HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989 08 14 City Commission Regular Minutes
AUGUST 14, 1989
The Regular Meeting of the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
was called to order by Deputy Mayor Philip A. Kulbes at 7:30 P.M..
Mayor Leanne M. Grove, Absent
Deputy Mayor Philip A. Kulbes, Present
City Manager Richard Rozansky, Present
City Attorney Frank Kruppenbacher, Present
Cindy Kaehler, Present
Arthur Hoffmann, Present
William A. Jacobs, Present
Paul P. Partyka, Present
For the invocation, Commissioner Jacobs asked for a moment of silent prayer. The
Pledge of Allegiance To the Flag was led by Commissioner Partyka.
Commissioner Jacobs made motion to approve the Minutes of July 24, 1989. Seconded
by Commissioner Partyka. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner
Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Partyka, aye. Motion carried.
Deputy Mayor Philip A. Kulbes presided as Mayor Grove was absent.
Public Comment:
Mr. John Ferring, 1182 Baltic Lane, questioned a Commissioner's working as a City
Commissioner, and at the same time working for a County Commissioner in his regular
job. He was concerned about a possible conflict of interest. Commissioner Kaehler,
suggested sending a letter to the Expressway Authority, telling them that Commissionr
Jacobs, the Commissioner in question, is acting as a private individual, and is not
representing the Commission.
General Agenda:
Planning and Zoning Board recommendation of July 26 - small scale amendment of
Comprehensive Plan - request for Industrial Land Use Classification on SW 2.9 acres
of lot 17, Block B. Mitchell Survey, Joyce property, north of intersection SR 434,
Tuscawilla Road. Jackie Koch, City Planner, spoke. She said that in May the City
stated their intent to assign the land use Light Rural Residential, and the owner's
representative, at the same time, asked the City to consider changing the land use
of the SW quadrant 2.9 acres to Light Industrial. She said that the Planning and
Zoning Board held a Public Hearing on July 26 with the notices as required by the
Comprehensive Planning Act, Chapter 163. She said the Planning and Zoning Board is
referring to the Commission their recommendations and the option to continue with
this request to proceed to an Ordinance, Public Hearing and decision at a later date,
or a decision at this time whether the Commission will concur with the Planning and
Zoning Board recommendation to deny it. She said that the Planning and Zoning
Board found this request unacceptable because of inadequate roads in the area. The
County did not improve the roads as was assumed, as they are under Seminole County
Mr. Albert Cook, representing Mrs. Joyce, and the estate of David Joyce, spoke for
the request for Light Industrial Land Use. He read a portion of a letter written
to Mr. David Joyce in 1982, by the then Mayor Troy Piland which expressed the feeling
that the property was desirable for Light Industrial because of its proximity to
a State highway and a railroad. He said that the initial recommendation of the
Planning and Zoning Board was favorable to the Light Industrial Land Use. He said
that if the request is denied the business enterprise, Behe and Umholtz, would be
Regular Meeting, City Commission, August 14, 1989
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disabled and perhaps destroyed, and the citizens of Winter Springs how are employed
there, would be affected. He gave the Secretary for the Meeting, the letter from
Mayor Piland for the record.
Jackie Koch said that the land is still technically under the County's development
standard until the City adopts an Ordinance which will give the City land use zoning.
The County zoning is A-I Agriculture, and Land Use is Suburban Estates. Commissioner
Partyka said that the business has operated on that property without a license and
has been under violation all this time.
Commissoner Kaehler made motion to accept the Planning and Zoning Board recommendation
and to deny the small scale amendment and request for Light Industrial Use on the SW
2.9 acres of lot 17, Block B., Mitchell Survery, which is the Joyce property, which is
north of the intersection of SR 434 and Tuscawilla Road. The property is currently
zoned for Surburban Residential use. The adjacent property is also zoned for Suburban
Residential use. The traffic and type of activity related to Light Industrial, as
requested, is not compatible with, and would adversly affect the viability and integrity
of the existing and future neighborhoods adjacent to the property. The only current
access to the property, is upon a substandard, unpaved road. There is no currently
approved plan to upgrade the access roads to meet the full standards and requirements
for roads intended for Light Industrial Use within the City. The failure to demonstrate
proprietary and adequacy of road systems they propose. All the reasons stated by the
Planning and Zoning Board less the letters by the homeowners which by law we cannot
consider. Commissioner Partyka seconded the motion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner
Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner
Partyka, aye. Motion carried.
Acceptance of Improvements of Foxmoor East was discussed. Land Coordinator, Don LeBlanc
spoke. He gave the Commissioners a memo. He said that he was given a letter of
credit acceptable to Attorney Kruppenbacher in the amount of $5,600.00 for the
acceptance of improvements. Discussion. Storm water and drainage was discussed.
Commissioner Kaehler was concerned about proper grading. Commissioner Jacobs moved
to accept the improvements of Foxmoor East. Commissioner Partyka seconded the motion.
Discussion. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Hoffmann, aye; Commissioner Jacobs, aye;
Commissioner Partyka, aye; Commissioner Kaehler, aye. Motion carried.
Manager Richard Rozansky:
Property Acquisition - 10 acres:
The City Manager said that he had agreements
the City Attorney go over them. He said the
drawn up, and was going to have
Forester will be at the next meeting.
2. Mount Greenwood Arbor Ordinance:
The City Manager said that the Developer offered to do landscaping in lieu of the
problems he had caused. He said that he will have Mr. Artman, Public Works
Director, give a report on the trees that were taken out, at the August 26th
Meeting. Discussion. It was suggested that the regulations of the Arbor Ordinance
be publicized in the homeowner's newspapers in order to inform the public of the
The City Manager said that he wanted to put Ordinance 469, amending this year's
budget in order to include the Bond Issue, on the agendga for the first reading,
then set the Public Hearing between the September 11th Meeting (Public Hearing on the
tentative budget), and the next week's Workshop have a special Public Hearing on
amending the budget. Deputy Mayor Kulbes asked for a motion to place Ordinance
Regular Meeting, City Commission, August 14, 1989
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469 on the agenda. Commission Jacobs made the motion. Seconded by Commissioner
Partyka. Vote on the motion: Commissioner Jacobs, aye; Commissioner Partyka, aye;
Commissioner Kaehler, aye; Commissioner Hoffmann, aye. Motion carried.
Attorney Kruppenbacher read Ordinance 469 by title only. After advertising, it will
be on the September 18th Agenda.
The City Manager said that the budget was advertised in the Sentinel last year, and
he received a letter from the Department of Revenue saying that the ad didn't comply
with the law, and if it was done the same way this year, they wouldn't certify it.
He said he wrote a letter to the Account Executive of the Sentinel on May 22nd asking
what was done wrong. He didn't receive an answer. On July 5, he gave Attorney
Kruppenbacher a memo asking him to get an answer to the letter of May 22nd. He still
hasn't received an answer. He said that the complaint was that it didn't comply with
the ! page ad. Attorney Kruppenbacher said that a ! page ad was paid for, and there
might be "cause of action" to demand the Sentinel reimburse the City for that incorrect
ad. Discussion.
The City Manager said a facs machine is needed. He said that the money is in the
budget. Discussion.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said that he and Jackie Koch met last week with the consultants
and representatives of the Home Builders Association concerning the Transportation
Impact Fee. He said our consultants received the information from the City last week,
and asked for 30 days to prepare and return a report to us. He said that they advised
the Homebuilders Association that following the receipt of that report and our analysis,
we would like to have the Commission pass and put into effect no later than the last
week in October, a Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance. He said that we advised them
on both Police and Fire Impact Fees, and would like to be in a position to have the
Commission pass and approve Impact Fee Ordinances on those two issues no later than
the last week in September.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said that the judge in the Impact Fee case involving the
Seminole County Impact Fee, has scheduled a hearing for mid September on the City's
motions directed toward dismissing the case upon our standing or lack of standing.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said that a petition was filed for a Writ of Certiorari
concerning the Tuscawilla zoning. He said that a proposed order has been submitted
to the Court. That order has not been issued, and until it is, there is no response
that we file.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said that he received a call from a Mr. Maclemore who lives
in Tuscawilla, concerning a drainage ditch or pond which he can't maintain. He
discussed with him what our and his liability is. Under the deed restrictions of
Tuscawilla, he can't put a fence up. It is a danger without a fence. This is an
issue with all ponds.
Attorney Kruppenbacher said that he filed a Condemnation against Seminole Utilities.
He agreed with Gulfstream that they did not have to respond to it, as they had
discussed reaching an acquisition agreement with him. He said they have made
substantial progress toward resolving the issue.
Regular Meeting, City Commission, August 14, 1989
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Commission Seat IV - William A. Jacobs:
Commissioner Jacobs read a letter of resignation from the Commerce and Industry
Development Board, by Mr. Tom Binford. He said that if someone from the Tuscawilla
Newsletter would like to put a piece in their paper, or submit some names to the
Commission, he would be glad to look at them and make a recommendation to the City.
Commission Seat V - Paul P. Partyka:
Commissioner Partyka asked if the Fire and Police personnal issue Impact Fees could
be used to offset personal salaries. Attorney Kruppenbacher said no.
Commissioner Partyka asked about the Piggly Wiggly Shopping Center as to what can be
done about it. He said he would talk with the City Manager about it.
Commissioner Partyka discussed sign ordinances. He said that he feels we shouldn't
wait for the County, but take an aggressive approach and get a Winter Springs sign
ordinance that is compatible with our future plan.
Commission Seat I - Cindy Kaehler:
Commissioner Kaehler asked about salaries. The City Manager said that he is having
a comparison of the salaries of all of the other cities put on computer. He said
we would not discuss them for three weeks.
Commission Seat II - Arthur Hoffmann:
Commissioner Hoffmann said that Seminole and Orange Counties will be initiating
water conservation at the direction of St. John's Water Management. He said that
Seminole Utilities will not be making direct reports to individual customers unless
they get some directive from the Water Management District.
Commission Seat III - Philip A. Kulbes: Commissioner Kulbes said that the State
has passed a solid waste management program. The County has started a recycling
program. The Private Industry Office Recycling Project, which will be County-wide,
is going to start late this month. They have also set up a Speaker's Bureau. There
will be two on August 21st. at the Chulavista Homeowner's Association, and on
September 20th, there will be one in Casselberry. He suggested that anyone who is
interested, might attend the meetings.
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M..
Respectfully Submitted,
Caroline McGinley
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