HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 11 23 Regular 602 Winter Springs Districting Commission Appointments 2010 CITY COMMISSION
ITEM 602 Informational
Public Hearing
Regular X
November 23, 2009
Meeting MGR. /DEPT
REQUEST: The Community Development Department requests the City Commission make
appointments to the 2010 Winter Springs Districting Commission
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is request the Mayor and Members of the City
Commission make appointments to the seven (7) member Districting Commission, pursuant to
Section 4.02 of the Charter of the City of Winter Springs.
APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: Section 4.02, City Charter
CONSIDERATIONS: Section 4.02 of the City Charter requires the Mayor and Commissioners
to appoint seven (7) districting commissioners from the registration of the last regular election,
one (1) to be appointed by each City Commissioner from his/her respective commission district
and two (2) appointed by the Mayor from the City at large, who shall comprise the Districting
Commission. The Districting Commission is charged with filing a recommended plan for
adjusting the City Commission boundaries consistent with the requirements set forth in Section
4.02 of the Charter (please see attachment A). The City Commission shall then consider the
Districting Commission's report (and proposal to revise the City Commission District map) and
adopt an ordinance to enact the revised map. The City Commission must adopt the redistricting
ordinance at least 120 days before the next City election (November 2, 2010). This redistricting
effort is to be undertaken every three (3) years and was last completed by the City of Winter
Springs in 2007.
November 23, 2009
Regular Agenda Item 602
RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Mayor and City Commission appoint the seven
(7) member Districting Commission, as set forth in the provisions of Section 4.02 of the City
A. Section 4.02 of the City Charter
CDD/November 18, 2009/11:48 AM
Section 1.01. Corporate name. Section 4.01. Composition; qualification of
members; and commission dis-
The municipality hereby established shall be tricts.
known as the City of Winter Springs, Florida. (a) Composition. There shall be a governing
body composed of the mayor and five (5) commis-
sion members elected by the voters of the city as
ARTICLE U. TERRITORIAL BOUNDARIES provided in this Charter for a term of four (4)
years comm encing on the first Monday after the
Section 2.01. Territorial Boundaries. first day of December of each year an election is
held, and its members shall serve until their
Editor's note —A metes and bounds description of the successors have taken office; provided such terms
territorial boundaries of the City of Winter Springs, Florida is shall not exceed four (4) years. Not more than one
presented in Appendix "A."
(1) commission member shall reside in each of the
five (5) commission districts provided for in Sec
Section 2.02. Property added by annexation tion 4.02 (a) of this Charter. The mayor shall be
since 1972. elected at large and may reside anywhere within
the city.
All property annexed to the City of Winter
Springs, Florida, since the adoption of the Char- (b) Eligibility. Only qualified voters of the city
ter of 1972. shall be eligible to hold the office of mayor or
Editor's note —A listing of ordinances annexing property commissioner. Qualifications for candidates for
to the city is maintained at the end of Appendix A. the offices of mayor and city commissioner are as
set out in Section 2 -87, Code of the City of Winter
Springs, Florida, as may be amended from time to
Section 2.03. Annexation procedure. time
The commission of the City of Winter Springs, Section 4.02. Commission districts; adjust
Florida, may propose by ordinance to annex an went of districts.
area of contiguous, compact, unincorporated land
to the territorial limits of the municipality; or (a) Number of districts. The city commission of
upon petition by all landowners of real property the City of Winter Springs, Florida, shall by
which is contiguous, reasonably compact and un- separate ordinance divide the city into five (5)
incorporated, the City of Winter Springs, may geographical commission districts.
annex said land to the territorial limits of the (b) Districting commission. By the first day of
municipality by ordinance. The procedure to be
followed in the annexation of territory shall be as February, 1991, the first day of February, 1992,
and every three (3) years thereafter, the city
set forth in Chapter 171, Florida Statutes as it commission shall appoint seven (7) city electors
now exists or as it may be renumbered or amended. determined from the registration of the last reg-
ular election, one (1) to be appointed by each
ARTICLE III. POWERS OF THE CITY commissioner from his/her respective district, and
two (2) appointed by the mayor from the city at
large, who shall comprise the districting commis-
Section 3.01. Generally. sion. Electors chosen shall not be employed by the
city in any other capacity The initial districting
The city shall have all powers possible for a city commission, creating and establishing the first
to have under the constitution and laws of this commission districts, shall be appointed by each
State as fully and completely as though they were commissioner and the mayor from the city at
specifically enumerated in this Charter. large.
Supp. No. 2 3
(c) Report; specifications. The districting com- nance. The proposed redistricting ordinance may
mission shall file with the official designated by not be rejected for any reason except for failure to
the city commission a report containing a recom- comply with the specifications listed in section
mended plan for establishment or adjustment of 4.02(c) of this Charter or failure to comply with
the commission district boundaries. The initial other local, state or federal law.
districting commission, creating and establishing
the first commission districts, shall file such re- (g) Effect of enactment. The new commission
port within ninety (90) days of appointment. districts and boundaries as of the date of enact
Thereafter, such reports shall be filed within one ment shall supersede previous commission dis-
hundred twenty (120) days of appointment to the tricts and boundaries for all purposes; provided
districting commission. The commission district incumbent commissioners shall continue to
boundaries shall comply with the following spec- hold office for the entire term to which elected
ifications: notwithstanding any change in commission dis-
trict and boundaries.
(1) Each district shall be formed of compact,
contiguous territory, and its boundary lines Section 4.03. Election and terms.
shall follow the center lines of streets
insofar as practical or possible, or other (a) The regular election of mayor and commis
boundaries available. sioners shall be held at the time provided for in
Section 8.01 of this Charter. All elections shall be
(2) The districts shall be based upon the for four -year terms of office. The terms of the
principle of equal and effective represen- mayor and commissioner shall begin the first
tation as required by the United States Monday after the first day of December of each
Constitution and as represented in the year an election is held.
mathematical preciseness reached in the
legislative apportionment of the state. (b) City commission seats are hereby desig-
(3) The report shall include a map and de- nated as seats one, two, three, four and five.
scription of the districts recommended (c) The mayor shall be limited to three (3)
and shall be drafted as a proposed ordi- consecutive full terms of office. Commission mem-
nance. Once filed with the designated bers shall be limited to three (3) consecutive full
official, the report shall be treated as an terms of office. The mayor or any commission
ordinance introduced by a commissioner. member who has served three (3) consecutive full
(d) Support. It shall be the responsibility of the terms of office after having been out of office for a
city manager to provide staff assistance and tech-
period of one (1) year, shall be eligible for election
nical data to the districting commission. to successive three (3) consecutive full terms of
office; provided however, this limitation shall not
(e) Procedure. The procedure for the city prohibit a person who has served three (3) con
commission's consideration of the report shall be secutive full terms of office as mayor from quali-
the same as for other ordinances, provided that if fying and being elected as a commission member;
a summary of the ordinances is published pursu- nor shall this limitation prohibit a person who
ant to this Charter and general law, it must has served three (3) consecutive full terms of
include both the map and a description of the office as a commission member from qualifying
recommended districts. and being elected as mayor of the city.
(f) Failure to enact ordinance. The city commis- Section 4.04. Compensation; expenses.
sion shall adopt the redistricting ordinance at
least one hundred twenty (120) days before the The city commission may determine the an-
next city election. If the city commission fails to nual salary of mayor and commissioners by ordi-
either accept or reject the redistricting ordinance, nance, but no ordinance increasing such salary
the report of the districting commission shall go shall become effective until the date of commence-
into effect and have the same effect of an ordi- ment of the terms of mayor and commissioners
Supp. No. 2 4