a radius of 1 035.92
leel; thence from a tangent bearing
N.79'37'46"E. run Northeester1v along
the arc 01 said curve 170.'8 feet
through a oentraI angle 01 09'26'44";
thence N.19'48'58"W. 315.30 leet;
thence N,lI9"32'31'W. 419.75 feet to the --
Point of Beginning, containing lharein
32.9979 + 1- acres. (Parcel 61
Tuacawllla, is recorded in O.R. Book
1705, Page 1744, P.R. 01 Seminole
County, FIOotda.)
~. ~t.k,~"~.~ ~:lCr~
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Fri'ln-it: · I
This is, the legal description for
the commercial property excluding what
is already built in the commercial area,
and it excludes the Fire Station.
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